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It was the weekend and Amanda were walking back from the mall to her house when
suddenly she got a call from her friend, Sydney. Amanda picked up the call and their
conversation went like:
“Hey Amanda, wyd?” questioned Sydney. “I omw to my house right now from the mall”
replied Amanda. “Without me? ” Sydney was devastated “Dw, next time we’ll go together
cause my mom asked me to buy a swimming suit for me and brother” replied Amanda.
Sydney asked “Huh, for what? are you guys going for a vacation?”. Yea, we’re actually going
to a hotel!” said Amanda. “Awh I’m going to miss you sm” replied Sydney. “I’ll my too, I
better get going Syd, bye ily ” said Amanda. Sydney said “Bye, ilyt” Amanda hangs up her
phone and continued walking home
“Mom, I’m home!” said Amanda. “Alright, give me Jimmy’s swimming suit” said her mother
from upstairs. She went upstairs and gave her mother the swimming suit. “Thanks, Amanda,
and pack your stuff right now since we’re leaving tomorrow” said her mother. “Ok, but mom
why are we packing so early? I thought we’re leaving on Monday?” asked Amanda. “We
actually changed the date because dad has some work to do on Wednesday” replied her
mother. “Oh ok, but can I pack it tonight, I’m really lazy rn.” Amanda said. “Tonight?
Tonight, we have to go to Clara’s birthday party remember?” said her mother “Tonight? I
thought it was next week?!” Amanda said. “Amanda you’re a teenager how are you
forgetting lots of stuff? Idk what you’ll remember in the future. I’ll bet you’ll only remember
about that Korean guy in Suspicious Partner drama series. What’s his name again?
Hyumanda?” said her mother “Haha mom, you’re so funny like I’m literally dying rn”.
“C’mon pack your stuff” said her mom again. “Ok fine” she went to her room to pack her
stuff. After she finished packing, she decided to search up the hotel name. She opened her
laptop and then google. “Wait a minute what’s the hotel name again?” she asked herself. She
forgot so she decided to ask her mom. She went outside and asked her mom. “Mom, what’s
the hotel name again?” she asked, “Amanda where did your memory go?” her mom said. I
left my brain at the mall mom, lol” she said just for joke. *they both laughed* “It’s Parasite
Hotel” her mom said. She said, “Thx mom,” and ran straight back to her room and searched
‘Parasite Hotel’ … she said “Come on come on come on” hoping the internet would go
faster. Then something came up. It said that the hotel is a 4-star hotel. She was impressed and
said “Woah” she wanted to see what the comments said it all went great until…a comment
went like this ‘I don’t know if it’s just me that’s experiencing this but the room in this hotel
that I stayed in, 609 is actually pretty weird or should I say…. creepy. Because my kids
always said that they were playing hide and seek but not just with each other, but with a girl
and they said her name was Anne and everywhere we go they would just point anywhere and
say, “Hi Anne!” I was worried about my kids, so I decided to check out of the hotel early
before anything bad happens’ Amanda got creeped out with that. Before she even realizes
Jimmy entered her room and read it too.
“That was scary…” said Jimmy “OMG JIMMY next time, can you not do that?” Amanda
freaked out and hit Jimmy softly to joke with him. Jimmy said “oUcH tHaT hUrTs So bAd,
mOm hElP mE” “Oh yeah totally” said Amanda. Amanda was laughing really hard, but
Jimmy wasn’t. “Hey you alright bud?” questioned Amanda. Jimmy replied, “I’m just scared
if this will happen to us” “Dw, let’s hope for the best ok?” said Amanda. “Alright” said
Jimmy. Then their mom called them “Kids, tacos are ready!” “TACOS?!” said Jimmy. He
was about to run when Amanda stopped him and say “Wanna race?” and ofc Jimmy agreed.
Amanda said “On your marks, get set……GO! They ran really fast, and Amanda let Jimmy
won so he would be happy. “I’m a winner winner chicken dinner!” he said “Oh yeah, we’ll
still get the same number of tacos” Amanda said. They sat and eat the tacos. Their mom went
to the bathroom to take a shower so Jimmy has a chance to ask Amanda “Sis, should we tell
mom about that thing” “Um, what thing?” Jimmy puts his hand on his face “About that hotel
room, duh” he said. Amanda thought about it for a second “I don’t think we should because
mom never believe in anything, we said even though we have proven her” said Amanda.
“Alright then” said Jimmy. It’s already 8:30 o’clock and they went to Clara’s birthday party.
When they arrived, they quickly gathered up and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ when it’s the time to
eat Aunty Janice realizes that Amanda was pensiving. “Amanda, what are you thinking
about? Come on, eat some food.” said Aunty Janice. “Yes, aunty.” Amanda said awkwardly.
After 2 hours they went home and changed into their pj’s to get to bed. But Amanda just
couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking about the hotel that they will be staying and hoping they
wouldn’t get room 609……
*beep beep* Amanda’s alarm started to ring. She yawns and sat on her bad for a moment and
suddenly Jimmy came in and said “Sis, wake up! It’s time to rise and shine we’re going to the
hotel wohoo!” he said excitedly. “Yes, yes I’m awake” She went up and took a shower. After
a few minutes, Amanda got out of her room. “Everyone ready?” asked their mom “Yes!” said
Amanda and Jimmy. “Well, let’s go kids” said their dad. Their mom noticed that they weren’t
really excited, but she just kept quiet. They went in their car and started their amazing maybe
sort of not really amazing journey. The environment in the car was really quiet. Then, Jimmy
whispered in Amanda’s ear “What if we got room 609?” Amanda whispered back “Buddy,
there’s lots of rooms in that hotel, it would be a very low chance of us getting that room” she
is really confident that they’re not getting that room. “Why are you two so quiet today”
asked their dad. “What? Quiet? Nahhhh” said Jimmy. Amanda replied “Oh, nothing”. Then,
Jimmy and Amanda fell asleep. A few hours later, it was almost time for lunch, so they
stopped for lunch. “Guys, wake up, it’s time for lunch” said their mom. Jimmy yawned and
they got out of the car. They went in the restaurant and pick a seat. They ordered their food
and wait for it to come. When their food came, they ate their food and started talking as
usual. Amanda finished her food, and she was really tired for some reason. But then she saw
someone really familiar… “Alright, I have to use the restroom really quick” she lied. She
went to the girl that seemed familiar and tap her shoulder and she immediately realizes that it
was Sydney. “Oml, Syd!!” said Amanda. “AMANDA!” replied Sydney and they both hugged
each other. “I’m so glad to see you here before you went to the hotel” replied Sydney. “Me
too!” said Amanda. “Have you eaten your food, or you just arrived with your family” asked
Sydney. “Too bad, that we already finished eating. While Samanda were talking Amanda’s,
mom asked Jimmy to call her sister. Jimmy got up and went to look for her sis. Then, she saw
Amanda talking to Sydney. He went there and said “Hi, Sydney”. Sydney was excited to
meet Jimmy after a long time. “Hey, bud nice to meet you again” said Sydney. “Me too,
Sydney. But Amanda and I have to go right now” replied Jimmy. “Awh, I guess I’ll call
you two when you arrived ok?” replied Sydney. “Ok, bye you two” Sydney hugged Amanda
and Jimmy. Amanda and Jimmy went to their table “Let’s continue this journey” said their
mom. After a half an hour, they arrived at the hotel. This is the moment of truth. Amanda and
Jimmy were rly nervous. They went exploring the lobby while their parents check in the
hotel. The lobby looked really nice and that’s why the (idea: shower blood) hotel got 4 stars.
“Alright, kids let’s go!” said their dad. “Jimmy, can you ask dad what is our room number?
I’m soooo scared” admitted Amanda. “You gotta be kidding me, I’m even more scared” said
Jimmy. He went close to his dad and asked “D-dad, what’s our r-room n-num-number?” he
was really nervous. “Why are you so nervous bud? It’s room 209!” said his dad. Jimmy was
really glad. He was about to told Amanda when his dad said “Sorry buddy, It’s actually room
609. He was in shock, he just stood there…. He went to Amanda “It’s room 209” lied Jimmy.
“Phew” said Amanda she was really glad. “Oh yeah, add 4 to the 2” Jimmy continued. “4 +
2?” she stopped for a second. “NO, NO! 609? NAHHHH YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!”
Amanda panicked “Why would I be joking at this time!?” said Jimmy. “Sis, what are we
going to do?!” panicked Jimmy. “Ok, ok don’t freak out, I’ll ask mom if we can change our
hotel room” replied Amanda. Amanda went close to her mom and asked “Mom, can we
change our hotel room?” questioned Amanda. “Why do you want to change the hotel room?”
asked her mom. Amanda doesn’t know what to say so she just responded with “Ahaha” Then,
she went back to Jimmy and she kept quiet. When they almost arrived to the hotel room
Amanda started tearing up but she managed to gather her strength. They finally reached
ground 6. Jimmy and Amanda just stared at each other in fear. They walked slowly to the
room and when they arrived, their dad used the card to open the room and opened it. “Here
goes nothing” Amanda said. They walked in the room and Jimmy freaked out “Dad, which
one is our room? Quick choose one, choose one!” he” said. Their dad said “Chill out buddy,
it’s this room” his dad points at the room that’s in the corner. Jimmy quickly went to the
room and go straight to bed. Amanda went in and asked “What should we do?” “Let’s just go
to sleep” Jimmy said. Amanda replied “Ok, hopefully even though that’s just dumb” Amanda
went to her room and just hope for the best. The situation there was very nice and it’s not like
what Jimmy and Amanda though. The next day, their parents woke up early because they
wanted to buy breakfast for them and plus their mom wanted to buy some clothes from a
nearby mall. Mrs Davis woke up their kids. “Guys, wake up, it’s time to get up! “Huh, why
are we getting up so early?” questioned Jimmy. “Early? It’s literally 9:00 o’clock” replied
their mom. Amanda had already woken up. So, he was looking at her phone and went to her
text messages to text Sydney because Sydney said that she would call them. Amanda texted
Sydney saying ‘Hey, Syd I thought you were going to call me hehe’ she went outside and
realized that her mom was dressed up to go out somewhere. “Mom, where are you going? On
a date with dad?” Amanda giggled. “A date in the morning? Of course not. We’re going to
buy breakfast and go to a mall nearby” replied her mom. “Oh okay, you guys go ahead while
I woke up Jimmy” Amanda said. “Bye guys, stay safe and take care” said their dad. Their
parents left the hotel. “Jimmy wake up, Isn’t today the final episode of your favourite show?
You should go watch it right now” Amanda said because she wanted to wake up Jimmy.
“Can, I tell you something sis?” asked Jimmy. “What is it?” questioned Amanda. “So,
yesterday I saw a girl and” said Jimmy “U HAVE A CRUSH ON HER?!” Amanda said. “No,
sis no I meant last night” he continued “Oh okay continue your story?” replied Amanda, She
thought it was weird because Jimmy said ‘last night’. “Last night, I saw a girl in this room
she was standing and facing the curtains while singing” said Jimmy ~ FLASHBACK~ Jimmy
couldn’t sleep because he kept thinking about his favourite show instead of the thing, while
he was just wondering about how the ending would be, he realized that it was already 2:52
and decided to go to sleep, his dad was at the bathroom outside, when he was about to close
his eyes, a random girl appeared. Jimmy was really scared and he doesn’t know what to do.
He just covered himself with his blanket but then the girl started to sing “Hey there Delilah,
what’s it like in New York city, I’m a thousand miles awake cause tonight you look so pretty,
yes you do. Time Square can’t shine as bright as you, I swear it’s true. Hey there Delilah,
don’t you worry about the distance. I’m right there if you get lonely, give this song another
listen, close your eyes listen to my voice it’s my disguise, I’m by your side, Oh~ it’s what
you do to me~ x4 what you do to me” Her voice was really creepy. Jimmy was even more
terrified. After a few minutes, Jimmy finally open his blanket a little bit to see if the girl has
disappeared and she’s gone. He was glad and he said “Thank goodness” He decided to open
his blanket fully. But instead the girl was in front of him. The girl smiled and her mouth was
filled with blood. Jimmy was extremely terrified and he screamed “AAAAAHHHHHHH”.
And cover his face with the blanket. His dad heard him screaming and went inside the room.
“Jim, you ok why did you scream? Is there a bug?” asked his dad. “NO DAD, THERE WAS
Jimmy replied while breathing heavily. “What, wdym? There’s no girl here, calm down…it’s
just your imagination” his dad refused his confession. “DAD, I SWEAR!” Jimmy said again.
“Calm down, it’s okay go to sleep” replied his dad. Jimmy decided to forget about it and
went back to sleep.~ FLASHBACK END~ “So, you’re telling me there’s a freaking girl in
this room!?” questioned Amanda. “Ummm, I guess sooo” panicked Jimmy. “Can you sing
the song a lil bit?” asked Amanda.” Hey there Delilah what’s it like in New York city, that’s
all I remember replied Jimmy. Then, it dawns Amanda because two years ago she was a
bully, when she was a bully, she usually bullies a girl named Delilah, but then she quitted
living and killed herself. While she was thinking, suddenly they both heard a glass break.
“Stay here, bud. I’ll go check it out” said Amanda
“Amanda, please stay here, I’m scared” said Jimmy. “It’s ok bud, I’m just going to take a
look” Amanda said. When Amanda took three steps out of the room, but there was nothing so
she decided to get in the room again but suddenly, the door closed by itself. “NOOO,
AMANDA!” Jimmy panicked. “Jimmy! Are you there?!” asked Amanda. “YES, YES I’M
STILL HERE!” said Jimmy. “Can you try opening the lock from the inside?” asked Amanda.
“I’m trying…….it keeps locking me again. “Oh darnit!” said Amanda. While this was
happening, their dad was actually going to their hotel room because their mom forgot her
purse. “Jimmy move out of the way” said Amanda “OK!” replied Jimmy. Amanda tried
kicking the door but it won’t work. At the perfect moment, their dad was in front of the hotel
room door and he heard the bang. He went in quickly and saw Amanda panicking “Amanda?
What’s wrong? Where’s your brother?” asked their father. “He’s in here dad, he’s trapped
and I can’t open the door!” said Amanda. Mr Smith went to the room door and tried opening
it normally and it worked. “WHAT NO WAY” Amanda doesn’t believe her eyes. “He’s not
trapped at all!” said their dad. “No, I SWEAR WE CAN’T OPEN THE DOOR IT WAS
LOCKED DAD, right Jim?” Amanda said. “Exactly! I can’t even open the door from inside,
Dad” Jimmy replied. “You two are going crazy, so please stop, I have to find your mom’s
purse ok” said their dad. Amanda was mad and she said slowly to Jimmy “And that’s on a
toxic dad” Finally, their dad found their mom’s purse but then Amanda asked “Dad, can we
come too?” asked Jimmy. “Sure, but don’t be a troublemaker and go crazy there” said their
dad. “Ya, sure” said Amanda. “Now, let’s go” said their dad. They wore their shoes and went
to their parking lot to go buy food
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Sydney was hanging out with
her friends. “Hahaha, I know right that was so funny” said Lauren. Then, Sydney decided to
look at her text messages when she saw a text from Amanda that she sent earlier. Joey
decided to take a look at Sydney’s phone. “Syd, your still friends with that nerd? Lol” said
Joey. “No, I’m not. I’m just pretending to be her friend. I’m using her just to make me look
good. I don’t even like her like, Ew. Sydney had to lie. “Now, that’s my girl” said Joey.
Sydney’s mind ‘Sydney, what did you just say? She’s literally like your bestie and now,
you’ve lied to Joey. OMG Sydney.’ Then, she received another text message from Amanda
saying ‘Syd! Do you even need me? ’ Joey looked at her phone again. She replied with
‘Ofc, I need you Amanda. You’re my bestie. I’m just busy I’m sorry’ replied Sydney. Joey
just kept quiet cause he thought that Sydney was lying.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda was upset cause
Sydney and her haven’t talked much lately. They arrived at the place that they’re having
breakfast. They went to the restaurant, ordered some pancakes and continued to go to the
mall “Yum, that pancake was tasty” said Jimmy “Everything for you is tasty” replied
Amanda. “What kind of food that’s not delicious when the person is hungry” said their mom.
“Btw, mom what are you going to buy at the mall” asked Amanda. “Just some blouses” said
her mom. Amanda said ‘Boring stuff’ to herself. They finally arrived at the mall. “Ok kids do
you want to come?” asked their mom. “I wanna come!!” said Jimmy. “Nah” said Amanda.
Jimmy whispered to Amanda ‘Sis, do you want something bad to happen to you or what?’
Amanda responded ‘This is outside, not the hotel room’ ‘Ok, you’re going to regret this’
replied Jimmy. “Lock the doors, Amanda” said their dad. When the rest of her family left, she
locked the doors. She decided to watch her phone and scroll through Instagram when she saw
Sydney posted a picture of her and her bf. Amanda was kinda down a lil bit. She liked the
post and scroll down. She got bored and decided to watch TikTok now, her following was
lots of TikToks of Sydney and Joey. And that moment, she realized that Sydney doesn’t need
her anymore because why would she hang out with the person who bullied Amanda. She got
sooooo bored and turned on the radio on she was lucky because her favourite song was on
which is ‘Payphone’…. She started singing to the song when it’s the time for the corus when
suddenly, The song changed to ‘Hey there, Delilah. What’s it like in New York city, I’m a
thousand miles awake cause tonight you look so pretty, yes you do. Time Square can’t shine
as bright as you, I swear it’s true. Hey there Delilah, don’t you worry about the distance. She
was freaking scared but the song suddenly got cut and now, it’s changed to ‘Payphone’ she
was glad that it’s over when she looked at the car’s front mirror there was a girl on the back
seat. She freaked out and look back and realized there was nothing. “What I saw was not true
right am I imagining or is that the girl that Jim talked about right?” she asked herself. After a
few minutes, her family finally came back. They put in their stuff at the

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