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Core Course
No. of Credits: 4 Credits
No. of Contact hours: 5 Hours

Objectives: The students will have the opportunity to explore current management topics so as
to develop an individual style and sharpen their skills in the area of leadership, communication,
decision making, motivation and conflict management.
Minor Project and its presentation will add to the knowledge of the students about the current
business environment. A topic should be allotted to each student in the beginning of the Third
Semester in various areas of management.
Course Design
1) Group study
A group consists of maximum 5 students (The total strength shall be divided into a group
of five students or group with 4 students).
2) Selection of topic
A General management subject is more suitable for the study. Other than the topic, the
working of an organization to be given more importance. Group should select maximum
five organizations. All members of the group should together visit the organizations in
different days. The main aim of the study is to provide an opportunity to students to
familiarize the working of an organization.

Types of organization
Any type of organization (large scale, medium scale, small scale, outlets, franchisees, brokers
etc.) can be selected which have a relevance to the selected topic. The department should provide
a letter to the students in order to get permission from the organization.
Examples of topic and types of firms preferred for study:-

1. Retail store operations (firms like supermarket, hypermarkets etc. are preferable)
2. Ethical issues in a firm (any type of organization can be selected)
3. Agricultural products marketing (agricultural products producers society and marketing
society like RPS, Milma, Campco, spices, Tea manufacturing and sales etc can be
4. Customer relationship management (dealership firms –car and two wheeler, banks,
insurance, supermarket etc
5. Digitalization and its importance in a business (any type of business using of plastic
money, Paytm mobile apps, online trading)
6. GST and its impacts on business (small scale and medium scale)
7. Material management (manufacturing units, retail stores, supermarket)
8. Registration process of an organization or branding or trademark etc (newly commenced
9. Financial policy/financing (raising of capital, investing in to asset) small scale industries.
10. Purchasing procedures of an organization (manufacturing units, retail stores,
11. A study on disposal of scrap/wastage (manufacturing units, newspapers, textiles etc)
12. Secondary market activities (share brokers)
13. Foreign exchange (forex organizations, connect to managerial economics
14. Time keeping system and wage payment (plantations, other business organizations)
15. Fringe benefits
16. Micro financing (banks, co- op banks)
17. Types of loans and its procedures
18. Waste management (manufacturing units)
19. Importance of Packaging (trading concerns)
20. Sales promotion
21. Goals of an organization
22. Strategies
23. A comparative study on consumer’s attitude towards After Sales Services in Automobile
24. A comparative study on consumer behavior in Super markets.
25. A comparative study on service quality and customer loyalty in selected banks.
26. A comparative study on customer satisfaction in bakery products
27. A comparative study on corporate social responsibility, with special reference to waste
management in hospitals….
28. A comparative study on brand preference of soft drinks in bakery / super market.
29. A comparative study on customer relationship management practices in telecom sector
/or public and private sector banks.
30. A comparative analysis of Loans and advances in selected urban co-operative banks.
31. A comparative study on different types of loans schemes in selected banks.
32. A comparative study on the offerings of insurance companies /or A comparative study on
products and services of life insurance companies.
Time period

The study should be conducted during the third semester. A day in a week shall be provided for
the study.

Allocation of the days

A minimum of 13 working days or 65 hours should be compulsorily allocated to each student

during the 3rd semester to complete the work.

Discussion of topic, methodology etc - 2 days (10hours)

To get sanction from organization -1 day (5 hours)

Visit of an organization by the group - 5 days (25hours)

Analysis and review - 2 days (10hours)

Documentation - 3days (15hours)

Internal viva - 2days (10hours)

A minimum of 13days (65hours) ensure for the study

All students should discuss the topic with the authorities of the organization and collect
necessary information through any of data collection tools (if necessary)

Contents of the Report

a) Certificate from college
b) Certificate of HOD and guide
c) Declaration by the student
 Contents (table form )

Chapter: 1 - Introduction (Total 15 pages)

1. Introduction to the topic - 2 pages (a brief description about topic and related aspects)
2. Introduction to the industry – 2 pages
3. Introduction to the organization – 9 pages
4. Scope/ Importance of the study – 1 pages
5. Objectives minimum of three objectives - 1 page

Chapter: 2 - Research Methodology (Minimum 3 pages)

i. Research
ii. Research Design
iii. Data-source of data, primary and secondary data (Primary data is not compulsory)
iv. Data collection instrument
v. Sampling (if necessary)
vi. Limitations of the study

Chapter: 3 - Analysis and Findings (Minimum 10 pages)

If the observation method is used, the student can describe what he could find out. It will be
treated as findings. If any questionnaire or interview schedule used for the study, that can be
analyzed and drawn the result.

Chapter: 4 - Conclusion (Minimum 2 pages)

 References and Appendix

There should be minimum of 30 pages required for the report and a maximum of 50

Copies of Report - One copy of report should be submitted by a group as a college copy
and a personal copy should be kept by each student.

Internal assessment (20marks)

 1st Review - Collection and presentation of secondary data (5 marks)

 2nd Review - Analysis and its presentation (5 marks)
 3rdReview - Report presentation (5 marks)
 4th review - Internal viva (5 marks)

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