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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Begang National High School
Schools Division of Isabela City

Name: __________________________ Score: ___________________

Grade & Section: _________________ Date: ____________________

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write the letter in the space provided.

_______1) What multimedia resource comes from images that are initially drawn and photographed in succession to make them
appear as if they are moving?

A) Audio B. Text C. Video D. Animation

_______2) Which multimedia resources refers to written or printed characters, letters, and symbols used to create words,
sentences and paragraphs?

A) Audio B. Text C. Video D. Animation

_______ 3). Which multimedia resources pertains to recorded or transmitted sound?

A) Audio B. Text C. Video D. Animation

________4) Which of the following best describe multimedia?

A) Multimedia describes the characteristics or features of a thing or a phenomenon.

B) Multimedia explains how or why something occurs.
C) Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio, video, and animation in addition
to traditional media.
D) Multimedia refers to retelling a series of events which may either be factual or personal.

________5) What characterizes the basic types of Multimedia?

A) Audio, text, video, graphics, narrative. C) Audio, text, video, animation, narrative.
B) Audio, text, video, graphics, animation. D) Audio, animation, video, graphics, narrative.

__________6) Which of the following is an example of audio/sounds?

A) Slideshow/power point presentation c) Radio Program

B) Documentary Film D) Paper Document

__________7) Why is multimedia used for a wide variety of audiences is one of the advantages?

A) This media can easily be changed to fit different situations and audiences.
B) It uses a lot of the user’s senses while making use of multimedia. For example, hearing, seeing and talking.
C) It can be used by various audiences ranging from one person to a whole group.
D) It doesn’t take much energy out of the user in the sense that you can sit and watch the presentation, read
the text, and hear the audio.
__________8) What is NOT a disadvantage of using multimedia?

A) Information overload C) It takes time to compile

B) It can be expensive D) Multisensorial

__________9) What is an attribute of a sound that determines the magnitude of the auditory sensation produced.

A) Loudness B) Platform behavior C) Posture D) Pronunciation

________10) which of the following is an example of Reading verbatim from a manuscript.

A) Actors perform in a stage play C) Interview of politicians

B) Panel discussion on TV Channels D) President giving message to the congress

________11) How are you going to demonstrate stand tall from the ribcage?

A) Looks confident–strong yet relaxed. Keep your head straight but not rigid.
B) Move from point a to point b deliberately, then stop and plant your feet again.
C) Balance on both feet for a position that signals confidence and control without rigidity.
D) Weight distributed evenly between both feet and place your feet just a little apart for balance.

_______12) What doubt do have when you consult a modern dictionary?

A) Loudness B) Platform behavior C) Posture D) Pronunciation

For Item no. 13 only

________13) What positive statement can you formulate about the picture shown?

A) The people are fighting with each other and they are not happy.
B) The place is very clean, family and friends gather to relax and play.
C) The place is crowded with people from all over the country.
D) This place is situated at the heart of Isabela City de Basilan.

__________14) Which of the following narrates the heroic deeds and adventures of legendary figures or the history of the nation.

A) narrative B) riddles C) epic D) proverbs

__________15) who were NOT the characters in the story “The Good Prince Bantugan?”

A) Old King and Prince Madali

B) Prince Bantugan and Princess Datimbang
C) Prince Bantugan and Prince Madali
D) Tuwaang and Aliguyon

________16) Which of the following best describe Prince Bantugan.?

A) Prince Bantugan was good, brave and ugly.

B) Prince Bantugan was good, brave and Handsome.
C) Prince Bantugan was good, brave and powerful.
D) Prince Bantugan was good, brave and kind.

________17) Identify specific characteristics made Prince Bantugan a hero?

A) Prince Bantugan was very handsome.

B) Prince Bantugan was very good.
C) Prince Bantugan was very brave and he defended their kingdom.
D) Prince Bantugan was very handsome.

________18) What is NOT a characteristic of the Old king who ruled the kingdom of Bumbaran?

A) The old King was full of envy towards his brother.

B) The old King was not contented.
C) The old King was not good as Prince Bantugan.
D) The old King was very handsome.

________ 19) What is expressed in the given sentence?

I personally believe that things happen for a reason, so I try to be positive even in difficult

A) belief B) conclusion C) fact D) reality

________20) What kind of statement is exemplified below?

I think we must really follow basic school rules and regulation like wearing uniform and hanging of school I.D. because it
may help us get into our school campus immediately without further question.

A) belief B) conclusion C) conviction D) reality

________ 21) Which phrase does not signal a statement of belief or conviction?

A) In my opinion B) I think… C) Meanwhile… D) I believe…

________22) Which visual aid is a combination of several forms of communication - audio, video, text and animation?

A) flip chart B) graph/chart C) prop D) multimedia

________23) Which phrase signals a conviction in the sentence below?

I would say that I like friends who like to go out and have fun together go downtown, go to the beach, see a movie, something
like that.

A) I would say…… B) I like…… C) who likes …. D) something like……….

For Item no.24-27 only

Directions: Read the details below and decide which general statement from A-D best captures the information presented in the

________24) General Statement: __________________________________________

 Many kids get addicted to computers, cellphone, and other gadgets.

 Children lack exercises since they just sit in front of the TV, listen to the radio, and play computer games.
 They have very little face-to-face socialization since they communicate with their friends online.

A) Children enjoy using the social media a lot.

B) Kids grow stouter because of lack of exercise.
C) Gadgets like cellphones and tablets can be addictive.
D) Some technologies pose harmful effects on children.

________25) General Statement: ________________________________________

 Baldo loves to play catch.

 He loves it when I pretend like I’m falling dead, and he runs over to lick me.
 He follows me around the house with a toy and drops it on my foot.

A) Baldo is a trained dog.

B) Baldo is a player.
C) Baldo can catch anything.
D) Baldo is so much fun to play with.

________26) General Statement: ________________________________________

Other citizens say that no one has the right to take a life and that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime.
 Citizens have had to decide whether offenders such as first-degree murderers should be killed in a gas chamber, imprisoned for
life or rehabilitated and given second chance in society.
 Many citizens argue that serious criminals should be executed.

A) Killing criminals will set an example for others.

B) The punishment of criminals has always been a problem to society.
C) Improper punishment to the criminals will cause other burden to society.
D) Killing the criminals do not solve problems.

________27) General Statement: ________________________________________

 The non-biodegradable plastic we use reach water systems and choke up marine life.
 Illegal logging causes deforestation that leads to soil erosion and flashfloods.
 Using crude oil and petroleum to run factories and transportation releases harmful pollutants
A) Humans cause many environmental woes.
B) Illegal activities cause land and water pollution.
C) Improper waste disposal also causes pollution.
D) Unclean sources of energy harm the environment.

________28) What are the most important ways to cite evidence?

A) Quote it, write it, Cite it. B) Quote it, listen it, Cite it.
C) Quote it, Paraphrase it, Cite it. D) Quote it, recite it, Cite it.

________29) Which of the following details provides evidence to the general statement below?

General Statement: A clean community means a healthy and productive citizenry.

A) People work in the fields and yield a bountiful harvest.

B) Sick people spread the disease to other people in the community.
C) Clean surroundings prevent diseases and keep people productive.
D) Productive people clean their workplaces and other surroundings.

________30) What is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objective evidence?

A) fact B) opinion C) evidence D) statement

________31) Which of the following best describes an opinion?

A) A good choice B) A scientific investigation

C) A statement that can be proven D) A physical evidence from a crime scene

________32) Which of the following best describes a fact?

A) Something that can be proven B) Something that can’t be proven

C) The feelings of the main character D) How much the main character likes something

________33) Which of the following is NOT an objective evidence?

A) scientific law B) physical evidence C) eyewitness account D) feeling and judgement

________34) Is the paragraph below Fact or Opinion? why?

My mom’s cookies are the best in town! First, she uses the creamiest butter, and she gets the freshest eggs from our neighbor’s
chickens. The milk she buys to drink while eating the cookies make the cookies even better because the milk come from a local
dairy farm. They’re good when they’re cooled down, but even better when they’re still warm.

A) Fact, because it has specific detail that can be proven as true based on objective evidence.
B) Opinion, because it’s the feeling of the main character.
C) Fact, because there is physical evidence.
D) Opinion, because there is scientific investigation

________35) What appropriate word will be used to complete the given question?

“___________will it take for Ziea to finish watching the movie?”

A) How long B) When C) Why D) Why

________36) What is NOT a tip on How to perfect your question?

A) Research first. B) Compare what you know and what you don’t.
C) Consider your goal. D) Thought-provoking questions

_______37) Which Wh-question follows the given pattern?

Wh- + an auxiliary verb (be, do or have) + subject + main verb or with wh- + a modal verb + subject + main verb.

A) Who do you love most? B) Which horse won? C) Who bought this? D)Whose phone rang?

_______38) What type of question is being expressed?

How can we combat people’s misconceptions about the subject Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao?

A) Simple Question B) thought provoking question

________39) Is the given statement True or False? Why?

When you raise a sensible and thought-provoking question, you are enabling the discussion to be more in-depth and

A) True, because it can stimulate, draw out, and guide a discussion.

B) False, because it cannot stimulate, draw out, and guide discussion
C) True, because we never hear everything we want to hear in the exact order, depth, and detail.
D) False, , because we don’t always hear everything we want to hear in the exact order, depth, and detail.

________40) What appropriate word can be used to complete the question below?

If you were to choose between staying home and play computer games and going out to school, and learned so many
things, ____________ would you choose?

A) How long B. Why C. which one D) What

Prepared By:
English 7 Teacher

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