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‘Waa TH — Filla | QUESTION PAPER — Itt | ‘seperie / Roll No. (3#1 # / In figures) = (stedi 4] in Words) ~~. ~ ‘fia / Subject : Mathematical Science Ie / Code fternr A geal wt eee | Mathematical Sci. Number of Pages in Booklet : 32 1 6 3 16) gar a wet a tie | Number of Questions in Booklet : 78 war / Time: 23 Fe / Hows pitas / Maximum Marks : 150 INSTRUCTIONS, Anew all questions. ‘Al questone cary equal marks, ‘nly’one answer 10 be given for each question. \'more than one answers re marked, i woud be weated 3s wrong answer Each question has four allarative responses matted seraly as 1, 2,3, 4, You have lo deiken the corest, ‘Tree il be ne negtva mang fer rong anew anddate ehould ensure that Rel Number. Subject Cade and Series Code on the Question Paper Book and Arcwer Shue? must be same fc open the envelopes, sn case ney ste alforen 2 ‘candidate must obtain anctner Question Paper of the same series. Candidate hrnsel( shall be response for ensuting this 8, Mobile Phare cr any other sletionic gadget in the exatination halls strclly probitited. A candidate found ttn any of such cbyectonable material wth hirer wal ba sincly deal ay per res 3: The candidat wil be alowed fo cary the carbon pin-out of OMR. Response Ghee ih hen on concn ‘he examina 10. tere is any sor of ambiguitmistake either of printing or factual nate then out of Hind! and English Version of the queston, the Engish Version wil be trealed as. standar! Warning : Ma cancidale & found copying or if any unauthorised material is found i hisMher possession. LR. would be lodged against hiner in the Paice Staton and helshe would lable oe prosecuted nce? Section 3 of the R.PE. (Prevention of Unfalimeans) Aci, #892. Commission may also debar hiniher permaneniy fom al future oxamanations of tio Commission. a 1. ah wet & sar Shim | 2. wh api & oie wae | 3. ade wet oI boot ge el sae df) 40 oe 8 afin sor 29 a cen A ea & See wT we AN ET 5. wea aye & are thafren ere Pea wat, fag wee 1, 2, 3, 4 otf Gran ren Bi oneeell wel see aT ae at ora et 1 6. wort are 2s fie, somes ober et Rear ameen 7. wears gfiser ud oat wae & fers a at tet ne soe at d fm sam Besa yf at oar oc WO 8 apt, A ee GT ifs ge wie fom al at art 8. reader it orrar gaegtPrr sta ar wer gfe web ela aia wk fd anew A wee A AE ai amt Pree & al ge feo sr are FeMTgUTE était) 9. aren sre ae ere wars st ers ada WR area A Ao We 10, a Pe wee Fe are tw an Mee are af wt aN wet 3 FA) a lth eure Ha oft ware Feu atm eet core ag ort em aed oT oT ta sa Te a a ge eon ore $, ah oe nee ee fre rear wo reg rote ae. oh, (orgie ene ak hour) ner, 1992 ay at 2 See ab Bree 8 rsh A ore her UA et ee ere oe Fecha at vem $1 16/,MSPS33_A] 1 LOMA (Con. 16 16 16 16 Which of the following statements is correct for the sequence {x,,}, where vd xp tet toe 2 3 (1) Timsup {x,}=0, timing {x,}=0 2) limsup{x,}=2, liminé {x,}=2 G) limsup{x,}=2, liming {x,}=0 4) lim sup {x,}= 4. lim int {x,} = + ep fy} RE TEC Sp ae Peer a ha an wt TE? (1) tim sup {x,}=0, liminf {x,}=0 (2) lim sup {x,}=2,. lim int fx, 3) limsup{x,}=2. limint {x, (4) Himsup fry }= 5, limit {xy} If f (x)= fim 9 fa ale (1) © Removable discontinuity (2) Discontinuity of first kind (3) Discontinuity of second kind (4) Mixed discontinuity + thea the type of discontinuity of fat x= 1 is aft 0)= BE a dh ref onda gree a we (1) Freee ariaar (2) Wer weary terete (3) ache ware ait onda (4) Parr referer 25 2 2 If zeysin™ ent(2), then Govt is given by a) @ = GB) 2: (4) 0 evsin7!{ ©) 4 tan 2 az, de 2a: ag eonsie'(2 oun (2) aa PZ Res RES eect ay = @ = GB) 2 (4) 0 16/ MSPS33_A| 2 {NMI 1Cone.. ‘The slope of the tangent fine to the curve of intersection of the surface z=x?+y? with the plane y=1 at the point (2, 1, 5) is ait (2) -1 1 G) 4 @ JS ax? 4y? WH wea y= & wires aw & Prg (2, 1, 5) eal Tar at vasa & ait @ A 1 B) 4 Oz If f(x)=|x| and g(x)= 22] , then i) Le (fm oem) east but me fe does not exist (2) tim ao does not exist but fim, 53 exists 16 L(x) fim Se ang lim i @) Both lim, Sea) sists and are equal ( and fim Le) exists and are’ unequal g(r) SN roo g'(x) ae F(z)= bf A g(x)=2[5], hi @) Both lim, 0 Sim, LE fens wey tin, OE ® tia, 2 fear 8 ef, LEE ea 6) sin, ex tin, OES at ea ¥en we 4 oo sim, A jim, a asi lem 3 wen saat wa F 16 16/ MSPS33_A] 3 TIMUR (Conca... 16° 16 16 Which of the following 2x2 matrices corresponds to linear transformation that is a reflection through the line x=x, in ? ? 10 -1 0 © Yo = ® Lo H| . fou 0-1 @ |i 6 @ li 6 Yar xy =x S vera & ae awe wore Pret FS atta 242 arrays F? 0 [i ‘| 2 (? ‘] o fd The maximum rate of change of the function f(x, y)= xe’ +3y at the point (J, 0) is in the direction of the vector a 747 @ 7-7 I Jd > 94 +4 GB) faz QO -7-2j WAT f(x, yar Y +3y % ferg (1, 0) we flow after Bt fear Yoh a at after ehh 2 WM TZ ® 7-7 @ Taj @ 7-27 Ter srss Al ‘ iM, #243 16 8 The series (2 (1) convergent (2) divergent (3) oscillating finitely (4) oscillating infinitely 1 2 22 303 a =-=) 45-2] +/4- aa (5 | (5 2} “Gt (frend e@) 6G) oie deren 4) sin reo 9 For the following functions £(*)= ¥ and 0 x50 2xsin x#0 a(s)= y ° 0 wif x=0 which of the following statements is tue ? 16 (1) feR[-11] and fis primitive of g in 1, 1] (2) feR[-11] and fis primitive of g in [-1, 1] (6) Fe R[-LI] and fis not a primitive of g in [-1, 1] (4) feR[-1,1] and fis not a primitive of g in [-1, 1] 2? sis f(x)= 0 nore oO ae r=0 at fra 3 @ aise Ger wer 3? GQ) fer} ud 1a gor gfe Q) sek, ya ga gays (3) fek[-u1] i G1, 9 gor apa et @ serbia FF ga pasa t 16 16/ MSPS33_A) 5 INEILI EI ¢Consa... 10 If the sequence {x,} defined by 4 =1x,=J6+%,1 .7>1, then to 16 which number {x,} converges ? ay © @ 1 GB) 3 @ 8 aft orgea {x,} Pra were wftwia & x2he, = ore wal, at {xy} Row den a aiftrge aca &? a) 0 “ @mi G) 3 @ 8 _ WE The eigen values of a 3 3 real matrix 4 are 1, -1, 2 then 247! is ay $(r+24-#) Q) [424-42 8) 3 (i+24+4?) (a) 1+244A? 16 3 <3 arate areg 4% aftrwatve a 1, -1, 2%, at 247! att ay 3[t+24-4) @) 1424-4 8) 3 (i424 42) 424442 12. In which of the following intervals, the sequence of functions {'} coriverges uniformly ? © 0.1) @) (0,2) 1 @) [0.4] @ [2 4 cert an orga {x"} foe omrom Faw ware wfraret 87 a) 0) 2) (0,2) 16 © wa @ [o4] 16 / MSPS33_A] 6 (MITE) (Contd... 13 The integral fs wee) converges and its value is In 2 converges and its value is In 3 diverges oscillates between In 2 and In 3 erat I ae x(eti), a Q) GB) (4) aftrard & aan geen ArT in 2% afrart & aa geet ar In 3% orrarat & In 2 at in 3 & Hem ator 2 4 OW Sony) = or) (9) #(0,0) 0 if (x,y) =(0,0) for all y is ay oy @). -¥ GB) ox (4) -x 22 ah FO) ee Bae (0.0) (Sp 3) TE Moy @ G) x a 16 / MSPS33_A] 7. (x ¥)=(0,0) = (2, d 16 16 mat y & fag 16 UINNATHMT] (Coned.. 1 2 24 The rank of the matrix is 12 a) 6 @ 1 QB) 2 @ 3 ames |? 4 | at ont er ay 9 Ql G) 2 @) 3 16 18 E and I is identity matrix, then values of a and Q) a=18,b=2 4) a=0,b=-9 16 181, wet, wend arege %, ah a ae 6 & ar eh Q) =18, b=2 @) a=0,6 -9 mn 6.3). 17 The quadratic form that arises from the matrix 4 ' ‘I is (1) 6x? +4xyeay? 2) 4x2 naxy+6y? GQ) 4x2 boxy 4 ay? (A) 4x2 +6xy+6y7 ore ae[f 4) Ae Bere we (6x? + Axyt dy? (2) 4x2 4 axy+6y? 16 @) 4x? +6xys4y? G) 4x? + 6xy +6)? 16 / MSPS33_A] 8 AMUN [Contd... 18 20 16 / MSPS33_A] 9 (MIE (Conta... In the laurent's series expansion of J'(z)= 1 7 Valid in the domain r5e-3 * 16 |s|>2, the coefficient of mol @) -1 @) 0 @ 3 1 ~ 1 Wa |2|>2 9 ae ae FG Gea BF em aint ait @ B) 0 @ 3 Ie £(2)=u(x, y)+ v(x, y)= gfe x), then at the origin (1) My. %eetly and Yy all do not exist (2) My.Yeetly and ¥y exist but Cauchy-Riemann equation are not satisfied (3) Cauchy-Riemann equations are satisfied but fis not an analytic function (4) fis an analytic function art fis f(z)=u(x, y)+ir(x, »)= yea], A ae Pee oe (1) Me Rysty UE My Premera & 16 2) Meargatty Ted Yy Pram & reg Ahr erred eigne set G3) stfu eaters age aE ae Pevdtias wert ET 4) fie Reais oat For the function f(z) (men), Which of the following statements is false ? am a) Te (net18 2...) are simple poles Q) is a double pole @) 1s an nonisolated essential singularity - @ HT f(:)= (me N) % fae Ft AS amr we ora F? sin mz is removable singularity uy = Binet, ) wea oriae & =0 fee oriaa @ = GB) ze0 afiger aftart tft = @) 2=0 ata Sima} 16 16 21 The Laurent’s expansion of the function /(z)= 16 16 2 2B valid in the: region 0<|z~1\<2 is Aeal @) The value of [-" exp(expi®-78) d@ equals to GQ) an Q me G) « ) on waa K exp (expi0~i0) a0 a AT & () » an Qa G) on @ If z=a be an isolated singularity of f(z) and if | (z)| is bounded in some deleted neighborhood of z=a, then a is (1) Removable singularity @)_—Pole B) Essential singularity (4) Branch point ait rea war f(z) Bt Paes Refer & wet za & Proaftia wit A (7) afte &, ata & (1) ares fafa Q), wae @) ararf fafa 4) aver fry 16/ MSPS33_A] 10 IIIT tom. 24 25 (amet ¢ If 2=0, =ae (2=0,1,2,3) are poles of the function 16 + If 'q' is either of the poles, then the residue of (2) 3 i Tee @ a 3 @) 2 (4) § art Re 2-0 =ac™"* (y=0,1,2,3) ae f= (aj ore B1 aR to) SAA Oat oniae a, at 2-0 7 f(z) a aad aT 3 © ie @ ag 3 8) = @ £ 16 Let /(2} © and Cis acitctele|=2 described in aniclokwise 2) = =F rit in anticl (2-1)(2+3)? 2 direction, then [..f(2)d2 has the value qd) o (2) = mc —st BH O 33 et fi f(z) £ eC, amet fen Fda wa ue ga (2-1)(2+37 . 8, a [fe wae an ine o > ine sim oF @ “ye 16 16 / MSPS33_A] i THROM (Conta... 16 16 16 26 27 28 ‘The bifinear transformation that maps the points #=1, / and -1 in to the points w=0,1 and co is Q ) ctl frgsit 2=1, i ud -1 at Pagel w=0,1 aa oo TT fateh eer fethae earrer eh ‘The analytic function f(z)=w-+év of which the real part is uze*(xeosy~ysin y), then #"(2) is (1) e+e Q) wt+e GB) (EFNet (ay (z= Het Paget ort f(z)=u tiv Perea areas WT y =e (eos y—ysiny) ® at f(z} em Q) te @) eft G) (z+Ie* @) (-Ne" ‘The origin and the points representing the roots of the equation z?-+-az-+h=0 form an equilateral triangle if ay 7=36" @ @) a= @) aetrg car wire =? arth = 0 et a Profle Peg aw eHag Pry want & ae ay) @=36* Q) a=3b G) a@=b @) a =3 16 MSPS33 Al 12 (AM INE, Cone... 29 Ifa! and '#' are real numbers between 0 and 1 s.t 2 =a+i, zy =14ib and 3 =0 form an equilateral triangle then values of ‘a! and 'B' are 16 1 O25 ® PF L 1 ® FF @) -(2-v3),-(2-¥8) OU 1H mem Rag afk a! cer a! ora send & ab 2 =a+i, zg =l+ib TH 23=0 Um waaig Pry sad & ato! garb ww aM it 1. () 2-V3,2-V8 QD pz Lo Oo RF ~(2-3),-(2-v3) 30 The sum of divisors of 64800 is Q) 63 * 121 « 30 Q) 63 «120 «31 @) 62 «121 «31 (4) 63x 121%31 16 64800 % aroret at at & Q) 63 «121 «30 Q) 63 «12031 @) 62% 12131 (4) 63 * 121 «31 31 If’ pigeons are assigned to m pigeon holes, and [x] = a greatest integer 0 and elliptic for *<0 fade aE wr oriftre orret wha Sin? x tye +SiN 2X gy HOOS? Fy, SEE Q) ts ore Q) wi tiga @) a aires @) atmrata wa x50 od thigta sa x<0 “ 16 16/ MSPS33_A] a TINANTEA 1Conea 16 16 16 41 52 16/MSPS33_A] 2 The solution of the equation (3-22) p+(2—3x)q=2r-y which contains the line of intersection of two planes x = y, ay 94294 32)?—2(x? 4»? 422) <0 @ (wr 29432)? of? 45? +2*)=0 @) 2x42y432)*-o(? tyr +z2}=0 @ 2x42p43:)' (Pa yazt)ao Samet x = y, 2 = 0 at artftne arctan ahr (37-22) p+(z-3x)q=2-y & ga Bh a) 9429432)? ~2(2 4p? 427) =0 (2) (r42y432)*-9[ 4y2+2?)<0 G) 2(xt2p432 -9(x? 45? 427) <0 (a) 2x429432) (x4 ya?) 20 The Sturm-Liouville form of the differential equation Ay"+ Sythoy =0 is @ (Sy) aaty-o (ay) +ay=0 ©) (sw taxtys0 @) (x5y) saetye0 rrr BAT Ly" S y+ xy <0 er ea feat wrt 0) (Sy) 4a%y-0 Q (wy) +ay=o GB) (Siv)sixtyso O) (Sr) +ax4y=0 IMM FYA| (Conta... Which of the following statements is true for the IVP "= (1) The solution exists for all real x A, y(=1 2 16 (2) The solution exists for all real x > 1 (3) The solution exists for all real x < 1 (4) The solution does not exist areas as eer Y= 7. (O)= 1% rg aaa we we EP (1) wht cree x & Rig wa Prem & (2) wh aah x > 1% faq wa Rema t 3) wh arate x <1 & fag ee Pea t (4) ew fers ae & ‘The imegral equation cérresponding to the differential equation yx) ~3y'(2)427(2)=Ssing, y(O)=Ly"O)=-2 8 yl {j[26e-)-3] yQar=1-Ssine 16 @ yo)+ ff [20-)-3] yQarat~ssine 8) yx)¥{*[2e-)-3] p@ar=t4ssine y+ f[2@-»)-3] vat =1+Ssinx rere BABE y"(x)—3y"(x)+2y(x) = Ssinx, y(0)=1, y'(0)=-2 & It ware weet eT () ye [f[2le-9)-3] (ar =1—ssinx 2) yls)+[F[2¢-»)-3] »ar=1-Ssiax @) yee [f[2-9-3] Oar a145sinx (4) y(x)+ ff[26-2)-3] y(thar = + Ssinx 16 16/ MSPS33_A] 2B (AOU Conca. 16 16 16 85 The vp y'=4y", y(0)=0 has (1) a unique solution @) only two solution (3) countable number of solutions (4) uncountable number of solutions srefiry arr wren y= 4", y(0)=0 an ater (1) am arte eer Q) tar a et G3) werier dear Fea (4) omnia ten 4 ar If the characteristic distribution a random variable X is oy @=ee[2(e" IJ], then the pdf of X is (1) Poisson with parameter 2, (2) Gamma with parameter 2, (3) Exponential with parametic 4 (4) Cauchy with parameters and {L A aos oe a afer 45 (=e [2(e" I], we x a wire cet & Q) ater, Para ret Ae 2) nen, Pree wee At @) Varcteieaer, rea mrt V8 (4) orl free sea 2 afte we If Xy, Xz, Ny, X4 be a random sample ftom N(0,1), then the sampling distribution of y= 5 is Vitextan? (1) F with (1, 3) degrees of freedom (2) t with 3 degrees of freedom (3) iC with 3 degrees of freedom (4) F with (1, 4) degrees of freedom ARE YX) 5. XH arghtse weet & Ae N(0,1) 8 gawa a, wa BX, ; AG on ae dex 8 HAZEN, Q) Fret eta aan & (1, 3) (2) 1 firewall eartaat BE 3 3 (3) 22 Braet wisn atte & 3 (4) freeit wats wifear 8 (1, 4) u 16/MSPS33_A] _ 24 (INEM MI) (Conta... 58 Let X\,X>,...X, be a random sample from va |, where Hand ? 16 are unknown, and s* is sample variance. Then the confidence interval of 2 with confidence coefficient 1-a is (g pau | o (2 ~~} @) i | Karr, al Karr Negra Be-a)2,n-t 2 2 2 2 rst ns’ Katina Ho? 0 @) ( 2 2 } 4) ns? ‘al2.n *ai2n Ny XpeonNy TE argh wet HN (u,o7) gar mea & et we ofte g2 rar arnt &, afc 52 wfeal aor wae EL Ae? a Page gat, Breer Pea ye jo Ft [ge gave) w [2 @ zr Kerra Mas, Kei2,n-t wo) 2 2 2 2 . ass Kout2 mt Xo)? n= 8% E G. | One ns? 16 ula Tanait.n 59 If ¥ is mean of the random sample of size n saluted from the pdf 'O exp (Ox), if O0 (ae) = [rl ) 0 , otherwise then unbiased estimator of @ is L a F @ . (Se) 3) a @) aft eer arefeme wPreal & fied wiRearaT e7 Fee wm ocren ore a qa wa 4, 9 @ oniitrs ommae F @) @ 7 16 16/MSPS33_A} 25 IINGIIME: (Conte. 16 16 16 60 6t 62 A test of the null hypothesis Hy :@¢E,, against Hy :@« Fy is said to have size @, 0<<<1, if () a= eR, Te (Reject Ho) @) a= UPA (Reject Ho) ) a= gap Pa (Reject 1) @) a= oh Py (Reject Hy) We Rawrnra Hy:0ck, % Pret 0k, w oma a F, oss &, af ae 5 () 868, Ma (Reject Ho) @) a= tPF (Reject Mo) @) a= e8, Fo (Reject Hy) (4) a= SMP A (Reject 1) If both (ty and yy exist, and #22 >0, then @ Bel @ Bs1 @) B2

0 ae Q) Bat @ Bsi @) BSB; @) Bo sb +1 If X~N (4,1), then mean deviation of X about His ie 2 a) aft 2 2, rs = & eG OVE aft X~N (u.1), TEX wr eT ee Sete, aes Prat aT ue fn 2 a) aff @) ap fr 2 Bye @) E 16 / MSPS33_A} 26 IMAI tConea... 63 If the joint distribution of ¥ and ¥, is 16 (x, 1)-Na( ty 0.8, =0.08=2, of <1, P= 3 then V(¥/x) is 1 @ 1 @ > G) 2 @ 4 afte XY a cigar wiRienat dest (1)-M[ ie <0) 0.08 #205 == ) a v(y fx) era eT ay} Q@) wie @) 2 @ 4 If Xj. Xan bea random sample of size.» from NV (qu, 07), both jt and 16 2 are unknown, Then the variance of the unbiased estimator Pet -¥P of 0? is Q) 204m) Q) 204/a G) 0 f(n-1) @) on REX Kass Ny Tm ROTC mL TEP weal fa (uo?) am aa @, wet ua o? wl aM apna #1 ag? & afta rans Sy -¥) erage GQ) 20%/(n=1) @) 204fn @) o*{{n-1} a) o2/n 16 16/MSPS33_A] 27 INAATRING, EComee- 16 16 16 65 67 If ABC is confounded in a 2° factorial experiment, the entries of two blocks jin a replicate will be . a) B-l: abe b ac (I) 2) By: abe ec ac ab B-2: © ab a be © By b ab a (i) (BAL: (I) ab ae be Be: () a ac be ® po a b © ae B: ab b © abe we 2D ag-omerh 9 uw ordain 46C dafta &, al we afagin & at sal & ora dats at Bol. abe b ae (I) Bi: abe c ac ab pea: e ab a be ® By bab a (i) B-1: (I) ab ac be Be: (t) a ac be pr. a b 6 ate O B: a b ¢ abe tot x~ o(e-, o3), then X belongs to (2) Exponential, family (2) Generalised family @) Pitman family (4) Degenerate family ae x-u(o-do-Z) an aise, er ues war safe ea at Xe (1) aearatat oftare ar 2). avatge afar ar (3) fetes aRare ar @) omre oRan a In a correlation study the 4,, » then the correlation coefficient “yy is »y 3 (35 16/MSPS33_A] 28 INCUEUIMNY, (Cone... 0 70 ‘Two random variables X and Y are independent, therefore () B(xY)=1 @) E(xY)=0 16 G) E(XY)sE(X)E(Y) (4) E(XY)=C (Constant) a agi ue Y ait Y ecia 8, gate @) B(x¥)=1 Q) B(XY)=0 GB) E(XF)=E(X)E(Y) @) E(xY)=C (Rertte) If a sample of size 25 is to be selected from population of size 125 by systematic sampling method, then the number of possible samples in the sample space will be a eos @) 125° my 125, 125 @) cys (25 oO cafe we 25 arene wl uRteat Uw 125 arene wate & wane wT Pa Agen ora oh Sutra vPreal F den iteet waite Heh 16 (cas @) 12st 5 125 @) cys (25 @ 35 ‘The mode of F-distribution with parameter (m, 7) (m=2)n n(n) (One?) @ nine?) ee 2}m m(n+2) G) G=2)n O alm+2) Exigt Brats ware (m, 2) &, at agRH e (m-2)0 n(m+2) O nlntd) nia?) (n=2)m (2) : Giza) (4) Twa) 16 16/ MSPS33_A] 29 HIMIMINNAE tConea-- 16 16 16 1 12 3 ‘A multiple regression relationship contains two independent variables. The standard error of estimate is 4.8 and error sum of squares is 576. What is the sample size ? () 24 @ 25 @G) 26 4 2 em AEaarsery Rector Y at ae waa Fi orem Bt ars ge ¥ 4.3 aie gfe & af or ar & 576 viel at arene eq dT (24 @ 235 @) 26 @) 28 If X(t) is a Poisson process, then P[X(s)=kIX()=n] is (1) Poisson (5/) @) Binomial (0, %/) @) Poisson (4/) (4) Binomial (n, 4) aX (1) Ue aie wan 3, aa PLX{(S}=kX(Qen] & @) ier (94) @ fee ( %) @) ata (/) @ fewe (nf) If y=2x+5 and v=-3y-6 and regression coefficient of y on x is 2.4. Then the regression coefficient of v on 1 is, a) 24 Q 24 G) 36 @ 36 aft y=2r+5 oI v=-3y-6 att y & are yma x ue, AE 24, 0a v % ane tie nae, wt aT ear (yy 24 @) 24 @) 36 4) 3.6 16/ MSPS33_A] 30 AAMUIMINUAT Conta... 74 If X, and Xp are two two independent random variable having common density fnetion 16 f(x)ae™, Vexcee x the distribution of ¥="y will be A YQ) 2) Fy @ 'Q) @) KM , a @ fra @ Xa aR cate Xa eda argos ae & feta wary seer eer & f(x)", Oexce xy a wry. wor ifm eto CTT 2 4 Q) Fy (fa) @® Fyy @) Fa @ {16 3 78 Given Senesr, O

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