Đề Cương Ôn Tập GTLVH

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I. PART I: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, and practices of a group of people.
2. Culture doesn’t include laws.
3. Culture also refers to music, morals, and gestures.
4. Interpretation is influenced by one’s experiences, needs, wants, values, beliefs,
expectations, physical and emotional states.
5. Worldview is a culture’s orientation toward only God and humanities.
6. Communication only involves physical act of communicating, it doesn’t involve a
psychological act.
7. Shared meaning is created and fixed in the mind of the receiver.
8. In high-context cultures such as American, Indian, and Japanese, the verbal
message contains most of the information.
9. Listening competency cannot be improved.
10. Power distance refers that the less powerful person in society accepts inequality in
power and considers it as normal.
11. Action-oriented listeners are usually focused on relationships.
12. In collectivist cultures like Japanese, people place primary value on self and
personal achievement.
13. Individualistic cultures such as American focus on the group harmony.
14. Nonverbal behaviors are expressions like facial expressions, eye contact, gestures,
and tone of voice.
15. Context is the setting in which communication encounters occur including the
physical, social, historical, psychological, and cultural circumstances.
16. Conflict occurs because of misunderstanding and miscommunication.
17. Communication can improve life expectancy.
18. When we get conflicting messages from what a person says and what he or she
expresses. We tend to believe the verbal messages rather than nonverbal clues.
19. Touch has different meanings in different cultures.
20. Silence may mean that you need more time to response to the others’ ideas.
21. In the US culture, hierarchy is promoted rather than equality.
22. Equality in the US culture means “equal opportunity”.
II. PART II: Choose the best answer (A, B, or C) to the following questions.
1. Listening competency can be improved by ………
A. asking questions B. paraphrasing the points C. both A and B
2. ……… means listening for pleasure, for example, listening to a comedian for fun, an
internet presentation for entertainment or music for relaxation.
A. Comprehensive listening B. Appreciative listening C. Non-judgmental listening
3. ……… is to understand and experience the feelings of a conversation partner,
requiring listeners to use verbal and nonverbal feedback to show their understanding.
A. Appreciative listening B. Empathic listening C. Comprehensive listening
4. ……… is to help understanding, evaluating or judging.
A. Empathic listening B. Appreciative listeningC. Non-judgmental
5. In ………, we pretend to listen even though we focus on our own thoughts and miss
the speaker’s message.
A. Confrontational listening B. Defensive listening C. Pseudo-listening
6. In ………, we listen carefully for flaws in a message to refute them or attack the
speaker in response.
A. Confrontational listening B. Defensive listening C. Pseudo-listening

7. While listening, you become emotionally involved to others' problems, you tend to be
a/an ……….
A. people-oriented listener B. time-oriented listener C. action-oriented listener
8. While listening, you interrupt others when you feel pressure to move on to another
task, you tend to be ……….
A. people-oriented listener B. time-oriented listener C. action-oriented listener
9. ……….is conflict about routine tasks and have a negative effect on group
A. Relationship conflict B. Values conflict C. Task conflict
10. In ………. conflict management style, partners have much concern for both the
relationship and for personal goals.
A. Compromising B. Avoidance C. Collaborating
11. ……….refers to how a particular culture differentiates masculine and feminine social
A. Gender B. Age C. Ethnic identity
12. ……….occurs when we comprehend what we hear
A. Hearing B. Understanding C. Remembering
13. ……….is the final stage, involving sending feedback.
A. Responding B. Evaluating C. Interpreting
14. Equality in the US culture means “……….”
A. Responding B. equality C. equal opportunity
15. Scholar suggests that ………..of meaning comes from nonverbal clues.
A. about 65% B. about 20% C. about 90%
16. Meanings exist and are defined by ………...
A. words B. speakers C. environment

III. PART III: These are some situations. Examine these situations and give
responses to them.
Write an essay of about 200 words in the first person to solve the following situation.
The essay will consist of 3 following parts:
Part1: Introduction (introduce the situation)
Part 2: Body
- Paragraph 1: Give one solution and explain why you choose this solution
- Paragraph 2: Give another solution and explain why you choose this solution
Part 3: Conclusion: paraphrase your point of view
Write an essay of about 200 words in the first person to solve the following situation.
The essay will consist of 3 following parts:
Part1: Introduction (nonverbal behaviors and gestures can be used to greet others
not only in Vietnam but also in other cultures)
Part 2: Body
- Paragraph 1: nonverbal behaviors and gestures to greet others in Vietnam
- Paragraph 2: nonverbal behaviors and gestures to greet others in other
- Paragraph 3: Why nonverbal behaviors and gestures to greet others are
important ?
Part 3: Conclusion

1. Situation 1: Your close friend at work has a body-image concern. Your friend asks
whether you think she/he is fat and unattractive. Your friend is very overweight
and poorly groomed. What would you do in this situation?
My close friend at work often wonders if he is fat and unattractive. As someone who
has also struggled with the same concerns in the past, I understand how sensitive
these topics can be. In this essay, I will discuss two possible solutions that I would do
in this situation.

One solution that I would do is to encourage him to join me in some physical

activities that we both enjoy. For example, we could go for a walk during our lunch
break, join a gym together, or play some sports on the weekends. This way, he could
have fun while also improving his fitness and health. I would choose this solution
because I think it would help him lose some weight and feel more confident about his
appearance. It would also strengthen our friendship and make us happier.

Another solution that I would do is to compliment him on his positive qualities and
achievements. For example, I could tell him how smart, funny, and kind he is, and
how proud I am of his work performance. It is crucial to boost his self-esteem and
make him feel more attractive. This solution would help him focus on his strengths
and not on his flaws. Moreover, it would show him that I care about him and value

To summarize, the two solutions I propose for my friend's body-image concern are
engaging in physical activities and providing compliments on his positive aspects. By
doing so, I can enhance his physical well-being, boost his self-confidence, and
cultivate a sense of self-appreciation and contentment.

2. Situation 2: You feel smothered by your partner. You have little time alone. When
you plan outings with friends, your partner wants to come along. What would you
do in this situation?
Being in a relationship can be wonderful, but it also requires balance. Unfortunately,
in my case, I feel like my partner is smothering me. They don’t give me any space or
time to be alone or with my friends. This makes me feel frustrated and suffocated. In
this essay, I will discuss two possible solutions to this problem and explain why I
choose them.

My first solution is to communicate with my partner and set some boundaries. I would
tell them how I feel and why I need some personal time. It is crucial for him to know
that having different interests and hobbies is healthy for our relationship. He has to
respect my wishes and let me have some freedom. This solution is useful because it
can help us understand each other better and avoid resentment.

Another solution is to plan some activities that we can both enjoy and some that we
can do separately. For example, we can go to the movies or a restaurant together once
a week, but we can also have our own nights out with our friends or pursue our own
hobbies. This way, my partner wouldn't feel left out, but I could also have some time
alone or with my friends.

In conclusion, I think that feeling smothered by my partner is a common issue that can
be solved by communication and compromise. I would try both of these solutions and
see which one works better for us. I hope that by doing this, we can have a happier
and healthier relationship.
3. Situation 3: Your best friend has just broken up with his or her long-term
boyfriend or girlfriend. Your friend calls you and says, “I feel so lonely”. What
would you do in this situation?
Breaking up with a long-term partner can be a challenging and emotionally difficult
experience. As a best friend, I want to support my friend during this difficult time. In
this essay, I will discuss two possible solutions to this problem and explain why I
choose them.

One solution is to listen to my friend and comfort them. Sometimes, all we need is
someone to talk to. I would lend a compassionate ear and allow my friend to share
their feelings without judgment. Let them know that it's okay to be sad, angry, or
confused, and remind them of their strengths and resilience. Above all, make sure
they know that they are not alone and that you are there for them no matter what.

Another solution is to distract my friend and cheer them up. I would invite them to
hang out with me and do something fun such as joining a sports team, taking a
cooking class, or learning a new language. By trying something new, your friend can
keep their mind occupied and meet new people outside of their previous relationships.
They may even discover a newfound passion or interest that brings them fulfillment
and joy.

On the whole, being there for a friend during or after a break-up is a vital aspect of
friendship. By offering support and an open ear, we can help our friend to overcome
feelings of loneliness and isolation that may arise from the end of their relationship.
4. Situation 4: A good friend tells you he or she has been cut from the team and
won’t get to play this year. What would you do in this situation?
Being cut from the team is a disappointing and frustrating experience for anyone who
loves sports. It can affect one's self-esteem and motivation. In this essay, I will offer
two possible ways to support and help my friend through this experience.

First, I would encourage my friend to talk to the coach and ask for feedback. Maybe
there was a misunderstanding or a mistake that led to the decision. If it is the right
decision, my friend can improve in some areas to increase his or her chances of
making the team next year. By talking to the coach, my friend can get some clarity
and closure on what happened and what he or she can do better in the future. This
solution can help my friend feel more confident and hopeful about his or her potential
as a player.

Second, I would support my friend to find other ways to enjoy sports and stay fit.
Being cut from the team does not mean that my friend has to give up on sports
altogether. There are many other opportunities to play sports, such as joining a club, a
recreational league, or a school intramural program. There are also many other
activities that can keep my friend healthy and happy, such as hiking, biking,
swimming, or yoga. In this way, my friend can maintain his or her passion and skills
for sports and have fun at the same time.

In conclusion, being cut from the team is a hard situation to deal with, but it is not the
end of the world. These solutions can help my friend overcome this setback and move
on with a positive attitude.
5. What are nonverbal behaviors and gestures used to greet others in your culture and
in other cultures? Describe these behaviors.
Nonverbal behaviors and gestures are powerful communication tools that can convey
meaning without using words. These behaviors often differ from one culture to another,
reflecting unique values, beliefs, and traditions. In this essay, I will describe the
nonverbal behaviors and gestures to greet others in Vietnam and some other cultures, as
well as why these behaviors are important.

In Vietnam, the most common greeting is a bow, which is performed by lowering the
head slightly while keeping the eyes fixed on the person being greeted. It shows respect
and politeness. The degree of bowing depends on the age and status of the person being
greeted. Another common nonverbal behavior is shaking hands, especially in formal
situations. However, shaking hands should be done gently and briefly, without squeezing
or holding too long. Eye contact should also be moderate, as staring or looking away can
be considered rude or disrespectful.

In other cultures, nonverbal behaviors and gestures to greet others may vary widely
depending on the context and the relationship. For example, in some Western cultures,
such as the United States or Canada, shaking hands is a common way to greet others. The
handshake should be firm and confident, with eye contact and a smile. In some European
cultures, such as France or Spain, kissing on the cheek is a common way to greet others,
especially among friends or relatives. In some Asian cultures, such as Japan or Korea,
bowing is a common way to greet others. The bow should be done with a straight back
and a slight nod of the head. The lower and longer the bow, the more respect it shows.

Nonverbal behaviors and gestures to greet others are important because they can express
one's emotions, attitudes, and intentions. They can also create a positive impression, build
rapport and trust, and show respect and appreciation. However, they can also cause
misunderstanding, confusion, and offense if they are not used appropriately or
sensitively. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the cultural differences and
preferences for nonverbal behaviors and gestures to greet others and to adapt one's
communication style accordingly.

In conclusion, nonverbal behaviors and gestures can vary depending on the values,
norms, and expectations of each culture. They can have a significant impact on how one's
message is received and interpreted by others. By understanding and using nonverbal
behaviors and gestures effectively, one can communicate more successfully across

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