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Hi guys so if you’re not sure what the fuck you’re looking at this ice berg chart is basically filled
with many different aspects of the stock market. Different types of trading, strategies, concepts,
theories, figures, scandals, rumors, etc etc. I wanted to show that here is much more to the
stock market than just A & B and just how interesting some of the topics can be. If you have any
questions feel free to ask on the reddit post.

Blue Chips

Glamour Stocks like MicroSoft, Disney, Apple etc etc. Can't go wrong with buying these


Probably the most recognizable trading platform


Most Popular stock exchanges amongst Americans and North Americans

Timothy Sykes

Popular penny stock trader. Known for his courses and success.


A dividend is a distribution of profits by a corporation to its shareholders. When a corporation

earns a profit or surplus, it is able to pay a proportion of the profit as a dividend to shareholders.
Day Trading / Investing

Two of the most popular forms of buying stocks

Insider Trading

Trading based on information not known to the public which is usually received by a corporate
employee leaking information or the employee itself.


ETFs give you a way to buy and sell a basket of assets without having to buy all the
components individually. An ETF works like this: The fund provider owns the underlying assets,
designs a fund to track their performance and then sells shares in that fund to investors.


Foreign exchange. Popular form of trading which involves buying and selling different

Bank Brokerages

Trading/Investing with banks is considered more convenient opposed to trading apps by most

Pattern Day Trade Restrictions

Restriction on margin accounts with less than $25,000 in capital to prevent individuals from
Warren Buffet

Probably one of the most known faces in the stock market community. Everyone knows his
story selling coke bottles during rush hour and his success in investing.

Great Depression

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly
during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied
across the world; in most countries, it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s

Next Layer

Twitter Gurus

Twitter pages which post plays and sell you their courses or discords

Swing Trading

Slightly more advanced way of trading which can be short or medium term positions in a stock


Garbage spam app for discussion around companies listed on NYSE/NASDAQ

NKLA Scandal

NKLA got pumped and dumped as they were supposed to be the next TSLA (LOL). There's alot
to this scandal such as fraud, lying to investors and the CEO being a piece of shit.
Due Diligence

Everyone should do this. It involves taking a deep dive into a company and looking over
financials, sec filings, history, stock float/ownership/outstanding shares etc etc.

Bearish/Bullish trends

Indicators commonly used by traders to predict the outcome of how a stock will move. Plenty of
different trends such as double bottom, Death Cross, Cup and Handle etc etc.

Pump and Dumps

Buying a shit ton of stock in a garbage company with a small float, creating hype around it, then
dumping on the pump it gets from the hype.


Initial Public Offerings the price a company starts at on its first day on an exchange. Usually
overpriced if it's a hyped company.

Discord Communities

Created by people to either orchestrate P&Ds, find plays or for general discussion

Employee Stock options

Corporate Employees of publicly traded companies have the option to receive warrants in place
of their salary
Value Investing

Value investing is an investment strategy that involves picking stocks that appear to be trading
for less than their intrinsic or book value. Value investors actively ferret out stocks they think the
stock market is underestimating.


2nd Largest trading subreddit but probably the go to forum for retail investors/traders

Level 1 data

Level 1 data refers to the lowest ask and highest bid currently offered


Another popular "Beginner" trading app for buying and selling stocks.

Next Layer

Market Makers

A market maker or liquidity provider is a company or an individual that quotes both a buy and a
sell price in a financial instrument or commodity held in inventory, hoping to make a profit on the
bid–ask spread, or turn.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is a large independent agency of the United
States federal government that was created following the stock market crash in the 1920s to
protect investors and the national banking system.

Short Interest Theory

Short-interest theory states that high levels of short interest are a bullish indicator. Therefore,
followers of this theory will seek to buy heavily-shorted stocks and profit from their anticipated
rise in price.

WeWork IPO

I'd recommend people check this out with full details and see how a dysfunctional CEO can
destroy a company and its future.

Kangaroo Trend

It is given to understand that a kangaroo market is one where stock prices swing up and dive
down rather rapidly, without any news being the apparent trigger.

DotCom Bubble

The dot-com bubble was a stock market bubble caused by excessive speculation of
Internet-related companies in the late 1990s, a period of massive growth in the use and
adoption of the Internet.

Charles Schawb

One of the more popular ways to buy and sell stocks with individuals or groups with more
capital and IQ

Most popular subreddit in terms of subscribers a place for memes and discussion around stocks
mostly options however, Better described as "If 4chan found a bloomberg Terminal"

Steven Sugarman

So essentially he was trying to do a hostile takeover of BYFC however, reddit came to the
rescue and pumped the shit outta the stock price... Which is great and all but they also made
Sugarman profit heavily off the pump as he sold his stake ending his attempt to take over BYFC.


Last year a picture surfaced of SHIP's HQ which was a beat up old building located in the
middle of the ghetto. This HQ was the one listed on their SEC filings however, it was shortly
updated with a new address and much cleaner looking building

Market Bubble Theory

bubble theory is an informal financial hypothesis that presumes the possibility of rapidly rising
prices as investors begin buying beyond what may seem like rational prices. It suggests that
stocks with rapid increases should see a massive correction shortly after

Chinese P&Ds

Every now and then we'll see some random ass Chinese company rocket out of nowhere then
dump soon after then stagnate like nothing happened. JFIN, WIMI,KNDI, CJJD are some
examples however, you can find many many more.

Index Funds

An index fund is a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund designed to follow certain preset rules
so that the fund can track a specified basket of underlying investments.
Private Discords

Mostly used for orchestrating P&Ds however, it is thought that there are exclusive discords for
insider trading.


Also known as Stock screeners are tools that allow investors and traders to sort through
thousands of individual securities to find those that fit their criteria. You can sort by different
filters such as volume, market cap, sector etc.

Kelly Loeffler

Sen. Kelly Loeffler Dumped Millions in stock holdings in the days and weeks after a private,
all-senators meeting on the novel coronavirus that subsequently hammered U.S. equities. She
was investigated for insider trading but nothing ever came of it.


Subreddit to discuss penny stocks. Probably the best subreddit on this iceberg.

Millionaires use reddit

Theory that big fish use subreddit to find their next play whether it be investing, shortings, day
trade etc. Not to outlandish when you use level 2 and see huge orders on stocks discussed on


The act of selling a security at a given price without possessing it and purchasing it later at a
lower price is known as shorting. Shorting is largely done with the motive of earning profits by
purchasing the securities at a lower price later on.
Prison Stocks

Ever wanted to invest in for profit prisons? Two of the biggest companies, CoreCivic and The
GEO Group, are publicly traded In the correctional system.

Luckin Coffee

In April last year, the coffee chain admitted that at least $310 million of its sales over the
previous three quarters had been fabricated. They were delisted and all the shareholders took a
massive hit as the share price plummeted

Level 2 Data

Level 2 is a generalized term for market data that includes the scope of bid and ask prices for a
given security. Also called depth of book, Level 2 includes the price book and order book, listing
all price levels of quotes submitted to an exchange and each individual quote.

Stan Exposed

"Twitter Guru" StanTradingMan was exposed for allegedly talking to underage girls. To add to
the controversy he is married with a child....


Watch Enron the smartest guys in the room this scandal is way too complex to summarize.
Alternatively there is a great video by "The Company man" on youtube.


Long Term Equity Anticipation Security are derivatives that track the price of an underlying
financial instrument. They are option contracts with a much longer time to expiry than standard
Peter Lynch

Peter Lynch is an American investor, mutual fund manager, and philanthropist. He is considered
one of the greats when it comes to investing


Over-the-counter refers to the process of how securities are traded for companies not listed on
a formal exchange. Securities that are traded over-the-counter are traded via a dealer network
as opposed to on a centralized exchange.

Next Layer

Stop Loss Raids

A strategy that attempts to force some market participants out of their positions by driving the
price of an asset to a level where many individuals have chosen to set stop-loss orders. The
triggering of many stop losses at once typically creates high volatility and can present a unique
opportunity for investors who seek to trade in this environment.

Elon Musk Manipulation

A couple years ago many thought that Elon Musk was intending to take Tesla private so in order
to drive the price down he started doing controversial shit like smoking a blunt and tweeting
random shit on twitter.

Trading CryptoCurrency

Crypto Market is 24/7 and crypto is highly volatile which creates the perfect scenario for people
with gambling itches while the stock market is closed.
Level 3 Data

Level 3 is the highest level of quotes provided by a trading service and gives the institution the
ability to enter quotes, execute orders and send information. Level 3 service is restricted to
National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) member firms that function as registered
market makers

Greater Fool Theory

The greater fool theory states that it is possible to make money by buying securities, whether or
not they are overvalued, by selling them for a profit at a later date. This is because there will
always be someone (i.e. a bigger or greater fool) who is willing to pay a higher price.

KBIO Short Squeeze

In November 2015, “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli orchestrated a violent short squeeze on failed
biotech KaloBios that caused its share price to rise by a staggering 10,000% in just five trading
days. KBIO had been perceived by short sellers as a “no brainer near term zero”.

Chinese ADRs

Chinese companies listed on the NYSE, NASDAQ, or the NYSE. They may or may not be
incorporated in China, but they have their main business operations in mainland China. These
stocks are usually scams and should not be held long term. I would suggest watching “The
Chinese Hustle” to see how dirty these chinese companies are.

Options Trading

An option is a contract that allows (but doesn't require) an investor to buy or sell an underlying
instrument like a security, ETF or index at a certain price over a certain period of time.

Gold Manipulation

Gold market manipulation, called also gold price manipulation, can be defined broadly as a
purposeful effort to control gold prices.
Illegal Dividends

What is an illegal (unlawful) dividend? A company can declare a dividend if it has sufficient
profits available, that being an excess of sales over expenses and taxes. ... This is known as an
illegal dividend, or Ultra Vires, as dividends should only be paid from profits.

Bitcoin was created by banks

Due to the obscurity around who created bitcoin there is a lot of speculation on if it could've
been banks. According to this theory a bank holds Satatoshi's fortune and will act as a source of
income if the US dollar collapses. I however, think this is far-fetched.

Yates was hired to pump IDEX

Basically before Yates started posting about IDEX he was a mediocre "twitter guru" with a
reasonable following. But then he posted about IDEX which has a history of P&Ding its own
stock with various shams such as changing their business model like 5 times in the past couple
years. Not to mention the share price was being clearly manipulated by bots or something as
the share price would only increase in small increments. Yates would also mention he had direct
contact with IDEX corporate employees and would always hint of "Big things" coming. He would
never post his postion and say dumb shit like "Im nOt SeLlInG tILl $1o".

Technical Trading

A trader who places trades based on the technical analysis of price charts. Technical traders
analyze price charts to develop theories about what direction the market is likely to move

George Soros

One of the most successful investors but also a meme within the community. Anytime
something bad happens George Soros is the scapegoat. Kinda like the "Thanks Obama'' meme.

Bill Ackman

Activist investor annoying as hell lost 1 billion trying to short HerbaLife lol.

Jerome Powell considered a meme because of his money printer. Responsible for pumping
trillions in the economy to inflate the market and prevent the market from crashing.

Bitcoin Bubble

Bubble theory for bitcoin currently being in a bubble. Many expect that will pop like it did in

Martin Shkreli WSB

The Goat himself is a user on WSB u/martinshkreli is actually a moderator and somewhat
active. Recently told a tale where he dropped the soap while showering...

Next Layer


An oligopsony is a market form in which the number of buyers is small while the number of
sellers in theory could be large. This typically happens in a market for inputs where numerous
suppliers are competing to sell their product to a small number of buyers.

GraveYard Market

A graveyard market is one in which bearish sentiment persists, causing existing investors to sell
and new investors to stay on the sidelines. Existing investors do not want to acknowledge their
large unrealized losses, and, as a result, they may not even look at their brokerage statements.
At the same time, new investors remain fearful of future market declines and are reluctant to
buy, even at lower prices. For both groups, the market appears dead, or in a zombie-like state.
Prospect Theory

Prospect theory is a psychology theory that describes how people make decisions when
presented with alternatives that involve risk, probability, and uncertainty. In accounting,
uncertainty refers to the inability to foretell consequences or. It holds that people make decisions
based on perceived losses or gains.

Satoshi Nakamoto isn't a real person

Another theory that suggests Satoshi is an alias or a fabricated identity for the creator of bitcoin.

Orphan Stocks

An equity investment that often pays a high dividend and is generally considered low risk.

Alt Coins

Alternative cryptocurrency to bitcoin. There are 100s of these and are traded similar to stocks


barry Minkow, the owner of this business, claimed that this carpet cleaning company of the
1980s would become the "General Motors of carpet cleaning."1Minkow appeared to be building
a multi-million dollar corporation, but he did so through forgery and theft. He created more than
20,000 phony documents and sales receipts without anyone suspecting anything.2

Although his business was a complete fraud designed to deceive auditors and investors,
Minkow shelled out more than $4 million to lease and renovate an office building in San Diego.
ZZZZ Best went public in December of 1986, eventually reaching a market capitalization of
more than $200 million. Amazingly, Barry Minkow was only a teenager at the time. He was
sentenced to 25 years in prison.
MLM Stocks

There are multiple publicly trading Multi level marketing companies such as Tupperware (TUP),
HerbaLife (HLF), AgeX Therapeutics (AGE).

Flash Crashes

A flash crash is an event in electronic securities markets wherein the withdrawal of stock orders
rapidly amplifies price declines. The result appears to be a rapid sell-off of securities that can
happen over a few minutes, resulting in dramatic declines.

Commodities Trading

Commodities trading is the buying and selling of these raw materials. Sometimes it involves the
physical trading of goods.

Dogs of the Dow

Dogs of the Dow is an investment strategy that attempts to beat the Dow Jones Industrial
Average (DJIA) each year by optimizing towards high-yield investments. The general concept is
to allocate money to the 10 highest dividend-yielding, blue-chip stocks among the 30
components of the DJIA.

Zombie Companies

A company that needs bailouts in order to operate, or an indebted company that is able to
repay the interest on its debts but not repay the principal.

Another Brokerage primarily used by options traders

Bernard Madoff

Currently serving a federal prison sentence for offenses related to a massive Ponzi scheme.

Jensen's Measure

The Jensen's measure, is a risk-adjusted performance measure that represents the average
return on a portfolio or investment, above or below that predicted by the capital asset pricing
model (CAPM), given the portfolio's or investment's beta and the average market return. This
metric is also commonly referred to as simply alpha.

Sell in May and Go Away

Sell in May and go away is an investment strategy for stocks based on a theory that the period
from November to April inclusive has significantly stronger stock market growth on average than
the other months.

LIBOR Scandal

The Libor scandal was a series of fraudulent actions connected to the Libor (London Interbank
Offered Rate) and also the resulting investigation and reaction. The Libor is an average interest
rate calculated through submissions of interest rates by major banks across the world. The
scandal arose when it was discovered that banks were falsely inflating or deflating their rates so
as to profit from trades, or to give the impression that they were more creditworthy than they
Obama Manipulation

Obama manipulated US oil companies to frack and drill shale like crazy in order to bottom out
oil prices and wreck the economy of Russia. and to implode Venezuela and to pressure the
Saudis by preventing them from getting a good price for the Aramco IPO.

Economic cycle theory

The business cycle, also known as the economic cycle or trade cycle, are the fluctuations of
gross domestic product around its long-term growth trend. The length of a business cycle is the
period of time containing a single boom and contraction in sequence.

Yoyo trend

Yo-yo is a slang term for a very volatile market; in this type of market, security prices continually
go up and down

Next Layer

Manipulation Bots

Bots are used commonly to manipulate price and keep them within a certain range or stunt any
growth. Bots can also be used to manipulate trading activity and make it seem like a stock is
trading more than it is similar to "Painting the tape"


Index that tracks aerospace companies

Gann Theory

Gann Theory Explained. W.D Gann developed a slew of unique methods to analyze price
charts. According to the theory, different angles and patterns possess features that allow one to
predict the price action. Both the price interval and the equal time are used on the charts for the
Gann technique to be applicable.
Ken Flay faked his death

Months before his trial for defrauding investors in the ENRON scandal the founder of the
company had a heart attack and supposedly died. With all the money that went missing it is
possible that he could've staged his death and fallen off the grid....

Algo Trading

Algorithmic trading is a method of executing orders using automated pre-programmed trading

instructions accounting for variables such as time, price, and volume. This type of trading
attempts to leverage the speed and computational resources of computers relative to human


Professional software used by hedge funds and investment firms described as a high-speed,
multi-broker trading solution that provides fast, seamless, and centralized access to an
extensive liquidity network across global equity, futures, and options markets. It provides the
critical market intelligence and real-time trading analytics firms need to power their performance.

Carl Icahn

Considered a troll in the investment community. He fucked bill ackman over by taking the
opposing position of HerbaLife and took home one billion.... Shortly after losing a billion betting
on Hertz...

Chipotle Sabotage

Short sellers went to chipotle restaurants and started the contamination by infecting surfaces
with e.coli.
Game Theory

Game theory is a theoretical framework for conceiving social situations among competing
players. In some respects, game theory is the science of strategy, or at least the optimal
decision-making of independent and competing actors in a strategic setting. The key pioneers of
game theory were mathematician John von Neumann and economist Oskar Morgenstern in the
1940s. Mathematician John Nash is regarded by many as providing the first significant
extension of the von Neumann and Morgenstern work.


Index that tracks livestock growth

Porters 5 forces

Porter's Five Forces Framework is a method for analyzing competition of a business. It draws
from industrial organization economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive
intensity and, therefore, the attractiveness of an industry in terms of its profitability.

Hostile Take Over

A hostile takeover is the acquisition of one company (called the target company) by another
(called the acquirer) that is accomplished by going directly to the company's shareholders or
fighting to replace management to get the acquisition approved.

Conduit Theory

Conduit theory is a theory stating that an investment company that passes all capital gains,
interest, and dividends on to its shareholders shouldn't be taxed at the corporate level like most
regular companies.
Married puts/calls

In a Married Call strategy an investor will short (sell) shares of the underlying stock while
purchasing an equal number of call contracts to protect the short position. The Married Put is
the reverse of the married call.

Large Firms and HedgeFunds use reddit to find plays

Wouldn't be surprised if big firms track discussion on stocks on forums and make plays around
that. I mean is it a coincidence that Sabby buys into so many stocks that are discussed on


MoviePass a bankrupt company still trading in order to liquidate it's remaining outstanding
shares. They fucked over a shit ton of people a year or two ago.

Elliott Wave Theory

Elliott Wave Theory is a method of technical analysis that looks for recurrent long-term price
patterns related to persistent changes in investor sentiment and psychology. The theory
identifies waves identified as impulse waves that set up a pattern and corrective waves that
oppose the larger trend.

Next Layer

Simpsons predicted GNUS mooning

Simpsons released a episode in 2017 22 for 30 where Bart plays basketball and one of the
teams is referred to as "GNUS". They only score 9 points. 3 years later GNUS rockets to $9
then shortly after to 12+ before crashing.
Level 4 data

Joke entry but I would imagine that level 4 would be the ability to see which stocks would be the
next to pump or dump

The CCP owns every chinese company

There's no way this isn't true considering how corrupt China is. The Shanghai Stock Exchange
offers the illusion of free trade however, in reality the CCP owns every company. This might be
what we're seeing with AliBaba at the moment and since Jack Ma is resisting they're doing
some shady shit to take it away.

Bitcoin was created by the FBI/CIA

Most plausible theory relating to the creator of bitcoin. It is thought that bitcoin was created by
the FBI or CIA to fund black operations which would not be detected by the government. When
you think about it the CIA or FBI have every resource available and would have definitely made

Jeffrey Sprecher

CEO of intercontinental Exchange and husband of senator Kelly Loffener sold millions worth of
shares right before the March Crash.

SEC is corrupt

This is well documented how easy it is for bigger companies to influence the SEC and how often
"Investigations" lead to a whole lotta nothing.
US Plunge Protection Team

The "Plunge Protection Team" (PPT) is a colloquial name given to the Working Group on
Financial Markets. Created in 1988 to provide financial and economic recommendations to the
U.S. President during turbulent market times, this group is headed by the Secretary of the
Treasury; other members include the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve, the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Chairman of the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (or the aides or officials they designate to represent

Pre-IPO investing

Big fish buy Pre IPO then dump when the stock IPOs they'll almost always profit.

"Painting the tape"

Painting the tape is a form of market manipulation whereby market players attempt to influence
the price of a security by buying and selling it among themselves to create the appearance of
substantial trading activity. The goal of painting the tape is to create the illusion of an increased
interest in a stock to trick investors into buying shares, which would drive the price higher.

Max Pain Theory

The Maximum Pain theory states that an option's price will gravitate towards a max pain price,
in some cases equal to the strike price for an option, that causes the maximum number of
options to expire worthless.

Arbitrage Trading

Simply put, arbitrage is a form of trading in which a trader seeks to profit from discrepancies in
the prices of identical or related financial instruments. These discrepancies occur when an asset
– such as EUR/USD – is being differently priced by multiple financial institutions.
Lady Mcbeth Strategy

A Lady Macbeth strategy is a corporate takeover scheme in which a third party poses as a
white knight to gain trust, only to then turn around and join forces with the unfriendly party in a
hostile takeover bid.

Second Crash

"Trust me bro its coming"


Index that tracks..... Gender Diversity..... Up 80% this year..... Not bad....


The original Wallstreetbets

2020 crash was predicted

Heres a comment that explains this

Next LAyer
ETFs Theory for World Domination

Pretty much suggesting that Firms such as blackrock and vanguard will have majority ownership
over most fortune 500 companies in the next couple decades. When you buy a ETF all voting
rights for shares in the ETF are not owned by you but the firm. To visualize BlackRock and
Vanguard both own 10% of apple. About 59% of the float is held by institutions meaning that
apple itself doesn’t have majority ownership. So in theory if one of these institutions could tip the
balance and gain majority ownership they could essentially control decisions relating around
apple. This is already happening on a smaller scale with companies in ETF profiles with
vanguard and blackrock. In the future all of these companies could be owned by institutions and
theyll use YOUR money to get there.

r/pennystocks is moderated by teenagers -


Foreign Markets Trading

Trading in forgien markets such as the TYO, LSE, NSE etc this one is only for mad lads and
people who know wtf they're doing.

Corn Futures

Yes people trade corn futures and apparently it's actually really profitable

YOU control the stock Market

Godfather Offer

A Godfather offer is an irrefutable takeover bid made to a target company by an acquirer.

Typically, the offer is priced at an extremely generous premium compared with the company's
prevailing share price, making it difficult for management to reject.

Tan Liu

Author of the "The Ponzi Factor" which suggests that the whole stock market is one huge Ponzi

Moscow Exchange

The Russian stock market... Probably the most corrupt and worst returns across all stock
exchanges WORLDWIDE.

Fabricated Companies with fake financials listed on Chinese

Stock Market (SSE)
If you look at the amount of fraud going on in China this shouldn’t even surprise you.
Companies with fake financials are listed to draw potential investors then crash stock price
shortly after. Good example of this was CJJD a while ago there were rumours their ER would be
great however, not only did they delay it due to “unexpected reasons” but also the stock price
took a 30-40% shit in a matter of seconds. So idea is that the CCP Trojan horses these
companies onto the major stock exchanges with fake financials to fuck over traders and
investors. This falls into Chinese P&Ds and ADR companies as well. Check out the movie “the
Chinese hustle” really good and insightful into how shitty and fraudulent Chinese stocks are

Deep Web Forums

Not as bad as they sound most are just basic discussion however,there is one that will be
mentioned later.
Vladimir Putin Owns every company in Russia

This is almost certainly true when you factor in that Putin can literally say he wants something
and get it.

Death Catalyst

Probably one of the more darker things here but basically it’s buying into a company on the
catalyst that an executive will die. Here’s the Nasdaq definition that explains it really well. A
stock strategy that buys stock on the belief that a key executive will die, the company will be
dissolved, and shares will command a higher price at their private market value.

Stock cults

Subreddits dedicated to specific stocks which are filled with bagholders who make delusional
posts. They have a cult like obsession with these companies some examples are r/idexfamily

Medusa touch

This one I made up and essentially that some people have the ability to cause share price to
plummet simply by buying in... It is based on personal experiences as well as other users who
seem to have the magic touch to tank share price.

NSA surveillance Programs

A user suggested that NSA gave companies information on overseas competitors for
cooperation in NSA surveillance programs. Not too crazy when you see that the French
government has been doing this for years.
OTCs are used for illegal activity

Random OTCs are listed on the exchange and will randomly pump off of nothing. Sure these
could be people pulling P&Ds however, could it be deeper than that? Not a bad way to launder
money or make “legal transactions” I believe this one could definitely be real.

Random Walk Theory

Legit theory that suggests there is no possible way to predict a stock price through trends or
other theories. And that a stock price is totally erratic without any means of prediction. Really
interesting read. I suggest you take a look at it. Stock markets are simulated by AI Same as the
theory that we’re in a simulation. AI simulates what stocks will move and which will dump etc.
Suggest that AI controls the market and not people buying and selling. I like this one a lot.

Deep web insider trading

Trading forum called Kickass which posted illegal documents and insider trading tips. Would
post leaked ERs and upcoming catalysts. It was a legit website with legit insiders but has now
since been closed by ICE. Futures trading Probably the hardest form of trading and you have to
be an absolute mad lad to trade futures considering how tough it is.

Funny name
Warren Buffett is a mascot created by the US Government
So essentially Warren Buffet was born during the Great Depression and during this time people
were losing faith In the stock market.

So the theory suggests that Warren Buffett and all of his assets, backstory and image are
owned by the US government. This explains his frugal lifestyle such as living in an average
townhouse and eating a McDonald’s.

It was thought that the idea of investing wouldn’t be popular with the boomers because of the
uncertainty. So they fabricated Warren Buffets backstory and success to regain confidence in
the stock market among youth.

Warren buffet nowadays is one of the most influential and popular « rag to riches » story in the
investing community. Many people thank their interest of investing and trading to Warren Buffet
and I would imagine his story is what keeps fresh meat inflowing into the market these past
decades. Not totally outlandish tbh let me know what you think.

Covid-19 a scapegoat for the 2020 crash

I’ll link you a Reddit comment that explains this hold up.

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