OS Unit Set 3 Eng

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Model Paper – Unit 5

ICT – GCE AL 2020

Index : ………………………. Units 5 Time : 1 Hour

1. Which of the following is a single-user operating system?

1) Windows 3) Ms-Dos 5) Fedora
2) MAC 4) Linux

2. The size of virtual memory is based on which of the following?

1) CPU 3) Address bus 5) Hard Disk
2) RAM 4) Data bus
3. Where are placed the list of processes that are prepared to be executed and waiting?
1) Job queue 3) Execution queue 5) New Start
2) Ready queue 4) Process queue

4. Which of the following operating systems do you use for a client-server network?
1) MAC 3) Windows XP 5) Ubuntu
2) Linux 4) Windows 2000

5. What type of scheduling is round-robin scheduling?

1) Linear data scheduling 4) Non-preemptive scheduling
2) Non-linear data scheduling 5) Medium Sheduling
3) Preemptive scheduling

6. What is a long-term scheduler?

1) It selects processes which have to be brought into the ready queue
2) It selects processes which have to be executed next and allocates CPU
3) It selects processes which heave to remove from memory by swapping
4) It selects processes which have to be brought into terminate state
5) Its selects process from block state

7. In a time-sharing operating system, when the time slot given to a process is completed, the process goes
from the running state to the __________
1) Blocked state 3) Suspended state 5) New State
2) Ready state 4) Terminated state

8. Suppose that a process is in “Blocked” state waiting for some I/O service. When the service is completed,
goes to the __________
1) Running state 3) Suspended state 5) Ready/Suspended
2) Ready state 4) Terminated state

9. The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is termed as ____________
1) waiting time 3) response time 5) Service time
2) Turnaround time 4) Throughput

10. Which algorithm is defined in Time quantum?

1) shortest job scheduling algorithm 4) multilevel queue scheduling algorithm
2) round robin scheduling algorithm 5) First Come First Serve
3) priority scheduling algorithm

11. Which one of the following is the address generated by CPU?

MFM Abdullah (BA, PGDE, PGD IT, MSC IT) Page 1

1) Physical address 3) Logical address 5) Memory Address
2) Absolute address 4) Mac Address

12. Run time mapping from virtual to physical address is done by ____________
1) Memory management unit 4) Context Switching
2) CPU 5) Process Control Block
3) PCI

13. Physical memory is broken into fixed-sized blocks called ________

1) Frames 3) backing store 5) Sector
2) Pages 4) none of the mentioned

14. CPU fetches the instruction from memory according to the value of:
1) Program counter 3) Instruction register 5) Data buffer register
2) Status register 4) Program status word

15. A CPU generates 32-bit virtual addresses. The page size is 4 KB. How many pages available in this
1) 20 MB 3) 21 MB 5) 24 KB
2) 20 KB 4) 24 MB

16. Which of the following operating system used in 2nd generation of the OS?
1) Multi programing 3) Simple Batch 4) Serial Processing
2) Time Sharing Processing 5) Multi User Processing

17. Which of the following task not control by booting process

1) Loading OS from secondary storage to primary storage
2) The Power on self-test 4) Loading the application program
3) Activate the BIOS 5) Search the boot loader

18. Device drivers are

1) Small, special-purpose programs
2) Tiny power cords for external storage devices
3) Experts who know how to maximize the performance of devices
4) The innermost part of the operating system
5) Substitutes for operating systems

19. Which of the following features are available in NTFS file system
1) Encryption, Limited File name, Low secrurity
2) Unicode, Larger size of partition, Limited file name
3) Encryption, Unicode, High Security
4) Small Partition, Support for disk quotas, High security
5) Unicode, Smaller Partition, Limited File name

20. There is no ..... with linked allocation.

1) Internal Fragmentation 4) Fragmentation
2) External Fragmentation 5) Linker(Connector)
3) Partitions

21. Capacity of the virtual memory 16 MB where the number of pages 1 kb. Then what is the size of a page of
given memory

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1) 16 MB 3) 16 KB 5) 1024 bytes
2) 4 KB 4) 4 MB

22. Spooling is..

1) Holds a device information 4) Holds output for a device
2) Is fast memory 5) Waiting in ready state
3) Holds the only copy of the data

23. What is normally meant by a “context switch”?

1) Any change in state of a process as it executes.
2) Saving the state of one process and restoring the state of another process so that the CPU moves from running one
process to running the other.
3) The switch between a process running in user mode to running in kernel mode. This can happen as the result of a
system call or an exception.
4) Allocate the memory for the executing processing
5) Store all information about process states

24. What is a Process Control Block?

1) Process type variable 4) A Block in memory to store process data
2) Data Structure to organize file data 5) Mechanism to change process states
3) A secondary storage section

25. Consider the process transition diagram in the figure:

If the transition shown are as follows
1 – Process blocks for input/output 3 – Scheduler picks this process
2- Scheduler picks another process 4 – Input/ output is completed

Then what are the state indicated by the labels A, B and C respectively?
1) A : blocked B: New C:Ready
2) A: New B: Ready C: Running
3) A: New B: Blocked C: Blocked
4) A: Running B: Blocked C: Ready
5) A: Running B: New C: Block

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