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Tundra biome

By : Jason Trujillo; James Vella ; Sean McGuigan

Where is the tundra biome located
The tundra biome is located in the northern hemisphere of the world,
primarily in the Arctic region. It spans across the northern parts of
North America, Europe, and Asia. Some of the countries where the
tundra biome can be found include Canada, Russia, Norway,
Sweden, Finland, and the United States.

The tundra biome is north of the equator, generally north of the

Arctic Circle.. This means that the tundra experiences extremely cold
temperatures for most of the year, with long periods of darkness in
the winter and extended daylight in the summer.

The tundra biome can be found at high altitudes as well as at sea

level. While some tundra regions are found at high elevations, such
as the Alpine tundra, which is found on high mountains, most tundra
regions are found at or near sea level in the Arctic region. The
combination of low temperatures and high winds in the Arctic region
makes the tundra biome a unique and challenging ecosystem.
What is the average temperature of the How much rainfall is there every Is it humid?
biome? Is it the same all year? Are year? Does it rain throughout the
there major swings in temperature year? Are there rainy or dry It is too cold to be humid
everyday? seasons?

The average winter temperature is –34°C The tundra has a very low percentage
(–29.2°F) and the average summer of precipitation. It ranges from 6-10in
temperature is 3°C–12°C (37°F –52°F). of rain. The reason for this is because
The temperature stays about the same all little evaporation happens due to the
day and changes within the night. cold temperatures.
Plants in the tundra biome Adaptations
In the tundra, you'll find a variety of plant life, but they tend to be
low-growing and hardy, making the most of the short growing season.. Tundra plants are small -- usually less than a foot high -- for four
reasons. The soil lacks the nutrients of richer soils in other
ecosystems that are filled with organic material. The plants’ short
Plants in the Tundra have adapted in a variety statured help them absorb heat from the dark soil, which helps keep
of ways. They grow close together, low to the them from freezing. Smaller plants are more protected from cold and
ground and they remain small. Many plants in winds. Roots also are short and grow sideways, as they cannot
the biome have a wax type of fuzzy, hairy penetrate the permafrost. These plants tend to grow in clumps;
coating on them which helps to shield them clumping offers protection from the cold and from wind-driven
from the cold and the wind. particles of ice and snow. Examples of small tundra plants include
Arctic crocus, lousewort, heather and cress.

a plant you will find in the tundra is the Arctic Willow (Salix arctica):

Low-growing shrub.
Forms dense mats close to the ground.
Provides protection against cold winds.
Has narrow leaves to minimize water loss.
Grows in various parts of the tundra biome.
Animals that live
Some animals that live here are

● Arctic hare
● Snowshoe hare
● Reindeer
● Arctic fox
● Snow bunting
● Lemming
● Canada lynx These animals adaptations to the biome
● Musk ox
● Rock ptarmigan The animals here tend to have thicker and warmer feathers and fur. Many of them
have larger bodies and shorter arms, legs and tails which helps them retain their
heat better and prevent heat loss.
Pollution: In the Tundra biome, industrial activity
Threats to the tundra and transportation contribute to air and water
pollution. Pollutants in the environment can build
biome up and harm the health of creatures such as
plants, animals, and organisms.

Human Activities : Mining, infrastructure

expansion, and oil and gas exploration all
Climate Change: Warming contribute to a breakdown of habitat in the
temperatures present a serious threat Tundra biome. This disturbance has the
to the tundra biome. The permafrost potential to isolate populations, lower genetic
diversity, and limit animal mobility and
thaws as a result of rising migration patterns.
temperatures, changing the hydrology,
soil stability, and vegetation
composition. The survival of numerous
organisms is affected by these
changes, which disturb the
ecosystem's delicate state of

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