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Notes on the New World Treehopper Genera Membracis

Fabricius, Enchenopa Amyot and Serville, and Closely

Related Taxa (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Membracinae)
Author: Mckamey, Stuart H.
Source: Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington,
124(1) : 85-97
Published By: Entomological Society of Washington

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124(1), 2022, pp. 85–97



Stuart H. Mckamey

Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S.

Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box
37012, Washington, DC 20013, USA (e-mail:,

Abstract.—The similarities and differences in adults and nymphs among Enchenopa

Amyot and Serville, Enchophyllum Amyot and Serville, Folicarina Sakakibara,
Membracis Fabricius, and Phyllotropis Stål are discussed. Leoiscyta pallula (Richter),
new combination and Leoiscyta robiginosa (Richter), new combination, are both
referred from Membracis. Enchophyllum imbelle Stål, Membracis carinulata Richter,
and Membracis flava Richter are referred to Membracini incertae sedis, new placements.
Enchenopa melaleuca Walker, reinstated combination, is referred back to its
original genus from Enchophyllum. The holotype and sexual dimorphism are shown
for Enchenopa monoceros (Germar). Enchenopa varians Walker is reinstated as a
valid species. Because earlier workers placed Campylenchia Stål as a junior synonym of
Enchenopa, but did not list all species, Enchenopa minans (Fairmaire) new combination
and Enchenopa tatei Goding, reinstated combination, are proposed. For the first time,
nymphs of Phyllotropis and Folicarina are figured.
Key Words: Membracini, new combination, immatures, Neotropical
DOI: 10.4289/0013-8797.124.1.85

The subfamily Membracinae contains having a lateral carina that attains the lateral
five tribes: Aconophorini, Hoplophorionini, margin, well posterior to the humeral angle
Hypsoprorini, Membracini, and Talipedini (Fig. 3). Strümpel and Strümpel (2006)
(Deitz 1975, Wallace and Deitz 2004). Of revised Enchophyllum and restricted it to
these, Membracini is the most morpho- those species with only one lateral carina
logically diverse. Dietrich and McKamey and without any carinae on the metopidium
(1995) investigated the phylogeny of the (Figs. 4, 5); those with metopidial carinae
subfamily and provided a key to the gen- were relegated to Enchenopa. In redefining
era of Membracini. They distinguished these two genera, they grouped together two
the morphology of Enchophyllum Amyot almost independent sets of species in terms
and Serville from Enchenopa Amyot and of immature morphology: those current and
Serville traditionally: Enchophyllum hav- former Enchophyllum, with nymphs having
ing a pronotum with a lateral carina on the abdominal scoli all subequal in length
each side that terminates before or above and with a uniform or mostly uniform gray
the humeral angle (Fig. 1), and Enchenopa or white waxlike covering (Figs. 2, 4, 6), and

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Figs.  1, 2.  Enchenopa adult, and fifth instar. 1, Enchenopa sp. near Enchenopa amazonensis Strümpel and
Strümpel, adult with lateral carinae terminated above humeral angle and also with metopidial carinae. 2, Enchenopa
sp. nymph with abdominal scoli all subequal in size. (Photos courtesy of Robert Oelman and Milan Kozenek,

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the former and some current Enchenopa but not others (Figs. 13, 14) and stated [in
whose nymphs have the abdominal scoli Spanish]:
increasing in length posteriorly and with a
patchy white or a non-white or gray coat- “Following the characteristics of the
ing, or no waxlike coating at all (some genus Membracis the lateral carina
Enchenopa binotata [Say], Enchenopa should not be found, but finding it
curvata [Fabricius], Enchenopa latipes is not important when it passes only
[Say], Enchenopa luizae Lencioni-Neto above the humeral [angles] or that
and Sakakibara, and Enchenopa pilosa almost reaches it . . .”
Strümpel and Strümpel; Fig. 3). Although
the former group closely resembles the Richter also said it should be added
nymphs of Membracis and Phyllotropis, it is to the features of Membracis. Later in
not yet known if either of these Enchenopa the same work, Richter (1947) described
groups are monophyletic. M. paullula Richter and M. robiginosa
Adults of Membracis Fabricius spe- Richter, which are small species with one
cies such as M. foliata (Linnaeus) and lacking a lateral carina, and described a
M. foliatafasciata (DeGeer) (photographs series of new, low-crested Membracis
provided in Sakakibara and Evangelista that bridge the gaps between Membracis,
2010) are immediately recognized as belong- Enchenopa, and Enchophyllum. These
ing to that genus by having a large, foliaceous species have a less foliaceous pronotum
pronotum that lacks any trace of lateral cari- with one or two dorsal white maculae
nae. Phyllotropis Stål species are similar, (as occur in many species of Enchenopa
but differ in having an oblique carinae on and Enchophyllum; as in Fig. 1) and
the pronotum (see Sakakibara 1992). Adults M. carinulata Richter (Fig. 12) has one
of most Enchophyllum and Enchenopa or two short metopidial carinae as in
are also recognized as such, in having a Enchenopa. Some of Richter’s other
less foliaceous pronotum, at least one lat- species of Membracis, most notably
eral carina, and a frontal horn. Folicarina M. caquetensis Richter, even have an
Sakakibara (1992) was established for a anterior white macula as in Enchenopa
species with a greatly compressed prono- albifrons Strümpel and Strümpel,
tum bearing several metopidial carinae as Enchenopa auridorsa Sakakibara and
in Enchenopa, but without a frontal horn. Marques, Enchenopa grandis Strümpel
A close relationship of these five genera is and Strümpel, Enchenopa longicollum
suggested by the gradation among them and, (Olivier), and Enchenopa pittieri Strümpel
as Dietrich and McKamey (1995) noted, and Strümpel.
these genera are separated only by a combi- Sakakibara (2012) redefined Talipedini
nation of characters rather than a single char- to include Erechtia Walker; described the
acter. The nymphs of most Enchophyllum new, related genus Pseudoerechtia; rein-
(Figs. 4, 6), Folicarina (Fig. 7), Membracis stated Tropidoscyta Stål; and rejected
(Fig. 8), and Phyllotropis (Fig. 9) share the the synonymy of Talipes Deitz (1975)
uniform or patchy white waxlike covering under Trinarea Goding. Sakakibara jus-
of some Enchenopa. tified his synonymy of Trinarea under
Richter (1947) modified the limits of Erechtia by citing “several diagnostic
Membracis. In his description of M. flava characters” between them but only men-
Richter, which he wrote was close to M. tioned the presence of a very weak trans-
mexicana Guérin-Méneville, he observed versal carina of the pronotal metopidium
a short lateral carina in some females, in Trinarea, in contrast to a prominent

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Fig. 3.  Enchenopa pilosa. Adult pronotal lateral carina attains lateral margin, nymph abdominal scoli increasing
in size posteriorly. (Photo courtesy of Ted C. MacRae.).

one in other Erechtia and the lack of basis of these synapomorphies and cla-
one in Talipes. However, if membrac- distic analyses, I accept the Membracinae
ids are known for anything, it is for the tribes and Membracini genera as defined
astounding variation in their prono- by Dietrich and McKamey (1995) except
tum, which weakens Sakakibara’s argu- for Campylenchia and their traditional,
ment. More importantly, Talipedini as broader definition of Enchophyllum.
defined by Deitz (without Erechtia and In Strümpel and Strümpel’s (2006)
Tropidoscyta) is supported by three revision of Enchophyllum, they excluded
non-pronotal unique synapomorphies: eight species “because they have been
adults with reduced hind tarsi, nymphs transferred to other genera.” Three of
with a unique abdominal scoli pattern these transfers were made by Strümpel
intermediate between Hoplophorionini and Strümpel (2014) in their revision of
and Membracini (McKamey and Deitz Enchenopa, with Campylenchia as a new
1996, their Fig. 91; Lencioni-Neto and junior synonym. The five Enchophyllum
Sakakibara 2016); and females guarding species not treated in either revision were
egg masses by flicking their hind legs at Enchophyllum imbelle Stål, Enchophyllum
intruders (McKamey and Deitz 1996). melaleucum (Walker), Enchophyllum
Furthermore, Trinarea appendiculata of peruanum (Schmidt), Enchophyllum
Talipedini was found to be the sister-group schmidti (Funkhouser) and Enchophyllum
of Hoplophorionini in the cladistic anal- ensatum intermedium Fitch. Also, they
yses of Dietrich and McKamey (1995) did not treat a species that was formerly
and McKamey and Deitz (1996). On the in Campylenchia: Enchenopa minans

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Figs.  4–9.  Membracini. 4, Enchophyllum quinquemaculatum (Fairmaire) adult and nymph from Severiano Moraes
Filho, Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil (courtesy of Caiu Flat). 5, Enchophyllum sp. near Enchophyllum markantum
Strümpel and Strümpel 2006) from Guyana, Mazaruni-Potaro, Bartica, 94m (SHM collection). 6, Same, nymph.
7, Folicarina sp. adult and nymphs from Tambopata, Peru (Photo courtesy of Richard C. Hoyer/Birdernaturalist.).
8, Membracis mimica Walker from Vale do Sol, Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (Photo courtesy of Víctor
de Paiva.). 9, Phyllotropis fasciata (Fabricius) teneral adult, exuvia, and eclosing adult from Puerto Francisco de
Orellana (Coca), Ecuador (Photo courtesy of Chan [from Hong Kong]).

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Figs.  10–14.  Selected species described by Richter under Membracis. 10, Leioscyta paullula (Richter),
new combination. 11, Leioscyta robiginosa (Richter), new combination. 12, Membracis carinulata Richter.
13, Membracis flava Richter female. 14, Same. (All illustrations from Richter 1947, Revista de la Academia
Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, with permission).

(Fairmaire) and they listed Enchenopa 244 arm. The light was diffused using
varians (Walker) as a junior synonym a simple, lampshade-style cone of trans-
of Enchenopa monoceros. Here the lucent paper between the specimen and
identities of Enchophyllum imbelle, light sources. Images were focus-stacked
Enchenopa minans, Enchenopa tatei, using Zerene Stacker, version 1.04, Build
and Enchenopa varians are ascertained T201706041920. Stacked images were
and placed. For clarity, the holotype of enhanced and edited in Adobe Photoshop
Enchenopa monoceros (Germar), which CSS Extended version 12.0.
is the type species of Enchenopa, is also The pinned specimens figured are
shown here for the first time. located in the following institutions:

BMNH England, London, The Natural

Materials and Methods History Museum
Morphological terms follow Dietrich DZUP Brazil, Curitiba, Universidade
and McKamey (1995). Images of Figs. 5 Federal do Paraná, Departamen
and 6 were taken with a Canon EOS to do Zoologia, Coleção Ento­
5DS R DSLR camera with an adjust- mológica Pe. Jesus Santiago
able 65mm lens. Photos were taken Moure
using Capture One Pro version 10.1.2, LVIV Ukraine, L’Viv, Ivan Franko
64 Bit, Build imaging soft- National University of L’viv,
ware, aided by CamLift version Biological Faculty, Zoological
The specimen was lit using two adjust- Museum, Germar Collection
able Dynalite MH2050 RoadMax flash NHMW Austria, Vienna, Naturhistorisches
heads, each attached to a Manfrotto Museum Wien

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Figs.  15–18.  Pinned adults of Membracini incertae sedis (Both species exhibit lateral carinae originating on the
metopidium.). 15, Enchophyllum imbelle Stål syntype, frontal view. 16, Same, lateral view (NHRS-GULI000075675
©2020. Photos courtesy of Gunvi Lindberg, CC-BY 4.0 license.). 17, Erechtia trinotata Funkhouser holotype
(USNM), frontal view. 18, Same, lateral view.

NHRS Sweden, Stockholm, Naturhisto­ Results and Discussion

riska Riksmuseet The current concepts of Enchenopa,
NYSM USA, New York, Albany, New Enchophyllum, Folicarina, Membracis,
York State Museum and Phyllotropis are still based solely
USNM USA, Washington DC, U.S. on the form of the pronotum. Given the
National Museum of Natural gradation of pronotal forms among them,
History, Smithsonian Institution and the species here moved to unplaced

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Figs. 19–21.  Enchenopa monoceros. 19, Holotype male (Photo courtesy of Ihor Shidlovsky, LVIV.). 20, Male
(Photo courtesy of Ricardo A. Palonsky). 21, Female (From Strümpel and Strümpel 2014, with kind permission of
the CeNak, Univ. Hamburg.).

Membracini, a more thorough study of time the identity of the type species of
their relationships is required, ideally Enchenopa and the sexual dimorphism
including genomic characters. within it.
Only some basic taxonomic changes The identities of Enchophyllum peru-
can be made now: referring two spe- anum (Schmidt), Enchophyllum schmidti
cies to Leioscyta Fowler; clarifying the (Funkhouser), and Enchophyllum ensa-
identity of four species of Enchenopa tum intermedium, the last of which were
not treated in either of Strümpel and described in a footnote (Fitch 1856: 465)
Strümpel’s revisions (2006, 2014); refer- and not present in Fitch’s collection in the
ring selected species to Membracini NYSM (Timothy McCabe, pers. comm.),
incertae sedis; and verifying for the first could not be determined.

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Figs. 22–24.  Enchenopa species not treated by Strümpel and Strümpel (2014). 22, Enchenopa varians Walker,
holotype (BMNH). 23, Enchenopa minans (Fairmaire), syntype (NHMW), frontal view. 24, Same, lateral view
(Photos courtesy of O. Evangelista, CSIRO.).

Membracis Fabricius

Restricting the definition of Membracis 421d-90d3-979e0bdb6b05). However, the
to only those species with an at least genus has other small species that have
somewhat foliaceous pronotum and lack a these carinae absent or weak, such as
lateral carina in both sexes, which do not L. robiginosa (Fig. 11) and L. ferruginea
fit in any of the aforementioned genera, Funk­houser (see holotype at https://collections.
Richter’s (1947) species M. pallula, M.
robiginosa, M. flava, and M. carinulata 36973a650d9ef4f70823067fde87676ac). The
must be removed from the genus. The first shape of the lateral carina of L. pallula
two are here referred to Leioscyta Fowler, and the presence of two rather than three
but the last two cannot be assigned to discoidal cells in the forewing (i.e., having
any current genus and must therefore only one m-cu crossvein) of both L. pal-
be placed in Membracini incertae sedis. lula and L. robiginosa distinguish them
Enchophyllum imbelle Stål (Figs. 15, 16), from most other genera of Membracini
which Strümpel and Strümpel (2006, with species about 3 mm or less: Eunusa
2014) excluded from treatment, and Fonseca, Paragara Goding, Bolbonota
Erechtia trinotata Funkhouser (Figs. 17, Amyot and Serville, and some Erechtia
18) also fall into this category. Walker. The sole species of Pseudoerechtia
Sakakibara is at least 4.4 mm in length,
so not included among these genera with
Leioscyta Fowler
smaller species. Therefore, two Membracis
The species of this genus are species described by Richter fall within the
much smaller than any Membracis, current bounds of Leioscyta, resulting in
Enchenopa, Enchophyllum, Folicarina, and the following new combinations:
Phyllotropis (for example, L. pallula
Leoiscyta pallula (Richter), new combina-
is 3 mm and L. robiginosa is “a little
tion (Fig. 10).
larger” [Richter, 1947]). Additionally,
Membracis pallula Richter 1947: 398.
Leoiscyta species usually have a pair
of lateral carinae running all along Leoiscyta robiginosa (Richter), new com-
the pronotum (as in Fig. 10), such as bination (Fig. 11).
L. pulchella Funkhouser (see holotype at Membracis robiginosa Richter 1947: 398.

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Enchenopa Amyot and Serville clear area of the forewing: Enchenopa

Enchenopa melaleuca Walker, rein- beebei (Haviland), Enchenopa costari-
stated combination. censis Schmidt, Enchenopa euniceae
Enchenopa melaleuca Walker 1858: 59. Rothea and Creão-Duarte, Enchenopa
Enchophyllum melaleucum; Fowler 1894: luizae, and Enchenopa varians. Strümpel
7 [error] and Strümpel (2014) reported the full dis-
As Walker originally placed it, tribution of Enchenopa. monoceros as
Enchenopa melaleuca does appear to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica,
belong to Enchenopa, based on the illus- Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and
tration by Fowler (1894), which shows a Venezuela.
black metopidium and two pairs of cari- Enchenopa varians Walker, revalidated,
nae. Buckton’s (1902) less reliable tax- reinstated combination (Fig. 22).
onomy also suggests Enchenopa, but Enchenopa varians Walker 1858: 62.
the carinae cannot be deciphered from To Enchenopa monoceros (Germar);
his poor illustration, which shows a Goding 1928: 210 [new synonym; error].
metopidial white spot. Fowler (1894) did Note: Goding (1928) was the first to treat
not justify his placement of the species Enchenopa varians as a junior syno-
in Enchophyllum, but under Enchenopa nym of Enchenopa monoceros. This
referred to the distinguishing character erroneous synonymy was followed by
between the two genera being “the cessa- all later workers, including Strümpel
tion or continuation of the lateral carina,” and Strümpel (2014). The holotype of
which corresponds to the traditional, out- Enchenopa varians (BMNH) has a fron-
dated concept of used by Dietrich and tal horn that is even longer than that of
McKamey (1995). Fowler’s illustration the female of Enchenopa monoceros but
shows that the species is most similar to shares the clear area of the forewing.
Enchenopa. longimaculatum Strümpel
In treating Campylenchia as a junior
and Strümpel (2014) and Enchenopa sin-
synonym of Enchenopa, Strümpel and
gularis Strümpel and Strümpel (2014).
Strümpel (2014: p. 5) neglected to provide
Enchenopa monoceros (Germar) (Figs. 19–21) new combinations for, place in synonymy,
In their revision of the genus, Strümpel or otherwise mention two valid species of
and Strümpel (2014) had not found the Campylenchia. Therefore, two new combi-
holotype of Enchenopa monoceros (Fig. nations are proposed here:
19) and therefore accepted identifications
Enchenopa minans (Fairmaire 1846:
found in ten other collections. Because
252), new combination (Figs. 23, 24).
this is the type species of Enchenopa, it
Note: The illustrated syntype of
merits clarification. The species is sexu-
Enchenopa minans has a broken ante-
ally dimorphic, as shown by Lencioni-
rior horn but otherwise conforms to
Neto (2011, 2018); the female (Fig. 21)
Strümpel and Strümpel’s (2014) defini-
has a longer frontal horn than the male
tion of the genus.
(Fig. 20), as illustrated by Strümpel and
Strümpel (2014). One of the most distinc- Enchenopa tatei Goding, 1928: 211,
tive characteristics of Enchenopa monoc- reinstated combination.
eros is the distoposterior clear area of the Note: The Enchenopa tatei holotype
forewing. This is not a diagnostic feature (USNM; images available at http://
for the species, however, because there
are several other species that share this 4c12-ac3f-9ba670a73278) is too broken

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to evaluate possible synonymy, but has carinae as in Enchenopa, but lacks a

the metopidial carinae and a lateral frontal horn.
carina, both of which are characteristic
Membracis flava Richter 1947: 391, new
for the genus.
placement (Figs. 13, 14).
Note: Richter reported that most
Membracini incertae sedis M. flava lacked a short lateral carina
Enchophyllum imbelle Stål 1869: 271, new anteriorly (Fig. 13) while others had one
placement (Figs. 15, 16). (Fig. 14). Dimorphism of this kind has
Note: Enchophyllum imbelle resembles never been reported for other species, so it
Membracis but has a lateral carina, as in is possible that Richter mistook interspe-
Phyllotropis. It is significantly larger than cific variation for intraspecific variation.
any Leioscyta (see scale bar). Until the
relationships between Enchophyllum, Acknowledgments
Membracis, and Phyllotropis are I thank Ihor Shidlovsky (LVIV) for the
resolved, Enchophyllum imbelle cannot photograph of the Enchenopa monoceros
be placed to genus. holotype, Olivia Evangelista (CSIRO) for
photographs of the Enchenopa varians
Erechtia trinotata Funkhouser 1930: 412
and Membracis minans types and Herbert
(Figs. 17, 18).
Zettel and Harald Bruckner (NHMW) for
Note: Erechtia trinotata (Fig. 4) is
assisting her, Gunvi Lindberg (NHRS)
most similar to the low-crested species
for the photographs of the Enchophyllum
Membracis carinulata Richter (1947)
imbelle holotype, Timothy McCabe
and M. caquetensis Richter (1947), the
(NYSM) for checking Fitch’s collection,
former differing in its lack of an ante-
the CeNak, Univ. Hamburg, for permis-
rior white macula and the latter in its
sion to reproduce an image from Strümpel
shorter first dorsal macula. It is curious
and Strümpel’s 2014 article, Dr. Carlos
why Funkhouser placed this species in
E. Sarmiento for permission to repro-
Erechtia, which by the traditional defi-
duce images from Richter’s 1947 article,
nition (Dietrich and McKamey 1995)
Robert Oelman, Milan Kozanek, Ted
being used at the time, and even by
MacRae, Caiu Flat, Richard C. Hoyer,
the revised definition by Sakakibara
Víctor de Paiva, Ricardo Palonsky, and
(2012), the pronotum of Erechtia is not
Chan for their photographs of live spec-
at all foliaceous and has multiple sharp,
imens, Ben Proshek (USDA Systematic
raised lateral carinae. Sakakibara
Entomology Laboratory [SEL]) for pho-
(2012) referred Erechtia trinotata to
tographing Figs. 5, 6, Alyssa Seemann
Membracini incertae sedis but did
(SEL) for producing all plates, and Chris
not provide an illustration or photo-
Dietrich (Illinois Natural History Survey)
graphs, which are included here for
and Olivia Evangelista (CSIRO) for com-
clarity and confirmation that it should
ments on earlier drafts of the manuscript.
be considered as Membracini incer-
Mention of trade names or commercial
tae sedis.
products in this publication is solely for
Membracis carinulata Richter 1947: 399, the purpose of providing specific infor-
new placement (Fig. 12). mation and does not imply endorsement
As noted above, M. carinulata Richter by the USDA. The USDA is an equal
(Fig.12) has one or two short, metopidial opportunity provider and employer.

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