Essay 2 Second Draft

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Soto 1

Itzel Soto

ENGL 1302-480

Dr. Hanan Saadi

25 July 2023

Animal Testing Validity

For centuries, starting back since Aristotle, many people have been doing testings and

experiments on animals for many scientific researches and purposes. The reasons for animal

testing is for human healthcare to improve and to allow scientists to find effects and solutions on

certain outcomes of diseases, and etc without testing on humans. (Roberts 8) However, most

animal experiments go way beyond the safety procedures and are illegal which is unethical in

many ways. (Gruber 12) Most people are for animal experiments as it can improve humans

overall health by testing on a live creature that is not a human. Whereas, most people are against

animal experiments as it is unethical because alived animals being tested have rights. (Sonali 8)

Moreover, animal testing can be beneficial to human healthcare by developing medicine (etc) for

humans without testing humans; nonetheless, animal testing is unethical because animals are live

creatures with rights that are being tested which could lead to mislead horrific results and

humans don’t have the rights to go beyond the safety procedures to the extreme on hurting live


Animal testing, according to researchers, have been a common practice and has helped

most scientists to understand how to treat and prevent various conditions or diseases. Animal

testing to certain extent limits can be unethical, however according to scholars Roberts and

Barbara Orlans state that animal experimentation has been beneficial to today’s biology and have

been able to medically advance in treating patients with diseases or conditions. It can even help
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out animals with fighting their own new diseases or outbreaks. Animal experimentation helps us

find a reason a certain disease is causing a certain symptom and then find solutions to help

improve. Researcher, Roberts provides unsystemtic reviews on how animal testing can be

beneficial to human health. In this research, he proves how with certain safety procedures and

still following the new legal rules we can still safely animal test.

Regardless of how beneficial animal testing can be for humans, it is unethical because

animals being tested have rights. (Sonali 6) Alived animals being tested on against their will is

against the law. Most experiments lead to horrific results and numbers state that most animal

losses are to experimentations which is morally wrong. Most experiments are painful and cause

prolonged damage to the live animals which is not right. Hajar, a researcher, states that one of the

experiments back in the 1950’s with the drug fiasco with thalidomide causes several deaths of

animals that were being tested and caused to be one of the most unnecessary and unethical

animal testing of all.

In addition, many scientists are breaking the law and going the extreme with most animal

experiments. There have been various cases where animal testing have gone wrong and just

causes more problems. Animal testing, overall, is morally wrong and should not be used in

research to be experimented on certain products that can cause harm. (Sonali 9) According to the

statistics, it takes about tons of thousands of animal to be tested on different experiments to pass

just “one test.” This is very unethical.

All in all, animal testing can be beneficial but unethical at the same time. Scholars

provide various studies and statistics to show how animal experimentations are useless every

year, but how it can be useful depending on what the testing is about. This topic is necessary

because many people believe animal testing is normal and nothing morally wrong happens.
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When behind closed doors there have been horrific results and deaths of animals that have been

treated poorly. If people, continue to have an open mind to animal testings, they can see how

unethical it can be or how useful in a way it can be. With this paper, scholars and researchers

should use this analysis research essay to think about the pros and cons of animal testing. By

either implementing laws, acts, excluding animal testing or find better alternatives for testing

new products or find treatments for diseases.

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Works Cited

Sonali K. Doke, Shashikant C. Dhawale. Alternatives to animal testing: A review. Saudi

Pharmaceutical Journal. Volume 23, Issue 3, 2015.

Hajar R. Animal testing and medicine. Heart Views. 2011 Jan;12(1):42. doi:

10.4103/1995-705X.81548. PMID: 21731811; PMCID: PMC3123518.

Liebsch, M., Grune, B., Seiler, A. et al. Alternatives to animal testing: current status and future

perspectives. Arch Toxicol 85, 841–858 (2011).

Gruber, F. P. and Hartung, T. (2004) “Alternatives to animal experimentation in basic research”,

ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 21(Supp. 1), pp. 3–31. Available at: (Accessed: 22 July 2023).

Roberts I, Kwan I, Evans P, Haig S. Does animal experimentation inform human healthcare?

Observations from a systematic review of international animal experiments on fluid

resuscitation BMJ 2002; 324 :474 doi:10.1136/bmj.324.7335.474

Orlans, Barbara. Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation. In the Name of Science.

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