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Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot.

(2015) 7:38–44
DOI 10.1007/s12602-014-9176-0

Local Probiotic Therapy for Vaginal Candida albicans Infections

Stefan Miladinov Kovachev •
Rossitza Stefanova Vatcheva-Dobrevska

Published online: 2 November 2014

 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract The high rate of vaginal Candida albicans investigated parameters, from 93.7 % (n = 193) to 95.2 %
recurrence is attributed to azole resistance rates as high as (n = 198). The local application of probiotics after
15 %. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical administration of combined azoles for treatment of vaginal
and microbiological efficacy of standard azole therapy for C. albicans infections increases therapy efficacy and could
treatment of vaginal C. albicans infection alone and in prevent relapse.
combination with local probiotic as well as the effects on
vaginal microbiota. This study included 436 women with Keywords Lactobacilli  Vaginal Candida albicans 
vaginal candidiasis randomly assigned to two treatment Azoles  Probiotic
groups. The first group, with 207 patients (12 dropouts),
was administered 150 mg fluconazole and a single vaginal
globule of fenticonazole (600 mg) on the same day. The Introduction
second group of 209 patients (8 dropouts) followed the
same treatment schedule; however, ten applications of a Candida albicans is part of the normal gastrointestinal
vaginal probiotic containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. tract, oral cavity, and urogenital tract microbiota [1].
rhamnosus, Streptococcus thermophilus, and L. delbrueckii Depending on age, geographic location, and socioeco-
subsp. bulgaricus were also administered beginning the nomic status, up to 41 % of women may have one or more
fifth day after azole treatment. Microbiological analysis of Candida species as a normal constituent of their vaginal
the therapy efficacy in the first treatment group showed C. microbiota [2]. Over 400 Candida species have been iso-
albicans resistance in over 30 % of patients. Clinical lated so far [2, 3]. Although many species have been
complaints persisted after treatment administration in identified in the vaginal ecosystem (e.g., C. tropicalis, C.
79.7 % (n = 165) of women in this group. Clinical com- pseudotropicalis, C. stellatoidea, C. krusei, and C. guil-
plaints in the second group decreased to 31.1 % (n = 65) liermondii), C. albicans is most commonly isolated [2]. C.
and microbiological efficacy also improved among albicans is attributed to more than two-thirds of mycotic
vulvovaginitis cases [4].
Azole antifungal drugs are most commonly administered
S. M. Kovachev for vaginal C. albicans infections [5, 6]. These synthetic
Department of Gynecology, Military Medical Academy, derivatives are divided into two groups, imidazoles and
G. Sofijsky Str. 3, 1600 Sofia, Bulgaria triazoles [6]. Triazoles have three nitrogen atoms in their
azole ring, while imidazoles have only two [6]. Their main
S. M. Kovachev (&)
‘‘P.U.Todorov’’ bul. bl.§ 5, entr.B, fl.§ 25, 1404 Sofia, mechanism of action is related to inhibition of lanosterol
Bulgaria 14-alpha-demethylase, an enzyme required for synthesis of
e-mail: ergosterol, the major component of the fungal cell mem-
brane [5, 6]. Imidazoles include miconazole, ketoconazole,
R. S. Vatcheva-Dobrevska
Department of Microbiology and Virology, University Hospital and clotrimazole. Triazole agents most commonly used to
Queen Joanna- ISUL, Bialo More Str. 8, 1527 Sofia, Bulgaria treat fungal infections include fluconazole, itraconazole,

Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. (2015) 7:38–44 39

econazole, terconazole, butoconazole, and tioconazole [6]. Chlamydia trachomatis, or human immunodeficiency virus
New triazoles such as voriconazole, posaconazole, and (HIV) infections were excluded. Pregnant women and
ravuconazole are used to treat Candida species infections those who took corticosteroids, antibiotics, azoles, or pro-
resistant to more common azoles [5]. Short-course topical biotics or who had used vaginal agents within the last
formulations (i.e., single dose and 1- to 3-day regimens) month were not enrolled. Immunocompromised patients
effectively treat uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis and women with autoimmune or endocrine diseases or
(VVC) [12]. Topically applied azole drugs are more effec- diabetes were not enrolled. Patients with identified malig-
tive than nystatin [12]. Azole treatment results in symptom nancies were also excluded.
relief and negative cultures in 80–90 % of patients who
complete therapy [12]. Clinical Examination
Individual studies C. albicans have reported up to 15 %
resistance to azole therapies, which contribute to high Upon enrollment, a medical history was recorded, and
recurrence incidence rates [7, 8]. The pathogenesis of gynecological examinations and microbiological tests were
recurrent VVC (RVVC) is poorly understood, and most performed. During vaginal inspection, the amount, con-
women with RVVC have no apparent predisposing or sistency, color, and smell of vaginal discharge (often
underlying conditions [12]. Individual RVVC episodes defined by the patients as ‘‘flow’’) were assessed and
caused by C. albicans respond well to short-duration oral recorded on an outpatient card. The amount of vaginal
or topical azole therapy, but the relapse rate is high, with discharge (fluorine) was measured using four grades: 0, ?,
approximately 60 % of women relapsing within ??, and ???. The consistency was assessed and recorded
1–2 months of discontinuing therapy [12, 14]. To maintain as normal homogeneous, curdled, foamy and bubbled, or
clinical and mycological control, some specialists recom- scarcely homogeneous. Color was categorized as trans-
mend longer initial therapy duration or different therapy parent, white, yellow-greenish, or gray-yellowish. The
type, as well as different indications, schedules, or dosages smell of vaginal content was measured using grades from 0
of the agents used to treat VVC [8, 9, 12]. Several multi- to (???). During inspection, vaginal tissue changes were
center studies have reported primary and secondary resis- assessed, including erythema, edema (swelling), swollen
tance to standard treatment regimens [8, 9]. Due to papillae, petechiae, and ulcerations. Several vaginal tissue
therapeutic and microbiological failures of standard ther- changes could be described in a single patient. The severity
apy, probiotics were first introduced to gynecological of each was recorded on an outpatient card using increasing
practices as new agents for treatment of vaginal C. albicans grades of 0, (?), (??), and (???). Clinical complaints
infections in 2001. Probiotics containing live lactobacilli reported by patients included pruritus vulvae (itching),
species stabilize vaginal microbial balance, support VCC vulva and vagina erythema, and dyspareunia and dysuria
therapy, and prevent infection recurrence [10, 11]. resulting from the passage of urine over irritated areas.
This study determined the clinical and microbiological Enormous vaginal discharge was a variable finding, and
efficacy of standard azole therapy for vaginal C. albicans premenstrual exacerbation was characteristic.
infections alone and in combination with local probiotic
treatment as well as the effects of these treatments on Microbiological Tests
vaginal microbiota.
Measurement of Vaginal Acidity (pH)

Materials and Methods pH of vaginal discharge was measured using pH test strips
(Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) that measured a pH range of
This single-center, randomized and open-label study was 4–7. pH values above 4.5 were considered pathological. pH
conducted at the Outpatient Group Practice for Specialized values were recorded on the outpatient card for each patient
Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology ‘‘GynArt’’ (OGPSC-Ob upon enrollment and at each subsequent examination.
& Gyn, Sofia, Bulgaria) from 2008 to 2013. With approval
from the Local Ethics Committee Information, information Native Microscope Slides
about the study purposes and entry requirements was pro-
vided, and informed consent was obtained from each Vaginal samples were placed on individual slides. Several
patient. A total of 436 women between 17 and 50 years of drops of saline were mixed each sample and a number of
age with clinically or microbiologically identified pre- fields of this suspension examined microscopically at low
dominantly C. albicans vaginal infections were enrolled in and high magnification (910 and 9100). Lactobacilli were
the study. Patients with Neisseria gonorrhoeae, herpes observable as large and long rods and C. albicans, as
simplex virus (HSV), human papillomavirus (HPV), hyphae and blastospores. The presence or absence of

40 Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. (2015) 7:38–44

leukocytes was also recorded. Microscopic findings were on the same day as a single vaginal globule of fenti-
documented on the outpatient card as the presence or conazole (600 mg Lomexin).
absence of lactobacilli, C. albicans, and leukocytes were • Second treatment schedule: a single oral dose of
recorded as 1 or 0, respectively. fluconazole (150 mg Mycomax or Mycosyst) adminis-
tered the same day as a single vaginal globule of
Gram-Stained Microscope Slides fenticonazole (600 mg Lomexin). Beginning the fifth
day after the single-day azole topical treatment, ten
Vaginal samples were placed on individual slides that were doses of a vaginal probiotic agent containing live
fixed, Gram-stained (BD Gram Stain Kits and Reagents, lactobacilli species Lactobacillus acidophilus, L.
BD, USA), and used to detect lactobacilli, pseudomyce- rhamnosus, Streptococcus thermophilus, L. delbrueckii
lium (hyphae), and blastospores. subsp. bulgaricus (Lactagyn-vag.capsules—Ecopharm,
Sofia, Bulgaria) were also administered.
Sexual abstinence was advised during treatment until the
first follow-up examination. Additional clinical and
Vaginal discharge samples from all women enrolled in this
microbiological testing was performed during a follow-up
study were applied to selective culture media for micro-
examination 35–40 days after beginning treatment. This
biological testing to detect pathogenic microbial species.
time period was selected to track the vaginal microbiota of
Samples were collected using aseptic technique before
patients included in this study after one completed men-
other vaginal tests were performed: A sterile speculum was
strual cycle and because approximately 60 % of women
inserted and discharge collected from the upper side walls
relapse within 1–2 months of discontinuing therapy. Oral
of the vaginal vault using a cotton swab placed in Amies
fluconazole therapy of a single 150-mg dose repeated after
transport medium (BD BBLTM Culture SwabTM Plus
7 days was also prescribed to sexual partners. The United
Amies Gel, Single Swab, Becton–Dickinson, USA).
States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Sabouraud agar (BD, BBLTM Sabouraud-Dextrose-
approved the azole therapy used to treat vaginal C. albi-
Agar, BD, USA) was used for primary isolation of Candida
cans infections [12]. Resistance of C. albicans to azoles is
spp. Cultures were grown at 35–37 C for 40–48 h. A
rare in vaginal isolates, and susceptibility testing is usually
chromogenic medium (BBLTM CHROMagarTM Candida-
not warranted for individual treatment guidance [12]. Pri-
BD, BD, USA) was also used for primary isolation, a solid
mary resistance of C. albicans to fluconazole was not seen
culture medium that also allowed tentative genus-level
in previous studies [14]. In vitro cross-resistance was
identification of Candida fungi. Only patients positive for
reported between fluconazole and other azoles (ketocona-
C. albicans infections were included in our study.
zole and itraconazole), but to a lesser extent [14].
Random Group Assignment
Statistical Analysis
After obtaining informed consent, 436 patients with iden-
tified C. albicans infections were assigned to treatment Clinical and microbiological data obtained at the follow-up
groups by stratified random sampling using Research examination were analyzed using Chi-square test. Statisti-
Randomizer software (version 3.0). Patients were randomly cal significance was assumed for p \ 0.05. The proportion
assigned to two treatment groups in a 1:1 ratio. The first (percentage) of patients within each treatment group with
and second treatment groups contained 219 and 217 improvements was recorded. The number of patients with
women, respectively. decreases in specific complaints (positive/negative labora-
The first treatment group, containing 207 patients (12 tory or microbiological tests) due to treatment were
dropouts) with vaginal C. albicans infection, followed the compared.
first treatment schedule. A two-factor dispersion analysis with repeated obser-
Similarly, the second group of 209 patients (8 dropouts) vations (two-way ANOVA with repeated measures) was
with vaginal C. albicans infection followed the second used for characteristics observed before and after therapy,
treatment schedule. with therapy type a second factor. The proportion of
patients with improvement after therapy compared with
Treatment Schedules percentages of patients with complaints before therapy was
used as a parameter of improvement. Improvement was
• First treatment schedule: a single oral dose of fluco- calculated for each complaint type or positive/negative
nazole (150 mg Mycomax or Mycosyst) administered laboratory or microbiological test results. We calculated a

Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. (2015) 7:38–44 41

Table 1 Clinical parameters of women in the first treatment group Table 3 Clinical parameters of women in the second treatment group
before and after therapy before and after therapy
Clinical parameters Before Th After Th Improvement p Clinical parameters Before Th After Th Improvement p
N—% n % n % % N—% n % n % %

Clinical complaints 195 94.2 165 79.7 15.38 0.001 Clinical complaints 144 68.9 65 31.1 29.06 0.005
Vaginal fluorine 126 60.9 7 3.4 94.44 0.031 Vaginal fluorine 138 66 2 1 98.55 0.308
(??, ???) (??, ???)
Vaginal tissue 205 99 56 27 72.66 0.387 Vaginal tissue 204 97.6 11 5.3 94.61 0.594
changes changes
pH (alkaline) 88 42.5 2 1 97.73 0.098 pH (alkaline) 88 42.1 3 1.4 98.66 0.757
Th therapy, p p values (Chi-square test for distribution) Th therapy, P p values (Chi-square test for distribution)

Table 2 Microbiological parameters of women in the first treatment Table 4 Microbiological parameters of women in the second treat-
group before and after therapy ment group before and after therapy
Microbiological Before Th After Th Improvement p Microbiological Before Th After Th Improvement p
parameters parameters
N—% n % n % % N—% n % n % %
Native microscope slide
Native microscope slide
Spores, filaments 206 99.5 67 32.4 67.96 0.17 Spores, filaments 206 98.6 12 5.7 94.17 0.67
Lactobacilli 77 37.2 195 94.2 91.54 0.03 Lactobacilli 50 23.9 206 98.6 99.37 0.00
Gram-stained microscope slide Gram-stained microscope slide
Hyphae, spores 207 100 78 37.7 62.32 n.s. Hyphae, spores 206 98.6 13 6.2 93.69 0.63
Lactobacilli 73 35.3 196 94.7 91.79 0.02 Lactobacilli 50 23.9 206 98.6 98.74 0.70
Culture testing Culture testing
C. albicans 207 100 76 36.7 63.29 n.s. C. albicans 208 99.5 10 4.8 95.19 0.82

Th therapy, p p values (Chi-square test for distribution), ns change Th therapy, P p values (Chi-square test for distribution)
was not statistically significant

summary parameter for each group of complaints as the measured in vaginal C. albicans infections varied widely.
presence of any complaint from the treatment group. Clinical complaints improved 15.38 %, while 72.6 % of
patients had improved vaginal tissue changes identified
during clinical examination and 94.44 % had vaginal
Results fluorine improvements (??, ???).

Of 436 patients enrolled in the study, 20 women did not Microbiological Testing to Measure Therapy Efficacy
return for follow-up examination and were excluded from
analysis. Data from the remaining 416 patients who satis- Aggregation of microbiological tests from all 207 women
fied the study requirements were analyzed. A total of 207 in the first treatment group at study entry and at follow-up
and 209 women remained in the first and second treatment after 35–40 days made it possible to measure the therapy’s
groups, respectively. microbiological efficacy.
Clinical and microbiological therapy efficacy among Microscopic examination of native and Gram-stained
women in the first treatment group. slides of vaginal discharge showed improvements in
spores/filaments and hyphae/spores of 67.96 and 63.3 %,
Clinical Therapy Efficacy Measured by Clinical respectively. However, slides with lactobacillus-dominated
Examination vaginal microbiota increased from 35.3 to 91.79 %. The
microbiological efficacy of combined azole therapy was
Clinical efficacy was measured as the change in subjective measured based on culture and microscopic examination
clinical and clinical examination findings at study enroll- results. The efficacy of this treatment schedule ranged from
ment and 35–40 days later (Tables 1, 2). 63.29 to 67.96 %.
After administration of therapy to the first treatment Clinical and microbiological efficacy among women in
group, improvements in clinical parameters typically the second treatment group.

42 Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. (2015) 7:38–44

Table 5 Clinical indicator improvements (%) among women in the Table 6 shows microbiological parameter differences
first and second treatment groups before and after therapy before and after therapy in the first and second group as
Clinical parameters Group I n = 207 Group II well as the relative microbiological efficacies (percentages)
n = 209 of combined azole as well as topical probiotic with con-
Improvement Improvement ventional azole therapies (first group) for treatment of
after Th after Th predominantly C. albicans-induced vaginal dysbacteriosis.
n % n %

Clinical complaints 30 15.38 79 29.06 Discussion

Vaginal fluorine (??, ???) 119 94.44 137 98.55
Vaginal tissue changes 149 72.66 193 94.61 Fungal resistance to the most common azole agents and
pH (alkaline) 87 97.73 85 98.66 frequent recurrence of infections determine the failure of
Th therapy C. albicans treatments [9, 13, 14].
Modern azole antifungal therapy failed in 10–20 % of
patients in Bulgaria due to resistant fungal strains [13].
Table 6 Microbiological parameter differences (%) among women Similar resistance prevalence has been reported in other
in the first and second treatment groups before and after treatment
countries [9, 14]. C. albicans resistance to azoles, the
Microbiological parameters Group I n = 207 Group II n = 209 commonly used agents and most accessible in everyday
Improvement Improvement life, has been characterized at a genetic level. Research has
after Th after Th shown resistance to be due to expression of specific genes
n % n % that control transport and accumulation of azole antifungal
agents [2, 8, 15]. Recent studies have shown that the pre-
Native microscope slide dominant C. albicans species genotype and mutations in
Spores, filaments 139 67.96 194 94.17 the ERG11 gene determines azole susceptibility [8]. Most
Lactobacilli 118 91.54 156 99.37 reports have studied the in vitro susceptibility of C. albi-
Gram-stained microscope slide cans to various therapeutic agents [14–17]. Although
Hyphae, spores 129 62.32 193 93.69 Candida strain susceptibility in vitro does not always mean
Lactobacilli 123 91.79 156 98.74 successful treatment, in vitro resistance almost always
Culture testing predicts therapy failure [6, 9]. Therefore, this study eval-
C. albicans 131 63.29 198 95.19 uated in vivo response to antifungal agents used in VVC
Th therapy treatment. Some researchers have hypothesized that
immune response to a recurrent pathogen (C. albicans) is
Therapy Efficacy Measured by Clinical Examination the basis of recurrent C. albicans infections [18, 19]. The
inability of antifungal drugs to influence immunity in such
Table 3 shows the clinical efficacy based on all measured cases results contributes to their inefficacy [20]. Wagner
clinical parameters, showing a higher efficacy in second et al. [21] reported in 2012 that C. albicans infection
treatment group compared with the first, with combined induces a pro-inflammatory immune response in vaginal
azole monotherapy. epithelial cells. Vaginal lactobacilli in the same study
inhibited NF-jB-associated inflammatory genes and also
Therapy Efficacy Measured by Microbiological Testing induced IL-1a and IL-1b expression through an alternative
signal transduction pathway [21]. Lactobacilli activation of
Table 4 shows the treatment microbiological efficacy for an alternative signaling mechanism modulates vaginal
all measured microbiological parameters, with values epithelial cell cytokine production [21]. This is the most
higher in this second treatment group compared with the likely mechanism for probiotic modulation of C. albicans
first. infections [21]. Lactobacilli can modulate the immune
Comparison of clinical and microbiological parameters response and protect the vagina from predominantly Can-
between the first and second treatment groups. dida chronic dysbacteriosis, an important feature for con-
Table 5 shows that the treatment schedule followed by trol of chronic and recurrent fungal infections [19, 20, 22].
patients in the second group had higher clinical efficacies Moreover, lactic acid bacteria competitively block adhe-
compared with the first group based on clinical parameters sion of Candida strains to vaginal epithelial cells and
typical to vaginal dysbacteriosis in C. albicans-predomi- produce antimicrobial substances that inhibit C. albicans
nant infections. Measured differences in improvement of growth and development [23–25]. These lactobacilli fea-
clinical parameters after treatment was low in both groups. tures recommend their use as antifungal agents either alone

Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. (2015) 7:38–44 43

or in combination with other therapeutic agents [16, 17]. Martinez et al. [10] reported a 2009 study of 55 women
Clinical studies have evaluated the abilities of oral or in- with VVC divided into two groups. The patients in the first
travaginal lactobacilli administration to inhibit fungal group were treated with a single 150-mg dose of fluco-
vaginal colonization and reduce the incidence of recurrent nazole and a topical probiotic every morning for 28 days,
dysbacteriosis. Intravaginal probiotic agents have been while the second group treatment received a single 150-mg
developed and put into practice in recent years; however, dose of fluconazole and topical placebo for 28 days [10].
clinical in vivo studies of their effects are limited and Microbiological testing at the end of the study showed
report inconsistent findings on the efficacy of local probi- 89.7 % efficacy in the probiotic group compared with
otics against C. albicans [26, 27]. Some authors describe 61.5 % in the placebo group [10]. When added to the
high clinical and microbiological efficacy of probiotic standard 150 mg oral fluconazole azole treatment, admin-
lactobacilli strains to treat and prevent fungal infections istration of a vaginal probiotic increased clinical and
and recommend their use in modern VVC therapy [26, 28]. microbiological efficacies [10]. The clinical and microbi-
Others do not support vaginal or oral administration of ological results reported by Martinez et al. and this study
lactobacilli for prevention of predominantly C. albicans demonstrate the importance of lactobacilli in modern VVC
vaginal dysbacteriosis [27]. These studies found that pro- treatment. Lactobacilli inhibition of C. albicans has also
biotics do not heal or protect patients with this condition been reported in vitro studies, suggesting their potential as
[27]. probiotic agents in modern antifungal therapy [16, 17].
Fluconazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal drug with an Local application of probiotics after conventional azole
important role in VVC treatment [12, 29]. It is most often treatment for vaginal C. albicans infections increased the
recommended and administered for primary treatment of clinical and microbiological efficacy of the therapy. The
acute vulvovaginal infections [6, 12, 29]. These infections microbial balance in the vaginal ecosystem was restored in
generally respond well clinically and microbiologically to a the majority of patients in our study, which is a prerequisite
single 150-mg dose of oral fluconazole [6, 12]. Previous to minimize vaginal candidiasis relapse.
studies have reported 80–90 % fluconazole treatment effi-
cacy and 10–20 % resistance [9, 13, 14]. The presence of Conflict of interest Stefan Miladinov Kovachev—‘‘Local Probiotic
Therapy for Vaginal Candida albicans Infections’’. I declare that
even minimal fluconazole resistance raises doubts about there is no conflict of interest.
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