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Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Rust Stain Remover ‘Supplier Name: Whink Products Company Address: PO Box 230 1901 15" Ave. dora 50627 ‘Telephone number: 641-838.2353, Emergency phone number: Medical Emergency: 800-321-8065; Chemtrec: 800-424-8900 Recommended use: Rust Remover Restrictions on use: Use only as ected Dato of Preparation: July 20,2014 Section 2 Hazards) Identification "Note: Tis products @ consumer product and is lboled in accordance withthe US Consumer Product Safety ‘Commission regulations which take precedence over OSHA Hazard Communication labeling. Te actual ‘container lab! wil not inlude the labe elements Below. The labeling below epee to incustialprofessional Products. classification: (Physical Health Not Hazardous ‘Acute Texiiy (ora) Category # ‘Acute Toxicity (dermal) Category 3 Eye Damage Category 1 ‘Skin Corrosion Calegary 18 (Causes severe skin bums and eye damage. Toxic in contact wth skin. Harmful swalowess May be harmful if inate, Storage Stor locked up, Disposal Dispose of contents and container in fceordance with eal and national regulations Prevention Do not breathe vapors or mists. Wash thoroughly after handing, ‘Bo not et, dink or smoke when using his product. Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, eye protection and face protection. Response. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vorting. Immediately cal a POISON CENTER or doctor. IFON SKIN (or hay: Take off immediately al contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor. Wash contaminated clothing before IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh ar and keep ‘comfortable for breathing. immediatly call POISON CENTER or doctor IFIN EYES: Rinse cautiously wh water or several minutes. Page 1of 6 Rust Stain Remover ‘0/4 Remove contact lenses, i present and easy todo, Continue rinsing. Immodiataly call POISON CENTER oF doctor. “Section 3. Composition / infomation on Ingredients Chemical name: CAS No. Percent Fyre Aoi TAOS, 72s ‘The specifi identy andior exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret, ‘Section 4, First-Aid Measures Inhalation: Immociatly remove victim to fresh ai. breathing has stopped give atic respiration. Mouth ‘to mouth Is not recommended. I breathing is dificult nave qualified personnel administer oxygen. Get Immediate medica attention ‘Skin contact: Immediately wash wit large amounts of water fora east 18 minutes. Get immediate medical atenion. Remove contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. Eye contact: Immediately flush eye wth water for atleast 15 mites while iting the upper and lower Ids. ‘Remove contact lenses If present and easy todo ate the fist 5 minues then cominue fushing. Get immedate ‘medical anton Ingestion: I conscious, nse mouth with water then give milk, chewable calcium carbonate tablets or ik of ‘magnesia. Do not induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth o a person who is unconscious oF oavuising, Get immediate medical attention. ‘Most important symptomsietfects, acute and delayed: Causes severe bums tothe eye, skin and mucous ‘membranes, Bums may not be immediately painful or vse. Can be absorbed through the kin in toxic mounts. inhalation may cause respratoryImtalon or burs with eaughing oF labored breathing, Symptoms may be delayed. May be fatal if inaed or svallowed or by videspread stn contact. Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause molting of teeth, damage fo bones and Muoross with symptoms including brite bones, weight loss, anemia, calofiedigaments and jit snes. Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment, if necessary: Medical reatment is recommended fo all incidents of contact or exposure Notes to Physician: Contact your Polson Center forthe latest advice on treatment For eye contact: Carefully evaluate for eye damage, exposure to dt solutions may result in delayed sympioms of ocular damege. For ‘sin contac: Decontamination ofthe contact area is af primary importance. Symptoms may be delayed for ‘several hours. Specific treatment is controversial wih no single treatment clearly suporr. Topical calcium {luconate gel or magnesium exe paste as been successful. Calcium gluconate infitration may be Considered in some cases. Systomic absorption may occur and may require treatment with parenteral calcum Sal, Foringesion: Aominster fluoride binding substance, Monfor and treat hypocalcemia snd hypomagnesemia as needed. Observe and evaluate patient fr oral and GI bums. For inhalation: Monitor for respiratory distress. Respiatory symptoms may be delayed up to 24 hous. Section 6. Fre-Fighting Measures ‘Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media: This material isnot combustible, Use any media that suitable forthe surrounding fie ‘Specific hazards arising from the chemical: Contact with certain metals may evolve flammable hycrogen (9s. Emits tex umes under fire conctions, Page 206 Rust Stain Remover “o/s ‘Special protective equipment and precautions for ieighters: Firefighters should wear full emergency ‘tuipment and NIOSH approved postive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus, Coo fe exposure ‘containers with water ‘Section 6. Accidental Release Measures Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency procedures: Woar appropriate protective ‘lothing and equipment fo prevent eye and skin contact. Vetlale the area, Evacuate spill area, Only trained inaividuals shoul tempt to clean up spills. Environmental precautions: Avoid release tothe environment. Repot spill as required by loca and federal regulations. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Dike spill and preveot spl rom entering sewers ‘and waterways. If possible, careuly neutralize wth soda ah or line. Collet into appropeate containers for spocal with an inert absorbent. Wash spill rea with solution of soda ash. Do not use metal or glass containers. Seaton Handling and Stora Precautions for safe handling: Prevent eye and skin contact D9 nat breathe vapors or mists, Use ony th ‘adequate ventilation and appropiate protective clothing. immediately remove contaminated cating and other items. Wash thoroughly after handing. Empty containers retain product residues. Follow all SDS precautions In nanding empty containers. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatiblities: Protect containers from physical damage. ‘Stor in a coo, wel-ventilted area, Keep in orginal containers, “ection &. Exposure Contos / Personal Protection Exposure guidelines: Fydrooore Rad as hyerogen Moone) 3 ppin TWA OSHA PEL (0.5 ppm TWA, 2 pom Celing skin ACGIH TLV [Appropriate engineering controls: Use ina well-ventilated area. For operations where exposures limits are ‘exceeded increased mechanical ventilation such as local exhaust may be required, Personal Protective Equipment: ‘Respiratory protection: None required for normal use. For large js where the recommended exposure kit ‘may be exceeded an approved respirator may be required. Selection of respiratory protection depends onthe Contaminant type, form and concentration. Sele! in accordance wih OSHA 1910. 184 and good Industral Hygiene practice. ‘Skin protection: PVC, neoprene or oer impervious gloves are recommended to prevent skin contact. Eye protection: Wear chemical safety goggles and faceshield to prevent eye and face contac. (Other: Impervious apron, boots and other clothing are recommended if needed to prevent contact or it splashing Is possible. safety shower and an eye wash facity should be available in the immediate work ‘Section 8. Physical and Chemical Properties ‘Appearance (physical state, color, et): Colores liquid ‘Odor: Sharp acrid oder. Page 306 Rust Stain Remover non ‘Odor threshold: 0.53 pom (hydrogen Nuoide) ‘Melting pointfreening point: Not avaiable sh point: Not flammable [Flammability (solid, gas): Not applicable Flammable mits: LEL: Not apoicble VEL: Not applicable Vapor pressure: Not avalabie ‘Vapor density: Not avalabie Relative density-~1.0 Solubility(ies): Compete in water Partition coefficient: n-octanoliwater: Not avallable ‘Autoignition temperature: Not applicable ‘Decomposition iemperature: Nol avaiable Vouroat ‘Section 10. Stability and Reactivity ints Reactivity: Not reactive under normal conditions of use Chemical stability: Stable Possibility of hazardous reactions: Reacts with mals o gr bases generating hea. Conditions to avoid: Avoid excessive heat Incompatible materials: Avoid alkalis and metas, Reactive wih many other chemicals. Never mix with other chemicals o leaning agents, Hazardous decomposition products: Thermal decomposition may yield toxic fuorde fumes. Reacts with ‘metals fo generate flammable hydrogen gas. Reacts wit silica to produce siicon tetralvride, a hazardous, colores gas (“sion Ti Toxicotogical information i /arofluorc is hazardous, even at low concentration. Medical treatment is rate Nammable hydrogen gas. Reacts with Inhalation: Mist and vapors may cause respiratory ination or burns with coughing and labored breathing, May ‘cause furie poisoning with effects sila to those listed under ingestion’. Symptoms may be delayed. May be fatal tinal in large amounts ‘Skin Contact: Contact may cause severe iation or burs tothe skin, Burns may not be Immedlatly paint ‘or visible. May be absorbed through the skin resulting in potential fatal hypocalceria Eye Contact: Contact may cause severe tation or bums with edness, pain and aveling. Permanent ‘damage and blindness may occur. Ingestion: Swallowing may cause gastrointestinal iitaton or bums, nausea, vomiting and abdoasnal pai, ‘May cause uae poisoning with symptoms including weakness, tremors, shallow breathing, spasms of the hands and fet, convulsions and coma. May cause contral norvous systom, kidney and cardiovascular (heart Myth» etects Respiratory paralysis may cause death. Swallowing large amounts may cause potentially ftal hypocalcemia and hypomagnesia, ‘Chronic Effects: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause matting of teth, damage fo bones and fuorosis ‘wih symptoms including brite bones, weight oss, anemia, calied ligaments and joint tts. Sensitization: None ofthe components are senstizing to animals or humans. Germ Cell Mutagenicity: None ofthe components have bean shown ta cause germ cell mutagenicity. Reproductive Toxicity: None of the components have been shown to cause reproductive or developmental tosely Carcinogenicity: None of the components of tis product ae listed as carcinogens or suspected carcinogens DyIARG, NTP, ACGIK 07 OSHA, ‘Acute toxicity values; Acute Toxicity Estimates (ATE) calculated: Oral 1351 mg/kg, Dermal 217 maka, Inhalation 27,777 ppm as gas or 22.8 gla vapor. Hydrotuorc Aca: Oral rat LOSO: 31 mga (ead across from sodium fuori), LCSO inhalation 1278 pom hr. {UB80 dermat no data avatable~ pint eximate Tor catogory 1 5 mgikg DDenatonium Benzoate: Oral rat LDSO $84 mglkg Page of Rust Stain Remover ‘7A0/s ‘Section 12, Ecological information ‘This product may be harmful to aquatic owanisms due to change in pH of water where released. Ecotoxicty values: Hycrvluori ald: LOS0 fish 41-340 mg/L fr, NOEC fish 4 mg/L/2t d; ECSO daphnla magna 87-270 mgiV4B he, NOEC 3.7 mgiL/21 d.; EbCSO algae 43-122 mg/L96 he Persistence and degradabiity: Biodegradation 's nat apiicable to organic substances suchas hyarafluonc asi Bioaccumulative potential: Hydrofueic ac isnot Bioaccumulative based on BCF of <8 in various agents. Mobility in soit: If the pH is > 6.5 sol can bind Muordes tightly High calcu content wll immobilize ucides, ‘which can be damaging to plants when prsent in acid sos. Other adverse effects: None known, Section 13. Disposal Considerations ‘Waste Disposal Recommendations: EPA Hazardous Waste Code: U134: Hysrotuoe add (C7), Dispose of waste material in accordance wth al local, rion, national, provincial, teritral and inemational regulations Container remains hazardous when emply if nt thoroughly ised. Continue to observe all precautions ‘Section 14, Transport information ‘UN Number] Proper shipping name [Hazard | Packing | Envivonmental ei i a class _| Group” | Hazard, ‘DoT | UNi760_—— | Hyeronuore acid soiation | 8 1) ‘None. ibe [uNt7e0——[Hyuroluorc aid souton [8 6.1) one ‘This product may be shipped asa Limited Quantity in inner packagos of 1 Land package limit of 30 kg when shipped by ground ‘Transport in bulk (according to Annex lof MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code}: Not applicable ~ products ‘tansported only in packaged frm ‘Special precautions: None known Section 16. Rogulatery Information ‘Safety, heath, and environmental regulations specific forthe product in question. ‘CERCLA Hazardous Substances (Section 103)/RQ: The RQ of his product based onthe RO of hydrogen ‘uri i 4000 Ibs. Many states have mare stingent release reporting requrements. Report spils required under federal, tate and lca regulations, ‘Section 202 Extremely Hazardous Substances (TPQ): Hydrofluorc Acid (100 Ibs) ‘SARA Hazard Category (218/212): Acute heath EPA SARA 313: This product contains the folowing chemicals regulated under SARA Tiel, section 313: Hysrofuoric Acid 7e84-39-3 2.29% California Proposition 66: Ths product the following chemicals known to the State of California to cause Cancer or repreductive taxi: None EPA TSCA inventory: Alo the components of his prt are listed onthe TSCA inventory ‘Section 16. Other information NFPA RATING: Ms RATING: Hoath=3 Fie=0 ——Instabity= 0 Heath=3 Fire=0 Physical Hazard = 0 Page sof Rust Stain Remover 74 '$DS Revision History: Convert to US GHS ~ changes in all sections. Dato of preparation: Jly 20, 2014 Date of Previous Edition: Apri 3, 2012 Page 6 of

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