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Some impo 1. To Evaluz ee wie a a 0 veri Exercis' 3 Factor th determin: | a oe Lets Exercise - 8~ my if Exercise - a cote reise - 10- 4 Exercise Since th number 3. Laplace transforms constan Exercise - 11 ee Exercise - 12 i a, bac | Exercise - 13 Crame Q) qi) (iii), For Hom« 5. The H Exercise - 17 iflAls Exercise - 18 anaes Examination 2068 (Baishakh) Examination 2068 (Shrawan) Examination 2069 (Ashad) -- Examination 2069 (Chaitra) Examination 2070 (Ashad) -- 7 |Determinants and 1 Matrices Some important keys to make calculation easy 1. To Evaluate the given determinant use'the properties of determinant which are applicable for that determinant. To verify LHS equal to RHS move according to RHS Pater ee an important/easy method to evaluate those ants ¢ answers can already be guessed. For example: fle elie LetA=|a b c| ae’ bt oe Here, if-we put a = b, b =c & c =a in A then A becomes 0. In this case (a — b), (b —c) & (c —a) are the factors of the answer of A Since the degree of the product of the diagonal elements is 3 the of, number of factors can not be more than three but some non zero constant may occur. Let k be that costant. Therefore we can write A=k (a—b) (b-c) (ca) To find k, which is independent of a, b, c, put any simple values of a, bac in such a way that A and RHS do not become zero. A, a ’srulex= 5 Y¥—- 4, ramer's rule x = 7 y A (i) If <0, the system is consistent and has unique Solution: (ii) 1f A= 0 and no ‘Ai, As, As is equal to zero then the system is inconsistent and has no Solution: (iii) If A =O and Ay =~ ‘Ap = A; = 0 then the system is consistent and has infinite number of solutions. In this case we can not use cramor's rule. For Homogeneous system 5. The Homogeneous system if |AJ#=90 and possess infinite number of soluti 6. Rank can be determined can tl following methods. " 1, Determining non zero minol of the given matrix. 2, The order of the highest order no) the matrix. AX = 0 possess only zero or trivial solution jon or nonetrivial solution if |A\=0. the basis of our text books) by the 1 of highest order of the determent o n zero minor is the rank of k of the # ——_. ene ¢ given mar: | that triangular matrix BINS the Salat pe nt rows oF columns nd the value of th F rPpy x nie se a O\y o p into ca on 0} or gras the order of the lution: {l jor | | ‘ od ¥ ¢ ¥ id matrix this order gives the rank of the given matrix, oe The system of linear equations, 5 AX=b ‘ \ is said to be consistent if p(A) = 9 [A b}, p — rank and inconsistent if p(A) +p [A: ©] a For inconsistent system solution does not exist. For consistent system solution exists and unique Solution: i (A) ==p [A:b] =n0 of unknowns/variables ‘pplying Ifp (A) =p [A: b] Rp ier) ty ae jo =8 Expanding along C, (— 1) (24 — 64)= 88 Ans. Solution: Let A = } 1 Applying, Rj -> R; ~Rz, Rr > R;—R; & Rs > Rs Ry respectively. We get 0-1 0 0 Oa 1) 0 0-1 = 1 \ Mi TSRAES. Expanding along C, i000 Sad oT 120 0 1-1 along Ri, 1)@1)(1-0)= 1 Ans. 4 15 29 2 14 16 19 3 17 33 39 8 38 Solution: Bae © 1s 29 2 14 16-19 3eety, 39 8 38 Applying C; > C;~3Cs, C2 > C2 = 2Cs, Cx > Cy 4C O20 20) 9 2 2 6 Plas oS: 923-6 6 ! 2(x+y<2) (BE2 x eatytDe-y (xty—2) (BE 2063) y 1 Solution: a iy WX reas |yx ty yee e. and taking (x + y + 2) common Applying Ri > Ri * ar ; iT ie Ty y-cb x s(xibyt2))) x Ty my x Applying Cs > © C, and Cx? Ca -€ palo 70 ali y <0 x%-Y &ty+2)1) x 0 y-x y 1 x-y 0 Taking (x—y) and (xy) common from C; and Cy respectively, We 1 10 0 =(xty+2 1y Qa @+y+2@-yx-y]} Xo 4 y lol Expanding along C; i 4 te lath Gane ayeoReayt a 1x -l Applying R; > Ry +R; es ‘alle aha (K+ty+2)(x-y?|2 x+y 0} \1 1 Expanding along C, [yo ox ae ~&+y +2) -ye C1) 1 ap is 2 x*y =k +y+2)(Kx_yye ' yl S=(K+y + Q— yy ~yF (x+y—2) u. (Oto X+y¥~2) Ans, My et tay ba a ae F a+b)? (ab + be + ca)? @ oe a 2 a | a’ (a+ by| Applyi Applyi +a) fi Taking Applyi Ue yozy Ox 2 canes lz y x0 Solution: el Ee hence Onex Leta dxyz Z -Yoex20 Applying C, > C+, +04 Cy we get, RSPYERZ (02 vy, = ORY ZZ" 0. xt+y4z x y 2| XR AZeayy 0| = Taking (x + Y +z) common from C, 102 y “eorsa ft 2 Ly =x 0 Applying Ri R, _ RoR RR, & RyRy —Ringt SS -x &t+y+2) 0 2x ~y aN RAO z ; er 8G Expanding alon Cc “ae a z xo be Sa Yo ; gt y +2) am Roc e an :, Expanding along ¢, ° ve ¥ Se 7; Tesy BED Pex) (ga) “ey NOt Oe oe de CR age Os (-@tY> Oe Ya) Geet As Yin) Xsytz)(xty-@ 6+x 6+x > | ate c b ¢ bee Applying C; > C,—C2—Cs we get, Qo a b ate Eas Applying Rs > Ro Rs we set Oa oa. 2c ¢ bte| Expanding along C,, =—2c (-ab—ab) z Applying cs « cy : Bx zx 2+x/=0 z Aree Expanding along C; we get, ; |eyt oy a +1) 1@ Solution: ae 24x Ans. Applying R: > Ri * 7, RB * Go? [eyez yz? a Taking common x°y"Z from C; x(y+2)| ¥2x+2)| acanee zary) b> +cda © +abd d +abc a! {1a a? bed bl |1 bb? cda 2} "lt © e abd ge ®t | Sd 2d? abet Ai + dp Applying Ri — Ry a, R2 > Ro x b, Ry > Ry x cand Ri 78 in Ay |2 a a? abed bob b> abed ce ¢ abed d @ d abed Taking common abed from cy age) be by Oe . de ey 20 (a-ar tat) 3@+D@-) Xa-) ! IaH +3Ka-1) 2(a-) oe. Ses); GD) fea 3 3 ‘Taking (a— 1) common from R,, Ro & Rs and expanding along Cs “feat! 3atl) 3 =(a-1)} a+l at3 1 2: 1 Applying C, > C:—Cy _ft+a-2 3+) 3 -@-y [at as 0 2 ] Taking (a— 1) common from C; la+2 3(a+)) j =(a—-1)*(a-1)} 1 3 -)@ a Cee) Expanding along C =(a—1)' [@+2)(a+3—4)-1 Ga+3-6)] al)‘ ((@+2)@-)-3@-N) =(a-1)'@-1)(@+2-3) =(@-1)8(@-1) =@-1 2 A=(a-) ree e b 24, Express | c? 2ac-b? _at_| as the square of a bb a 2ab-c} * determinant and hence find its value. Solution: bc —a? ow b Let A= 2 2ac—b? a b a. 2ab—c’} Rewrite A in the from, t+be+cb -ab+batcc -act+bb+e. batcctab —bb+catac -bc+cbta. atac+bb -cb+aatbe -cc+ab+b. deed Ea (-1-2)-29-4)-1 9-2) 3+26+1 =16 fie 2 sl &2=]1 9 2 [2 2igal (9-4-1 1-4-1 2-18) 13 +5+16 (xii) xt y-z=2 x-y+z=l Now, Cet ata Conlh ofy —Couft of constant | Jilsaedesael (1-)-10-)-10 +1) -0-2 (-1-1)-1(1=4)-1(1 + 4) Sc 443-5 6 te a Ay=|1 1 1} = slnesaa| =1(1-4)-2(1-1)-1@-1) -3-0-3 -6 Nea 4s=|1 -1 1 ieee =1¢4-1)-1@-1)+20 +1) =-5-3+4 =-4 =4_-6_3 iA 6 93) Ne ow ha ee er ern maaa 3 A, _-4 &z= 2-4. feng eae (xiii) xt+2y+3z7=14 3x+4y +22 =17 Wx+3yt+z=11 Solution: Here, x+2y+3z=14 3x + 4y +22 = 17 2x+3y+2= 1] Now, Coeff. of z const’ Coeff. of w 1 3 1 constant 0 0 0 0 Let, A 7k 3 Applying Cy > C4—C, Cy > Cy — Cy & Cp > 2-2 respectively. We get I 0:06 21 =|2-5 3.1 Bei leo 1-9 0 4 Expanding along Ri, eS --3. 1 Eres igre 9 0 Expanding along Rs, =-9(6-1)—4(-S— 15) =—45 + 80=35 40 Here A#0 Hence equation (i) have only the trivial Solution: Show that the systems xt+y—-3z=0 3x-y-z=0 2x +y—4z=0 have non-trivial Solution: Also find its Solution: lution: Here, x+y -3z=0 3x-y-Z= 2xt+y—4z=0 The determinant of the coefficient matrix is eset 3B -1 -] 22 =1(4+1)-1C12+2)-36+2) =5+10-15=0 . The system has non trivial solution. 45 on We gay, Exercise - 3 -a-e-E2 §]-Ft Sl _(2eleost 2-1 2+2. 2A-3B Solution: Here, @ | ret Mes og fee ane Cae eee asi Ti qetnie ao ae non mt Bas, aad cae set me jesse d) mee Vo A ae j he et eee | aed apart “eee ry W ae Ce ' go gh 4 fy << nam at § ‘ t nN a leo< ag 2 ae 7 <8 £ s = & moa acon “ot Cadeulet erg Cy & =om mon awd at w < = a ever exists. a Miution: Here the no. of AB doesn't exist. Bu So ‘Ans 21.0 BA=\3 2 150 then calculate the Prog of 42 3] solution: @+B+@-B=[3 0] 7 UL 4) sets -.BA=|\10 or, A+ BtA-B> [341 eA . _f4 0 ale aio ira=|4 Wa) through neiths No, as ey olution: Here, A = ae Again, (A +B)-(A-B)=|3 ole 4| J na ei a/N T= Oe Hence, Al jo 5. ifA=\1 2 BA defin Solution: AB a] 0} Yerig, rs solution: ab 7 Hence, A (B + bran 8 Ifa 4a BA. Solution: Given, A an-(! 3 4+0 2+4 & 8+0 -4+6 fd 46 fe $] &BA Hence, (AB) C = A (BC) Again,B+C=|2 1] , [3 b 3} *]2 “2 3 a Solution: 13 Ti 9. Find the Bs eats 2+2 340 Le AB= Mes st 2 4 A(R eK ‘ 8 de R Avg = x A$ AC 1 2) f-3 1 2 0 Jaa | 6+6 Now, AB+AC™ iS wf 61 241 (2412 wo [- 78} las Hence, A (B+ C) = AB + AC Ans, at | then find AB & show that AB ¢ & wan[} 3]8 n-[3 BA, Solution: Given, A= ie | &Be [ 2 i [3 yn 2 -fl 2) f2 -1] oes -[3 3] [2 i} = | 240 -14+2 6+0 -3+2 “[é 4] 2 -1) ft 2) 22-3 4-2] .[-1 2 ena-[¢ “iB 2) -[ee3 oe3)-[F 2 3 9. Find the products AB & BA when, A = 3 &B=([3 2 51]. 5 Solution: 3 aB=|?/ 325 1] 5 8—15+10 ] |-16+30 | 24-45 +30 ah gl [- (an ye ee le fc} zl Solution: fa h gl eel o ee bx + by + fz ex + fy + ez] fx] & [ax +hy +z hx +by + fz gx + fy +cz] * [| z xy + gxz + hxy + by’ + fyz + exz+ fy cz" 2ezx} An -1 0 | 41) then find AB & BA. 31a2 30414072 | (ht 3) pea, 200420) (le tee) & BA doesn't exist 4| &B= 3) matrix but BA is not null matrix. 2 I 6 12 6 | then show that AB en 13, IfA=|2 -3 Be? 5 10 15 is null Solution: ete = tee Alp. en TG = AD, ats 10 Shag 55 16. ie Se Solution: 552i l 2 eo} is 2 [ee _[27 16 8 a S 2A a _ fio z 2 AP +IA+1= 29 | (AB _ [2741041 84240 _ [38 20 =| 73 pos jer 9 ale 8 ne Evaluate A* +2A +1, where lis 2 x 2 unit matrix & A= 5 2] 10 4 1 iB dei ‘| 16+4+0 114641 12 -1 3-11 17, 1A=|2 0 3|,B=[0 0 2], verify that (A+ BY =A’ + 01 2 4D BA+AB+B’. Solution: 1 2 epee A+B=|2 0 3) +10 0 2 Obes 4 3 2 1 4 1 0] [4 0 arBy-|2 0 51)2 9 3 4 2-4) |4 2 4 16+2+10 4+0+0 0+5+0 =|g+0+20 2+0-10 0+0+20 16-4416 4+0-8 0-10+16 Again, rule ive 57 v2 —4)f1 2 4 az=|2 0 3/|2 9 3)= en Zo 2 4 1-0) Cae 5 424 1a 34s 5 =|28 -8 20 28 -4 6 “Pprako: 240-1 16-2) 2+0+0 4+0+3 2+0+6 O+2+0 O+0+2 0+3+4 Bek 5) ST 4 2 2K Ay = Cofactor ofan = [5 0| Ay = Cofactor o jr 2 ‘Ags = Cofactor of ass = \o 4 15 0 -10 CofectorofA=| 6 73 2 Bisa: 5 1s 6 -15] &Ag(A)=| 0 3 s10=(0 5 As (i 3 1 i 4-5 2 Solution: A ae Let A=|2 1 1 6a! Ay = Cofactor of ay) = 257 Ay = Cofactor of ay: = C4+4)=0 As = Cofactor of ay3 = 10+4=14 An = Cofactor of ay) = (4+15)=-11 Au*Cofeetor ofa =|-! 3 ofeasha 3| =-2+12=10 Aa; = Cofactor of a; = 2 rete =-(5-8)=3 As = Cofactor of ay, =|>2 3 ia eS “ee -2 1] “=C1+6)=-5 Asz = Cofactor of ay, = Aw = Cofactor of as; = t cs m2 Tfa-1-4=-s “enteweta|h 0 14 64 10 . A SS S]eas- 40 : 4 3 (iii) solution: A, = Cofactor of Ajs = Cofactor of Ax, = Cofactor 0 Ag: = Cofactor « Ay = Cofactor Ay, = Cofactor Ago = Cofactor Ags = Cofacte Cofactor « f1 3 1] wie. 2 3 an 4 Solution: Let A= 100 ay ji to ot Solution ft 0 0) LetA=|1 10 hoa Sofue' 1 Ay = Cofactor of ay * {6 H Neteik > “ofactor of 9 1 Q \yy = Cofactor of ay \o il (-0)e1 Ays ® Cofactor of ajs Ag, ® Cofactor of a3, Agy = Cofactor of a2 i ‘ 1-01 \ (0-0)=0 = Cofactor of ayy Ay, = Cofactor of a1 if AI =0-0-0 = Cofactor of as; 1.0 1 01 Seton Hal 1-0-1 i 9| -_@-0)=0 Ag; = Cofactor of fi - -1] = Cofactor of A= |2 i ete 13-1 @w) jl 2°52 21 4 Solution: a5 LetA=|1 2 21 : 2 s ‘Ay = Cofactor of ani = f zi =§-2=6 Ay = Cofactor of a2 = ie 4 -(4+4)=-8 65 As, = Cofactor of a. 2 - { 4\~-8 Ay = Cofactor of 1g) a-—\q 4|=-4-0)"—4 A Cofactor of a 0 1+0 1 Cofactor of A f 1 Adj (A) a1 1} We know that : BASUAN AAT, oe 9 § -5] ; Bs A res, 7g |e oes ; ; 4 -1| |2 2 -1) : iit Py |2 2 3 | 14 9) Solution: | 4 St | Let,A=|2 2 3] | 14 9) | igs ol | nile] 2 2 3] | j4-4-9| = 1 (18-12) +1 (18-3) +1 8-2) =6-15+6 =-3 i= 1y = Cofactor of aii = 4 le 18- 12 = Cofactor of ay. = -|j eI =-(18-3)=-15 = Cofactor of ais = lj |-s-2-6 3 ‘Ag; = Cofactor of a31 --|f \|--6-9=-5 A= Cofactor of an ~ |} | ie 61 Cofactor of & A Ay, = Cofactor of a1 Ag = Cofactor ofa=—|2 3 ; an Am = Cofactor of ass |2 2| [6 -15--6] Cofactor of A = | —5 toe 0.| G5 1 & Adj (A) =|-15 ce 6 3 0 We know that, F eee | F< ata Ad) -1 | 45 8 -1)=2 15 a ae Se 100 (i) 1 1 0 £04 Solution: 100 LetA=/1 1 0 eet 100 sfAj=]}1 1 0} =1(01-0)=1 1a A =€ofactor ofa, [4 |-1-0-1 5 Ave Cofactor of a= - |} 0) =-a-o=1 Ap =Cofacter of21,= |} \)=o-1=-1 An = Cofactor of 1 =~ |? fs (0-0)=0 An = Cofactor ofan = |} | =1-0=1 Aas = Cofact || tor of a =~ 8|=0-0=0 & We kn Solution: Let J of an sofactor ° An © factor of Ag: = Coat Ags = Cofactor of as 3| A f-24 10 2] < ; cofcorof=|-8 a4 24 -8 -12 Cofactor of A ensr-|9 3 ‘ . & Adj (A) that, Eos ete fet 3 asl We know that, Spe AOR Ea 10 2 ees 1 |, Peeeteget ee] Sf!) -i| * ane Akad ao tr x) a1 2 fo 1 2} : ; : i oasis Solution: o 2555) Solution: % LetA=|3 1 2 A < a. 2k Let A \s DS. ¥ |A[=| 3 1 2 mG Pod : ey ! =2(1-4)-3 (5-6) + 1 (10-3: 5 Se et Ay = Cofa A= Cofactor ofau.= |) : ne, { Ato = Cofactor of aj2 = hi q -@+2)=-1 Ay =Co | 3a] a / Ajs = Cofactor of a)3 = ( |-6-1-5 ; ioee Any = Cofactor of x =—|5 i--6-9=1 eG An=Cofsetorofans= | P]-2-3-41 a ‘ Re Ass =Cofector of a =|? 5| (ese x 70 As, = Cofactor of as, © fF 3} =10-327 As) = Cofactor of a3) [3 3 =-(4-9)=5 : Ass = Cofactor of ay = [2 i] =2-15=-13 ; : 3 -1 > 4 -. CofactorofA=| 1 -1 1 j aE Ss. -13 —=3 1 ct: & Adj(A)=]-1 -1 5 a L3 “We know that, = it [351 ae 2) SS AS ead: if | An Cofactor of ay = — 12 Ags = Cofactor of a, = 53 Cofactor of a; = Cofactor of ay Cofactor of an =—(5 factor of ay; = 10 2 = Cofactor of a; Ass = Cofactor of a5; = u ~. Cofactor otn-| 1 Adj (A) = |= & s-\3 = oe potent if A? =A. Shoy, \ «said to be idem If A is any squa n square mates men E ’ 4{is jdempotent- An At is skew vem |] 2 3) cautions oiven AS (A+ At) sotution ‘ (Anat Hence, A + AY _— ‘Again, (A~A (a-Aty® Hence, A—A p. _ draolems Hermitian 9 olution: Given A is Now, GA)” GAY = -4) Hence, i A‘ 3 4“ se ive tha Hence, A? = A, SoA isk ae aunitdrn a a = 12, fA is square matrix i é | then prove that A+ Ay, - solution: 1+ A i a1+4+ a skew symmetric. Adj +! r 5 ae fiS2e5 4 1 22d ae oF 0 5 SothatAT=|2 0 3 ee Ske ies Ra ay fk 2 4 arat=|2 0 5[+|2 0 3)= es 17. Show t Fools Ole le SO accord ion: (B* Which is skew-symmetric matrix. : Solution: (B* / ee HN ee IfAis 1s Provethat the matrix [L443 If Ais i 3 | is hermiti oS is hermitian. ee 3 Hence! iei-i 2 : nee Let i : sepia ss tei, 72. : [3 5 3 |e bs as IFA: QoS. 0 i So, ( Now the iti i hermitian of A is, : : ie a 332 Her @ [a Eas . _ he ae ‘ At sas IfA is any square mat A-A* is skew Hermi solution: Given A is any squar P (A+A*) =A%+ (Ase 5 rs Hence, A + A* is Hermitian, Again, (A ~A*)* = A* _ (ae (A-A*)* =-(A~As) oe —A* is skew Hermitian. If A is Hermitian i saa a then show that i A is a skew - Solution: Given A is Hermitian matrix. So A* = A. Now, (iA)? =-i A*=-j A ; GAY r- A Hence, i A is a skew Hermitian. : a 0 1+2i 16. Given that A= (ene A |s show that (A) + Ay" is Y= AS~A=_(A_asy a unitdr matrix. solution: 1+ A= [15 1474] and|1+A|=1-@i+1)@i-1) =14+4+1=6 Adj (I + A) = Transpose of the matrix of cofactors, < [ 1 het . [ 1 a Aaa A eal 17. Show that the matrix B* AB is Hermitian or skew Hermitian according as A is Hermitian or skew Hermitian. Solution: (B* AB)* = B* (B*A)* = B*A* (B*)* = B*AB If A is Hermitian then A* = A IfA is Hermitian then A* = A So, (B* AB)* = B* AB Hence, B*AB is Hermitian according as A is Hermitian. Again, (B* AB)* = B* (B*A)* = B*A*(B*)* = B*A*B If A is skew - symmetric then A* = —A So, (B* AB)* = B* (- A) B=~B* AB Hence, B*AB is skew Hermitian according as A is skew Hermitian. Applying R; > Rs ~ Ro be ess 1 | ea Hence. x-1,y=18 a) xtytz=6 () 4 2y +3510 Te dy + dem olution: Given equation ar xrytZz=6 x+2y +3z=10 42y+42=1 Then we have, (os 1a The rank of coefficient matrix & angumented for the jy lee equation are both 2. Hence the equation are consistent, 4 Applying Ro Ra— equation can be written as, 3x + y—4z=0, y+ 2z=3 lie eet 1 y=3-22x=-1+22 oe Hence, x =— I, y=3 & z=0 is particular Solution: ve (viii) x+2y+z=3 Applying Rs > Rs- 2x+3y+22=5 et 3x—5y+5z=2 ol: Solution: Given equation are, ee x42y+z=3 The rank of coeffic 2x +t 3y+22=5 of equation are bot! 3x-Sy +5z=2 Then we have, Bl! Applying, Ry > R; -2R, & Rs > R-3R, “eae Applying Rs > Rs — 11R, Hence the equation as, x+y+z=6 y+22=4 & 2=-9 Which gives, z=- a y &Xx x Hence, x=—7,y 4 st Gls 21. Solve the follow: 00 2] es cl @ x+y+22=4 The rank of coefficie i Ixy +3z=9 It xm of equation are both 4 matrix & dugmented matrix for the is Rent sx-y-z=2 lence the en ee 3 F ion: written as, equation are Consistent, Also the ‘equatior can be The system of th ye ey BS xt+y+2z=4 Mich gives 2=9 yj, | &22=4 Somes X#2.14253 y-z 98 Cofactor of 0= 0-4) 4 Cofactor of A Ss 15 10) fis], [-$5*+45 Ho 5 |143+36- 44 ee ao 3 39-27+ 33 ay; I 45 fir 12 4 [IL Hence, x = 2, y=1&z=3 Ans. 22. Solve the following equation by Gauss climination method, @ = 2x+3y+4z=20 3x+5y+6z=31 j Solution: Here, the matrix form of system of equation, 2x + 3y+4z=20 3x + 4y + 5z=26 3x + Sy + 6z=31 is, 23 4) [x] [20 3 4 5] |y| =|26 3.5 6} [z] [31 Applying 3R;, 2R3 & 2R; 6 9 12] [x] feo 6 8 10] \y| =|s2 6 10 12] |z] [62 Elimination of x from the second & third equation & matrix form applying R: -> RyRy & Rs > Ry Ry ee" 3 ag] a 24 ~|0 3 ee 0 0 2 3 -1 0 s is 2. ithe nq ohne oe e minor 6 Hence, rank of the matrix = 2 = no. of unknowns Gj & ‘The only on . The vectors are linearly independent. i 2 oe 1,0), 0, 1, 1) er (iv) G1, DG b =(1, 1,0) and x;=(, | ion: Let x; = (1; 1, 1), %2 = (1, 1, 3 = (0, 1, 1) a . Solution: also Ci, Cre Cy are three real number ‘tne minor of 2is\! So that, ank of matrix + Cyxp + C5x3 = 0 The © ‘A eC D+ Ca, 1,0 +C 0.1, )=0 oer | Which is equivalent to, {oe LOGS C,+G,+0C,=0 Bean = Ga C, +O, +C,=0 Musing xa= (4, 1525] C, + 0.C,+C;=0 y ‘Also, Let Ci, C2! Now, to check rank of the coefficient matrix, we have, Cixi + C+ 110) ie. Ci 2—1 aiken Which is equivé 101 Ci+Gt Applying Ro Rp Ri@Rs Rs OR. 2C, +3 pplying, Rz > R2— Ry & Rs > Rs—Ry -Ci+¢ 5k 0.0, +7 ~ 0 0 1 Now, to checl Applying R3 <> R2 lot, A 30) ~{0 -1 1 0 0a Applying; Here no. of non-zero rows 3 = 3 = no. of unknowns ® C1, Cz & Cs. Hence there are only zero values of C,, C; &Ou vectors are linedrly independent. (v) (1,2,-1), (2, 3, 0), (0, 0, 0) Solution: Let x; = (1, 2,~ 1), x2 = (2, 3, 0) & xs = (0, 0, 0) are three ; Vectors and also, C, C, & C; are three real numbers, Applying So that, ix, + Cox2 + C3x3 = 0 ie. Cy (1, 2,~1) + C; (2, 3, 0) + C3 (0, 0,0) =0 Which is equivalent to, C, +2C, +0. C;=0 S ; 2C, +3C) +0.C;=0 Applyit -C,+0.C,+0.C,=0 ri Now, to check rank of the coefficient matrix, we have, 112 i jectors ing A Pe Oe oot ‘multiple of this vector 1S Also every jing to 2 = 3- corresponding Similarly putting = 15+ a aa 6. 21 [*! clo <4 7s -4] 1%) lo pak = 12: a Ix 6y +2279 «6x -8y-4279 ox 4y-122 79 Solving first two equation, Rpg ee Zz axenys—2ze1 Thus the eigen vectors corresponding to n=15 is (2,—2, Also every non-zero multiple of this vector is ei corresponding to A = 15. Therefore the eigen vectors corresponding to 4 = 0, 3.45 are, a> (1,22), 10 2 a (2, 1,-2), #0 & a;(2,-2,1), 3 #0 sift, 2 @), 2a BAP ot Solution: Laa-/3 5 j 3 sao 2x4 The characteristi & sae a 1 rio egetiofemaise al ee ie. |°22-A7 1 a0 ee 3: ame aes or, ($~A) (2-2) 1} - =a ne-siec) 200-aa aga e.E-D0i—Ahe3}e88Q—ed Gt teae : 2 E-DODADesanyee ow a a A D(6-1)0-3)48) <0. 0 | O-1) (Gh 15~2 +3148) =0 = s =i 120 -2xtyt4z Ox-3y +6: Ox+0y+0.2=0 Solving first two equation, x 6+12 0+12 6-0 “.x=3,y22,2=1 Thus the eigen vector corresponding to the eigen value 2, 1). Also every non-zero multiple of this vector is ei corresponding to 4 = 5. Therefore the eigen vecror corresponding to the eigen 3, S are, a, (1,~1, 0), a, #0 a2 (1, 0,0), a0 a; (3, 2, 1), a3 #0 =x+2y+ nace Ox +0y+ Ue oe Ox +Oy+ ae Solving fir oan Solution: Let =I Qe a oe xa The characteristic equation ofthe matrix A ee |A-a)=0 he matrix A is, <: 4 (‘e ee => aa -A 3 |=0 em ee Thus the « or, (1A) 2-2) 2-2) =0 1,0). Als »A=1,2,2 Bs Tee Me OFA w= 1,33 Therefore th ; eigen vectors ery ‘ ay (1, ( Hequtionis, “SPonding to &€aQi 3 1 =} oe ox+2y +32=0 oxty+3z=0 oxtoy+z=0 Solving first two equation, Thus the eigen vector corresponding to the eige P n value A. = , 0), Also every non-zero multiple of this cas aed corresponding to eigen value A = 1 Similarly, putting A= 2. Ox+0y +0.2=0 Solving first two equation, NIK alm ox=2y=1 20 2 Thus the eigen vector corresponding 1, 0). Also every non-zero mul corresponding to A = 2. Therefore the eigen vectors corresponding to eigen value A= 1, 2, are, a; (1, 0,0) =a, #0 & a (2,1,0), a) #0 3 10 | to the eiven value 4 = 2 is (2, Itiple of this vecotor eigen vector Qi) | _3 7 3 os 5 Solution: Let,A=|-2 ~3 4 ‘The characteristic equation of the matrix A is, 3-2 10 I je. | 20 3h 0 or, (3—2) (3-4) (7-2) + 20} ~ 10 (-2(7— nig +5 (10-31 3-2) (-21=7A+ 32+ 02+ 20) — 10 (— 14 + 20 FT oe +5(-1049 ox+loy+s or, G—A) (2—4i = 1) + 140-202 ~ 120 ~ 50 +45 + 2x69 4 or, 3— a) 02— 4X-1)-5A+15=0 3x + 52 or, 347-1120 + 407-3 +A-SA+15=0 esol 0 a. or, A? + TA? + 162-12 = 0 aes or, 47-207 — 52? + 100 + 62-12 =0 XS or, A? (A-2)— 52 (A-2) + 6 (A-2) =0 ao or, (A—2) (A? — 5+ 6) =0 xa¥ or, (42) (07 = 34-20 + 6) =0 1 cel or, (4-2) {A(A-3)—-2 (A—-3)} = 0 xg or, (4-2) (A-2) (4-3) =0 Thus the e' B= 252,38 1,-2). Al Thus the eigen values of A are 4 =2, 2, 3. correspond If x, y, z be components eigen vector corres to the ei ee are, value A. Then the matrix equations, (A=Al)x=0 a (5, 2, 3A 105“ fx] fo &a (11. 2 3-1 4 | \yl =16 os ceeee | lel 10 20a Putting A= 2, -1 2 eet. Six] fo) ; [- -5 -4]ly| =l0 J Solution: Let / Bee” «Silla, 0 i x+ 1l0y +5z=0 ~2x-S5y-4z=0 « x + 3x+5y +5z=0. . B Solving first two equation, z FE inte Slee 40425 ~ Sona ~ Sg 2 xX ay uz ae 1S 65 os or, A-7)A-1)=0 A= 7, Lare the characteristi sti Characteristic vector for ) = | ee of A. Cs" ll e]-[ Gs} &)-() This reduces to the equations, x tx =0 5x1 + 5X; = So the characteristic vector is [ 1] Characteristic vector for 4 =7 is, 2-7 t x, [*s” «!] fe) -B) ie 1] [x,] _ fo 5-1} [x,]~]o This reduces to the equations, =5x; +X) =0 5x, —X2 = ox =hx=5 So the characteristic vector is, [3] Hence the model matrix is, ca ead Ic|= & 3| = St16 feel Ri Cag fa i We know the diagonal of the given matrix A is, FG J 3 C'AC= =1 [10-5 5-6) f1 1 6 [2+5 1+6] [=1 5 os ea ie eel a 6 AT Taf a Tel Gal erat = (6. Oe peed. 6 |o 42] [0 11 1 4 4] att Vie es i 24 =1(1+4)-14+2)+1C8+)) =5-6-7=-8 For the cofactor of C, Ist row, cofactor of 1=1+4=5 cofactor of 4 =—(1 + 1)=-3 cofactor of—1=2—1=1 - a 2nd row, cofactor of 1=—(4+2)=-6 =~ cofactor of 1=1+1=2 4 cofactor of -2 31d row, cofactor of 1 = cofactor of 2=—(-2+1)=1 cofactor of 1=1-4=—3 5S « Cofactor of C=/-6 2 2 Tee Z 5 a Adj (©) = |—3-2 at 1 : . 5 e c'=-1/3 2 | Ses We know the diagonal of given matrix A is, ; boa Cnc ee UE a 8 ae dy .e surface and glume Integrals curve # If the curve f = f(t) is continuous and differentiable for ft in the interval a ANY Sums integral which_is 3 gamental concept of definite integral and doi requisite tO study the surface integral. c Z s ’ aluated over a volume is Volume integral : Any integral which, is evi called volume integral. Volume integrals are defined and evaluate as surface integrals. 147 5 ow Teh fi gy where F xy’ i +yj and C is the curve y’ = 4x o “ . goiet™ xy +yJ and C is the urve of the parabola, So ax, 2y0y = Ae ies j dx=5 y dy: From (0, 0) t0 (4, 4), so y varies from yzotoy=4 +g dt =@ey'i ty) Gide jay = xy'dx + dy fF dr= pxty?dx + ydy } é - zo] = (G+) dy 2a [sar] _ [256x256 , 16 _ -[ 32x82 9] =256+8 =264 ., fF dt = 264 Ans. é (iy fF. oF where F=-(Qxtyi + Gy—x) j and Cis the curve in xy~ plane along the path which is 3, 0) and then to (4, 2). Solution: Here, F =Qx+y) i +Gy-%) 5 Fd ={@xtyi +Gy-») J} G a+ i) ee = (x+y) dx +Gy-%) dy and C is the curve in the xy plane from 9,0, 0) 0 A (2, 0) and then BG, 2) fear = [Beat + fF eat = [ [ox+yydx+Gy-ney]* straight lines from (0, 0) to f2x+ypdx+ Gy 089] ~ Ge where Eyl) an G Eien aaa parabola y = x" from (0, 0) to (1) ion: The equation of the straight line joining (0, 0)to(1, lisy=x Fey'l +], Text tyq Y : e dt =dxi +dyj, dy=dx asy=x . [F -4t = [07 445). Gai say) = [O7dx + 2ayy = [otax + eax) =2 [x7 dx a1) a 3 Ans. (i) [F -dr where F =y' i +x? j and C is the straight line from (0, 0) to (1, 1) Solution: The curve is y = x*, hence dy = 2xdx [F dt = (G77 +2]).Gex+ jay = [.G7dx + ay) = [(x'dx +2. 2xax) 2 phat) 2 [F-4] % al Ni = Ans. 10 2 ii) [F .dr where F=y' i +x° j Cis the straight line from (0, 0) to (1, 0) and then from (1, 0) to (1, 1). Solution: Let the straight line from (0, 0) to (1, 0) be C, and that from (1, 0) to (1, 1) be Cp, so that the path C consists of C; and C>. . For C;, y = 0, F=x'j, r =xi a a LF ar [,(3)-@xi)=0 B For C2, x= 1, dx=0 : ee Feyi+j, p=xityj, dr =dyj ~ ; a LFar = Lei + 2) Ge os _ TE _— sindd®, dy —iauee 3 3x |g varies from > arses gical (laa Pai Hence, [F dr (pedi ees 1 ie =0+1 | along different paths are nop — Note that the values of integral erent tor function is not inde The line integral of the given vec path 1 ; 3, Find the total work done in moving particle in a force given by F = 2xyz'i + (x°z’ +z cosyz) j + Qxyz+ Yeosy,) along the path C from (0, 0, 1) to (1 a 2). eS Find the work 4m) i + round of the ¢ Solution: Here, F = 2xyz"i + (x°z? + zeosyz) j + (2x"yz + yeosyz) F.dr = (2xyz*i + (072? + zeosyz) j + Ox'ya + yoosya) k (idx + jdy+ ky = 2xyz?dx + (x22? + zeosyz) dy + 2x2yz + cont Here, F S ycosyz) dz solution: xyz'dx + x’zidy + 2x'yzdz. + zcos(yz) dy + yeos (ya) dy +(ax+2y- (zy) + cosyzd (yz) Oe = ee oe dr = [ "fd OeZy) + cosyzd (yz)] d Far si = [x222- i N32 aa [xizty+sinyz] 2? 4 ~ [bef sin —0-sino] ‘ =n+1-0 = (Gx- Sai And C is the ~ [F.di =2+1 Ans, Sat a1 4. Rat a Show that LF. di =2nwhere F == ea , 7 sy = ‘ Gis the cele st yi cca ea aa clockwise sense, ¢ z-plane described in the anti- and 6 varie: Solution: Let F = oaRe See | eauation ofthe ya YY nnn (i) = On of the cir] si 3 ee z= 0. y 1, 2=0 in parametric from isx* Thus, F | Aa , d sindd®, dy = cos0d®, dz =O and @ varies trom 0 = 0 to @ = 2 F.dr 0 (— sin®) 40 + cos® = (sin*@ + cos"@) d0 nee de [F-4F = [ee = [os =2x-0 [F-4 r=2n Ans. Find the work-done in moving particle in the field F =(@x—4y +22) 1 + (4x + 2y 232) j + Qu -4¥ +7) K along one nd of the ellipse eye a Y= ro! amity 1,z=0 y az Here, F = Gx—4y +22) i + (4x+5y—32) 5 + (2xz—4y? +2) E.dr -[Gx—4y +22) i +(4xt+2y-3z) j + (2xz—4y7+2) k] Solutio! (i dx+ j dy+k da) = (ox ty +22) dx + (4x +2932) dy + xz 47 +2) 84 ‘And C is the cuve of the ellipse xy Sao ee 1,z=0 Its parametric equation are, x= 4cos0, y = 3sin®, Z—0) dx = 4 sind d®, dy = 3cos0 d0, dz = 0 and @ varies from 9 = 0 to 0 = 2m Thus, = Gx—4y) dx + (4x +29) y x Gv 4 cos ADeInO) ge aes + x4 0050 +23 sine) Gres) = [(12cos6 — 12sin®) 4sin®) + (48 cos"@+ 18sindcos®) do : = [48 (sin’@ + cos’®) — 30 sin@ cos0] d0 = (48 — 15 sin26) 48 : Thus, F.dr = f'(48—15 sin20) 48 15c0s20]" = [48045 [as Mae alk a. qwthat F 7 Oxe 16) : comet ative vector fil 3 F=@x + 6y =96n +0 =96n . di=96n Ans. & Showthat F=(@-ya) 1 +0) — 28) j+@-—3yem ; irrotational and also find its scalar potent a 2062) Pt ial function, ( 5 Solution: Here, F =yzi +2x j +¥Y Kk x(yzi + 2x} +xyk) pence, FSS cone te = oxy-9 | a e i «-x)- j y-y)+k @-2) =0+0+0 following curve C- Cis the curve X= get- eae ere x= t= Vx F=0 Hence, vector dunction F is i 4 ion F is i Also, we have, Cee F=V6 or, F.dr =Vo-dr or, gai tax] +xyk).(idx+ jdy+ kdz) or, (yzi +2xj +xyk). (idx + jdy + Kaz) pont me mee ae (idx + jdy + kdz) = yzdx + zxdy + xydz = Bar Pays Mae Oey = d (xyz) 2 On integration, = xyz+C ~. Scalar potential function is § = xyz+C I func > Ans. Sl i rk-d (ii) _C consists of two straight lines from (0, 0,0) to the poi rind the Wo , 1) and from (1, 0, ~ 1) to the point (2, 3, ~ 3) 2] + Oxt~ y Solution: Let C; donote the line segment from (0, 0, 0) to (1, ,. 3x siraight line tes the line segment from (1, 0, I) to (2, 3 The define C, denot gm i Pec oy - xe FE oer equation of line through (0, 0, 0) and (1, 0, = 1) is io Fa é : : a agile. aa 2 Re Saxe ‘ ie xottly—0,z—-t-1 ‘the equation of t .. dx= dt, dy=0, dz=—dt Bag) . The integral along the line segment Cy is ” [Par [[@xy-2) dx + yzdy + xdz] = [c+ dt=(t+ 1) dt} The equation of the line through (1, 0,— 1) and (2, 3, —3)is x y_ z4l A gach) ie. x=t+1,y=3t,2=—2t-1 © and dx = dt, dy = 3dt, dz =—2dt - ©. The integral along the line segment C) is [Far = if (6t? + 8t + 1) dt + 18-91) dt + 2t-2)dt = [ Cre -3t-pat 2 In the curve, x=t +l, y=3t,2=—2t-1 x=Ly=0,2=-1 =t=0andx=2,y=3,z=-32t-! 3 + [Bede = [Cat —3t1) at 2 i es [-42 rind the work-dome in moving partite in = ie e 0) 9 wi +@xt-9) 1 +2 along. force field F = vag he straight line from (0, 0,0) to @, 1,3) 1) is XS The curve defined by x’ = dy, 30 tcl 129 =3x'1 +(2xz-y) j +2k Pe + Qxz-y) j +zk] [iax+ 3x"dx + (2xz—y) dy + dz The equation of the line from (0, 0, 0) to 2, 1;3)is x-0 z=0 ; 3-0 Jdy + Kaz =t (say), <= 2t, y=t,2=3t, dx = 2dt, dy =dt, dz = 3dt andt varies from t= 0 tot=1 (pcr [03 dx + @x2-y) dy + day os fe x At? x 2dt + (2 « 2t x 3t—1) dt + (St) dt] = [ (242+ 120-1 +99 dt = [368 +89 at = [362 , 87 Saeed =12+4 (-2t-2) =-3 >i = 3x"dx + (2xz—y) dy + 2dz le curve is, Fg vax" = Bz . Xdk = ddy, Ox2dx = 8dz" S d=! = 5 xdx, dz= 2 x? dx 8 ‘nd varies from x =0 to x =2 : Pedr = [ [3x dx + @xz—y) dy + 242] secant 3220] ds = [peace(acg Ar) 04 Exercise - 8 svaluate J[F-ads where F=627 face of the plane 2x + 3y + 62 = sy The given surface is the plane —4i+yk and § is the 12 in the first octant. 2x + 3Y + 62 = 1 in the first iz, ” Ya+9436 21+3j+6k eee Let R be the projection of the plane 2x + 3y + 6z = 12 on xy — plane which is a triangle AB bounded by the lines y = 0, x = 0 and 2x + 3y = 12 _ dxdy _ 7 Xx Along the vertical strip PQ, y varies fon Oto 12 5 12x and in the region R, xvaries from 0 to 6. [Rid = Jl @zi-4j+ye). 2i+3}+6k) 7 : sis) 5 dx dy ; Z =F {[ a2z-12+6y) dx dy e = ff @z-2+y)dxdy : pe eS = flf2(2=2=22)-2+9] oxen = i J. q2-2x-3y-6+3y) dx dy” A a 3 om “hxo - fo- sini? the region 0BBO ‘ 2 ax) A toy =4and Ge fas *) ax y ae 3 Here, [LFA 45: = 4 f(x -9x +18) di ; fo 9x +18) dx " sf 18 9 b = 4 (72-162 + 108) 5 =ex18 =8 | 2. Evaluate (Fa ds where F=zi+xj—yzk and s is thest of the cylinder x2 + y’ = 9 included in the first octant be the planes z=0 and z=4. Solution: Here, the surface is ¢ = x7 + y*— 9. So, vector normal surface is A r J[F-ads= 5g) 07 as if surface of the ct a,z=0,z=a. = 2xi+2yj Solution: Let ADBEC fae [[F.aes= ff _ _xityj Very = xi+y) For the surface Fe fetay? =o] x The projection of the surface nein xv+2) on OBB'O’ is bounded by yy =4andz=Otoz=§, = [lo-2 ae 4 {[$-2] dz {(3+see ries = 9x4 3x4x4 Zip he , ’ =18+24 =42 [[ Ff ds =42 Evaluate J[ Faas where F= xityj+zk and (i S is the surface of the cube bounded by the planes x = 0,x=a,y=O,y= z=0,2 (BE 2056, 058) ti et ADBECF is a cube which consists. Six surfaces, then, ([Faas= ff F.tas+ ff Fa ds+ ILFaee fl, F-te . + ff Fass For the surface OADB, fi =~ Kandz= 0 Fa = (xi+yj+2k). CB) =0 Jl 1 For the surface DBEP a Fai = (xi +yj+ 2k). 39? [Fa ds= ({ a dzdx v= fe 163 NIW wie elu ties (©) Find the flux of F through the part of the surface §, x? =9 with Z>and F =3xi +3yj +zk. Solution: Here, F =3xi +3yj +zk and Z S isthe surface (00,9) Z=9-x?_y* with z>0, Normal to the surface is $=2-9-x-y? is, do= (S282 3) (@-9+x+y4) =2xi +2yj +k Unit normal to the surface, 2xit2yj+k Vax +4y? 41 2=9-x2 xt+y2=9,2=0 aS (xi+yj ) Vary? a1 © F.n=Gxi +3yj +2k), a ft Let R be the Projection ens surface on the xy plane then, = 2xitayiek ek | Viera] = 1 Vaeeayray « fa. nds ff Fy ogy LF ealne k| pli Se focraey = fhcoe + 6y*+ 2) dy dx 16a To change it ever and r varies So, jl nds fa. (7) Evaluate Sis the si a Solution: Here, planes x > We have, JA. a as: For the s dy dy 1 tea -* sea To change it polar form put x = x+y’ =r, dx dy =r drd9 andr varies from r= 0 tor=3 and@ Fes 8, y =r sing =0t09== So, 2 f(A. 2 d-4 F [C5490 sarap =4f (05? +99) ara =4 fd 9r} “ffE-"]@ =4 [(5%81, 81 4f( 4 +30) ao 4 {(405,81)F q [ 4 I = gx 4O5+162) x Agee = 561n 2 » [[A. a s= 5% ans. (7) Evaluate {[F. n ds where, F =(2x-2) i +x'yj -x7k and Sis the surface of the planes x=0,x=1,y=0y=1,2=0,2= 1 ; eee : “ Solution: Here, A = {(2x-2)i +xyj — x2 K} and S is the surface o planes x =0,x=1,y=0,yoha=02-! We have, Sean Nehave 7 ae es cle JA. a as ff A. nes+ ff A.nds+ {lA . e : 2 Aun ds+ [A 4 +f Anas* IA: 4 For the surface Si, 2 = 9, 5 169 fies y +4) dk + Cys aaeroya - ft - Lorn aa s od ff ox dye Where, £ is the region bounded by 7 the triangle in the oe MY=2tpy tices (0, 0s B, 0), (3, 2) The equa eee i the xy-plane with * a ind BG, 2) iy “Staton ofthe ine joining 0 (0,0) ? — Dxy) y-0= 22 (@-0) iey= 2 ~ we So,y varies from y= 0, toy == x and'x varies from x=Otox=3 [l@x-y +4) dx+ Gy +3x~6) ayy <4f Fax ay=a [2% a= 8 faa § fe] =4x3 = . [12x-y +4) dx + (Sy + 3x6) dy] = 12 Ans, Apply Green's theorem to evaluate [ (y —sinx) dx +cosx-dy where C is the plane triangle enclosed by the lines y wey, vluion: The point of intersection of the line y = 2 Rea weet E i ye 78 tai af ee obtained as y= 2% = Hence, B 1) . Be. Now, M= y—-sinx, N= cos x 2, =* 6M: oN , ONY 1p EN tae ae ey 1, Fe sin es Lovtax + Nady) = J (Max 4+Ndy) + faex +Ndy) + [yma NA) oo @ 177 os [odx-ydx) 4 -5 “a cos0 (b cos8) d0— b sind (~a i 1 f facos’@ - Gasin 2 =} fravao - 4 [st detee x a = 1 "3a? sin*@ cos = 5 ooo} af =nab : The area of the circle x+y’ =a" Solution: Here, the equation of the circle _ _ x=acos®, y=asind, dx=~asin6d8, dy=acos@d6 2 3na? ‘ ries from 8 = Oto 0 = 2x ,, Required area —q~ en tome pO ee ee tase c= 0 xed Le Solution: Here, F = (¢-y) 2 ———— Qy- 2) ae ff (WF) ad ff'Z ei 4 =e acl 9 =2f [14x ty) dx dy fe : 2 {/o+-y] dx. : =2 [xd -9+(1-x?-C gy, =2 [[-x)'-d-x] dx a [Fear = 6 ff OP, ds=0.0.0..@ From iandid Also, F dt =(xi +2) +y?k). (idx + jay+ (12) Verify Stoke's =x dx + zdy + y? dz integrated rot fF. dr = fi es the line x =0, Solution: Unit-norm Along AB, z= 0 andx +y = 1 cule Benanmnetsieaaoni, a 4G Y= lag zmd i dx = dt, dy =—dt, dz=0 and t varies, BC From t= 1 tot=0 i ox fF .F = Jig dx + 24dy + y2 doy xe = fearora- o. 9 curl F.n = fod -[¢ [[- oe) 7 1 a = De the : x=Oy+z=], Bae ac fi the sum of the tO. {Faz : . Along CA, y= 0.8 +Z= 1, Its “ete=l-bye0 dx= dt, dz =—dt, dy = 0 and t varies ¢ = Le tee [0 dx + 2ay +92 gay = [teat ay? 049) = [tat Otot=] 1 2 = ac lie ss , [Fear oF tel eet From (i) and (ii), we conclude that Stoke's theorem is verified, (12) Verify Stoke's theorem for the function F = x2] + xyj integrated round the square in the plane z=0 and bounded by the line x = 0, y= 0, x=a and y=a, * Solution: Unit-normal vector 1 to be the surface is k. Curl F=Vx (7 +xyj) xt. xy 0 Jct Fon ds= [ [ky. & dxdy : Pa 2; 3 = {[fve]a- [Sa- [| oe Denoting the square by OABC where the vertices are 0 (0, 0), A (a, 0),B @, a), C (0, a), the line integral in the closed eurele OABC is the sum of the four line integrals from 0 to A, A to B, B to C and 00. é AG [Fat = [loo i tayj). Gath) a t x? dx tayy 4|XV9=x? 9 ¢ | 5 sin“! | ny Vatieg t é a 3} | 9 i rO) APE aa ™ toy Dep or if Also, the surface $ on xy — plane ie 2 I soa Y ~ plane 's bounded by the circle x? + y? | Its parametric equation is, 'x = 3c0s0, y = 3sin0, z= 0 dx=—3sin d0, dy =3 cosddd, dz =0 and 0 varies from 0 to 2x X Varies h OM a to() Q2yi +3xj -2K}.Tde+ j dy + kaa) 2y dx + 3x dy 22 dz f [(2 x 3sin0( ( 3sin0dd) + 3 x 3c0s0 (3cos0 d8) - 0} [- 18 sin*® + 27cos*0) do i = [as =) —501-e0820) d0 it = y= _ pix{27(1+c0s20) 1 Hh [iar-f [220s g2 cos) 40 1 ae foie 3 208, 21sin28)_og 9328) it 2 4 M | = (27 + 0-181 +0] : ; here Si oe eee i This, Stokes aaa { (e: dx + 2ydy ~ dz) where Cis Hh ndaFY Fs) Evaluate by Stoke's theorem {| | the curve x+y? =4,2=2 | Solution: Here, f (e* oe ee } iit So that F; = e*, Fa = 2ys Fs i i} F-Fi +h.) +k He =e, | +2yj -k ; i By Stoke's theorem, we have, és | [ (Far = [CCP i Cae ae 1a sof . | uae i face Sy Wx FAI oy =9, 2y 1 ‘a | = Thus, by Stoke's theorem, " {F dr = St (Vx F). nds 0 {F dt = Ons. 1S. Apply stoke's theorem to evaluate {to ty) dx + Qx-2)dy+(y +z) dz| where C is the bowy of the triangle with vertices (2, 0, 0) (0, 3, 0) and (0, 0,6), (16) Prove of the Solution: Work done = [Far O° Lanes By stoke's theorem, Solution: Stoke's the [Far = S[¥*# as Fis [F.d Thus, work done = {[V 0 and in the region R, x varies fro” or, a. f (adr) x ea of AQAB) 16) Prove of the following from Stoke's theorem. @ [or F= f[(axv) . Fas Solution: Stoke's theorem for a vector function, Fis [F.dr = = fL(v~F). nds But ( (vxF) a=fi (¥ <8), (dot product is commutative) = (axv).F [-» Treating V as a vector and interchanging dot and cross} [Fat = ff (av). Fas or, (dr. F= ff (axv). Fas @) — [ar .g= f{(axv) eas Solution: Stoke's theorem for a vector function Fis [F at = ff (x#) 0 F = a4 where a is a constant vector, $ Putting We have, {). oF = ff (4) Now, Vx ag@=@(¥* 2) =(¥9) = 8 Vxa=0, a being « constant voor as) ar = ff crane? 10) 4 =| pte A (vox mss a « Vods (vax a a .( a3 { (eae) = i ca «Vs ( od = [{(nxve) as 0 { (n x Ve) ds a being a constant vector Which not necessarily a'null vector [are= ffm < Vo as (iii) [ark = Jey) x Fas Solution: Stoke's theorem for a vector function F is, [arxF = ffcvxt). ads = [fav x as Replacing F by ax, being a constant vector, in sl theorem, [Far= flx.a ds, we get [G@xF) . dF = [[{} © on, fa. (Pxae) = ff {(vxF)a—(wxape} or, &. [ Fxar =a ff (axv)i—V(Fxa)ds or—a [drxF =-a f[{(ixv)Flas [arxF = [[{@@xv) Fas (iv) [rsd =2 {fn ds where C is the boundary of the surfast* Solution: We have, by stoke's theorem, [Far = ff (vx). nas Let F = a x T where a is constant vector, [ant a? = ff ve@ xt). ads fae ae = fl Ve 7). Ace So, (i) becomes, [ae ar - (8 ona [rear = a2 oa. [ fFxar-2flo But, a #0, being a cons fixer =2 fli 190 Thus, V(x F)= 1G x E)+ jx j)+K x *K) = (GaGa Grae Gad +(k-Rya-(k-ayk a-G.ayira-G ai +8 -ayk and,a=ai +a j +k = a =%, k.a =a en LVx(a x 1)=34 =(ai taj +a =3a-a 2a So, (i) becomes, es {a-t xar = fza-nds ona [rear = 8-2 ifn or, [feat 2 nas] = ctor, k) But, a #0, being a constant Vo of . [rxaz =2 fla proved. ae eerie - 10 4 lL Eval uate {{[ dv where V is the region bounded by un, res a 1 ai fk Solution. Given, nc ° Givens #=2k-+y & v is the unit cube x=0,x=1,y=ty, ff e Lae Sffeav= LL Ler» dz dy dx - {fs = [fex+y fay ax | -ffa = [fex+y dyd& 2, es {po -¥] dx a flo-2)a ae fron =2 = (12.27 z (122 IIfoav= 2. Evaluate [{[ F dv where vis the "a ae i ("8 the region bounded by x = i Oy A628 2-48 Fe xis yjieag, oem! © Sf[Fav=2 Solution. Here, F = xi + yj +2k Some & the volume is enclosed atuate fff Y=Q2=x,y by plane surfaces x = 0, y = 0, y =6 & z= 4and the Son 2 m. Here, F 2xzi - curved surface z= x" 4=x>x=2 Hence the integration shall be carried out in the following order From z= x toz y=0toy x= 00x xjry? Volume y pete ¥ is en Roe far ttied out

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