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Good day everyone!

It is my honor to present to you my study titled:

Language Instruction in Times of COVID-19: Lived Experiences of
Filipino Language Teachers in Thailand

This slide shows the before and during the pandemic in Thailand.
• English language teaching faced challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a
result, the transition from traditional to online teaching had an unexpected impact on
language teachers.
• In order to continue teaching, teachers had to adapt to the new reality of teaching
through computer screens instead of having face-to-face classes.
• As part of this adaptation, many teachers engaged in emergency remote teaching,
offering synchronous or asynchronous classes to their students.
• However, it was evident that many teachers lacked experience in remote teaching
with technology, which added to the difficulties they faced.
• Moreover, language teachers encountered unique challenges related to self-doubt,
emotional anxieties, proficiency variations, identity issues, teaching methodologies,
intercultural aspects, and working conditions.

• Despite these challenges, there has been limited research examining the language
teaching experiences and the long-term impact of the pandemic on language
• This lack of research contributes to the uncertainty about the future and the long-
term consequences for both language teachers and language teaching as a whole.
• As time passes in the pandemic, it becomes a stressor that resembles trauma,
further complicating the situation for language teachers.
• Nevertheless, language instruction during the pandemic also presents opportunities
alongside the challenges it brings.
• To gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of language teachers during the
pandemic and their coping strategies, the purpose of the study is to explore their
lived experiences.
• Through a qualitative approach, the study aims to uncover how language teachers
successfully adapted to the changes and identify the opportunities they encountered.
• Focusing specifically on Filipino language teachers, this study will shed light on
their unique experiences and provide insights for the future.
• Ultimately, the findings of the study hold the potential to provide hope and reveal
positive outcomes despite the difficulties faced by language teachers during the

This study aimed to describe the lived experiences of Filipino Language
Teachers amidst the pandemic in Thailand.
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the opportunities for Filipino language teachers in Thailand in the
time of the pandemic?
2. What are the challenging experiences of Filipino language teachers in
Thailand amidst the pandemic?
3. What are the coping mechanisms of Filipino language teachers in Thailand
amidst the pandemic?


 In terms of the research design, the study utilized hermeneutic phenomenological

analysis, which combines phenomenology and hermeneutics. This approach aims to
understand the structures and dynamics of pre-reflective human experience and how
they are expressed through language and other creative forms of communication.
 To select participants for the study, purposive sampling was employed. This sampling
technique intentionally chose Filipino Language teachers in Thailand who had a
teaching experience of more than 3 years during the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Data collection involved strategies such as observation, semi-structured interviews,

and written exercises.
 Observation allowed the researcher to join online classes and observe interactions
between teachers and learners, providing a deeper understanding of the
 Semi-structured interviews were conducted using a validated interview guide to
gather data on the experiences of Filipino Language teachers teaching in Thailand
during the pandemic.
 Written exercises, including reflective exercises and open-ended questions, were used
to encourage participants to reflect on their teaching strategies and experiences
related to flexible teaching during the pandemic.

 The study followed a phenomenological analysis approach, involving several steps

recommended by Creswell (2013).
 These steps included describing personal experiences, developing a list of significant
statements, grouping statements into themes, writing textural and structural
descriptions, and finally, creating a composite description of the phenomenon.
 The researcher transcribed audio recordings, familiarized themselves with the data,
and used the teachers' exact words in coding.
 Patterns and themes emerged from grouping codes, allowing the researcher to
explain the meanings of the teachers' lived experiences during the pandemic.
 The findings were reported by classifying relevant sections and using thick and rich
descriptions to enhance the validity of the research design.
The participants were informed about the study's purpose, the procedures for maintaining
confidentiality, and were requested to provide their consent by signing a consent form. To
ensure anonymity, participants' names were kept confidential, and interview transcripts
were assigned random numbers and stored securely in a password-protected personal
laptop. The researcher emphasized the importance of not deceiving participants about the
study's nature and not sharing personal experiences with them during the virtual interviews.
The next slides present the salient findings.
Based on the data, there are four emergent themes which are divided into subthemes:
Benefits of language teachers, safe working environment during pandemic, pandemic’s
consequences on language instruction, and motivations during pandemic

 Cultivating positive qualities: Despite the pandemic's challenges, these teachers

consistently displayed dedication, enthusiasm, and passion for teaching, fostering a
nurturing and supportive environment for their students.
 Utilizing diverse teaching modalities and strategies: An important finding was the
teachers' adaptability and resourcefulness in employing various instructional
approaches. They effectively engaged students through technology, multimedia
resources, and interactive activities, facilitating meaningful language learning
 Continuous growth of professionalism: Despite the pandemic's disruptions, the
teachers demonstrated a strong commitment to professional development. Actively
seeking upskilling opportunities and staying updated with pedagogical trends, they
maintained high standards and embraced innovative practices, enhancing their
effectiveness as language educators and benefiting their students.

 Filipino Language Teachers in Thailand prioritized the well-being and safety of

themselves and colleagues during the pandemic by implementing strict safety
protocols, maintaining cleanliness, and enforcing social distancing measures.
 Their proactive efforts in creating a safe working environment instilled confidence
and reassurance among the staff, contributing to a positive work atmosphere.
 The presence of a supportive school administration and collaborative colleagues
played a crucial role in navigating pandemic challenges for Filipino Language
Teachers in Thailand.
 Open communication channels, regular check-ins, and shared resources fostered a
sense of solidarity and encouragement within the school community.
 The supportive school environment eased professional concerns, fostered resilience
and motivation, and created a sense of belonging among the teachers.

 The pandemic had significant psychological effects on language teachers, leading to

increased stress, anxiety, and burnout.
 The shift to online teaching created a communication gap, making it challenging for
language teachers to effectively interact and engage with students.
 Time constraints and limited interactive activities posed challenges in language
instruction during the pandemic, requiring teachers to adapt their methods to
maximize engagement and promote active learning in the online environment.

 Social support played a vital role in maintaining motivation during the pandemic for
language teachers. Colleagues, friends, and family provided inspiration and resilience
through sharing experiences, encouragement, and collaboration.
 Self-care emerged as a significant factor in sustaining motivation during the
pandemic. Language teachers recognized the importance of prioritizing their well-
being, engaging in rejuvenating activities, practicing mindfulness, and establishing
work-life balance to prevent burnout and preserve their passion and energy.
 The sense of being an essential teacher during the pandemic fueled motivation.
Despite uncertainties and disruptions, language teachers embraced their roles,
understanding the impact they had on students' lives. Providing valuable language
instruction, supporting learning and growth, and creating a sense of normalcy
motivated them to persevere and remain dedicated throughout the challenging times.
Slide 17
The pandemic has presented language teachers in Thailand with unprecedented challenges
and sudden changes, but amidst the difficulties, they have also found new opportunities to
embrace their roles, adapt to uncertainties, and continue to foster learning, offering hope
and courage to their peers facing similar aspects of the crisis.
Good day everyone! I will present to you my study titled, Reading Profile of the Elementary
Education Pre-service Teachers

 Low ranking in reading comprehension: The Philippines ranked 78th out of 79

countries in reading comprehension according to the PISA results from 2018, with a
score of 340.
 Low ranking in fourth-grade reading: In the TIMSS results from 2019, the
Philippines ranked 53rd out of 58 participating countries in fourth-grade reading,
with a score of 384.
 Significantly lower scores compared to global averages: Both PISA and TIMSS scores
for reading in the Philippines were significantly lower than the average scores of all
participating countries.
 Factors contributing to low reading proficiency: Inadequate access to quality
education, limited resources, insufficient teacher training and development, and lack
of support for struggling learners were identified as potential factors affecting low
reading proficiency levels in the Philippines.
 Reading phenomena among Filipino students: The low performance of Filipino
students in reading is considered a recurring issue or trend in education.
 Research Gap:
 Gap in research on pre-service teachers' reading performance: Existing research has
focused on the reading performance of pupils, but there is a lack of research that
explores the reading performance of pre-service teachers.
 Need to improve training and preparation of pre-service teachers: There is a need to
explore how the training and preparation of elementary education pre-service
teachers in the Philippines can be improved to address the low performance of
Filipino students in reading.
 Impact of teachers on reading performance: While teachers play a critical role in
fostering literacy development, there is a need to investigate how the education
system can better support teachers in providing high-quality instruction and
individualized support to struggling readers.
 Potential contribution to policy and program development: Conducting research on
improving reading outcomes among pre-service teachers could contribute to the
development of effective policies and programs aimed at enhancing reading
instruction in the Philippines.
The study aimed to determine the reading profile of elementary education students.
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of elementary education students?
2. What is the reading profile of the respondents in terms of:
3. What is the oral reading level of elementary education students in terms of:
4. What policies or programs can be created based on the result of the study?

The descriptive quantitative study was conducted at a prestigious university in the

Philippines that offers an elementary education course, employing a purposive sampling
method to select 38 elementary education students. Data collection involved a survey
method utilizing a questionnaire with three parts. The first part focused on capturing the
demographic profile of the participants. The second part assessed the participants' reading
profiles using Likert scale questions, exploring their reading experience, interest, attitude,
self-efficacy, strategy, habits, and challenges. The third part measured oral reading, reading
rate, and comprehension. The study followed a systematic procedure for data gathering and
utilized frequency counts, percentages, and means for data analysis.

While the table shows the percentage of the oral reading level.

The result implies that the respondents are at the right age to take tertiary education courses.
The majority are female since the elementary education course is dominated by female
teachers. In terms of their ethnic affiliation, many respondents are Cuyunon. This is one of
the indigenous communities in Palawan. The respondents received financial support from
their parents.

The result of this study was limited to a few demographic characteristics of the respondents.
It can be suggested to have another study focusing on the other demographic characteristics
such as their reading materials at home and dialect.

Slide 5
The result of the study implies that parents play a huge role in encouraging elementary
students to read by providing them with reading materials at home. Financial support from
parents was also found to be a significant factor, so it may be a good idea for educators to
provide resources and support to families to help with their children's reading development.
Interestingly, students enjoyed reading in their mother tongue during childhood and they
have an interest in reading fictional stories in high school. Elementary education students
have plenty of reading materials at home, which means they don't visit the library as much as
However, teachers are expected to promote reading to their students, but students reported
that their teachers don't emphasize the importance of reading enough. Educators should aim
to create a supportive reading environment in the classroom by integrating reading into the
curriculum, allowing for independent reading, and encouraging discussions about reading

Slide 6
The results suggest that the respondents have a positive attitude toward reading.
The result of this study implies that elementary education pre-service teachers perceived that
reading as an important skill and a good thing to do. They are aware of the importance of
reading and how it can help them in their studies. Meanwhile, they were uncertain about
some of the statements due to the possibility that they may have some reservations or
challenges with the types of reading materials, but they are not completely opposed to them.

Slide 7
Based on the results of the study, elementary education pre-service teachers have different
levels of self-efficacy in reading. Those who agree with the statements have higher
confidence in reading. This indicates that they are confident in reading and they can be able
to perform well in the reading tasks. While those who were uncertain have lower self-
efficacy; this means they are not confident enough in their reading ability. They doubt
themselves in terms of reading activities. Probably, some of the elementary education pre-
service teachers do not have strong reading habits and may not be reading frequently. This
can lead to a lack of confidence in the reading tasks.
Slide 8
The result implies that the respondents have understood the reading strategies since they
strongly agreed with looking up the meaning of unknown words and re-reading when they
do not understand. They also recognize the importance of previewing the contents page
before reading and summarizing the main ideas as they read. The fact that the tutorials
helped them understand difficult concepts suggests that they also value seeking help and
support when needed. Therefore, the respondents have a positive attitude toward using
reading strategies, which can help them in reading and learning.

Slide 9
The result implies that pre-service elementary education students generally have positive
reading habits, particularly in reading for pleasure and writing after reading. However, their
reading habits related to academic reading and frequency of reading are uncertain, as
evidenced by their disagreement with the corresponding statements.

Slide 10
The result implies that the respondents have identified some reading challenges that
they experience, such as lack of concentration, difficulty in remembering or
summarizing what they have read, confusion with letters and sounds, and inability to
connect ideas in a passage. These challenges may affect their reading comprehension
and reading performance.

Slide 11
The finding implies that a significant proportion of the respondents have a
reading rate that falls below the average range. This could suggest that they may
experience difficulty comprehending the reading materials, which can hinder their
academic performance.

Based on the data, it reveals that the majority (33 or 86.84%) are independent
with 97-100 reading scores, while only 5 (13.16%) have a word reading score of 90-96
which is described as instructional level. The mean score is 97.59 described as
This implies that many of the pre-service teachers have high oral reading skills. This
indicates that they are confident and fluent in articulating the written text. This skill
is necessary for improving communication skills and instructional effectiveness.

Slide 12
The mean score for the entire sample is reported as 63.42, placing it within the
instructional range. This suggests that, on average, the participants require
instructional support to enhance their comprehension abilities.
It is important to note that the information provided does not include details about
the specific assessment tool or methodology used to measure comprehension.
Additionally, the sample size of 38 may be relatively small, limiting the
generalizability of the findings.
In conclusion, the data indicate a range of comprehension levels among the
participants, with a significant portion falling into the instructional and frustration

Based on the results of the study, this reading program for pre-service teachers was
proposed reflecting the significant results of the study.
Slide 13
The study explored the reading profile of pre-service elementary education students,
revealing positive reading habits, varying levels of self-efficacy, and challenges faced,
emphasizing the need for tailored instruction to address their specific obstacles as
future educators.

Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations:
1. Develop specific reading instruction programs that address the identified
challenges such as lack of concentration, difficulty in summarizing, confusion with
letters and sounds, and difficulty connecting ideas. These programs should focus on
building comprehension skills and addressing specific reading difficulties.
2. Implement strategies and interventions to improve the reading rate of pre-service
teachers, as their below-average reading rate may affect their ability to effectively
cover curriculum materials. Offer reading fluency exercises and techniques that can
help increase reading speed without sacrificing comprehension.
3. Offer professional development opportunities for faculty members and teaching
staff to enhance their knowledge and skills in teaching reading. Provide training on
effective instructional strategies, reading assessment techniques, and differentiated
instruction to cater to the diverse needs of students.
4. Promote a positive reading culture within the college by encouraging students to
read for pleasure and providing access to a variety of reading materials. Create
reading clubs or activities that promote reading engagement and motivate students
to develop a lifelong love for reading.
5. Foster partnerships and collaboration between the college and local schools to
provide practical teaching experiences for pre-service teachers. This will enable them
to apply their reading instruction knowledge and skills in real classroom settings and
receive feedback from experienced educators.
6. Encourage further research on pre-service teachers' reading profiles and
instructional strategies to continually improve the teaching and extension services of
the college. This will contribute to a deeper understanding of the unique needs and
challenges of pre-service teachers in the context of reading instruction.

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