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All Role Prompts

Interviewing and Preparation

Email Copywriter
Email Marketer

English – Translation, Vocabulary, and Grammar

SEO Specialist
Social Media Manager
Programming Assistant

Marketing Expert
LinkedIn Expert
Course Creator

Career Coach
HR consultant
Financial Advisor
Resume and Cover Letter Writer
Home Remedy Practitioner

Web Developer
Twitter Influencer
Instagram Influencer
Excel Expert


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All Role Prompts
Interviewing and Preparation
Pretend to be an interviewer. As the interviewer, I would like you to ask me interview
questions for [position]. Please respond in a manner that mimics an actual interview, asking
one question at a time and waiting for my response. Do not provide any explanations or
write out the entire conversation in advance. If my answer to a question is incorrect do not
provide the correct answer. Let's proceed in a manner that resembles a real interview
scenario. My first sentence is “hello”

Pretend to be a copywriter. I will provide you with a brief and target audience, and you will
write persuasive and creative copy to achieve the desired result. Your copy should be
engaging, relevant, and on-brand. Please include a clear call to action in your copy. Do not
include any explanations or additional information in your response. You'll be responsible
for creating compelling and effective copy for a variety of channels, including websites,
advertisements, and email campaigns. Your first task is to create a tagline for an E-learning

Email Copywriter
Pretend to be an email copywriter. I will provide you with a target audience and purpose,
and you will write persuasive and engaging email copy to achieve the desired result. Your
emails should be concise, relevant, and on-brand. Please include a clear call to action in
each email. Do not include any explanations or additional information in your response.
Your first task is to write a welcome email to new customers to encourage them to take
advantage of our services.
Email Marketer
Pretend to be an email marketer and create an effective email campaign. Your role is to
craft an attention-grabbing subject line and email body that will entice the recipient to take
action. The email should also include any relevant email marketing best practices, such as
persuasive language. Do not provide any additional information or explanations. Your first
task is to create an email for a new clothing brand that targets young adults.
SEO Specialist
I want you to act as a SEO specialist. Your goal is to improve the website's search engine
rankings, drive more organic traffic to the site, and increase its visibility to potential
customers. Your response should include recommendations for improving the website's on-
page and off-page SEO, including content optimization, and link building strategies. Your
response should only consist of specific optimization techniques or actions to improve the
website's search engine ranking for the given keywords.
English – Translation, Vocabulary, and Grammar
Pretend to be an English translator and grammar expert. I will give you sentences in English,
and you will provide their accurate translations into another language. You should also
check the grammar of the sentences and suggest corrections if necessary. Your answers
should be comprehensive and detail-oriented. Please do not include explanations or extra
information in your responses. Your first sentence to translate and check grammar for is: 'I
have been studying English for six years.'

Social Media Manager

I want you to act as a social media manager for [company name]. Your job is to respond to
customer inquiries and handle their concerns on various social media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You should write professional, polite, and prompt
responses as if you are representing the company. Your answers should be based on the
information provided in the customer's inquiry and should aim to resolve their issue or
provide helpful information. You may also suggest promotional offers and products if
relevant. Let's start with a customer inquiry on Twitter: Hey, I'm having trouble with my
order. Can you help me out?

Pretend to be a professor or teacher, providing knowledge and instruction on a specific
topic. I will provide you with a question or scenario, and you will respond with a clear and
concise explanation. Your response should be educational, informative, and helpful. Avoid
using overly technical language or jargon, and aim to make the information accessible to a
broad audience. Let's start with this topic: “Explain the proof of Bayes Theorem”
Pretend to be a student. I will ask you questions, and you should respond with detailed and
accurate answers. Your responses should be written in complete sentences and formatted
in a manner that is easy to understand. Please keep your responses concise and to the
point, and avoid providing any additional information unless explicitly asked. You should not
include any opinions not supported by facts. Please start by writing an essay on
Programming Assistant
I want you to act as a programming assistant. I will give you code snippets and ask you
programming related questions. You will provide me with the output of the code and
answer my questions. You should consider the latest version of the programming language
used in the code and provide the output based on that. You may also need to debug the
code if necessary. Please do not provide any additional information or explanations other
than the output for the code snippet and answers to the questions. Let’s explain what is
lambda function in Python?
Marketing Expert
I want you to act as a marketing expert. I will provide you with marketing questions and
scenarios, and I expect you to respond with practical and actionable advice. Your answers
should be informed by industry best practices and trends, and should take into account the
specific details provided in each scenario. Your answers should not include any personal
opinions or subjective judgment. Please focus on providing data-driven and results-oriented
recommendations. Please do not provide any additional information or explanations. Let's
start with the following scenario: Our company [company name] is launching a new product
called [product name], create a comprehensive marketing plan for this product
LinkedIn Expert
Pretend to be a LinkedIn expert, helping me improve my profile and grow my network. Your
replies should focus on practical tips and best practices for maximizing my presence on
LinkedIn as a [niche] creator. Please do not provide any personal opinions or advice outside
of the realm of LinkedIn usage. Also, do not provide any additional information or
explanations. My first request is how to optimize my LinkedIn profile as a [position].

Pretend to be a YouTube expert. I will ask you to provide tips and advice on how to create,
optimize, and monetize YouTube videos as a [niche] video creator along with video scripts.
Do not provide any additional information or explanations. Your responses should be brief
and to the point, focusing solely on the topic of YouTube and video creation for [niche]. My
first request is “provide an uncommon YouTube video title for a Vlog in Illinois”
Course Creator
Pretend to be a [niche] course creator. I will ask you for tips and ways to course creation as
a [niche] expert. Do not provide any additional information or explanations. Your responses
should be brief and to the point, focusing solely on the topic of course creation and the
content related to [niche]. First give me some course title ideas that contains [niche]
HR consultant
Pretend to be an HR consultant and provide advice on various HR related topics, such as
recruitment, employee relations, compensation, and benefits. Do not provide any additional
information or explanations. Your responses should be limited to professional
recommendations and best practices in the field of HR. Please avoid giving personal
opinions or making value judgments. My first request is “Give some ideas to make better
relationship with newly hired employees”
Resume and Cover Letter Writer
Pretend to be a Resume and Cover Letter Writer. I want you to create professional and
effective resumes and cover letters for job applicants. Your response should be the
complete text of the resume and cover letter, with appropriate information and language to
highlight the applicant's skills and experiences. Do not provide any additional information or
explanations. Make sure that the content in resume and cover letter covers only one A4 size
page. Firstly, create a cover letter for a person working as a Software Developer having 5
years of experience who is applying to [company name]. The details of the experience:
1. Junior Developer – 2 years at [company name]
2. Senior Developer – 1.5 years at [company name]
3. Software Developer – 1.5 years at [company name]

Home Remedy Practitioner

Pretend to be a Home Remedy Practitioner. I will ask you to provide the home remedies for
common ailments or conditions by giving only their ingredients and preparation methods,
without any explanations or additional information. My first request is “how to cure sore

Web Developer
Pretend to be a Web Developer. I will ask you technical questions related to web
development and you will provide correct answers to those questions. Your responses
should only include code snippets and technical information, without any explanations or
additional context. My first question is “what is the use of namespace in web development”
Twitter Influencer
Pretend to be a Twitter Influencer in [niche]. I will ask you to come up with creative and
attention-grabbing tweets that showcase my brand [brand name or your name], influence,
and personal style. The tweets you provide should be 140 characters or less and should not
include any hashtags, mentions, or links. Do not provide any additional information or
explanations. My first request is “create a tweet for someone who has never tried [niche

Instagram Influencer
Pretend to be an Instagram influencer in [niche] with a large following. I will ask you to
provide captions, bio content, and other Instagram related questions such as using
Instagram features, etc. You will help me to present a cohesive and visually appealing feed,
and write captions that are creative, witty, and engaging. Do not provide any additional
information or explanations. My first request is “create a title for an Instagram reel about
meeting strangers”
Excel Expert
Pretend to be an Excel Expert. Help me complete a specific task in Microsoft Excel by
providing the use of functions and formulas. Your responses should focus only on the
functions and formulas needed to complete the task, and not include any extraneous
information or advice. My first request is “create a formula to replace the text value in cell
A1 to sentence case”

I want you to act as a parent offering advice and guidance. You will respond to various
scenarios that I present to you, providing support and guidance as if you were a caring
parent. Do not provide any additional information or explanations. Your responses should
be informative and practical, aimed at helping the individual resolve their issue or make a
good decision. Please avoid using profanity or overly negative language. Let's start with this
scenario: “My teenage son is struggling in school and refuses to study, what should I do?”

Interviewing and Preparation

Role Prompt
Pretend to be an interviewer. As the interviewer, I would like you to ask me interview
questions for [position]. Please respond in a manner that mimics an actual interview, asking
one question at a time and waiting for my response. Do not provide any explanations or
write out the entire conversation in advance. If my answer to a question is incorrect do not
provide the correct answer. Let's proceed in a manner that resembles a real interview
scenario. My first sentence is “hello”

Other useful Prompts

Generate some common interview questions for [position]
Generate some uncommon interview questions for [position]
Generate some difficult interview questions for [position]

Generate some complex interview questions for [position]

Generate some behavioural interview questions for [position]
Generate some ideas to effectively communicate during an interview for [position]
Provide some tips on how to answer questions about strengths and weaknesses

Provide some advice on how to handle stress-related questions in an interview

What are some common mistakes interviewees make during an interview for a
[position] position, and how to avoid them?
Provide some advice on how to answer questions about your experience and
Provide some tips on how to handle hypothetical or situational questions in an interview

What are some common interview questions that are asked to assess a candidate's
problem-solving skills?
Provide some tips on how to answer questions about your motivations and goals for the

Provide some advice on how to answer questions about your experience working with
specific tools or technologies relevant to the [position]
Give some tips on how to handle questions about salary expectations and benefits
Provide some advice on how to answer questions about your team collaboration and
leadership experience
Provide some tips on how to handle questions about your motivation for the role and
the company?
What are some common interview questions that are asked to assess a candidate's
adaptability and flexibility?

What are some common interview questions that are asked to assess a candidate's
strategic thinking and business acumen?
What are some common interview questions that are asked to assess a candidate's time
management and prioritization skills?

What are some common interview questions that are asked to assess a candidate's
ability to work in a fast-paced environment?
Provide some advice on how to answer questions about your experience with
stakeholder management and communication

What are some common interview questions that are asked to assess a candidate's
ability to work with cross-functional teams as a [position]?
What are some common interview questions that are asked to assess a candidate's
ability to communicate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders for a position of
What are some common interview questions that are asked to assess a candidate's
ability to work under pressure and handle stress?

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Role Prompt
Pretend to be a copywriter. I will provide you with a brief and target audience, and you will
write persuasive and creative copy to achieve the desired result. Your copy should be
engaging, relevant, and on-brand. Please include a clear call to action in your copy. Do not
include any explanations or additional information in your response. You'll be responsible
for creating compelling and effective copy for a variety of channels, including websites,
advertisements, and email campaigns. Your first task is to create a tagline for an E-learning
Note: Depending on your need, you can change the “How to” prompts in the below
prompts to something like this “Use the power of association in copywriting to write a
Facebook Ad copy to increase conversions for an E-learning Startup”

Other useful Prompts

How to use the power of association in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase

conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of anticipation in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of curiosity in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of nostalgia in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of surprise in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of repetition in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of exclusivity in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of authority in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of scarcity in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of urgency in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of simplicity in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of specificity in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the personal touch in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to
increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the ‘what’s in it for me’ approach in copywriting as a [niche]
copywriter to increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the ‘what’s in it for them’ approach in copywriting as a [niche]
copywriter to increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the ‘what’s in it for us’ approach in copywriting as a [niche]
copywriter to increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the ‘what’s in it for the world’ approach in copywriting as a
[niche] copywriter to increase conversions? Provide some examples

How to use the power of the ‘what’s in it for the future’ approach in copywriting as a
[niche] copywriter to increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the ‘what’s in it for the past’ approach in copywriting as a
[niche] copywriter to increase conversions? Provide some examples

How to use the power of the ‘what’s in it for the present’ approach in copywriting as a
[niche] copywriter to increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the ‘what’s in it for the present, the past, and the future’
approach in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase conversions? Provide some
How to use the power of questions in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
engagement? Provide some examples
How to use the power of storytelling in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the familiar in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the unfamiliar in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to
increase conversions? Provide some examples

How to use the power of the unknown in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the known in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the subconscious in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to
increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the conscious in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of simplicity in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of complexity in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the negative in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the positive in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the personal in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples

How to use the power of the impersonal in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to

increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the first-person in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to
increase conversions? Provide some examples

How to use the power of the second-person in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to

increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the present in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples

How to use the power of the hypothetical in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to

increase conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the direct in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use the power of the indirect in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use storytelling in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to connect with the
reader? Provide some examples
How to use AIDA model in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter? Provide some examples

How to use the PAS formula to create persuasive copy as a [niche] copywriter? Provide
some examples
How to use storytelling in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to connect with target
audience? Provide some examples
How to use social proof in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to build trust with target
audience? Provide some examples
How to use emotional appeals in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to create a strong
connection with customers? Provide some examples
How to use direct response copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to trigger target
audience to take action? Provide some examples
How to use brand copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to trigger target audience to take
action? Provide some examples
How to use scarcity and urgency in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase
conversions? Provide some examples
How to use customer testimonials in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to build trust
with potential customers? Provide some examples
How to use the use the inverted pyramid method in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter?
Provide some examples

List some uncommon copywriting as a [niche] copywriter techniques to increase

Generate some examples of unconventional copywriting campaign as a [niche]

How to use the power of contrast in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase

conversions? Provide some examples
List some common mistakes to avoid in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter with

How to use emotional triggers in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase

conversions? Provide some examples
How to use social proof in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to build trust? Provide
List some ways to use humor in copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to make the message
more engaging. Provide some examples
List some ways to use copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to build brand awareness.
Provide some examples
List some ways to use copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to increase email open and
click-through rates. Provide some examples
How to use copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to create effective product descriptions?
Provide some examples
List some ways to use copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to create effective email
campaigns. Provide some examples
How to use copywriting as a [niche] copywriter to create effective sales letters? Provide
some examples

Email Copywriter
Role Prompt

Pretend to be an email copywriter. I will provide you with a target audience and purpose,
and you will write persuasive and engaging email copy to achieve the desired result. Your
emails should be concise, relevant, and on-brand. Please include a clear call to action in
each email. Do not include any explanations or additional information in your response.
Your first task is to write a welcome email to new customers to encourage them to take
advantage of our services.
Other useful Prompts
Write an email to promote a product launch as a [niche] copywriter. The product is
[product name]. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name
is [company name].
Write a follow-up email after an initial sale as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is [your
job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to introduce a new feature for an existing product [product name] as a
[niche] copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company
name is [company name].
Write an email to announce a sale or discount as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].

Write a nurturing email for potential customers who haven't purchased yet as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].
Write an email to request customer feedback as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to welcome a new subscriber as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is [your
job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to re-engage inactive customers as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to invite customers to an event as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to provide a product update or bug fix as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to upsell a complementary product as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write a holiday-themed email to customers as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is [your
job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to promote a webinar or workshop as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to apologize for a technical issue or downtime. My job title is [your job
title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to highlight customer success stories as a [niche] copywriter. My job title
is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to educate customers on industry trends as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].

Write an email to promote a referral program as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is

[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to offer a free trial or demo as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is [your
job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].

Write an email to announce a new partnership or collaboration as a [niche] copywriter

Write an email to ask for a review or testimonial as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to promote a case study or white paper as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to offer exclusive content or resources as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to share industry insights or thought leadership as a [niche] copywriter.
My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company
Write an email to invite customers to join a loyalty or rewards program as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].

Write an email to share a company milestone or achievement as a [niche] copywriter.

My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company
Write an email to remind customers about an upcoming deadline as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].

Write an email to offer a special discount or promo code as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to introduce a new team member as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].

Write an email to promote a podcast or blog post as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to thank customers for their business as a [niche] copywriter. My job title
is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].

Write an email to provide helpful tips or tricks as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to ask for a referral or introduction as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to announce a change in company policy as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to share company news or updates as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is
[your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to promote a new video or video series as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to showcase customer reviews or testimonials as a [niche] copywriter My
job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to offer a webinar or workshop invitation as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to provide solutions to common customer problems as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].

Write an email to introduce a new product or service as a [niche] copywriter. My job

title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to share a company value or mission as a [niche] copywriter. My job title
is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to promote a product demo or consultation as a [niche] copywriter. My
job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to share company sustainability initiatives as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to encourage customer engagement and feedback as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].

Write an email to promote a survey or poll as a [niche] copywriter. My job title is [your
job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to remind customers about a time-sensitive offer as a [niche] copywriter.
My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company
Write an email to provide industry insights and analysis as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to offer a free trial or sample of a product or service as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].
Write an email to share a company culture or community outreach program as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].

Write an email to offer a personalized recommendation or suggestion as a [niche]

copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].
Write an email to introduce a guest speaker or influencer in the industry as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].
Write an email to encourage participation in a charity or fundraising event as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].
Write an email to promote a virtual or in-person event as a [niche] copywriter. My job
title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is [company name].
Write an email to share success stories or case studies from customers as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].
Write an email to provide educational resources or training opportunities as a [niche]
copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].

Write an email to offer a loyalty or rewards program to customers as a [niche]

copywriter. My job title is [your job title]. My name is [your name]. Company name is
[company name].
Email Marketer
Role Prompt
Pretend to be an email marketer and create an effective email campaign. Your role is to
craft an attention-grabbing subject line and email body that will entice the recipient to take
action. The email should also include any relevant email marketing best practices, such as
persuasive language. Do not provide any additional information or explanations. Your first
task is to create an email for a new clothing brand that targets young adults.
Other useful Prompts

Provide some unconventional methods for rapidly expanding an email list as a [niche]
email marketer.
What are some innovative approaches to categorizing an email list into specific groups
for a [niche] email marketer?

What are some recommended techniques for gathering email addresses from website
visitors for a [niche] email marketer?
What are some methods to use social media to increase email sign-up numbers for a
[niche] email marketer?

How to personalize campaigns by dividing email list into different groups as a [niche]
email marketer?
How to optimize email campaigns for different segments by conducting A/B testing as a
[niche] email marketer?
What are some successful ways to revitalize inactive email subscribers for a [niche]
email marketer?
How to target specific groups with marketing campaigns by dividing email list as a
[niche] email marketer?
What techniques should be used to segment email list through the use of surveys as a
[niche] email marketer?
What are some ways to use email automation to grow leads and turn them into
subscribers as a [niche] email marketer?
How to use email personalization to increase engagement with subscribers as a [niche]
email marketer?
How to use gamification to encourage email signups as a [niche] email marketer?
How to use email segmentation to improve the ROI of email campaigns as a [niche]
email marketer?
How to use email triggers to send personalized messages based on subscriber behavior
as a [niche] email marketer?
How to use email list cleaning to remove inactive subscribers and improve deliverability
as a [niche] email marketer?
How to use email list verification to ensure that email list is composed of valid and
accurate email addresses as a [niche] email marketer?
How to use chatbots to capture email addresses and segment the email list as a [niche]
email marketer?
How to use a mobile-responsive design for email templates as a [niche] email marketer?

How to use a clear and simple layout for email templates as a [niche] email marketer?
How to use images and graphics effectively in email templates as a [niche] email
How to use a clear and attention-grabbing subject line in email templates as a [niche]
email marketer?
How to use a clear and compelling call-to-action in email templates as a [niche] email
How to use personalization in email templates as a [niche] email marketer?
How to use dynamic content to make email templates more engaging as a [niche] email
How to use email marketing to increase customer retention as a [niche] email marketer?
How to use email marketing to upsell and cross-sell to existing customers as a [niche]
email marketer?

How to use email marketing to re-engage inactive subscribers as a [niche] email

How to use authentication techniques to increase email deliverability as a [niche] email

How to use email list pruning to improve deliverability as a [niche] email marketer?
How to use email deliverability best practices to ensure that emails are not marked as
spam as a [niche] email marketer?
What are the best practices for optimizing emails for mobile devices for a [niche] email
How to ensure that emails look good on all types of mobile devices as a [niche] email
How to make sure that emails are easy to read and navigate on a mobile device as a
[niche] email marketer?
How to make sure that emails load quickly on mobile devices as a [niche] email
How to make sure that calls-to-action are easy to tap on mobile devices as a [niche]
email marketer?
How to ensure emails are optimized for touchscreens as a [niche] email marketer?
How to make sure that emails are mobile-responsive as a [niche] email marketer?
How to optimize email subject line and preheader text for mobile devices as a [niche]
email marketer?
How to optimize the font size and spacing of text and images in emails for mobile
devices as a [niche] email marketer?
How to optimize the use of white space in emails for mobile devices as a [niche] email
What are common mistakes to avoid when optimizing emails for mobile devices as a
[niche] email marketer?

English – Translation, Vocabulary, and Grammar

Role Prompt

Pretend to be an English translator and grammar expert. I will give you sentences in English,
and you will provide their accurate translations into another language. You should also
check the grammar of the sentences and suggest corrections if necessary. Your answers
should be comprehensive and detail-oriented. Please do not include explanations or extra
information in your responses. Your first sentence to translate and check grammar for is: 'I
have been studying English for six years.'
Other useful Prompts
Translate the following text from [language] to English: [text in language].
Correct the grammar of the following sentence: [sentence].
Provide synonyms for the following words: [word1], [word2], [word3].
Provide antonyms for the following words: [word1], [word2], [word3].
Convert the following phrase from singular to plural: [phrase].
Correct the punctuation of the following sentence: [sentence].

Improve the vocabulary of the following sentence: [sentence].

Provide a definition for the following word: [word].
Change the following sentence from active to passive voice: [sentence].
Correct the capitalization of the following sentence: [sentence].
Correct the verb tense of the following sentence: [sentence].
Improve the coherence and flow of the following paragraph: [paragraph].

Translate the following email from [language] to English: [email in language].

Change the following sentence from indirect to direct speech: [sentence].
Correct the subject-verb agreement in the following sentence: [sentence].
Improve the clarity of the following statement: [statement].

Translate the following advertisement from [language] to English: [advertisement in

Provide a word that best fits in the blank: [sentence with blank].
Change the following sentence from first to third person point of view: [sentence].

Translate the following product description from [language] to English: [description in

Correct the adjective-noun agreement in the following sentence: [sentence].
Improve the tone and style of the following paragraph: [paragraph].
Translate the following instruction manual from [language] to English: [instruction
manual in language].
Provide a word that rhymes with the following word: [word].
Translate the following quote from [language] to English: [quote in language].
Change the following sentence from present to past tense: [sentence].

Translate the following business letter from [language] to English: [business letter in
Correct the usage of idioms in the following sentence: [sentence].
Improve the readability of the following text: [text].

Translate the following biography from [language] to English: [biography in language].

Change the following sentence from present perfect to simple past tense: [sentence].
Translate the following script from [language] to English: [script in language].
Correct the usage of colloquialisms in the following sentence: [sentence].

Provide antonyms for the following colloquialisms: [colloquialism1], [colloquialism2],

Translate the following email subject from [language] to English: [subject in language].
Correct the preposition-noun agreement in the following sentence: [sentence].
Improve the conciseness of the following paragraph: [paragraph].
Translate the following menu from [language] to English: [menu in language].

Change the following sentence from future to present tense: [sentence].

Translate the following personal letter from [language] to English: [personal letter in
Correct the usage of regional expressions in the following sentence: [sentence].

Translate the following social media post from [language] to English: [post in language].
Correct the verb-object agreement in the following sentence: [sentence].
Improve the persuasiveness of the following text: [text].
Translate the following dialogue from [language] to English: [dialogue in language].

Change the following sentence from future continuous to present continuous tense:
Translate the following academic paper from [language] to English: [academic paper in
Correct the usage of expressions of time in the following sentence: [sentence].

Translate the following brochure from [language] to English: [brochure in language].

Correct the usage of expressions of manner in the following sentence: [sentence].
Translate the following product description from [language] to English: [description in

Correct the adjective-noun agreement in the following sentence: [sentence].

Improve the readability of the following table: [table].
Translate the following technical manual from [language] to English: [technical manual in

Translate the following poem from [language] to English: [poem in language].

Correct the usage of expressions of reason in the following sentence: [sentence].
Correct the subject-object pronoun agreement in the following sentence: [sentence].
Correct the use of relative pronouns in the following sentence: [sentence].

Improve the conciseness of the following summary: [summary].

Correct the usage of expressions of place in the following sentence: [sentence].
Correct the verb tense consistency in the following paragraph: [paragraph].
Improve the grammar of the following text message: [text message].
Translate the following audio recording transcript from [language] to English: [audio
recording transcript in language].

Translate the following quote from [language] to English: [quote in language].

Correct the usage of expressions of frequency in the following sentence: [sentence].
Correct the use of modal verbs in the following sentence: [sentence].
Improve the vocabulary of the following essay: [essay].

Translate the following video script from [language] to English: [video script in
Correct the use of conditional sentences in the following sentence: [sentence].
Improve the clarity of the following explanation: [explanation].

Correct the use of relative clauses in the following sentence: [sentence].

Improve the coherence of the following argument: [argument].
Correct the use of passive voice in the following sentence: [sentence].
Improve the tone of the following email: [email].
Translate the following memoir from [language] to English: [memoir in language].

See how translating with Ai can be used for work!

SEO Specialist
Role Prompt
I want you to act as a SEO specialist. Your goal is to improve the website's search engine
rankings, drive more organic traffic to the site, and increase its visibility to potential
customers. Your response should include recommendations for improving the website's on-
page and off-page SEO, including content optimization, and link building strategies. Your
response should only consist of specific optimization techniques or actions to improve the
website's search engine ranking for the given keywords.

Other useful Prompts

What is voice search optimization and how can I optimize for it? Give some examples
What are the most important on-page SEO factors for a [niche] creator?
How to perform a technical SEO audit on [niche] website?
What is the difference between white hat and black hat SEO? Give some examples for a
[niche] creator
What are some tips for improving my website's page speed as a [niche] creator?

What is schema markup and how can I implement it on my [niche] website?

What are some strategies for building high-quality backlinks as a [niche] creator?
How can I track [niche] website's search engine rankings?
What are some common mistakes to avoid in SEO as a [niche] creator?

What are long-tail keywords and how can I use them in my SEO strategy as a [niche]
How can I use Google Search Console to improve my [niche] website’s SEO?
What are some tips for optimizing images for SEO as a [niche] creator?

How can I use Google My Business to improve my local SEO as a [niche] creator?
What are some tips for creating a successful SEO strategy for a [niche] creator?
What is the role of robots.txt in SEO specifically for a [niche] creator?
How can I use structured data to improve my SEO?
What is the role of 301 redirects in SEO for a [niche] creator?

How to effectively use hreflang attribute as a [niche] creator?

How to effectively use canonical tags in SEO as a [niche] creator?
How can I use Google Trends to inform my SEO strategy as a [niche] creator?
What is the role of meta robots in SEO for a [niche] creator?

How can I use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to inform my SEO strategy as a [niche]
What is the role of website silos in SEO for a [niche] creator?
What are some tips for creating an effective local citation strategy for SEO on a [niche]
What is the role of website XML sitemaps in SEO for a [niche] creator? Give an example
How to use competitor analysis to inform my SEO strategy as a [niche] creator?
What is the role of website meta keywords in SEO for a [niche] creator?

Create meta description for [topic]?

How to use website link structure to improve my SEO as a [niche] creator?
What are some tips for improving website content relevance for better SEO as a [niche]
How to use website technical audit to improve my SEO as a [niche] creator?

What is the importance of website meta data for better SEO on a [niche] website?
Create a list of keywords related to [topic]
Generate top performing keywords related to [topic]
How to use website internal linking to improve my SEO as a [niche] creator?

How to use website redirects to improve my SEO as a [niche] creator?

What are some tips for improving security for better SEO on a [niche] website?
How to use keyword-rich anchor text in SEO on a [niche] website?
How to use custom 404 pages to improve SEO on a [niche] website?

How to use website A/B testing to improve SEO on a [niche] website?

What is the role of website HTTPS encryption in SEO for a [niche] website?
How to use website search engine result snippets to improve SEO as a [niche] creator?
What is the role of website alt tags for images in SEO for a [niche] creator?
How to use website analytics to measure the success of SEO efforts as a [niche] creator?

How to use website header tags to improve SEO as a [niche] creator?

What is the role of website custom title tags in SEO for a [niche] creator?
What is the impact of website sitewide optimization on SEO for a [niche] creator?
What are some tips for creating a successful B2B SEO strategy for a [niche] creator?

What are some tips for creating a successful B2C SEO strategy for a [niche] creator?

Social Media Manager

Role Prompt
I want you to act as a social media manager for [company name]. Your job is to respond to
customer inquiries and handle their concerns on various social media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You should write professional, polite, and prompt
responses as if you are representing the company. Your answers should be based on the
information provided in the customer's inquiry and should aim to resolve their issue or
provide helpful information. You may also suggest promotional offers and products if
relevant. Let's start with a customer inquiry on Twitter: Hey, I'm having trouble with my
order. Can you help me out?
Other useful Prompts
Write a catchy tweet to promote our latest product [product name]
Write a creative Instagram caption for our latest blog post on [blog post title]

Respond to a negative comment on our Facebook page: [comment]

Create 10 unique hashtags for an Instagram campaign to increase brand awareness for
[company name]
Create 30 Facebook posts to increase customer engagement for [product name]

We build Digital Marketing products in [niche]. What kind of content would perform well
on LinkedIn for our B2B audience?
Write a Facebook ad copy to promote our sale of product [product name]?
How to increase brand visibility through Pinterest as a [niche] creator?

Write a catchy tagline for TikTok challenge for a as a [niche] creator.

How to run a successful Instagram influencer campaign as a [niche] creator?
Create 5 creative ideas for a Twitter poll about [Topic]?
Create a Facebook event for an upcoming webinar on [topic]
How to run a successful Twitter contest?

Write a reply to a positive review on Yelp page? The review is: [review]
Write a Facebook post to announce a company milestone [milestone]
Write a creative caption for our latest Instagram post about [topic]
Write a LinkedIn post to promote our latest whitepaper on [topic]

Create a Twitter thread to share company updates for [company name]

Write a Facebook post to announce a partnership between [company] and [another
Generate some tips to increase brand presence on Snapchat as a [niche] creator for
[company name] company
Write a reply to a negative review on our Google My Business page. The review is:
How to automate LinkedIn posts?

How to encourage people to comment on my LinkedIn post? Give some examples

How to find influencers on LinkedIn and collaborate with them in [niche]?
How to write catchy LinkedIn profile headline as a [niche] creator? Provide some
What are some uncommon ways to optimize YouTube video titles, descriptions, and tags
for search as a [niche] creator?
How to create a consistent branding for YouTube channel as a [niche] creator?
Write a reply to a customer question on our Twitter. Question: [question]
Generate 5 creative ideas for a Facebook Live event on [topic]

Generate content ideas for Pinterest board to showcase our products: [comma
separated product list]
List some unique ways to increase brand visibility through Instagram Explore page for a
[niche] creator

Write a Facebook ad copy to promote a limited time offer for a [niche] creator
How to use LinkedIn to showcase company culture for [company name] company?
Write a LinkedIn post to announce a new hire: [name]
Create a Facebook post to promote employee recognition for [company name] company
How to increase brand awareness through Reddit as a [niche] creator?

Create a series of Twitter posts to promote a new product feature: [new feature
How to increase brand visibility through Snapchat filters? [brand name]
Create some unique tips to use LinkedIn to connect with potential customers as a [niche]
Create a Twitter post to announce a company giveaway for [company name] company
List some unique ways to increase brand awareness through YouTube [brand name]
How to use LinkedIn to build relationships with [industry name] industry influencers?
Generate 5 creative ideas for a Facebook Q&A session as a [niche] creator
Write a LinkedIn post to share company culture [company culture]
Write a creative Twitter post to share a customer testimonial. [Testimonial]

See how Ai is used for marketing!

Role Prompt
Pretend to be a professor or teacher, providing knowledge and instruction on a specific
topic. I will provide you with a question or scenario, and you will respond with a clear and
concise explanation. Your response should be educational, informative, and helpful. Avoid
using overly technical language or jargon, and aim to make the information accessible to a
broad audience. Let's start with this topic: “Explain the proof of Bayes Theorem”

Other useful Prompts

Create 5 subjective questions on [topic]
Give me some project ideas for final year [course name] students to work individually
covering the topics [comma separated topics]
Create a guide for students to work on how to successfully their final year project
Create an 8-week project plan to complete the above project
Convert each point into a task with examples and ideas. Create it in a tabular format
Create scenario based multiple choice questions with 1 correct answer and 3 incorrect
distractors on logistic regression and explanation
I want you to act as an English teacher and generate a worksheet with a list of unique
sentences where each sentence having a missing word to check English Grammar skills
of the students. After every sentence provide a list of 4 words, 1 correct and 3 incorrect.
Also provide the explanation behind the correct word.

I want you to act as a mathematics professor. Check the multiple-choice questions I

provide with answers and calculate total marks. Each question has 4 options with one
correct option. Each question carries 1 mark. My first set of questions is: [questions as
shown below]
Question 1. What is three fifth of 100?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 20

D. 60
Student's answer – A
Question 2. If David’s age is 27 years old in 2011. What was his age in 2003?
A. 17 years
B. 37 years

C. 20 years
D. 19 years
Student’s answer – B
Check Research proposal. I want you to act as a PhD guide. Check this research proposal
to understand if it meets APA format: [research proposal]
What are some effective strategies for encouraging student participation in class?
How to handle a disruptive student in the classroom?
How to assess a student's understanding of a concept without giving a traditional test?

How to help a student who is falling behind in your class?

What are some best practices for grading and providing feedback on student work?
How to encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students?
What are the most effective ways to integrate project-based learning into teaching?
How to incorporate student interests and passions into your lessons?

How to teach a controversial topic in the class?

What are some effective strategies for encouraging student participation in class?

Role Prompt
Pretend to be a student. I will ask you questions, and you should respond with detailed and
accurate answers. Your responses should be written in complete sentences and formatted
in a manner that is easy to understand. Please keep your responses concise and to the
point, and avoid providing any additional information unless explicitly asked. You should not
include any opinions not supported by facts. Please start by writing an essay on
Other useful Prompts
To study more productively brainstorm some uncommon ideas
Create a weekly study timetable for a mathematics student to study the topic Probability
Theory and break down the topic into sub-topics. The timetable should include relax
breaks, food breaks, and sleep breaks. Return the output in a tabular form for a week
displayed in time blocks.
I want you to act as an essay writer writing an essay on the topic successful mindset. You
will research this topic, formulate a thesis statement, and create a persuasive essay that
is engaging and informative.

I want you to act as a math teacher. I will provide some mathematics questions or
concepts and you will provide me step-by-step instructions and explanations in layman
terms. first question is what is Angle Bisector Theorem
What are the most important things I should know about [topic]

Explain the topic Cloud Computing for a 5-th grade student

Create questions and answers in tabular form for the topic
Create a detailed curriculum with basic to highly advanced topics in Python
programming language

I want you to act as a Python programming tutor. I will provide some codes and you will
explain that what these codes mean in simple terms. first code is: [code]
Summarize this text with important points in bullet format with descriptions: [text]
How to write a [essay/research paper] on [topic]?
How to improve my [writing/speaking/etc.] skills in [language]?

What are some common mistakes students make when [writing/speaking/etc.] in

What are some unconventional tips for staying motivated while studying?
Provide some practice questions for [test/exam/etc.] on [subject]

What are some ways to improve memory and recall for [subject/exam/etc.]?
Explain the difference between [concept 1] and [concept 2]
What are some ways to reduce stress before [exam/test/presentation]?
Provide some examples of [concept/theorem/etc.] in real-life situations?
What are some study habits that are most effective for [subject/exam/etc.]?
How to cite sources in [APA/MLA/etc.] style?
What are some ways to stay organized while studying?
Provide a sample outline for [essay/research paper/etc.] on [topic]

How to use [software/program/etc.] for [task/project/etc.]?

What are some strategies for improving [reading/listening/etc.] skills in [language]?
Can you provide a list of important terms and definitions for [subject/topic]?
What are some ways to overcome procrastination when studying?
What are some ways to stay focused and avoid distractions while studying?
What are some ways to improve critical thinking skills?
How to approach [problem/task/etc.] using [method/technique/etc.]?

What are some ways to enhance creativity and innovation in [subject/topic]?

How to stay up-to-date with developments and advancements in [subject/field/etc.]?
Can you provide some tips for staying organized and managing time while studying?
Can you provide a list of recommended websites for [research/information/etc.] on
Can you help me understand the relationship between [concept/idea/etc.] and
How to evaluate the reliability and validity of sources for [research/information/etc.] on
How to prepare for a [presentation/debate/etc.] in [subject/topic]?
How to choose a [major/career/etc.] in [field/industry/etc.]?
What are some effective methods for self-study and independent learning?
Can you provide a list of online resources for finding scholarships and financial aid for
Can you provide a list of recommended books, articles, and other resources for learning
more about [subject/topic/etc.]?

Programming Assistant
Role Prompt

I want you to act as a programming assistant. I will give you code snippets and ask you
programming related questions. You will provide me with the output of the code and
answer my questions. You should consider the latest version of the programming language
used in the code and provide the output based on that. You may also need to debug the
code if necessary. Please do not provide any additional information or explanations other
than the output for the code snippet and answers to the questions. Let’s explain what is
lambda function in Python?
Other useful Prompts

Find bug in this code: [code]

Provide the output of this [programming language] code: [code]
What is the difference between [concept1] and [concept2] in [programming language]?
What is the best way to handle exceptions in [programming language?
How to perform HTTP requests in [programming language]?
Provide an example of how to use regular expressions in [programming language]

How to implement a linked list in [programming language]?

Explain the purpose of an abstract class in [programming language]
Explain how to implement a hash table in [programming language]
How to use asynchronous programming in [programming language]?

What is the purpose of a constructor in [programming language]?

How to optimize code for performance in [programming language]?
Explain how to use a database with [programming language]
Explain how to use a debugger in [programming language]

How to use object-relational mapping (ORM) with [programming language]?

How to use a web framework with [programming language]?
How to handle file I/O in [programming language]?
How to use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern in [programming

How to implement a priority queue in [programming language]?

How to implement a graph data structure in [programming language]?
How to handle dates and times in [programming language]?
How to use a front-end framework with [programming language]?

How to implement [algorithm] in [programming language]?

How to handle forms in [programming language]?
How to use a [framework] with [UI software framework]? Example - How to use a
mobile framework with React Native?
Marketing Expert
Role Prompt
I want you to act as a marketing expert. I will provide you with marketing questions and
scenarios, and I expect you to respond with practical and actionable advice. Your answers
should be informed by industry best practices and trends, and should take into account the
specific details provided in each scenario. Your answers should not include any personal
opinions or subjective judgment. Please focus on providing data-driven and results-oriented
recommendations. Please do not provide any additional information or explanations. Let's
start with the following scenario: Our company [company name] is launching a new product
called [product name], create a comprehensive marketing plan for this product
Other useful Prompts
Create the persona of a/an [target profile/characteristics]. For example; Create persona
of a Business Analyst
What are the most effective social media marketing strategies for a [niche] company?
What are the most successful case studies in content marketing for a [niche] company?
What are the key components of a successful marketing plan for a [niche] company?

How to create a strong brand identity as a [niche] marketer? Give an example

What are the most effective ways to target ideal customers in [niche]? Give an example
How to optimize landing pages for higher conversions in [niche]? Give an example
What are the best methods for lead generation as a [niche] marketer? Give an example
What are the most effective ways to use video in marketing campaigns in [niche]? Give
an example
How to create a successful mobile marketing strategy for [niche] company? Give an
How to use data and analytics to drive marketing decisions in [niche]?

What are the best practices for cross-channel marketing as a [niche] marketer?
How to improve customer acquisition and retention strategies as a [niche] marketer?
Give an example
What are the most successful strategies for event marketing as a [niche] marketer?

How to use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for marketing as a
[niche] marketer?
How to use virtual and augmented reality in marketing campaigns as a [niche] marketer?
Give an example
How to leverage customer personas in marketing campaigns as a [niche] marketer?
How to create a successful omnichannel marketing strategy as a [niche] marketer? Give
an example

What are the best practices for marketing automation for a [niche] marketer?
What are the most successful case studies in email marketing a [niche] marketer?
How to create a strong brand voice and message as a [niche] marketer? Give an example
How to effectively use visual storytelling in marketing campaigns as a [niche] marketer?

What are the most effective ways to use chatbots in marketing campaigns as a [niche]
How to create an effective retargeting strategy as a [niche] marketer? Give an example
How to create a successful social media advertising campaign as a [niche] marketer?
Give an example
What are the most successful case studies in mobile marketing for a [niche] marketer?
How to improve brand's online reputation and crisis management strategy as a [niche]
marketer? Give an example
What are the most effective methods for using influencer marketing in B2B industries
for a [niche] marketer?
How to improve lead nurturing strategy as a [niche] marketer? Give an example
How to create an effective landing page optimization strategy as a [niche] marketer?
Give an example

What are the most successful case studies in event marketing for a [niche] marketer?
How to use customer segmentation to create targeted marketing campaigns as a [niche]
What are the best practices for using customer testimonials in marketing campaigns for
a [niche] marketer?
How to create a successful influencer marketing campaign for a niche audience as a
[niche] marketer? Give an example
How to create a compelling brand story that resonates with target audience as a [niche]
marketer? Give an example
What are the most successful case studies in using virtual events and webinars for
marketing for a [niche] marketer?
What are the best practices for using customer research and surveys in marketing for a
[niche] marketer?
How to use social media to drive lead generation and sales as a [niche] marketer?
What are the most effective methods for creating and promoting branded content for a
B2B audience as a [niche] marketer?

How to create a successful cross-promotion campaign with partner brands as a [niche]

marketer? Give an example

LinkedIn Expert
Role Prompt

Pretend to be a LinkedIn expert, helping me improve my profile and grow my network. Your
replies should focus on practical tips and best practices for maximizing my presence on
LinkedIn as a [niche] creator. Please do not provide any personal opinions or advice outside
of the realm of LinkedIn usage. Also, do not provide any additional information or
explanations. My first request is how to optimize my LinkedIn profile as a [position].
Other useful Prompts
How to optimize my LinkedIn profile to attract more followers as a [position]?
What are the best practices for creating a LinkedIn headline for a [position]? Give
How to write a compelling LinkedIn summary as a [position]?
How to network effectively on LinkedIn as a [position]?
How to use LinkedIn to build my personal brand as a [position]?
What are the best strategies for promoting content on LinkedIn?

How to make the most of my LinkedIn endorsements and recommendations as a

What are the best ways to use LinkedIn for thought leadership as a [position]?
How to use LinkedIn to build relationships with influencers in [industry]?

What are the best practices for using LinkedIn for building and managing a community?
How to use LinkedIn to showcase my portfolio as a [position]?
How to effectively use LinkedIn to showcase my accomplishments and skills as

What are the best practices for using LinkedIn to grow your professional network as a
student of [subject]?
How to use LinkedIn to network with people in a specific age group or demographic?
What are the best practices for using LinkedIn to engage with my target audience and
build relationships as a [position]?
What are the best ways to use LinkedIn to promote a professional or personal blog or
website as a [position]?
How to use LinkedIn to network with people who have similar interests and hobbies?
How to use LinkedIn to network with people who have a similar background or

How to use LinkedIn to network with people who have a similar career path or
professional experience?
How to use LinkedIn to network with people who have a similar industry focus or

What are the best practices for using LinkedIn to promote a professional or personal
brand as a coach or mentor in [industry]?

Role Prompt

Pretend to be a YouTube expert. I will ask you to provide tips and advice on how to create,
optimize, and monetize YouTube videos as a [niche] video creator along with video scripts.
Do not provide any additional information or explanations. Your responses should be brief
and to the point, focusing solely on the topic of YouTube and video creation for [niche]. My
first request is “provide an uncommon YouTube video title for a Vlog in Illinois”

Other useful Prompts

What are some unconventional ways to make a viral video on YouTube for a [niche]
video creator?
How to create a YouTube thumbnail that stands out as a [niche] video creator?
How to optimize YouTube video for search as a [niche] video creator?
What are some unknown ways to monetize a [niche] YouTube channel?
How to create a collaboration strategy for [niche] YouTube channel?
How to optimize [niche] YouTube video for engagement and retention?

What are the best practices for promoting [niche] YouTube videos on social media?
How to deal with YouTube copyright issues and claims?
What are the best ways to handle negative comments and criticism on YouTube as a
[niche] video creator?
How to improve YouTube channel's watch time as a [niche] video creator?
What are the best ways to use end screens and annotations in [niche] YouTube videos?
How to create a successful YouTube series as a [niche] video creator?

What are the best tips for improving the sound quality in YouTube videos?
How to use SEO to rank YouTube videos higher in search results on YouTube and
What are the best ways to use YouTube stories and other features for a [niche] channel?

How to deal with burnout as a YouTuber and maintain a healthy work-life balance as a
[niche] video creator?
What are the best ways to network and connect with other YouTubers in [niche]?
How to use YouTube Community Tab to engage with audience?

How to handle and respond to YouTube copyright strikes?

What are the best ways to use YouTube Audio Library for [niche] channel?
What are the best ways to use YouTube's Content ID system to protect copyrighted
What are the best ways to use YouTube's video thumbnails to make videos that stand
out and drive more clicks as a [niche] video creator?
How to use YouTube's video insights to track and understand audience's behavior and
preferences as a [niche] video creator?
How to use YouTube's video customizations, such as background music and video intros,
to enhance videos and brand channel as a [niche] video creator?
What are the best tips for creating successful YouTube challenges for a [niche] video
How to use YouTube's video analytics to determine the best time to publish videos and
maximize views as a [niche] video creator?
How to use YouTube's video editing tools, such as slow-motion, fast-motion, and time-
lapse, to enhance videos and make them visually appealing?
How to use storytelling in YouTube videos to create an emotional connection with
audience and make the content more impactful and memorable as a [niche] video
What are the best tips for creating YouTube videos that are entertaining, inspiring, and
empowering, while also being relatable and relevant to target audience for a [niche]
video creator?
Course Creator
Role Prompt
Pretend to be a [niche] course creator. I will ask you for tips and ways to course creation as
a [niche] expert. Do not provide any additional information or explanations. Your responses
should be brief and to the point, focusing solely on the topic of course creation and the
content related to [niche]. First give me some course title ideas that contains [niche]
Other useful Prompts
Create an effective course outline on [course title] for maximum student engagement?

How to incorporate gamification into [course title] course to increase student

motivation and engagement?
How to encourage students for interaction and collaboration in an online course?
How to provide feedback and support to students during and after the course?
What are the best practices for promoting a [course title] course and attracting
How to price the course effectively and maximize its potential revenue?
How to design and deliver an effective onboarding process for new students?

What are the ethical considerations when creating and delivering online courses?
How to use storytelling and other narrative elements in [course title] course to engage
How to effectively use social media to promote [course title] course and build a
community around it?

How to design and deliver effective post-course support to help students retain their
learning and continue to grow?
How to use design thinking to create a user-centered course experience?
How to create and use case studies, real-life examples, and scenario-based learning in
[course title] course?
How to create and deliver effective project-based learning experiences for students?
How to create and use simulations and role-plays to enhance the learning experience?
How to create and use peer-to-peer learning experiences in [course title] course?

How to design and deliver effective self-paced [course title] course that meet student
needs and preferences?
Career Coach
Role Prompt
Pretend to be a career coach specialized in helping people find their job. Your task is to
provide a response to me, focusing only on providing guidance and tips for career paths in
the [niche] industry. Do not provide any general career advice, and do not offer suggestions
for jobs outside of the [niche] industry. Do not provide any additional information or
explanations. Your response should be concise and to the point, while still offering valuable

Other useful Prompts

How to transition to a new career, and what steps to take to make the switch
How to assess if a job offer is the right fit for you, and what factors to consider beyond
compensation and job responsibilities?
How to build a strong professional network to find job opportunities and advance in my
career as a [position]?
How to negotiate salary and benefits effectively, and what factors to consider in
compensation packages as a [position]?
How to overcome job search and career-related anxiety and stress?
How to navigate workplace conflicts and maintain positive relationships with colleagues
and supervisors?
How to improve communication skills to excel in job and advance in my career as a
How to identify career paths that align with my personal values and goals, and what
steps to take to achieve them?
How to handle job rejection and bounce back from career setbacks?

How to maintain a work-life balance and avoid job burnout?

How to identify and overcome unconscious biases and discrimination in the workplace?
How to build a strong personal brand and reputation as a thought leader in [niche]

How to navigate and overcome age-related biases in the workplace?

How to build and maintain a positive work culture, particularly as a manager or leader in
an organization?
How to build a successful freelance career in [niche] industry, including tips for finding
clients, setting rates, and managing finances? How to navigate and overcome gender-
related biases in the workplace?

HR consultant
Role Prompt
Pretend to be an HR consultant and provide advice on various HR related topics, such as
recruitment, employee relations, compensation, and benefits. Do not provide any additional
information or explanations. Your responses should be limited to professional
recommendations and best practices in the field of HR. Please avoid giving personal
opinions or making value judgments. My first request is “Give some ideas to make better
relationship with newly hired employees”

Other useful Prompts

What are the most common reasons for employee turnover and how can they be
How can HR improve workplace diversity and inclusion?

What is the best way to handle a dispute between two employees?

What are the best practices for conducting performance evaluations?
What is the appropriate way to handle an employee complaint?
How can HR address workplace harassment and discrimination?
What are the best ways to communicate company changes to employees?

What are the most common mistakes that employers make when it comes to employee
How can HR support employee development and career growth?
How can HR promote a positive company culture?

What are the best ways to measure employee engagement and job satisfaction?
How can HR ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations in [country]?
How can HR address workplace stress and burnout among employees?
What are the most important considerations when developing a company's total
rewards strategy?
How can HR create a positive onboarding experience for new employees?
How can HR ensure that company-wide training programs are effective and meet the
needs of employees?
What are the best practices for managing employee time off and leave requests?

How can HR ensure that company-wide communications are consistent and effective?
How can HR ensure that company policies and procedures are up-to-date and meet the
changing needs of the business?
How can HR ensure that the company is compliant with anti-discrimination and anti-
harassment laws?
What are the most effective strategies for managing employee absences and leaves of
How can HR promote a culture of open communication and transparency within the
How can HR support the professional development of employees?

Financial Advisor
Role Prompt
Pretend to be a financial advisor. I will ask you to provide financial advice,
recommendations, and tips. Avoid any explanation or elaboration, just provide brief and
clear financial advice. Your responses should only include financial suggestions,
recommendations, and tips. My first request is “I am 25 years old working as a [position].
What would you suggest me to become a millionaire in 5 years”
Other useful Prompts

How can I create a budget that works for me as a [age] year old?
What are the best savings strategies for young adults who are in the age group of 18-24
How can I save for retirement on a low income?
What are the tax benefits of investing in real estate in [country]?
How can I reduce my debt efficiently?
What are the most common financial mistakes people make and how can I avoid them?
How can I make smart investment decisions?

What are the best options for long-term savings and investment?
What are the steps I should take to secure my financial future?
How can I create a financial plan that meets my goals and needs?
What are the best ways to save money for a child’s education?
How can I maximize my returns on savings accounts?
What are the best ways to invest in gold and precious metals?

How can I plan for a financially secure future during a career change?
What are the best ways to invest in real estate as a passive investor?
How can I protect my assets during a long-term care situation?

Resume and Cover Letter Writer

Role Prompt
Pretend to be a Resume and Cover Letter Writer. I want you to create professional and
effective resumes and cover letters for job applicants. Your response should be the
complete text of the resume and cover letter, with appropriate information and language to
highlight the applicant's skills and experiences. Do not provide any additional information or
explanations. Make sure that the content in resume and cover letter covers only one A4 size
page. Firstly, create a cover letter for a person working as a Software Developer having 5
years of experience who is applying to [company name]. The details of the experience:
1. Junior Developer – 2 years at [company name]

2. Senior Developer – 1.5 years at [company name]

3. Software Developer – 1.5 years at [company name]
Other useful Prompts
How to address employment gaps in a resume? Give an example
How to demonstrate value proposition in a cover letter? Give an example

What are the best ways to convey enthusiasm and passion in a cover letter? Give an
Craft a compelling introduction that grabs the hiring manager's attention for [position]
Create an example to effectively showcase soft skills on a resume and cover letter

Create an example to effectively showcase transferable skills on a resume and cover

How to showcase leadership and teamwork skills on a resume and cover letter?
What are the best ways to address salary requirements in a cover letter?

How to write a resume and cover letter for a job in a highly competitive field?
Create an example to effectively communicate career goals and aspirations in a cover
How to use humour to make a cover letter that stands out? Give an example
How to effectively explain employment gaps due to personal circumstances on a resume
and cover letter?

How to format and organize a resume and cover letter for maximum impact?

Home Remedy Practitioner

Role Prompt
Pretend to be a Home Remedy Practitioner. I will ask you to provide the home remedies for
common ailments or conditions by giving only their ingredients and preparation methods,
without any explanations or additional information. My first request is “how to cure sore
Other useful Prompts
Provide some natural remedies for headaches.
Give some home remedy for colds and flu.
How can I get rid of indigestion using natural remedies?
Give a remedy for reducing inflammation in the body.
What are some natural remedies for boosting the immune system?

Provide some home remedies for reducing stress and anxiety.

Give some remedies for improving sleep.
How can I relieve joint pain naturally?
Provide some remedies for improving skin health.
What are some natural remedies for reducing menstrual cramps?

Give some remedies for reducing dark circles under the eyes.
How can I reduce bloating naturally?
Give some remedies for relieving muscle soreness.
What are some natural remedies for improving memory and concentration?

Provide some home remedies for treating sunburn.

Give some remedies for promoting healthy hair growth.
How can I improve heart health with natural remedies?
Provide some remedies for reducing joint stiffness.

What are some natural remedies for improving energy levels?

Give some home remedies for treating skin rashes.
Give some remedies for reducing muscle cramps.
Give some remedies for improving vision.

How can I reduce high blood pressure naturally?

What are some natural remedies for improving liver health?
Give some home remedies for reducing fever.
How can I get rid of dandruff naturally?

Provide some remedies for treating chronic pain.

What are some natural remedies for reducing arthritis pain?
Give some remedies for improving kidney function.
How can I reduce high cholesterol naturally?

What are some natural remedies for improving mental clarity?

Give some home remedies for reducing menstrual discomfort.
How can I improve sleep quality naturally?
Give some home remedies for treating hiccups.
Provide some remedies for improving liver function.

What are some natural remedies for reducing high blood sugar levels?
How can I reduce insomnia naturally?
Give some remedies for improving kidney function.
Provide some remedies for treating dandruff.

Give some home remedies for improving skin complexion.

Web Developer
Role Prompt
Pretend to be a Web Developer. I will ask you technical questions related to web
development and you will provide correct answers to those questions. Your responses
should only include code snippets and technical information, without any explanations or
additional context. My first question is “what is the use of namespace in web development”
Other useful Prompts
What are the best practices for designing responsive web pages for a [niche] website?

How to optimize website speed and performance as a web developer?

What are the most common security vulnerabilities in web applications and how to
prevent them?
How to use version control systems (VCS) such as Git for collaborative web
What is the best way to test web applications, and what are the most common testing
How to ensure cross-browser compatibility for web pages?

Create a responsive navigation menu using HTML5 and CSS for [niche] website with
pages [page1 name], [page2 name, [page3 name]?
How to handle browser caching and server-side caching for web applications?
How to integrate MySQL database with web applications?

How to use CSS pre-processors such as Sass or Less to make styling more efficient?
How to use JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue to
enhance website functionality?
How to use APIs to integrate data from third-party services into web applications?
How to use web sockets to enable real-time communication between clients and
How to use cloud platforms such as AWS or Google Cloud to deploy and scale web
How to implement responsive typography on [niche] website? Give an example

What are the best practices for implementing search functionality on [niche] website?
How to use task runners such as Grunt or Gulp to automate repetitive tasks in web
How to implement user authentication and authorization on web applications? Give an
example for [niche] website
What are the best practices for creating and managing databases in web development?
How to use serverless computing platforms such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions to
build web applications?

How to use web performance metrics such as Lighthouse or PageSpeed Insights to

improve website's performance?
What are the best practices for implementing a mobile-first design strategy in web
development for a [niche] website?
How to use A/B testing to optimize website conversions and user engagement?
How to implement web push notifications for [niche] website users?
How to use data visualization tools such as D3 or High charts to display data on [niche]

How to use continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) tools to streamline web
development workflows?
How to use server-side rendering (SSR) to improve website performance and search
engine optimization (SEO)?

How to use progressive web app (PWA) technologies to create fast, reliable, and
engaging web experiences? Give an example
How to use browser developer tools such as Chrome DevTools to debug and optimize
web applications?

How to use headless browsers such as Puppeteer or Playwright for automated testing
and web scraping?

Twitter Influencer
Role Prompt
Pretend to be a Twitter Influencer in [niche]. I will ask you to come up with creative and
attention-grabbing tweets that showcase my brand [brand name or your name], influence,
and personal style. The tweets you provide should be 140 characters or less and should not
include any hashtags, mentions, or links. Do not provide any additional information or
explanations. My first request is “create a tweet for someone who has never tried [niche

Other useful Prompts

What are some tips for creating engaging tweets as a [niche] creator?
How to effectively use hashtags on Twitter as a [niche] creator?
How to use Twitter's "Moments" feature effectively as a [niche] creator?
How to collaborate with other content creators on Twitter to reach new audiences as a
[niche] creator?
How to avoid using the same hashtags in every tweet as a [niche] creator?
How to effectively use Twitter's "Search" feature as a [niche] creator?

How to use Twitter to build a strong community to attract more followers as a [niche]
How to ensure that my account is consistent and on-brand as a [niche] creator?
How to effectively use Twitter's "List" feature as a [niche] creator?
How to effectively use Twitter's "Analytics" feature?

Instagram Influencer
Role Prompt
Pretend to be an Instagram influencer in [niche] with a large following. I will ask you to
provide captions, bio content, and other Instagram related questions such as using
Instagram features, etc. You will help me to present a cohesive and visually appealing feed,
and write captions that are creative, witty, and engaging. Do not provide any additional
information or explanations. My first request is “create a title for an Instagram reel about
meeting strangers”
Other useful Prompts
How to create an Instagram bio as a [niche] creator that attracts people?
How often should I post on Instagram to keep my followers engaged as a [niche]
How to effectively use hashtags to increase my reach on Instagram as a [niche] creator?
How to interact with other users to gain more followers as a [niche] creator?
How to effectively use Instagram Live to connect with my followers as a [niche] creator?

How to use Instagram highlights as a [niche] creator to grow my following?

How to collaborate with other Instagram users to increase my reach as a [niche]
How to create a consistent aesthetic for my Instagram account as a [niche] creator?
How to optimize my Instagram profile for search as a [niche] creator?

What are the most effective ways to use Instagram captions to engage my followers as a
[niche] creator?
How to use Instagram polls to interact with my followers as a [niche] creator?
How to use Instagram challenges to increase engagement as a [niche] creator?

How to effectively use Instagram shoutouts to gain more followers as a [niche] creator?

Excel Expert
Role Prompt
Pretend to be an Excel Expert. Help me complete a specific task in Microsoft Excel by
providing the use of functions and formulas. Your responses should focus only on the
functions and formulas needed to complete the task, and not include any extraneous
information or advice. My first request is “create a formula to replace the text value in cell
A1 to sentence case”
Other useful Prompts

Write an excel formula to find the sum of values in cells A2: A11. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to find the number of values in cells A2: A11. Give me only
Write an excel formula to find the average of values in cells A2: A11. Give me only
Write excel formulas to find the maximum and minimum of values in cells A2: A11. Give
me only formula
Write an excel formula to find the sum of values in cells B2:B11 if values in column
A2:A11 is equal to “John”. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to find [object_name] in [table name] which has [n] rows and
return the [object value in the corresponding column]. For example; Write an excel
formula to find biscuit in grocery table which has 5 rows and return the price. Give me
only formula OR write an excel formula to find biscuit in grocery table which is stored in
cells A1:B5 rows and return the price. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to extract everything after # in cell A1. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to extract everything before # in cell A1. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula combine text in columns A and B but separated them with a
single space. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to extract values starting from fourth position in cell A1. Give me
only formula
Write an excel formula to round values to 2 decimal places in cell A1. Give me only
Write an excel formula to remove extra space from cell A1. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to find the absolute value of cell A1. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to replace [text value] from [another text value] in cell A1. Give
me only formula. For example; Write an excel formula to replace Johhn from John in cell
A1. Give me only formula.
Write an excel formula to find the rank of values in cells A1:A5 and lock the range. Give
me only formula
Write an excel formula to find the rank of values in cells A1:A5 in reverse order and lock
the range. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to find the sum of column A value if column B is equal to
“Monday” and column C is “24/12/2020”. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to check if values in column A, column B, and column C are same.
Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to generate normal random variable with mean 5 and standard
deviation 2. Give me only formula
Write an excel formula to find the sum of multiplications of values in cells A1:A5 and
cells B1:B5. Give me only formula

Role Prompt
I want you to act as a parent offering advice and guidance. You will respond to various
scenarios that I present to you, providing support and guidance as if you were a caring
parent. Do not provide any additional information or explanations. Your responses should
be informative and practical, aimed at helping the individual resolve their issue or make a
good decision. Please avoid using profanity or overly negative language. Let's start with this
scenario: “My teenage son is struggling in school and refuses to study, what should I do?”

Other useful Prompts

How can I promote healthy eating habits in my child?
What are some effective ways to discipline my child?
How can I improve communication with my child?
How can I limit screen time for my child?

How can I help my child develop strong self-esteem?

How to encourage my child to play outdoor games?
What are some ways to encourage good sleep habits in children?
How can I help my child develop strong social skills?

How can I promote healthy habits such as regular exercise, proper hygiene, dental care
in my child?
What are some effective strategies for managing tantrums in children?
How can I help my child develop a love of reading?

What are some ways to encourage creativity in children?

How can I help my child develop strong problem-solving skills?
What are some ways to promote a positive family dynamic?
How can I help my child cope with change and transitions?
What are the dangers of bullying and how can I prevent it for my child?
How can I support my child's emotional well-being?

What are some effective strategies for managing sibling relationships?

How can I encourage my child's natural curiosity?
How can I help my child develop a growth mindset?
How can I support my child's physical development?

How can I help my child develop good time management skills?

What are the dangers of cyberbullying and how can I protect my child?
What are some ways to promote healthy relationships with friends for children?
How can I support my child's artistic and creative interests?

What are some effective strategies for managing stress and anxiety in children?
How can I help my child build resilience?
What are the dangers of overscheduling and how can I avoid it for my child?
How can I help my child develop strong moral values?
How can I encourage my child's natural sense of empathy and compassion?

How can I help my child build strong character traits such as honesty and responsibility?
What are some effective strategies for managing temper tantrums and outbursts in
How can I help my child develop strong teamwork skills?

What are some effective strategies for managing frustration and anger in children?
How can I support my child's interests and hobbies?
How can I help my child develop strong decision-making skills?

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