Assignment (Laboratory Exp. 1)

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1. Draw a sinusoidal waveform with a peak-to-peak voltage of 6 V and a

frequency of 1 kHz in an oscillogram showing the grid lines of an oscilloscope
as shown below. Use 1V/div vertical division and 1ms/div horizontal division.

2. Draw the signal in (1) above, if vertical and horizontal divisions were adjusted to 2V
and 500µs respectively.

3. Repeat (1) above if the frequency is adjusted to 10kHz

4. Repeat (1-3) above for square wave signals




5. Draw a simple series circuit consisting of 1-500Ω resistor and 1-1kΩ resistors
supplied by a DC power supply set at 10Vdc. Insert multitesters (digital or
analog) to measure the voltage across each resistor. Comment on the meter
readings and set up.

6. Repeat (5) above with the resistors in parallel, insert multitesters (digital or analog)
to measure current along each resistor. Comment on the meter readings and set up.


1. What is the name of the instrument that generates AC signals?

- An instrument that produces signal is called “signal generator” or what they
call an alternator.

2. Can you get a DC signal from the DMM? If not, why?

- Usually modern Dmm’s can get DC signal and AC signal on both, so yes you
can get DC signal on a DMM.

3. If you are asked to get a sine wave what information should you be provided
- The low to peak(maximum) voltage or the amplitude and the frequency of
the circuit is needed to atleast get a sine wave.

4. Write the formula that relates frequency with the time period
- T(period) = 1 / f(frequency) or f(frequency) = 1 / T(period)

5. What are are two axes in the display of the oscilloscope, what variables do they
- The X – axis (horizontal axis) which represents time and the Y – axis (vertical
axis) which represents the voltage.

6. Can you todisplay more than one measurement in an oscilloscope at the same
- Yes, usually modern oscilloscopes can display two or more different signals
on screen both at the same time because it uses different channel altogether.

7. For a dual power supply, show the necessary connection to obtain -5V and -5V
with respectto a common (chassis) ground. Repeat for -5V and +5V


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