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Itzel Soto

ENGL 1302-480

Dr. Hanan Saadi

6 August 2023

The Cons of Animal Testing

For many years, researchers have conducted experiments on animals for many scientific

purposes. Scientists have yet to prove that animal experimentation helps improve human

healthcare. Many people argue that animal testing has been in major successful results, yet others

argue it’s unnecessary and cruel. Consequently, that is not the case. Most animal experiments are

not followed by the laws and go beyond the safety procedures. Most animal deaths are by these

testings on animals that are unnecessary and cruel. Animal testing is unethical because it is

inhumane, causes long-term damage to animals and animals have rights which humans can’t just

take away.

It’s Inhumane

Animal Testing is inhumane because testing on animals is morally wrong. It’s cruel and

unnecessary. Animals are sentient beings that can experience pain and causing harm to them is a

form of violence and inhumane. Many scientists break the law and cause harm to these animals

in cruel ways. There have been many cases where animal experimentations have gone wrong.

Most animal deaths are by animal testings which is wrong and unnecessary. Hurting animals is a

form of violence that should not be tolerated.

Harms Humans

These animal being harmed causes damage. When there are various alternatives to test

products besides testing on live animals. Researchers have showed that even testing on animals it
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is still not reliable as if it were to be tested on humans. If a trial is passed through animals, at

times it won’t work with humans. Animals being damaged and if still alive after the experiments

have to live with that physical damage that was caused.


Animals have rights and deserve to be treated with respect. Animals shouldn’t be going

through trauma and pain against their own will just for the sake of humans to test their own

products. Under the Animal Welfare Act, it protects all animals except mice and rats and birds;

however, it should be implemented on all animals. Although there is this act, scientists still tend

to test on other animals behind the books. Animals have rights just as human beings do. Animals

can experience pain; thus, should not be tested against their will.


All in all, animal testing is cruel and unethical because it is morally wrong, causes cruel

damage that is unnecessary and alive animals have rights just as much as human beings do. This

topic is essential to question whether scientists should continue with animal testings. There is

and are alternatives to testings and researchers just have to implement those methods instead of

harming animals by animals countlessly.

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Works Cited

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Gruber, F. P. and Hartung, T. (2004) “Alternatives to animal experimentation in basic research”,

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Harro, Jaanus. Animal models of Depression: pros and cons. Springerlink.

Taylor, Allison., et al. The value of animal test information in environmental control decisions.

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Luijk, J. van et al. “Towards Evidence-Based Translational Research: The Pros and Cons of

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Deb, Bijayeeta, Hemal Shah, and Suchi Goel. “Current Global Vaccine and Drug Efforts

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