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Samson English School

Mozambique – Maputo
English Course - 1st Level

Name:__________________________________________________ 1st test

1.Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.
1 Andrew _______ husband.
2 Louisa and Matthew ____ Ben and Kate’s _____ .
3 Louisa____ ____sister.
4 Louisa ____ Ben and Kate’s ______.
5 Amelia ____ ____ wife.
6 Matthew ____ Louisa’s _____.
7 Andrew ____ Susan’s ______.

2.Write questions.
1 Where / John / come from?
2 where/Alison/learn Japanese?
3 what/your husband/do?
4 How Much/this book/cost?
5 what time/Mark/Leave in the Mornings?

3.Write Negatives.
1 Keiko works at weekends.
2 My Brother wears a uniform at work.
3 He goes to the supermarket every day.

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4 Barbara drives to work.
5 He has a lot of free time in the evenings.

4.Write questions.
1 He works for IBM.
2 She comes from Manchester.
3 He goes swimming every week.
4 Diana goes to school by bus.
5 She travels a lot.
5.Circle the correct word in each sentence.
1 I don’t like reading/read much.
2 He likes take/taking photographs of his family.
3 I like/liking playing football.
4 She loves sunbathe/sunbathing on the beach.
5 They go/going walking in winter.

6.write the times.

1- 10:45pm 2- 12:30pm 3- 1:25pm
__________________; _________________________; ___________________________;
4- 11:55am 4- 4:15am 6- 5:35pm
__________________; __________________________; ___________________________;

7 Complete the questions and answers.

1 ____________any restaurants in Lyme Regis? Yes, ___________.some great restaurants.

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2 ________ any cafes? Yes,_________ lots of ______.
3 ________ a beach? Yes, ________a lovely beach.
4 ________ any big shopping centres? No,________.
5 ________ a chemist's? Yes, _______.
6 ________any shops? Yes,_______ some local shops.

8.Complete the sentences with a/an or – no Article.

1 I have ___ shower in the morning.
2 She works in ___office.
3 Can I have ___ cup of coffee, please?
4 We go to ___ cafe for ___ lunch.
5 She's ___ Accountant in ___ IT Firm.

9.Look at answers and Complete the questions.

1 Where ____you ______from? R; I'm from Guildford.
2 Who _________ you for? R: I work for British Airways.
3 'What planes ____ you _____ ? R: I fly 747s.
4 'Where _____ you _______ to? R: I fly to New York.
5 How much ______ you _______ ? R: I earn £75,000.
6 Where ______ you _____ shopping in New York? R: I go to Fifth Avenue.
7 What ____ your husband? R: He's an accountant.
8 How many dolls _____ you_____ ? R: More than a hundred.

10.Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 always / shower / morning / have / the / in / I / a
2 sometimes / go / cinema / to / I / the. __________________________________________.
3 often/France/on/We/holiday/go/to. ___________________________________________.
4 never/coffee/morning/drink/I/in/the. __________________________________________.
5 usually/9.00/work/I/start/at. _________________________________________________.

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