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Laws of motion Assignment

1. mA = 2 kg, mB = 3 kg. Find the normal force between

A and B and between A and ground.

2. Three blocks are placed at rest on a smooth inclined

plane with force acting on m1 parallel to inclined
plane. Contact force between m2 and m3 is
! "! "! !
a. ! ! !" #" F b. !! "!#"! " F
# ! " #

c. F − (m# + m$ )g

3. 4 blocks are resting on a horizontal floor with one on top of

another as shown. If the ratio of normal reaction between m2 &
m3 and between m3 & m4 is 2:5 and sum of mass of m1, m2 and
m3 is 10 kg, then m3 is
a. 4 kg b. 6 kg c. 5 kg d. 2 kg

4. Given m1:m2 = 2:3. Find the ratio of tensions in the

two strings. T1/T2.
a. 2/3 b. 3/2
c. 2/5 d. 5/3

Prepally Educational Services, Poompukar Nagar, Goldwins, Avinashi Road, Near Volvo Showroom, Coimbatore – 641014. Visit 1
5. A sphere is stuck between two walls as shown. Find
the ratio of normal reaction from wall W1 to normal
reaction from wall W2.

6. Two blocks m1 and m2 are hanging from the ceiling

with the help of three strings as shown in the figure.
Find the tension forces T1, T2 and T3. Given m1 = m2
= m.

7. In the situation shown in the figure, the reading of

the weighing machine is

a. 4 kg
b. 9 kg
c. 11 kg
d. 13 kg

Prepally Educational Services, Poompukar Nagar, Goldwins, Avinashi Road, Near Volvo Showroom, Coimbatore – 641014. Visit 2
8. A person is standing on a weighing machine that is placed on a
container. The container is hanging in air via a string that passes over a
pulley. The other end of the string is held by the person himself. Person’s
mass is 60 kg and mass of the container is 20 kg.
(i) Find the reading of the weighing machine
(ii) What is the maximum weight of the container such that the
person can be at rest
(iii) What is the maximum weight of the lift that can be hold by
the man if the man can apply a maximum of 500 N force on
rope (that is the limit of his muscles).

9. The man in the previous question got one more

pulley and tried to utilize it in the way shown. Now
what is the maximum weight of the container that
can be lifted by the man so that container and man
are at rest.

10. Mperson = 50 kg
Mplatform = 5 kg
Mblock = 15 kg
Find the reading of the weighing
machine in equilibrium.

11. A light string going over a light clamped pulley

supports a block of mass M.
(i) Find the force exerted by rope on pulley and the
force exerted by pulley on the clamp.

Prepally Educational Services, Poompukar Nagar, Goldwins, Avinashi Road, Near Volvo Showroom, Coimbatore – 641014. Visit 3
12. A light string going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of
mass M. The force of the pulley on the clamp is given by

a) √2𝑀𝑔 b) √2𝑚𝑔
c) 𝑔/(𝑀 + 𝑚)$ + 𝑚$ d) 𝑔/(𝑀 + 𝑚)$ + 𝑀$

13. The entire system shown in the figure is in

equilibrium. Find the weight of the man as seen by
the weighing machine and the observer.
Given Mmass = 60 kg
Mobserver = 40 kg
Mcontainer = 20 kg
With what force should the man pull the string to
keep the entire system stationary?

14. Three blocks (of mass 2 kg, 5 kg and 7 kg) are at rest
as shown in the figure. A person is pushing 2 kg
block downward with some force. The normal force
on 5 kg block from 7 kg block was observed to be
100 N. Then the force applied by the person on 2 kg

15. Two balls are at rest in a cubical container as shown

in the figure. Line joining their centers lie in a
vertical plane. Find the normal force between them
and also the normal forces between the balls and the

Prepally Educational Services, Poompukar Nagar, Goldwins, Avinashi Road, Near Volvo Showroom, Coimbatore – 641014. Visit 4
16. A heavy uniform rope of mass M and length ‘L’ is
hanging from the ceiling. Find the tension at a point
on the rope at a distance of ‘x’ from its free end.

17. Given m = 10 kg. Find the extension in both the

springs in equilibrium.

18. If the reading of the weighing machine is 10 kg in

equilibrium, find the elongation/compression in
both the springs.

19. Find the compression in the spring in equilibrium

Prepally Educational Services, Poompukar Nagar, Goldwins, Avinashi Road, Near Volvo Showroom, Coimbatore – 641014. Visit 5
20. With what force must a man pull on the rope to hold
the plank in position of the man weighs 60 kg.
Neglect weight of the plank. g = 10 m/s2.
a. 100 N b. 200 N c. 150 N d. 125 N

21. All the surfaces are smooth. Find the compression in

the string in equilibrium?
𝟐𝒎𝒈 𝑴"𝒎
a. 𝒌 b. ! "𝒈
𝒎 𝒎𝒈
c. ! "𝒈 d.

22. Consider the pulley system shown in the figure.

System is in equilibrium and person is pulling the
string down to keep the big block (mass M)
stationary. The force applied by the person is

23. Figure shows a man of mass 60kg standing on a

light-weighing machine kept in a box of mass 30 kg.
The box is hanging from a pulley fixed to the ceiling
through a light rope, the other end of which is held
by the man himself. If the man manages to keep the
box at rest, what is the reading of the machine?
a) 15kg b) 30kg c) 45kg d) 50kg

Prepally Educational Services, Poompukar Nagar, Goldwins, Avinashi Road, Near Volvo Showroom, Coimbatore – 641014. Visit 6
24. In the situation shown in the figure, the reading of the
weighing machine is

(take g = 10 m/s2, sin(74o) = 24/25 and sin(53o) =


a. 50 kg
b. 30 kg
c. 44.4 kg
d. 39 kg

25. A chain of mass m is attached at two points A and B of two fixed walls as
shown in figure. Due to its weight chain is sagging such that at points A and B
chain is making an angle q with the normal to the wall. Find the tension in
the chain at:(Assume tension is always along the length of chain)
(a) Point A and B
(b) Mid point of the chain

26. A block of mass 10kg is at rest on a rough inclined plane as shown in the figure.
The tension T2 (in the left string) is

a) 100N b) N c) 100√3𝑁 d) 50√3𝑁

27. The blocks B and C in the figure have mass m each. The strings AB and BC are light, having tensions
T1 and T2 respectively. The system is in equilibrium with a constant horizontal force mg acting on C.

A) tan q1 = 1/ 2 B) tan q2 = 1 C) T1 = 5mg D) T2 = 2mg

Prepally Educational Services, Poompukar Nagar, Goldwins, Avinashi Road, Near Volvo Showroom, Coimbatore – 641014. Visit 7

29. Find the value of F so as to keep the smooth wedge

stationary in the position shown, when it is loaded
with a block of mass m which is connected with a
light inextensible string.

30. A horizontal force of magnitude F is applied to a body of weight mg resting on a frictionless inclined plane to
prevent it from sliding down. The plane makes an angle of f with the horizontal. Then the normal reaction
acting on the body satisfies the condition
(A) N = mg cos f + F sin f (B) N = mg cos f
(C) N = mg/cos f (D) N = {(mg)2+F2}1/2

Prepally Educational Services, Poompukar Nagar, Goldwins, Avinashi Road, Near Volvo Showroom, Coimbatore – 641014. Visit 8

1. NAB = 30 N; NA, GROUND = 50 N

2. B
3. B
4. D
5. Mg; " Mg
6. T3 = Mg; T1 = Mg√3; T2 = Mg
7. B
8. (i) 20 kg-wt; (ii) 60 kg-wt (iii) 40 kg
9. 120 kg-wt
10. 32.5 kg-wt
11. mg√2 at 45o with horizontal; mg√2 at 45o with horizontal
12. D
13. (i) zero (ii) 600 N
14. 30 N
15. Nleft wall = 4mg/3; Nfloor = 5mg; Nright wall = 4mg/3; Nbetween the spheres = 5mg/3;
16. T = &
17. xlower = 2 m; xupper = 50 cm
18. elongation in spring of k = 200 N/m is 2.5 m and compression in the other spring is 1.5 m
19. extension = 1.9 m
20. C
21. D
22. Mg/23
23. A
24. C
𝐦𝐠𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐜𝛉 𝐦𝐠𝐜𝐨𝐭𝛉
25. 𝐓 = 𝟐
; 𝐓 =
26. D
27. ABCD
28. BC
29. mgcosθsinθ
30. ACD

Prepally Educational Services, Poompukar Nagar, Goldwins, Avinashi Road, Near Volvo Showroom, Coimbatore – 641014. Visit 9

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