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Design of Fluid Thermal Systems SI Edition 4th Edition Janna

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Solution Manual:

Chapter 4
Optimization Problems
1. Find two positive numbers whose sum is 100, and whose product is as large as possible.
Solution: x + y = 100 x y = Product = P

y = 100 − x P = x(100 − x ) = 100x − x 2

= 100 − 2x = 0 x = 50 and y = 50

2. Find two positive numbers whose product is 100, and whose sum is as small as possible.
Solution:x + y = Sum = S x y = 100 y=
100 dS 100 2
S=x+ =1− 2 =0 x = 100 x = ±10
x dx x

x = 10 y = 10 (Reject the negative value.)

3. An open rectangular box has a square base, x by x. Find the height h of the box if its volume is
50 cm3 , and the material needed to construct it is a minimum.
Solution: Volume = x 2 h = 5 × 10−5 m3 Work in cm for this problem rather than m. Material is
the square cm of surface area = M = x 2 + 4(hx).
5 × 10−5 2 5 × 10−5 2 2 × 10
−4 dM 2 × 10−4
h= M = x + 4x = x + = 2x = =0
x2 x2 x dx x2

x 3 = 1 × 10−4 x = 0.0464 m h = 0.0232 m

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4-1 4-1
4. A window is shown in Figure P4.4. Find the value of r such that the perimeter of the window is 3 m,
and the area of the window is as large as possible.

πr 2
A= + 2r h P = πr + 2h + 2r = 3 m
3 πr
2h = 3 − πr − 2r h= − −r
2 2 r

πr 2 3 πr πr 2
A= + 2r − −r = + 3r − πr 2 − 2r 2
2 2 2 2
dA h
= πr + 3 − 2πr − 4r = 0
r (π − 2π − 4) = −3 r= FIGURE P4.4
r = 0.42 m

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4-2 4-2
5. A rectangular area used to enclose machinery is to be fenced off using 300 m of material. What are
the dimensions of such a rectangular enclosure if the area is maximized?

Solution: Area = A = LW Perimeter = P = 2L + 2W = 300 m

2L = 300 − 2W L = 150 − W A = (150 − W)W = 150W − W2
= 150 − 2W = 0 W = 75 m L = 75 m

6. A large soup can is designed to hold 8.28 × 10−4 m3 of soup. The can diameter is r , and its height is
h. Find the values of r and h, such that the amount of metal needed is as small as possible.

Solution: Volume = πr 2 h = 8.28 × 10−4 m3 = 828 cm3 = V

Material needed = M = π(2r )h + 2πr 2 h=
πr 2
828 2 1656 2 dM 1656
M = π(2r ) + 2πr = + 2πr =− + 4πr = 0
πr 2 r dr r2

1656 = 4πr 3 r = 5.08 cm h = 10.18 cm

7. Figure P4.7 shows a pump and tank at A and a tank at B. It is desired to install a pipeline from
A to B in the shortest possible distance. The pipeline is to be buried, and it will have to cross a
roadway whose width is w. However, the roadway is used extensively by forklifts and other material
handling equipment. So, to minimize the disruption involved, it is necessary for the pipeline to cross
the roadway at a right angle, and the pipeline will therefore take the path indicated in the figure.
Determine the minimum pipeline length from A to B; that is, determine the value of x that minimizes
the distance between A and B. [Hint: express the length equation in terms of c (= b − a − w) rather
than b.]

Solution: a + w + c = b = a constant

L = (a 2 + x 2 )1/2 + w + [(d − x )2 + c2 ]1/2

dL 1 2 2 −1/2 1 2 2 −1/2
= (a + x ) (2x) + 0 + [(d − x) + c ] 2(d − x )(−1) = 0
dx 2 2

x (d − x )
− =
(a 2 + x 2 )1/2 [(d − x)2 + c2 ]1/2
x (d − x )
or =
(a 2 + x 2 )1/2 [(d − x )2 + c2 ]1/2

x2 (d − x )2
Squaring =
(a 2 + x 2 ) [(d − x )2 + c2 ]

2 2 2 2

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4-3 4-3
(a + x ) [(d − x ) + c
Inverting = ]
(d − x)2
Simplify +1 =1+
x 2 (d − x)2

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4-4 4-4
a2 c2
or =
x2 (d − x)2

Square root a 2 (d − x)2 = c2 x 2 a(d − x) = ± cx Use the +

Simplify ad − ax = cx ad = x(a + c)

Solve x=
a +c
Note: Had we used the negative value in the square root step, the solution would be x = . It is
a −c
possible that c could be greater than a, and the denominator would be negative. In this would

be negative, which has no physical meaning. case x


0.75 m y

a b

A x


8. A production facility produces metal fasteners, and realizes a profit of $800 per machine per month for
10 machines. Each machine requires cooling water to keep it running effectively. Management wishes
to install more machinery, but the cooling water available cannot keep up with unlimited demand, and
adding more machines would cause them all to run more slowly. Each additional machine reduces
profit by $25 per month. Thus with 10 machines, the profit is $8000 (= 800 × 10). For 11 machines,
the profit is $8525 [= (800 − 25) × 11], Likewise for 12 machines, the profit is $9000 [= (800 −
2(25))×12]. Determine the optimum number of machines that should be installed to maximize profit.

Solution: N = number of machines P = profit = [800 − (N − 10)(25))N ]

P = [800 − 25N + 250]N = 1050N − 25N 2 = 1050 − 50N = 0

N = 21 machines

9. The strength S of a rectangular beam is proportional to its width x and the square of its depth y,
so that S = kx y 2 where k is a positive constant. The beam is to be cut from a circular log whose

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4-5 4-5
diameter is 0.75 m. What are the dimensions of the strongest beam that can be cut from such a log?
(See Figure P4.9.)

Solution: S = kx y 2 x 2 + y 2 = 0.75 x 2 + y 2 = 0.5625 m2

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4-6 4-6
x= 0.5625 − y 2 S = k y 2 0.5625 − y 2 = k y 2 (0.5625 − y 2 )1/2
dS 2 1 2 −1/2 2 1/2
= ky (0.5625 − y ) (−2y) + k(0.5625 − y ) (2y) = 0
dy 2

−y 2 (0.5625 − y 2 )−1/2 + (0.5625 − y 2 )1/2 = 0

y2 3y2
= 0.5625 − y 2 = 0.375
2 2 = 0.5625 y

y = 0.612 m x = 0.433 m

10. Figure P4.10 shows a rectangular open channel conveying a liquid. We wish to find a relationship
among the variables that will yield a hydraulically optimum cross section, which is one that provides
maximum conveyance or volume carrying capacity for a given flow area.
The Manning equation for flow rate in an open channel is
A Rh 2/3 S 1/2 A5/3 S 1/2
Q = AV = =
n P 2/3 n

where A is the cross-sectional area, P is the perimeter, S is the channel slope, and n is a friction term.
The flow rate Q can be maximized if the perimeter is minimized. The flow area is given by A = bz.
The perimeter is given by P = 2z + b.
Solve the area equation for b and substitute into the equation for perimeter. Differentiate the result-
ing equation for perimeter with respect to z and set the result equal to zero. Show that for a hydrauli-
cally optimum cross section


z z 1
b α b

11. Figure P4.2 shows a trapezoidal open channel conveying a liquid. We wish to find a relationship
among the variables that will yield a hydraulically optimum cross section, which is one that provides
maximum conveyance or volume carrying capacity for a given flow area.
The Manning equation for flow rate in an open channel is
A Rh 2/3 S 1/2 A5/3 S 1/2
Q = AV = =
n P 2/3 n

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4-7 4-7
where A is the cross sectional area, P is the perimeter, S is the channel slope, and n is a friction term.

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4-8 4-8
The flow rate Q can be maximized if the perimeter is minimized. The flow area is given by A =
bz + z 2 cot α. The perimeter is given by

P =b+
sin α
Solve the area equation for b and substitute into the equa-
tion for perimeter. Differentiate the resulting equation for

z 1 Show that for a hydraulically optimum cross section

α b

2 3
b= z

A − z 2 cot α 2z dP 2

b = P= − z cot α + =− − cot α + =0
z z sin α dz z2 sin α

A sin α dz (2 − cos α) cos α − sin α(sin α)

z2 = 2z =A =0 reduces to
2 − cos α dα (2 − cos α)2

2 cos α − 1 = 0 cos α = α = 60◦ Substituting into
A sin α A √ z2
z2 = = √ A = z2 3 with A = bz + z 2 cot α = bz + √
2 − cos α 3 3

Setting both area equations equal, z 2 3 = bz + √ giving

2 3
b= z

12. The figure shows a heat exchanger that consists of a shell of inside diameter ID, and length L. Inside
the shell are a number of tubes. One fluid flows through the tubes, and another in the shell outside the
tubes. Calculations on such an exchanger yield results about the surface area required to exchange
heat between the two fluids; specifically, how many tubes and how large a shell are needed to transfer
the required heat.
The cost of the shell of inside diameter D and length L (both in ft) is given by

CS = $1,800D 2.5 L (i)

Typically, to obtain the preceding equation, we would need data on heat exchanger costs, and derive
the cost equation by using curve fitting techniques. This method is not difficult, but gathering and
obtaining the necessary data could be cumbersome.

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4-9 4-9
One problem with such exchangers is that the tube and shell surfaces will become fouled. They
will have deposits of minerals or other substances on the surfaces that retard the flow of heat. The
heat exchanger will of necessity have to be cleaned annually. The cost of cleaning is an annual cost,
but the manufacturer will clean the exchanger for an initial one time fee given by:

Cf = $350DL (ii)

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4-10 4-10

The first cost of the heat exchanger tubing that will be contained within the exchanger is given by

Ct = $2,000 (iii)

Thus, the first cost of the exchanger is given by the sum of Equation i, ii and iii:

C = 1,800D 2.5 L + 350DL + 2,000

This cost equation is to be minimized in this problem.

Now tube spacing within a shell and tube heat exchanger is dictated by safety concerns as well
as performance requirements. The more tubes we can fit into the exchanger, the greater the surface
area, and correspondingly, the greater the heat transfer rate. However, the tubes must fit together into
a leakproof configuration without weakening the structure of the heat exchanger itself. Ordinarily, we
would have an idea of the required tube surface area, and hence tube diameter, that must be used for
the heat transfer requirements. From such calculations, suppose it is known that a total tube length of
150 m must be used. That is, the shell area × tube length per area should equal 150 m. Thus

(At L m3 )(200 tubes/m2 ) = 150 m

In terms of shell diameter, the preceding equation (our constraint) becomes

πD 2
L(200) = 150
Determine the diameter D and length L of the heat exchanger shell for minimum first cost conditions.

Solve the constraint equation for L = 0.75(4)/πD 2 = 0.955/D 2 . Substitute into the cost equation:
0.955 0.955
C = 1,800D 2.5 L + 350DL + 2,000 = 1,800D 2.5 + 350D 2 + 2,000
D2 D

334.25 dC
C = 1718.9D 0.5 + + 2,000 Take =0
D dD

dC 0.5
334.25 0.5
= 0 = 0.5(1718.9)D − − 859.5D − =
dD D2 D2

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4-11 4-11
D 1.5 = 0.388 9 D = 0.533 m

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4-12 4-12
13. Shown in Figure P4.4 are two pumps connected in parallel that move water from one tank up to
another. The total volume flow rate to be delivered is a known quantity, Q = 0.01 m3 /s. To deliver
this flow rate, calculations indicate that the pressure rise to be provided by each pump is given by:

Δ p1 = C 1 Q 1 2 and Δ p2 = C 2 Q 2 2 (i)

where Δp is in Pa, and the flow rates are in m3 /s for lines 1 and 2, respectively. The two pump/motor
combinations are nearly identical. The efficiency of both pumps is η = 0.75. Determine an equation
for the volume flow rates required to minimize the total power by completing the following steps:


Q1 Q

a. The power delivered by either pump is given by

∂W p V p V2

− = ρAV + + gz − + + gz
∂t ρ 2 out ρ 2 in

Assuming no changes in kinetic or in potential energies, verify that the power equation reduces to

= Δp Q
Accounting for the pump efficiency, we have
d Wa Δp Q
dt η

Substituting for the pressures, show that the total power is given by:
d Wa C1 Q 1 3 C2 Q 2 3
= +
dt total η η

which is our objective function.

The total flow Q was given so

Q2 = Q − Q1

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4-13 4-13
which is the constraint. Substitute the constraint equation into the total power equation. Differentiate
the resulting equation, and set the result equal to zero. Show that Q 1 is given by:

− C2 Q ± C2 2 Q 2 + (C1 − C2 )C2 Q 2
Q1 =
(C1 − C2 )

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4-14 4-14
b. If C1 = 2.5 × 1010 and C2 = 3.4 × 1010 , calculate the flow rates required for minimum power.
Show that for minimum power,

Q 1 = 0.005 4 m3 /s and Q 2 = 0.004 6 m3 /s

c. Show that the minimum power is 9.6 kW.

14. The inlet to a wind tunnel is in the shape of a converging duct, as shown in the figure. The duct is
configured such that the x axis is coincident with the axial direction. The area of the duct at any
location is given by

A = 3.5 − 2.5x/3 (in m2 ) (i)

It is desired to locate the place where flow straighteners will be placed. The cost of the straighteners
is proportional to the flow area and is given by

C = C1 A n

where A is area, C1 is a constant, and n is another constant. The annual cost of the straighteners is
found by multiplying the preceding equation by an amortization rate a:

C S = aC1 An

The pressure drop across the straighteners is given by

ρV 2
Δp = K

where K is the minor loss associated with the straighteners.

a. Express velocity in terms of flow rate and area, and pressure drop in terms of Δh(= Δpgc/ρg).
Show that

Δh =
2 A2 g

The pumping cost associated with this loss is

C P = C2 Δh = C2
2 A2 g
where C2 is a constant. Verify that the total cost is given by
CT = aC1 An + C2
2 A2 g
b. Differentiate this expression with respect to area A, and solve for the optimized area Aopt .
c. Substitute Equation i for area and solve for x.
d. For the following conditions, determine a numerical value for x:
Q = 30 m3 /s a = 0.5/yr C1 = $200/(m 2 )n C2 = $20.80/m
K = 0.75 n = 1.1

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4-15 4-15




Δpgc ρV 2 V 2 Q 2 Q2
Δh = =K =K V = V =
ρg 2g ρg 2g A A2

Q 2 1 KQ2 KQ2
Δh = K C P = C 2 Δh = C2 CT = aC1 A + C2
A2 2g 2 A2 g 2 A2 g

dC T 2C2 KQ2 2C2 KQ2

= anC1 An−1 − =0 anC1 A n−1 =
dA 2 A3 g 2 A3 g

C2 KQ2 C2 KQ2 n+2
A 3+n−1 = A=
anC1 g C1 ang

1 1
C2 KQ2 n+2 2.5x C2 KQ2 n+2

A = 3.5 − 2.5x/3 = = 3.5 −

C1 ang 3 C1 ang

1 1
C2 KQ2 n+2
20.80 0.75(30)2 3.1

x = 4.2 − 1.2 = 4.2 − 1.2

C1 ang 200 0.5(1.1)(9.81)

x = 1.45 m

15. The inlet in an open channel that feeds a pump is in the shape of a converging duct as shown in the
figure. The duct is configured such that the x axis is coincident with the axial direction. The area of
the duct at any location is given by

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4-16 4-16
A = 2.79 − 3.35x/2 + x 2 /2 (in m2 ) (i)

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4-17 4-17
1.83 m



where x varies from 0 to 1.83 m. It is desired to locate the place where flow straighteners will be
placed. The cost of the straighteners is proportional to the flow area and is given by

C = C1 A n

where A is area, C1 is a constant, and n is another constant. The annual cost of the straighteners is
found by multiplying the preceding equation by an amortization rate a:

C S = aC1 An

The pressure drop across the straighteners is given by

ρV 2
Δp = K
where K is the minor loss associated with the straighteners. If we express velocity in terms of flow
rate and area, and pressure drop in terms of Δh(= Δp/ρg), we obtain

Δh =
2 A2 g

The pumping cost associated with this loss is

C P = C2 Δh = C2
2 A2 g

where C2 is a constant.
a. Verify that the total cost is given by

C T = aC1 An + C2
2 A2 g

b. Differentiate this expression with respect to area A and solve for the optimized area Aopt .
c. Substitute Equation i for area and solve for x.
d. For the following conditions, determine a numerical value for x:

Q = 10.76 m3 /s a = 0.2/yr C1 = 1441/(m2 )n C2 = $1969/m

K = 0.10 n = 1.8

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4-18 4-18

Δp ρV 2 V 2 Q 2 Q2
Δh = =K =K V = V =
ρg 2 ρg 2g A A2

Q 2 1 KQ2 KQ2
Δh = K CP = C 2 Δh = C2 CT = aC1 A + C2
A2 2g 2 A2 g 2 A2 g

dC T 2C2 KQ2 2C2 KQ2

= anC1 An−1 − =0 anC1 A n−1 =
dA 2 A3 g 2 A3 g

C2 KQ2 C2 KQ2 n+2
A 3+n−1 = A=
anC1 g C1 ang

1 1
3.35 x 2 C2 KQ2 n+2
2 C2 KQ2 n+2
A = 2.79 − x = x − 3.35x + 5.58 = 2
2 2 C1 ang C1 ang

2 C2 KQ2 n+2 2
3.35 3.35
x2 − 3.35x + =2 − 5.58 +
2 C 1 ang 2

⎡ 1

3.35 C KQ2 n+2

x− = ⎣2 − 2.774⎦
2 C1 ang

⎡ 1
3.35 C2 KQ2 n+2

x= ± ⎣2 − 2.774⎦
2 C1 ang

⎡ 1 ⎤1/2
3.35 1969 0.1(10.76)2 3.8

x= ± ⎣2 − 2.774⎦ = 1.675 ± 0.44

2 1441 0.2(1.8)(9.81)

x = 2.115 m or 1.235 m. We select 1.235 m because the duct is only 1.83 m in length. Thus

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4-19 4-19
x = 1.235 m

16. The development regarding optimum economic diameter was formulated using pipe costs expressed as

C = C1 D n

Suppose instead that we use a parabolic curve fit:

C = Bo + B1 D + B2 D 2

Following the development in the text, formulate an equation for the pipe costs; differentiate it and
set it equal to zero. Show that the condition for minimum cost is given by

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4-20 4-20
40 f ṁ 3 C2 t
Dopt =
(a + b)(1 + F)(2B2 Dopt + B1 )ηπ 2 ρ 2


C = Bo + B1 D + B2 D 2 C P F = (1 + F)(Bo + B1 D + B2 D 2 )

ṁ C2 t 8 fLṁ 3 C2 t
C T = LC P T + C O P = (a + b)(1 + F)(B o + B1 D + B2 D 2 )L + ΔHg +
η π 2 ρ 2 D5 η

dC T 8 fLṁ 3 C2 t
= (a + b)(1 + F)(B1 + 2B2 D)L − 5 =0
dD π 2 ρ 2 D6 η

40 fLṁ 3 C2 t
(a + b)(1 + F)(B1 + 2B2 D)L = where D = Dopt ; L cancels.
π 2 ρ 2 D6 η

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t
Dopt 6 = or
(a + b)(1 + F)(B1 + 2B2 Dopt )π 2 ρ 2 η

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t
Dopt =
(a + b)(1 + F)(B1 + 2B2 Dopt )π 2 ρ 2 η

Economic Diameter
17. Using the information in Table 4.2, verify that Equation 4.10 is dimensionally consistent.

In problems of this type, the unit “year” becomes fundamental, and may be treated just like F, L, M, T.
CT = , actually $/yr; we use yr instead of T(time), and yr will not cancel with T expressed in
seconds, or hours, etc.

(a + b)(1 + F)C1 D n L = (1/yr + 1/yr)(1 + dimensionless)· Ln+1
(Ln )L = MU
yr (checks)
ṁ C2 t M MU T L F T2 MU
g (H H ) · (checks)
2 − 1 = =
η gc T F·L yr T2 M·L yr

3 L
t 8 fLṁ C2

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4-21 4-21
T T T F L yr
= =
π 2ρ2 D5 g c η · MU
M M 5 M·L (checks)
L3 L3 F·T2

18. Beginning with Equation 4.10, derive Equation 4.12.

Solution: Easy but length derivation.

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4-22 4-22
19. Verify that Equation 4.12 is dimensionally consistent.

Solution: It is.
⎡ ⎤ n+51
⎢ T T T F·L yr 1
D = [Ln+5 ] n+5
⎥opt =
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1 1 MU M M·L ⎦
yr yr Ln+1 L3 L3 F·T2

Dopt = L (Dimensionally OK)

20. Verify that the derivation of Equation 4.14 is correct, beginning with Equation 4.12.

Solution: Easy Derivation.

21. Verify that Equation 4.14 is dimensionally correct.

F·T2 F·T2 F·T2 F·T2 M M L2 L2 L2 L2 L2
M·L M·L M·L M·L T T F·T F·T F·T F·T ·
n 2n n 1/6
M L F T 1 M M F·L yr
4n MU
Tn Fn ·Tn Mn ·Ln yr Ln+1 L3 L3 MU T

Dimensions cancel; dimensionless result.

22. Shown in the accompanying chart are data on the cost of PVC plastic pipe obtained from the classified
section of a newspaper:
Nominal Diameter Cost per m
(schedule 40) in Inches (clearance prices)

2 $1.84
3 $4.43
4 $5.12
6 $13.10
8 $26.12

a. Construct a graph of the data on linear paper.

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4-23 4-23
b. Construct a graph of the data on log-log paper.
c. Determine the parameters of the following equation:

C p = C1 D n

where C p has dimensions of MU/L, C1 has dimensions of MU/Ln+1 evaluated numerically for
12-nominal pipe, and D has dimensions of L.

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4-15 4-15
9 10

Cost/foot ($/ft)
Cost/foot ($/ft)

0 0.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 1 10 100
Nominal diameter in inches Nominal diameter in inches

Cost/ft = 0.1248D 1.9402 (in which 0.1248 corresponds to the cost of 1 nominal)

Cost/ft = 15.49D 1.9402 (in which 15.49 corresponds to the cost of 12 nominal)

23. Repeat Problem 22 for the following data, which are of PVC high-pressure plastic pipe:

Nominal Diameter Cost per meter

(schedule 40) in Inches (clearance prices)
4 $9.92/m
8 $26.12/m
10 $39.24/ m
12 $52.36/m


The nominal diameter data is to be changed to m, which is the fundmental unit for length in SI. When
this is done, the following equation and graphs result:

Cost/m = 306.09D 1.51

60 100
Cost/m ($/m)
Cost/m ($/m)

30 10
0 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.1 1
Nominal diameter in m Nominal diameter in m

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4-14 4-14
24. A galvanized steel pipeline conveys ethyl alcohol at a rate of 0.04m3 /s. Determine the optimum
economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh n = 1.2
C1 = $1100/mn+1 a = 1/10 = 0.10
t = 6000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

ethyl alcohol ρ = 787 kg/m3 μ = 1.095 × 10−3 N.s/m2 [Table B.1]

galvanized steel ε = 0.000152 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 40.01/s = 0.0400m3 /s, the mass flow rate is

ṁ = ρ Q = 0.787(1 000)(0.0400) = 31.48 kg/s

Substituting into the optimum economic diameter equation:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.2150 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Re(D) = 3.66 × 104

Assume a randomly selected friction factor; f = 0.030, and substitute into Equation i:

Dopt = 0.2150(0.030)0.1613 = 0.122

Re = 3.66 × 104 /0.122 = 3.00 × 105 ⎪

Then f = 0.022 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.000152
= = 0.00125
D 0.122

Substituting into Equation (i), Dopt = 0.2150(0.022)0.1613 = 0.116 m

Re = 3.66 × 104 /0.116 = 3.16 × 105 ⎪ ⎬
Then f ≈ 0.022 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.000152
= = 0.00131
D 0.116

which equals our assumed value. So

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4-15 4-15
Dopt = 0.116 m (close enough)

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4-16 4-16
25. A commercial steel pipeline conveys ethylene glycol at a rate of 0.015 m3 /s. Determine the optimum
economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.04/kwh n = 1.2
C1 = $1050/mn+1 a = 1/7 = 0.14
t = 7000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.5 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

ethylene glycol ρ = 1100 kg/m3 μ = 16.2 × 10−3 N.s/m2 [Table B.1]

commercial steel ε = 0.000046 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 0.0150 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is

ṁ = ρ Q = 1.1(1000)(0.0150) = 16.50 kg/s

Substituting into the optimum economic diameter equation:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.1341 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ π Dμ πDμ

Re(D) = 1.30 × 103

Assume a randomly selected friction factor; f = 0.030, and substitute into Equation i:

Dopt = 0.1341(0.030)0.1613 = 0.076

Re = 1.30 × 103 /0.076 = 1.70 × 104 ⎪

Then f = 0.028 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.000046
= = 0.00060
D 0.076

Dopt = 0.1341(0.028)0.1613 = 0.075 m

Substituting into Equation (i),

Re = 1.30 × 103 /0.075 = 1.72 × 104 ⎪⎬
Then f ≈ 0.028 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.000046
= = 0.00061
D 0.075

which equals our assumed value. So

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4-17 4-17
Dopt = 0.075 m (close enough)

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4-18 4-18
26. A commercial steel pipeline conveys kerosene at a rate of 1.893 × 10 −4 m3 /s. Determine the opti-
mum economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.01/kwh n = 1.4
C1 = $1990/mn+1 a = 1/7 = 0.14
t = 7800 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.5 η = 0.8

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

Kerosene ρ = 823 kg/m3 μ = 1.64 × 10−3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

commercial steel ε = 0.014 mm [Table 3.1]

The volume flow rate is given as Q = 1.893 × 10−4 m3 /s. The mass flow rate is calculated as

ṁ = ρ Q = 823 × 1.893 × 10−4 = 0.156 kg

Substituting into the equation for optimum diameter gives:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.0126 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Substituting, we get

Re = 121/D

Start by assuming a randomly selected friction factor, f = 0.030, and substituting:

Dopt = 0.0126(0.030)0.1563 = 0.00728 m

Re = 121/0.00728 = 1.66 × 104 ⎪ ⎬
Then f = 0.031 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.014
= = 0.0019
D 7.28
Again, substituting into Equation (i),

Dopt = 0.0126(0.031)0.1563 = 0.00728 m

Re = 121/0.00728 = 1.66 × 104 ⎪ ⎬
Then f ≈ 0.031 (S-J Eq)
ε ⎪

= 0.00192

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4-17 4-17
which equals our assumed value. So

Dopt = 0.00728 m = 7.28 mm (close enough)

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4-18 4-18
27. A PVC pipeline conveys heptane at a rate of 0.1 m3 /s. Determine the optimum economic pipe size
for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh n = 1.2
C1 = $1300/mn+1 a = 1/10 = 0.10
t = 4000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

heptane ρ = 681 kg/m3 μ = 0.376 × 10 −3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

PVC ε =0 [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 0.1000 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is

ṁ = ρ Q = 681(0.1000) = 68.10 kg/s

Substituting into the optimum economic diameter equation:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.2983 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Re(D) = 2.31 × 105

Assume a randomly selected friction factor; f = 0.030, and substitute into Equation i:

Dopt = 0.2983(0.030)0.1613 = 0.169

Re = 2.31 × 105 /0.169 = 1.36 × 106 ⎪

Then f = 0.011 (S-J Eq)
ε ⎪


Dopt = 0.2983(0.011)0.1613 = 0.144 m

Substituting into Equation (i),

Re = 2.31 × 105 /0.144 = 1.60 × 106 ⎪⎬
Then f ≈ 0.011 (S-J Eq)
ε ⎪


which equals our assumed value. So

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4-19 4-19
Dopt = 0.144 m (close enough)

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4-20 4-20
28. A drawn tubing pipeline conveys linseed oil at a rate of 0.0010 m3 /s. Determine the optimum eco-
nomic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.04/kwh C1 = $700/mn+1
t = 7000 hr/yr F = 6.75 n = 1.2
a = 1/10 = 0.10 b = 0.01 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

linseed oil ρ = 930 kg/m3 μ = 33.1 × 10 −3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

drawn tubing ε = 0.000002 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate is given as Q = 0.0010 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is calculated as

ṁ = ρ Q = 0.93(1 000)(0.0010) = 0.93 kg/s

Substituting into the equation for optimum diameter gives:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.0551 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = = = 36/D
μ πDμ πDμ

At this low value of the Reynolds number, we start by assuming laminar flow.
64 64D
f = = = 1.789D
Re 36

Substituting into Equation i, we get

Dopt = 0.0551 f 0.1613 = 0.0551(1.789Dopt )0.1613 = 0.061Dopt 0.1613

Solving yields

Dopt (1−0.1613) = 0.061

or Dopt = 0.0353 m = 35.3 mm

As a check on the laminar flow assumption, we calculate

36 36
Re = = = 1013.7 (laminar OK)
D 0.0353

64 64
f = = = 0.0631
Re 1013.7

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4-21 4-21

Dopt = 0.0551 f 0.1613 = 0.0551(0.0631)0.1613

Dopt = 0.0353 m = 35.3 mm

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4-22 4-22
29. A commercial steel pipeline conveys methyl alcohol at a rate of 240.0 1/s. Determine the optimum
economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh n=1
C1 = $700/mn+1 a = 1/10 = 0.10
t = 750 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.65

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

methyl alcohol ρ = 789 kg/m3 μ = 0.56 × 10−3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

commercial steel ε = 0.000046 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 240.0 l/s = 0.2400 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is

ṁ = ρ Q = 0.789(1 000)(0.2400) = 189.36 kg/s

Substituting into the optimum economic diameter equation:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.4028 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Re(D) = 4.31 × 105

Assume a randomly selected friction factor; f = 0.030, and substitute into Equation i:

Dopt = 0.4028(0.030)0.1667 = 0.225

Re = 4.31 × 105 /0.225 = 1.92 × 106 ⎪

Then f = 0.014 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.000046
D = = 0.00020
Dopt = 0.4028(0.014)0.1667 = 0.199 m
Substituting into Equation (i),

Re = 4.31 × 105 /0.199 = 2.17 × 106 ⎪⎬
Then f ≈ 0.015 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.000046
= = 0.00023
D 0.199

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4-23 4-23
which equals our assumed value. So

Dopt = 0.199 m (close enough)

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4-24 4-24
30. Octane flows at a rate of 3.15 × 10−4 m3 /s through a pipeline made of drawn tubing. Determine the
optimum economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05 s/kwh n = 12
C1 = $750/mn+1 a = 1/5 = 0.20
t = 4000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

Octane ρ = 701 kg/m3 μ = 5.12 × 10−4 Pa · s [Table B.1]

drawn tubing ε = 0.00152 mm [Table 3.1]

The volume flow rate is given as Q = 3.15 × 10−4 m3 /s. The mass flow rate is calculated as

ṁ = ρ Q = 701 × 3.15 × 10−4 = 0.221 kg/s

Substituting into the equation for optimum diameter gives:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.0182 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Substituting, we get

Re = 550/D

Start by assuming a randomly selected friction factor, f = 0.030, and substituting:

Dopt = 0.0182(0.030)0.1613 = 0.01034 m

Re = 550/0.01034 = 5.32 × 104 ⎬

Then f = 0.021 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.00152
= = 0.00015
D 10.34
Again, substituting into Equation (i),

Dopt = 0.0182(0.021)0.1613 = 9.754 × 10−3 m ⎪

= 0.00015 ⎭
⎫ D
Re = 550/9.754 × 10−3 = 5.63 × 104 ⎬ ⎪

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4-25 4-25
f ≈ 0.021 (S-J Eq)
which equals our assumed value. So

Dopt = 9.75 × 10−3 m = 9.75 mm (close enough)

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4-26 4-26
31. A drawn tubing pipeline conveys propane at a rate of 0.15 m3 /s. Determine the optimum economic
pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh n = 1.2
C1 = $850/mn+1 a = 1/6 = 0.17
t = 5000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.65

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

propane ρ = 495 kg/m3 μ = 0.11 × 10−3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

drawn tubing ε = 0.000002 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 150.0 l/s = 0.1500 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is

ṁ = ρ Q = 0.495(1 000)(0.1500) = 74.25 kg/s

Substituting into the optimum economic diameter equation:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.3629 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Re(D) = 8.59 × 105

Assume a randomly selected friction factor; f = 0.030, and substitute into Equation i:

Dopt = 0.3629(0.030)0.1613 = 0.206

Re = 8.59 × 105 /0.206 = 4.17 × 106 ⎪

Then f = 0.010 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.000002
= = 0.00001
D 0.206
Dopt = 0.3629(0.010)0.1613 = 0.172 m
Substituting into Equation (i),

Re = 8.59 × 105 /0.172 = 5.00 × 106 ⎪⎬
Then f ≈ 0.010 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.000002
= = 0.00001
D 0.172
which equals our assumed value. So

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4-27 4-27
Dopt = 0.171 m (close enough)

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4-28 4-28
32. A galvanized steel pipeline conveys propylene glycol at a rate of 0.1 m3 /s. Determine the optimum
economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh n = 1.2
C1 = $1000/mn+1 a = 1/10 = 0.10
t = 4000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

propylene glycol ρ = 968 kg/m3 μ = 42 × 10−3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

galvanized steel ε = 0.000152 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 100.0 l/s = 0.1000 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is

ṁ = ρ Q = 0.968(1 000)(0.1000) = 96.80 kg/s

Substituting into the optimum economic diameter equation:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.3294 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Re(D) = 2.93 × 103

Assume a randomly selected friction factor; f = 0.030, and substitute into Equation i:

Dopt = 0.3294(0.030)0.1613 = 0.187

Re = 2.93 × 103 /0.187 = 1.57 × 104 ⎪

Then f = 0.029 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.000152
= = 0.00081
D 0.187
Substituting into Equation (i), Dopt = 0.3294(0.029)0.1613 = 0.186 m

Re = 2.93 × 103 /0.186 = 1.58 × 104 ⎪⎬
Then f ≈ 0.029 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.000152
= = 0.00082
D 0.186

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4-29 4-29
which equals our assumed value. So

Dopt = 0.186 m (close enough)

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4-30 4-30
33. A galvanized steel pipeline conveys castor oil at a rate of 0.0120 m3 /s. Determine the optimum
economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh C1 = $850/mn+1
t = 5000 hr/yr F = 6.75 n = 1.4
a = 1/7 = 0.14 b = 0.01 η = 0.60

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

castor oil ρ = 960 kg/m3 μ = 650 × 10−3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

galvanized steel ε = 0.000152 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 0.0120 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is calculated as

ṁ = ρ Q = 0.96(1 000)(0.0120) = 11.52 kg/s

Substituting into the equation for optimum diameter gives:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.1778 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = = = 23/D
μ πDμ πDμ

At this low value of the Reynolds number, we start by assuming laminar flow.
64 64D
f = = = 2.836D
Re 23

Substituting into Equation i, we get

Dopt = 0.1778 f 0.1563 = 0.1778(2.836Dopt )0.1563 = 0.209Dopt 0.1563

Solving yields

Dopt (1−0.1563) = 0.209

or Dopt = 0.157 m = 15.7 cm

As a check on the laminar flow assumption, we calculate
23 23
Re = = = 144.0 (laminar OK)
D 0.157

64 64
f = = = 0.4443
Re 144.0

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4-31 4-31

Dopt = 0.1778 f 0.1563 = 0.1778(0.4443)0.1563

Dopt = 0.1567 m

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4-32 4-32
34. A wrought iron pipeline conveys turpentine at a rate of 0.075 m3 /s. Determine the optimum economic
pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh n = 1.4
C1 = $1100/mn+1 a = 1/5 = 0.20
t = 4000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

turpentine ρ = 870 kg/m3 μ = 1.375 × 10−3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

wrought iron ε = 0.000046 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate is given as Q = 75.0 l/s = 0.0750 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is

ṁ = ρ Q = 0.87(1 000)(0.0750) = 65.25 kg/s

Substituting into the optimum economic diameter equation:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.2548 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Re(D) = 6.04 × 104

Assume a randomly selected friction factor; f = 0.030, and substitute into Equation i:

Dopt = 0.2548(0.030)0.1563 = 0.147

Re = 6.04 × 104 /0.147 = 4.10 × 105 ⎪

Then f = 0.017 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.000046
= = 0.00031
D 0.147
Substituting into Equation (i), Dopt = 0.2548(0.017)0.1563 = 0.134 m

Re = 6.04 × 104 /0.134 = 4.50 × 105 ⎪ ⎬
Then f ≈ 0.017 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.000046
= = 0.00034
D 0.134

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4-33 4-33
which equals our assumed value. So

Dopt = 0.135 m (close enough)

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4-34 4-34
35. A commercial steel pipeline conveys propylene at a rate of 0.0158 m3 /s. Determine the optimum
economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh n = 1.2
C1 = $956/mn+1 a = 1/9 = 0.11
t = 3000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

Propylene ρ = 516 kg/m3 μ = 9.1 × 10−5 Pa · s [Table B.1]

commercial steel ε = 0.0457 mm [Table 3.1]

The volume flow rate is given as Q = 0.0158 m3 /s. The mass flow rate is calculated as

ṁ = ρ Q = 516 × 0.0158 = 8.15 kg

Substituting into the equation for optimum diameter gives:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.1152 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Substituting, we get

Re = 1.14 × 105 /D

Start by assuming a randomly selected friction factor, f = 0.030, and substituting:

Dopt = 0.1152(0.030)0.1613 = 0.0655 m

Re = 1.14 × 105 /0.0655 = 1.74 × 106 ⎪

Then f = 0.018 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.0457
= = 0.0007
D 65.5
Again, substituting into Equation (i),

Dopt = 0.1152(0.018)0.1613 = 0.0604 m

Re = 1.14 × 105 /0.0604 = 1.88 × 106 ⎪

Then f ≈ 0.019 (S-J Eq)

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4-35 4-35
ε 0.0457
= = 0.00076
D 60.4
which equals our assumed value. So

Dopt = 0.06065 m = 60.65 mm (close enough)

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4-36 4-36
36. A commercial steel pipeline conveys methyl alcohol at a rate of 0.24 m3 /s. Determine the optimum
economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh n=1
C1 = $700/mn+1 a = 1/10 = 0.10
t = 750 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.65

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

methyl alcohol ρ = 789 kg/m3 μ = 0.56 × 10−3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

commercial steel ε = 0.000046 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 240.0 l/s = 0.2400 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is

ṁ = ρ Q = 0.789(1 000)(0.2400) = 189.36 kg/s

Substituting into the optimum economic diameter equation:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.4028 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Re(D) = 4.31 × 105

Assume a randomly selected friction factor; f = 0.030, and substitute into Equation i:

Dopt = 0.4028(0.030)0.1667 = 0.225

Re = 4.31 × 105 /0.225 = 1.92 × 106 ⎪

Then f = 0.014 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.000046
= = 0.00020
D 0.225
Substituting into Equation (i), Dopt = 0.4028(0.014)0.1667 = 0.199 m

Re = 4.31 × 105 /0.199 = 2.17 × 106 ⎪⎬
f ≈ 0.015 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.000046
= = 0.00023
D 0.199

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4-37 4-37
which equals our assumed value. So

Dopt = 0.199 m (close enough)

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4-38 4-38
37. A wrought iron pipeline conveys turpentine at a rate of 0.0442 m3 /s. Determine the optimum eco-
nomic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.05/kwh n = 1.2
C1 = $1092/mn+1 a = 1/10 = 0.10
t = 4000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.75 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

Turpentine ρ = 870 kg/m3 μ = 1.37 × 10−3 Pa·s [Table B.1]

wrought iron ε = 0.0457 mm [Table 3.1]

The volume flow rate is given as Q = 0.0442 m3 /s. The mass flow rate is calculated as

ṁ = ρ Q = 870 × 0.0442(1.560) = 38.45 kg/s

Substituting into the equation for optimum diameter gives:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.215 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Substituting, we get

Re = 3.57 × 104 /D

Start by assuming a randomly selected friction factor, f = 0.030, and substituting:

Dopt = 0.215(0.030)0.1613 = 0.122 m

Re = 3.57 × 104 /0.122 = 2.91 × 105 ⎪

Then f = 0.018 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.0457
= = 0.0004
D 122
Again, substituting into Equation (i), D ⎪
0.00041 ⎭
Dopt = 0.215(0.018)0.1613 = 0.112 m
which equals our assumed value. So

Re = 3.57 × 104 /0.112 = 3.17 × 105 ⎪


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4-39 4-39
f ≈ 0.018 (S-J Eq)

Dopt = 0.1122 m = 112.2mm (close enough)

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4-40 4-40
38. A commercial steel pipeline conveys ethylene glycol at a rate of 0.015 m3 /s. Determine the optimum
economic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.04/kwh n = 1.2
C1 = $1050/mn+1 a = 1/7 = 0.14
t = 7000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F = 6.5 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

ethylene glycol ρ = 1100 kg/m3 μ = 16.2 × 103 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

commercial steel ε = 0.000046 m [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 0.0150 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is

ṁ = ρ Q = 1100(0.0150) = 16.50 kg/s

Substituting into the optimum economic diameter equation:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.1341 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Re(D) = 1.30 × 103

Assume a randomly selected friction factor; f = 0.030, and substitute into Equation i:

Dopt = 0.1341(0.030)0.1613 = 0.076 m

Re = 1.30 × 103 /0.076 = 1.70 × 104 ⎪

Then f = 0.028 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.000046
= = 0.00060
D 0.076
Substituting into Equation (i), Dopt = 0.1341(0.028)0.1613 = 0.075 m

Re = 1.30 × 103 /0.075 = 1.72 × 104 ⎪⎬
Then f = 0.028 (S-J Eq)

ε 0.000046
= = 0.00061
D 0.075

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4-41 4-41
which equals our assumed value. So

Dopt = 0.075 m (close enough)

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4-42 4-42
39. A PVC pipeline conveys glycerine at a rate of 0.0100 m3 /s. Determine the optimum economic pipe
size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.045/kwh C1 = $1200/mn+1
t = 4000 hr/yr F = 6.75 n=1
a = 1/5 = 0.20 b = 0.01 η = 0.70

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

glycerine ρ = 1263 kg/m3 μ = 950 × 10−3 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

PVC ε =0 [Table 3.1]

With the volume flow rate given as Q = 0.0100 m3 /s, the mass flow rate is calculated as

ṁ = ρ Q = 1.263(1 000)(0.0100) = 12.63 kg/s

Substituting into the equation for optimum diameter gives:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.1324 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = = = 17/D
μ πDμ πDμ

At this low value of the Reynolds number, we start by assuming laminar flow.
64 64D
f = = = 3.781D
Re 17

Substituting into Equation i, we get

Dopt = 0.1324 f 0.1667 = 0.1324(3.781Dopt )0.1667 = 0.165Dopt 0.1667

Solving yields

Dopt (1−0.1667) = 0.165

or Dopt = 0.115 m = 11.5 cm

As a check on the laminar flow assumption, we calculate

17 17
Re = = = 146.9 (laminar OK)
D 0.115

64 64
f = = = 0.4357
Re 146.9

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4-43 4-43

Dopt = 0.1324 f 0.1667 = 0.1324(0.4357)0.1667

Dopt = 0.1152 m

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4-44 4-44
40. Water flows through a commercial steel pipeline at a 0.00378 m3 /s. Determine the optimum eco-
nomic pipe size for the installation given that:

C2 = $0.045/kwh n=1
C1 = 1160/mn+1 a = 1/6 = 0.17
t = 4000 hr/yr b = 0.01
F =7 η = 0.75

Solution: We begin by obtaining properties from the appropriate tables:

Water ρ = 1000 kg/m3 μ = 9.1 × 10−4 N·s/m2 [Table B.1]

commercial steel ε = 0.0457 mm [Table 3.1]

The volume flow rate is given as Q = 0.00378 m3 /s. The mass flow rate is calculated as

ṁ = ρ Q = 1000(0.00378) = 3.78 kg/s

Substituting into the equation for optimum diameter gives:

40 f ṁ 3 C2 t n+5
Dopt = = 0.0586 f (i)
n(a + b)(1 + F)C1 ηπ 2 ρ 2

The Reynolds number of the flow is given by:

ρVD 4ρ Q 4ṁ
Re = = =
μ πDμ πDμ

Substituting, we get
Re = 5.29 × 103 /D

Start by assuming a randomly selected friction factor, f = 0.023, and substituting:

Dopt = 0.0586(0.023)0.1667 = 0.0314 m

Re = 5.29 × 103 /0.0314 m = 1.69 × 105 ⎪

Then f = 0.023 (S-J Eq)
ε 0.0457
= = 0.0015
D 31.4
Again, substituting into Equation (i),
Dopt = 0.0586(0.023)0.1667 = 0.0314 m

Re = 5.29 × 103 /0.0314 = 1.69 × 105 ⎪

Then f ≈ 0.023 (S-J Eq)
ε ⎪

= 0.00146

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4-45 4-45
which equals our assumed value. So
Dopt = 0.0314 m = 31.4mm (close enough)

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4-33 4-33
41. Construct a graph of cost/length versus diameter, similar to that of Figure 4.16, for Problem 4.40.
Solution: Substituting into the cost equations:

C OP 8 f ṁ 3 3.12 × 10−5
C P T = (a + b)(1 + F )C1 D n = 120.3D 1 ; = C t =

L π 2 ρ 2 D 5 gc η D5
3.12 × 10
C T /L = 120.3D + Dopt = 0.103 ft


Cost/ft ($/ft)

10.00 COP/L

0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
Diameter in ft

42. Construct a graph of cost/length versus diameter, similar to that of Figure 4.16, for Problem 4.40, but
take C2 to be doubled. What is the optimum pipe size in this case?
Solution: Substituting into the cost equations:

C OP 8 f ṁ 3 3.12 × 10−5
C P T = (a + b)(1 + F )C1 D n = 120.3D 1 = C t =

L π 2 ρ 2 D 5 gc η D5
6.24 × 10
C T /L = 120.3D + Dopt = 0.115 ft


30.00 CPT
Cost/ft ($/ft)



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4-32 4-32
0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
Diameter in ft

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4-33 4-33
Equivalent Length of Fittings
43. Determine the equivalent length of a globe valve in a pipeline using the following data:

f = 0.031 K = 10.0 L = 30.5 m D = 52.5 mm

How does the equivalent length calculated for the globe valve compare to the length of the pipe itself?

fL 0.031L eq
K = 10 = L eq = 16.95 m (same frictional effect as globe valve)
D 52.5 × 10−3

44. Determine the equivalent length of two elbows in the same pipeline for which calculations yielded
the following information:

6-std f = 0.034 D = 0.1458 m K = 0.31

4-std f = 0.03 D = 0.0908 m K = 0.31

Which size has the greater equivalent length in view of the fact that both minor-loss coefficients are
fL DK 0.1458(0.31)
6 std K K = L eq = = = 1.329 m
D f 0.034

DK 0.0908(0.31)
4 std K L eq = = = 0.938 m 6 std has greater L eq
f 0.03

45. The figure shows a conduit made of 1 std type K drawn copper tubing that conveys acetone at a
flow rate of 1.133 × 10−3 m3 /s. All fittings are soldered; the gate valve is fully open. (a) Calculate
the pressure drop through the system using minor-loss values (K ). (b) Calculate the pressure drop
through the system using equivalent length values. Compare the results. The total length of tubing is
9.15 m and the conduit is in a horizontal plane.
Acetone ρ = 787 kg/m3 μ = 3.155 × 10−4 Pa·s
1 std K D = 25.27 mm A = 5.017 × 10−4 m2
ε = 0.001524 mm/ft drawn tubing
Q = 1.133 × 10−3 m3 /s
Q 1.133 × 10−3
V = = = 2.26 m/s
A 5.017 × 10−4

ρVD 787 × 2.26 × 25.27 × 10−3

Re = =
μ 3.155 × 10−4

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4-34 4-34
ε 0.001524
Re = 1.42 × 105 = 25.27 = 0.00006

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4-35 4-35
At these values, the friction factor is read as f = 0.017. For a regular soldered elbow, K = 0.31. For
a union or a coupling, K = 0.08; for a gate valve, K = 0.15.
Σ K = 6(0.31) + 0.08 + 0.15 = 2.09

1 at the inlet; 2 at the end

p1 V1 2 p2 V2 2 f L V2 V2
+ + z1 = + + z2 + + ΣK
ρg 2g ρg 2g D 2g 2g

p1 − p2 = Δp is sought; V1 = V2 = V z1 = z2 L = 9.15 m
The equation reduces to
p1 p2 fL V2
− = + ΣK
ρg ρg D 2g

0.017(9.15) 787(2.26)2
p1 − p2 = + 2.09 Δp = 17 kPa
0.0253 2

using K values
From the equivalent length table, L/D = 30 for regular threaded elbows (soldered or flanged not
given). Union fitting—not given; gate valve L/D = 13.
L eq p1 p2 fL V2
= 6(30) + 13 = 193 − = + ΣK
D ρg ρg D 2g

0.017(9.15) 787(2.26)2
p1 − p2 = + 0.017(193) Δp = 19 kPa
0.0253 2

using L eq values
The difference is about 14%.

46. The figure shows a conduit made of 2-nominal schedule 40 commercial steel that conveys ethylene
glycol at a flow rate of 0.004m3 /s. All fittings are regular and threaded, and the pipe length is 40 m.
(a) Calculate the pressure drop through the system using minor-loss values (K ). (b) Calculate the
pressure drop through the system using equivalent length values. Compare the results. Take the piping
system to be in a horizontal plane and the check valve to be a swing type.

E.G. ρ = 1 100 kg/m3

μ = 16.2 × 10−3 Pa·s
2nom 40 D = 52.52 mm
A = 21.66 × 10−4 m2
Comm steel ε = 0.046 mm

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4-36 4-36
L 40 m
Q = 4 × 10−3 m3 /s
Q 4 × 10−3
V = = = 1.85 m/s
A 21.66 × 10−4

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4-37 4-37

ρVD 1100(1.85)(0.05252)
Re = = = 6 586 ⎪

μ 16.2 × 10−3
f = 0.037
ε 0.046 ⎪

= = 0.000 88
D 52.52

90◦ elbow K = 1.4 L/D = 30

45◦ elbow K = 0.35 L/D = 16
Union K = 0.08 not in table
Check valve K = 2.5 L/D = 135
Σ K = 6(1.4) + 2(0.35) + 0.08 + 2.5 = 11.68

1 at the inlet; 2 at the end

p1 V1 2 p2 V2 2 f L V2 V2
+ + z1 = + + z2 + + ΣK
ρg 2g ρg 2g D 2g 2g

p1 − p2 = Δp is sought; V1 = V2 = V z1 = z2 L = 40 m The equation reduces to

p1 p2 fL V2
− = + ΣK
ρg ρg D 2g

0.037(40) 1 100(1.85)2
p1 − p2 = + 11.68
0.052 52 2

Δp = 75 kPa using K values

L eq p1 p2 fL V2
= 6(30) + 2(16) + 135 = 347 − = + ΣK
D ρg ρg D 2g
0.037(40) 1 100(1.85)2

p1 − p2 = + 0.037(347)
0.052 52 2

Δp = 77.2 kPa using L eq values

The difference is about 3%.

47. The figure shows a conduit made of 1-nominal schedule 40 galvanized steel that conveys water. The
pressure drop from beginning to end is 17.23 kPa. All fittings are regular and threaded. (a) Calculate

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4-38 4-38
the flow rate through the system using minor-loss values (K ). (b) Calculate the flow rate through
the system using equivalent length values. Compare the results. Calculate the total length of pipe by
adding values given in the drawing. Is there any advantage to using equivalent length in this type of
problem? All dimensions are in mm.
Water ρ = 1000 kg/m3 μ = 9.1 × 10−4 Pa · s
1nom 40 D = 26.65 mm A = 5.576 × 10−4 m2
galvanized ε = 0.1524 mm

Apply Modified Bernoulli Equation; “1” is at the basket strainer; “2” is at the end of pipe #11.

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4-39 4-39
p1 V1 2 p2 V2 2 f L V2 V2
+ + z1 = + + z2 + + ΣK
ρg 2g ρg 2g D 2g 2g

Evaluating terms:
Δ = 17.23 × 103 Pa V1 = V2

1. basket
6 2. 305
3. 228.6
4 4. 915
5. 336
6. 457
3 7 7. 254
8. 356
9. 940
10. 432
11. 635
2 12. 45° ells



To find z 1 , add all vertical sections from pipe #5, going downward:

z 1 = −L 4 − L 2 = −915 − 305 = −1.220 mm = −1.22 m

z 2 = −L 6 − L 8 − L 10 cos 45◦ − L 11 = −457 − 356 − 432 cos 45◦ − 635 = −1.753 m

L = found by summing all lengths

L = 305 + 228.6 + 915 + (330) + (457) + (254) + (330)

+(940) + (432) + (635) = 4.852 m

Σ K = basket strainer +7-90◦ elbows + 2-45◦ elbows = 1.3 + 7(1.4) + 2(0.35) = 11.8

p1 p2 fL V2
− + z1 − z2 = + K
ρg ρg D 2g

17.23 × 103 V 2 f (4.852)

+ (−1.22) − (−1.753) = + 11.8

1000(9.81) 2(9.81) 0.02665

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4-40 4-40
V2 44.91
2.289 = (182.1 f + 11.8) or V =
19.62 182.1 f + 11.8

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4-41 4-41
ρVD 1000(V )(0.02665)
Re = = = 29286V
μ 9.1 × 10−4
ε 0.1524

= = 0.00057
D 26.65
1st trial: f = 0.017; V = 1.74 m/s; Re = 5.1 × 104 ; f = 0.023
2nd trial: f = 0.023; V = 1.68 m/s; Re = 4.9 × 104 ; f ≈ 0.023 close enough

V = 1.68 m/s Q = AV = 5.576 × 10−4 × 1.68 Q = 9.368 × 10−4 m3 /s

Using Equivalent Length,

L eq
= basket strainer +7-90◦ elbows +2-45◦ elbows = 0 + 7(30) + 2(16) = 242

Substituting into the Modified Bernoulli Equation,

17.23 × 103 V2 f (4.852)
+(−1.22)−(−1.753) = + 242 f The last term is the only change.
1000(9.81) 2(9.81) 0.02665

V2 0.106
2.291 = (424 f ) V =
19.62 f

L eq
This equation form is the advantage to using . Re and ε/ D are the same as before.

1st trial: f = 0.017; V = 2.5 m/s; Re = 7.3 × 104 ; f = 0.022

2nd trial: f = 0.022; V = 2.19 m/s; Re = 6.4 × 104 ; f ≈ 0.022 close enough

V = 2.19 m/s Q = AV = 5.576 × 10−4 (2.19) Q = 1.22 × 10−3 m3 /s

31% difference.

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4-42 4-42

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