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1. What is a Recount Text?

The English text related to experience is called as recount text. A recount text is a text which
tells an event or an experience in the past.

2. The Social Function of Recount text

Following are the purposes of recount text.

a. To entertain the listeners or readers about the past event or experience.

b. To give an information to the listeners or readers about the past event or experience.

3. Types of Recount Text

Here are the types of recount text.

a. Personal Recount

When you are telling about your own experience in the past, it is called personal recount. A
personal recount contains a story about the author's personal experience. Example: My vacation
in Bali

b. Factual Recount

A factual text is telling a report of events that actually occur or happen in the past which is
according to the facts, such as reports of experimental science or survey. Example: Villages
buried under hot ash after Semeru eruption.

c. Imaginative

This type text is telling about an imaginative story based on the events that actually occur.
Example: My rainforest adventure.

d. Historical Recount

A historical recount text is a type of recount text which is used to tell about a historical happen
in the past. Example: The history of Padri War, the history of Sumpah Pemuda.

4.Example Recount Text

A Trip to Borobudur Temple

Three years ago, I and my classmates visited Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur temple by
bus. We left our school at nine o’clock. It took us 24 hours to arrive there. I arrived there nine
o’clock the next day. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique houses, prominent buildings,
and some other tourists.

After we arrived at the Borobudur temple, one of my teachers went to buy tickets. After we waited
him for a moment we entered into Borobudur temple area. Then we went up to the top of the
temple. Borobudur temple was built at Budur Village, Magelang, Jawa Tengah by Syailendra
Dynasty. Borobudur Temple is the biggest temple in the world. It has 504 statues and 1.400 reliefs.
From the top of the temple we can see such beautiful scenery. I and my friends went around the
temple together. Finally, after having some visits, we should go to the hotel to stay and continue
our study tour the next day.

We felt tired that day but we felt so happy to visit Borobudur temple which is well-known as one of
the greatest legacies Indonesia has ever had. I hope the temple can be loved by all of the visitors
and the government.

5.Generic Structure in a Recount Text

A recount text is identically telling an event in the past. When you want to build your own
recount text, you have to apply the right building elements of recount text. There are three
elements which structured a recount text. They are orientation, events, and reorientation.

1. Orientation

This part is in the first paragraph. It is used to introduce who was involved in the event, when,
where, and why the event happened. It is as the background information for the reader.

2. Event

This part can be more than one paragraph. This part is used to tell the series of events in a

3. Reorientation

This part contains the autor's comments or personal impression about the event or the
conclusion of the story.

6. Language Features in a Recount Text

Here are the language features of a recount text.

1. Introducing Personal Participant

You need to introduce personal participant in your text, such as I, my bike, we, etc. Example:
Bandung as Sea of Fire was a fire that occurred in the city of Bandung.

2. Using Action Verbs

A recount text is always use action verbs such as go, move, call etc. Example: The Proclamation
of Indonesian Independence was read at 10.00 a.m.

3. Using Chronological Connection

This text is also use chronological connection such as first, then, next etc. Example: The first
Indonesia Youth Congress was held in 1926.

4. Using Linking Verbs

The linking verbs also found in a recount text such as, was, were, seem, saw, etc. Example: The
first time Indonesia national anthem created by Wage Rudolf Supratman.

5. Using Simple Past Tense

Subject to be (was/were)+.... or Subject+V2 (d/ed) +....

Example: On 9 November, the British gave the Indonesians an ultimatum.

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