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Correlation between abortion and Islam in UAE

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There has been an increasing abortion rate globally, as evidenced in the UAE. Many

women are opting to abort after getting unplanned pregnancies. As a result, the UAE is

experiencing a high death rate. This is because some women are involved in unsafe and illegal

abortions. This study is relevant as it discusses abortion, which is one of the issues facing the

UAE. The paper will review the literature on abortion, a discussion on the increased abortion rate

in the UAE, and discuss the risks associated with it. It will also incorporate Muslims’ role in the

fight against abortion, the laws and customs preventing abortion, and its legal consequences.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................4
2.0 Literature Review......................................................................................................................4
3.0 Methodology..............................................................................................................................6
4.0 Findings.....................................................................................................................................7
5.0 Discussion..................................................................................................................................8
5.1 Abortion in UAE....................................................................................................................8
5.2 The risks associated with abortion in UAE............................................................................9
5.3 The role of Islam in preventing abortion in the UAE..........................................................10
5.4 UAE abortion customs and laws..........................................................................................12
5.5 Legal consequences of abortion in UAE..............................................................................13
6.0 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................13
7.0 References................................................................................................................................15
8.0 Appendices..............................................................................................................................17
8.1 Appendix A..........................................................................................................................17
8.2 Appendix B..........................................................................................................................17

Research topic: Correlation between abortion and Islam in UAE

1.0 Introduction

“Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by” removing the fetus from the womb. It is

a highly controversial issue, with many people holding strong views on both sides. Some

individuals believe abortion is morally wrong because it involves taking a human life. They

believe that human life is sacred and that abortion is equivalent to murder. “Others believe that

abortion is a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body and that it should be her”

decision whether or not to have an it. In addition, some believe that abortion can have adverse

physical and psychological effects on the woman involved. They may suffer from anxiety,

depression, and guilt and may also experience physical problems such as infection, hemorrhage,

and uterine damage. There is a strong correlation between abortion and Islam in the United Arab

Emirates. Abortion is illegal in the UAE, except “in cases where the mother's life is at risk”.

Islam teaches that abortion is a sin and is punishable by law. However, some women in the UAE

still choose to have abortions, often in secrecy, risking their health. The reasons for secret

abortions are varied but often include pressure from family members or the fear of stigma and


2.0 Literature Review

According to Desai et al. (2021), there has been a significant increase in the rate of

abortion in the Asian continent in recent years. While the reasons for this trend are not entirely

clear, it is believed that a combination of factors is responsible. These factors include the

increasing availability of abortion services, the growing number of women seeking abortions,

and the changing social attitudes towards abortion. The availability of abortion services has

increased in recent years, making it more accessible to women who wish to terminate their

pregnancies. In addition, the number of women who are seeking abortions has also grown. This

is because more women are now aware of their reproductive rights and more empowered to

make decisions about their bodies. Finally, social attitudes towards abortion have also changed,

with more people now viewing it as a viable option for women who do not wish to continue with

their pregnancies.

Yogi et al. (2018) hold that abortion contributes to the increased death rate in the UAE.

The authors discuss several factors contributing to the high death rate from abortion in the UAE.

One of the most significant factors is the high rate of unsafe abortions. In the UAE, it is

estimated that only around 20% of abortions are performed safely and legally. This means that

many women are resorting to illegal and dangerous methods to terminate their pregnancies.

Another reason for the increased death rate from abortion is the lack of access to safe and legal

abortion services. In many parts of the UAE, there are no abortion services available, or women

may not be able to afford the cost of a safe and legal procedure. This means they are forced to

turn to illegal and dangerous methods, which often lead to death. Finally, the stigma surrounding

abortion in the UAE also contributes to the high death rate. Many women are afraid to seek out

safe and legal abortion services for fear of being shamed or rejected by their families and

communities. This means they are more likely to resort to illegal and dangerous methods, which

can often be deadly.

Ekmekci (2016) states that Muslims in the UAE are fighting abortion by working to raise

awareness of its dangers and advocating for stricter laws against it. Muslims believe that abortion

is a sin and is punishable by Allah. They believe that life is sacred and that abortion is taking a

life that has not yet been able to live. Muslims in the UAE are working to raise awareness of the

dangers of abortion and to advocate for stricter laws against it. They are also working to provide

support for women who are considering abortion and to help them find other options. The fight

against abortion in the UAE is important, and Muslims play a vital role in it. By raising

awareness and advocating for stricter laws, they are working to protect the lives of the unborn

and make the UAE safer for all.

According to Guillaume et al. (2018), abortion is a controversial issue in the UAE, with

many people holding firmly opposing views on the subject. The UAE government has taken a

firm stance against abortion and is working to discourage the practice through a variety of

means. One of the most significant ways the government fights abortion is by investing in

education and awareness programs. These programs aim to educate people on the risks and

consequences of abortion in the hope that they will be less likely to choose this option. The

government is also working to improve access to contraception so that people can avoid

unwanted pregnancies in the first place. In addition, the government provides financial support to

women who choose to keep their babies to help them overcome any financial barriers to doing

so. By taking these steps, the UAE government is working to reduce the number of abortions

taking place in the country. As highlighted by Al-Matary & Ali (2014), abortion is only legal in

the UAE when the pregnancy threatens the mother's life. In all other cases, abortion is strictly

prohibited and can be punishable by years in prison. 

3.0 Methodology 

This research project relied on interviews as the methodology for data and information

collection. There are a number of people were interviewed in the research about abortion. These

people include women who have had an abortion, doctors who perform abortions, and women

who have considered having an abortion. In addition, women who have had a baby after an

abortion and men who have had a partner who underwent an abortion were considered for the

interviews. Each of these groups of people offered valuable insights into abortion in the UAE.

Women who have had an abortion spoke about their personal experiences and why they decided

to have an abortion. Doctors who performed abortions provided information about the procedure

and the medical risks involved. Women who have considered having an abortion spoke about

their thought processes and what ultimately led them to their decision. Moreover, women who

have had a baby after an abortion provided insights into the emotional impact of the experience.

Men who have had a partner have an abortion offered insights into the male perspective on the


4.0 Findings 

The study revealed that a number of women were involved in abortion before marriage.

In addition, some women revealed to have aborted while in marriage due to health problems. The

women who aborted before marriage argued that they took the issue as the solution because they

got unplanned pregnancies which would be a shame in the community. Men whose wives had an

abortion highlighted that they followed the right channel to avoid legal consequences such as

imprisonment and death. The doctors argued that many women had lost life trying to abort using

unsafe ways. Due to the abortion risks, the UAE government has illegalized the act and it is

allowed under conditions. Muslims have supported the government to combat the increasing

abortion rate in the UAE. 


5.0 Discussion

5.1 Abortion in UAE

There has been a dramatic “increase in the number of abortions” in the United Arab

Emirates in recent years. Several factors have been contributing to the increased abortion rate in

the UAE. First, the UAE's rapidly growing population puts a strain on resources, leading to a

situation where many women cannot access quality healthcare (Berer, 2012). This has made it

more difficult for women to continue with pregnancies and has resulted in more abortions. In

addition, there has been a change in social attitudes in the UAE in recent years. As a result, more

cases of pre-marital sexual activities now lead to more unplanned pregnancies. Furthermore, with

abortion being illegal in the UAE, many women are forced to seek illegal and dangerous

termination methods. Finally, as reported by different stakeholders, including social welfare

groups, the economic situation in the UAE has led to more women seeking abortions (Elamin et

al., 2017). The high cost of living has made it difficult for many families to support numerous

children, leading to more women choosing to abort their pregnancies. Therefore, the increasing

number of abortions in the UAE is a cause for concern. Steps must be taken to address the

underlying causes of this trend and ensure women have access to safe and legal abortion


The UAE has taken some steps to reduce the abortion rate. One of the most crucial steps

has been to provide free contraception to all women of childbearing age. The UAE has also

implemented a national campaign to promote family planning and to educate women about the

risks of unsafe abortion (Elamin et al., 2017). In addition, the UAE has enacted laws to

criminalize abortion and restrict access to abortion services. Other measures that have been

introduced include sex education programs in schools and more awareness-raising campaigns on

the importance of using contraception. These initiatives have helped to bring down the abortion

rate in the UAE, and the government is committed to continuing working towards reducing it

even further. Thus, it is crucial to formulate more strategies to mitigate the increasing abortion

rate in UAE, as it is claiming the lives of many women in the region.

5.2 The risks associated with abortion in UAE

Abortion can lead to a woman's death, as evidenced in many health centers across the

globe, including in the United Arab Emirates. In the UAE, there have been several reported cases

of women dying from complications related to abortion. For example, many women have died

after undergoing an abortion procedure at health centers and others from their homes (Zaręba et

al., 2021). In addition, some women undergoing secret abortions develop complications after the

process and are reported dead. In another case, women die after undergoing an abortion at a

health center due to the issues such as excessive bleeding. These cases highlight women's risks

when undergoing abortion procedures, even when performed at health centers. Though the

number of women who have died from complications related to abortion in the UAE is unknown,

these cases underscore the need for women to be aware of the risks involved in this procedure.

Abortion can cause physical risks, such as the possibility of infection, damage to the

cervix or uterus, and blood clots. First, abortion can cause physical trauma to the cervix or

uterus. This can occur when the abortion instrument “is inserted into the uterus”, or the fetus is

removed. This physical trauma can lead to scarring or damage to the delicate tissues of the cervix

or uterus. Second, the abortion process can cause infection in the uterus (Zaręba et al., 2021).

“This can occur when bacteria from the are introduced into the uterus by the objects used during

the abortion procedure”. This infection can cause inflammation and damage to the uterus. Third,

the abortion process can cause damage to the blood vessels of the cervix or uterus. This can

happen the time the abortion instrument “is inserted into the uterus”, or the fetus is removed.

This damage to the blood vessels can lead to bleeding and infection. Fourth, the abortion process

can cause damage to the nerves of the cervix or uterus, occurring as the abortion instrument is

“inserted into the uterus, or the fetus is removed”. This nerve damage can lead to pain or

sensitivity in the uterus.

In addition, abortion leads to psychological risks, including guilt, regret, anxiety, and

depression. Although it can be a legal procedure, abortion can still cause anxiety and depression

in women undergoing the process (Reardon, 2018). “This is because deciding to have an abortion

is often complicated and can be accompanied by guilt, shame, and regret”. Additionally, the

physical and emotional side effects of abortion can be challenging to adapt to. These can include

bleeding, cramping, and fatigue. Therefore, if women are considering an abortion, it is essential

to speak with a doctor or counselor to discuss all options and ensure that they make the best

decision for their health and well-being. Therefore, women should avoid abortion whenever

possible because it makes them prone to psychological risks.

5.3 The role of Islam in preventing abortion in the UAE

Islam has helped to make it easier for women to keep their pregnancies, rather than

opting for abortion by providing financial and other support to families. There are many ways in

which Islam has helped to make it easier for families to keep their children rather than opting for

abortion (Ekmekci, 2016). One of the most significant ways is by providing financial and other

support to families. For example, many Islamic countries as evidenced in UAE, have established

organizations providing financial assistance to needy families. This assistance can make a big

difference in preventing abortion for the women who commit the act due to the financial strain

that makes them unable to keep their child. Thus, this can help cover the costs of raising a child

and make it easier for families to keep their children if they struggle financially (Ekmekci, 2016).

Other ways in which Islam has helped make it easier for families to keep their children include

providing emotional and spiritual support to families and offering guidance on how to raise a

child. For example, many mosques and Islamic organizations offer programs and services that

can help families in need. Therefore, this support can make it easier for families to keep their

pregnancies till delivery time, even in difficult circumstances.

Islam has helped to instill respect for all human life, including the unborn, by teaching

that life is sacred, and outlawing abortion. Islamic teachings on life are based on the principle

that all life is sacred and should be protected. The Quran states, "Whoever kills a soul unless for

a soul or corruption done in the land because it is as if the person had slain humankind entirely”

(Shapiro, 2013). This verse is often cited in discussions on the sanctity of life and the prevention

of abortion. Abortion is considered a major sin in Islam and is only permissible in cases where

the mother's life is at risk. Even then, seeking other solutions, such as adoption, is preferable.

Islamic scholars have debated the exact circumstances under which abortion is allowed, but the

general consensus is that it should only be resorted to as a last resort. Therefore, Islamic

teachings emphasize the sanctity of life and the need to protect it.

By emphasizing the importance of family, Islam has helped to create an environment

where having a child is seen as a positive rather than a burden, preventing abortion, as the

religion always emphasizes the importance of family. The Islamic community holds that from

the beginning, Allah has decreed that marriage is a sacred institution to be entered into with the

utmost care and seriousness (Arousell & Carlbom, 2016). Having children is seen as one of the

essential purposes of marriage, and as a result, abortion is strictly forbidden in Islam. In many

societies, it is common for couples to view having children as a financial burden or a hindrance

to their lifestyle. However, in Islam, having children is seen as a blessing from Allah and a great

responsibility. As a result of this optimistic view of children, abortion is virtually low in Muslim

societies. This does not depict that there are no abortions taking place, but rather that it is far less

common than in other communities.

5.4 UAE abortion customs and laws

"Abortion is illegal in the UAE under article 340 of the Penal Code". This means that

pregnant women who wish to terminate their pregnancy cannot do so legally in the UAE (Berer,

2012). There are no exceptions to this rule, so even if a woman is pregnant due to rape or incest,

she will not be able to get a legal abortion. However, this can lead to some women taking

desperate measures to try and end their pregnancy, which can be extremely dangerous. Some

women are forced to continue with their pregnancy against their will, which can be a challenging

and traumatizing experience.

One of the UAE abortion customs and laws is that “abortion is illegal except in cases

where the” mother's life is in danger. This is because the UEA views abortion as taking human

life; therefore, it is only permissible in cases where the mother's life is at risk (Hessini, 2007).

This custom and law are in place to protect the sanctity of human life. Therefore, if a woman is

pregnant, unless her life is in danger, she will not be able to have an abortion.

In addition, even in “cases where the mother's life is in danger”, the abortion must be

approved by a panel of doctors. In the UAE, abortion is illegal unless it is performed with a

doctor's permission. Therefore, women cannot buy abortion pills without a doctor's prescription

(Hessini, 2007). This can be a problem for women who want to terminate their pregnancies but

do not have easy access to a doctor. Some private clinics offer abortion services, but they can be

expensive. There are also some illegal abortion providers, but these are not safe and can be very

dangerous. These illegal abortion providers have led to the death of many pregnant women,

causing an alarm in the UAE.

5.5 Legal consequences of abortion in UAE 

In the UAE, women who have abortions may be subject to criminal charges. The penalty

for having an abortion is a number of years-jail or a fine. However, there are some exceptions to

the law, such as if “the woman's life is in danger or if the pregnancy results from rape or incest”

(Remez et al., 2020). Despite the legal penalties, it is estimated that there are thousands of

abortions performed in the UAE each year. As a result, many women are forced to seek out

illegal and dangerous methods of abortion, which can often lead to serious health complications.

The criminalization of abortion in the UAE puts women's lives at risk and violates their human


In addition, illegal abortion providers are charged with a murder cases in a court of law.

Abortion is a sensitive and controversial issue, and its legal consequences can vary significantly

from country to country. In the UAE, abortion is illegal except in cases where the mother's life is

at risk (Remez et al., 2020). Anyone found guilty of performing or procuring an abortion can

face numerous years in prison. However, in practice, the penalties are often much harsher, with

women being sentenced to lengthy prison terms and even execution. Thus, the legal

consequences of abortion in the UAE are severe, and women considering the procedure should

be fully aware of the risks involved.

6.0 Conclusion

There has been a significant increase in the number of abortions taking place in the

United Arab Emirates. This is a worrying trend, as it indicates that more and more women are

resorting to this dangerous and illegal procedure. The most common risk associated with

abortion is infection. This can usually be treated with antibiotics, but in rare cases, it can lead to

severe illness or even death. During the procedure, there is also a small risk of damage to the

cervix or uterus, which can cause problems with future pregnancies. Islam teaches that life is

sacred and that abortion is a sin. The UAE laws hold that women should only under abortion

only even pregnancies threaten their life. This law subject the illegal abortion providers to the

legal consequences in the attempt of pregnancy termination. The punishment for performing or

attempting an abortion is jail or fine.


7.0 References

Al-Matary, A., & Ali, J. (2014). Controversies and considerations regarding the termination of

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Arousell, J., & Carlbom, A. (2016). Culture and religious beliefs in relation to reproductive

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Berer, M. (2012). Making Abortions Safe: A Matter of Good Public Health Policy and Practice.

Reproductive Health Matters, 10(19), 31–44.


Desai, S., Huynh, M., & Jones, H. E. (2021). Differences in Abortion Rates between Asian

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Muslim Country. Journal of Religion and Health, 56(3), 884–895.

Elamin, W., Fazari, A. B., & Elmusharaf, K. (2017). A Qualitative Study Exploring Women’s

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Guillaume, A., Rossier, C., & Reeve, P. (2018). Abortion Around the World An Overview of

Legislation, Measures, Trends, and Consequences. Population (English Edition, 2002-),

73(2), 217–306.


Hessini, L. (2007). Abortion and Islam: Policies and Practice in the Middle East and North

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Reardon, D. C. (2018). The abortion and mental health controversy: A comprehensive literature

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Remez, L., Mayall, K., & Singh, S. (2020). Global Developments in Laws on Induced Abortion:

2008–2019. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health,

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Shapiro, G. K. (2013). Abortion law in Muslim-majority countries: an overview of the Islamic

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Yogi, A., K.C, P., & Neupane, S. (2018). Prevalence and factors associated with abortion and

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Zaręba, K., Herman, K., Kołb-Sielecka, E., & Jakiel, G. (2021). Abortion in Countries with

Restrictive Abortion Laws—Possible Directions and Solutions from the Perspective of

Poland. Healthcare, 9(11), 1594.


8.0 Appendices

8.1 Appendix A

Figure 1: The graph above shows abortion around the world.

8.2 Appendix B

Figure 2: The table above shows mortality from unsafe abortions.

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