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Study Guide for Presidential Campaign Simulation

1. The class is divided into two groups.

2. The motion concerns the “Policy on Incentives for Purchasing Electric Car and Bus”.
3. Groups A and B should decide their position (between pros and cons).
4. Each group consists of the following roles; the candidate of the president, the candidate of the
vice president, the campaign manager, and supporters/members of the coalition. You can decide
the role based on the imaginary party (not based on the real one).
5. Every group should create a campaign plan before the simulation. The campaign plan should
consist of the following aspect:
a. Vision, mission, and program (can include the stance on the motion)
b. Voters analysis
c. Campaign Message and Media (jargon, speech/rhetoric, attribute, attire, etc; including
both verbal and non-verbal communication).
d. Resources Analysis (networks, funding, etc).
We have also attached an example of the Campaign Plan on GC.
6. The due for submitting the campaign plan is before the class begins.
7. The simulation will run on Friday 16, 2023.
8. Each group should wear the same dress code representing their coalition and bring the attribute
(such as but not limited to posters, banners, and accessories).

1. The debate is led by a host.
2. In the first session, the host asks each candidate to convey their vision and mission in general.
3. The candidates are allowed to address or greet the masses/sympathizers.
4. The campaign manager can direct the masses (sympathizers) to cheer.
5. The task of the campaign manager is to manage the campaign according to what has been
planned (scripts for vision and mission campaigns, preparing attributes to be carried, etc.).
6. In the second session, the host asks both parties about their opinion on the motion. Each
candidate can express their opinion. Each candidate can rebut or interrupt others’ statements
after the host permits them to speak.
7. In the fourth session, the host asks each candidate to provide a closing statement.

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