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Amino Acid Analysis by Reverse-Phase High-Performance

Liquid Chromatography: Improved Derivatization and
Detection Conditions with 9-Fluorenylmethyl Chloroformate
Ruud A. Bank, Evelien J. Jansen, Bob Beekman, and Johan M. te Koppele1
TNO Prevention and Health, Division of Vascular and Connective Tissue Research,
P.O. Box 2251, 2301 CE Leiden, The Netherlands

Received October 23, 1995

agent should give rise to a single, stable derivative per

An improved method for the quantitative derivatiza- amino acid. The derivative should be detectable with
tion of amino acids with fluorenylmethyl chloro- high sensitivity and the reagent itself or its degrada-
formate (FMOC-Cl) is described. Amino acids are de- tion products should not interfere with the chromato-
rivatized in borate buffer at pH 11.4 for 40 min at graphic separation. 9-Fluorenylmethyl chloroformate
ambient temperature. All amino acids resulted in sta- (FMOC-Cl)2 meets most of these criteria. This label
ble derivatives. In particular, improved derivatization was introduced for amino acid analysis by Einarsson
was obtained with the troublesome amino acids His et al. (5, 6). FMOC-Cl reacts rapidly and quantitatively
and Tyr: exclusively monosubstituted His and disub- with both primary and secondary amino acids under
stituted Tyr were formed, eluting as free peaks in the
mild conditions and is relatively insensitive for salts.
chromatogram. These derivatives show a higher fluo-
The resulting carbamates exhibit high fluorescent re-
rescence response than their disubstituted and mono-
sponse (detection at the low picomole level), are stable
substituted counterparts, respectively, resulting from
other protocols. Under the new conditions, consider- at room temperature for several days, and show excel-
able less of the hydrolysis product of FMOC-Cl is seen lent chromatographic behavior on reversed-phase co-
in the chromatograms. Baseline noise was substan- lumns.
tially reduced at a higher emission wavelength (630 A disadvantage of FMOC-Cl is its reactivity toward
nm instead of 313 or 340 nm). With simple precautions, water; after hydrolysis and decarboxylation, the fluo-
extensive adsorption of the disubstituted derivatives rescent alcohol, FMOC-OH, elutes in the middle of the
(Lys, Hyl, and Tyr) on plastic or glass surfaces could chromatogram. At high concentrations, FMOC-OH
be prevented. Calibration curves were linear over a 10 overlaps with other amino acids in the chromatogram,
to 300 molar ratio of FMOC-Cl to total amino acid. The complicating the quantification of these amino acids.
detection limits are in the femtomole range and the Inasmuch as FMOC-Cl is also fluorescent, excess re-
derivatives are stable for more than 48 h, thus permit- agent should be removed before chromatography, for
ting automated analysis of multiple samples. q 1996 instance by extraction with organic solvents. With such
Academic Press, Inc. extractions part of the FMOC-OH is also removed (5–
15). To avoid the cumbersome extraction step, excess
FMOC-Cl can be eliminated with 1-adamantylamine
Although numerous precolumn derivatization re- (8, 9, 15–18) or hydroxylamine (19, 20). A disadvantage
agents have been introduced for the analysis of amino is that the amount of FMOC-Cl added and reaction
acids (1–4), all of them show various shortcomings. The
ideal reagent should react rapidly and quantitatively, 2
Abbreviations used: FMOC-Cl, 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate;
under mild conditions, with both primary and second- FMOC-OH, hydrolysis product of FMOC-Cl with water; Hyl, hydrox-
ary amino acids, without being disturbed by sample ylysine; Hyp, hydroxyproline; N-FMOC-His, monosubstituted deriv-
matrix components such as salts. Furthermore, the re- ative of histidine (a-amino); N-FMOC-Tyr, monosubstituted deriva-
tive of tyrosine (a-amino); N,NH-FMOC-His, disubstituted deri-
vative of histidine (a-amino and imidazole NH); N,O-FMOC-Tyr, di-
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: 31-71- substituted derivative of tyrosine (a-amino and phenolic hydroxyl
5181904. group).

0003-2697/96 $18.00 167

Copyright q 1996 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

AID AB 9702 / 6m1d$$$321 08-12-96 12:46:27 aba AP: Anal Bio


time should be controlled carefully, since FMOC-OH borate buffer (pH 8.0 or 11.4) containing 6 mM homoar-
remains in the reaction mixture. ginine (internal standard).
Other specific drawbacks of FMOC-Cl are the low Derivatization. For derivatization, the reactant so-
fluorescent properties of the Cys derivative as well as lution consisted of FMOC-Cl dissolved in acetone (1.5
that of the di-FMOC derivative of His and the mono- mg/ml, 6 mM). Two hundred microliters of FMOC solu-
FMOC derivative of Tyr (11, 19, 20). Furthermore, tion was added to 200 ml of an amino acid standard
under the routinely used reaction conditions, Tyr is solution prepared as described above, mixed immedi-
converted into a mono- and a disubstituted form (N- ately, and then allowed to stand at room temperature
FMOC-Tyr and N,O-FMOC-Tyr, respectively). Clearly, for 10 min (pH 8.0) or 40 min (pH 11.4). Termination
the presence of two peaks from one amino acid compli- of the reaction and removal of excess reagent (FMOC-
cates its quantification. The disubstituted form of His Cl), its hydrolysis product FMOC-OH, and acetone
(N,NH-FMOC-His) is not stable at room temperature were performed by extraction with 600 ml pentane.
and is gradually converted to the monoderivative (N- After mixing and a short period (around 0.5 min) to
FMOC-His), again complicating quantification (5, 11). allow phase separation, the upper layer was discarded.
We have studied the derivatization conditions in After two additional extractions, 400 ml 25% (v/v) aceto-
great detail and present a reproducible protocol for nitrile in 0.1 M borate buffer, pH 8.0 (for the derivatiza-
amino acid analysis. In particular, His is present only tion reaction performed at pH 8.0), or 400 ml 25% (v/v)
as a monoderivative, whereas Tyr is converted exclu- acetonitrile in 0.25 M boric acid (pH approximately 5.5)
sively into N,O-FMOC-Tyr. These derivatives show (for the derivatization reaction at pH 11.4) was added.
higher fluorescence properties than their di- and mono- A 50-ml aliquot of the diluted sample was injected into
substituted counterparts, respectively, allowing more the HPLC system; thus, 50 pmol of most of the amino
unambiguous and more sensitive detection. Interest- acids (exceptions: Hyp and Pro 250 pmol, homoarginine
ingly, the new protocol results in smaller amounts of 100 pmol, Cys 25 pmol) was applied on the column. In
the fluorescent hydrolysis product of FMOC-Cl with this procedure a 75-fold excess of the fluorescent label
water, FMOC-OH, thus minimizing the interference of is present.
this compound with other amino acids in the chromato-
gram. Finally, monitoring of emitted light at 630 in- Instruments. The HPLC system (Separations, Hen-
stead of 313 or 340 nm resulted in a decreased baseline drik Ido Ambacht, The Netherlands) consisted of a
noise, thus improving the detection limit. Gynkotek Model 480 multisolvent delivery system, a
Sparks Holland Triathlon autosampler, a Jasco Model
821-FP fluorometer, and a Lab-Quatec Model Gastorr
MATERIALS AND METHODS GT-103 degasser. Peak Master (Harley Systems) soft-
Reagents; preparation of amino acid standard. Ace- ware, run under Microsoft Windows version 3.11, was
tone, tetramethylammonium chloride, boric acid, and used for data acquisition and processing. The reversed-
sodium hydroxide were purchased from Merck (Darm- phase HPLC column (4.6 1 150 mm; Micropak ODS-
stadt, Germany). HPLC-grade acetonitrile was ob- 80TM; 5-mm spherical silica particles with 80 Å pore
tained from Rathburn (Walkerburn, Scotland). Sodium size; Varian) was thermostated at 407C with a HPLC
azide (Baker grade) and citric acid were from Baker column water jacket (Alltech, Deerfield, IL).
(Deventer, Holland); 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate Chromatography. Derivatized amino acids were
was supplied by Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland). Unless separated using a slightly modified ternary gradient
stated otherwise, all reagents were of analytical grade. system described by Cunico et al. (10) and Miller et al.
For derivatizations, the amino acid standard for colla- (11). Solvent A was 20 mM citric acid containing 5 mM
gen hydrolysates (A-9531) from Sigma (St. Louis, MO) tetramethylammonium chloride and 0.01% (w/v) so-
was used. This standard contains 2.5 mmol of each dium azide, adjusted to pH 2.85 with 20 mM sodium
amino acid per milliliter, except for L-cystine (1.25 acetate containing 5 mM tetramethylammonium chlo-
mmol per milliliter) and L-proline and hydroxy-L-pro- ride and 0.01% (w/v) sodium azide. Solvent B was 80%
line (12.5 mmol per milliliter). Hydrolysis was per- (v/v) of 20 mM sodium acetate solution containing 5
formed on human angiotensin-II and bovine serum al- mM tetramethylammonium chloride and 0.01% (w/v)
bumin (Sigma) as well as on lysozyme (Boehringer, sodium azide (adjusted to pH 4.5 with concentrated
Mannheim, Germany). Bovine type II collagen was phosphoric acid) plus 20% (v/v) methanol. Solvent C
purified from nasal cartilage according to Miller was acetonitrile. For elution the gradient was used as
et al. (11). given in Table 1. The flow rate was maintained at 1.4
Borate buffer was prepared from boric acid (0.1 M) ml/min throughout the analysis. The separation was
adjusted to the desired pH with 5 N sodium hydroxide. performed at a column temperature of 407C and fluo-
The routinely used amino acid standard was prepared rescence was monitored at 254 and 630 nm (excitation
by adding 120 ml of the stock solution to 100 ml 0.1 M and emission wavelengths, respectively).

AID AB 9702 / 6m1d$$$321 08-12-96 12:46:27 aba AP: Anal Bio


TABLE 1 Derivatization reaction time. At pH 8.0, the reac-

Chromatographic Gradient Conditions for HPLC Analysis tion of FMOC-Cl with amino acids and water proceeds
of FMOC Derivatized Amino Acids rapidly: essentially no increase in the amount of deriva-
tized amino acids or FMOC-OH is seen after 2 min,
Time Eluent A Eluent B Eluent C including N,NH-FMOC-His (Fig. 2). The acidic amino
(min) (%) (%) (%)
acids Asp (data not shown) and Glu are the slowest
0 75 — 25 reacting amino acids, resulting in a significantly lower
11.5 60 — 40 derivative yield at the early time points. A slow reac-
13 60 — 40 tion is also seen with the imidazole group of His and,
13.1 — 64 36
18 — 62 38
especially, the phenolic hydroxyl group of Tyr. In the
25 — 30 70 beginning (0.5–4 min) the monosubstituted form of Tyr
30 — 25 75 predominates. At around 10 min, less N-FMOC-Tyr is
32 — 25 75 present and N,O-FMOC-Tyr is the major species.
32.1 75 — 25 Amounts of disubstituted Tyr still increase for a long
40 75 — 25
time, concomitant with a decrease in amounts of mono-
substituted Tyr. Therefore, at pH 8.0 the time point
at which the reaction is stopped should be carefully
controlled. Because of formation of unknown com-
Formation of His and Tyr derivatives and FMOC- pounds interfering with the late-eluting amino acids in
OH. Figures 1A–1D show chromatograms of four dif- the chromatogram, the reaction cannot proceed for a
ferent FMOC derivatizations. Chromatograms A and longer time (Fig. 1B).
B are derivatized for 2 and 40 min in 0.1 M borate At pH 11.4 the reaction of FMOC-Cl with amino acids
buffer, pH 8.0. Chromatograms C and D are compara- and water proceeds even more quickly, as can be seen
ble with A and B, respectively, the exception being that from the peak area of Glu and N,O-FMOC-Tyr (Fig. 2).
the pH of the borate buffer was 11.4. As for pH 8.0, no increase in the amount of derivatized
Apart from an increase of unknown peaks eluting amino acids is seen after 2 min. The only exception is
between 23 and 35 min with prolonged derivatization N-FMOC-His: with time its amount increases. At the
time, no differences are seen between chromatograms same time, the amount of N,NH-FMOC-His decreases.
A and B. At pH 8.0 His is present as the disubstituted The decrease of N,NH-FMOC-His is due to the selective
derivative and elutes between Hyl and Lys in a region release of the FMOC label from the imidazole group,
of somewhat increased baseline noise. Barely any or caused by the high pH. After 40 min barely any N,NH-
no N-FMOC-His (the first peak in the chromatogram) FMOC-His is detectable and subsequently no increase
is detected. Tyrosine is present both as N,O-FMOC-Tyr is observed in the amount of the monosubstituted form.
and as N-FMOC-Tyr. The monosubstituted form of Tyr Since all amino acids are quantitatively derivatized
elutes after Ala, whereas N,O-FMOC-Tyr elutes at the at pH 11.4 after a short period (2 min), the reaction
very end of the chromatogram. could in theory be stopped at this point. However, at
A completely different situation is seen with respect this time point His is present as two derivatives; fur-
to the amount of FMOC-OH (the hydrolysis product of thermore, a large FMOC-OH peak is seen in the chro-
FMOC-Cl with water) and the formation of His and matogram (Fig. 1C). Increasing the derivatization time
Tyr derivatives for the two time points at pH 11.4 (chro- to 40 min resulted in a quantitative conversion of
matograms C and D). After a reaction period of 40 min, N,NH-FMOC-His into N-FMOC-His (Figs. 1D and 2)
less FMOC-OH is seen compared to the 2-min period.
and, surprisingly, in a decrease of the amount of
After 2 min, Tyr is essentially present as N,O-FMOC-
FMOC-OH (Fig. 1D). The decrease in the amount of
Tyr, whereas His is seen as both the mono- and disub-
FMOC-OH, which is in the order of 30%, results in a
stituted derivative. After 40 min, His is almost quanti-
more accurate quantification of Ala (compare Figs. 1C
tatively converted to N-FMOC-His, which elutes in a
and 1D), whereas the resolution of Gly with FMOC-
clean region at the very beginning of the chromato-
OH remains unaffected. The reaction must be stopped
gram. Interestingly, Tyr is still present as N,O-FMOC-
at around 40 min; reaction times longer than 60 min
Tyr. The disubstituted form of Tyr shows a higher
result in a significant conversion of N,O-FMOC-Tyr
fluorescence response than its monosubstituted coun-
into N-FMOC-Tyr and in the hydrolysis of the FMOC
terpart. For His the opposite is seen: N-FMOC-His
label from other amino acids as well.
shows a higher fluorescence signal than N,NH-FMOC-
His. No increase of unknown peaks between 23 and 35 Effect of amino acid concentration. Linearity of the
min was observed with prolonged derivatization time. relationship between peak area and amino acid concen-
These findings initiated a more in-depth study of the tration was determined with standard amino acid mix-
derivatization procedure. tures in 0.1 M borate, pH 8.0 or 11.4, in concentrations

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FIG. 1. Elution profiles of amino acid standards derivatized by reaction with FMOC-Cl. Each amino acid represents 50 pmol, except Hyp
and Pro (250 pmol), homoarginine (100 pmol), and Cys (25 pmol). (A and B) Derivatization reaction performed at pH 8.0 for 2 and 40 min,
respectively; (C and D) derivatization reaction performed at pH 11.4 for 2 and 40 min, respectively. The peaks are labeled by one-letter
codes for the usual protein amino acids; IS, internal standard (homoarginine); OK, hydroxylysine; OP, hydroxyproline; H7 and Y7, monosubsti-
tuted forms of His and Tyr, respectively.

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FIG. 2. Peak area versus reaction time at room temperature for the derivatization of amino acids with FMOC-Cl at pH 8.0 and pH 11.4.
For purposes of clarity only representative amino acids are shown.

ranging from 113 to 3600 mM (resulting in a molar tuted form and an increase of the monosubstituted
ratio of FMOC-Cl to total amino acid from 9.6 to 300). form of Tyr are routinely seen at pH 8.0. This is most
Linear calibration curves were obtained for all amino likely caused by the slow reaction of the fluorescent
acids at pH 11.4 (Fig. 3) (r ú 0.999). The same situation label with the phenolic hydroxyl group of Tyr in com-
is seen for pH 8.0, the only exception being Tyr (r Å parison to the rapid consumption of FMOC-Cl by the
0.995) (Fig. 3). A linear response is seen for N,O- other, faster-reacting amino acids.
FMOC-Tyr and N-FMOC-Tyr at pH 8.0 at a molar Reproducibility of derivatization and chromatogra-
FMOC-Cl/amino acid ratio between 18.8 and 300. Be- phy. The reproducibility of derivatization at pH 11.4
low a ratio of 18.8, a significant decrease of the disubsti- was established by analyzing 10 different derivatiz-

FIG. 3. Linearity between different concentrations of amino acids and fluorescence of the corresponding derivatives after derivatization
with FMOC-Cl at pH 8.0 and 11.4 for 40 min at room temperature; only representative amino acids are shown.

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Intraday Precision on Repeated Determinations of Individual Amino Acids on a Standard Mixture

Intraassay variabilitya Interassay variabilityb


His 7.07 0.13 127 1.34 1.23 0.87 7.07 0.18 123 2.15 1.23 1.69
Arg 8.58 0.10 104 1.31 1.01 0.83 8.58 0.15 101 2.04 1.01 0.89
ISc 10.02 0.14 103 1.41 — — 10.02 0.13 100 1.97 — —
Hypd 11.07 0.12 122 1.35 1.18 0.59 11.07 0.09 119 2.39 1.19 2.15
Ser 11.37 0.09 120 1.13 1.17 0.86 11.38 0.08 117 3.58 1.17 3.49
Asp 12.05 0.10 104 1.68 1.01 1.07 12.06 0.08 101 1.91 1.01 1.99
Glu 12.42 0.09 106 1.51 1.02 0.83 12.43 0.07 103 1.50 1.03 2.30
Thr 13.27 0.08 108 1.33 1.05 0.80 13.27 0.06 105 1.13 1.05 1.72
Gly 14.11 0.08 130 4.40 1.26 4.93 14.12 006 125 3.83 1.25 3.78
Ala 15.59 0.03 128 0.97 1.24 1.03 16.00 0.03 124 2.29 1.24 2.56
Pro 17.18 0.05 129 1.08 1.25 1.08 17.19 0.03 126 1.75 1.26 2.19
Met 18.29 0.04 91 1.47 0.88 0.74 18.31 0.09 89 1.56 0.89 2.22
Val 19.16 0.05 126 1.56 1.21 1.17 19.18 0.11 121 1.57 1.21 2.09
Phe 20.58 0.06 124 1.20 1.20 0.80 21.02 0.13 122 1.77 1.22 2.32
Ile 21.39 0.07 116 2.39 1.12 1.46 21.41 0.04 114 1.59 1.14 2.43
Leu 21.53 0.06 133 1.71 1.29 1.81 21.56 0.09 132 1.98 1.32 2.08
Cys 23.05 0.06 49 2.34 0.24 2.13 23.07 0.09 49 2.71 0.49 2.70
Hyle 24.07 0.07 202 1.10 1.95 0.99 24.08 0.08 195 1.11 1.95 2.06
Lys 25.40 0.06 228 0.68 2.21 1.42 25.42 0.07 225 1.00 2.25 2.11
Tyr 26.49 0.05 167 2.80 1.62 4.04 26.50 0.07 173 1.86 1.73 3.29
Mean 0.08 1.64 1.44 0.09 1.98 2.32

Note. RT, retention time (in minutes / seconds; 8.58 Å 8 min and 58 s); values are the mean (n Å 10). RMR, relative molar response
(values relative to homoarginine Å 1); values are the mean (n Å 10). SD, standard deviation. Area, area/pmol amino acid (expressed in
arbitrary units); values are the mean (n Å 10).
Precision of the chromatographic procedure as measured by 10 consecutive runs of a single derivatized sample.
Precision of the overall derivatization procedure plus chromatographic procedure: 10 amino acid standards were derivatized; one aliquot
of each sample was injected.
Internal standard (homoarginine).

ations from the same amino acid standard. The repro- The amino acids Lys, Hyl, and N,O-FMOC-Tyr show
ducibility of the chromatographic procedure (autosam- an approximately twofold higher signal than the other
pler, pump, column, and fluorometer) was measured amino acids, due to the presence of a second FMOC
by 10 consecutive runs of a single derivatized sample. moiety on the e-amino group (Lys, Hyl) and the pheno-
Table 2 shows the relative standard deviations of reten- lic hydroxyl group (Tyr) (Figs. 1–3; Table 2). Although
tion time, peak area, and molar response relative to Cys is also a diderivatized amino acid, it shows low
homoarginine (internal standard) of both procedures. fluorescence properties, presumably due to intramolec-
Both the intra- and interassay variability tests demon- ular quenching.
strate excellent reproducibility for both retention times Stability of FMOC amino acid derivatives. To es-
and peak areas for all of the amino acids as well as tablish that decomposition of FMOC derivatives is ab-
the peak area relative to the homoarginine internal sent with the new protocol, a standard mixture of
standard. Less than 0.1% variation in retention times amino acids was derivatized at pH 11.4 and injected
is seen in both assays. Multiple injections of the same immediately. Aliquots of the sample were stored at 47C
derivatized sample showed only 1.6% variation in peak and room temperature for 48 h and subsequently ana-
areas. Peak area variability of the entire procedure (de- lyzed. Negligible degradation (less than 5%) of the 20
rivatization and chromatography) was as low as 2.0%. amino acids was observed at both temperatures. At
The relatively high variation for Gly (around 4%) is 377C a decrease was seen in homoarginine, Met, Hyl,
probably caused by the elution of Gly close to FMOC- and N,O-FMOC-Tyr peak areas. Samples stored over-
OH; the high variation of Cys is due to the low fluores- night at room temperature showed no decrease in fluo-
cence response. The inclusion of an internal standard rescence response of any of the amino acids, irrespec-
does not improve the reproducibility, indicating the tive if they were stored in daylight or at darkness.
high reliability of the assay. Samples that were not diluted with 25% (v/v) acetoni-

AID AB 9702 / 6m1d$$$321 08-12-96 12:46:27 aba AP: Anal Bio


trile in 0.25 M boric acid after pentane extraction

showed a significant increase (ú15%) of N-FMOC-Tyr
at the expense of N,O-FMOC-Tyr after 7 h at 47C or 3
h at room temperature. After increasing time, degrada-
tion of other amino acids was also observed, resulting
in additional peaks in the chromatogram. This degra-
dation is likely due to the high pH of the derivatized
sample. Dilution of the sample with acetonitrile/boric
acid to lower the pH is therefore a prerequisite to en-
sure the stability of the FMOC derivatives. This dilu-
tion step also improved the chromatography of the
early eluting amino acids, since injection of undiluted
samples caused a broadening of peak width of N-
FMOC-His, Arg, and homoarginine (data not shown).
Recovery of amino acids after extraction with pen-
tane. To check if FMOC derivatives of amino acids
are lost during the extraction with pentane, the recov-
ery was determined after six consecutive extractions.
No differences were observed between samples ex-
tracted once or six times, irrespective of the pH of the
derivatization buffer.
Recoveries of the di-FMOC derivatives of Hyl, Lys, FIG. 4. Effect of evaporation of pentane traces on the adsorption
of amino acids on plastic/glass walls. The amino acid standard was
and Tyr in samples that were not diluted after the
derivatized at pH 11.4 for 40 min. After extraction with pentane the
pentane extraction were highly variable. This was seen cap of the Eppendorf tube was opened for 15 min; the sample was
in samples derivatized in borate buffer at pH 8.0 as applied on the column without diluting it in an organic solvent. Note
well as pH 11.4. This variation was due to variable the high losses of Hyl, Lys, and Tyr (marked with arrows) compared
adsorption of these derivatives on the surface of the with the chromatogram of Fig. 1D. Abbreviations are the same as
in Fig. 1.
polypropylene Eppendorf tubes and the surface of the
glass inserts of the HPLC vials. We speculated that the
presence of residual pentane in the derivatized sample
after extraction prevents the adsorption of disubsti- ratio. The results (Table 3) are in excellent agreement
tuted FMOC amino acids. To substantiate this, evapo- with the expected values. Lysozyme, a protein of 129
ration of pentane traces was stimulated by opening the amino acids with a Mr of 14,000, contains only one His
cap of the Eppendorf tube for 15 min. This resulted in and three Tyr residues. Again, the results, as well as
losses of more than 50% of the diderivatized amino that of albumin and collagen (Table 3), are in good
acids (Fig. 4). The variable adsorption was circum- agreement with the theoretical value, indicating that
vented by diluting the samples with a buffer containing low levels of these amino acids do not lead to erroneous
organic solvent, such as the 25% (v/v) acetonitrile in results.
our studies.
Limit of detection. Because of the high fluorescence DISCUSSION
properties of FMOC derivatives very small amounts The original derivatization procedure of Einarsson
can be detected. Figure 5 depicts the injection of 1 pmol et al. (5) was performed in 0.1 M borate buffer, pH
of each derivatized amino acid (exceptions: homoargi- 7.7, with acetone as solvent. After a reaction time of
nine 2 pmol, Hyp and Pro 5 pmol, Cys 0.5 pmol) at 254/ 40 s at room temperature, excess FMOC-Cl, FMOC-
313 and 254/630 nm. The 630-nm emission shows a OH, and acetone were extracted with pentane. Varia-
significantly lower baseline noise; in this case, the de- tions have been made with respect to the composition
tection limit (signal-to-noise ratio Å 3) is about 200 of the reaction buffer [0.2 M borate (6), 0.5 M borate
fmol for each amino acid. Due to their twofold stronger (16), 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate (10), 0.2 M phosphate
emitting properties the limit of detection of diderivat- buffer (19)], the pH of the reaction buffer [6.3 (12),
ized Hyl, Lys, and Tyr is around 125 fmol. 8.0 (10), 8.5 (19)], the reaction time [1.5 min (19), 3
Analysis of peptide and protein hydrolysates. Hu- min (14), 10 min (10)], the reaction cosolvent [aceto-
man angiotensin-II (Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe) nitrile (19), acetone/acetonitrile (6)], and the extrac-
was used as a model peptide to check the utility of our tion solvent [pentane/ethyl acetate (10)]. Under all
new method on hydrolysates. This peptide (Mr 1047; these reaction conditions, both mono- and di-FMOC
eight amino acids) contains both Tyr and His in a 1:1 derivatives of Tyr are formed, complicating its quan-

AID AB 9702 / 6m1d$$$321 08-12-96 12:46:27 aba AP: Anal Bio


FIG. 5. Sensitive detection of a derivatized amino acid standard at two different emission wavelengths. (A) Excitation 254 nm, emission
313 nm; (B) excitation 254 nm, emission 630 nm. Each amino acid represents 1 pmol, except homoarginine (2 pmol), Hyp and Pro (5 pmol),
and Cys (0.50 pmol). Abbreviations are the same as in Fig. 1. Note the high baseline noise at the emission wavelength of 313 nm.

titation. Furthermore, His is always present in the ine and not by extraction with pentane (8, 9, 15, 18),
double-substituted form (FMOC on the a-amino more FMOC-OH is seen in the chromatograms after
group and the NH of the imidazole moiety). This ad- 40 min than after 2 min (data not shown). Thus,
duct shows relatively low fluorescence properties due somehow the extraction step is involved in the unex-
to intramolecular quenching and is not stable at room pected small FMOC-OH peak at 40 min.
temperature (it slowly hydrolyzes to N-FMOC-His). The yield of FMOC derivatives has been reported to
In the derivatization procedure at pH 11.4 for 40 be dependent on the concentration of FMOC-Cl to
min, His is virtually quantitatively converted to N- amino acid (12,16). We have found excellent correlation
FMOC-His, which is stable at room temperature and coefficients (ú0.999) of calibration curves for molar ra-
shows a higher fluorescence signal than the disubsti- tios of FMOC-Cl to total amino acids ranging from 9.6
tuted form of His. Furthermore, N-FMOC-His elutes to 300. This is in agreement with findings of others,
in a clean part, early in the chromatogram (Fig. 1D). who have shown a linearity of derivatization yield over
Only small amounts of N-FMOC-Tyr are detectable in a similar large concentration range (17, 19, 20).
the chromatograms; most of the Tyr is in the form of The normally used internal standard norleucine or
N,O-FMOC-Tyr. This derivative has a threefold higher norvaline interferes with our elution gradient with
fluorescence than N-FMOC-Tyr. In addition, its elution other amino acids. It turned out that homoarginine
as a free peak at the very end of the chromatogram eluted in a free area, early in the chromatogram (Figs.
further facilitates its quantification. 1A–1D). Thus, homoarginine can be used in quantita-
Two- to threefold improvements for the sensitive de- tive determinations of unknown samples for the correc-
tection of all amino acids were achieved by the selection tion of sample losses during sample handling and prep-
of a different emission wavelength (630 nm instead of aration and inaccuracies in sample loading onto the
the widely used 313 nm). column.
Remarkably, in our method the amount of FMOC- In this paper a ternary gradient was used for amino
OH seen in the chromatogram is lower at 40 min acid separation, because of the interest of the authors
than at 2 min (Figs. 1C and 1D). Since hydrolysis of in the quantification of Hyl and Hyp in collagen hydro-
FMOC-Cl occurs over time, the opposite was ex- lysates. This gradient results in a relatively poor reso-
pected. We have no explanation for this phenomenon. lution of Ile and Leu. We stress that separation of the
However, if the derivatization reaction at pH 11.4 naturally occurring, unmodified amino acids (including
was stopped with the hydrophobic 1-adamantylam- baseline separation of Ile and Leu) can routinely be

AID AB 9702 / 6m1d$$$321 08-12-96 12:46:27 aba AP: Anal Bio


Amino Acid Composition of Angiotensin-II and Various Proteins Obtained after FMOC-CI Derivatization at pH 11.4

Residues/100 total residuesa

Lysozyme Bovine serum albumin Bovine type II collagen Angiotensin-II

Expectedb Found Expectedb Found Expectedc Found Expectedb Found

His 0.9 1.1 3.1 3.4 0.2 0.3 12.5 12.8

Srg 9.6 9.4 4.2 3.9 5.0 6.1 12.5 12.1
Hyp — — — — 9.7 8.9 — —
Ser 8.7 6.0 4.4 3.4 2.5 2.1 — —
Asx 18.3 20.4 10.3 10.2 4.3 5.4 12.5 13.1
Glx 4.3 5.3 14.4 16.2 8.9 8.6 — —
Thr 6.1 6.0 6.3 5.6 2.3 2.0 — —
Gly 10.4 9.3 2.9 2.4 33.3 33.6 — —
Ala 10.4 9.0 8.5 7.9 10.3 9.5 — —
Pro 1.7 1.9 5.2 5.2 12.0 13.1 12.5 13.0
Met 1.7 0.6 0.7 0.5 1.0 0.4 — —
Val 5.2 5.5 6.6 6.5 1.8 1.8 12.5 11.8
Phe 2.6 2.9 5.0 5.1 1.3 1.3 12.5 12.5
Ile 5.2 6.6 2.6 3.0 0.9 1.1 12.5 12.8
Leu 6.9 7.8 11.2 11.2 2.6 2.4 — —
Hyl — — — — 2.0 1.6 — —
Lys 5.2 5.7 10.9 12.3 1.5 1.4 — —
Tyr 2.6 2.3 3.5 3.2 0.2 0.4 12.5 11.9
Proteins were hydrolyzed (200 mg/ml 6 N HCl) at 1107C for 22 h in quadruplicate. After derivatization, aliquots of sample were injected
for HPLC analysis in duplicate. All values are uncorrected for losses during hydrolysis; no attempt was made to determine Cys.
Derived from (cDNA) sequence data.
Data derived from Miller et al. (11).

achieved with binary gradients (16, 17, 20, 21). No at- organic solvent, such as 25% (v/v) acetonitrile in 0.25
tempt was made to quantitate cysteinyl residues M boric acid.
(which is absent in many collagen chains), which has Injection of pentane-extracted amino acid FMOC
low fluorescent properties (Fig. 1 and Table 2). The products in the derivatization solution (0.1 M borate,
cysteine content can best be determined after performic pH 11.4) onto the HPLC column caused peak-broaden-
acid oxidation (converting all cysteine and cystine to ing problems of the first eluting amino acids due to the
cysteic acid) of the protein before hydrolysis; this deriv- high pH. Furthermore, at this high pH a significant
ative exhibits a response factor similar to other amino amount of N,O-FMOC-Tyr is converted to N-FMOC-
acids and elutes, under the gradient conditions de- Tyr within hours at room temperature, followed by deg-
scribed in this paper, in a free area between N-FMOC- radation of other amino acids. This is due to the fact
His and Arg (11). Although reduction and subsequent that carbamates are not very stable in alkaline solu-
alkylation of proteins (resulting in S-carboxymethyl- tions, one of the most labile group being the FMOC
cysteine) also results in a FMOC derivative with rea- substituent on the phenole. Lowering the pH to 9.4 by
sonable fluorescence properties, quantification remains dilution of the derivatization mixture with boric acid
difficult because in the chromatogram it is squeezed overcomes these problems. At this pH, no degradation
between Thr and Gly (data not shown). is observed for N,O-FMOC-Tyr or other amino acids
Extraction with pentane or pentane/ethyl acetate within a period of at least 24 h at room temperature
has been reported to result in loss of the hydrophobic (allowing overnight automated chromatographic analy-
di-FMOC amino acid derivatives (Hyl, Lys, and the sis) and no chromatographic problems are encountered.
double-labeled derivatives of His and Tyr) (5, 16). We In summary, derivatization of amino acids with
were not able to reproduce this, but found instead that FMOC-OH in 0.1 M borate buffer at pH 11.4 for a pro-
significant adsorption of these derivatives occurs on longed period of time (40 min) results in single deriva-
plastic and glass surfaces when there is little or no tives of His and Tyr with high fluorescent properties.
pentane present in the sample. Sometimes losses of The observed decrease in FMOC-OH compared with
more than 50% or more occurred (Fig. 4). This problem short derivatization times results in a more accurate
was easily overcome by diluting the sample with an quantification of Ala. Adsorption of the disubstituted

AID AB 9702 / 6m1d$$$321 08-12-96 12:46:27 aba AP: Anal Bio


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