Compentency Matrix and Summary Final

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PRACTICUM COMPETENCY MATRIX Competency-based Products for MPH Practicum e-

Folio: Christopher Amezcua

Specific products in e-Folio that demonstrate Competency: MPH Foundational (MPHb ) or
application or practice Community Health Science (CHSCc )
Implemented at least two presentations related to MPH: 18. Select communication strategies for
bullying and its health effects to Brazilian different audiences and sectors
community groups MPH: 8. Apply awareness of cultural values
and practices to the design or implementation
of public health policies or programs.
MPH: 19. Communicate audience-appropriate
public health content, both in writing and
through oral presentation
CHSC: 1. Describe factors that influence the
process by which people learn
CHSC: 2. Describe factors that enhance or
impede the process of health
Coordinate leadership training session for a MPH: 9. Design a population-based policy,
church-based health promotion program program, project, or intervention
MPH: 21. Perform effectively on
interprofessional teams
MPH: 16. Apply principles of leadership,
governance, and management, which include
creating a vision, empowering others,
fostering collaboration and guiding decision
CHSC: 4. Integrate methods for involving
priority populations, partners, and other
stakeholders into the planning process
CHSC: 6. Integrate implementation methods
into a health education/promotion plan
Christopher Amezcua
MPH Community Health Sci.
Baylor University
Explanation of Competency Matrix and Products Produced
During my practicum experience, I created program specific products such as an
educational presentation related to bullying and coordinated a leadership training session for
local members in the community. These products relate to the overall mission of the Baylor in
Brazil program where we focus on creating partnerships with local communities through training
and developing community health educational programs. Using these products, we were able to
provide support to these local communities and educate at risk adolescents.
Our target population that we focused on was at-risk adolescents at local schools. One of
the main concerns was bullying among this age group. Bullying is becoming a prevalent global
health issue due to the impacts it can have on an adolescent’s wellbeing. I presented a bullying
presentation to school and church-based adolescents in Vitoria and Anchieta, Brazil. Topics
included general information regarding bullying, ways to prevent to it, and who is involved in
bullying. Students were shown, through a skit, an example of bullying and what to do if you are
bystander. The presentation was properly translated to ensure that students understood the
material at their reading level, and it fits with their culture. Providing this information to these
students can help influence their decision regarding bullying and may assist others who
experience bullying. This will help reinforce what’s currently being taught in the local
community when it related to bullying.
Having local members be involved in our partnerships is important when we come into
their community. Our presence in the area is very short so training gatekeepers and leaders of the
community in our program can help reinforce the importance of those health education programs
long term once we are gone. In our church partnerships, we held a leadership training session
with local members of the community who were interested in being involved in our
presentations. We had group discussions with these members about our presentations and
described our purpose of being involved in these partnerships. In this session, we trained
members on how they assist us in our presentations and what they can do to be engaged. We
went step by step on how we planned to do these activities and listened to any input they gave us
during our training. Having these members engaged in these activities is important to our
programs because it gives communities the ability to take over once we are gone. Properly
training them is an opportunity for them to learn new skills and to apply those skills once we
leave the communities.
The competencies I chose for my practicum provided guidance in the development of
these products. The competencies highlight the necessity and purpose for these products as well
as serving a foundation to create effective products. Some of these products are the leadership
training and bullying presentation. These competencies created an opportunity for me to practice,
grow, and apply these skills into the products I created.
The use of these competencies guided my practicum experience and provided essential
skills that I can use in the future. Being in Brazil gave me the opportunity to have real world
experiences and gain knowledge outside of the classroom. Witnessing public health in action
through community partnerships, educational programs, and leadership engagement provides
valuable experience for me in my pursuit of career in medicine.

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