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Characterization of Epoxy Carotenoids by Fast

Atom Bombardment Collision-Induced
Dissociation MS/MS
Takashi Maokaa, Yasuhiro Fujiwarab, Keiji Hashimotoc, and Naoshige Akimotod,*
Research Institute for Production Development, Kyoto 606-0805, bKyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto
607-8414, Japan, cNagahama Institute of Bio-sciences and Technology, Shiga 526-0829, Japan, and
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

ABSTRACT: The characterization and structure of epoxy carote- epoxy, and 3,6-epoxy end groups conjugated to the polyene
noids possessing 5,6-epoxy, 5,8-epoxy and 3,6-epoxy end groups chain and the structural analysis of an epoxy carotenoid iso-
conjugated to the polyene chain were investigated using high- lated from the oyster Crassostrea gigas by using this method.
energy fast atom bombardment collision-induced dissociation
MS/MS methods. In addition to [M – 80]+⋅, a characteristic fragment
ion of an epoxy carotenoid, product ions resulting from the cleav- EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
age of C–C bonds in the polyene chain from the epoxy end group,
such as m/z 181 (b ion) and 121 (c ion), were detected. On the other
FAB CID-MS/MS. MS/MS spectra were recorded using a
hand, diagnostic ions of m/z 286 (e-H ion) and 312 (f-H ion) were JEOL JMS-HX/HX 110A four-sector tandem mass spectrom-
observed, not in the 5,6-epoxy or 5,8-epoxy carotenoid but in the eter. A few micrograms of sample dissolved in benzene was
3,6-epoxy carotenoid. These fragmentation patterns can be used to placed on a stainless-steel probe tip and added to 1–2 µL of
distinguish 3,6-epoxy carotenoids from 5,6-epoxy or 5,8-epoxy m-nitrobenzyl alcohol (NBA) as a matrix. The positive FAB
carotenoids. The structure of an epoxy carotenoid, 3,6-epoxy-5,6- ionization was achieved by bombardment with 6 kV xenon
dihydro-7′,8′-didehydro-β,β-carotene-5,3′-diol (8), isolated from atoms at an atom gun current of 5 mA. The accelerating volt-
oyster, was characterized using FAB CID-MS/MS by comparing age in the source was 10 kV. The radical cation M+ was se-
fragmentation patterns with those of related known compounds. lected as a precursor by MS1, and collided with argon in a
Paper no. L9383 in Lipids 39, 179–183 (February 2004). collision cell located in the third field-free region. Argon gas
pressure was adjusted to attenuate the intensity of the precur-
sor ion by 30%. The collision cell potential was 3 kV. The re-
Carotenoids are the pigments responsible for many of the yel- sulting product ions were acquired by accumulating several
low, orange, red, and purple colors distributed throughout na- linked scans on MS2.
ture. More than 600 different, but closely related, structures Sample preparation. The isolation and purification of epoxy
have been identified from biological sources (1,2), all of carotenoids were performed by routine procedures. Violaxan-
which are very labile. Therefore, there is a need to establish a thin (5,6,5′,6′-diepoxy-5,6,5′,6′-tetrahydro-β,β-carotene-3,3′-
rapid and reliable method for analyzing them (2). Fast atom diol; 1), auroxanthin (5,8,5′,8′-diepoxy-5,8,5′,8′-tetrahydro-β,β-
bombardment collision-induced dissociation (FAB CID)- carotene-3,3′-diol; 2), cycloviolaxanthin (3,6,3′,6′-diepoxy-
MS/MS methods have widely been used for the structural 3,6,3′,6′-tetrahydro-β,β-carotene-5,5′-diol; 3), antheraxanthin
analysis of natural products. Van Breemen et al. (3) reported (5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-β,β-carotene-3,3′-diol; 4), mutatoxan-
the structural analysis of 17 carotenoids by positive ion FAB- thin (5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-β,β-carotene-3,3′-diol; 5), and cu-
MS/MS using a two-sector mass spectrometer with linked curbitaxanthin A (3,6-epoxy-3,6-dihydro-β,β-carotene-5,3′-
scanning at a constant B/E [ratio of magnetic (B) and electric diol; 7) were isolated from the pumpkin, Cucurbita maxima (5);
(E) fields held at a constant] and high-energy collisionally acti- and diadinochrome (5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro-7′,8′-didehydro-
vated dissociation. Recently, we reported the relationship be- β,β-carotene-3,3′-diol; 6) was isolated from the tunicate,
tween structure and the product ions obtained from molecular Amaroucium pliciferum (6), according to methods previously
ions (M+ ) by using four-sector tandem MS with high-energy described. An epoxy carotenoid (8) was isolated from the oys-
FAB CID-MS/MS spectra of 28 carotenoids (4). ter, C. gigas, according to routine procedures. The structures of
Here, we report the characterization by high-energy FAB these carotenoids are shown in Scheme 1. The acetone extract
CID-MS/MS of epoxy carotenoids possessing 5,6-epoxy, 5,8- of the edible parts (purchased commercially in that form, hence
weight of intact animal unknown) of C. gigas (10 kg) was parti-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed at the Graduate School of Phar- tioned between n-hexane/ether (1:1) and aqueous NaCl. The or-
maceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan.
E-mail: ganic layer was dried over Na2SO4 and then concentrated to dry-
Abbreviations: FAB CID-MS/MS, fast atom bombardment collision-induced ness. The residue was subjected to column chromatography on
dissociation MS/MS; NBA, nitrobenzyl alcohol. silica gel using an increasing percentage of acetone in n-hexane.

Copyright © 2004 by AOCS Press 179 Lipids, Vol. 39, no. 2 (2004)


In the positive-ion FAB MS spectra of carotenoids obtained
using m-NBA as a matrix, the radical cation [M]+ was predom-
inant rather than the protonated molecular ion [MH]+ (4). There-
fore, M+ was used as the precursor ion of CID-MS/MS for the
epoxy carotenoids investigated in the present study. Character-
istic product ions observed in epoxy carotenoids are listed in
Table 1. The nomenclature used to denote typical fragments re-
sulting from specific bond cleavages in the polyene chain is
shown in Scheme 2.
FAB CID-MS/MS spectra of symmetrical epoxy carotenoids.
Violaxanthin (1), auroxanthin (2), and cycloviolaxanthin (3) are
symmetrical epoxy carotenoids possessing the same molecular
formula, C40 H56O4. Violaxanthin (1), having a 3-hydroxy-5,6-
epoxy end group at both ends of the polyene chain, showed the
major product ions m/z 582 [M – 18]+ (elimination of water)
and 520 [M – 80]+ , a characteristic fragment ion observed in
the epoxy carotenoids (9,10). Furthermore, a series of product
ions resulting from the cleavage of C–C bonds in the polyene
chain, from the epoxy end group such as m/z 221 (c ion: attrib-
uted to cleavage between C10 and C11), 352 (g-H ion: attrib-
uted to cleavage between C14′ and C13′ accompanied by a hy-
drogen transfer to the C13′ side) and 419 (i ion: attributed to
cleavage between C9′ and C8′) was detected. However, no loss
of toluene [M – 92]+ was observed.
Auroxanthin (2), having a 3-hydroxy-5,8-epoxy (furan)
end groups on both sides of the polyene chain, showed almost
the same product ion patterns as 1. Furthermore, auroxanthin
exhibited additional product ions resulting from the cleavage
SCHEME 1 of single bonds in the polyene chain from the epoxy end
group, m/z 181 (b ion: attributed to cleavage between C8 and
The fraction eluted with n-hexane/acetone (7:3) was further pu- C9), 247 (d ion: attributed to cleavage between C12 and C13),
rified by HPLC on octadecylsilane with chloroform/acetonitrile 287 (e ion: attributed to cleavage between C14 and C15), and
(1:9) to yield the epoxy carotenoid, 8 (0.5 mg). Details of the 379 (h ion: attributed to cleavage between C11′ and C10′).
isolation and structural elucidation of 8 including an NMR Cycloviolaxanthin (3), possessing a 3-hydroxy-3,6-epoxy
study are reported in the literature (7). end group on both ends of the polyene chain, also showed m/z

Fragment Ions Obtained by FAB CID-MS/MS of Epoxy Carotoids
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
M (m/z) 600 600 600 584 584 582 584 582
M – 18 582 582 582 566 566 564 566 564
M – 33 — — — — — 531 — 531
M – 80 520 520 520 504 504 502 504 502
M – 92 — — — 492 492 490 492 490
b — 181 181 181 181 181 181 181
c 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221
d — 247 247 — — — — —
e — 287 286 (–H) — — — 286 (–H) 286 (–H)
f — — 312 (–H) — — — 312 (–H) 312 (–H)
g 352 (–H) 352 (–H) — 352 (–H) 352 (–H) 352 (–H) — —
h — 379 379 — — — — —
i 419 419 419 — — — — —
j — — 445 — — — — —
b′ — — — 404 (–H) 404 (–H) 402 (–H) — —
c′ — — 379 — — — 364 (+H) 362 (+H)
x′ — — — — — — 416 414

Lipids, Vol. 39, no. 2 (2004)


tween C8 and C9 accompanied by a hydrogen transfer to the C8

site), which could provide structural information on the 3-
hydroxy-β-end group side of the molecule.
Mutatoxanthin (5), having a 3-hydroxy-5,8-epoxy (furan)
end group and a 3-hydroxy-β-end group on both ends of the
polyene chain, showed almost the same product ions as that
of 4 as shown in Figure 1.
Diadinochrome (6), a 7′,8′-didehydro analog of 5, also
showed almost the same fragmentation pattern—m/z 580 [M –
. . .
18]+ , 502 [M – 80]+ , 490 [M – 92]+ , 181 (b ion), 221 (c ion),
520 [M – 80]+ . The sequential product ions obtained by cleav- and 352 (g-H ion)—as 5, as shown in Figure 2. On the other
. .
age of all single bonds in the polyene chain except for cleavage hand, 6 showed [M – 33]+ (loss of CH3 and H2O from M+ ), a
between C14′ and C13′ (g-H ion; m/z 352) were observed in cy- fragment ion characteristic of carotenoids possessing an
cloviolaxanthin (3). Notably, m/z 286 (e-H ion: attributed to acetylenic group at 7,8 and/or 7′,8′ in the polyene chain such as
cleavage between C14 and C15 and transfer of a hydrogen to the alloxanthin, diatoxanthin, and halocynthiaxanthin (4). Moreover,
C15 site) was detected, which was not observed in 5,6-epoxy or the shift down of b′ + H ion (m/z 402) by 2 mass units compared
5,8-epoxy carotenoids. On the other hand, m/z 352 (g-H ion) was with 5 agreed with the presence of an acetylenic group at the 3-
not observed for 3. These fragment patterns characterize the 3,6- hydroxy-β-end group side (7′,8′ position) in 6.
epoxy carotenoid. No loss of toluene [M – 92]+ was observed Cucurbitaxanthin A (7), possessing a 3-hydroxy-3,6-epoxy
in 2 or 3. end group and a 3-hydroxy-β-end group, has the same molecu-
FAB CID-MS/MS spectra of asymmetrical epoxy carotenoids. lar formula, C40 H56 O3, as 4 and 5 and also exhibited the prod-
. . .
Antheraxanthin (4), having a 3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy end group uct ions m/z 582 [M – 18]+ , 504 [M – 80]+ , 492 [M – 92]+ ,
and a 3-hydroxy-β-end group on each side of the polyene chain, 181 (b ion), and 221 (c ion) as shown in Figure 3. However, no
showed the major product ions m/z 566 [M – 18]+ , 504 [M – g-H ion was observed. On the other hand, 7 showed the diag-
+. +.
80] , and 492 [M – 92] with elimination of a neutral molecule nostic ions m/z 416 (x′ ion: cleavage of C=C bond between C7
of toluene from the polyene chain (8). Furthermore, a series of and C8) and 364 (c′ + H ion). These fragmentation patterns can
product ions resulting from the cleavage of C–C bonds in the be used to distinguish a 3,6-epoxy carotenoid from a 5,6-epoxy
polyene chain from the epoxy end group side such as m/z 181 (b or 5,8-epoxy carotenoid.
ion), 221 (c ion), and 352 (g-H ion) were obtained. In addition Application of FAB CID-MS/MS to the structural analysis
to these ions, 4 exhibited the diagnostic ion m/z 404 (b′ + H ion: of the epoxy carotenoid isolated from oyster. After character-
loss of the C1 to C8 moiety from the molecule by cleavage be- izing CID-MS/MS fragments of known epoxy carotenoids, we

(m/z 566)


M-80 M-92 (m/z 492)

M-18 (m/z 504)
Relative abundance

(m/z 566)


FIG. 1. Fast atom bombardment collision-induced dissociation (FAB CID)-MS/MS spectrum of M+. of mutatoxanthin (5).

Lipids, Vol. 39, no. 2 (2004)


(m/z 564)
Relative abundance

M-80 M-92 (m/z 490)

M-18 (m/z 502)
(m/z 564)

FIG. 2. FAB CID-MS/MS spectrum of M of diadinochrome (6). For abbreviation see Figure 1.

used this method for the structural analysis of an epoxy spectrum of 8 (Fig. 3) showed product ions typical of a 3,6-
carotenoid (8) isolated from the oyster, C. gigas. Compound 8 epoxy carotenoid, i.e., m/z 502 [M – 80]+ , 181 (b ion), 221 (c
was found to have a molecular ion at m/z 582.4080, compatible ion), and 286 (e-H ion). Furthermore, 8 showed m/z 431 [M –
with the formula C40H54O3 by high-resolution EI-MS. The CID 33]+, a product ion characteristic of acetylenic carotenoid (4).

(m/z 566)
(m/z 504)
M-92 (m/z 492)
(m/z 566)
Relative abundance

FIG. 3. FAB CID-MS/MS spectrum of M of cucurbitaxanthin A (7). For abbreviation see Figure 1.

Lipids, Vol. 39, no. 2 (2004)


(m/z 564)

(m/z 502)
M-92 (m/z 490)
Relative abundance

(m/z 564)


FIG. 4. FAB CID-MS/MS spectrum of M+. of an epoxy carotenoid, 3,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-7′,8′-didehydro-β,β-

carotene-5,3′-diol (8), isolated from oyster. For abbreviation see Figure 1.

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carotenoid, product ions resulting from cleavage of C–C bonds
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in the polyene chain from the epoxy end group such as m/z 181 rine Carotenoids Amarouciaxanthin A and B, J. Nat. Prod. 48,
(b ion) and 121 (c ion) were detected. On the other hand, the 606–613.
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gigas, J. Nat. Prod. 64, 578–581.
Furthermore, no g-H ion was detected in 3,6-epoxy carotenoid.
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These fragmentation patterns can be used to distinguish a 3,6- tenoids, in Carotenoids, Vol. 1A (Britton, G., Liaaen-Jensen, S.,
epoxy carotenoid from a 5,6-epoxy or 5,8-epoxy carotenoid. The and Pfander, H., eds.), pp. 261–320, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.
structure of an epoxy carotenoid (8) isolated from oyster was 9. Johannes, B., Brzezinka, H., and Budzikiewicz, H. (1974) Mass
characterized using FAB CID-MS/MS by comparing fragmen- Spectrometric Fragmentation Reactions VII. Degradation of the
Polyene Chain of Carotenoids, Org. Mass Spectrom. 9, 1095–
tation patterns with those of related known compounds. There-
fore, high-energy FAB CID-MS/MS is a useful method for the 10. Budzikiewicz, H. (1983) Mass Spectra of Carotenoids—La-
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Lipids, Vol. 39, no. 2 (2004)

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