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Department of Computer Science

Case Study

Course Title: Design & Analysis of Algorithm Course Code: CS - 323

Instructor: Engr.Hermain Fayyaz Karim Semester: V

Given Date: 13/6/2023 Due Date: 1/7/2023 Marks/Weight:

S. NoName:
Student Question Registration No: .
Q. 1. Case Study: Optimizing Order Processing System for QuickMart
Semester: . Total Marks: .
Remarks: Scenario: QuickMart is a leading e-commerce
. platform that
Obtained allows users to purchase
Marks: .
a wide range of products online. The platform has been experiencing rapid growth in
its user base and transaction volume, resulting in performance issues and delays in
order processing. As a software engineer at QuickMart, you have been assigned the
task of optimizing the order processing system to ensure smooth and efficient

Case Study Question:

1. Design Analysis:
a. Describe the current order processing system architecture at QuickMart,
including the key components and their interactions.
b. Identify the specific performance bottlenecks or limitations in the current
system design that are causing delays in order processing.
c. Propose an alternative system design that can handle the increased
transaction load more efficiently. Justify your design choices with respect to
scalability, resource utilization, and performance improvements.

2. Algorithm Optimization:
a. Explain the algorithm currently used for order processing at QuickMart
and discuss its time complexity.
b. Identify any inefficiencies or areas where the algorithm can be optimized
to improve the speed and efficiency of order processing.
c. Present an optimized algorithm or modifications to the existing algorithm
that can enhance the order processing performance. Discuss the expected
improvements and any trade-offs involved in implementing the optimized

3. Scalability and Futureproofing:

a. Discuss how the proposed system design and optimized algorithm can
scale to accommodate future increases in transaction volume at QuickMart. b.
Identify potential challenges or limitations that may arise when the system
needs to handle even higher transaction loads in the future.
c. Provide recommendations for ensuring the system remains scalable and
adaptable to future growth, considering factors such as system resources,
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database operations, network latency, and concurrent user requests.

Note: In your responses, consider the specific needs and constraints of QuickMart,
and focus on practical and feasible solutions that can be implemented within the
existing infrastructure and technological capabilities of the organization.

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