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Legality of Abortion

Abortion is the clinical process of removing the fetus from the uterus to end pregnancy,
spontaneous abortion which refers to a miscarriage and induced abortion, which is performed
purposely. These have been laws in the other countries that allowed abortion and not allowed
abortion. Significant numbers of abortion are due to unintended pregnancies. Different
positions based on the issue of abortion, The extreme position belong to the supporters who
believe in preserving life and would be illegal abortion in all circumstances, The other one is
the advocates of free choice, where they believe that it would be the pregnant women/mother
who have the absolute rights to decide between keeping the baby or aborting it that all
pregnant women have the rights to request an abortion. The intermediate position is held by
those people who believe that abortion is permissible only in certain circumstances, like rape

It is a procedure to end the pregnancy. It's also sometimes known as a termination of

pregnancy. The pregnancy is ended either by taking medicines or having a surgical
procedure. Six out of 10 of all unintended pregnancies end in an induced abortion. Around
45% of all abortions are unsafe, of which 97% take place in developing countries. Before,
Abortion is illegal in all countries around the world. It is against the bible and religious
people totally disagree. We recognize that there are women who wish to continue their
pregnancy under the most adverse circumstances, and these women should certainly be well
supported by social services. At the same time, this is not the case for everyone, and also
recognizes that those who need access to abortion should also be assisted and supported.
Hence, still this depends on the situation of the woman. It's either she was raped or it is an
accident that cannot be done. People or parents don't agree of their teens having a baby on
such a young age, so they will agree on doing abortion. We must agree on abortion, due to
the overpopulation and for the future of those teens that experienced having fetus in their
womb. Of course, teens will be confused about sexual intercourse so they might try it and
doesn't think of what will it may result. Teens who aren't ready yet to be a parents will surely
abort the baby and this should be legalized.
Abortion should be regulated by health policy, not criminal law. The lack of clear legal
framework and policy guidance when women's lives are at risk is of particular concern and
needs to be amended to clearly reflect women's absolute protection. Due to the lack of
abortion services, medical authorities fall short of the best practices and highest standards
recommended by other evidence-based medical guidelines. We have provided evidence that
while abortion is illegal, people around the world still seeking and doing it, both nationally
and internationally. And it is undesirable to have insufficient knowledge and training on
these issues.

Dawn Regile C. Morillo

Adriana Jane A. Arquillano
Janelle C. dela Torre
Christlyne Raine Velasquez

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