Science Year 5 Notes

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DUAL LANGUAGE PROGRAMME v CONTENTS Science Process Skills 2 Manipulative Skills 6 Do You Remember? 10 Self Test i Let's Explore 12 Obey the Science Room Rules 4 Do You Remember? 7 Self Test 18 Let's Explore 18 Protection from Enemies 20 Protection from Extreme Weather 24 Animal of My Imagination 28 Survival of the Species 29 Eggrlaying Animals 30 Animals Taking Core of Their Young 33 The Importance of the Survival of the Species Food Chain ‘The Sun, Producer and Consumer Food Web Affect and Effect Do You Remember? Self Test Let's Explore Protection from Enemy 50 ‘Adaptation fo Climate and Season 55 Seeds Dispersal 59 The Importance of Seeds Dispersal 63, The Importance of Plants 64 Do You Remember? 66 Self Test 7 Let's Explore 68 Sources of Energy 70 Various Forms of Energy 72 Transformation of Energy 74 Renewable Energy Sources 7 Non-renewable Energy Sources 78 Using Energy Wisely 81 Do You Remember? 82 Self Test 83 Let's Explore 84 Light Travels in a Straight Line 86 ‘Shadow size I 88 Shadow Shape ag Light Can Be Reflected 90 The Uses of Light Reflection 2 Light Can be Refracled 7 Light Refraction Phenomeyfon % My Invenied Model 98 Do You Remember? 100 Self Test 101 Let's Explore Sources of Electrical Energy 104 Acid, Alkali and Neutral 174 Complete Electrical Circuit 107 Chemical Properties of Substances 176 The Functions of the Switch 109 Aaidic, Alkaline ond Neutral Substonces 179 ‘Symbols of Components 110 Do You Remember? 180 The Brightness of Light Bulbs 112 Self Test 181 Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit 14 Let's Explore 182 The Effect on the Glow of light Bulbs 117 Carelessness in Handing Electrical Appliances 119 Sofety Mesures: Let Rotation and Movement of the Earth 184 Go You Remember? 124 The Moon Phases Phenomena 190 Self Test 125 Do You Remember? 198 Let's Explore 126 Self Test 199 ee vn CC MTeeticIeg ZOD Techniques of Using a Thermometer 129 Strong and Stable Structure 202 Gaining and Losing Heat 130 Factors of an Object Stability 203 Temperature Change 133 The Strength of Building 206 Expansion and Contraction 135 Strong and Stable Building 210 Application of Heat Principles 138 Creating Building Model at Do You Remember? 140 The Practice of Using Sustainable Soff Test 61 Materials 23 Let's Explore 142 Do You Remember? 214 v Self Test aS Knowing Matter 144 Properties of Matter 146 Three States of Water 152 Changes of the State of Water 153 Changes in States of Matter 158 Natural Water Cycle 162 The Importance of Natural Water Cycle 164 Natural Water Resources 167 3 The Importance of Clean de Water Resources 168 Do You Remember? 170 mn Self Test 171 Be é Let's Explore Experimenting uses all Science Process Skills. The steps in experimenting are planning, conducting the experiment, collecting data, drawing the conclusion and making a complete report. Science Process Skills: observing Qclassifying @measuring and using numbers inferring ‘predicting communicating @Qusing space and time relationship Qinterpreting data adefining operationally ‘controlling variables ‘@formulating/making hypothesis ‘(experimenting Scientific skills are the skills practised when conducting an experiment or investigation. Scientific skills comprised of science process skills and manipulative skills. ( Manipulative skills: Manipulative skills are practised when conducting the using and handling apparatus and materials correctly @handling specimens correctly and carefully sketching specimen, science apparatus and materials correctly ‘cleaning science apparatus correctly storing science apparatus and substances correctly and safely REMEMBER Tying up the hair neatly when doing an investigation or experiment Lighting ud tt ie Bu isen burner using) lighter. ‘Opening the windows. A roe a ole SP aes me must obey to ensure safety. ‘Switching on the fan. Do not smell or touch any substance without the teacher's permission Disposing of solid waste into the waste-paper basket ‘Wet any burning substance before The first aid kit should be well- disposi it iN e equipped and easily seen. waste-paper baskel. | | Use it with the teacher's help. Disposing of liquid waste into the sink while the tap water is running Eee kccukem | wallow in mud curl up body — sharp spines © camouflage thick fur migrate hard shell detaching the body parts thick fat layer hibernate hard scales retracting the body parts — hump. hors live in groups was ine Eeree Mieke) ding them - furlle @ numerous - fish oilpaim =» rat — owl ith sli fruit Se eae (producer}_ {consumer} (consumer) @coiling - snake animals that care for the young J Poe ursing - cow @ carrying in a pouch rat kangaroo” ee Ne, @move in groups oil paim ~ elephant fruit ne @ carrying in the mouth flgpid fish he 3 Ex 4 @ feeding - bird Squirrel —» snake @ attacking - cat Seeds or fruits dispersal Se PLANTS’ LIFE PROCESSES ) Adaptation to changes in climate and season Protection from enemies Thorns oa Plants need to be dispersed because they have to compete for space, water, air and light fo continue living. Renewable energy sources an Nol ewable energy sources petroleum oo nuclear materials potential = kinetic —p sound solar energy —® electrical energy. energy energy energy chemical heat , light electrical yy light , sound energy energy energy jjenergy energy energy chemical_» light 4 heat chemical 5 kinetic energy energy energy jj energy energy plain mirror Light is reflected when it bounces back Light is refracted when it from a surface. travels from one medium to another different medium. Uses of light reflection dentist's mirror periscope mirror Factors affecting the size of a shadow. © The distance between the light source and the object. The distance between the object and the screen. Factors affecting the shape of a shadow. ¢ The position of the light source. © The orientation of the object. Gare hydroelectric dry cell lardcell! power sa? HEAT TEMPERATURE Methods of using a thermometer * Temperature is a degree of measurement for hotness in @ ® © a substance. * Temperature is measured using a thermometer. ns wie * The standard unit for 3 4 f temperature in the metric ' a | system is degree Celcius (°C). Substance gains heat ° hotter | * temperature increases / | ]]\ * expand / iI \ / \ / \ 2 Substance loses heat * cooler * temperature decreases * contract « Cooled ) (Heated The importance of applying the principles of material expansion and contraction * the gaps between the joints of railway tracks can prevent the tracks from bending * electric cables are hung slightly loose to prevent them from breaking during the cold weather * the expansion and contraction of the substance in a thermometer bulb give an accurate reading of a body temperature = 2 2? CaEEs State of Matter | Fixed shape ‘Occupy space Mass | Volume Solid v v v v Liquid * v v v Gas x v v v State of Water Solid Liquid Gas 2. = | ) s i = Gaining heat Changes in the State of | Matter Losing heat Changes in the State of Water = > solid | ae > liquid cane > gas | aa gas aa Natural water The imy \ce of natural water cycle resources * supply continuous water resources * ensure the quantity of water on Earth is sustainable over time * cools the Earth [drinking water es Cools the body watering crops crops coveN aS CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SUBSTANCES Py PaCS FS * Change the colour of blue + Change the colour of red * Does not change the litmus paper fo red || litmus paperto blue | colour of blue or red * Does not change the colour | | + Does not change the colour | litmus paper of red litmus paper || ofblue litmus paper * Usually faste sour when fasted with the tongue * Usually taste bitter when. tasted with the tongue * Feel smooth when * Usually have varied tastes, that is tasteless, sweet and salty fouched with fingers examples: _ (examples: examples: “ o ti sugar tiene brinjal i aoa orange vinegar y AU Mane RLM eRe LA xe Earth * Rotates on its axis and moves around the Sun © The direction of the rotation and movement of the Earth is from the West to East © The duration of rotation is 1 day or 24 hours © The Earth's rotation results in: occurrence of day and night » changes in the position of the Sun, » changes in the direction and length of shadows moon rotation orbit of Earth revolution Moon * Reflects sunlight * Rotates and moves from the West to East © The duration of rotation and movement are the same, 27% days * Changes in the Moon's position while moving around the Earth produce the Moon phases Moon orbit MS q fs half moon Places Maueet rene Presets COKEn) REMEMBER} ND BUILDIN‘ a fe P Factors affecting | (Factors of building sirength) (-_ Importance of an object's stability y 2 strong and stable building * Height Ec * Long esing * Reduce maintenance meole, cost * Safe year later Taller objects ore less || * concrete stable than shorter objects. = * Base area 7.) Objects with larger base area are more stable than objects with smaller ‘ wooden bridge base area. we

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