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Binalatongan Community College

College of Information Technology

Brgy. Ilang, San Carlos City, Pangasinan



Case Study


Online Job Training 2022

Week 6

Submitted to: Mr. Banner Ferrer

( Instructor )

Submitted by:

Trinidad, Cristina P. (BSIT-3C)


Over past years, IT complexity has grown while efficiency promoted;

Virtualization reverses this track simplifying IT infrastructure,
improving efficiency by performing more with less effort.
Virtualization lets the application run in a few physical servers
where each App operates in a separate container called a virtual
machine. VM is entirely isolated, but computer resources like
processor, storage, and networking are shared among running Apps
and delivered dynamically through software called a hypervisor; it
allows every application to get what it needs from machine resources.
Without service running at full capacity, the user does not require
many virtual machines depending on the demand, which can get
higher value by improving performance, lower cost, less complexity,
and faster maintenance. According to the NIST definition, there are
three models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) (Mell & Grance, 2011, p.3). Amazon
AWS and Microsoft are two popular platforms dominating the market
of Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS);
each one has its use-cases. Through this case study, we will
examine the organization’s environment and evaluate its
preparedness for Virtualization according to the recommended
business model within the AWS infrastructure service as an
example of cloud service with high availability and fault tolerance
configuration. Also, the study will touch Windows Azure capabilities
for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including
Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities.
Keywords: Virtualization, Platform-as-a-service, infrastructure-as-a-
service, Internet as a service hypervisor.

I. Introduction

Virtualization changed the old way of a single server, and application

model, in which most servers are vastly underutilized with westing
costs. Virtualization empowers a single server to work as numerous
VMs with each virtual machine able to function in several situations,
such as Windows, Linux, or Apache. As a result, organizations that have
adopted Virtualization have been able to solidify multiple servers onto
fewer physical gadgets, which makes a difference decrease space,
power, and regulatory prerequisites (VMWare, 2015). One way of
implementing Virtualization is through cloud computing, such as AWS,
which offer infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). Amazon AWS provides
on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals,
companies, and governments on a metered pay-as-you-go basis, which
become very popular in recent years. EC2 is one of the most famous of
AWS offering renting a virtual machine, with capabilities to store data
on virtual drives through Elastic Block Store EBS and to distribute load
across machines by Elastic Load Balance ELB. Furthermore, AWS has the
option to scale the services using an auto-scaling group ASG, which
enables the users to automatically enhance the performance
according to the load without any provisional or administrative tasks.
EC2 provides the users the option to supervise the machine through
cryptographic network SSH protocol. EC2 provides the users with
different types of EC2 instance launch types according to their load
and budget. Instance types include changing combinations of CPU,
memory, capacity, and organizing ability and allow the clients the
flexibility to select a suitable resource based on application
requirements (Barr, 2013). The available instance families and
instance types summarized in (General-Purpose, Compute-
Optimized, Memory-Optimized, Storage-Optimized, Micro Instances,
GPU Instances).In specific, organization evaluation, and
environment analysis required to choose the appropriate instance
type, which includes infrastructure, business model application
requirements. For systems that advantage from a low fetched per
CPU, selecting the compute-optimized instances (C1 or CC2) is more
appropriate to get low cost and reasonable throughput. For systems
that require the most economical cost per GiB of memory, the most
suitable recommendation is memory-optimized instances (M2 or
CR1). For systems that required a database with high availability
and fault-tolerance taking advantage of EBS-optimization or
instances that support clusters, networking is more efficient. For
orders with high Inter-Node organize necessities, selecting examples
that bolster cluster organizing. (Barr, 2013).


Understand the organization environment

One obvious question before starting change-over the organization
infrastructure is moving to cloud computing makes sense for the
business and current environments. The answer to this question
required an in-depth investigation of current organization
environments before deciding which direction is better for the
organization. The essential vital factors from one point should include
the network infrastructure, servers capacity, storage, CPU, and
memory. From another aspect, the business model, budget, current
cost, licensing, and qualified staff need more considerations.
Virtualization requires a considerable sum of thought and a well
planned to find out all factors to evaluate its preparedness for
Virtualization. In some cases, it may be better for the organization to
keep the infrastructure as it is without change (Barry, 2020).

Windows licensing for virtualized environments

Windows Server has the option of running Windows Server in VMs on

Azure for customers with Software Assurance coverage on their
Windows Server licenses are eligible for Azure Hybrid Benefits.
Support use of up to two VMs per sixteen qualifying Windows Server
licenses. 5 Windows gives the customers a license to allocate up to
sixteen Windows Server core to Azure Moreover, run a single VM
instance with cores between one and sixteen Windows Server core
licenses to Azure. Alternatively, they can allocate a set of sixteen
core licenses and run two separate VMs, each with several virtual
cores between one and eight. In case customers need more Cores to
run more massive VMs, additional costs required for their Azure base
instance (Microsoft, 2017). Configuration for shared storage

Windows gives the customers a license to allocate up to sixteen

Windows Server core to Azure Moreover, run a single VM instance
with cores between one and sixteen Windows Server core licenses to
Azure. Alternatively, they can allocate a set of sixteen core
licenses and run two separate VMs, each with several virtual cores
between one and eight. In case customers need more Cores to run
more massive VMs, additional costs required for their Azure base
instance (Microsoft, 2017). Configuration for shared storage Figure 1
– (Amazon AWS, 2019) AWS provides architecture diagrams for
infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) best practices; Figure 1 shows one
example supplied by AWS Whitepapers and Guides of high availability
architecture that complained to different components of AWS services.

Step 1, the system admin specifies.

the required parameters for AWS services and launch the AWS
CloudFormation stack, which used for gathering scripts to bootstrap
from different parties, which starts several nested stacks.

At Step 2, EC2 instance run in multiple Availability AZ Zones, or user

can choose to run auto-scaling group ASG which offer automatic
scaling based on the workload without user provision.

At Step 3, the admin can select which storages according to application

requirements (EFS, S3).

At Step 4, admin can monitor and submit jobs.

At Step 5, lunch workstation with remote desktops and application

streaming NICE DCV, which allows sending batch jobs.

At step 6, system security stack, including AWS Secrets Manager, AWS,

Certificate Manager, Security Groups, and AWS Identity and Access
Management (IAM).

At Step 7, admin can launch AWS Lambda serverless computing using

any programming language without provision; only developers care
about the code logic.

At Step 8, admin can run Amazon Elastic Search Service used for
analytics logs and using visualization. At Step 9, Elastic Load
Balancing to ensure high availability across Availability Zones.
(Amazon AWS, 2019). Windows Azure Azure Virtual Machines (VM) is
an on-demand service, scalable computing resources. An Azure VM
gives the adaptability of Virtualization without having to purchase and
keep up the physical equipment that runs it. Some use-cases for
Azure virtual machines are development and test, Applications in
the cloud, and Extended datacenter. All Azure resources distributed
over numerous geographical regions around the world. As a rule, the
region is called a location for VM. The user subscription has a default 20
VMs per region quota limits (Microsoft, 2019). Hybrid Cloud Overview
According to the Microsoft definition, “A hybrid cloud is a computing
environment that combines an open cloud and a private cloud by
permitting information sharing between them” (2010). When

7 computing and preparing request changes, hybrid cloud computing

gives businesses the capacity to consistently scaletheir on-premises
framework up to the open cloud to handle any data follow (Microsoft,
2010). Employing a hybrid cloud, not as it were permits companies to
scale computing assets, it also eliminates the need for enormous capital
expenditures to handle short-term spikes in request (Microsoft, 2010).

III. Application
Application virtualization software: what are the
top three benefits?
 Simplified management:
Application virtualization makes it much easier for
IT to manage and maintain applications across an
organization. Rather than manually installing
applications to every users’ machine, app
virtualization lets IT admins install an app once on
a central server and then deploy the app as
needed on user devices. In addition to saving
installation time, this also makes it simpler to
update or patch applications because IT only has
to do so on a single server.
 Scalability:
Application virtualization lets IT admins deploy
virtual applications to all kinds of connected
devices, regardless of those devices’ operating
systems or storage space. This allows thin client
provisioning, where users access an application on a low-
cost machine while centralized servers handle all the
computing power necessary to run that application. As a
result, the organization spends less on computing
hardware because employees only require basic
machines to access the apps they need for work.
Application virtualization solutions also allow users to
access applications that normally would not work on
their machines’ operating system, because the app is
actually running on the centralized server. This is
commonly used to virtually run a Windows application
on a Linux operating system.
 Security
Application virtualization software gives IT admins
central control over which users can access what
applications. If a user’s app permissions within an
organization change, the IT admin can simply remove
that user’s access to an application. Without app
virtualization, the IT admin would have to physically
uninstall the app from the user’s device. This central
control over app access is especially important if a user’s
device is lost or stolen, because the IT admin can revoke
remote access to sensitive data without having to track
down the missing device.

In conclusion, Virtualization offers many benefits; AWS and Azure
provide excellent options for infrastructure needs for cloud computing
that provides flexibility and high availability based on-demand. The
critical point is investigating current organization environments before
deciding the change-over, which required more careful considerations
and proper synchronization between all stakeholders.
V. References
Di Pietro, R., & Lombardi, F. (2018). Virtualization Technologies
and Cloud Security: advantages, issues, and perspectives.
Gajbhiye, A., & Shrivastva, K. M. P. (2014). Cloud computing:
Need, enabling technology, architecture, advantages, and
challenges. 2014 5th International Conference - Confluence The
Next Generation Information Technology Summit (Confluence),
Confluence The Next Generation Information Technology
Summit (Confluence), 2014 5th International Conference, 1–7. Mell, M., &
Grance, T. (2011, September). The NIST definition of cloud
computing. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2–
VMWare. (2015). Making the Business Case for Virtualization
[White paper].
white-paper.pdf Barr, J. (2013). Choosing the Right EC2 Instance
Type for Your Application. Amazon EC2.
instance-type-for-your-application Microsoft, C. (2017).
Licensing Microsoft server products for use in virtual
environments. Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft server
products in virtual environments.pdf Amazon AWS. (2019).
Scale-Out Computing on AWS, Services Used (AWS
Whitepapers & Guides). AWS Whitepapers & Guides. 9
did=wp_card&trk=wp_card Microsoft, C. (2019). Windows
virtual machines in Azure. Microsoft Corporation.
ws/overview Microsoft, C. (2020). What is hybrid cloud
computing? Microsoft Corporation.
cloud-computing/ Barry, M. (2020). Virtualization: Is it right for
my business?. IT Manager Daily.

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