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es, "eduction, Types of Curves and Their Uses... » Sone Basic Definitions and Elements of &21 Some Basic Definitions %22 Elements of Simple Circular Curve *Desgnation of @ CUIVE sacs * Setting Out Simple Curve... “41 Linear Method . Simple Circular Curv me Types of Transition Curves... me Advantages of Transition Curve: Hi in Length of Transition... ‘ Semen Qnd Elements of Transition Curve «. i ‘i na Sut Procedure or Transition Curve tg; “SduIements of Vertical Curve. t \sigy YP8S Of Vertical Curve. lb ( Venie. of Vertical Curve... Ni n° Curves by Equation of the Parabola. “Seuowvent: CUE esessssaneessannenst Scanned with CamScanner fete Manual of oun’? a tee PES OF CURWES AND Gt inTOMUCTION, TYPES OF COTES AND THE ig) ar curved path followed by a railway or highway A regula may be either circular, paraboj | i Y alj curve aN called curve. A ight directi or tangential to two stral ght directions at ends, Pe) ic always Curves are used in roads and railways tracks to chan, srotion of vehicles. When moving a vehicle it has to change gg can do so only by gradual directional change. To provide sioqy Sf irection, a curve is introduced between wo straight na need to be carefully designed andl prepared for the safety of yg comfort of drives and passengers. WBC the dy Tynes of Curve. Horizontal Curve Vertical Curve Summit curve Simple curve Sag curve (Valleyce: Compound curve Reverse curve Transition curve Lemiiniscates curve a) Simple Circular Curve A curve which is a single'arc of a radius of a circle is curve or circular curve. (fig a) known b) Compound Curve 8 A curve which consist of two or more arcs of diflerett different radii having different centers lying on same Si tangent and which bends in the same direction is know? *"" curves. (fig b) ©) Reverse curve ; asd A curve which consists of two or more arcs of different OF” different radii is known as a reverse curve. In such UY the arcs lies on the opposite sides of the curve. (Fig °) 4) Transition curve i! i, 360 " : , 18 ge A curve of variable radius is known as transition Ur" oh # spiral curve. In railways, such a curve is provide simple circular curve to minimize super-elevation. (68 4 Scanned with CamScanner Fig( Ls * lemniscates Curve ‘ktiscates curve ‘is similar to a Medi incity road where the deflecti ‘eae Vatious Ty -Ypes of Curves Honing B ate the uses of various types of curve: circular curve: transition curve and is generally ion angle is large. “singe | ve 7 "highways or railways to change the direction of motion | ea ny With safety and comfort, h iven 1 eet the standard conditions of design for the gi oo al area ra f Use of existing tight of way (ROW). tena ocound curve: eonteat Piaees When simple circular curve is not possible. We Contr tthe Super elevation of the curve. Ne ‘channel erosion. Wee curve i or the angle we RLY used when the straights are either paralle ™ them is very small, a Scanned with CamScanner surveying Ht ss A compe aunt Sane 8 cities where roads are required to tye toecessons or where road approaches yoy" My advantages of FOVEIse CUIVE. So, icy i the reverse curves By Inserting a smn, cular acs, Following are some disadvan, thy evation is required from one side g 5 iy He is use directions dis are some Tesunended to av0i straight botweom the ci jj Sudden change of Ce vature, no super clevatioy ‘vet point of reverse curvature, no super elevation is pro wring is dangerous in the case of highways and there Be aunts peat discomfort to the passenger my of trnsiton curve: ; change of curvature. i) Itavoids the danger of derailment at the point of commence fullamount of super elevation is suddenly applied at the pong iy Wins escomorts caused to the passengers While npg curve 6.2 SOMEBASIC DEFINITIONS AND | 75 CIRCULAR CURVE iit: ‘621 SOME BASIC DEFINITIONS. ‘The following basic definitions should be clearly understood, be doing calculation, computations and setting out of simple circularcane Nig where, R= Radius of ant {4 Deflection angle {T= Point of ntest 2. Mack tangent The tangent Til ay 2 TAT, from where curve starts ackyrard to? 2 Tara nem RAE car at called tc The angent at Ty at 3. Point of commer The point Ts, where ol Pointofcommenie the Curve originates from the back tage" "ent (PO) of the curv, iis also called point f eer : ot the end of the curve is called forward tae sement Chapter @ cures | 27 1 Fake at the end of the curve is called pera ve again change to talght alignment in tersection (IP) 1 point of 5. oe ctangent and forward tangent ext se called point of intersection. Someti pte of deflection (A) ane inrough which forward tangent defects sro of the curve. It may be either right hand den “fection angle. “ange of intersection angle between the back, tangent (I) and forward tangent (ft. i 1 Fangle of intersection, {Length of the curve qs total curved length from point of commencement to the point of ney called length ofthe curve, of tangency, At this ded. It intersect ata point, ime, itis also called vertex. is called angle of lection angle or left 4. Long chord Te chord joining the point of curvature (T;) and point of commencement {scaled long chord. 1, Midordinate ‘te ordinate joining the midpoint of the curve and midpoint of long indi called mid ordinate. (EM) IL Appex desistance The distance between point of intersection and midpoint of the curve is ale appex distance, (IE) 2 Normal chord ‘Ackord between two successive regular pegs on the curve is called a Yomal chord. 1 Sub-chord lesa chord is shorter than the normal chord. Then it is called a sub- aa ‘The sub-chord generally occurs at the beginning and at the end of PatitMenrs ‘OF SIMPLE CIRCULAR CURVE ng are aome elements of simple eixcular curve. 4 _ Tangent longth (1) = R x tan: a length ofthe curve (€) = ES 4 Length of the long chord (L) =2R sin} a a Scanned with CamScanner cont ntl of S4Ner8 u : ‘y Chapter © Curves | 219 Rae oe EN Fe avdofcurer =Chantngcfbeganingotcare ‘ : we ofend of curve = Chaning of beginning of curve sera =#[1-<0°(8)] 7 [e-Q] ‘ci "+ Curve length Mi 8)-1] : ~ 73091 + 59650 came (oe) im int of curve) flong chord =2RsinS Chinag of Oe PrP. - Tangent Tength ig. Tenth F108 ow chai = 2570 sin30° jint of tangency) . Coaiageof Ta (he pointofNBENEY) =570m S chainage of PC. + Length of singinot bord @ we Jnt Til, the chainage of Ty is 73091 m. Therefore the the staig Be sqrt ihe intersection point of 60 straights TO maga} ” cant having chainage 30 % 25 = 750 m) is away frm the point of Pecorinesectn 1207, radu of cular curve to beset qgys]_ Gngecy by 750 ~ 790 = 19.09 m. Hence length of ist subchord aa einer 30 my, determine the tangent length, tease] 61908 Bees ine appex distance, mid ordinates. The chainge ye ‘end ofthe curve the Iength ofthe long chor, tele the sub-chords and the total number of chords. Solution: Again, ‘To get length of last sub-chord, chainage of end of curv Thefull length chainage nearest of end of curve is (30 44) = 1320m, Here, deflect which is beyond end point of 1327.81 m chainage. lere, deflection angle (A) = 180° - 120° = 60 So, length of last sub chord = 1327.81 - 1320 = 7.841 m. ‘8 The total number of chord =n +2 Chainage of last peg ~ Chainage of first pe 132781 4) Tangenttength (1) = R tan where, in or Tape 4) Length ofthe curve (L) a son mane ‘of chain oF Taps i) ‘poetics )-R[see($)-1] < 30 ) =19 570 [sec 30° ~ 1] = 88.179 m + Total number of chords = n+2=19+2=21. iy ; it ~cos$ ]=570¢1~ cos 07) =7536 | OISIGNATION OF A CURVE =a Dil the degree (D) curve ca : i radius (R) oF ihe 8 be designed in terms of either the a hg 7 Seofnerscton point () = 1060 radius, A fat uve (ie So, , Te Chainage of be Sharpness of the curve is upon its ighway Breigotcave = Chainage ft -Taseth | Sy Ce ge ee Sere sharp ae ez ih = 1060 - 329.09 sige) Bas small radius, Nowadays, the curves are design ba : = 73091 m ‘Scanned with CamScanner aes aw | Aconel ogre of CUE anges oc 8 Seng fanaa cn ® Te gran arcofa curve o fe ene al chord of fan Are ms Length o! i eet rte subended by an are of length 30-m i cajeg The ey defn geeraly adopted forrallway cure, Derivation of formula: Here, Dis the central ang ofanarc. ‘Therefore, the total ci Hence, 30 m are makes an angle 4 le subtended by ah arc of 30m, R Ris te, hy srcumference of circle = 2nR 360", 10800, pra acon SP degree 7873 oe, pS a ex, [p= i) Fixed Length of Chord “The degree of curve may be defined as the centtal angle subtended ye chord of length 30 m. This definition is generally adopted for road una Derivation of formula: Here; AB=30mis chord length ‘adius ofan ate D*=Central angle Now, But for small angle, 15 ree or, Dra or, Chapter @ Curves | 241 cern Sum CURE ee wie of setting out of curves can be jag upon instrumentsused, “IY divided into two ine Thos de : ET 1, only a chai i Aineat methods only a chin Ope is used, Linear methods In when seth agree of accuracy is not required, fe curves short. q2nsouaR METHOD fergular method, an instrument Such a theodoite fs used with of Bout a chain (oF tape). are a curve is set out, itis essential to locate the tangents, point of He ence a ee ethods of Setting Out Horizontal Curve (Simple Circular Curve) folowing are some methods of setting out simple circular curves 1) Ordinates (offset) from long chord i) Offset from tangent fil) By successive bisection of arcs jv) Deflection angle miethod 1. Setting out Curves by Ordinates from Long Chord. Figure: Ordinaes fom tong chord om triangle OT:M, (On = Cran? + (MOF ® R=) + @o-mey RG saya? ~ _____ Scanned with CamScanner of Surveying eM ve aaa | ncome Chapter Fee BEF @ Cures | 20 on Reyo™ e-@) on, joe Ro fe-@) But yo cam also be calculated as ern(i-e9) Now, to calculate ordinate Yu From SONNi - yas NP=MN.=NiO- MO =/(ON}- (NN) (R-y9) yon VRP (xa)?= (R-yo) here, xe is measured distance from M. Field procedure for setting out the curve {) For setting out the circular curve, at first the length of calculated. of angen Tage iength(T) Ran B) Tango pnt Tat maha by subricing tigen gh chainage of PI . ee aa Chuinge f= Chanage of P= Tangent length) 8) Toallenghefcaveis else or xing pont of egeney and Chainage of Ts = Chainage of 7; + Total curve length (C) ix) Mark mid-point M on the lor ‘on the long chord (the half length of long cher!) ‘Thelength of long chord is calculated from the fllowing form ‘Length ofthe long chord ()=2R sin » The mid or "dinates also calculated from the following forms once ah-oG)ervfe-O) The ordinates Yoare ci ‘and murk the, dite or different xq distance from Po! ‘urve as shown in figure: vii) Figui Jeo straights intersect at chainage of 205644 m and le Tne tion is 120°. Ifthe rads is 60 m,clelate al the dats recap rehod. Sotton: Fe; Delecion angle = 180° 120° eae Now, x Tmgentlength = Rtand « = 600 tan 30° Length of curve Length of long chord = 2Rsing= 2.x 600 x sin 30* = 600m. The ton inate ong chor livided: int ual halves and ordinate is ra ord is divided ino vo Shaina 346.41 ge of commencement = 2056.44 . hainage of tangency point = 171003 + 62832 253835 ™ Scanned with CamScanner ja tai ‘44 | A Complete Manual of SUNT of ordinate. Tal chain length, Ve Now, forealeul = inate (yd) *R1~ cos 5) = 600(1 ~ cos 30%) = Mid ondinate (90) R(t cos) {1 -€08 30) = 803645 we ean calulate directly by suing formula as, [prism ontinateatx =O from central point E.] ax, yo= (G00) = 0° ~ (600)? ~ 00)" = 80.384 m, Other erdinates are calculated at 30 m interval from cent jy, ; ~ or commencement pinta: yer EST -SRASAREGIM [5196156 VaR (ooo? 6 - 519.615 = 77.377 m (600° 120" - 519.615 = 68.262 m =1[e00*- 150 - 519.615 = 61.332 m. [600° - 180° - 519.615 = 52.748 m You = 600 ~ 240° ~ 519.615 = 30.294 m_ 600° - 270° - 519.615 = 16.202 m yuo = (6007-3008 519.615 = 0.000 m ‘Again, the ordinates for right half from mid to point of tangency ares 4 that of above ordinates (left half ordinates). 2 Offset from Tangents ° ‘There are to methods of taking offset from tatigent. 4) Perpendicular offset from tangent From APNO; we have, gent (ON) + (NP = OPP or (hO-T:NP= Rtg? ot, Reyne Oh Ye RVR (eacty also, yn =3R (Approximate) Lovhere, Nyaa TINH Figure: Perpendicular offset 1 Radial offset from tangent om triangle TON, (ON)?= (NF + (HOF a, (OP+PN}=xd +RE oy Rtys= VR a, yo VRPFxA-R (exact) 440, ya" 3p (Approximate) where, is mieasured distance from point of commencement (Ti) yais perpendicular distance at xq distance along tangent Tyke Figure: Radial offset Sasnay ta for The toads maaet ar an gle of Palate He mee ne a "St out curve of 15 chains radius fo comet 640 a Scanned with CamScanner ‘2s | A Complete Manual of Surveying U out the curve by chai 1 road. If it is intended to set out in an, peter how you would set out the curve inthe Feld with 294° Solution: * Here, given that EN Intersection angle = 127 : Deflection angle = 180° - 127° = 53 Length of chain: Radius = 15% 20 = 300m i of, et chain =1957im For calculation of offsets, there sae two formula, radial offset and perpendicular offsets from tangent (Caeulation using perpendicular offsets from tangent. neRR-e ‘Since, chain length is 20m y2=300-\300-20 = 0867 m 79500-50760 = 2.679 Ye 300-3007 60% = 6.061 m ye 300 ~500"= 80" = 10863 m Yee" 500-1300" -100" = 17157 m Y= 300 (300720 = 25.085 m Yee = 300-9 [3007148 = 34.670 Yses=300~(300— apgyg Now, ido. = 39.947 m_ " oar 7 "idl ofcurve; the distance x ffm ange ™* XRSing = 300 sin (S az" (})=158650mm 00° ~ 133,855" 31.520 520m dial ofset from tangent for this method is, and Yann = 300-3 Calculation using 1 We know, formula a Lar 21/300" = 607 ~ 300 = 5.941 m yio= 3007 80-800 = 10.483 m ym = 1200" - 100" - 300 = 16.298 m yoo = V 300" = 120" - 300 = 23.110 m ypu 300" 140-300 =31.059 m sywnsn = \(300" - 149.578" 300 ~ 35.220 m Ieother half ofthe curve may be setoutiton the second tangent 54) Laying out a curve by deflection angle (Rankne's method) Ins method, curves are stakes out by use of deflection anges turned at fe ont of curvature form the tangent to point along the suns, kage” ‘swsed for making linear measurement and a theodolite is weed he suliig angular measurements. This method is also called the sankings saod, the tangential angle method or the deflection angle method, This mihods give accurate setting out and is generally used for setting taways and highways curves, 5 flection angle on simple crcl curves Poa i fed to layout a curve {talignment as in- Gye Ts to change direction from ie sgh oe th of 30 m. To asst the actual length Sub-hords have ded one at the beginning, Ti 18% ab eae wo be Heid in te (9). To decide about the points, 0 To decide abou a We two sub-chords have been provide! mt of defection angles fa gett Ts at the end of the curve: The ated before Pare comp sg © be set fom te tangent ine atte PC eo 'E Out the points, The steps for compu ee ‘Scanned with CamScanner tte tangential angles fr points b,¢,. defen angles (rom the tangent atc, see beige) va wr bo Fare Laying outa sinless curves (by Rankne's metho) Assuming the length ofthe arc is sae as that of its chord, iC; bt length of theft chordie, chord, then Forth fist tangent angle, from the property of a circle AncTia=R= 25 adingy er, 5 =17189%(S) BR) min Simulary, tangential Ben anes fr chords of nominal length, say ae ye 1d of length, say Cy Zaatenttlenghny je e 3718.9 * (ig) min} aon anges forthe diferent points a, ee can be a ei angental angle ofthe chord to this pointing, Tra net on ction angle to the next point i Se hee te jon ang Point fe, bie ds for whi 1 dp. Thus, the deflection angle (6 Fr whieh chord se a egZtiob Lhewise,Ae= (Ane + 8x) SOF FO + won Fl Thus the deflection angle for any point on the curve isthe deflection ‘sgeup to previous point plus the tangential angle at the previous point. Feldprocedure for setting out the curve J. Setup the theodolite at the point of curvature T; and level it accurately. 4) Set the vernier A to zero and clamp the upper plate at sighting the Point, 9 Now, tinclamp the upper plate of theodolite and set the verier to tod he dfecon angle fo theft sub-orC Now, ine Slsight of theodolite is along the first sub-chord. ie, With Ty as centre and Cy as radius, swing the tape and fx ana y nteline of sight. . * the vernier to read the value of the deflection a fstnormal ehord, So that the telescope poi’ inthe ) gait end ofthe first normalehords Ung ne One endl of the chain at the point» Pay other end of the chain fall in-the line I the chain or tape straight and fix an 2770 4y Son the curve : Yinue the process til the point of tangersY row ingle Ay for the lirction ofthe swing the chain oF tape ight ofthe telescope. w to locate the next is located. y NS ——— Scanned with CamScanner wr a0 | A conplte anal o Sarvering I — ro tangenisinerse tthe chinage 1190 my, the Jo cateatate al the data necessary for setting o Jpomby defection angle metod, Take peg interv Solution: Defect angle => 4 = 36° Raalus of curve = 300m Chainage of intersection point = 1190 m Peg interval = 30m, detec curve wil 3530 4 cag) “Rtn -si0un(22) wae Conclength(t) = 300% i = 188.50 m Chainage of 7 = 1190 - 97.476 = 1092524 m Chainage of f= 1092524 + 118,50 = 1281,024 m Length of first subschord (j) = 1110 092.524 m.= 1748m Length of last subschord ([) = 1281.024 ~ 1260 = 21.024 m NOTE Tocaleulate length ofsub-chord estab stond cainage of T= 1002524 x= Dainage of Ty _ 109; "Chain ength sae 6.017 Tae who 30 Colle deer (38, Bat chains anG® 96 chain lengthy = 36x 30 = 1080". Now take 6 ea 072524 m, and frst sub-chord sat Thee it £20 1000, which & grater han entree Sinilaly, et fist sub-chord = 1110.00 - 1092.52 a chug of Dosen oT. So, ehanage shold 2260-1110 Total “305 umbeofchordses 499 ee il Number of normal chord = > | @® ® pclculate tangential angles, we have formula 1718.9 x Cy 171896, (Pe a indegee isos 17189 «30 B= = Bm 8 2D Gy = VISIT 17189 21.02 0% 300 defection angles are, a=, 1040 Anas + d= 1240 29026" + 2551/53" = 49322" + 25153" = 72355" Aes dy + y= 722355" + 295153" = 10155" Asm Ay + as = 10°15 48" + 295153" = 13O7AT om ds + 85 = 13°07 1" + 295153" = 155954" 40 dg + dy = 15°59" + 2°026" = 18°0000" + Cec, a Ly yabeser= 190000 (08 "Waloum of tangential angles =x A=3 36" = 160000" (OX) Ciera] Peg] Change | Tangential! | Defcon] _ Actual theodolits Cel angle (3) | tong wih LC = 20° a [= [ross [= - = Yas [7 Taio.00| i409) 108 rea 2 Ptaneo | 25183 [4528 a S013 [170.00] 351-55] 72855 $0 [a 200.00} 251-53] 101548 [1a ees tea ee ToS [a260.00 [251-53 _| 155038 oa Ly frzstoz[ 2.026 | 1800 —— ‘Scanned with CamScanner | A compete Manual ot Surveying I 2 | ACO atacurve by two theodolite method 3.b) Laying ost Tee tod, curves ave staked ow BY USING LO thao HA eaarement are aken and 0 Hear measurement of apd i quite accurate tis specially used when ground ig. " forward because exch points fixed independently, iy Setting procedure: este tie a ahora Ts i) Sette ver of ech toda at OF0OOO" and camp ey pilates Diret he eesope of theodalite aT to the intersection pin ag clamp the lower plate Direct the telescope of theodolite at Ts to the tangent point 1 clamp the lower plate Release the upper clamp of theodbolite at T; and set the variety deflection angle ds for frst point a Release the upper clamp of theodolite at T; and set the vemisr Ab theangle 4. Now, both theodolites are directed towards the pista vii) Fixan arrow at point a, Now, to locate the point b; set varie tl and do similar process. iti) w) ‘il) Locate all the points in same manner, v ayo esi ir Yeti esr cases yt Tent —_ si — 7 manc TION curve is horizontal curve of v arying radius. The tant rovides & gradual changes from the sept Ine a tieane w n from circular curve the ste ad aga he straight line A transit rovided in between two branches of compernag ation curve Compound curve o reve etoile change incurvatureare radu acne sion curves are required cin road or railway fesuddn change in curvature al the junction of straight line aed sion curves are mostly used in raway but not we in highway, fqtathe reason that i causes discomfort to he driver during contig destring. te centrifugal force acting on a vehicle as it moves along « curve inases as the radius of the curve decreases. A vehicle moving from the ‘night with no centrifugal force acting upon it, into a curve would ruenly receive the maximum amount of centrifugal force for that lus of curve. To prevent this sulden lateral shock on passengers in the hide a transition curve is inserted between the straight circular curves. Tetrion curve is a curve of constantly changing radius. The radius of tansition curves varies from infinity atts tangent with the straight haninimum at its tarigent point with the circular curve. The centrifugal fre thus builds up gradually to its maximum amount. ‘he purpose of a transition curve is to achieve a gradual change of tion from the straight (radius «) to the curve (radius R) and permit ‘e gadual application of super-elevation to counteract centrifugal force. “centrifugal force tending to thrust a vehicle sideways on a curve is part fection between the wheels ard the suc the outer “Fal the surface is raised or super elevated, the resultant forces ten ‘seth coma force necessary to old th eileen the suc. At Pictur slope a frictional force necessary can be eliminated by the nla below if YS to lesser discomfort at al wh aeasw frat the velocity and gis the acceleration due to gravity, As Yo Hog the fractional resistance i always necessary a8 ? on the curve, The super elevation must not Be 09 Es Tm ‘OF TRANSITION CURVES 5 Cubie Spiral 4g) CibieParabota Lema ales zA Scanned with CamScanner wat ot Surveying Fig) b) Cubic Parabola Jt x" RL Fig) ‘where, x= perpendicular offset from tangent. Y* distance measured along tangent 1+ distance measured along curve L= length of wanstion curve Re radius of ercular curve, ©) Lemniscates Curve Lemnisates curve have the curve taneitios curve, eal throughout having no intermediate The standard equation of I cuvelsgreea lemniscates rept Saint Where, = rad =F rads of curvature P= Polar ray at any point polar deflection ange 6-53 .ovaNTAGES oF Following are the "TansTon cunves reduces heehee" Vehicles atthe junction veetari ar is commonly used in road work where itis required ‘transition curves; of ‘ing. and side slipping fstmighisandeuve, uces the discomfort to the passengers travelling in the vehicles ge negotiating ease : ve introduce super elevation in proy co Proportion othe rate of ante igher speed at curves, Se of anh of eer Son sagt peavy vehicles. 06TH OF TRANSITION 1 are the three methods to calculate the length of tastion }) Deiiterate of super elevation elevation: When a vehicle moves on a curved path itis acted upon Meentrfugal force, which acts in the horizontal direction away from Jecenize of the curve. It has a tendency to push the vehicle off the road fe outward direction, To counteract this tendency, the cuter edge of nod isrised above wr.t- inner edge. This vertical distance by which edge is rised above the inner end is called super elevation, , itis given as, h= amount of super elevation Retadius ofthe curve V=speed of vehicle Bedistance between two rails. ie, gauge of rack 2 th is the amount of super elevation in c= curve is given as, ca. “1: nis rate of super elevation over transition cu Then, length of vation oF 18 per elevate Zane to nrodace super elevate Ne they tion ngth of transi te of super ee “the cicular curve, Assume the 3 hat ME eatin = 186m to introduce (n) = 400 i! 400218 72m. “ath of transition curve, (L)=400" 100 _ EEE ‘Scanned with CamScanner sirary ate of super elevation a aad the length of transition curve is given as, bes crepe et eftevetice So Stoop ond) Gaui Se Ing of wanston care f introduce super Gna erage spe of vehicle 5 72 kar and wap dength of transition carve 0-Centre of the carverre i) Rete of change of radial acceleration method In Ss method, the length of transition curve is computed conics of change of radial acceleration, This method is most coms Ha ks the rat of change of radi ss ES She ate of change of radial acceleration, v be the aves? ‘velice then, the length of transition curve is, [S| FigresTasstioncere Le Si Spiral angle (8) Te angle betwen the back tangent and west 2 SSsison curve with the crvular canes asd 4 Ren Single ADO, DOA = 90-2080 » DAO= 99-9 =39354m > <= — ‘Scanned with CamScanner of Suveriy oe jint of intersection = 4: rage of point fi a Chainage Ss tenth Eee edness tangent eth " Chainage of tangency Tt is “area Cin poteansion cue 4227 ae ttuncion post TOI Chaneee hotter cave = $7120 Cuinage of ote jneton pot oo ‘Adding length of transition curve $2070m 43195,.280 Chainage of point of Ts computation fora Combined Curve Corny out x combined transition curve and ctcular curve, dy Feed tbe krownare (See above Figure). he defection angle between the tangents Teradias Rof the deca eurve The length Lof the tasition curve; *Thechanage ofthe pont of intersection, [ofthe tigents ‘The quntes required to be computed for setting out the combi! carve resame a above: The deflection angle are calculated as under: Deflection Angle: 9) Fortanson curve * << AE degree) 3800 et RL _ S868 aE mc “RD minute (min) fs measured from gel 5 the total angle ao BEAU 1 (oe ear 73 (MEE [Deflection angle at junction of tangent point Ts. The deflection are referred to the initial tangents and n0t © 4 )°3 ‘circular and transition curvel Bee FE © Curves | 261 Circular Curve e e deflection a 3 Ferg ength Co the deflect Ri om hetanget ais G _Wi89» i by ia +8 edt 1 ue des t50=3 (0-2) Boposed rally, to saights intersects at canage 6-35 cans oan nits with a deflection of 40°0' right x proposed to put ina A 20 chains radius with transition curve of 3 chains. The ae with pgs at} chain interval of Brough canage Make enston calculations for setting out the combined curve by all the necessary ‘eodolite. Soliton: Pate Fi New, tion angle (4) = 40°30" 88 of curve (R) = 20 chains = 20 * 20 thof transition curve (L) =3 chains = 400 m 23x 20=60m (60) E60)" = aan Zax 4007097" ‘Scanned with CamScanner ot Suveying a acon chy "7 " th =(R*S) 0943 aie A178 Tangent ane oataum = = = 1586-04 «= 4o0 +0375) tan (40° 5) +2 . oo 2 flection angle for circular curve =17706m ef 1 68 eon 89 Spiral angle (4) rar * aR depres. 41 Ieulated voor 2 x eure jon angle are calculated as: and, Cental (8s) = 40%90'=2% 41748 : : =! = 3154124" Faint | Chainage a a [Remarks __aR(As) _ x * 400 x (3154249 junction 249.294 | - ei > = Legare a Seo i 7260.00_| 1076 [oasar [wasar Length of combined curve = 2 = 3294 m, 2 1280.0 | 20 [rose ara Given chainage of intersection point Tp 3 1300.00 | 20) Pass" | sare "a im 1320.00 20 | 1°2557" | 5°03" 4 abractng tangent len -1 ae = , wf =. 5 7340.00 | 20_[1°3557 | e293" inage of pointy a ke Bes ‘Adding length of transition curve + 60.00m. 6 1360.00_|_20 «| 1°2557" | 7°55°29 (Chainage of first junction point = 1249.295m 7 7380.00 | 20 [1°2557" | 9521726" ‘Adding length of circularare* + 22.04 ae 1400.00 | _20_ [1557 [10472 CChainage of 2 junction point = 122m 9 42000 [20 _| 12557" [iz1320" Adding length of transition curve = 60.00m 10 1440.00 20 _| 192557" [13°3917"| ‘Chainage of end (I;) of transition curve = 1532.234m 1 1460.00 20 | 1°25'57" |15°05'14" Cents nap : Tjimetion point | 1472254 | 12204 [ois [15570 2) Forfit transition curve: Get, Delection angle for circular curve The various values of are tabulate : efit tasioncuveissttou fon ine 54240 Set out from point T; to first junctio _ 315424" Geinage T Chord length (C3) [_a(d-m-s 2 et : = = 1595712" OK 0 0706 oroo7" ) tion curve E 9 Deflection angles for 2" transition ; ae a Tec tal une wet ot Ho suo i (eee [anes Foro Poin, 30.706 0°22'30.68" . 10 ae 40.706 073933.62" ee ee ae , R624 | 60.00 SBS San = =r Wea ooteere™ EEE th ee ‘Scanned with CamScanner ast [A Complete Manual of Surveying A is one in tabular from 1 1480.00, 52.00 Porage 2 1490.00, 42.00 Danie 3] 150000 32.00 wae | 151000 2200 org 5) 152000 7200 Ta | 153000 200 0010" m__| asec 0.00 rod ‘G.TSETTING OUT PROCEDURE OR TRANSITION CURVE ee ‘The procedure for seting out a combined curve (consisting of «sing circular curve with transition curve at each end) by method of deflector angles with reference to figure of section 6.6 as follows: 4) Setting out of the transition curve: Step 1: Locate the tangent point T;, by measuring back the total tangat length (7) along the back tangent, from the point of intersection | Likewise locate the tangent point Tz by measuiring total curve eng (onthe forward tangent from Ts. ‘Step 2:Set a theodolite over the point T, set the vernier zero, and dip the upper plate. Step 3: Dixect the line of sight of theodolite to the intersection point an! clamp the lower plate. Step & Release the upper plate. Set the vernier a’ to the frst deflection angle (i. a Of sight now points towards the first peg on the transiiot Step 5: bee the zero of the tepe pinned at T; and an arrow kept @t be Shing he coenaing tthe fst length ofthe chord, the assistant ™™ Freie pe il the arrow is bisected by the ine of sight sep ist PHBA he srow point heline sf direst autt angle on the second deflection angle (3) # thine igs thesosond sean ston ara “ the tape pi a wat! mark correspondi pinned at'a', and keeping an er * wel coamtsPonding tothe length ofthe secon chor, te Fix thesceond por heat is bisected by the line of igh Step 8: Repeat steps ee 7" Point . a” asi curves reached" @) tthe ast point of curveon thet Pe Das Chapter 7 Pte © Cures | 265 out of the circular curve: geting om eting out the circular curve AB, sh 3 ae AB; shift the theodatte to eodolite with reference rient the theo ‘ to the common tangent te es an a iy 2, - reading equal 0 (360°~ $6), and swinging te telescope clockwise inazimuth by (34) figure @). Now elie of gh ect lng become get AK na beverier reads 8 Fig. (a) Lay out of a simple circular curves (by two Theodolite method) S10: Plunge the telescope. The line of sight is now directed along the ‘angent KA produced. 7 The deflection angles A, As ete. have’ ‘the tangent KA produced at A, figure @)- ‘been calculated with reference : ing ofthe line of sight is mow correctly oriented, and the reading ty FAs ero, EU Set the vernier A tothe frst defection nggh’® ©) on the circular curve ata distance Yay ath oF the frst sub-chord. ‘curve at the {2 Likewise, locate te second peg () om he Steet yrd from the ect € equal to the normal cho ion angle ds at A. the angle Ay and locate the of from A, where ¢ tance ‘Scanned with CamScanner Pea. ts pee rveying I ass | Aconplete Manual of SUNETND sition curve BT from Ts using the same tion curve TA. Step Hr Setout the tra Prey, as that forthe transi Fig. 0) Sitting out of combined curve 68 VERTICRL CURVE exsmmonucrion Vertical curves are introduced at the intersection of two gradients es sssummitcurves or sag (valley) curves. To negotiate a change in gradient smoothly and to provide vision ove $e {eet of ail fr enough ahead for safe driving, a curve ina vertical pst ses inttoduced in the adjacent segments of differing grades. Deptt on the magnitude and sign of the gradients at the intersection Peo vetteal curves fundamentally are of two types: summit or cone “upward and sag/valley or convexity downward. Figure diusteates crestor summit and valley vertical curves: Pint Aisi peziting of the vertical curve labeled BVC or PVC, Vis the PL or? {B inesecton ofthe tangents, and B isthe end ofthe vertal EVC cr PVT. The two grades in the direction of stationing [mast AV and VB expressed in percent are Gy and Ga respect We Ot cave AB is designated L and is measured ROH cones ERGERE Hse inthe direction of stationing, the grade i P™ ‘Be tangent slopes downivard, the grade is negative: AzeeuomEneNTs ‘OF VERTICAL CURVE o important requir ov ‘cnc ieggacrtrea T cates ify = 69), be the general equation of a curve for 2° ‘srequired to have - al Ve : Chapter © curves | a7 eS nt 4 Ba. BVC fl (Valley curve Fig: Types of vertical ears YJ) = axt+bx +c then, & 7 (constant) Tsrequirement is. sarabolic curve. over, ee erp falls the requirements of «ere Pre looning ways Gagtitter at the top and hence Brees seaity Rate of, chan tgs ono Mieoughout and ence produces 1 PStriding qualities simple in computation and setting te 3 Parabolic curve is most commonly curve is ns works. on of pol eal parabolic nts to set out a ver ing OF Points to set aS ‘Scanned with CamScanner ing IE f Sun anual of Chapter @ sau | ACommlee M F hlan sets a 1 Faerie properties of the parabola (tO calculate yang.) fom the tangent) iy, saris FVETERLCUNE Sy ve magitude and sign of gradients Pon spare +) flowed by down grade xh) ¢ “em 3 = TH TENOTH OF VERTICAL CORVE pe Sie 48) Anupgrade (+g) followed by another upgrade (+5:%) ees : : Te length (L) of the vertical curve is measured from the point of 7 ‘smmencement of the curve to the end point where it again meets the ‘hight in other words; it is the distance between the two points of ‘tngency. Ths the length L of the vertical curve is equal to the algebraic difference ‘te two gradients divided by the rate of change of grade. Thus, if gris ' gradient before the intersection point. gris the % gradient after the i) Anupgrad one : Section point and r isthe rte of change of gradient. Pure (8) flowed by another upgrade (+2) etength of the vertical curve ~;Total change of grade Rate of chnage of grade LeBing ete al tothe 'th of the curve act srovided is generally taken eq! Peet Fal chy aaa ef the total length is provided on gy ft chain of 20m. One half of the i Pike it ap ide of the summit or sag. In the case of higt ahs “should also be considered while deciding the len! oar > _ Scanned with CamScanner fovo ways in which the gradient of railways op eh There are expressed. Percentage (8%) ti ratio of vera rise o fll in horizontal distance of ig gradient means there is vise of slope 2 m in every 10) m jy distance. Mt fi) Ratio ; itis the ratio of vertical rise or fall to the horizontal distance, Rate of Change of Grade . The algebraic dferenceoftwo gradients meeting atthe appex divi the length of carves called rate of change of grade and itis dew, (The gradient changes from point o point on the'curve but the rage change of grade is constant throughout the curve. Mathematically, T where, _g\= Percentage gradient before the intersection, ‘27 Percentage gradient after the intersection. Lu Bm Calcalat the length ofa vertical curve if an upgrade gy = 14% Fall! by a downgrade g: = 06% and the rate of change of grade ® recommended as 0.1% per 20 m chain, 3 Solution: Here, given that Upgrade (g) = 41.4% Downgrade (a) =-06% Chapter Cures | an PARAROIA ~~ no cen CURWES BY EQUATION OF ‘THE | «| Ege pene ptaboie vel cane Abo gga es one igure below with they sing through the BVC andthe x aks consume BEY ing to runs: Let L be the length of the vertal cunt ean as Aand B. The slope of the curve atthe BVC sg, and the : two is ge Since the rate of change in slope of apy slope at “ aba is 4 derivative of y with respect oxisaconstne, ste a) aE \dderivative is eV ese a) pen Figure: Vertical curve by equation of parstols Rate of change o Now, "ge of grade (t)=0.1% per 20m. . & : © @7? (constant) ‘eehofouve gy tion, fast derivative o he lope of the F reat F eauation (1) yields the 14606) : PES nenains eee @ = 20*20 400m eaten ah ——l ‘Scanned with CamScanner | aca anual of Su Whenx=0,theslope= 14nd when x Ls the slope = py 1), peorh and geet : 4 ‘Thus, from equation (3) and equation (4), 4 v fis thera of change ofthe slope in percent per satog QP=QR-PR = Reig ey “ where, QR Elevation of point Qw-rt point A. Horizontal distance of Pwr point A Asweknow; wate dh yeae* 09 uation (1) becomes, Bi Pao +E] safe [=e i] 7 i comection, which varies square of BE 8 required equation of tangent. feteontal distance from the point A- tener, >< EE ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘ant | AComplete Manval of Surveying [I 7 where K= constant =-8= "2991, To got value of K, [Proof of formula] L Let ne the number of chords in length >. foal Tenggh L) = an = Chords lengt GF=ne and GB=GB+IB=ney~ne: ‘Again at point G, equation of tangent correction is written as; K-U'=K- Qh he kt GB= ake ‘Combining (8) and (4); we get, Hience, tangent correction Where, N = Chord number Procedure for setting out: 4) Determine the chainage of point of tangency A. & gainge ofA = chainage of C= where, nl = length of curve on either side of ay _, Aisoichtinage of BechainageofC rn 4i) Determine elevations of A and B as Elevation of A = Elevation of C—ney Plevation of B= Elevation of C - ney Note: Use value of and ast, 4)” Compute the value of K iv) Compute tangent ¥) Compute elevatio ‘correction as, h = KN?, N= 1, 2,3, ue : ns of tangent points of various pegs Fevation of tangent point= Elevation of A+ Ney = A vertical curve is and-118. If the —__ 1; itis negative thon ase negative vali ee nnect two uniform grades of 09% ‘ate of change of grade is -0.25% per 100m call? Chapter @ Curves | 275 of pegs on the curve. The RL ofthe point of intersection is Gti flag Fhe pn ofintseton is 30 On “ “retical COVE, a D9 4—q * y . -soom L ofeurve on either side = 400m bength hinage of point of intersection (C) = 2540.0 m ‘Gainage of first tangent point (A) = 2540 - 400 =2140.00 m ‘Gainage of second tangent point (B) = 2140 + 800 = 2940.00 m pLof point of intersection (C) = 215.35 m 09 RLof point A'= 215.35 ~ 7gq * 400 = 211.75 m 4 RLof point B = 215.35 ~ 75g * 400 = 210.95 m ‘ig peg interval as 20m. Then 9 tyetse per chord of 20 m= 75g * 20= 0.18 ala ‘fll per chord of 20m = gq * 20=-0.22m lo, to get value of n, = Length of vertical curve] 2 peg interval = 4800 © R239 7 20 38 (.022) ere 0 ax 20 “value of constant (K) = ; vor, K=04 RCE Kae = 0.005 x @0}*= 200 i, RLorD = RLof A+ RLofB _211,75+ 21095 941350 es hogy a RLOfCRLofD 2013521535, 250m a 5 =200m (OK) B= RL of C- RL of E = 215.35 - 21335 =200™ ‘Scanned with CamScanner H=KN* or, h 0.005 N* Forfirstpeg, Not, =. b= 0.005 Forsecond pegN=2 = 0.005 x (2)?= 0.020 Elevation of tangent point for first peg = RLof A +1 e: = 211.75 +1 018 = 211.95 for second pog=RLof A+2xe; = 21175+2%018= 2121 Elevations of pegs are: Elevation of first peg = RL of tangent point - Tangent ere = 211.93 - 0.005 = 211.925 m Elevation of second peg = 21211 - 0.02 = 212.09 m Likewise, : ‘The RL of pegs are calculated and tabulated as; (oe 20 800 m,n = 2 fal length of 00 =» 40 ep 5, ey on fe ‘which cause ‘Sineasy in calculation, So peg interval i taken “dof Chord Gradient tho ace in elevation between the ends of a chord joining two ertions is known as chord gradient, pad, the successive difference in elevation between the points ti eare calculated and RL ofeach point is caleuater by adding obec tient o Une RL of the preceding point Fe es polite M aaid N aren thecerve Draw a horizontal line ut the vertical ine through M at Ms and that through Net Ns, pe povizota line MN through M cutng the vert tough NaN fl ya Peg [Chainage] Tangent] Tangent [Elevation of] Resmi No.| (om) _|etevation (m) Jeorrection (m)| pegs (m) 0 | 2000 | z075 0.000 21175 | Poa 1_| 2160.00 211.93 0.005 | 211,995 = 2 | 21000 | 21311 0.02 212.09 4 | 22000 | 21347 0.08 721239 6 | 225000 | 21283 018 212.65, 5 8 | 230000 | 21319 0.32 212.87 30 | 234900 | 21355 050. 213.05 abe the rise per chord length I and e2 be the fall per chord length. 22 | 239000 | 2301 O72 213.19 latte the frst peg. Then 14 | 20000 [21427 098 213.29 YM ey 36 | 216000.| 21463 1.28) 213.35 _[MidpoistA | Tangent correction = h= MiM. 38 | 250000 |— 21499 Loz 213.37 Mftchord gradient and frst peg (0 “1 20 [753000 | 21535 2.00 213.35 « Tugent correction (h) = Kn? 22 | 258000 | 2571 242, 213.29 © Mit= Kayt= K 24 | 262000 |" 216.07 288 21319 Mh= MM = — MyM. 26 | 2860.00 [ 2605 338 213.05 ft=e-k) 28 | 2700.00 216.79 3.92 212.87, frst chord. gradient. 30 | 274000-| —aaras 4.50 21265 for second peg, 32 | 278000 | ~airst 322 212.39 N= 2e, 34 [282000 [~airer 578 209 [| PN na 36 | 2360.00 | ~ 218.25 648 2175 | |_|" Sond chord gradient = NN> ee 38 [2900.00 | 2859 722 21137 5 NIN, NNN 40 | 2340.00 | ~ ates 3.00 3s | Ea po a m2e1-4K-(01- bs e)-3K Scanned with CamScanner Chapter @ cur Sim, hed cord gradient =~ BK EF pserton sf pegs areuhulaesay ‘and m' chord gradient = ¢)~ (2m = 1) K + Chainage | Chord gradient | Evaluation Then the elvan of varios pegs can be determined by gy : 7350.00 Tea gradient as follows: ; thea 1 1360.00 =0.09 25.79 vation of fist peg = Elevation of tangent point A + («4 ; 1370.00 “0.07 ro Elevation of second peg, = Elevation of first peg +(e, - 3K) 7 1380.00 =0.05 245.67 Elevation of peg = Hevation of (1) peg + es ~ my 4 7390.00 =0.03 25.68 6 1400.00 0.01 245.63, A gradient of 120% meets gradient of 1.60% ot a chainage ofan {7 pend a or and elevation of 26515 m, A vertical curve of length 140 mis tobe, |e 1420.00 03 2567 with pegs at 10 m interval, Calculate the elevations of the pegs by te 7 1430.00 0.05 245.72 method of chord gradient 3 fain 1m? 3579 ‘Solution: Tr 1450.00 (0.09 245.88 oe eee 2 1460.00 ont 245.99 pane ae co 3 1470.00 013) 246.12 Peg interval= 101m z a aa 746270 uo Total number of peg (2n) == 14. panbolic vertical curve is to be set out fo connect two uniform grades 2n=14 ‘ss a 058 and 1.1%. If the rate of change of grade it -025% per 100 m- Again, ate the RL. of pegs on the curve, The RL of point of interaction 120 5s5mand the chainage of point of intersection is 2540.00 m. on 10--02m nat te chainage of point 160 Coen tha; oF 10-036m ace - Be-11% = aoe : RLof A=24515+ ton» (92) 245.991m Sirs a359, - ee RL=21535m RL of B= 245.15 + 69 = (42) 246.27 m ei-e_-012-016 and Ke eS oon Now, we know that, formula for chord gradient =e1-m-1)k =-012- @m-1)« (001) =-013+002m Pst chord gradient =-013 + 9021 =-011 Second chord gradient = 913 900% 2-009 and, Hlevaionof1" peg = Bevatin of A+ 1 ehord erie =2599-011 = 25.88 Elevation of 2" peg = 245.88 - 0.09 = 245.79 WSR 09 (C1, 199 = 800m L800 _ go0m_ "Not curve in either side ==" ‘Scanned with CamScanner — ‘ae | A Complete Manual of Surveying It $$ Now. “Ghainage of intersection point eiesane m dat 2s 400 ma Dasiuct half curve length ~ 400 slit gand tape to connect to straight hn ing deflation sap Chainage of first tangent point (A) > Rade ciel yainage of intersection point being 2850.00%0, ‘Ada fll curve length Some, wo i Ghainage of second tangent point (B) aa From fig. Ro interscton point (D) = 215.35 m <. ntsas 22 at angle () = 16°24 RL of point A= 215.35 ~ 755 * 400 = 211.75 m scion = 400.m es 250.00. eae) RLof point B= 21535 -755 For parabolic vertical curve: we have, * 400 = 210.95 m Guinage of intersection point = fg RA _ x 400 16°24" Length of curve = 70° = 70° 711449421145 m. aed, OL ** 700% 110-08 | 099 57.661 m. 8 ong (82! seoetlngth= Rima tn (1 sonal eed ; 105s + 0009% © Now, the value ofy can be calculated by using diferent value of Ltw teke peg interval of 0m. Then RL of any point is FSEPEE Curve length RLofA=21175in pep interval = 20 mn. Forx=40m, = RLof 1" peg= 211.75 +034m=21209 mand soon. ‘The result can be tabulated as; sage of 1" tangent point (T1) = Chainage of intersection Point Ce ty Tangent length } y Ris Ris oo aes SS = 2850- 57.641 s | ost | 21039 430 | 144 | 213291 Woeaee ena = 2792. 359m. ; wo) 099 | 2265 520 | 130 | 2130 Pug of 2 tangent point (Ts) = Chainage of T:+ Curve length 10 | a2 | ner soo | iz | 2287 = 279.359 + 114484 20 | 130 | 2305 coo | 090 | 226 = 2906.853 m. Bo | 1s | x19 wo | 06s | 222° length of the first sub chord = Chainage of ! peg 20 | 1s | a1329 aot asa | 2120 ~ Chainage of point of tangency zo | uo | rss oT ooo | 28 = 2800 - 2792359 30 | 102 | a13a7 70 | -028 | 202) Pea 76Im wo_| 100 | naw 228 | i) | : soo_|_- Mecdge of ‘hainage of Ti and its value is tral? Peg should be greater than chainage nin catilge 4, Pate full chain length value which is just smaller t ee el Scanned with CamScanner ain 1 Acomplete wana of Surveying tsubchord = Chainage of Ts = Chainage of iy Leng of ast = 2906853 2900= 6.853 m Pes Chapter @ Curves | 2 sol ee st full hain | eof lst peg shouldbe nearest fll chain Jength value, Coatjan chanaze of Ts. at chain Fength 20 m, 140 39 $Fon5s9 (and atcha length 20 m, and 145 chain, chainage = 9 7800 < 2906853. Wea 2 Totalchord = Normal chord + Sub chord =5 +207 Calealaton: 1718.9 x Cy x Tangent nl 2182S ping 89% Cy ‘And deflection angle => A = 20up to that point (See example 64) Calculation abe: Gren detail ae; ey [PegNo| Chord |Chainage) Tangential Speed of vehicle => (v) = 40 km/hr = 40 x 0278 = 11.120 m/sec length | tm) | abe Deflection angle( |] detection angle (6) = 60° Karel 2792358] °-'—* 7681 | 2300.00 |0°- 32-5012) ‘Centrifugal ratio = $ = 0.125, 7 0° - 32-5011 |] Rate of chi sJeration (a) = 0.30 m/sec? Ts of change of radial acceleration ( az 220000 | 1-25-5867 | 1-58-4682=4 +4 || Chainage of IP = 1150.00 m [2 ioc 1-25 ~567 [3-24-4552=0,+..avi)| Design of composite curve: 7 2 | Bem |1-25=567 [4-50-a0z2-deuwh | 9 TWCAleulate Radius of curve, 2 [mama —— v ~ 3-567 6 - 16 ~ 36.92 = 04+ Centrifugal ratio = 7 alent ass [oe [6255 [205853 [0-5 arog} 11394 Gia, 3 | 0-29-2594 [8-12-05 % O18 =o 8r xR “ott en se or, R= 100,893 m= 101.0m. Eon angle at end (ty) = 16°24" oe aangsrok |.) Length of transition curve Whats depres 202 resem Le¥ ay “ Sve? Describe the elements of single 4 “aR 30% 101 “635 ™ 7 f 9 L ars9x (S07 Teor Fort. 6.2 ond 6.3 Spiral angle (9) = 1718.9 * (gpg) deere = 27989 * (GD 105 ite curvy eee = 12°5220" ‘© with the following data: Delt ¥ : pee ca : sR (0-2 Shane 82,2! 8 change ay ok Vehicle = 40 kempl | 9) Length oF circular curve () Ge _ Of IP = 1359 12° Of radial acceleration = 057 Bd iralareurve by want se calculate the ng ‘method, Take peg interval * ec a ‘Scanned with CamScanner complete Manual of SUEY NG 4 | AC! > enghofeontned cure "2% Transition curve Gygg. —_Shaptir@ Curves 1 m5 p 2% 45.381 + 60.385 any a . m. tation tl 151.147 oN [Chainage (m)[Chord length{ Tangential angle] deflection angle LE G5380) 565 | 1113.88 m = = f) Shi)“ 26R™ 24 101 . se a0.00 ong | 1-14-329 | 1--a29 7140.00 20 | 5-40-2257 | 7-104-3.86 ofcombined curve =(R+S) tand+k 2 ) Tangent ength of com ) fang +3 3 | 1160.00 20 5-40-2257 | 13-4-53.43 117426 | 14.260 | 4-2-3 | 17-7473 - Or 5) 4 : (101 + 0.85) tan (Se Now deflection angle for circular curve LS m PL 60? = 2 $5 = 60° — 2» 12° 52.20% = 34° 15/20" 1) Caelaon of Chainages sue (C9) = rere CChinage of intersection point =1150.00 m pees Dalociog ungel ae Which is nearest to 17°734.73" OK Change agony pint Frage | A. Whats degree of curve? Explain. {2069 Poush| f Solution: Please, see theory part 6.3 Aaing egthof transition curve 445381 a TRS ___ | 5, two straights AB and BC interval at a chainage of 4242 m. The ‘Chainage of" junction point =1113 881 m angle of in ris 140 ired to oot out 5 snp pm gle of intersection is 140". It is required to set out a 5° simple length of circular curve +6085 sireular curve; to connect the straights. Calculate all the data a : ee nec i Snape of2™ junction poi = essary to set out the curve by chain and offsets method. 30 m Beat junction point 174.266 m chain being used. (2069 Poush} ‘tothe of esen care +45:381 Solution: "ag f 2 tangent point (1) Tinea | sinage of intersection point (1) = 4242.00 m Sting oof incu ‘Angle of intersection = 140° ui * curve: Taking 20 m peg interval ‘i cea Fest uncon panes Pee eva + Deflection angle (A) = 180° - 140° = 40° hina of fl hin eng SEL ms, vie DeBiee of curve (D) = 5* Shy ene Bester than 113861 me leknow that, tho ft subcherd sree of curve is given as, ore subcherd = 1199-1113 994 = 17189 ne ‘ents 6119m be 2128 Kuo FFull chain tong or, 718.9 % Sch Met sale than 1974.26 mis BR “Meith otastsabeng 343.78 ZZ chord = 78m Moma a 2-60 = 14260 perpendicular Ma Ea ES fs “Pt that ‘Point, a from’ tangent Scanned with CamScanner as | A Compo Manca of Surveying 4 40° Tangent length Til) =R tan 3 = 343.78 tan = 195.126 vss form yer RVR Pegintralis 30m. yu" 38378 -/@78F-50'= 1311 m. yo" 38878 -/@BI8- = 5.976 m 34378 [3.73 90° = 11.990 m. Yox® 34878 - (GBIF 12" = 21.624 m Yasus= 385.78 -(43. 787 (125,105) = 23,580 my, Now, fr locaton of midpoint on curve; . in" 8 sin (>) = 117.580 m, Yrs 4878 --(343.78)°— 0117.58) = 20.733 m, Check, x=Reing Metered ciatniise (1-8) The other Ralf may © Find the ete Sota = 343.78 (1 ~ cos (20°)) = 20.732m imilar method. circular curve? ay beset out by si ments of simplp part 622, 5 of pe 07 ase Yetical curve connecting two gets of intersect ent intersection. The Chainage2™4 ag 500 m and 350,750 m respective! Bade per 30 m is 0.1%, [2069 Bh {2069 Bhacel tion: Se theary Galeulate +05% and a ee Chapter @ Curvos | 257 @ 1) sox otro enter te) 80m ‘chainage of point of intersection = 500m Subtract half curve length 80m ‘Chainage of first tangent point (A)- =320m * jd curve length +360 m Chainage of 2" tangent point (B) = 480m RLof point of intersection 35075 m Subtract elevation difference of AL =05, 4 700 * RL of first tangent point (A) 39.55 mi «nd, RL of 2 tangent poit 07 RL of 2 tangent point (B) 075-22 «10 9.450 ° ° +319.49 RLofpoint C= REOfA+ RL Of B _ O85 “3 349.67. of point p RE-of point + RL of point C RL of point D = + = 5NL0+ W920 210m Peg interval = 30m. Weknow that; where, K Now, os = 79 * 30 = 0.15, 07 = 9p * 30-= - 0.21 fod 4, Length of ventical curve _360__ ¢ 2x Peginterval "2% 30 015 +021 K 0155021 pois ID = Knt = 0.015 x 62= 0.54 Mean, ID = RL of I - RL of D = 350.75 - 350.21 = 054 (hence ok) ‘culation: PP Eent correction => h= -KNE = ~ 0.015 N? where N= 1,2, eee U fist pep Non he Borg Pee: N= 1, h= 0015 2 langent point = RL of A +1 e1=349.85 +1 * 0.15 = 350 el Scanned with CamScanner ae ie Manual of Surveying Ih ams | AC oor of \ first peg ~ Ts : Elevation of ist peg ey oe SEM PSE— Tangent corre, | gop denoted by & 5 eines =Rx d= RRH = 349985 mand so-on ow, are BD. R72 image] Tangent elevation Tangent aE isi ee conection | R]] yuo Br VOM? A | am 30985m tric, the shift AB bisects be transition curve atC. 1 | 350m | 349.85+1x0.15=350 § =AB=EA-EB Z| 300 _| 9a5+2015-35015 =y-(©B-O8) =y-(R=Reos ¢) 3 410 350.30 ny Re sin (/2) 4 440 350.45 e 5 | #7 3506 wy-2e wr | 500 35075 r s ea < | 50 35090 =075 | wais)| MD-y =A Ee 7 560 a 351050 = 0.960 3500 a ets 35:00 zis [onse]| ™ aR (ar ep} 80 =1500 | 385 sags eee [sot 31580 1815 3888 S=EcR-2R* Garg “OR” UR 5 680 & Dect tsdeaae =2160 | 308)] Frpoin'c (mid-point of transition curve) e the eler 1 Solu tS lements of transition eusver omseal abet ck Bement of teansiton a tansiton curve ie ‘; y= vis hala curve, gr #10 be inttodiced ty tangent sn OLR" 36R~2 ane otek shifted is cy wa sai * the transition curve bisects the shifts. inwards by a distance S(AB) ‘thin qineent length ‘—! oF the circular ~/ Sel tangent length, IT; =1A + ATi =1A+(h-14) 1A + (TT, ED) = +5) tan $+ (x-Rsing) Sibic parabola X=L. sing. 4-3grad : L Ty = (+5) nd +(L-Rae | = +5) ond +e eget ‘Of the combined curve Siven by TyB + BB+ BT: Scanned with CamScanner | ACompet Manual of Surveying Ut Acree Length ofthe circular curve BI ®) ‘BRO He a en Lengthof total curve = K'BBY + TC +07, BRA LL aka 2°23" ioe tl Soltis Given thay Redis of carve) (2070 Magh) 180m Length of Hof tansion curve ow : — Shanda ee 32 = «ossam = 17189 x, \50R) = 42.592 “ HH) Shiggy E BR) = 109 42592. 46 2 gsm we Ong Baa 785 a eh of coca, 5 i curves Me dee G20) Cu I80 | » Rot given ‘eth, font a 8m : *Tranet = aw sition curve + Circular cu "9 Tgp Regn curve + Cir Sctaming Ht R58 Leen Chapter © Curves | 2 sion of Chainage: onume Chainage of intersection point = 1500m Daducting tangent length . 286 CChainage of first tangency point (T1) 1413.036 m ‘ding length of transition curve +42592 Chainage of first junction point 145.628 m ‘Adding length of circular curve ++83.0 CCainage of 2"! junction point = 1536.62 m ‘Adding length of transition curve +42592 Chainage of 2° tangent point (T2) 1581.220m tion of deflection angel for transition curves: Letpeg interval = 20 m V subchord length = 1420 ~ 1413.036 % chord length = 20m. 964m. delet 573 M deflection angle (01) = ope deBree 873 x 6964 = 60 « 180 = 42592 = 0338" va 573820" % deflection angle = GTO = 072954" Pon of detection ange for ceca CVE tert Of first sub chor: 1460 - 1455.628 = 4372m Hagge, 8th of second chord = 20m aR 1718944372 _ooyyast 60 x 180 e detection angle (ai) = 3:= 0°4045" Tangential angle (2) = x 189% 20 _ sey00" x ‘deflection angle (82) = 41+ vee o°41'45" 7 pad fi ta vertical oe i vecessary data for setting OM © Vs 544, selene gen a et yt wy alan Fi a mae Parabolic curve 200 m long, Take pes Interv: e070 — ‘Scanned with CamScanner e100" ‘m2 | A Complete Manual ef Surveying Scttion: Given deals re; hainage of P=1500m RofP=10m Dovengrade (g)=~45% Upgrade (g) = + 35% Curves | 253 ualation by tangent correction method: 10 Tangent correction => h=+KNwhere N=1,2 Forl* peg, N=. h= 0.08 x 1= 0.08 m RLof tangent point = RL of A~ 1e,=10015~109=10036 RLof 1" peg - = RL of tangentat first peg + Tangent correction = 1008.6 + 0.08 = 1008.68 m. Saululy, other points can be calculated eg |Chainage] Tangent elevation (m) [Tangent correction] RL of ~ |) Ee ree A] 00m 7008S 0 004 5m] 1] 120 | 9045-1 0910036 | «00s e 140 x O9= 10027 | +0.08« 3} aso | 10935-3x 09-0028 | +e0s<3+ 072 Ing] M80] 10045 —2xa9=r000e | s008<=228 3] 1500 | ro045—3x09= 100000 | +D08<=2 > | 820} ro04 5 ~6 x 0.9 =999.100 | +008 x i TJ sto | soars 7 9=ssx200 | + 08+ 72-382 rat oe 1560 WOLS -$ x 0.9 = + 0.08 x S?= 5.12 Point Aw \ : se 1010+ (33) «100» . 1580 | po045-9x09= 964 | + 008* = 648, "Lofpoint B= 1699 35 Mptsin 1 ‘1600, 20045 - 10x09 = 955 | +008x 1 medrese it) 150 San ogo ang ih seh: Dee a Pinca LOASRLoAB 4 ‘engentiat angle § = 2° and deftetion angle A= + B+ 3 + Retpoiny Roger eee 0010 [gma x [2071 Magh} tp BLofcy DRL ofy SRL FIP 3008 + 1000 wo Mow Pesce, see theory part 6.4.3 (0). Araneta etD= See a road alignme! ‘lling grade of 1% is followed by rising, BS how tat aad 2 Fr a een {Let intersection point are 500 m 8nd 350 my respectively. The rate of change of grade is 0.1% pes 20 Ga ae jired for setting out vertical ® Calculate the necessary data require en Sayygtt¥®: Take peg interval of 30m. 1, U2": Similar to. No 10. i A road 8 m wide i fo defect through aang of Hh he SSN aS of BO ated "cing 3605 m. A transition curve is Skeular curve of length such that Aceleration fe 0 nyse when the speed 1s 50 kaV find owt ‘Scanned with CamScanner zt | A Complete Manual of Surveying I j) Length of transition curve i) Superelevation ii) Chanage at all tangent points and junction points ik) Caleulate frst two deflection angle for tran firsttwo deflection angle for cireular curve, Take peg interval = 10 m for transition curve and 20 m, Solution: Given deta are; Width oftheroad = 8m, Deflection angles) = 60" _ + ‘ : Centertin radius (8) =300 m pa ee inteseton poi = 365m ‘in of radial acceleration (a) = 0.50 m/sec) a 30 1000 Speed) =S0 any = FO 13.869 m/sec Length of transition curve, ¥ ass 1-5 Gass R05 « 399" 17.862 mi #) Super devation, ton cue ay for cin or ety y skew tha super elevation _8X1385 n=Sx Bae ‘S81 x30) =0524m, Toceuatechainage 1789 «(LY se “1189 (12862 ane GS) =r» , Shit (= 2 _a7.86092 BR" Te oo, a 60 0.084 m, Angetlengh Bye 9 -3e ity M5 anf gE + 0045 tan age 4 278 62 6 Length, f reuae AS = 1982.161 180" = 22200 60" 2 x 184220") Ta Ee Chapter © Curves ‘Gainage of intersection point” subtract tangent length ‘chainage of first tangent point ‘Adding length of transition curve Chainage of first junction point Adding length of circular curve ‘Chainage of 2°! junction point ‘Add length of transition curve Chainage of second tangent point i) Calculation of deflection angles: for transition curve peg interval = 10m Jength of first sub chord = 3430 - 3422839 = 7.161 m Normal chord = 10m. i 573 Tdeflection angle (cx) "Sp RL ABE 573 x 7.161? Box 300 x 17.889" "deflection angle (Q1) = 61= 0°52" 53x10 _ peas" 2 defection angle (0s) "Ze S0Oe RE” ON Ain, for rcular curve, given eg EAE" Length of first sub chord = 3460-30701 =19 Length of normal chord = 20m G T tangentiat angle (0) = 17189 GREE 1718.9 x 19299 > 5995" 60 x 300 : "deflection angle (81) = 2 a .s 1718.9 20 _ 45435" 2 tangential angle (2) *~@0« 300 as 2 deflection angle = + & . : or, <1 se 4 1954135" = 94ST a dam 195035" + 1°54 ete intanon oe pa Derive the formula for deflection 2 ‘Scanned with CamScanner spite nual ef Soneing I se cna eee Chapter © Curves |) 237, Sotto tes P and Q are to points on the tern curve and hve coat s)and (x + dx. y + dy). The chord TP —jeuate the RL'S of pegs. on,a vertical curve connecting two Bane of -0.5% and + 0.7% at the intersection point which, hes seinage 1000 m and RL S00 m, The rate of change of grade is 01% 130m. Take peg interval = 20'ni. sakes an angle a and the tangent at P pet ; [2072 Magh} snakes an angle 6 with the first tangent Mee 2 7 a 27, al shownin to figure above. Gradebils are Nov; forcabiespiral cave, | Downgrade (fi) 205% re Upgrade (:) = 0.7% YT RL Chainage of IP = 1000 m__ RLoflP =500m, _ Umngth of vertical curve is, ee). L= total length of transit Now, ion curve up toits end. » os? La), tine x S360 m. aL | eatese of A =1000 Chainage of B~000 + (°°) = 1180. | Rlorpoine A = 50025 (380) =5009m RLof point B = 500 +7 (180) = 501.26m, Rory ~RLOFAS RLofB | 5009-50128. 50106 RLorp = RLofE + RLofC | 50108-4590 soq510im. . Peg interval = 20m $ 5505 Tor *20=- 0.1m S 97 : = 79g 20=+0.1dm aan i" 8d Total curve length 360-5 paar 2 Deg interval ~2*20 ra Ka Staer = 01-014. _ 9.9967 = -0.007 yo sr a aK ‘Scanned with CamScanner 225 | AConplet Manual of Sueying Ih + Now, DC= n= = 0007 «$= 054 hence, Catton ofRLsofpegs Tangent cerection (t)= + KN'where, N= Fort" peg. N=, h Tx 0.0067 = + 0.0067 RLeftStangentpoint=RLof A~e1*1=5009-1%01 = 5008 RLofI*peg =RLof tangent + tangent correction 00.8 + 0.0067 = 500.807 m. Forsecond peg: N=2 ‘Tangent correction = h = 0,0067 x 2?= 0.0268 RL ofsecond tangent point = 500.9 -2 x 01 = 500.7 m RL of peg = 5007 + 00268 = 500.727 m and so on: FeaNe. /Chainge[”Eevationof | Tangent | Raley (2) _| tangent point | correction + KN?| (@) Set) | —29 1 — soo 0.00 od 550.8 0.0067 80 | S007 0.0268 | so06 0.0603 m0 | 5005 0.1072 20 5004 0.1675 30 5003 0.2412 360 5002 03283 ne 500 0.4288 1000 00.00 05427 wm | 280 087 $9980 08107 060 | e070 m | & 0.9648 sig | 280 11323 320 |) g9040 e078 M0 {053 1.5075 neg 17152 1189 119263 21708 data for coe carve donilection SE out a simple circular <2 ig nein ot nS patse penn 0 Least eoung tO) =e 0 = 1580 m Pes interval Malte «39, 30m, porn © Curves | 299 ena: ‘Guinage at point of intersection = 1580 m Degree of curve (D) = 5° Teginterval = 30 m Laastcount of theodolite = 10” se, Deletion angle (8) = scicalte radius, else, degree of curve. 1789 =e 80° - 145° = 35° > m i. nn BS _ 543.78 m RA x 343.78 x 35° 780" =108.383 m ‘Tangent length = R tan $= 34378. tan| © 3 ]-ss1m Nordinate=R[1 os] =38.8[ 1-25 2 = 210m Length of curve 180 TPealeulate chainages; 1580000 nage of intersection point 08308 Deduct tangent length rarer © Ginage of rst tangent point (1) an « Gikcave length Hsia7m 4 pitinage ofsecond tangent point H) ot sub chon = fl TP-Glculate Length of sub chords, length of oer, Yength chainage just greater than chainage 500 147.607 apt le 2m cainage of Ts Fall eth of last sub chord = Chainage of 75° a7 m. se tmsanapct Tse 16° formal chords = 30m 1680-1500 _ 5 No.of normal chord ="30 Total, dso 64258 number of chords = 642" 5 ‘Aleulation for deflection angles 17189 Ce gogree rds 2 0") Tangential angle for first sub cho ‘Scanned with CamScanner WERE -3718.9- 030; Tengen angle for normal chords =. 045 60 365 78 “1718.9.%9.607:5 Tangent angle for ast sub chord = = “BSL Defletion angle (An) = 01+ Gp de HAO, o, & Peg | Chuiage | Chord] Tangential | Deflection | Theedalr | “em ligt) Senge | angers mee] snl ae | = : [7 | 350 ruse jars | 2] a0 2300" | 45157" 3 | 150 za00", | 7257 4 | a0 zoo" |, 925157" 2 S| 120 200" Srnie 3 | 10, ‘es00", Iw sal at ‘pane _ar3i0e 300 m, the chainage &f' ~Sitalay sition curve isto eased at each énd rap A Fength thatthe fate of change 6 2% Se. When the speed of: design vehicle 1) Deflection’ se diss tu gral ete nts and junction points 01 * fo poinis,of transition ou" sie tangent po Bo my and for trast forformla tO delermine highest and lowest point,” Felsown thats. ‘Sltion: Please, see’ Q. No. 14, as oo Mpmrades g.~'05 % eves [-301 (See 610, theory part). ‘point,islope must,be zero: Derive the formula for deflection angle in transition carve, at : ss O72 Magh] “7 ji *. Ina road alignment a grade of -1% is followed by anothez grade of 05% The chainage and RL of intersection point are 1500 m and 1m respectively. The ratecof-change, of grade is 0.1%/20 m. Galeulate the necessary data required for setting aut the verti: Save by parabolic equation method. Taks peginterya| > it es Tees intersoction polit = 1500.0. s of intersection point = 12500. ate of change of grade (*) #01 Per 20 te iterval30m. | E job. crrmasaont® = F601" Ds EE TAO ose 920 ‘Scanned with CamScanner ste | A Compete Manual of Surveying I *20= 300m o1 angina verted curve () = 28 sol a 300 Length of euveon ether side === 150 m, Chainage of fst tangent point (A) = 1500 - 150 = 1350 m, (Chainage of second tangent point (B) = 1500 + 150 = 1650 m RL ofintersection point = 1250 m 1 Lofft tangent point (A) = 1250 +375 % 150 = 1251.50 m 05 RL of point B= 1250 +359 § 150 = 1250.75 m For parabolic vertical curve, we have; BoB Bo 25-4 Y "200% 300" - 79g © y=25103x- 0015 Yeaa be calculated by using different value of x, Ten o Now, value of im of pegs are ul fnformag® by APS of ineree Com Comte sa se cane MM he dats eae 1 io Rank! tequired for setting out 4 ine’s method from the fallow 15009 tion = 1585.00 m ors! Solution Given thats Atntersection point, Chapter © Curves | 303 in the setting out of simple circular curve by offsets from al pong chord mson: Please, see theory part 6.4.2, red to insert a circular curve of 300 m radius with a 2s peeve of length 60m long each end of the cer curve Prepare necessary data for setting out the combine curve in tabular form. Deflection angle between two alignment of road is 45° and chainage of intersection point is 2000 m, Peg interval for transition and circular curve are 20 m and 30 m respectively. Take chainage at sultiple peg interval. (2073 Bhadra] [2073 Bhadra] solution: Please, see example 6.9. 4 Agrade of - 35% meets another grade of + 0.5%. The elevation and chainage of IP are 1267 m and 780 m respectively. Field condition requires that the vertical curve should pass through point of clevation 1268 m at chainage 780 m. Compute a suitable equal tangent vertical curve and full stations elevation when normal chord = 30 m. (2073 Bhadra] Down grade (gy) = - 35% Upgrade (g3) = 0.5% hainage = 780 m RL=1267m RLatmid point= 1268 m. DE =RLof f= RL of D = 1267 - 1268-1 ™ 2. we know that [BEST] 338 .50-- ©1= rise/fall per chord length = [00 ° os em Fy 80" 015 Now, Katee _ in Now, De = kt *, 12 1a at % ne3a93, ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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