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Volume 65A. number 3 6 March 1978




Natllurkundig l.aboratorium. Vrije Uni~'ersiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Received 25 November 1977


Isotope shift and hypertine structure measurements for tive transitions in natural dysprosium have been performed using
a CW tunable dye laser and a collimated atomic beam. The consistency of experimental isotope shifts is tested and values of
the change in rms radius of the nuclear charge distribution are calculated.

In a recent paper Childs et alo[1] report results on found to be 73.80(5) MHz. Laser scans can be made
the hyperfine structure and isotopé shift in the tran- over intervals up to 3 GHz. Widescans, eventually over-
sition À =5988.562'Â-of-naturaldysprosium,whereas lapping, are made !o obJaln cOII1pletespectra,whereas
Clark et alo [2] in a recent letter present accurate smaller scans can be made to resolveclosely spaced---
values of hyperfme constants of the five transitions peaks and to determine tine separations. From individ-
À = 5988.562 A, 5974.487 A, 5652.009 A, 5639.492 A uallaser scans relative positions of spectrallines can be
and 5547.268 A in 161Dy and 163Dy.Both groups use measured with an accuracy better than 1 MHz,but
the technique of a high resolution CWtunable dye laser due to small changes in the calibration interferometer,
intersecting a colliriiiited atomic beam at right'angles. mainly affecting the reproducibility, an error of 3 MHz
". Wehave performed similar experiments on five transi. has to be taken into account. An example of the com-
tions in natural dysprosium.Four transitions were also plete structure of the transition À = 6259.088 A, com-
- studied by Clark et aI. (À =5988 A, 5974 A, 5652 A posed from 3 overlapping 3 GHz scans is shown in
and 5639 A), the fifth transition is À =6~59.088 A. figo1. In figo2 an example of a narrow scan of a tine in
The atomic beam is produced from a tantalum oven, the À = 5988.562 A transition is shown. We observe a
heated by electron bombardment. A Doppler width strong peak with a smaller peak on both sides. These
of about 2 MHzis obtained with collimating slits. The peaks were not resolved in the spectrum taken by
light of a free running tunable dye laser (Spectra Childs et aI. [1], but they predict a triplet with the -
Physics model 580 A, pumped with a Spectra Physics two smaller peaks coinciding in front of the strong
Ar+ laser) with a linewidth of about 7 MHz is irra- peak. This is obviously not true and results in a change
diating the beam. Resonance light from the atomic of their values of hyperfine constants and isotope shift
beam is collected and focussed onto a photomultiplier. for the isotope 1610y.
The naturallinewidth, the laser linewidth and the Our hyperfine constants are, although less accurate,
Ooppler width of the atomic beam result in a total in good agreement with the values given by Cage et alo
resolution of9 MHz FWHM. [2] for four transitions. We can add values for the
Laser scans are calibrated with a 1 m confocal excited state with electronic configuration 4f106s6p
Fabry-Perot interferometer, made of super-invar and and J = 9 connected to the ground state by the transi-
thermaIly isolated. The free spectral range (FSR) of tion À =6259.088A. The valuesfor the two isotopes
the interferometer is determined from the very accu- are: 161Dy: a = -187.0(1) MHz,b =-317(4) MHz
rately known hyperfine splitting of the atomic ground and 163Dy: a = 261.7(2) MHz,b = -334(6) MHz.
states of 161Oy and 1630y [3], and independently The values of the isotope shifts /1v of all stable
from the splitting of the sodium 0lline. The FSR is isotopes obtained from the observed transitions are


-- - - _.- -
.1978 I Volume 65A. number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS 6 March 1978

'" N '" '" N '" '"

M a .... ....
Lõ 0
t t t
t t
'" t t t
gg N N
M M M M M M M M _ Lõ M Õ1
'" $! '" -I! ':?
M ('")
<D <D lD

Dy I
5988.562 Â
1ed using ;t t
valuesof '"
- '" N
f f
'" N '"
z 18
M_ M M
_ _ o
"TIade I1 I Y 6259.088 Â
y 11" :I J=8 -+J=9
Jly over-
lced _A_

individ- 73.8 MHz ~

, canbe Fig. 2. Example of a narrow scan of a line in the À = 5988.562 A
but transition of natural dysprosium. The peaks in the reference
Jmeter, NN

~~ spectrum have a 73.80 MHz spacing. The number 18 is refer-

f 3 MHz tt
ring to the numbering given by Childs et aI. [1] .
~ecom- &~
... o M ... 1"'1_\0 \O ... ..._
\., com- ~ ~ ':? ~ ~~~':? ~ ~ ':? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
given in table 1. These values can be compared with
lin - YI I \~)I I Y I I I previously published results [4-7]. In general a good
a tine in agreement is found, with only few exceptions. The
,erve a consistency of ourm~asured isotope shifts can be
These tested further according to a method due to King [8,
by 9] . Modifiedshiftscanbe calculatedby multiplying
. the
the experimental shifts with A 1A2/(A2 -A 1)' where
ong Fig. 1. Spectrum of the À =6259.088 Aline of natural dys- Ai and A 2 are mass numbers of the different isotopes.
change prosium. The peaks in the reference spectrum have a 73.80 MHz In a plot of these modified shifts in one transition
Ipe shift spacing. Contributions from the different isotopes are shown against the modified shifts in another transition the
and F va1ues for the odd isotopes are given.
points should lie on a straight line. In figo3 the modi-
.e et ai. Table 1
the Isotope shifts in natural dysprosium in MHz.
transi. MA) óv(l64-162) óv(162-160) óv(l60-158) óv(l58-156) óv(l63-161) óv(l63-162)
Jtopes 6259.088 -962(3) -1036(3) -1026(3) -1518(3) -1073(3) -308(3)
v1Hz 5988.562 -860(3) -935(3) -924(3) -1344(3) -965(3) -279(3)
-Iz. 5974.487 -973(3) -1059(3) -1034(3) -1542(3) -1088(3) -308(3)
5652.009 +1121(3) +1234(3) +1216(3) +2003(3) +1301(3) +275(3)
ble 5639.492 -1013(3) -1089(3) -1068(3) -1604(3) -1125(3) -322(3)
) are


Volume 65A, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS 6 Mareh 1978

Dy I Table 2
-5 5 10 15 5652i Experimental and theoretieal values of õ(r2) in (fm)2 and
values of the change in the deformation parameter õUP).

:0........ Isotope Õ({32)
"i; ~'..

156 -0.497(35) -0.403 -0.0084(35)

158 -0.286(20) -0.269 -0.0012(20)
160 -0.144(11) -0.134 -0.0007(11)
... 162
164 +0.133(10) +0.134 +0.0004(10)
161 -0.108(8) +0.067 -0.0038(8)
163 +0.042(3) -0.067 +0.0026(3)

.. 100 MHz The change in the rms radius of the even isotopes
158-1640Y is largely due to a change in the nuclear
Fig. 3. King plot for dysprosium lines. For the plot the modi-
fied shifts were multiplied by a facto r 2/162 X 164. At the volume. This can be calculated in a straightforward
points the mass numbers o f the isotope pairs are given. Error way, assuming a uniformly 'charged nucleus with con-
bars are toe smalI to be shown. stant density [11]. Values of õ(r2) due to the volume
effect are also given in table 2. The change in rms
fied shifts in the transition À.=5652.009 A are plotted radius of the isotope 1560y compared to 1580y can
against the shifts in.the otheÍ)ransitions. Within the be explained by taking into account a change in the
experimental error no deviations from a straight line nuclear defonnation. In table 2 this is expressed by
are observed. the fact that the change in the deformation parameter
The main contribtition to the isotope shift is due ~2, calculated according to Bonn et ai. [11] , differs
to the field effect. Field shifts can be calculated from only significantly from zero in this case, in agreement
the experimental isotope shift by subtracting the with earlier observations [4] . The odd~even staggering,
normal mass shift and the specific mass shift. In reflecting the nuclearsheli structure, is also clear1y
s2-sp transitions it is generally believed that the effect demonstrated.
of the specific mass shift is smali [9] and is tãken into
account by assuming an error of 50% in the normal
mass shift. In this way field shifts were calculated for References
ali transitions except the transition À = 5652.009 A,
whichis of the type 4f106s2 ~ 4f95d6s2.The field (1] W.J. Childs and L.S. Goodman,1. Opt. Soe. Am. 67
shift can in good approximation be expressed as a (1977) 747.
" product of an electronic factor F and the change of (2] D.L. Clark, M.E. Cage and G.W. Greenlees, Phys. Lett.
" 62A (1977) 439.
the rms value ofthe nuclear radius õ(r2>A1A2[9]. (3) W.J. Childs, Phys. Rev. A2 (1970) 1692.
Problems in calculating F for optical transitions are (4) P. Grundevik, M. Gustavsson and S. Svanberg, Phys.
avoided most easily by calibrating F with measured Lett. 56A (1976) 25.
X-ray iSQtopeshifts. The factor F, which is nearly (5) 1.W.M. Dekker, P.F.A. Klinkenberg and 1.F. Langkemper,
" constant for the transitions considered, is detennined Physica 39 (1968) 393.
(6) 1.S. Ross, 1. Opt. Soe. Am. 62 (1972) 548.
to be (7.0:!: 0.5) GHz/(fm)2 by a comparison with
(7] A.R. Striganov, A.F. Golovin and M.P. Gerasimova, Opt.
X-ray data givenby Boehm et ai. [10] . A direct cal- Spectr. 14 (1963) 3.
culation along the lines given by Bonn et al. [11] (81 W.H. King,1. Opto Soe. Am. 53 (1963) 638.
yields a value 8.2 GHz/(fm)2, which is in reasonable (9] K. Heilig and A. Steudel, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 14
good agreement with the experimental value. Values (1974) 613.
(10] F. Boehm and P.L. Lee, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 14
of õ(r2>of the stable isotopes with respect to the (1974) 605.
isotope 162Oy, calculated with the experimental value (11) 1. Bonn, G. Huber, H.-1.Klugeand E.W.Otten, Z. Phys.
of F, are given in table 2. .. A276 (1976) 203.


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