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Licenciatura En Enseñanza Del Inglés


Alumna: Soledad Montserrat Muñiz Delgado 000-00-3108

2.2 Auxiliary verbs in English and Spanish.

Unidad 2

3 de Abril del 2022

Auxiliary Verbs
Auxiliary verbs often have no meaning by themselves, but when they are related to a main verb they fulfill the function of offering grammatical information
with the mode, tense, person, number, voice and tense of the main verb of the sentence. Therefore, for an auxiliary verb to exist in a sentence, there must always
be a main verb, which will be the one that gives meaning and semantic content to the sentence in which it appears.

English Spanish
Are more used - Auxiliaries are less used

-To turn a verb into the future, an auxiliary verb is not needed. E.g.
The auxiliary "will" is used to turn a verb into the future. E.g. I will

-We use auxiliary "do" to make negatives (do + not) or to make the
question form of most main verbs. We use do, does (present simple) -The auxiliary "do" is not used in any of the cases (negatives, to
and did (past simple) followed by the subject and the main verb. make question, present simple or past) Eg. ¿juegas fútbol?, ella no
E.g. Do you play football?, She Doesn’t use the phone. , Did you usa el celular, ¿viniste ayer?.
come yesterday?

We use auxiliary "would" to talk about the past, talk about the
The auxiliary "would" is not used, to postpreterite is only necessary
future in the past or express the conditional mood. E.g. I would like
to conjugate the verb. E.g Me gustaría un te.
English Spanish
be (when followed by a gerund): Eg. I am eating Estar followed by a present participle (also known as a gerund) E.g.
Estoy comiendo.

be (when followed by a past participle to form the passive

Ser followed by a past participle, or use of the reflexive verb.
voice): E.g. The company was sold for $5 million.
E.g. La compañía fue vendida por $5 million.

can (followed by the main verb): I can run. Poder followed by an infinitive: E.g. Yo puedo correr

have (followed by the past participle) I have studied Haber (followed by the past participle) E.g Yo he estudiado

ought, should: You Should walk. Deber : E.g. Debes caminar


Cambridge Dictionary,

English Club,
Gerald Erichsen, 2019, How To Use Auxiliary Verbs in Spanish,
Kenneth Beare, 2019, Passive Voice Usage and Examples for ESL/EFL,

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