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The term paper

1. The Term Paper Format

2. Liceo de Cagayan University RN Pelaez Kauswagan Cagayan de Oro CityTitle Page1. Font= Arial 12 10
spaces2. Single space3. Margins TITLEa. Top = 1 inchb. Right= 1 inchc. Left = 1.5 inches 10 spacesd.
Bottom= 1 inch In Partial Fulfillment for4. Title – ALL CAPS the Requirement in English 2 Writing in
Discipline 5 spaces Submitted By Name Course and Year 5 spaces Submitted To Ignatius Joseph N.
Estroga, MA Eng Instructor 5 spaces February 2013

3. Table of Contents Table of Contents5 spaces 1. Font= Arial 12 2. Double space Contents Page 3.
MarginsTable of Contents i a. Top = 1 inchIntroduction 1 b. Right= 1 inchResearch Methodology 4 c. Left
= 1.5 inchesFindings ___ d. Bottom= 1 inch 4.Conclusions ___Bibliography ___Appendixa. Letter of
Permissionb. Survey Questionnairec. Sample Answered-Questionnaire (5 samples only)

4. INTRODUCTION Introduction5 spaces 1. Font= Arial 12 2. Double space First, you must catch the
readers attention. The introduction 3. Margins a. Top = 1 inchstarts with a broad basis and then narrows
it down to your particular b. Right= 1 inchfield of study, explaining the rationale behind each step. c. Left
= 1.5 inches d. Bottom= 1 inch Think of it as an inverted pyramid, where you start with a 4. Justify
paragraph 5. Page Numberwide overview but move towards the thesis statement or hypothesis, =
center bottomwhich should be the final element of the introduction. In the introduction, you are
attempting to inform the readerabout the rationale behind the work, justifying why your work is
anessential component of research in the field. The introduction does not have a strict word limit, but
itshould be as concise as possible. 1

5. How to Write the Introduction• The introduction does not have a strict word limit, but it should be as
concise as possible. (Abdullah, 2005)• It works upon the principle of introducing the topic of the paper
and setting it into a broad context, gradually narrowing down to a research problem, thesis and
hypothesis. A good introduction explains how you mean to solve the research problem, and creates
‘leads’ to make the reader want to delve further into your work.

6. • Describe the importance (significance) of the study - why was this worth doing in the first place?
Provide a broad context.• Include in your introduction the authors who pointed out relevant ideas about
your topic.• Present background information only as needed in order support a position. The reader
does not want to read everything you know about a subject.• Organize your ideas, making one major
point with each paragraph.• As always, pay attention to spelling, clarity and appropriateness of
sentences and phrases.

7. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY5 spaces 1. Font= Arial 12 This section

describes what you did, how you did 2. Double space 3. Marginsthe research. Gives strategies used by
the researcher. a. Top = 1 inch b. Right= 1 inchDescribes the methods used, respondents selected and c.
Left = 1.5 inches d. Bottom= 1 inchlocale, scope of the study and its limitation. This chapter 4. Justify
paragraph 5. Page Numberwill also discuss the duration of the research and statistical = center
bottomtreatments used. All should be written in the past form ofthe verb. 7
8. FINDINGS FINDINGS5 spaces 1. Font= Arial 12 2. Double space This section organizes the results of the
study. It 3. Margins a. Top = 1 inchdiscusses the data gathered before, during and after the b. Right= 1
inch c. Left = 1.5 inchesimplementation of the research. d. Bottom= 1 inch 4. Justify paragraph This part
gives graphs and tables and its verbal 5. Page Number = center bottominterpretation. It will be enriched
using authors concepts onideas that resulted from the research. 6

9. FINDINGS FINDINGS This section organizes the results of the study. It discusses the data 1. Font= Arial
12gathered before, during and after the implementation of the research. 2. Double space 3. Margins
Table 1. Question Number 1. a. Top = 1 inch I transfer what I have learned into words and examples. b.
Right= 1 inch c. Left = 1.5 inches Verbal (n=59) d. Bottom= 1 inch Description f % 4. Justify paragraph Yes
50 84.75 5. Page Number No 9 15.25 = center bottom Overall 59 100Table 1 shows that 84.75 % of the
respondents answered Yes. This simply impliesthat they apply what had been learned immediately in
order for them to be clarifiedwith the lesson. According to Johnson (2004), students who apply
immediately whathas been learned tend to learn better compared to those who don’t. 6

10. FINDINGS FINDINGS 5 spaces This section organizes the results of the study. It discusses the 1. Font=
Arial 12 2. Double spacedata gathered before, during and after the implementation of the research. 3.
Margins Table 1. Question Number 1. a. Top = 1 inch I transfer what I have learned into words and
examples. b. Right= 1 inch c. Left = 1.5 inches Verbal (n=59) d. Bottom= 1 inch Description f % 4. Justify
paragraph Yes 50 84.75 5. Page Number No 9 15.25 = center bottom Overall 59 100Table 1 shows that
84.75 % of the respondents answered Yes. This simplyimplies that they apply what had been learned
immediately in order for them tobe clarified with the lesson. Students who apply immediately what has
beenlearned tend to learn better compared to those who don’t. (Johnson 2004) 6

11. CONCLUSION CONCLUSION5 spaces 1. Font= Arial 12 2. Double space This section states the general
conclusion and learned 3. Margins a. Top = 1 inchinsights based from the findings. Here you state what
had been learned b. Right= 1 inchand what had been proved. Here, you may state what are the “take c.
Left = 1.5 inches d. Bottom= 1 inchhome messages” or the major accomplishments of the your work. You
4. Justify paragraphmay also describe interesting observations. 5. Page Number = center bottom Just as
your introduction captures the readers attention,your conclusion should leave the reader thinking about
the issues youpresented while bringing your paper to a logical end. 6

12. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY5 spaces 1. Font= Arial 12 2. Double space 3. MarginsAlbakri, Intan
Sanifas Mohd Ariff Using enails dialogue journal a. Top = 1 inch b. Right= 1 inchwriting in ESL
classroom: A case study. VirTEC Journal Volume 3 c. Left = 1.5 inches d. Bottom= 1 inchNo.1. 2003. 4.
Justify paragraph 5. Alphabetical Order andBernard L. Weblogging: Innovation for Communication
in according to A. BooksEnglish Class. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, Vol. B.
Magazines3,Centre for Language Studies National University of Singapore. C. Internet 4. Follow correct
rules in2006. citing entries 5. Page NumberJohnson,Nada S. Teaching writing: approaches and activities.
= center bottom 2004. 15

13. How to Write The Conclusion• Some writers prefer to restate the main points in the conclusion.
Other strategies may be used, such as an inspiring quotation, a dramatic example, or an important
statistic. If you begin your paper with a question, you may decide to answer the question in the
concluding paragraph.• You might also urge the reader to take action on an issue, solve a problem, or
change a belief.• Do not make the mistake of introducing new points that were not developed in the
body paragraphs. Moreover, never leave the reader hanging, wondering if you forgot to end the paper
or left something out. Be sure your ending sounds like an ending, without using conversational language
such as, "this is all I have to say," or "this concludes my paper on the topic of _______," or even worse,
"The End."

14. 1. Font= Arial 122. Double space except title page3. Marginsa. Top = 1 inchb. Right= 1 inchc. Left =
1.5 inchesd. Bottom= 1 inch4. Justify paragraph5. Page Number = center bottom Due= February 28, 2013
Short-sized (WHITE) bond paper Transparent blue folder ONLY (with blue slide)

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