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Brooks Cole Empowerment Series Understanding Human Behavior and the Social

Environment 9th Edition Zastrow

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Chapter 9
Gender, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexism

EPAS EPAS Competency/Practice Behavior Multiple True or Essay

# Choice False
2.1.1b Practice personal reflection and self-correction to assure 11-13, 21 8-11, 9-14,
continual professional development 23, 34- 17, 25
2.1.2 Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional 8, 14
2.1.2a Recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows 11-13 8-11, 9-14,
professional values to guide practice 34-35 25
2.1.3a Distinguish, appraise, and integrate multiple sources of 7-10 6-7 5-8
knowledge, including research-based knowledge and
practice wisdom
2.1.3c Demonstrate effective oral and written communication in 21 23 17
working with individuals, families, groups, organizations,
communities, and colleagues
2.1.4 Engage diversity and difference in practice 1-3 1-3 1-4
2.1.4a Recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and 11-13, 16 8-11, 9-15
values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or 16-19
enhance privilege and power
2.1.4b Gain sufficient self-awareness to eliminate the influence of 11-13 8-11, 9-14,
personal biases and values in working with diverse groups 34-35 25
2.1.4c Recognize and communicate their understanding of the 11-13 8-12 9-14
importance of difference in shaping life experiences
2.1.5a Understand forms and mechanisms of oppression and 16-19 16-22 15-17
2.1.5b Advocate for human rights and social and economic justice 30 23
2.1.5c Engage in practices that advance social and economic justice 20 16
2.1.7 Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social 1-30 1-35 1-25
2.1.7a Utilize conceptual frameworks to guide the processes of 1-30 1-35 1-25
assessment, intervention, and evaluation
2.1.7b Critique and apply knowledge to understand person and 1-30 1-35 1-25

2.1.8a Analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that advance 30 23
social well-being
2.1.10b Use empathy and other interpersonal skills 32 24
2.1.10d Collect, organize, and interpret client data 7-10 6-7 5-8
2.1.10e Assess client strengths and limitations 26 32 21, 24
2.1.10g Select appropriate intervention strategies 26 32 21, 24
2.1.10i Implement prevention interventions that enhance client 24 26 20
2.1.10j Help clients resolve problems 20, 26 32 16, 21,
2.1.10k Negotiate, mediate, and advocate for clients 30 32 23-24
2.1.10l Facilitate transitions and endings 33

Learning Objectives (LO) Multiple True/ Essay

Choice False
A. Define gender, gender identity, gender expression, and gender roles 1-3 1-3 1-3
B. Discuss the theoretical approach of social constructionism and its 4-6 4-5 4
application to the social construction of gender
C. Identify some of the variations in gender, including intersex and 7-10 6-7 5-8
transgender people
D. Recognize and discuss traditional gender-role expectations and 11-14 8-12 9-12
stereotypes as they affect people over the life span, and assess the
impacts of sexism on both men and women
E. Examine some of the differences between men and women, 15 13-15 13-14
including abilities and communication styles
F. Discuss the issues of economic inequality, sexual harassment, sexist 16-30 16-32 15-24
language, rape and sexual assault, battered women, and the
empowerment of women
G. Present strategies for combating sexism and achieving sexual 33-35 25

Multiple-Choice Questions

1. _____ refers to the social and psychological characteristics associated with being female or male.
A. Gender
B. Sex
C. Android
D. Gender role

ANS: A LO: A PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

2. _____ is the process of conveying what is considered appropriate behavior and perspectives for
males and females in a particular culture.
A. Value orientation
B. Gender role socialization
C. Gender construction
D. Ethical behavior

ANS: B LO: A PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

3. _____ refers to the biological distinction between being female and being male, usually
categorized on the basis of the reproductive organs and genetic makeup.
A. Sex
B. Gender
C. Androgyny
D. Gender identity

ANS: A LO: A PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

4. The process by which people’s perception of reality is shaped largely by the subjective meaning
that they give to an experience is called:
A. Differentiation
B. Social construction
C. Anomie
D. Immersion

ANS: B LO: B PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

5. The _____ of gender looks at the structure of the gendered social order as a whole and at the
processes that construct and maintain it.
A. Sexual equality
B. System theory
C. Social construction
D. Feminist perspective

ANS: C LO: B PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

6. Before the women’s movement which started in the late _____, the scoring of vocational tests
was done with one answer key for females and one for males.
A. 1920s
B. 1940s
C. 1960s
D. 1980s

ANS: C LO: B PG: 400 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

7. _____ is the term used to describe a person born with fully formed ovaries and fully formed
A. Hermaphrodite
B. Pseudohermaphrodite
C. Intersex
D. Androgynist

ANS: A LO: C PG: 402 EPAS: 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10d

8. A person who has some mixture of male and female predisposition and configuration of
reproductive structures is referred to as:
A. Hermaphrodite
B. Pseudohermaphrodite
C. Androgynist

ANS: E LO: C PG: 402 EPAS: 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10d

9. _____ are people who feel they are imprisoned in the physical body of the wrong gender.
A. Transvestites
B. Transsexuals
C. Drag queens
D. Drag kings

ANS: B LO: C PG: 403 EPAS: 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10d

10. People who derive sexual gratification from dressing in the clothing of the opposite gender, and
who are almost all heterosexual males, are called:
A. Transvestites
B. Transsexuals
C. Drag queens
D. Drag kings

ANS: A LO: C PG: 403 EPAS: 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10d

11. Traditional gender role stereotypes for women include being all of the following except:
A. Intelligent
B. Nurturant
C. Dependent
D. Intuitive

ANS: A LO: D PG: 403 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

12. Early adolescence is characterized by _____, a period of increased pressures for gender-role
A. Gender identification
B. Gender intensification
C. Sex role accommodation
D. Sexual indifference

ANS: B LO: D PG: 404 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

13. African American females live an average of about _____ years longer than their male
A. 7
B. 9
C. 11
D. 13

ANS: A LO: D PG: 407 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

14. Which of the following is true:

A. Gender-role stereotypes in our society help men gain insight into their emotions and
B. Women risk greater health problems than men
C. Women have higher death rates than men in most of the leading categories of death
D. Men are more likely to use detrimental coping mechanisms

ANS: D LO: D PG: 408 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

15. On ability level, men are better than women in which of the following areas:
A. Math tests
B. Remembering things
C. Intellectual ability
D. Spatial manipulation

ANS: D LO: E PG: 407 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

16. The median income for women with a bachelor’s degree or more is about _____ percent of what
men with a college education or more earn.
A. 54
B. 64
C. 74
D. 84

ANS: B LO: F PG: 409 EPAS: 2.1.4a, 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

17. Sexual harassment may involve all of the following except:

A. Unwelcome sexual advances
B. Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which results in an offensive or stifling
work environment
C. Requests for sexual favors
D. Referring to a female as Miss

ANS: D LO: F PG: 413 EPAS: 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

18. Research reveals that between ____ percent of female students have been subjected to some form
of harassment.
A. 20 to 30
B. 30 to 40
C. 40 to 50

ANS: A LO: F PG: 414 EPAS: 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

19. The text cited all of the following as possible effects of sexual harassment on its victims except:
A. Humiliation
B. Shame
C. Fear
D. Rage

ANS: D LO: F PG: 415 EPAS: 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

20. All of the following suggestions for confronting sexual harassment were included in the text
A. Confronting your harasser’s behavior
B. Documenting your situation
C. Telling someone with decision-making power
D. Keep the problem quiet so the harasser doesn’t retaliate

ANS: D LO: F PG: 416 EPAS: 2.1.5c, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10j

21. The use of sexist language may involve any of these words except:
A. Chairman
B. Ms.
C. He
D. Little lady

ANS: B LO: F PG: 417 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.3c, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

22. In most cases, rapes:

A. Occur to women who are walking alone at night or hitchhiking
B. Involve women who knew their assailant more often than strangers
C. Have decreased in number
D. Most are reported to the police

ANS: B LO: F PG: 418 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

23. Most rapists:

A. Tend to come from passive, non-violent family environments
B. Are not usually promiscuous
C. Have a history of delinquency
D. Really like women

ANS: C LO: F PG: 421 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

24. Which of the following is true:

A. If you think someone is following you, don’t turn around and look at him
B. Don’t scream for help because that just makes the potential rapist mad
C. A good suggestion for preventing rape is to carry a gun or knife
D. Trust yourself and your gut reactions

ANS: D LO: F PG: 422 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10i

25. The second stage of the rape trauma syndrome is called the ______ phase.
A. Acute
B. Self assessment and survival
C. Long-term reorganization and recovery
D. Readjustment and relaxation

ANS: C LO: F PG: 424 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

26. The first step in counseling a rape survivor involves:

A. Rebuilding the victim’s trust in herself
B. Providing immediate warmth and support
C. Coping with her hatred for the rapist
D. Rebuilding the victim’s trust in herself and in others

ANS: B LO: F PG: 425 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10e, 2.1.10g,

27. Of all women treated in hospital emergency rooms, _____ percent are there to receive treatment
for injuries incurred during domestic violence incidents.
A. 8 to 11
B. 13 to 20
C. 22 to 40
D. 43 to 50

ANS: C LO: F PG: 427 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

28. The third phase of the battering cycle involves:

A. Making up
B. The building up of stress and tension
C. The explosion
D. Avoiding confrontation

ANS: A LO: F PG: 428 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

29. All of the following are reasons why women stay in a battering environment except:
A. Fear of the abuser
B. Love
C. Guilt
D. She likes the attention

ANS: D LO: F PG: 428-429 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

30. Which of the following is true:

A. The first phase of the battering cycle is explosion
B. A common reason why a battered woman remains in the battering relationship is that she
still loves her spouse
C. Less than 10 percent of all women will suffer from violence at some time in their
D. All shelters for battered women actively encourage permanent separation

ANS: B LO: F PG: 430 EPAS: 2.1.5b, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.8a,

True or False Questions

1. Gender identity concerns how we express ourselves to others in ways related to gender that
include both behavior and personality.

ANS: F LO: A PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

2. Gender roles are the attitudes, behaviors, rights, and responsibilities that society associates with
being male or being female.

ANS: T LO: A PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

3. Gender refers to the biological distinction between being female and being male, usually
categorized on the basis of the reproductive organs and genetic makeup.

ANS: F LO: A PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

4. Social construction is the process by which people’s perception of reality is shaped largely by the
subjective meaning that they give to an experience.

ANS: T LO: B PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

5. A disadvantage of the social constructionist approach is that it does not incorporate the concept of
human diversity.

ANS: F LO: B PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

6. The Intersex Society of North America asserts that surgeries to make the child look more normal
should be performed in infancy.

ANS: F LO: C PG: 402 EPAS: 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10d

7. Transvestites are almost always gay men.

ANS: F LO: C PG: 403 EPAS: 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10d

8. The traditional gender role for African American women includes both strength and

ANS: T LO: D PG: 403 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

9. Parents tend to respond positively to boys who behave actively and to girls who talk calmly or
touch gently.

ANS: T LO: D PG: 404 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

10. Gender intensification may shift the focus of girls’ attention from school achievement to
attractiveness and popularity.

ANS: T LO: D PG: 404 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

11. In gender role stereotyping, women are taught that they should fulfill themselves by becoming
wives and mothers, and men should get their main source of satisfaction from their jobs.

ANS: T LO: D PG: 405 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

12. In China, because of the policy that most couples may have only one child, many parents choose
to give their infant girl up for adoption and try again for a boy.

ANS: T LO: D PG: 406 EPAS: 2.1.4c, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

13. Females display a better grasp of spatial manipulation and understanding than their male

ANS: F LO: E PG: 407 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

14. In mixed groups, women interrupt more than men and are more likely to interrupt men than to
interrupt women.

ANS: F LO: E PG: 408 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

15. When communicating with others, it is clear that who interrupts and who gets interrupted is about

ANS: T LO: E PG: 408 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

16. African American women generally earn less than Hispanic women.

ANS: F LO: F PG: 409 EPAS: 2.1.4a, 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

17. The majority of American women work outside of the home.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 409 EPAS: 2.1.4a, 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

18. Women have less direct political power than men in terms of the number of political offices they

ANS: T LO: F PG: 412 EPAS: 2.1.4a, 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

19. In 2010, women made up approximately 30 percent of the U.S. House of Representatives

ANS: F LO: F PG: 412 EPAS: 2.1.4a, 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

20. Only women, not men, can be victims of sexual harassment.

ANS: F LO: F PG: 413 EPAS: 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

21. Research reveals that 20 to 30 percent of female students have been subjected to some form of
sexual harassment.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 414 EPAS: 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

22. The study cited in the text indicated that approximately 20 percent of respondents pursued a
formal sexual harassment complaint process.

ANS: F LO: F PG: 415 EPAS: 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

23. One suggestion for avoiding sexist language is to rephrase sentences to avoid the use of
masculine pronouns and instead use a plural tense.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 417 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.3c, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

24. The number of rapes reported to authorities is a vast underestimate of the actual number of
assaults committed each year.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 418 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

25. In most rapes, the woman knows the assailant.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 418 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

26. A good suggestion for preventing rape is to carry a weapon such as a gun or a knife.

ANS: F LO: F PG: 422 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10i

27. Alcohol is often a factor in date rapes.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 423 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

28. Men who batter their female partners tend to adhere to traditional gender-roles.

ANS: F LO: F PG: 427 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

29. Many battered women who seek help from shelters and initiate separation from their spouses
through the courts eventually return to their abusive home situations.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 428 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

30. Many battered women feel it is their own fault that they are abused.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 429 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

31. One common reason why a battered woman remains in the battering relationship is that she still
feels she loves her spouse.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 430 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

32. A critical aspect of advocacy involves changing legal macro systems.

ANS: T LO: F PG: 434 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10b, 2.1.10e,
2.1.10g, 2.1.10j, 2.1.10k

33. Social workers can help women regain their sense of having power and of being in control of
their lives.

ANS: T LO: G PG: 434 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10l

34. Transsexualism refers to the capacity to have both traditionally feminine and masculine
characteristics and qualities at the same time.

ANS: F LO: G PG: 435 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a,

35. A midlife crisis involves examining goals and facing mortality.

ANS: T LO: G PG: 435 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a,

Discussion Topics or Essay Questions

1. Define gender.

ANS: N/A LO: A PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

2. What is gender identity?

ANS: N/A LO: A PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

3. What is gender role socialization?

ANS: N/A LO: A PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

4. Explain the social construction of gender.

ANS: N/A LO: B PG: 399 EPAS: 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

5. What are the six physical variables involved in the concept of gender?

ANS: N/A LO: C PG: 402 EPAS: 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10d

6. Explain the difference between a pseudohermaphrodite and a hermaphrodite.

ANS: N/A LO: C PG: 402 EPAS: 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10d

7. What is transgenderism?

ANS: N/A LO: C PG: 403 EPAS: 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10d

8. When infants are born with an ambiguous or unclear gender, should they be assigned to one
gender or the other? At that time, should they be physically altered to more closely resemble the
assigned gender? If so, who should be responsible for making this decision?

ANS: N/A LO: C PG: 403 EPAS: 2.1.2, 2.1.3a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b,

9. Relate and describe gender role stereotypes that have traditionally been applied to men and
women from childhood to early adulthood.

ANS: N/A LO: D PG: 403-405 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

10. Cite examples of how boys and girls are treated differently from the moment they are born, thus
contributing to gender role stereotypes.

ANS: N/A LO: D PG: 403 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

11. Describe three cultural themes that are predominant in shaping young women’s gender roles, and
explain how these can hinder a woman’s chance to excel.

ANS: N/A LO: D PG: 406 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

12. Cite three negative consequences experienced by men from gender role stereotyping.

ANS: N/A LO: D PG: 406-407 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

13. What have recent studies found regarding men’s and women’s abilities in (a) verbal skills,
(b) math skills, and (c) spatial manipulation.

ANS: N/A LO: E PG: 407 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.4c,
2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

14. What, if any, qualities do you think are biologically innate for females and males?

ANS: N/A LO: E PG: 409 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4a, 2.1.4b,
2.1.4c, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

15. List ten of the female-dominated professions, and ten of the male-dominated professions that
were cited in the text. Write your thoughts on why this is so.

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 411 EPAS: 2.1.4a, 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

16. List four suggestions for confronting sexual harassment.

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 416 EPAS: 2.1.5a, 2.1.5c, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b,

17. Give six examples of sexist language. Explain why each might be considered sexist. Propose a
suggestion for improving each.

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 417 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.3c, 2.1.5a, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a,

18. Cite and describe the three theoretical views of rape that were presented in the text.

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 418-419 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

19. Cite and describe the three basic categories of rapists that were presented in the text.

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 421 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

20. List some of the suggestions provided in the text on rape prevention.

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 422 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10i

21. How would you counsel a rape survivor? What are the stages through which you would proceed?

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 424 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10e, 2.1.10g,

22. List and explain six reasons why a battered woman might choose to stay in an abusive situation.

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 428-430 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b

23. Describe possible actions a social worker can take to advocate at the macro level for battered

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 430-432 EPAS: 2.1.5b, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.8a,

24. Cite and discuss counseling strategies for working with battered women.

ANS: N/A LO: F PG: 433-434 EPAS: 2.1.7, 2.1.7a, 2.1.7b, 2.1.10b, 2.1.10e,
2.1.10g, 2.1.10j, 2.1.10k

25. List and explain three of the suggestions that were cited in the text to empower women to achieve
sexual equality.

ANS: N/A LO: G PG: 435 EPAS: 2.1.1b, 2.1.2a, 2.1.4b, 2.1.7, 2.1.7a,


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