Quatrieme Devoir de Mai

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Collège d’Enseignement Général de Année Scolaire 

: 2022 - 2023
GBETAGBO Classe : 4 ème
BP :… Tél : 97 41 78 80 Epreuve : Anglais
Durée : 02 H



Compétence Disciplinaire N° 2 : Réagir de façon précise et appropriée à un texte

ou support multimédia.
Compétence Disciplinaire N° 3 : Produire de façon précise des textes ou
supports multimédia de types et fonctions variés.

A . Réaction à un texte écrit ou support multimédia

Contexte : L'éducation est très importante pour tout le monde car elle assure un
avenir radieux.
Text: A chance to learn.
Some years ago, Alimatou, a polite and generous girl ran away from home. Her
father, a selfish man, told her she had to drop out of school and get married. "I
don't want to get married", said Alimatou. "I want to stay in school". Alimatou
was only 11 years old. She belongs to a kind tribe, a proud nomadic people in
West-Africa,. This tribe unfortunately gives little importance to education
especially the education of girls.According to this tribe, girls are born to stay at
home and help their mothers in domestic tasks such as: sweeping the floor,
cooking, fetching water, washing colthes and dishes etc…
Luckily, Alimatou knew where to go for help. She ran fast to a church
boarding primary school. The principal, an honest woman, knowing that girls
must get an education, protected Alimatou when her father came to took her
back. Alimatou never returned home. She started school and became an
educated girl. She worked hard and was congratulated every year by her
teachers. She was the top of the different classes. Today ,she has a good job and
she is very happy.
Slightly adapted from student book third
Vocabulary: selfish: égoiste; tribe: tribu;

Critères d’évaluation

Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en:

- reconnaissant les détails du texte.

- répondant aux questions basées sur le texte.
-manipulant le vocabulaire.
-montrant ta maitrise de certaines structures grammaticales.

Item1: Write « true » or «false » according to the text.
1- Alimatou is not a good girl.
2- She wants to go to school and have a good education.
3- Alimatou ran fast from church and went back home.
4- She found nobody to help her.

Item 2: Answer these questions on the text.

1- What did Alimatou refused to do ?
2- Name two domestic tasks in the text.
3- Is Alimatou a brilliant girl? Give one sentence from the text to justify
your answer.

Item3: Choose the right answer from the brackets to complete sentences.
(Write down numbers and answers only).
1 - Good children (should– shouldn't - mustn't) respect their parents.
2 –Alimatou has got 20/20. She is the (top - bottom - last) of the classroom.
3 - Students (mustn’t- should-have to) fight in the classroom .
4 – Alimatou father apologized for (refusing – refuses - refuse) to send her at

Item4: Rewrite the following sentences by using should or shouldn’t for

sentences 1 & 2 and must or mustn’t for sentences 3 & 4.
1-Student respects all the teachers.
 Student ………………………………………………………
2- Some parents refuse to send girls to school.
 Some parents………………………………………………..
3-Some children don’t obey they parents.
 Some children……………………………………………….
4-Some students steal their classmates’ objects .
 Some students…………………………………………..........

Contexte : En dehors des droits des enfants, ceux-ci ont aussi des devoirs.
Critère d’évaluation : Tu montreras ta compétence écrire un paragraphe en :
• respectant le contexte;
• respectant la logique interne du texte;
• construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes ; utilisant le vocabulaire adéquat 
• utilisant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriées.

Writing: Write a coherent paragraph to say what good students should do at
home and at school to please their parents. These questions may help you.
*What should good students do at school?
*What should good students do at home to help your mother?
NB: to please : plaire

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