Stage 2 Level 7 Team

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English 7

Stage 2
Jesús Eduardo García Gutiérrez
Itzel Gabriela Gerardo Zavala
Jafet Islas Fernadez
Pamela Michelle Lazcano Vega
Eduardo Ramses Ruiz Cordero
Stage 2

A career development plan

1. Create a job profile.

We choose Import and Export Manager

a. The main responsibilities

This is one of the jobs for people studying International Business with the greatest scope. For
companies that sell physical products abroad, a professional who is in charge of the strategic
planning of imports and exports is key to the growth of the company.

Not only must he or she coordinate and monitor the purchase of supplies and the sale of
products, but also ensure the effectiveness of all foreign trade processes in which the
company participates. Undoubtedly, it is a position that requires financial and commercial
knowledge and, at the same time, very well-developed interpersonal skills.

Duties of an Import/Export Manager

● Monitor the follow-up and traceability of all purchases made.

● Coordinate logistics in the sale of products.
● Ensure compliance with all national and international foreign trade regulations.
● Process internal or external documents or communications with different departments
of the company.
● Prepare documents and communications based on orders received, information
obtained and/or needs detected.
● Classify, register and file communications and documents according to the appropriate
techniques and parameters established in the company.
● Perform the administrative management of commercial processes, carrying out the
tasks of documentation and negotiation activities with suppliers and advice and
customer relations.
● To carry out the administrative management of import and export operations and the
introduction and dispatch of goods.
● Carry out the administrative formalities that guarantee the transit or international
transport of goods between different countries and modes of transport and control the
documents required in each case, checking that they comply with the applicable
regulations in force and the specifications received.
● Know how to communicate in different languages, orally and verbally, with all the
people and organizations involved in the export process.
● To carry out the administrative steps of the commercial activity registering the
supporting documentation corresponding to certain derived fiscal obligations.
● Marketing of products or services.
● Attraction, attention and maintenance of the client portfolio.

b. The competencies required

There is no doubt that a profile such as the head or manager of exports and imports requires
specific skills, also supported by years of previous experience in international trade. So for
this position to appear on your resume, you will have an advantage if you meet any of these

● Organizational skills
● Leadership skills
● Strategic vision
● Negotiation skills
● Knowledge of Economics and Finance
● Foreign language skills.
● Interpersonal skills.
● Performs international travel.
● Responsible for other export sales departments and in charge of support teams.
● Oversees order processing.

c. The people you report to

An import manager will be in charge of the personnel and whatever happens, they have to
report to the high command or the Foreign Trade Assistant Technician
This is prepared to manage import and export documents such as customs manifests, bills of
lading, insurance and other related documents, calculate customs freight costs and values,
carry out air or sea export procedures and assist in the nationalization of goods and

d. The people who collaborate with you

They need an export department, it consists of two figures: The director and the assistant of
exports. The director is responsible for the commercial activity in different markets, the
management and supervision of sales, also the research of a market and to search for new
contacts. The assistant is responsible for maintaining contact and being coordinated with the
departments of the companies, they must know the area where they want to export, including
investments and development.

2. In teams, make a career plan, short-term, mid-term and long-term. Describe in detail
all the courses, training, and internships that it will comprise. Include:

a. Institutions
UP Panamericana

b. Objectives
Knowledge in business administration and management, marketing, finance, law, accounting
and human resources.

c. Competences required
Capacity of:
-Strategic vision
-Negotiation and communication skills

d. Duration
The duration of the major is of 4 years
The duration of the postgraduate is of 2 years
e. Modality (face-to-face or remote)

f. Costs
$25, 127 per semester (inscription)
$2,872 per credit (45 the first semester)
$25,248 monthly
$1,000 for exam


School: UP Panamericana and ITAM

JOB PROFILE: Import and Export Manager

To be a great import/export manager involves a great process, it is difficult but not impossible.
First of all to get to this position we need to have and know the necessary tools and skills.We
have to be clear that it takes a short, medium and long term.

This is one of the jobs for people studying International Business with the greatest scope. For
companies that sell physical products abroad, a professional who is in charge of the strategic
planning of imports and exports is key to the growth of the company.
Not only must he or she coordinate and monitor the purchase of supplies and the sale of
products, but also ensure the effectiveness of all foreign trade processes in which the
company participates. Undoubtedly, it is a position that requires financial and commercial
knowledge and, at the same time, very well-developed interpersonal skills.

To reach this you have to look for different university options, which have to be your best
according to your interests and possibilities.
One of the best universities to study international business and commerce in Mexico is
Universidad Panamericana. Universidad Panamericana is a private, Catholic-oriented
university founded in 1967 as a business school. Its origins are in the Instituto Panamericano
de Alta Dirección de Empresa (IPADE) which became, a little later, the promoter of what today
is the Universidad Panamericana.
Unlike other similar programs in Mexico, UP's Bachelor's Degree in International Business
and Administration covers the 3 most important areas of the sector:

● Foreign Trade
● Business
● International Relations

And also

● Travel and live experiences abroad

● Study a third language
● Summer School
● Multicultural projects

The entry profile for students is:

● Interested in intellectual challenges, and diverse cultures.
● Determined.
● Ability to work in a team.
● Enterprising.
● Empathetic.
● Responsable.

This degree at Universidad Panamericana lasts 4 and a half years, that is to say, a total of 9

The Universidad Panamericana offers a Bachelor's Degree in International Business and

Trade designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of international trade and
global business. Some of the highlights of University Panamericana's Bachelor's Degree in
International Business and Trade include:
1. Practical Approach: The Bachelor of Science in International Business and Trade focuses
on the application of concepts and theories related to international trade and global business.
Students work on practical projects and case studies to apply what they learn in real life.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum: The Bachelor of International Business and Trade curriculum
covers important topics in the field, such as international logistics, supply chain management,
operations management, international market research, international finance, and trade
3. Exchange Opportunities: Students in the Bachelor of International Business and Commerce
have the opportunity to participate in exchange programs at universities around the world. This
allows them to gain international experience and develop cross-cultural skills.
4. Internships: Universidad Panamericana offers Bachelor of Commerce and International
Business students the opportunity to complete internships in local and international
companies. This gives them the practical experience and industry exposure they need to
succeed in the field.
5. Experienced faculty: Professors in the Bachelor of Commerce and International Business
are experts in the field and have experience in international trade and global business. This
allows students to learn from professionals with practical experience.
In summary, Universidad Panamericana's Bachelor's Degree in International Business and
Trade offers a comprehensive education in the field, with a hands-on approach and
opportunities for practical experience and industry exposure. Graduating students will be
prepared to pursue careers in international trade and global business.

Semiannual registration fee $25,127

Cost per subjects $2,872

Number of credits 1st semester 45

Monthly tuition $25.848

English language Enrollment $4,307

Monthly Amount (3) $3,351

Semiannual incorporation to SEP $96

Half-yearly orphan's insurance $1,797

Semiannual medical insurance $1,995

For internships, there is no better job than being an intern in international trade, supported and
supervised. Erasmus or Leonardo scholarships are characterized by being quite generic. We
especially recommend the scholarships convened annually by ICEX, since they are an
excellent opportunity to develop within the international sector.

Some services that they can do for this career are: banking services, telecommunications,
tourism, etc. This will help learning opportunities with varied missions that require negotiation
skills, command of foreign languages or market analysis.


The International Affairs Department of Universidad Panamericana offers assistance to

foreign exchange students, as well as to UP students who wish to carry out an academic stay

In addition, this department coordinates the international collaboration agreements signed

between Universidad Panamericana and foreign universities and is in charge of managing
exchanges abroad, so it is very important that you come to us for personalized advice
regarding the options you may have to go on exchange and the requirements.

The Academic Exchange Program can currently be carried out with more than 28 countries in
the world.

Now we have the best universities where you can study abroad with UP:

● Hochschule Trier- University of Applied Sciences Located in Germany

● Hochschule Bremen Located in Germany
● Bayerichen Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg located in Germany

Cost of a semester in Hochschule Trier

● To study for a semester at this university costs US$2,000 for enrollment and another
US$10,000 for the entire semester, in addition to the rent of the place of stay, which
for six months will cost a total of US$4,000.
● The total cost of studying here is US$26,000 = $468,000 MXN
● This one is the most expensive school to study abroad because it has the best campus
with state of the art technology and the majors they offer are not in other campus. Also
it is located in one of the most expensive cities in the country.

Cost of a semester in Hochschule Bremen

● To study for a semester at this university costs US$ 1,500 for enrollment and another
US$ 12,300 for the entire semester, plus the rent of the place of stay, which for six
months will cost a total of US$ 2,500.

○ The total cost of studying here is US$16,300 = $293,400 MXN

Cost of a semester in Bayereichen Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg

● Studying for a semester at this university costs US$2,000 for enrollment and another
US$9,800 for the entire semester, in addition to the rent of the place of stay, which for
six months will cost a total of US$3,000, and at this specific university an extra fee is
paid just for being an exchange student.

○ The total cost of studying here is US$14,800 = $266,400 MXN


Becoming an import/export manager may require different time frames, depending on several
factors, including your current level of education, experience and knowledge of the field. Here
are some possible timelines to consider:

Short term (1-2 years):

* Obtain a basic education in international business or a related discipline.
* Seek opportunities to gain experience in the import/export industry, including through
internships or employment in entry-level positions.
* Take courses or trainings in areas such as logistics, customs and trade regulations.
* Develop communication skills and establish business networks.

Medium term (3-5 years):

* Gain relevant experience in the import/export field, including inventory management, supplier
selection, contract negotiation and market analysis.
* Develop leadership and team management skills.
* Pursue specialized training opportunities or certifications in areas such as logistics,
transportation and customs.
* Learn foreign languages relevant to the markets in which you operate.

Long term (5+ years):

* Continue to develop leadership and team management skills, taking on roles of greater
responsibility in the company.
* Keep up to date on business trends and regulations, and adapt to changes in the global
* Continue to build strong business relationships and networks around the world.
* Obtain an advanced degree, such as an MBA, to enhance career prospects and leadership
Keep in mind that these timelines are only a guide and may vary depending on your specific
goals and career path. It is important to set realistic goals and take consistent steps to achieve
Postgraduate in ITAM of MBA (Business Management)

The program is structured into six groups of subjects: management skills; concepts and
processes associated with the production and marketing of goods and services; financial
analysis; strategy, entrepreneurship and execution; surrounding analysis; specialization
courses. The duration is of 2 years. The cost is around $20,000 USD = $360,200 MXN

School is the ideal place to develop critical thinking. The challenges and stimuli you face as a
student allow you to analyze, use logic and critical thinking to find a solution to a given task.
But just as school is ideal, we also have to keep in mind that we have to look for more options
to increase our knowledge as well as courses and internships.

Courses to develop your skills in exports and imports.

There are a variety of courses you can take to develop skills and knowledge in the export and
import field. Here are some relevant courses that can help you become a successful export
and import manager:

1. International business course: this type of course covers topics such as international
trade theory, trade regulations, international finance, global marketing and international

There are different companies that offer international business courses, one of the most
appropriate is Edutin Academy. In this international trade course, you will learn about the
commercial dynamics of exchange of goods and services, with the purpose of strengthening
your abilities to detect international business opportunities and to carry out processes of
relations, contracts and commercial management between countries. All the courses available
in Edutin Academy are free of charge. The courses also include the option of obtaining a
certificate of studies to evidence your learning, in which case you will need to pay a fee
adjusted to the economy of your country.
But if you want to study with a certificate it has a cost of $952 MXN, which will help you in
many aspects, it has the guarantee of labor acceptance and has an international verification.
2. Logistics and Transportation Course: This course focuses on how logistics and
transportation are essential to importing and exporting goods, and covers topics such as
freight forwarding, supply chain management, production planning, and inventory

One of the best courses in logistics and transportation is in femxa, with this free online course
in logistics management, you will be able to acquire the knowledge related to the concept,
objectives and functions of logistics and be able to perform the functions of logistics technician
with the required efficiency, as well as manage the information and distribution systems
according to the needs of the company. Control the Spanish and European distribution
channels and be able to plan the logistics strategy and manage it properly. This course is
given in classroom mode with a duration of 150 hours.

3. Customs and Trade Regulations Course: This course covers the legal and regulatory
aspects of importing and exporting goods, including classification of goods, shipping
documentation, import and export regulations, and customs duties and tariffs.

One of the best courses of customs and trade can be found in Kansei
The main objectives of this course are
To know the main modifications that affect my import and export activity.
Adapt the foreign trade operation in my company to ensure an updated regulatory compliance.
Take advantage of the opportunities and benefits of new trade agreements.
Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Duration: 6 hours (3 sessions)

4. Language Course: Learning a foreign language, especially those spoken in countries with
which your company does business, can be very beneficial for communications and business

One of the best courses to learn languages is at Berlitz.

Berlitz is a company and a method considered as the first method created for immersive
teaching, it is the fastest and most efficient way to help you learn a new language. Our learning
cycle has the necessary elements to help you meet your objectives to learn a new language
or improve your level of knowledge.
5. Market Analysis Course: This course covers how to collect and analyze market data to
identify opportunities and threats, and make strategic decisions based on solid information.

If you want to join a Market Analysis Course

In this virtual course you will learn to develop and apply the best digital marketing strategies
to grow a business or product.
You will learn the fundamentals and main marketing tools, and with a strategic, creative and
practical approach you will be able to develop a SEO and SEM strategy, effective social media
marketing tactics, inbound marketing, as well as a digital marketing strategy on Facebook and
This course has a duration of 5 months with schedules from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm only Mondays
and Tuesdays.

6. International Communication Course: This type of course covers effective

communication and cultural skills needed to interact with customers, suppliers and other
business contacts around the world.
One of the best courses to learn about international communication is the IED.
Within these courses you will learn how to elaborate the message you want to communicate,
how to position a product or a service and how to develop strategies capable of using all
available channels: brand management, brand reputation, digital public relations, social
networks and big data are just a few examples of the work areas you will delve into.


There are several certifications and training programs that can help prepare you for a career
as an export and import manager. Some of the more common certifications include:

International Trade Management Certification (CITP): Offered by the International Trade

Management Institute (ITCI), this certification recognizes professionals who have a solid
understanding of import and export processes and who can help their businesses expand

In Mexico, the CITP (Certified International Trade Professional) certification is granted by the
Mexican Association of International Trade Professionals (COMCE).
According to the information available on their website, the cost to take the CITP certification
exam for COMCE members is $5,300 MXN, while for non-members it is $7,900 MXN.
However, it is important to note that these prices may be subject to change and it is advisable
to check directly with the organization.

Certification in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (CLTD): This certification,

offered by the Institute for Supply Chain Management (APICS), focuses on planning and
managing supply chain processes, including related to import and export.
The CLTD certification (Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution) is granted by
the global organization APICS (The Association for Supply Chain Management), Information
on the costs of CLTD certification in the country can be found on the APICS México
organization website. Based on this information, the cost of certification for members of the
organization is $1,195 USD = $23,900 MXN while for non-members it is $1,495 USD =
$29,900 MXN

Certification of International Trade Specialist (CITCS): Offered by the Association of

International Trade Specialists (NASBITE), this certification covers the legal, financial, and
operational aspects of international trade, including import and export.
The CITCS (Certified International Trade and Customs Specialist) certification is granted by
the global organization FITT (Forum for International Trade Training) and the cost of the
certification may vary in Mexico depending on the organization through which the exam is
taken. Information on the costs of CITCS certification in Mexico can be found on the FITT
website. Based on this information, the cost of certification for FITT members is $795 USD,
while for non-members it is $995 USD.

Import and Export Manager Certification Program: This program, offered by several
universities and business schools, provides practical and theoretical training on the import and
export of goods and services.
Some institutions that offer certification programs in Import and Export in Mexico are the
Mexican Association of Professionals in International Trade (COMCE), the National
Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Pan-American University (UP). However,
it is necessary to check directly with these institutions for accurate and up-to-date information
on the costs of their certification programs.

To be an import/export manager generally requires a combination of skills, knowledge and

● Education and training: Get a solid education in international business or a related
discipline, and look for opportunities to train in relevant areas such as logistics,
transportation, customs, and trade regulations.
● Field experience: Seek opportunities to work in the import/export industry and gain
experience in areas such as inventory management, supplier selection, supply chain
management and market analysis.
● Learn foreign languages: Learning foreign languages can help you communicate
effectively with customers and suppliers in other countries and better understand
business cultures around the world.
● Develop leadership skills: An effective export/import manager must have strong
leadership skills to lead teams and make strategic decisions.
● Establishes networks and relationships: Establish strong relationships with customers,
suppliers and other business contacts around the world to help you identify business
opportunities and navigate market challenges.
● Stay up-to-date on regulations and trade trends: Stay current on market trends, trade
regulations and customs laws so you can make informed decisions and maintain a
competitive advantage.
● Communicate clearly and effectively: Make sure you communicate clearly and
effectively with customers, suppliers and other business contacts around the world to
ensure strong relationships and effective supply chain management.

There is no doubt that a profile such as the head or manager of exports and imports requires
specific skills, also supported by years of previous experience in international trade. So for
this position to appear on your resume, you will have an advantage if you meet any of these

● Organizational skills
● Leadership skills
● Strategic vision
● Negotiation skills
● Knowledge of Economics and Finance
● Foreign language skills.
● Interpersonal skills.
● Performs international travel.
● Responsible for other export sales departments and in charge of support teams.
● Oversees order processing.

As an export/import manager, it is important to have communication and comprehension skills

in several languages to interact with customers, suppliers and business partners around the
world. The languages you need may vary depending on the markets in which you operate.
Here are some languages that could be useful for export and import managers:
1. English: English is the most commonly used language in international business, so it's
important to have strong English skills.
2. Spanish: Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world after Mandarin Chinese
and is the official language of many Latin American countries and Spain.
3. Mandarin Chinese: China is a growing and increasingly important market for international
trade. Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world and is the official
language of China and Taiwan.
4. French: French is one of the official languages of the European Union and is spoken in
many African countries, making it a useful language for business in these markets.
5. German: German is spoken in several European countries and is an important language
for business in the European Union.
6. Portuguese: Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, the fifth largest country in the
world in terms of population, making it an important language for business in this market.
Remember that these are just some of the languages useful for export and import managers.
It is important to research the markets in which you plan to operate and evaluate which
languages are necessary to be successful in those markets.

According to our research, the language most needed to be an export/import manager

depends largely on the countries and regions you are working with. However, in general,
English is the most important language in international trade and is widely used around the
world for business communications.

As mentioned earlier, in addition to English, other languages that can be valuable to an

export/import manager include Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French and Arabic. These
languages are spoken in key regions and countries for international trade, so mastering them
can provide a competitive advantage in certain markets.
These are some of the best courses where you can learn and practice some of English and
Chinese languages
Vox China Mandarin Center
Vox China is a language school that specializes only in Mandarin Chinese classes.
Within this company there are 2 types of courses.
The first course is only personal classes and its cost is $500 MXN per hour.
The second course is practical Mandarin in a group, and its cost is $2,599 MXN per month.
These courses can be for both children and adults and it can be face to face or on line.

The Anglo.
The best school or course to learn English is at Anglo located in Mexico City. The Business
English course is a course in which you learn English focused on a business environment, so
you will know grammar and vocabulary suitable for this type of environment.
It has a cost of $4,490 MXN and a duration of 5 weeks. Classes are from Monday to
Friday from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. These courses can be either face-to-face or online.

In conclusion, the career development plan of becoming an executive manager in any

company after studying commerce and international business highlights the importance of
acquiring a diverse set of skills and experiences. It is evident that a successful executive
manager must possess both hard and soft skills, including financial analysis, leadership,
communication, and adaptability.

The project also emphasizes the significance of gaining practical experience through
internships, networking, and continuous learning. As the business landscape is continually
evolving, it is crucial for aspiring executives to stay up-to-date with the latest trends,
technologies, and industry developments.

Furthermore, the project highlights the importance of a global perspective, as international

business is becoming increasingly crucial for companies of all sizes. Having an understanding
of different cultures, languages, and business practices is vital for success in the global

In conclusion, the path to becoming an executive manager in any company requires a

combination of education, practical experience, continuous learning, and a global perspective.
By developing these skills and experiences, aspiring executives can position themselves for
success in today's rapidly changing business environment.

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