Neptun STB

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We see a young family approaching one of the aisles.

They are dressed in 90s fashion, and the style of the salesman as well resembles that decade.
The mother approaches different shelves, while the father
and the daughter they say to her “bye” and they visit other sectors/shelves.
We see the dad and the daughter approaching an old phone.
The girl looks surprised…
We see a young woman approach one of the aisles.
She is dressed in 90s fashion, and the style of the salesman as well resembles that decade. On the shelf, we see a 90s TV
The Neptun salesman steps next to her and notices she is looking at the TV
Sales person: Do you like it? We just got it this morning. It comes with a remote control as well.
Ju pelqen? Eshte furnizim I ri, sapo na erdhi sot ne mengjes. Madje ka edhe telekomande.
We cut to the young woman who is now suddenly dressed a bit different, looking more like something from the
2000s. As she reaches to touch the TV, we see that the TV has also changed, it’s now more modern and thinner, a
TV from the 2000s as well.
WOMAN: Yes, it looks very nice!
Po, eshte super.
We cut back to the salesman, him as well looking a bit older now and dressed a bit differently.
NS: And not only that! It comes with an ultra HD resolution! / Dhe jo vetem kaq, por ka edhe rezolucion Ultra HD.
As he points to the TV set, we see that it is now more modern, practically a TV from 2012 basically. He flips through
several channels, as we cut to the impressed reaction of the woman.
WOMAN: Nice colors too! / Paska dhe ngjyra te bukura.
We open the shot again and see that they are now standing in front of the latest model of a premium 4K QLUED
Smart TV. The colours are ultra vivid, the screen is large and it’s looking incredibly hi-tec.
The woman and the salesman are now looking older, the woman is dressed a bit more elegantly and the salesman
as well.
NS: Yes, and it comes in 4K, with a Neo Quantum processor and a 360 video player.
WOMAN: I’ll take it! / Po e marr!
As they smile and we zoom out, the anniversary logo 30 appears on the screen.
VO: For 30 years we have been bringing you premium service on the latest products in technology. Thank you for
staying loyal with us every step of the way!
Prej 30 vitesh ju sjellim sherbimin me te mire ne produktet e fundit te teknologjise.
Faleminderit qe keni qene me ne ne cdo hap keto 30 vite.
We see the little girl now grown up, and with a smartphone in Neptun shop.

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