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5 Chapter—Five Introduction to Plastic Analysis, Definitions and Explanation Within the elastic limit, the stress varies linearly across the sections and the in yield stress (a < g,). After some more increment in load, maximum stress is the external fibres will reach the yield stress (o = gy). After the load Is further increased, the outer fibres just expand or contract without resisting load but inner fibres continue to resist load until they also yield. After all the fibres at a section yield, the section behaves like @ hinge for the further load, e., the section rotates freely without resisting any additional moment. Plastic Hinge(PH): It is 2 section at which all the fibres yield, because for any further load, rotation takes place at the section without resisting any additional load Plastic Moment Capacity(PMC): Plastic moment capecity of a section can be defined as the moment which makes all the fibres at that section to yleld and thereby form a plaste hinge. Shape Factor: Letmoment causing extreme ibre to yield, My = ay +2 >= W the plostie moment cepecity= Mo, we have Mp = oy “Zp— Zp = ME The shape Factors gen by, = Mt = RectangularSection | . ITs q iL S) since =F, 0) °A; Shope Factor for General Sections =. : ey je 3 [T , 7 IL ‘Take f,= 250 N/mm? 2 Zz y = i 125: Fag “a, — 18mm 100* 250? 94% 230% re) 34900166.67 125 34900166.67 mm* aM, = 250% ty 9800333.33 N— mm ip = DAL a) = oy (Anna + Ay: + ays + Ag) 10 250 u, = 250-2 «100 10.( = 70037500 8 — mm ) + (425-10) +6 79837500 ~ §9800333.33 ae a 40 Calculate Shape Factor. For elastic Neutral Axie, Centraid from Top Fitre, H., _120+10+54110+10+ (63 +10) ve 120+ 10 + 110« 10 “A “ ste be ten = 120~3870 = 8630 rm teas HOP 20104 427-98 OHNE 10s 104 (4210-337), we a * 7 “RT 2 ~ Iya = 3185253.67 mm f Yee = 36909.08 oy To find plastic moment N.A, let us suppose it lies in the flange, 4 We have, As = 4p = > A _ 120*10+110+10 Yp* 120= 5 > > yp = 9.58 mm < 10mm, OK N Fr 58 Ay = 120 * 9.58 = 1149.6 mm’; y, = ri 79mm 10 — 9.58 Az = 120* (10 - 9.58) = 50.4mm?; y) = =0.21mm 110 Ag = 110* 10 = 1100 mm?; y3 = Zz #0 — 9.58) = 55.42 mm My + days) = 66479.17 oy 3590908 ae Basic Theorem for Finding Collapse Load Static Theoram: Ifa given structure is safe and statically admissible, for a set of loads W, the value of W must be either less than or equal to the collapse load i.e.,W < W, .Thisis celled Lower Bound Theorem. No point has bending moment more than PMC of the section kingmatic Theorem: For any assumed mechanism ofa structure, the given set of loads must be either greater than or eaual tothe collapse lac L.e.,W 2 W, .This1s called Upper Bound Theorem. Now, ifwe combine both theorems, we get Uniqueness Theorem Uniguentess Theorem: If for @ given structure end loading at least one sefe and edmissible 6.M. dlctribution can be found out and in this distrioution, the B.M. i equal to the fully plastic moment at enough cross-cection: to cause failure of the structure due to unlimited rotations at plastic hinges(mechanism), the corresponding load will be equal to the collapse load, W. Statice] Method: Find the collapse load othe following EE 8 th ih ‘The bending moment diagram Is drawn as shown above, here the plastic hinge wil be formed at the lecetion of maximum moment If tyabe the plastic moment capacity ofthe section, we have, Find the collaaze load of the following, ‘The figure above shovis bending moment for 2 propped cantilever. such a beam will form collanse ‘mechanism, if@ beam is formed at fixed end and another hinge in the portion AB, Since, positive bending ‘moment is maximum under the load, naturaly inner hinge will be developed under the load We have, Wot yy _ Molt 4) bey Meg Wake For Nato be maximum, we have, aw ab aw Find the collapse load of the following. 3 w EN fon wEN fn rs y= eg Ey, 2 fortytobe maximum we have, wi _we2x My we ‘Assuming plastic moment tobe fommedat cation My Me=M, gt, mn, z z a, (1+7)= From (a) and (b), wehave, m0=29) 442) T s2= 0414! Fue- x) My = 0.086 wi? M, w= 1164! Kinematic Method: This method starts with an assumed collapse mechanism. After collapse mechanism is formed, there can be no change of curvature at any cross-section except where plastic hinges are formed. Hence, ifa virtual displacement is given to the structure just after the collapse mechanism is formed, the intemal work is done only at plastic hinges, where plastic moment Mais actine. Hence by equating internal work done by plastic moments at plastic hinges to the external work done by the loads, we can calculate collapse load. Find the collapse joad of the following Equating external work done to the internal work, we have, @ External work, W, Ww, = W,— Wen Internal work, W; = My (6, + 6) Where, ¢+8, = A= 6 My Hat Yy) Hence, we have, Yq andb-8;= 03 8,= 4, 2M, We d= M,-(4/q44/,) =m Find the collagse load ofthe following W2 Y2 Here, for the beam to form a mechanism, the hinges will be develoved at left end, at right endialready) ‘and under the load, Thus 8 & same on both sides w= W+ A= M,- (26 +8) Wee = [, (28 +8) Find the colagse load of the following w kN/w +8) = 0-7), 98) Equating, W, = W, Uys wi+ A= My: 6) +My (6 +8) = 2M, +8; +M, “6p For maximum w, we have, aw me x= 04141 w= 11.65: Find the collapse load of the following, w=W, Yy-wl- A= My-(0 42040) Yarwt (0-1/y) = Mp (0 +20 +6) Stati Methed! Find the collapse load of the following Lea y Liz wa aMy cx it tt rare se ee ~ Gog wits on Me~ My = Mp For My to become Myacx Max = 2p Find the collapse load of the following. 1.25w w ‘The above given beam can become a mechanizm once there are hinge: developed at left andright cupport: and below one of the loads, ince the bending moment ic maximum under the loads. Hence there can be two mechanisms. Let us consider first mechanism as shawn in the figure above, mechonism. W, = My 01 + Mp (81 + 92) + Mp 02 = 2My (Ox + 02) we have,&,= 0.218; = 0.816; > 8, = 48, 4 Wi, = 2My (0) +02) = 10 M0; W, = 125 Was + War 0.25 ue A, = aa id Mo= 0.2518. we have. A, T= A> Ay= Ap and Aa= 025103 16 We = 12sw So, + Way Equating, Wy = Wi; 10 My@; = 1.25 W1 8 SWag= SW(0.25192) 25 wia; Mechanism — Wi = M, 8; + M, (8; +82) +M, 8; My (#1 + 82) we have,d,= 07518, 518; > 6; = 36 1 W, = 2p (01 +02) Mp0 W, = 125A; + WA; 02 we have,te arg = Ay? Ay 07519; 4 4 wae 4 0.7510; = wie, 4 W, = 125W A; + Way : B Equating. Ws = W, 3,a, = Wie, 8M, ow Mp wey In this case, both mechanisms give same collapse load. Hence, we can conclude that both mechanism occur simultaneously. Find the Plastic moment capacity of the following. Take Load factor =1.5 am gw 2ORyine oy, L—_pcrarerere Aw nv W, = My(0 + 6) +, = 30,6 W, = 15-40% 60+28=1206 Equating. W, = W,,we get OkN — ‘Mechanism for BC W; = M,0, + 2M,(@, +62) = 5.830, 6, we have, W, = 05 «(15+20)+6+ 058616, = 0.41418, 38, 1.4158, 90+ 0.586 16; = 316.44 6, Equating. W, = W,,we get M, = 54.28 kN —m Theplastic moment capacity required, MZE 4.28 KN m Find the Plastic moment capacity of the following. Take Load factor = 1.75 co am a lend Factemi75 am ‘The frame will be subjected to 1.Ream Mechanism 2. Sway Mechanism 2. Combined Mechanism 2. Beam Mechanism W, = M0 +My(@ +6) +M,6 = 4M,0 W, = (175+ 80) += 140 +30 = 4208 Equating. W, = W,.we get M; 105.00 iV — m ‘sway Mechariem Load Facter=1.75 M0 + M,O-+M,0 + M0 = 46,0 W, = (1.75 +40) «A= 70+ 49 = 2808 Equating, W, = W;,.we get 0.00 kN —m 3. Combined Mechanism Loud Factor=1.75 W= M,8+M, (0 +8)+M, (@+6)+M,9 =6M,9 W, = (1.7540) + By + (L754 80) « by = (1.75 +40) #484 (1.75 + 80) +39 = 7008 Equating, W, = Wi,we get My = 116.67 kW — m ‘The plastic moment capacity required, Ms2"®!"*4 = 11667 KN —m Find the collapse load of the following, om” + mm w My I ¥J A D 6m. 1. Beam Mechanism — M,9, + 3M,(@, +8:) +M,@2 2,82, since 8, = 28; W,= WA, + Wed; = W 20, + Ws 20; = 6WO Equating, W, = Wi.we get 0W8, = 12M 36, = =2M, 2. Beam Mecharism— W, = My0, + 3M,(0, +6;) + M0, = 12M,9, since W,= Wh, +Wed, = W +20, 4 W228, 609, Equating, We = Wi,we get ewe, = 12,0, >W=2M, 3. Sway Mechanism MyO-+M,9 +M,0 = 4M,0 W,= Ws A= We30 = 306 Equating, We = Wi.we get 4. Combined Mechanism-1 W, = M,B, + 3M, (6, +8.) + MCG, +8.) + My W, = M,20, + 31lp(26, +04) + M,(20, +9:)+M,28, = 16M,8, since 6, = 28, We = Weds +We dy + WO, = W436, + +28, + W +26, = 1208, Equating. We = Wi.we get 12176, = 16M,0; 4 swe 5. Combined Mechanism —Il My8, + 30, (8, + @s) + Mp(8, +82) +My W; = MyO, + 3M, (8, + 28,) +M,(6, +26.) + Mp@, = 14M, 6, ,since 8, = 22, We = We dy FW 6B, + Wo A; = W930, + W420, + W = 20, = 90, Equating,W, = W,we get owe, = 14,0, 14 swat The Load required to develop mechanism is, 4 w ‘and Sway and CM — I will develop simultaneously.

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