EDS Driller Training

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To Operation Screens

Tripping Screen

All screens can be set up to run in Imperial, S.I. and Metric units
which can be set up in any formation of units
Operation Screens Tripping

The driller uses this section of the screen to select the current operating
mode. Modes are Trip In, Trip Out and Casing
Each mode has its own hoisting and lowering speed limits.

This gauge shows the block

speed in feet per minute
Counter clockwise needle
movement indicates lowering.
Clockwise needle movement
indicates hoisting.

Trip In Mode
Two buttons are available for limiting the
speed the blocks are lowered at. They are
Surge Adjust and Ave. Stand Lowering Time.

Surge Adjust: This value (in ft/min) will set the

maximum lowering speed for for tripping in.

Avg. Stand Lowering Time: This value is used

to set the minimum amount of time allowed to
trip in one stand. The system will then
calculate a maximum allowable speed based
on the stand time.

The Swab Adjust is not used during tripping in

Trip In Mode

Use these buttons to

change the limits.
Increase and decrease Press the value
buttons allow small display and a
changes to the limits. keypad popup
appears for
changing the

Trip In Mode Speed Limit Markers
Each limit will place a marker on the
speed gauge.
The limit markers are color coded.
The limit that is closest to zero will be the
active limit. In this case, the Surge Adjust
will be the active limit – its value is 50
ft/min where as the average stand
lowering time (10 seconds) has a limit of
approximately 575 ft/min.

Trip Out Mode

The Swab Adjust limits the block speed

when tripping out of the hole. The limit is
in ft/min and is adjusted the same way as
the Surge Adjust.

A green marker show the Surge Adjust

limit on the gauge.

Accessing the Brake Adjust (Tripping)

Adjusting the Brake for Tripping In

When the operator commands the blocks to be lowered by pushing forward

on the joystick, the system will start to reduce the air pressure to the piston
allowing the drum to un-spool.

To set the Bias slowly move the joystick to the half way position and if all
the settings are correct the joystick should be commanding enough
pressure on the piston that the blocks should be right on the edge of
moving. If you move the joystick to the halfway point and the blocks are
moving, increase the bias until the blocks stop. Only adjust the bias 1% at a
When the block speed reaches its maximum, the system will automatically
adjust the the piston to maintain the maximum speed.
Adjusting the Brake for Tripping

The maximum range for the

bias adjustment is ± 10%.

Casing Mode
Two values are available for limiting the
maximum block speed when lowering They are
Surge Adjust and Ave. Joint Lowering Time.

Surge Adjust: This value (in ft/min) will set the

maximum lowering speed for running casing in
the hole.
Avg. Joint Lowering Time: This value is used
to set the minimum amount of time allowed to
lower one casing joint. The system will then
calculate a maximum allowable speed based
on the joint time.

The Swab Adjust is not used during Casing


Casing Mode

Use these buttons to

change the limit. Increase
and decrease buttons Press the limit
allow small changes to the display and a
limits. keypad popup
appears for
changing the

Elevator Position Alerts
The horn is chirped
twice when the Lo and Hi set points
elevators travel stay the same for trip in,
above the Tripout trip out, casing, and
High Alert. The connections.
blocks must be
travelling at least The Tripout High Alert
50 ft/min in order to is only active when
chirp the horn. the Trip Out mode is
The driller can
adjust the Tripout
High Alert position.

Elevator Position Limits
When hoisting, the Operators should be
joystick can be held aware of the following:
back for the entire While lowering, when the
travelling of the block. elevators are near the low
setpoint the system will start to
The control system decelerate. When the elevators
will automatically slow reach the low setpoint they will
down when the be traveling at 25 ft/min and will
corner up point is continue to lower at 25 ft/min
reached and will stop until they are approximately 0.5
feet below the low setpoint. At
the drawworks when this point, the Varco brake will
the elevators are apply at 100% and stop the
approx 4 feet above blocks.
the high setpoint.

Kickout Height
When hoisting above a drum speed of 300
RPM and the elevators pass the Kickout
Height , the horn is chirped. It functions like
the Tripout High Alert but is only active when
Trip In is selected.
This gives an indication to the Driller to
disengage the high clutch when approaching
the derrickman on the fingerboard.
The driller can adjust this position.

Auto Driller Screen

Operation Screens Auto Drilling

Auto Drilling Controller enable and
disable buttons.

The auto-drilling program controls the rate at

which the blocks are lowered. The program
has four controllers auto-drilling. They are
controllers. The ROP controller is always
enabled when the auto driller is on. The
other three controllers can be enabled or

Auto Drilling

A blue border around the

controller means the controller
is enabled.

No matter how many controls

are enabled when auto drilling,
only one of them will be in
control at any given time. A
green circle in the centre of the
button indicates the active

Auto Drilling

In this example, the ROP and TORQUE

regulators are enabled. The green dot in the
center of the TORQUE button indicates that the
torque regulator is in control of the lowering the
Auto Drilling

Actual values

Actual values are also displayed on the bar graph

using the color code beneath each numerical display.

Auto Drilling

This marker indicates the

set point.

The driller sets these values

as the maximum to be
achieved when in auto drill.
Auto Drilling
Autodriller can only be turned on when:
• the Auto drill is enabled
• the Joystick is moved so the bar graph for
the air percentage on the Brake is between
50 to 60%, then activate the pushbutton on
the Joystick

With auto driller on, the block

position, speed, and
acceleration / deceleration rates
are all controlled by PLC
Auto Drilling
When in control, block lowering is
regulated so actual rotary torque
seeks to maintain the setpoint.

When in control, block lower is

regulated so the actual WOB
seeks to maintain the setpoint.

The same applies when the

Delta PSI controller is active.
Remember ROP is always
Auto Drilling
Before starting the auto-
driller (with the bit off
bottom), the driller zeros
the WOB by pressing this
button then pressing the
Zero button.

Before starting the auto-

driller (with the bit off
bottom), the driller zeros the
Delta P by pressing this
button then pressing the
Zero button. Delta P is
selected when mud motors
are used. 80
Auto Drilling
Setpoint is the desired value
(maximum) you want to drill to.

Example: With WOB set point

at 25, the actual value may
only be 7. In this case, the
ROP controller would lower
the blocks until its set point is
reached or until the WOB
actual value begins to
increase and approach its set
point. The controller with its
actual value closest to (or
greater than) its setpoint will
be in control.

Auto Drilling
Drilling Adjust

If continuous large fluctuations or sluggishness is noticed on the selected controllers, a limited

adjustment can be made to the control loops to improve performance.

Slide bars will appear ,if the system is too responsive (values oscillate) press the left arrow which
moves the slider bar to the left. If the system lacks response (values sluggish), press the right
arrow which moves the slider bar to the right. In either case, move the bar in single increments
until the system is stable.
Auto Drilling

This number
represents available
air pressure for the A needle indicates direction
Varco brake. at low speed.
An arrow indicates direction
at higher speeds.

Hoist Lower

Drilling trend chart

By touching the drilling trend icon

a graphical display of a four auto
drilling perameters can be viewed
to assist with tuning

Drilling parameter

Touching the alarm
display window allows
access to current

Alarm Summary Acknowledge the
alarms by pressing
The alarm summary screen
this button.
displays all active alarms.

The oldest alarm is displayed

at the top of the screen.

The latest alarm is displayed at

the bottom of the screen.

Alarms Acknowledged by the

operator are displayed in

Alarms that haven’t been

acknowledged by the operator
are displayed in red. Press the Return button to go
back to the previously
displayed screen.

Pressing the Acknowledge

button will silence the horn.
It will also change all the
alarms in red to black. Note
that the alarm conditions
still exist.

A history of past
alarms is
available. To
view the old
alarms press the
Alarm History
Pressing the Alarm History button displays
the last 500 alarms.

The first column shows the month

and day of the alarm.

The second column shows the time

it occurred.

The third column shows the state of

the alarm.
RTN = Blue return to norm state More alarms can be
ALM = Red still in Alarm state accessed by using Displays the last
ACK = Black alarm Acknowledged the Page Up/Down. open screen.


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