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OPTICS – Reflection through Plane Mirrors

Angle of deviation

1. Two mirrors are inclined at an angle of 25o and an incident ray strikes the first mirror with an incident angle of 60o and
suffers many reflections from each mirror. The total deviation after three successive reflection will be;
a) 130o b) 90o c) 120o d) 110o
2. Two plane mirrors are inclined at 70 . A ray incident on one mirror at angle θ after reflection falls on the second mirror

and is reflected from there parallel to first mirror, θ is

a) 50o b) 45 c) 30o d) 55o
3. Two plane mirrors are inclined at 120 to each other. A ray of incident on mirror 1 at angle of 50o is doubly reflected. The

mirror deviates the incident ray through an angle of

a) 120o b) 100o c) 80o d) 60o
4. A ray of light is incident at 50 on the middle of one of the two mirrors arranged at an angle of 60o between them. The ray

then touches the second mirror, gets reflected back to the first mirror, making an angle of incidence……………
a) 50o b) 60o c) 70o d) 80o
5. Two plane mirrors AB and AC are inclined at an angle of 20 . A ray of o

light starting from point P is incident at point Q on the mirror AB, then
at R on mirror AC and again on S on AB finally the ray ST goes parallel
to mirror AC. The angle ‘i’ which the ray makes with the normal at
point Q on mirror AB is

a) 20o b) 30o c) 40o d) 60o
6. Two plane mirrors at an angle such that a ray incident on a mirror undergoes a total deviation of 240o after two
a) the angle between the mirror is 60o
b) the number of images formed by this system will be 5, if an object is placed symmetrically between the mirrors
c) the number of images will be 5 if an object is kept unsymmetrically between the mirrors.
d) A ray will retrace its path after 2 successive reflections, if the angle of incidence on one mirror is 60o.
7. At what angle must two plane mirrors be placed so that the incident and the resulting reflected rays are always parallel
to each other?
a) 0o b) 30o c) 60o d) 90o
8. Two mirrors are inclined at an angle of 𝜃 with each other. A ray of light is incident on 1st mirror at an angle of 50o and
after 3 reflections retraces its path. Then 𝜃 is
a) 0o b) 30o c) 60o d) 90o
9. Two mirrors are inclined at an angle of 𝜃 with each other. A ray of light travelling paralle to one of the mirror after 4
successive reflections retraces its path. Then 𝜃 is
a) 22.5o b) 45o c) 60o d) 30o
Questions 10-12: Refer to the diagram. Angle between the
mirrors is 120o.

10. What should be the angle of incidence ‘i’ on mirror 1 so that after reflection from the mirror 2, the ray becomes vertical.
a) 0o b) 30o c) 60o d) 90o
11. What is the total deviation in this case?
a) 150o b) 120o c) 60o d) 90o
12. For what values of angle of incidence only one reflection takes place?
a) i < 30o b) i < 60o c) i > 30o d) i > 60o
13. A light ray is incident on a plane mirror M. The mirror is rotated in the
direction as shown in the figure by an arrow at frequency " rev/sec.
The light reflected from the mirror is received on the wall at a distance
10m from the axis of rotation. When the angle of incidence becomes
37o, find the speed of the spot on the wall.

14. Two plane mirrors A and B are aligned parallel to each other as shown
in the figure. A light ray is incident at an angle of 30o at a point just
inside one end of A. The plane of incidence coincides with the plane of
the figure. The maximum number of times the ray undergoes
reflections (including the first one) before it emerges out is

a) 28 b) 30 c) 32 d) 31
15. A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror along the vector ı̂ + ȷ̂ − k(. The normal on incidence point is along the vector ı̂ +
ȷ̂. Find unit vector along the reflected ray.

Refer to the diagram given below. A ray of light is sent along the line x-
2y-3=0. Upon reaching 3x-2y=5, the ray is reflected from it. Now
answer the following questions.

16. Co-ordinates of the point of incidence are
a) (1,-1) b) (-1,1) c) (1,-2) d) (-2,1)
17. Angle of incidence is
" $ & " $ &
a) + tan%$ b) − tan%$
# # ' # # '
" & &
c) # − tan%$ '. d) tan%$ '
18. Equation of line along the normal which is in plane formed by the two lines given in the comprehension is
a) 2x+3y+1=0 b) 3x+2y+1=0 c) 2x-3y+1=0 d) 3x-2y+1=0
19. Equation of line along reflected ray is
a) 31x-2y-29=0 b) 29x-2y-31=0 c) 31x+2y-29=0 d) 29x+2y-31=0
20. Two plane mirrors combined to each other as such one is in y-z plane and other is in x-z plane. A ray of light along the
$ $ $
vector ı̂ + ȷ̂ + k( is incident on the first mirror. Find the unit vector in direction of emergent ray after successive
√) √) √)
reflections through the mirror.
Image formation in plane mirrors and Field of view
21. A plane mirror is placed along the x-axis. One end of the mirror is at origin. Find the equation of the image of an object y =
22. A boy of height 1.5m with his eyes level at 1.4 m stands before a plane mirror of length 0.75m fixed on the wall. The
height of the lower edge of the mirror above the floor is 0.8m. Then
a) boy will see his full image
b) boy can not see his hair
c) boy can not see his feet
d) boy can neither his hair nor his feet.
23. A man of height 170 cm wants to see his complete image in a plane mirror (while standing). His eyes are at a height of
160cm from the ground.
a) Minimum length of the mirror is 80 cm
b) Minimum length of the mirror is 85 cm
c) Bottom of the mirror should be at a height of 80 cm
d) Bottom of the mirror should be at a height of 85 cm
24. A man of height 180 cm is holding a pot of height 40 cm on his head. His eyes are at a level of 170 cm from his shoes. He is
standing on a table of height 40 cm. The minimum height of the mirror required so that he can see his full image (from
pot to his shoes) is
a) 90 cm b) 120 cm c) 110 cm d) 360 cm
25. In the above question, the height of the bottom of the mirror from the ground is
a) 125 cm b) 120 cm c) 100 cm d) 90 cm
26. A point source of light B is placed at a distance L in front of the centre
of a mirror of width d hung vertically on the wall. A man walks in front
of the mirror at a distance of 2L from it as shown. The greatest
distance over which he can see the image of the light source in the
mirror is

a) d/2 b) d c) 2d d) 3d

A man is standing in a room and a plane mirror is fixed on the wall in
front of him. The height of the wall is H. Man has to see the complete
mage of wall behind him at a time.

27. When the man is standing near wall i.e. at position 1, the minimum length of the mirror required is
a) H b) H/2 c) H/3 d) H/4
28. When the man is standing at the middle of the room i.e. at position 2, the minimum length of the mirror required is
a) H b) H/2 c) H/3 d) H/4
29. When the man is standing at the middle of the room i.e. at position 3, the minimum length of the mirror required is
a) H b) H/2 c) H/3 d) H/4
30. Two plane mirrors of length L are separated by a distance L and a man
M2 is standing at distance L from the connecting line of mirrors as
shown in the figure. A man M1 is walking in a straight line at distance
2L parallel to mirrors at speed ‘u’, then man M2 at O will be able to see
image of M1 for total time

a) +
b) +

c) +

d) +

31. As shown in the figure, a particle is placed at O in front of a plane mirror M.
A man at P can move along PY and PY’ then which of the following is true
a) for all points on PY, man can see the image of O.
b) for all points on PY’, man can see the image, but for no point on
PY he can see the image of O
c) For all points on PY’, he can see the image but on PY he can see
the image up to distance d
d) He can see the image only up to a distance d on either side of P

32. A point source of light S is placed in front of two large mirrors as
shown. Which of the following observers will se only one image of S?

a) A only b) only C c) both A and C d) Both B and C

33. A two-eyed man is looking at the junction of two large mutually
perpendicular mirrors from a far off distance. Assume no reflection to
occur from the edge. Then if both eyes are open
a) the eye 1 of the man can see image of both eye 1 and eye 2
b) the eye 1 can see the image of eye 1 only and eye 2 can see
image of eye 2 only
c) the eye 1 can see image of eye 2 only and the eye 2 can see
the image of eye 1 only
d) all the above statements are false
34. Two mirrors AB and CD are arranged along two parallel lines. The
maximum number of images of object O that can be seen by any
observer is
a) One b) two c) four d) infinite

Plane mirrors at an angle
35. Two plane mirrors are placed at right angles to each other. A man standing between them is combing his hair. How many
images will he see?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 d) zero
36. Two get three images of a single object, one can have two plane mirrors at an angle
a) 60o b) 90o c) 120o d) 30o
Parallel plane mirrors
37. A point object is placed midway between two plane mirrors distance ‘a’ apart. The plane mirror forms an infinite number
of images due to multiple reflections. The distance between nth order image formed by the two mirrors is
a) na b) 2na c) na/2 d) n2a
38. Two mirrors labelled L1 for the left mirror and L2 for the
right mirror in the figure are parallel to each other and
3.0m apart. A person standing 1.0m from the right mirror
(L2) looks in to this mirror and sees a series of images. The
second nearest image seen in the right mirror is situated at
a distance
a. 2.0m from the person
b. 4.0m from the person
c. 6.0 m from the person
d. 8.0 m from the person
39. Two plane mirrors are placed parallel to each other at a distance L apart. A point object O is placed between them, at a
distance of L/3 from one mirror. Both mirrors form multiple images. The distance between any two images cannot be
)- #-
a) # b) ) c) 2L d) None
40. Two plane mirrors are parallel to each other and spaced 20cm apart. An object is kept in between them 15cm from A. Out
of the following at which point is an image not formed in mirror A (distances measured from the mirror A)
a) 60cm b) 140cm c) 170cm d) 150cm
Relative velocity
41. A plane mirror is approaching you at 10cm/s. You can see your image in it. At what speed will your image be approaching
a) 5 cm/s b) 10 cm/s c) 15 cm/s d) 20 cm/s
42. An object is moving perpendicular to the mirror at a rate of 5 cm/s towards the mirror. Velocity of the image is 35 m/s
away from the mirror. Then velocity of the mirror is
a. 10 cm/s away from the object
b. 20 cm/s towards the image
c. 30 cm/s away from the object
d. 20 cm/s towards the object
43. An object is moving perpendicular to the mirror at a rate of 5 cm/s away from the mirror. The separation between the
object and the image is increasing at a rate of 40 cm/s. Then the velocity of the mirror is
a. 15 cm/s away from the object
b. 10 cm/s towards the image
c. 20 cm/s away from the object
d. 25 cm/s towards the object
44. The distance between the object and its image at time t=0 seconds is 2 m. After 10 seconds, the distance becomes 10 m. If
speed of mirror is 3 m/s towards the object, then speed of the object is
a) 3.3 m/s b) 3.4 m/s c) 3.5 m/s d) 2.6 m/s
45. A cubicle room is formed with six plane mirrors. An insect moves along the diagonal of the floor with uniform speed. The
velocities of its image in two adjacent walls w.r.t. insect are 40√2 cm/s, then the velocity of its image formed by the roof
a) 20cm/s b) 40cm/s c) 20√2 cm/s d) 10√2 cm/s
46. A plane mirror is placed in y-z plane facing towards –x axis. The mirror is moving parallel to y-axis with a speed of 5cm/s.
A point object P moving in front of the mirror with a velocity 3ı̂ + 4ȷ̂ + 5k( cm/s. Find the velocity of the image. Find the
velocity of the image with respect to the mirror. Find the velocity of the image with respect to object.
47. In a room having two adjacent walls and ceiling made up of plane mirrors;
a) Maximum number of images of an object formed are 7.
b) Maximum number of images of himself which a person can see is 6.
c) All the images formed are erect
d) All the images formed are virtual.

Refer to the diagram given below. Two parallel plane mirrors M1 and M2 are facing each other with an object O placed
between them as shown in the figure. Due to multiple successive reflections infinite numbers of images are formed in
each mirror because image formed in one mirror behaves as object for the other mirror. Now answer the following

48. Separation distance between nth image in each mirror depends on
a) ‘a’ only b) ‘x’ only c) ‘a’ as well as ‘x’ d) neither ‘a’ nor ‘x’

49. If mirrors are at rest and object is moving towards mirror M1 perpendicularly with a speed of 5cm/s then;
a) The speed of all the images formed in both the mirrors are same
b) The speed of all the images formed in both the mirrors are different
c) First and second image in mirror M1 has separation velocity 10cm/s
d) First and second image in mirror M2 has separation velocity 10cm/s

50. If the object is at rest exactly at the midway between the mirrors and mirrors separate from each other with equal
speed such that their separation velocity of 3cm/s then;
a) Separation velocity between nth image in M1 and mth image in M2 is 3(n+m) cm/s
b) Separation distance between nth image in M1 and mth image in M2 is (n+m)a
c) Separation velocity between nth image in M1 and mth image in M2 is 2(n~m) cm/s
d) Separation distance between nth image in M1 and mth image in M2 is 2(n+m)a

51. Mirror M1 is moving towards left with a speed of 5cm/s and M2 is moving towards right with speed of 3cm/s and
object is moving perpendicular to the plane of mirror and the object is moving perpendicular to the plane of the
mirror and towards M1 with speed 2cm/s then
a) The speed of third image in mirror M1 is 24 cm/s and away from M1
b) The speed of third image in mirror M1 is 14 cm/s and away from M1
c) The speed of third image in mirror M2 is 26 cm/s and away from M2
b) The speed of third image in mirror M2 is 24 cm/s and away from M2

52. A clock hung on a wall has marks instead of numerals on its dial. On the opposite wall, there is a plane mirror and the
image of the clock in the mirror indicates the time 7:10. Then the time on the clock is
a) 7:10 b) 4:50 c) 5:40 d) 10:7
53. Which of the following word(s) does not suffer lateral inversion from plane mirror?
a) BOB b) XOX c) SOS d) AOA
54. Mohit saw reflection of the clock in plane mirror and noted the time as 3:00. He went out and came back after two hours
and again noted the time from reflection of clock in plane mirror. Clock only contains marks and not numerals. Then the
time noted by him is
a) 9:00 b) 1:00 c) 11:55 d) 11:00















68. An object O is kept at 73√2L, √2L :. Two plane mirrors M1 and M2 each of length 4L
are kept as shown in the figure. N is the number of images of O, formed due to the
combination of mirrors
a. N is independent of d
b. N can not be greater than 7 for any value of d
c. N = 7 for d < 4√2L
d. N = 2 for d > 4√2L

69. Two plane mirrors AM1 and BM2 are lying along x-axis and Y-axis as shown in the
figure. Three point objects P1, P2 and P3 lies as shown in the figure
a. the number of images of point object P1 formed by two plane mirrors is
b. the number of images of point object P1 formed by two plane mirrors is
c. the number of images of point object P2 formed by two plane mirrors is
d. the number of images of point object P3 formed by two plane mirrors is



1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A B C D
7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A
13. 500 m/s 14. D 3
.̂01̂ 02 16. 𝐴 17. D 18. A
15. − > ?
19. . 3
.̂01̂ %2 21. −𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑥) 22. C 23. B C 24. C
20. − > ?
25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. C
31. C 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. B C
37. B 38. C 39. A 40. A B C D 41. D 42. B
43. A 44. B 45. B 46. −3𝚤̂ + 4𝚥̂ + 47. A 48. A
5𝑘(, −3𝚤̂ + 4𝚥̂,
49. A C D 50. A 51. A D 52. B 53. C 54. B
55. B 56. C 57. D 58. B 59. B 60. C
61. B, B, B 62. A, A 63. D 64. C 65. D 66. C
67. A 68. B C D 69. A C D

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