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The importance of the diversity

Santiago Ibanez Morelo

Department of business administration, Yorkville University

BUSI1073: Business Writing and Communications

Headteacher: Tania Osman

July 25, 2023



Diversity, is defined as “Variety, unlikeness, difference.” And likewise, “Abundance,

a large quantity of various different things.” (ASALE & RAE, 2022). from a technical

point of view, however, it cannot be seen only from this definition because it has an

even more complex and profound meaning that allows it to cover different social,

labour, and interpersonal development topics, as can be found in the document

diversity is made up of "Cultural, Racial, Functional, ethnic, linguistic, biological,

sexual and gender" (Meaning of Diversity, 2018).

The different types of diversity are of great importance in today's society;

because it has had to go through different historical events that have laid the

foundation for all the privileges or opportunities that exist today, 1920 where

women acquired the right to vote after years of arduous struggle, however this

did not end because "The campaign for woman suffrage was long, difficult, and

sometimes dramatic; yet ratification did not ensure full enfranchisement.

Decades of struggle to include African Americans and other minority women in

the promise of voting rights remained. Many women remained unable to vote

long into the 20th century because of discriminatory state voting laws” (National

Archives, 2021) was a small victory that allowed an opening to equality and

gender diversity. In this way, there is the case of Ruby Bridges (1960) who was

the first black girl to attend a purely white school, for which she had to be

escorted by the federal police when she entered and left the institution

(Redacción, 2010), this was the first step towards an opening of racial diversity,

currently new victories have been achieved that open a path of hope, as would

be the most recent news that the Moroccan women's national soccer team

allows Nouhaila Benzina their first player to wear Islamic headscarf at the

senior-level Women’s World Cup which is demonstrating cultural and religious


As mentioned above, there have been different historical events that have led

many minorities to be seen and recognized by society, as well as accepted by

governments. that has allowed us to reach the globalized world that we find

ourselves in today, and in this way an opening to a labor diversity that is of

great importance; since a proper implementation will allow a better development

of employees at a personal and professional level as mentioned by Wadhwa, S.,

& Aggarwal, P. (2023). “The organizations must adopt and implement Diversity

and Inclusion programs to attract and retain talented people irrespective of

gender, caste, creed, skin color or sexual orientation. The diversity and

Inclusion framework seeks to treat people fairly, ensuring everyone gets equal

opportunities in the world of work and the community”.

The correct implementation of diversity policies in companies, it will allow

benefits to be obtained for the organization that will not only be reflected in

monetary gains but also the image of the company, allowing many of the

benefits listed below to be obtained.


Ilustración 1. top 10 benefits of diversity in the workplace (Zojceska, 2018)

a clear example of a company that manages to focus on diversity would be Gap

Inc because “For Gap Inc., diversity and inclusion begins with welcoming all

customers to our brands and ensuring that our workplaces around the world allow

each employee to be their true selves and realize their full potential. It is not only

good for business, we believe that this is how things should be", (Gap CEO Art

Peck on Improving Company Diversity, 2018) this has led the company to growth

in the industry, which is not only reflected in profits, but also in the image that

society has of it, and also its employees who feel more identified with the brand,

which leads to generating a high level of belonging that allows an improvement in

production levels, as well as the average time that employees Employees remain

working with the company increase drastically because they are taken into account

for decision making, ideas that lead to improvement of small processes within

stores are rewarded with incentives.

Likewise, there are different benefits for employees in companies with diversity


 Recognition of achievements and equal opportunities.

 freedom of thought and personal development.

 equal benefits (health, salary, benefits).

 Job Opportunity.

 Respect and dignity

An example of this would be the case of McDonald's, a company that is open to

diversity and thus generates a benefit for its employees or future employees

because it is hiring people with different disabilities "We welcome people with

disabilities and their service animals." "We open our doors to everyone" (Jobs,

Inclusion and Empowerment | McDonald's Canada, 2023), so it is generating an

equal opportunity for employees for all people, also respecting racial, ethnic

differences, and disabilities, etc.

This document focused on the definition of diversity and also the different types of

diversity that exist, taking them to a professional level to identify the main benefits

that companies and employees can obtain, which allowed us to identify that

diversity can not only be categorized from a technical point of view but that it has to

be seen globally and how it is applied in different aspects of the lives of different

people, and how different historical events had to be carried out to change different

existing paradigms, so that diversity existing on a day-to-day basis was accepted,

and how this is taken to the professional field where companies can generate

tangible and intangible profits, due to the increase in productivity levels, which in

turn will increase the income of the company, however intangibly because it will be

able to receive new different points of view and knowledge from people belonging

to other cultures or who have had an expansion of horizons to having lived in

another country, or having lived other experiences, in the same way employees are

benefited because they are treated with respect, taken into account in decision-

making, they are accepted, they do not receive any type of discrimination and

receive equal opportunities.

A company manages to be diverse when it opens its doors to all people without

discriminating gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion and disabilities, thus allowing a

new air to enter it, where it can see from a new perspective the latent potential that

different people have, allowing themselves to see beyond what others see, the

most important thing in another company and relationship between employees is

that there is always excellent communication, respect and a desire for growth.

ASALE, R. -, & RAE. (2022). diversidad | Diccionario de la lengua española.

“Diccionario de La Lengua Española” - Edición Del Tricentenario.

Significado de Diversidad. (2018). Significados.

Redacción. (2010, December 19). La niña que ayudó a cambiar a EE.UU. BBC

News Mundo; BBC News Mundo.


National Archives. (2021, September 21). 19th Amendment to the U.S.

Constitution: Women’s Right to Vote (1920). National Archives.

amendment#:~:text=Passed%20by%20Congress%20June%204 (2023, July 24). Nouhaila

Benzina makes history as first player to wear a hijab at the Women’s World

Cup. ABC News.


Wadhwa, S., & Aggarwal, P. (2023). Impact of Diversity and Inclusion on

Workplace Effectiveness. Journal of Management & Public Policy, 14(2),


Zojceska, A. (2018, December 19). Top 10 Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace.



Gap CEO Art Peck on Improving Company Diversity. (2018, September 21).


Jobs, Inclusion and Empowerment | McDonald’s Canada. (2023).


Appendix A
Business Letter

Santiago Ibanez Morelo

503 beecroft Road
Toronto, Ontario, M2N 0A2

Daniel Arsh
Operantion Manager
178 Citation Drive
Concord, Ontario, L4K 2Z2

Dear Operation Manager Arsh,

Allow me to inform you about the new changes in the diversity policies that the
company will begin to implement on August 1st of this year because the company
is entering a new stage where it will align its processes and objectives with the
sustainable development goals, seeking to close the inequality gap, gender
equality, decent work and economic growth, which will allow a new approach in the
relationship of the companies with our employees, to guarantee a correct work
environment, where they are heard, and likewise they are respected. regardless of
their culture, language, religion, ethnicity or disability.
In this way, I request to take into account the information provided and the timely
implementation of the new policies:
• Recognition of the festivals of each religion and culture.
• Fortnightly talks about the different cultures in the company.
• Talks about respect.
• Development of diversity and inclusion program.
• Weekly meetings to listen to employees.
• Courses for teaching and improving the national language (English).
• Find change agents.
• Meetings with change agents to improve situations.

Thank you very much for your attention. I await news of the implementation of the
new policies.

Santiago Ibanez Morelo
Director of Operations, Ontario Divition

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