Synthesis 1

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Itzel Soto

ENGL 1302-480

Dr. Hanan Saadi

21 July 2023

Synthesis by the University of Arizona

1. What is synthesis?

A synthesis is when a writer combines many sources and idea. Which means a writer will

include various sources and ideas onto one paragraph.

2. How are summarizing and synthesis different?

Summarizing means to summarize each source, or sum up the main key points of a

source. Whereas, synthesis means to combine all sources and add their own understanding of the

source. Which meaning combings the analysis of a source and their own interpretation together.

3. What should you do to create a successful synthesis?

To create a successful synthesis a writer should first read thoroughly and research their

own topic. Then, you would focos on back and forth conversation between your

combined sources. The writer will have created a successful synthesis by understanding

how the authors of their sources are connected and different.

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