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Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences (UJSS)

Volume: 2 Nomor 1, April 2021 Halaman 87—94


(Gaya Bahasa pada Novel Piano dalam Kotak Kaca Karya Agnes Jessica)

Hanapi1, Risman Iye2, Susiati3, & Harziko4

English Literature Study
Indonesian Literature Study Program, Faculty of Letters

(Received 12 February; Revised 28 February; Accepted 03 March 2021)

Literature is a branch of art. About society, literature is a mirror of life that can take advantage of the
values that exist in society. This study aims to describe the Language Style in the Piano Novel in Agnes Jessica's
Glass Box. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. Qualitative research is carried out by not
prioritizing numbers, but prioritizing the depth of appreciation of the interaction between the concepts being
studied empirically in this novel, providing an understanding of course in analyzing literary works with the
approach used is a pragmatic approach considering the implications of readers through their various
competencies. By considering indicators of literary works and readers, the problems that can be solved through
a pragmatic approach, including the various responses of certain communities to a literary work, either as an
explicit or implicit reader, both in a synchronic and diachronic framework. The results showed that the language
style in the novel Piano in the Glass Box by Agnes Jessica is very varied and creative. Agnes Jessicas' novel
Piano in a Glass Box totals 377 pages. The total frequency of using Language Styles is 98 units. In this novel
Piano di Kotak Kaca by Agnes Jessicain, there are four groups of language styles, namely comparative
language styles, namely parable, metaphor, personification, and antithesis, contradictory language styles,
namely hyperbole, litotes, irony, oxymoron, and zeugma.
Keywords: Language Style, Glass Box,

Sastra adalah salah satu cabang seni. Tentang masyarakat, sastra merupakan cermin kehidupan yang
dapat memanfaatkan nilai-nilai yang ada di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Gaya
Bahasa dalam Novel Piano dalam Kotak Kaca karya Agnes Jessica. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah
deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan tidak mengutamakan angka, tetapi mengutamakan
kedalaman apresiasi interaksi antar konsep yang dipelajari secara empiris dalam novel ini, memberikan
pemahaman tentunya dalam menganalisis karya sastra dengan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan
pragmatis mengingat implikasi dari pembaca melalui berbagai kompetensi mereka. Dengan memperhatikan
indikator karya sastra dan pembaca maka permasalahan yang dapat diselesaikan melalui pendekatan
pragmatis, antara lain berbagai tanggapan masyarakat tertentu terhadap suatu karya sastra, baik sebagai
pembaca tersurat maupun tersirat, baik dalam kerangka sinkronis maupun diakronis. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa gaya bahasa dalam novel Piano in the Glass Box karya Agnes Jessica sangat bervariasi
dan kreatif. Novel Agnes Jessicas Piano in a Glass Box berjumlah 377 halaman. Total frekuensi penggunaan
Gaya Bahasa adalah 98 unit. Dalam novel Piano di Kotak Kaca karya Agnes Jessicain ini terdapat empat
kelompok gaya bahasa, yaitu gaya bahasa komparatif, yaitu perumpamaan, metafora, personifikasi, dan
antitesis, gaya bahasa yang kontradiktif, yaitu hiperbola, litotes, ironi, oxymoron, dan zeugma.
Kata Kunci: Gaya Bahasa, Kotak Kaca,
(UJSS), Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2021: 87—94

INTRODUCTION creativity of the author, namely how the

Literature is a branch of art. author can deal with and utilize language as
Concerning society, literature is a mirror of carefully as possible so that literary language
life that can take advantage of the values that appears with a different figure from non-
exist in society. Literature was born from the literary language. Therefore, the forms of
deep reflections of its creator about life. language and literary expression are largely
Literature is not only considered as an determined by the imagination and creativity
imaginative work of art but also considered of the author himself.
as a form of creativity that is useful for the Creation in a literary work, an author
readers' intellectual consumption. Literature uses language to produce an effect that
also contains an element of beauty that explains what is valuable in the life that is
fosters a sense of pleasure, pleasure, is told by the author. The form is in the form of
touched, attracts attention, and refreshes the simple sentences and expressions or
feelings of the audience. (Iye, 2019). language styles. Therefore, the quality of a
The form of creation that is seen as the literary story is determined by the placement
result of literary activities is first seen from and use of language styles or language
the material side, namely in the form of styles.
language. A literary work is an attempt to Karim, A. B., & Yusnan, M. (2020)
record the contents of the literary soul by also argue that language style in a general
using language instruments. Literature is a sense is the use of language as a medium of
recorded form of language that will be communication specifically, namely the use
conveyed to others. The use of language in of language in style with the aim of
literature is different from the language in expressive pronunciation. Language style
other activities, such as in everyday includes all elements of language:
language use. intonation, sound, words, and sentences.
So, literature as a form of art creation Meanwhile, Susiati 2020 said that
uses language as a medium of delivery. The language style is the use of figurative words
view that literary language is a unique and the right comparison to describe
language, as in poetry, prose, it is common something intended to form the plastic of
to show the use of a special language, which language. Language plastic is the author's
is unique. Language in literary arts can be creativity in creating literary inventions by
equated with paint in painting. Both are suggesting the right choice of words to allow
elements, materials, tools, facilities, which "energy" following the thoughts and feelings
are processed into a work that contains more contained in work (Djojosuroso and
value than the material itself. Language is a Pelenkahu. 2003).
means of expressing literature. Whatever the "Linguistic style is a technique of
author says or otherwise interpreted by the expressing language, the meaning of which
reader, inevitably has to do with the does not show the literal meaning of the
language of Iye, R., & Susiati, S. (2018). words that support it, but rather the added
Disclosure of language in literature meaning, the implied meaning, so it is a
reflects the attitudes and feelings of the style that deliberately makes use of speech
author and is intended to influence the by utilizing figurative language.
attitudes and feelings of the readers. For this (Endraswara, 2003) There is still a
reason, the form of expression of literary meaningful relationship between literal
language must be effective and contain forms and class meanings, but the
aesthetic characteristics as a work of art. The relationship is indirect, or at least it requires
effectiveness of the expression of literary a reader interpretation. To understand the
language can be obtained through the expressions of class language, special
(Hanapi Hanapi, Risman Iye, Susiati, & Harziko)

attention is needed, especially to grasp what in the Piano Novel in the Glass Box by
message the author meant. (Nurgiyantoro, Agnes Jessica. The data source in this study
2002: 297) ". is the written data text, namely Novel Piano
A language style is a form of rhetoric, in a Glass Box by Agnes Jessica, Publisher:
namely the use of words in speaking and PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama (Jakarta, 2007)
writing to convince or influence listeners Thickness: 384 pages.
and readers. The word rhetoric comes from This research is classified as a
the Greek rhetor which means orator or qualitative descriptive study. Therefore, the
orator. In ancient Greece, rhetoric was an technique used to conclude this research data
important part of an education and therefore is the technique of reading and taking notes
various styles of language were very with the following steps: a) Reading the
important and had to be mastered really by novel Piano in the Glass Box by Agnes
the Greeks and Romans who gave names to Jessica, Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka
these various arts of persuasion (Surastina, Utama (Jakarta, 2007). b) After reading the
2009). Based on the Author, the style that is next step, the identification and inventory
called according to the author's name is phase of the problems found in the novel
known based on the identifying Piano in the Glass Box by Agnes Jessica will
characteristics used by the author or writer in be carried out. c) Next, analyze the novel
his essay. A strong author can influence his Piano in the Glass Box by Agnes Jessica and
contemporaries, or followers, to form a search for reinforcing data or references to
school. We know Chairil's style, Takdir's strengthen or assist in the novel analysis
style, and so on. process. After the data is collected, the next
Agnes Jessica's strengths in writing step is to analyze the data based on the
the novel Piano di Kotak Kaca lies in the principles of qualitative data analysis. In
aspect of the story which is presented with a analyzing the data in this study, the approach
coherent plot and clear conflicts so that it is used is pragmatic.
not boring and interesting to follow. The
language style that is straightforward and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
straightforward in describing an event makes In this study, the writer will describe
the ideas he will convey in the story easy to the results of the research with the problem,
understand. Based on the background namely the Language Style contained in the
description above, the writer can formulate a novel Kapas-Kapas di Langit by Pipiet
problem, namely how is the language style Senja. The language styles to be analyzed in
in Agnes Jessica's Piano Novel in the Glass the novel are comparative styles consisting
Box? of: parable, metaphor, personification,
allegory, and antithesis, then the language
RESEARCH METHOD style of conflict which consists of hyperbole,
The type of research in this research litotes, irony, oxymoron, paronomasia,
is literature. Literature research is a paralympic, and zeugma, then Style.
theoretical description that underlies the Linkage Language consists of Metonomia,
study of the opinions of experts (Ratna, Alusio, Euphemism, Inference, and Gradi,
2008: 56). The researcher will clearly then the repetitive language style consists of
describe the words, sentences, and Alliteration, Antalacnasis, and Repetition.
paragraphs about the Language Style in the
Piano Novel in the Glass Box by Agnes Comparative Language Style
Jessica. The data referred to in this study are Parable
in the form of words, sentences, and The data of the parable in the Comparative
paragraphs contained in the Language Style Language Style contained in the Cotton-
(UJSS), Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2021: 87—94

Cotton in the Sky consists of sixteen pieces. "Tidak bisa! Benda itu peninggalan
This can be seen as follows: mamaku, aku tak mungkin menukarnya
"Ada apa, Pa. Renny teriak-teriak walau dengan kalung emas yang kau pakai!"
memanggilku seperti kebakaran jenggot,
(Hal: 39)
ada apa?" seru wanita cantik itu terpogoh-
pogoh menghampiri Haryanto. (Hal: 18) In the quote above, the Metaphorical
In the above quote, the parable's Language Style is marked with the sentence.
Language Style is marked by the sentence The object is a legacy of my mother, I can't
Renny screams out for me like a beard fire. possibly exchange it even with the gold
The meaning of the above language style necklace you wear. This sentence is a
about beard fire is the rush of emotion that figurative sentence which means that the
someone does when he is pressed or there is
an important information

Sheila menghapus air matanya yang Wenny yang penasaran ingin ikut melihat.
seolah-olah berlomba-lomba keluar dari Digesernya Tini yang bertubuh pendek dan
matanya. (Hal: 28) tidak berminat sama sekali mengintip
In the above quote, the parable's jendela. Tapi Tini tidak mau bergeser.
Language Style which is marked with the Rupanya suara berisik mereka terdengar
sentence Sheila wiped her tears that seemed oleh anjing di rumah itu. Anjing itu
to be racing out of her eyes. The meaning of menyalak. Salakannya terdengar semakin
the Language Style above is crying sobbing. dekat. (Hal: 55)
In the quote from the sentence above,
Menurut Reza, nama itu tidak pantas the Metaphorical Language Style is marked
untuk sebuah Wedsing Organizer yang lebih by the shift of Tini, who is short and has no
pantas dinamai 'Bridal Link', 'One Stop interest in peeking at the window. The
Marrige', atau ' Wedding Compass', dan sentence is a figurative sentence which
bukan nama yang nggak nyambung yang means that Tini is very short, this is a
artinya sepatu kaca. Tapi dengan physical comparison, namely, Tini is not the
berjalannya waktu, Reza mengakui keunikan same as her friends who have a tall body.
The Glass Slipper yang ternyata banyak
menarik pelanggan wanita yang ingin Satu jam kemudian mereka ditemukan Pak
bahagia seperti Cinderella. (Hal: 251) Teguh di belakang asrama. Api di lab kimia
In the above quote, the parable's sudah berhasil dipadamkan. Untung api bisa
Language Style is marked with the sentence dimatikan sebelum menyambar zat
For Wenny he wants to create a world of pembakar lain. Kalau tidak bisa-bisa
Cinderella and her glass shoes. The sentence sekolah kebakaran. Walau mereka kabur
above explains that For Wenny she wants to pelakunya dapat diketahui oleh guru.
create the world of Cinderella and her glass Pasalnya ada enam belas lilin dan
shoes, which means to look good, beautiful, bungkusan kue pukis di lantai serta coca
and handsome. cola dalam botol besar. Ketika di cek hanya
Sheila yang berulang tahun hari ini, dan
Metaphorical usianya genap enam belas tahun. (Hal: 61)
The metaphorical data in the In the quote above, the Metaphorical
Comparative Language Style contained in Language Style is marked with the sentence
the Cotton-Cotton in the Sky consists of "Fortunately, the fire can be turned off
eight pieces. This can be seen as follows: before grabbing other combustibles." This
sentence is a figurative sentence which
(Hanapi Hanapi, Risman Iye, Susiati, & Harziko)

means that the fire can be put out quickly so In the quote above, the Metaphorical
that the fire does not grow. Language Style is marked with the sentence
when his father took him alone to Taman
Mereka inginnya diperhatikan, dipujinya, Ria, or Ancol beach playing with sand. The
dan diberi servis yang baik. Bila melakukan sentence is a personification sentence which
ini pada mereka, naskah bagus mengalir is an embodiment that describes inanimate
deras dan uang pun akan mengalir deras ke objects that can move to act like humans.
pundi-pundi perusahaan. (Hal: 115)
In the quote above, the Metaphorical Mereka berdua sangat rapuh, dan sedikit
Language Style is marked with a good text saja tekanan akan membuat mereka meledak
flowing profusely and money will flow seperti popcorn di dalam panci tertutup.
freely into the company's coffers. The (Hal: 326)
sentence is a metaphorical sentence which is In the above sentence, the
an object with another object and has a Metaphorical Language Style is marked with
different word, namely profusely. the sentence. They are both very fragile, and
a little pressure will make them explode like
Personification popcorn in a closed pot. The sentence is a
The personification data in the personification sentence which is an
Comparative Language Style contained in embodiment that describes inanimate objects
Kapas-Kapas in the Sky consists of six that can move to act like humans.
pieces. This can be seen as follows:
The antithesis
Wajah Sheila memucat. Kalau belajar The Antithesis data in the
dengan wanita menyeramkan itu, lebih baik Comparative Language Style contained in
ia tak usah belajar piano. Dirinya yang tadi the Cotton-Cotton in the Sky consists of
seperti melambung ke langit sekarang seven pieces. This can be seen as follows:
seperti terbanting ke tanah. (Hal: 29)
In the quote above, the Metaphorical Mira memeluk Sheila dan menghirup
Language Style is indicated by the sentence keharuman rambut anaknya. Meskipun
the sky is now slammed to the ground. The rambut Sheila tidak terlalu harum dan
sentence is a personification sentence which sedikit bercampur dengan bau matahari,
is an embodiment that describes inanimate Mira selalu senang memeluk anaknya,
objects that can move to act like humans. seolah-olah Sheila baru lahir kamarin sore.
The sky cannot be slammed against the Ya, ini bayinya, kesayangannya. (Hal: 10)
ground. In the quote above, the Antithesis
Language Style is indicated by the sentence
Mata Sheila berkaca-kaca. Tak Sheila's hair is not too fragrant and is
dipungkurinya hatinya terkadang rindu pada slightly mixed with the smell of the sun. The
ayahnya bila ia membayangkan betapa sentence is an antithesis sentence which is a
ayahnya begitu mengasihinya. Waktu combination of words that are mutually
ayahnya mengajaknya berdua saja ke concurrent but have opposite meanings. As
Taman Ria, atau ke pantai ancol bermain the quote above, Sheila's hair is not very
pasir. Atau waktu ayahnya membelikannya fragrant but has mixed with the sun.
kembang api pulang dari bekerja, atau......
Banyak sekali hal-hal tiba-tiba teringat, "Tidak bisa! Benda itu peninggalan
yang membuat hatinya sangat sedih. (Hal: mamaku, aku tak mungkin menukarnya
155) walau dengan kalung emas yang kau pakai!"
(Hal: 39)
(UJSS), Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2021: 87—94

In the quote from the sentence above, In the quote, the sentence is a
the Antithesis Language Style is marked hyperbole language style, which is marked
with the sentence. The object is a legacy of by the word Fire beard. The sentence above
my mother, I can't possibly exchange it even contains an expression that exacerbates the
with the gold necklace you wear. The situation, the bloom of the beard means
sentence is an antithesis sentence which is a emotion with someone.
combination of words that are mutually
concurrent but have opposite meanings. Litotes
The litotes data in the Conflict
"Langit cerah ya, kebetulan hari ini tidak Language Style contained in the Cotton in
hujan." ucap Sheila. Haryanto ikut melihat the Sky consists of five pieces. This can be
ke atas. Ia mengambil toples berisi biskuit seen as follows:
dan menyodorkannya pada Sheila. "Biskuit
kelapa?" Sheila menggeleng. "Seandainya Tertegun karena kata-kata kasar berusan,
aku bisa menjadi bintang itu, memancarkan Sheila sadar ia cuma numpang tinggal di
cahayanya dari jauh dan membuat orang- rumah ini, sampai kapan? Ayahnya bisa di
orang yang melihatnya ikut bahagia...." penjara puluhan tahun lamanya, dan ia juga
(Hal: 170) tidak mau tinggal bersama ayahnya kelak.
In the above sentence quote, the Sheila teringat kata-kata polisi yang datang
Antithesis Language Style is marked with ke rumahnya. Ia mesti tinggal bersama
the sentence "Wish I could be that star, emit seorang wali sampai punya KTP dan
light from afar and make the people who see dianggap dewasa. Baik, aku mesti bersyukur
it happy too." The sentence is an antithesis di beri tempat di sini. Aku akan pergi dari
sentence which is a combination of words sini (Hal: 21)
that are mutually concurrent but have The quote from the sentence above
opposite meanings. contains the Litotes Language Style, which
is that I must be grateful to be given a place
Conflict Language Style here. I'll get outta here. The statement was
Hyperbole meant to be condescending. Even though the
The hyperbole data in the Conflict house is very comfortable to live in.
Language Style contained in the Cotton-
Cotton in the Sky consists of fifteen pieces. "Tidak bisa! Benda itu peninggalan
This can be seen as follows: mamaku, aku tak mungkin menukarnya
Suara-suara ribut seperti ini bagai walau dengan kalung emas yang kau pakai!"
mengimpit jiwanya sampai ia mau mati (Hal: 39)
rasanya (Hal: 7)
In the quote, the sentence is a The quote from the sentence above
hyperbole language style, which is marked contains the litotes language style, namely
by a statement. Noises like this are the object is a legacy of my mother, I can't
squeezing his soul until he feels like dying. possibly exchange it even with the gold
The sentence above contains the meaning of necklace you wear. The statement is
containing expressions that exacerbate the purported to be condescending because the
situation. piano is compared to gold.

"Ada apa, Pa. Renny teriak-teriak "Sudahlah, Sheila. Sudahlah. Semua akan
memanggilku seperti kebakaran jenggot, berlalu. Saat semua belalu, semua ini hanya
ada apa?" seru wanita cantik itu terpogoh- tinggal kenangan, baik pahit maupun manis
pogoh menghampiri Haryanto. (Hal: 18) dalam kehidupanmu."(Hal: 174)
(Hanapi Hanapi, Risman Iye, Susiati, & Harziko)

The quote from the sentence above Oxymoron

contains the litotes language style, namely The oxymoronic data in the Conflict
Never mind. All will pass. When everything Language Style contained in the Cotton-
is past, all of this is just a memory. The Cotton in the Sky consists of three pieces.
statement was meant to be condescending. This can be seen as follows:

Irony Kenapa kau sama sekali tidak terlihat sedih

The irony data in the Conflict melihat keluargamu tewas di tangan
Language Style contained in the Cotton- mereka?, tak puya perasaan sama sekali,
Cotton in the Sky consists of five pieces. tuduhannya pada shela semena-mena. (Hal:
This can be seen as follows: 21)
Selain airnya yang terlalu dingin sehingga In the quote, the sentence above
ia malas mandi, selebihnya sih lumayan. contains the oxymoronic style of language.
Sebenarnya jauh lebih enak dari pada di The sentence why you don't look sad at all to
rumah Haryanto. Di sini ia tak diperlakukan see your family die in their hands has no
seperi pembantu. Kalau soal mencuci baju, feelings at all, his accusation to Sheila
toh itu bajunya sendiri. (Hal: 50) arbitrarily contains contradictory meanings.
The quote from the sentence above is a Thus, the words both time of joy and time of
language style of irony because in the grief are the opposite in the same phrase.
statement other than the water is too cold so
he is lazy to take a shower. This sentence Membawa dirinya dan nasibnya yang tak
contains the meaning that even though there tentu, apakah esok masih hidup ataukah
is water, he is lazy to take a shower. sama dengan yang lainnya, gagal
mempertahankan hidupnya, alias mati.
Bila kamu ada dipersimpangan antara (Hal:.96)
berbuat jahat dan baik, jangan sampai kamu In the quote, the sentence above
terdesak berbuat jahat, apalagi membunuh. contains the oxymoronic style of language.
Emosi dapat menyebabkan....." (Hal: 69) The sentence whether tomorrow is still alive
The quote from the sentence above is a or is it the same as the others, failing to
language style of irony because in the survive, aka dying. So, it is opposite words
statement if you have a distortion between in the same phrase.
doing evil and good, don't be pressured into
doing evil. This sentence contains the Zeugma
intention of doing evil. The zeugma data in the Style of
Conflict Language contained in the Cotton-
Anjing tak mungkin menghianati, anjing tak Cotton in the Sky consists of seven pieces.
mungkin berdusta. Sedangkan manusia, tak This can be seen as follows:
ada satu pun yang bisa dipercayainya. Bram "Sheila, kamu tidur du kamar Renny saja.
bangkit berdiri dan menuju kamarnya. (Hal: Ranjangnya kan ada dua, atas dan bawah.
126) Yang bawah tidak pernah dipakai, kamu
In the quote the sentence above is tidur disitu saja, ya?" ujar Haryanto. (Hal:
marked by the statement Dog cannot betray, 19)
dogs cannot lie. As for humans, there was The above-quoted sentence is
nothing he could believe was an ironic style marked with the words top and bottom. This
of language with a mocking intent. word is a zeugma language style because it
contains a combination of two words that
contain conflicting semantic characteristics.

(UJSS), Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2021: 87—94

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