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The Mystery of the

Vol. 1 No. 3 July 1969

Rev. Raymond Jackson

Faith Assembly Church
Vol. 1 No. 3 Printed Voice of Faith Assembly Church July 1969

Vol. 1 No. 3 Printed Voice of Faith Assembly Church July 1969

The Mystery of the

For centuries man had no
enlightenment unto the fact there was
even one phase to a resurrection, let
alone three. Many of you may disagree
with me, but I ask the opportunity to
bring my defense before you pass
judgement. If you will allow me, I
shall bring many men up for
Testimony. Fear not, I shall call for my
Rev. Raymond Jackson defense only learned men of the holy
scripture. The first learned man I shall
summon shall be none other than the
A REVELATION THAT HAS tried and the tested Prophet of his
CAUSED MUCH hour. A man who, because of his great
MISUNDERSTANDING. DID THE love and devotion for the Eternal God,
FIRST RESURRECTION was put to one of the severest test ever
TRANSPIRE IN ONE, TWO OR a human being was called upon to
THREE PHASES? YOU WILL BE endure, yet his faith failed him not. A
SURPRISED TO LEARN THESE man whose wife, seeing the horrible
FACTS CONTAINED IN THIS condition her own husband endured,
ARTICLE. FACTS YOU MAY asked him to curse God and die – Yes,
NEVER HAVE BEEN TAUGHT you know the prophet and patriarch
BUT INFORMATION YOUR BIBLE that we shall first call in behalf of our
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 3

FIRST KNOWLEDGE MAN WOULD LIVE him of missing the will of God, for
AGAIN they could not possibly understand
how anyone in such a ghastly
condition could be in the perfect will
How long before the hour that Job
of God. None, not even Job was aware
came on the scene had devoted men
that this was one of the severest trials
pondered the age old question, if a
man had ever endured, and he was
man die shall he live again? Job is the
keenly aware that if God did not soon
seer that investigated the mind of God
undertake for him, he would not long
coming up with this very small insight
endure in such a condition. Poor Job
on a subject so vast that Almighty God
reached a critical point-already he had
would be using, as time went on,
cursed the day it was announced that a
numbers of men to bring this great
man child was born. True, he cursed
subject into the open. In Job’s day God
the day of his birth but Satan desired
allowed to the believers a mere
to cause him to curse the God who
Crinkle of revelation to open the
made the day. Of this, Job was never
darkened mind on the most hidden
guilty, for with his lips, he never
subject -The Mystery of man’s body
cursed God nor once did he blame God
after death.
for the misfortune of losing all his
children etc. Job is discussing many
As previously stated, Job was in a things with God such as what happens
terrible state of existence, covered to man after he dies. He had witnessed
with cancerous sores and boils. His many times the sap going down the
only comfort was the ash heap that he trees and leaves dying but the
sat in daily. His friends had accused following year it always seemed the
4 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

trees came back to new life. What to what will happen to that destroyed
about man, God, if he dies will he ever flesh (or even the Soul). that enabled it
live again? I can see him one day in his to be in a condition presentable to be
ash heap, covered with boils as the able to see God. But, excited Job could
revelation strikes his predestinated care less-he now has hope beyond the
soul and he cries with the voice of Grave that somewhere, at sometime in
triumph. Though after my skin worms the future, IN HIS FLESH he shall see
hath destroyed this body (of flesh) yet his Redeemer God. He does not hold
in my flesh shall I see God. How could all the unraveled mysteries concerning
this be? With one breath Job says the the Grave but he knows now
Skin worms, the Maggots will destroy somewhere the grave is going to be
his body after his life is over, yet, in forced to release his Body. For it shall
almost the same breath he says- Yet in be in that Body he shall see his
my flesh shall I see God. (Job 19:25- Redeemer long after the skin worms
26) With all our knowledge today this have destroyed it.. Many things could
might not mean much to you, but bear be observed from Job’s statement of
in mind, this is the first ray of hope revelation but we must pass on to our
given unto the dying human race. You next witness for every scripture on this
say, what about Moses, didn’t he write subject must be dealt with. Many
the first five books of the Old hundreds, yes even perhaps over a
Testament? True my friend, but Job thousand years drift by before God
had long ago left the scene of action allows another man to probe His great
and the Skin worms had by this time mind for a nugget on the resurrection,
already fulfilled Job’s prophecy as to but we who live in the closing of this
what they would do with his flesh. seventh and final church age have
Job’s day is placed about the hour the what men of the past did not have. We
Israelites went into Egypt, long before have at our disposal all the revelation
Moses was given any revelation, this that God saw fit to reveal to mankind
would eliminate any possibility of Job who not only probed His great mind
being an Israelite, FOR THEY WERE on the subject of the resurrection yes,
ALL IN EGYPT, thus the Book of Job but on every subject. How fortunate
is the oldest writing of scripture in we are, for Job certainly did not have
existence. And it was he who broke the David’s or Isaiah’s or Daniel’s, or
first seal of revelation on the even Christ’s, Paul’s or even John the
resurrection by proclaiming that his Revelator, revelation on this first
Redeemer lives) and that he shall stand resurrection, nor did the other men
at the latter day, though he was who preceded the ones following
unaware of when the latter day would them. Yes we are going to carefully
be, having lived and dial 1600 or 1700 examine each man’s testimony on this
years before the Redeemer came to great subject, and from all Testimonial
this earth. Notice his other statement, evidence gathered we shall present
“And after my skin worms destroy this OUR DEFENSE THAT THERE IS
body, yet in my flesh I shall see God. NOT ONLY GOING TO BE ONE
Yet in MY FLESH – that the skin RESUR-RECTION FOR THE
worms had destroyed SHALL I SEE RIGHTEOUS, but through-out the
GOD. No explanation is given here as long ages of time THERE WILL BE
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 5

THREE SEPARATE CHAPTERS accomplished or of there being any

OR PHASES OF THIS FIRST order to the resurrection as Paul the ‘
RESURRECTION – each phase Apostle brings out in his writings to
dealing with SEPARATE CLASSES, the church.
with each transpiring at a designated
interval of time. (1) with the
resurrection of the Old Testament DAVID’S RESURRECTIONAL TESTIMONY
saints, (2) the Bride saints, and (3) the Psalm 16:9-10
Tribulation saints. Note, these
resurrections were not at the same Why David’s flesh shall rest in I
hour, but are referred to in scripture as hope? No. We learn when David dies,
the “first resurrection.” It will be he is not worried about his soul being
totally impossible to prove such a left in Hell. Yes, that’s exactly his own
fantastic statement until we have words-he is no longer worried about
examined each testimony closely and having to stay in Hell forever after he
then are willing to accept what the dies. He now has a clearer promise that
testimony of these trusted Holy Men someday Job’s Redeemer will come
with the Holy Writ has revealed unto and take him , out of Hell, and we
our hearts. know, according to scripture, after our
redeemer had expired on the cross he
went immediately into the heart of the
SECOND WITNESS .earth while his body lay undisturbed
in Joseph’s Borrowed Tomb. Probably
Are you ready for the Second even before His body had been
witness? Our second witness is also a removed from the old rugged cross,
prophet, for the word of the Lord in He was fulfilling the Prophecy of
olden days comes only unto the David, HE SHALL NOT LEAVE MY
prophet (Heb. I : I), and now this word SOUL IN HELL Psm. 16. In this
of revelation comes to David the prophecy of David’s we further learn
Prophet. Some may say, I thought that God will not suffer his Holy One,
David was a king- the Holy Ghost Christ, to see corruption the Holy One
speaking through the apostle Peter spoken of here was not David, but
called him also a prophet, (Acts 2:), as Christ the Blessed Redeemer, as
Peter related what David had spoken explained by Peter on the day of
under the inspir-ation of the Spirit. Pentecost. Peter chose David’s
Please bear in mind, NONE of these unusual testimony as part of his
Old Testament men carried the opening Sermon when he began using
revelation that either Paul or John the his badge of authority (the keys to the
Revelator possessed on the Kingdom of Heaven) that had been
resurrection. These Old Testament given unto him by the God man
witnesses will be merely establishing Himself, (Matt. 16:). Here he is
the fact that at some distinct, unlocking far more than a revelation to
appointed hour God is going to cause the 3000 souls who I gladly heard his
the dead to rise and live again. They words and were baptized – Peter also
know nothing about how it is to be unlocked much . of that scaled up
6 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

Prophecy given by the Prophet David enough of a witness to the damned in

in explaining to the public just who Hell that they should have believed the
this Holy One was, whose body of witnesses while they lived upon earth.
flesh was not to see corruption. Peter, Today only the lost and forever
in explaining to the crowd how they damned are being kept there until the
too might receive, that power given second resurrection, the appointed
unto them a brief time ago said, it was hour lkII shall give up all her captive
the work done in their hearts by THIS souls. (Rev. 20:14). (Luke 16:19-26)
RESURRECTED CHRIST of whom Explained the setting in Hell between
David had prophesied concerning -so the righteous and the wicked, the rich
we are sure that Christ, while busy in man lifted up his eyes being in much
the heart of the earth for those three torment and Lazarus in Abraham’s
days prior to his own resurrection, bosom, or Paradise, being comforted
DID NOT LEAVE HIS FAITHFUL and the great gulf that’s between them
SERVANT DAVID THERE IN – kept them separated – our Lord took
HELL, while he was witnessing to the from Satan the Keys and released all
departed souls who were sometime captive souls held in Paradise on
disobedient, during the day of Noah (1 Lazarus’ side.. Whoever Lazarus
Peter, 3:18-22). Christ’s Spirit was not represents he too was led out with
in Hell preaching that souls might David and the others, because Paradise
repent, believe, and have salvation, was moved to glory. (II Cor. 12:12)
No! No! He was there witnessing to all (Eph. t 4:8-10). (Rev. 20:13) None of
those who His faithful ministers in the righteous dead has ever been kept
their own hour had witnessed unto in Hell since Christ went into the heart
concerning a coming redeemer to save of the earth, witnessed to the damned
mankind from his sins. and released those righteous souls
such as David and all the other Old
Testament saints who died with their
TWO-FOLD PURPOSE FOR BEING IN hope in that redeemer of Israel. (Note).
HELL What happened to their bodies at
Christ’s resurrection shall be
(1) – To witness to the damned, no discussed and testified unto by the
living soul knows what his testimony apostle Matthew much later. If this is
consists of. not true we deny the testimony of the
Apostle Paul to the Ephesus Church
when he said Christ first descended
(2) – He was there to lead out of into the lower parts of the earth and led
captivity those Old Testament saints captivity captive up on high -(Eph.
such as David who over 1000 years 4:8-10). We deny also the statement of
before had testified the Holy One Christ to the dying thief on the cross.
would not leave his soul in Hell. Note “TODAY THOU SHALT BE WITH
his soul, (not his body), his body was ME IN PARADISE.” Notice, each
not in Hell, it was resting in hope in writer is reassuring that there will be a
the Sepulchre up near Jerusalem. time when God will move bodies from
Christ, unlocking the very door of the crust of the earth, but none of them
Death, Hell, and the Grave, was are able to place any order to the
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 7

resurrection — they know not whether chambers and shut the doors about
there will be one general resurrection thee, hide thyself as it were a little
when both the righteous and wicked season till the INDIGNATION IS
will be resurrected together or not. It PAST. This indignation period IS
would appear that this might be the NONE OTHER THAN THE GREAT
PAUL’S REVELATION ON THE closes with the wrath, judgment and
SUBJECT. There we shall pick up destruction from the presence of the
fresh enlightenment and learn truly Almighty. According to Paul’s
there is to be no general resurrection of revelation, the true Bride church of the
the dead, but to our amazement we living God is to be taken up sometime
learn there will be AN ORDER to the before those terrible 42 months (I
resurrection, yet, even there Paul does Thess. 1:10) set in. Notice more of
not classify the Bride’s resurrection, in Isaiah’s revelation as he probed
1 Cor 15:20-58 as the first and ONLY further the mind of Almighty God,
RESURRECTION for all righteous Behold the Lord comes out of His
dead. place to punish the inhabitants of the
earth for their iniquity: the earth shall
also disclose her blood and shall no
ISAIAH’S TESTIMONY more cover her slain. That is Isaiah’s
revelation concerning the happenings
Time moves slowly on until we come around the hour of this Bride of Christ
to our third man who investigated the being caught away into glory.
mind of God and found out that DEAD
the dead would arise as His dead body FIRST INDICATION OF DISTINCTION
AROSE to life again, Isaiah 26:19. BETWEEN THE TWO DEAD GROUPS
Thy dead men shall live, together with
my dead body shall they arise. Awake That distinction was disclosed by our
and sing, ye that dwell in the dust; 4th witness in the Scripture, though at
(Isaiah is speaking unto the Nation no time did he disclose there would be
Israel) for thy dew is as the dew of any order placed upon the event. This
herbs, and the EARTH SHALL CAST rcvelated man truly is greatly
OUT THE DEAD. Here Isaiah places concerned about the welfare of his
no interpretation upon it, he does not people seeing they had now remained
mention how, or when it shall come in Babylon for approximately 70
for them, only that somewhere the years. This Prophet is searching the
earth will belch out the dead. But mind of God with all his strength when
notice, he is referring to his own body an angel suddenly appears unto him
in this verse—how it will live again in with a message from the Throne
the presence of the redeemer, spoken showing that God had determined
of by Job and David, Verse 20 deals upon his people a prophetic 70 week
with the Bride where he speaks period, each prophetic week
concerning the rapture of the bride, consisting of 7 Jewish years each. A
“Come my people enter thou into thy Jewish year consists of 360 days not
8 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

365 as on the Roman calendar. During people who are written in the book
that last prophetical week, spoken of shall be delivered and according to
as Jacob’s trouble ter. 30:7 (Dan. 9:27- John’s revelation there were to be
12:1-4), Michael shall stand up for the 144,000 sealed, NOT TO RECEIVE
troubled nation. For further details the mark of the antiChrist on their
read Revelation chapter 12, a forehead such as many of their own
paralleling chapter that coincides with Israelite brothers would, (Rev. 7:) but
Dan. 12. Note Michael is recorded in they shall have the seal of the living
both Dan. 12 and Rev. 12 as defend- God stamped upon their forehead.
ing Israel in her most serious hour of They would have the knowledge of
history just prior to the return of the who the Father of Israel is-Jesus of
Lord WITH His bride saints. It was Nazareth (Isa. 9:6 ) Note, no where did
during this conversation the angel Daniel leave the impression that the
disclosed something about the entire nation was to be delivered, only
Resurrection that had never been those who were written in the book.
revealed unto any mortal creature. Shortly after the Antichrist breaks his
Bear in mind, Daniel did not receive covenant with Israel (Dan 9:27) and
that entire revelation on the subject. has released his excessive hatred
We must never forget this is a against the Jews, MILLIONS OF
continual revelation. John himself JEWS SHALL DIE, Zechariah
even touched on a part of this testifies to only a third part being
resurrection story which the Gentile’s brought through the antichrist’s fire of
apostle, (Paul), had not been permitted persecution. (Zech. 13:9) But all who
to see, so therefore you who would are recorded in the Book will be
hastily build a doctrine around any one delivered mainly through the
man’s revelation on the subject should preaching of the two prophets that are
beware of the danger when it is a to arise in Israel shortly before he
continual revelation throughout the breaks his covenant with the Jews.
scriptures. Dan 12:2 states, and MANY (Note—
not all) who shall be sleeping in the
dust of the Earth shall AWAKE.
WHAT DID DANIEL LEARN NO MORTAL When? During the same seasonal time
KNEW? element. Somewhere near to this event
of the worst part of Jacob’s trouble.
Our first statement shows a Somewhere before –his list 42 months
breakdown in the different classes of sets in, when he shall run for his life.
the two kinds of dead-RIGHTEOUS (The Great Tribulation hour). During
AND WICKED. Though he does not that seasonal hour when God is
break it up in intervals it does begin to dealing with Israel in their own home
RESURRECTED FOR DIFFERENT Here the angel i points out there shall
PURPOSES. Dan. 12:2-The angel be two categories of people in the
speaking of the last week of Israel’s ground to be dealt with. Some shall
prophecy says that every one of his awake unto everlasting life, while the
others shall come forth unto shame
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 9

and everlasting contempt. Neither Job, resurrection. Who were they? Many of
David, nor Isaiah possessed this them today are recorded in Faith’s
knowledge. Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11.



Many manuals of churches speak of For this exciting story we go to our

THE GENERAL RESURRECTION. New Testament. First allow me to
This is where so many of the Baptist teach briefly upon the 5th chapter of
and Presbyterians got off the track, by John. To learn just who is the
interpreting all the other scriptures on Resurrection and the Life we study
the subject in the light of that one told John 5: In order to receive a clear
in Dan 12:2-3. IT WON’T WORK. I picture of the resurrection we must
want to say this is not the major deal with every scripture. Note the
scripture that holds the key to the words of Christ as he spoke one day
revelation of the rust resurrection. It is John 5:25. Verily, verily, I say unto
merely a great scripture that runs in you, the hour is coming and NOW IS
continuity with the others on the when the dead (spiritual) shall hear the
subject, and must be dealt with voice of the Son of God and live. In
accordingly. True, it was the greatest this verse we must be careful to
revelation up to that hour, far be it observe that the dead spoken of here
from being the Key Scripture holding has no reference to the dead IN THE
the order of the resurrection. By GRAVES. For he says NOW
placing Isaiah’s and Daniel’s (PRESENT TENSE) IS THE HOUR
prophecy together we learn sometime for the dead to hear His voice and live.
around that great period known as This verse refers to the dead spoken of
Jacob’s trouble or the Great by Christ when he said let the DEAD
Tribulation Period there is scheduled bury the DEAD (Luke 9:60). Verse 25
to be A RESURRECTION which will carries no reference to the physical
set in motion this scripture to be dead in the grave, but the following
fulfilled. And when it is climaxed, it verses, especially verses 28 and 29 do.
will have brought forth from the earth For as the Father hath life in Himself
both the righteous and the wicked. (as the great Eternal Spirit that fills all
things is life). He has designated unto
Christ, the God man, to HAVE LIFE
BE THE FIRST ONE SINCE CHRIST ROSE SPOKE and he who would hear those
FROM THE DEAD? words with all his heart could live.
Therefore, He was able to give life
unto all those that heard Him. For as
The answer whether we accept it or
the Father hath life within Himself so
not IS NO. According to the
hath He given unto the Son to have
scriptures, there were many saints who
Life in Himself. Having all authority
rose from the dead at Christ’s own
10 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

He executes judgement also because raised in their resurrection WILL BE

He is the son of Man. AT MY VOICE. Now we have
discovered what causes the dead to
THE SPOKEN WORD BRINGS FORTH one word has at that hour explained
THE DEAD the order of the resurrection. We note
that verse 29 is very similar to that of
Notice now as we enter into verse 28 Daniel 12:2. If we read no further than
his remarks are addressed strictly to these scriptures one would easily be
THE DEAD WHO ARE IN THE persuaded that there will be one
GRAVES. “Marvel not (don’t get general time when the voice of Jesus
confused I am about to make an will raise all the dead. Isn’t it strange
important statement) The hour is that he who was the Resurrection and
coming (note here he did not say and the Life did not explain it any further
NOW IS) in which ALL that are in the than what He did. Perhaps it was
graves shall hear his voice and shall because they were unable to receive
come forth, both saint and sinner. ALL such strong meat. Thanks be unto God
SHALL RISE AT HIS our Saviour who said how be it when
COMMANDING VOICE. Just as that He the Spirit of Truth is come, He will
voice brought Lazarus from the dead, guide you into all truth. Through the
so every dead person within the grave mouths of the other apostles out in the
comes forth when He is ready for church age, the spirit of truth
them. They who have done good, shall continued that prophesied revelation
come forth, UNTO THE through Paul and John. Christ could
RESURRECTION OF LIFE, and they have told the entire story, or He could
who have done EVIL UNTO THE have permitted any one of the writers
RESURRECTION OF to have done so, but He simply did not
DAMNATION. Here Christ never choose to. What has been established
indicated that the two groups would be up unto the ministry of Christ was-
resurrected in one general THERE WOULD BE A
resurrection, any more than He RESURRECTION. To some thinking
indicated that they who had done good it would be a general resurrection but
would be resurrected on the bases of our one key word found in John 5:29.
their own goodness. He is merely Shall come forth, they that have done
showing that when it is time to bring good unto the resurrection of life. Now
the dead up from the crust of the earth he begins to speak of another group.
they will come forth at the They who have done evil unto the
commanding of His voice. These resurrection of damnation. Two
verses do teach us something no other categories of people are definitely
portion of scripture has taught. The mentioned here. Both groups
spiritual dead also upon the earth, in connected by the conjunction “AND.”
order to live, must hear His voice, and In both scripture verses of Daniel and
then He turns to His disciples saying, John AND IS A CONJUNCTION that
marvel not at this, the only way the could easily mislead someone, causing
dead in the earth’s crust shall ever be them to think since the two events
were within the same verse, merely
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 11

connected by the conjunction and, that GRACE, AND TRUTH. The two
the time element of both was the same, separate days, though they are
NOT SO, there could be quite a time mentioned within the same verse, were
lapse involved in the two events two separate spaces of time, separated
though they do appear in the same by the conjunction and. JESUS AT
EXAMPLES OF “AND” CONNECTING In order to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy of
TWO SEPARATE DAYS 61:2 it would take Christ two separate
appearances. That is the reason He did
For examples of scriptures to clarify not complete the verse. The Spirit of
our point in using the conjunction and, God was not on Him for the day of
first, notice Isaiah’s writing in vengeance, that day was not at His first
reference to the ministry of Christ, appearance and doesn’t fulfill the day
saying in 61:1-2, the Spirit of the Lord of vengeance. The next verses in
is upon me because He hath anointed Isaiah would clarify that completely.
me to preach good tidings unto the Oh, Hallelujah! At that hour Christ
meek. He hath sent me to bind up the was proclaiming the acceptable day of
broken hearted, to proclaim the the Lord, NOT THE DAY OF
acceptable year of the Lord AND THE VENGEANCE, yet that day will come
DAY OF VENGEANCE UNTO OUR and he shall Nall that part also. Note
GOD. Immediately after Jesus ANOTHER USAGE OF THE
completed his fast of 40 days he went CONJUNCTION AND, where it
unto the synagogue, took up the again separates a vast period of time
Scriptures and read Isaiah 61: 1-2 and proven to be so by the angel of the
down to the part connected by the Lord. Again the reader might think
conjunction and, and THERE HE this time period to be the same, but
STOPPED, handed the book back THE ANGEL OF THE LORD KNEW
saying, “This day hath the scriptures BETTER. The last book of the Old
been fulfilled in your ears.” Why did Testament was Malachi who
He stop short of completing the verse? prophesied concerning the coming of
Because all that he read was fulfilled the Spirit of Elijah, before that great
in the ears. The rest was for another and terrible day of the Lord, TO DO
hour. THE HOUR OF VENGEANCE TWO THINGS, To turn the hearts of
WAS NOT THEN. That day of the fathers to the children AND THE
vengeance was another hour of time HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN
out in the future. The Spirit of the Lord BACK TO THEIR FATHERS. Watch
was only upon Him to fulfill only the that AND once again. Praise God for
part of the verse which He read, held Angels who know the meaning of the
apart by the conjunction, and. The word of God, if they did not when they
Spirit of the Lord will be upon Him delivered a message to a human being
greatly also in the day of vengeance. they might say too much and convey
THAT HOUR WAS NOT THE DAY the wrong message. For example, in
OF VENGEANCE, BUT A DAY OF Luke 1:17 an angel brings Zacharias,
the priest, a message that he would
12 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

soon father a son whose name would 1933 before the presence of hundreds.
be called John. This son would go This prophet was none other than
forth in the power and spirit of Elijah William Branham of Jeffersonville,
to TURN THE HEARTS OF THE Ind. You may say, show me William
FATHERS TO THE CHILDREN, that Branham’s name in the New
is as far into the verse as the angel Testament and I will believe he
quoted in Malachi. He only quoted the fulfilled the latter part of Mal. 4:6.
part up to the conjunction and, and Then I simply ask you to show me
there he stopped. Why did he not John the Baptist’s name anywhere
finish the verse and say, turn the hearts within the Old Testament as the one
of the children back to the fathers?? who would forerun the first coming of
Because he would have infringed on Christ and carry the spirit of Elijah to
the power and spirit of Elijah to work fulfill that first part of Malachi 4:6. His
in another man’s life, to fulfill the rest name was not known until the angel of
of the verse. Yet it would be the same the Lord proclaimed it unto his father,
spirit and power of Elijah doing both though the scribes had looked for that
to fulfill the one verse in Malachi. It spirit to come. No one had any idea
would be in a different hour that the who would carry that spirit. When you
other part of the verse in Mal. 4:6 was have shown me John’s name in the
to be fulfilled, and the angel of the Old Testament as the carrier of the
Lord knew this. Malachi is just Spirit of Elijah, then I shall be more
another example of two separate times than happy to show you William
placed in one verse of Scripture Branham’s name in the New
connected by the conjunction “and.” Testament. Although the disciples had
But Thank God the angel knew where been around John many times, they
to stop in his quotation of this verse were not even aware that CHRIST’S
THAN HE HAD BEEN REQUIRED not permit us to investigate other
TO CARRY. The latter part of the scriptures that join two separate
work in Mal. 4:6, TURNING THE occasions or events by the conjunction
HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN “and.” That should be more than
BACK TO THE FATHERS is another sufficient to show you how TWO
work, in another hour, by the same SEPARATE RESURRECTIONS can
spirit of Elijah, but on a different be in one verse, separated through a
human being at the close of another vast span of time and connected by the
age. The complete verse was not for conjunction “and.”
John to fulfill, ONLY PART. This
time the spirit of Elijah fulfilled the
Mal. 4:6 upon a Gentile Prophet for
the Bride. Here was a revelated Throughout Christ’s statement
message preparing the way for the concerning the resurrection, never
Lord to come for his Bride. This too once did he mention any order to this
was the ministry proclaimed by the resurrection. This he left solely to the
angel of the Lord at the Ohio River in
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 13

working of the Holy Spirit for the 12, as administered by the High priest
Gentile church, using Paul and John as at the temple under the law. Each act
agents in which to work through. administered by the Priest of old were
only types and shadows. But I notice,
the priest in Lev. 29 did not wave only
PAUL’S BRIDE RESURRECTION ONE small stock of grain, but one
Turn now into the writings of Paul. complete bundle—many, many
See how the spirit provides the key stocks. This is certainly the type of
scripture earring the revelation of the Christ first fruits and the entire bundle
resurrection or the real meat on the made up in type the Old Testament
subject. I COR. 15:20, Paul is the first Resurrected saints.
man to take up an anointed pen and
dedicate an entire chapter to the
resurrection. Here Paul’s resurrection Remember Paul stated Christ was the
BRIDE’S RESURRECTION. Many (past tense). Note: Who they were that
of the Gentile believers had now fallen slept when Christ became the first
asleep in Christ and this fact had been fruits. None but the old Testament
quite disturbing to different churches saints. When was the first resurrection
under Paul’s administration. They had (phase) of the resurrection after Christ
become greatly confused concerning THE FIRST FRUITS arose? There
the coming of Christ. Paul’s first and could never be a resurrection of old
second epistle to the Thessalonians Testament saints before the death and
dealt solely around surroundings of resurrection of Christ who became
the second coming of Christ, with the THE FIRST FRUITS. It was He alone
dead in Christ being raised from the who conquered death, hell, and the
Crust of the earth, rising to meet the grave during His three days descent
living and together they were into the heart of the earth. Peter and
scheduled to meet the Lord in the air Paul tell us of his witnessing to the
to ever be with Him. But it is not in disembodied spirits, disobedient
this he describes at any length the during the days of Noah, etc. Yet at
resurrection or the order of it, showing that same hour, according to Paul
that the first resurrection came in (Eph. 4:8-10), He was leading out
Phases-Chapters or events. disembodied spirits from the Paradise
section of Hades or hell before He
Himself became the first fruits of the
CHRISTS FIRST FRUITS: 1 COR. I5:20 resurrection.

Christ was THE FIRST FRUITS of

them who slept (past tense) in the THEY WHO SLEPT
grave. His resurrection was the first—
the first to break the earth with the new Christ was soon to resurrect and bring
glorified body. His resurrection is with Him out of hell those who slept,
according to the new order and He is all the Old Testament Saints who
the first fruits, else how could he be patiently, through the centuries,
the WAVE OFFERING of Lev. 20:10- awaited with David (who knew the
14 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

Holy One would not leave his soul in witnesses with Him. They were the
hell) very evidence the dead had been
disturbed. Whether or not Christ
allowed all who He had released from
WHO ELSE WAS IN HELL? 1 SAM. 28:19- their prison to BE BODIED,
20 RESURRECTED and become witness
of the resurrection after escaping from
Saul, the first king was delivered also Hades IS NOT FULLY KNOWN, but
for remember how God permitted the according to the little light shed on the
witch of Endor to bring Samuel up subject from Matt. 27:52-53 many of
from his RESTING PLACE to assure those disembodied Spirits picked up
Saul who could no longer get God to their bodies held in the grave yards,
speak to him through the living clothed themselves and went into the
Prophets concerning his welfare and city and APPEARED unto many.
safety. Samuel, who was patiently
awaiting the deliverance of his soul
from hell told King Saul he would be WERE THESE GLORIFIED BODIES?
THERE WITH HIM on tomorrow.
ALL (not part) these Saints from the Again the words, APPEARED UNTO
Old Testament Age were delivered MANY , would indicate tint they were
from Paradise as Christ, who was to capable of appearing even as Christ
become the first fruits of them who appeared unto his disciples many
slept, stopped inside Joseph tomb and times. No doubt as Christ who was the
picked up his body. (Meaning the first fruits to them who slept appeared
Spirit of God re-entered that dead unto a restricted few, the same was the
flesh) According to Matt. 27:52-53 segment of this group who arose after
many others CAME UP WITH HIM, Him from the dead, and appeared unto
even appearing unto many in the many. These were appearing unto
streets of the Holy City for what? TO many testifying concerning that which
WITNESS. There had been a the Prophets had prophesied
fulfillment of the work of Christ in the concerning the Holy One had come to
heart of the earth where for centuries pass. What happened to THE BODIES
souls had been held captive by death, of these Old Testaments saints who
hell and the grave. These were a living slept after they were appearing unto
testimony to the first resurrection ever many over a given period of time?
to be performed after the resurrection When they fulfilled their mission, did
of the first fruits Himself. (1 Cor. they shed their bodies on the streets of
15:20) the city or did they return back to the
graves and cover themselves with
dirt… before going on to glory? (Eph.
THE GLORIFIED CHRIST AND THOSE 4:8) What happened to those many
WHO FOLLOWED bodies? Let me ask you this question,
when Christ went to glory did He
leave His body on the street or did he
Christ alone did not testify to the
place it neatly back in Joseph’s
resurrection, He had all these
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 15

borrowed tomb? The answer is no. It somewhere faced death a second time.
was A GLORIFIED BODY that could One might say, does not dying the
eat a meal, that could appear and second time break the scripture written
disappear. It was a body that could be in Hebrews stating it was appointed
felt. As he instructed Thomas, even the unto a man once to die after that the
very markings of the Cross still judgement? This scripture does not
remained within that body. Unless regulate the life of every individual to
these bodies also had been glorified, only one death. It is showing that man
they would have been in such a ghastly must die once. That every man HAS
LOOKED LIKE SOME HORROR DEATH before the Judgment. Again,
SHOW BEING PUT ON. Unless that this would not apply unto those who
corruption had put on incorruption are fortunate enough to be alive at the
they would have been hideous to look first phase of Christ second coming for
upon. his bride who are heard to say, Oh
death, where is thy sting, Oh grave,
where is thy victory? (I Cor. I 15:55-
After Three Days, What Happens to a 56) These Bride Christians would
Dead, Lifeless Body? Remember the have fallen in this category of
testimony of Martha before Lazarus Hebrews 9:27. Had it not been for the
was resurrected from the dead? (John Rapture taking place before death
11 :39) What body did Lazarus beckoned unto them. Back to those
reappear in? Naturally he came forth bodies of saints in Matt. 27. which
in his same old carnal, corruptible arose from the dead. What eventually
body, for then Christ had not died nor happened to them? Something had to
arose in His incorruptible body, happen to these bodies, were they
becoming the first fruits of them who raised corruptible or incorruptible?
slept. Had it remained in the grave, Flesh and blood can not enter into the
Christ’s natural body would have Kingdom of God. But a glorified body
suffered corruption. (Acts 2:27), could as illustrated by Christ who left
Lazarus, along with all the other dead the earth going into Glory Acts 1:9.
raised throughout Christ ministry Christ was the FIRST FRUITS OF
come forth from the dead in natural THEM WHO SLEPT (I Cor. 15:20).
corruptible bodies. It would have been Why would it be conscience in our
impossible for Christ Himself e to mind that the dead Saints of the Old
have been the first fruit from the dead. Testament would be any different,
They themselves would have been the since their own bodies would have had
first fruits. to go through some process of
glorification before being decent
enough to appear into the city for
DID THOSE WHO LIVED AGAIN DIE witnesses? What kind of testimony to
TWICE? the resurrection could they have –
been, appearing around in
Each one of these who were raised to decomposed flesh? For truly the skin
life again during Christ’s e ministry worms would have long ago begun
entered back into life’s realm and their God GIVEN ASSIGNMENT of
16 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

destroying the flesh. Naturally before cast into the lake of fire — THIS IS
their appearance could be presentable, THE SECOND DEATH. So these in
God had to do something to that Matt. 27 were Old Testament saints.
decomposed flesh-Else the dead NOT SINNERS — They have no
witnessing to the living would have place in the second resurrection. There
frightened them out of their wits. are only 2 resurrections, one for the
These are natural things that must be righteous, and one for the wicked. Let
considered. There is a record us state here ONLY BECAUSE THE
concerning Lazarus who died and was SCRIPTURE IS SILENT ON THESE
reburied. Archaeologists have RESURRECTED BODIES OF Old
discovered his grave along with his Testament Saints who were delivered
two sisters in a cemetery upon the out of Paradise or Hades. Where the
Mount of Olives. This cemetery was righteous were comforted until Christ
still used on into the second century by could become the first fruits of all
EVIDENCE AS TO WHAT some reason Christ did not raise every
HAPPENED TO THIS MULTITUDE dead body of the Old Testament Saints
WHO AROSE, WENT INTO THE whom he delivered out of hell with
they vanished without a trace or clue RAISE ANY DEAD BODY of the
as to what happened to their bodies. saints left when He comes for His New
Testament Bride Saints according to
Paul’s Revelation in I Cor. 15:20-58.
PLACING THIS RESURRECTION Because, Zech., looking down through
the history of time saw Christ
What was this great phenomenon of returning to earth. Zech Said he had
Matt. 27 — When many dead saints ALL OF HIS SAINTS WITH HIM
arose? Was this resurrection of the (Zech 14:5) Enoch, the seventh from
dead found in Matt. 27 of Old Adam, prophesied that the Lord
Testament Saints a PART OF THE cometh with ten thousands of his
FIRST RESURRECTION? It could be saints. (Jude 14-15)
nothing else, THE FIRST
wicked came forth at the second The word MANY found in Matt.
resurrection. The scriptures states in 27:52 may fool you. It may consist of
Rev. 20:4 this second resurrection hath more than you think. Examine this
NO POWER. Rev. 20:13 says the sea word found in Dan. 12:2 when it
gave up the dead which were in it, and speaks of all the saints—Examine it
death and hell delivered up the dead again when it speaks in Matt. 8:11
which were in them. Note: where all MANY shall come from the east and
this dead was cast. Death and hell were west, north and south and sit down
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 17

with Abraham, Issac, and Jacob in the hence this has to be a part of the first
kingdom of Heaven. Matt. 27:52 resurrection for the Scriptures only
DOES NOT MEAN ONLY FEW speak of two resurrections. Yet we are
BODIES WERE RAISED AND showing the first resurrection of Saints
WITNESSED IN THE CITY come in three parts. — while the
EITHER. second resurrection comes in only one.
If all these saints who went into the
cities and witnessed, after finishing
Our belief is, as Christ loosed every their job, returned to the grave yarc
Old Testament Saint in Hades, IT IS and continued to sleep, when ever they
UNLIKELY HE PERFORMED would be resurrected, the very fact
ONLY HALF AN OLD they are called saints indicate when
TESTAMENT RESURRECTION, resurrected again it would have to be
anymore than He will perform only in THE RESURRECTION OF
half a New Testament Resurrection of POWER, which alone the first
the saints when He comes for them in resurrection. For Zech. saw the Lord
the Clouds of Glory. Remember only returning to earth with not part of his
the first resurrection carries any saints, but ALL his Saints. This would
transformation power (Rev. 20: 4-5). include both old and new Testament
When we complete this teaching on Saints. Important (THE O.T. SAINTS
the Resurrection through the book of ARE NOT BRIDE OF CHRIST
Revelations it will be well determined SAINTS) PHASE II — 1ST
that no matter how many times Christ RESURRECTION
has called the dead from the graves
after His own resurrection until the
dreaded second resurrection occurring What about the resurrection of New
at the close of the millennium reign, Testament Bride Saints performed
every phase of this first resurrection, shortly before Christ return to earth
every event of it, SHALL BE WITH his bride? This resurrection
CALLED THE FIRST spoken of by Paul in 1 Cor. 15: 20-58
RESURRECTION IN THE is primarily for the resurrection of His
SCRIPTURES. — Yet the second bride saints, throughout the Seven
resurrection comes in only ONE Church Ages when He was busy
PHASE, delivering all the wicked at working among the Gentiles to receive
once. The first resurrection hath a people called by His name (His
power, but the second hath no power bride) (Acts. 15:14) Only a tiny
and John the revelator said, “…blessed percentage will be raptured without
and holy is he who HATH PART in seeing death. 1 Cor. 15:20-58 tells of
the first resurrection.” – (Rev. 20:4) that bride resurrection of N.T. Saints
which hath POWER to change our
bodies liken unto His glorious
FIRST RESURRECTION WILL PRODUCE resurrected body. (1. John 3:2) Before
ONLY SAINTS the second resurrection for the wicked
can occur there must be the removal
We are now witnessing in Matt. 27:52 from the earth of all bodies of saints
a resurrection that HATH POWER whether Old or New Testament,
18 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

because there is no power within that PEOPLE BORN OF THE WRONG

second resurrection. All the damned DOCTRINE, Matt. 13:24-30. In that
throughout all ages since Adam will body (churchl) will be many foolish
appear at THIS ONE EVENT referred virgins who shall become ve wise
to as the second resurrection. Now during that dark hour of Tribulation
considering that the resurrection, and shall each one seal their own life,
occurring shortly before the second spilling their blood along with their
coming of Christ FOR his bride saints, Jewish neighbor. These people, made
IS THE FIRST AND ONLY PHASE up of the Gentiles, are referred to as
OF THE FIRST RESURRECTION. the foolish virgins who did not have
the needed oil in Matt. 25:1-13, to
make the rapture. THEY CANNOT
what will you call the resurrection of BE THE BRIDE. Their opportunity
the dead tribulation saints who are to will come only as they give their life
be resurrected in Rev. 20:4? Seeing during the dark tribulation period
you have already used up your first when the antichrist arises in an attempt
resurrection in I Cor. 15:20-58 and to annihilate the Jewish race. Those
only the first resurrection hath any poor foolish virgins who were
power, the second resurrection is attempting to receive oil when Christ
strictly for the eternal damned, and came missed the rapture, but will pay
your tribulation saints who were the supreme price with their life.
beheaded for the testimony of Christ QUESTION—WHEN WILL THEY
found in Rev. 7:14 are those who came BE RESURRECTED IF THE BRIDE
up through the great tribulation period RESURRECTION ( I COR. 15) WAS
and were given resurrected bodies in THE FIRST AND ONLY PHASE OF
Rev. 20:4 — Where are you going to THE FIRST RESURRECTION? This
place them? God never promised His rapture of the bride has already passed
Bride saints they would be beheaded them by (Matt. 25:9-13) It is evident
during the great tribulation period, but they missed the rapture of the bride
she was promised just the opposite — saints and the second resurrection hath
that she would be spared the wrath of no power. Caught in the middle, they
God, 1 Thes. 1:10. What resurrection must have a resurrection, but which
is this called, if I Cor. 15:20-58 IS shall they be raised up in? Shall these
ALL OF THE FIRST slain tribulation saints lay until the
RESURRECTION? That is exactly thousand year reign is finished and
what that tribulation is — THE come forth with the wicked dead of all
WRATH OF GOD. ages, seeing the second death or
Resurrection hath no power?
Remember, the Bible teaches the
BRIDE – TARES -FOOLISH VIRGINS second resurrection is a resurrection of
the wicked dead only. Since the
There is a Bride of Christ who is scripture teaches these tribulation
resurrected in I Cor. 15:20 and I Thess. saints will reign with Christ in a body
4:14-18 and there is what is known in for 1000 years, though not as a Bride,
the world as the carnal church which is they too must have a resurrection. The
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 19


having power took out the Old Paul’s revelation deals primarily with
Testament saints when Christ became the resurrection of the Bride at the
first fruits at His own resurrection – closing of the Gentile Church age at
the bodies of the New Testament TRUMPET MESSENGER. (I Cor.
saints for His Bride before the second 15:52) Paul states that in Adam all die,
coming, and THE THIRD PHASE, that is, we of this human race have
STILL IN THE FIRST inherited that death penalty and each
RESURRECTION, is the resurrection of us, regardless of our religious or
of the Tribulation saints when He non-religious beliefs, must die, but in
returns to earth to begin the thousand Christ shall all be made alive. All shall
year reign of Christ, ELSE HOW be made alive, refers to both saint and
CAN THEY REIGN IN HIS sinner, though the sinner is not raised
EARTHLY KINGDOM fulfilling up for salvation, but He who is the
their respective positions on earth, Christ, the Resurrection and Life, will
Rev. 20:4. even cause the wicked dead to live,
states Rev. 20:4, and THE REST OF
THE DEAD LIVED NOT again until
THE TERM FIRST RESURRECTION the 1000 years were fulfilled, meaning
NEVER MENTIONED UNTIL REV. 20:4 made alive for the Second resurrection
when all the unsaved dead from Adam
Shocking but true! Never once in all will be made alive for their judgment
the statements given by Christ dealing and punishment in the Lake of Fire.
with the resurrection did He indicate Definitely through Christ all shall be
there would be ANY ORDER within made alive, both sinner and saint, in
the First Resurrection. As a matter of one resurrection or the other. Here
fact never once did he make reference Paul establishes Christ is that
to the term of a first resurrection. THE resurrection power of both sinner and
MENTIONING OF THE TERM saint for all shall be made alive
ONLY, Rev. 20:4. Paul spent an entire learn that man cannot resurrect until
chapter on the resurrection of Bride his order comes up definitely. EVERY
RESURRECTION. HE AND HE This shows us God through His
ALONE SPOKE OF AN ORDER TO resurrection power will bring the dead
THAT FIRST RESURRECTION. forth in some Kind of order. Here it is
fully established. Every man will not
be made alive at the same time, but
Christ who was the Resurrection and MUST AWAIT HIS ORDER of being
the Life could have explained it in made alive.
detail but He saved that for the Spirit
speaking through Paul and John.
20 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

Next, Paul establishes Christ was the something that no man’s eye has ever
first fruits of the Resurrection. before seen.
Afterward they that are Christ’s at His
coming. Please bear in mind, though
this second coming of Christ sounds as ANOTHER RESURRECTION
though it would be only one event,
scripture is clear to point out this is to Paul said Christ having raised from the
be two separate events divided by a dead, had become the first fruits of
period of time. Both events are called them THAT SLEEP. In Adam all had
the Second Coming of Christ—First died, but in Christ shall all be made
Event, Christ comes FOR His Saints— alive. EVERY MAN WILL BE
Second Event Christ comes WITH His MADE ALIVE IN HIS OWN
Saints. ORDER, Christ the first fruits, after
that they that are Christ’s at HIS
The First Phase of Second Coming COMING. His coming is two-fold.
deals only with Christ appearing in the Did you know the scriptures teach
clouds of glory to resurrect His Bride there will be dead saints (bodies)
and snatch away the few living saints raised at both advents of Christ? When
who make up His true Bride Church. the Second Advent is completed all the
By far the greater percentage of the righteous dead will have been raised
Bride will be already asleep in Jesus from the crust of the earth—the
when He comes, I Thes. 4:13-18. Tribulation will have run its course
Note; concerning the resurrection, and produced another group of dead
Pamul’s revelation is also a limited saints. Everyone except the wicked
revelation, limited only to first phase dead of all ages will have been
of the Second Coming of Christ for resurrected, thus fulfilling Paul’s
His Bride—he only sees the Bride statement that Christ will receive His
saints being resurrected and caught up righteous saints AT HIS COMING
with the living to meet the Lord in the (first and second phase). Remember
air where we shall ever be with the when the Bride went to be with Christ
Lord. Here PAUL’S REVELATION at the First Advent of the Second
ENDS. He saw nothing concerning the Coming, none of the righteous dead
tribulation saints being resurrected. remained in the earth’s crust at that
John the Revelator is the only one who hour, but shortly after the Bride went
sees that beautiful Bride of to be with her Lord, the dreaded
Christ composed of the dead Bride Tribulation period began in full force.
saints and the living who were caught That 42 months period—wherein the
away at the first phase of that second foolish virgins found in Matt. 25 who
coming, going to the marriage did not have the needed supply of oil
supper, mounting white horses, now in their vessels were forced to seal
they return to earth with Christ her their own testimony with their blood
husband completing the second phase when the Image of the Beast has
of the second coming. Paul never saw brought about a boycott where you can
that much of the revelation. John holds neither buy or sell without the Mark of
the Beast. It was that dreaded Image of
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 21

the Beast that caused a boycott to be stage of the World Council of

brought into being. THE IMAGE IN Churches when it shall cause that
THAT HOUR WILL BE NONE dreaded boycott of no buying and
OTHER THAN THE WORLD selling save the mark. This people
COUNCIL OF CHURCHES. In that shall be beheaded who during the dark
hour of darkness there will be tribulation 42 month period did not
multitudes slaughtered who shall not receive the mark of the beast nor
yield, both Jew and Gentile (Gentile worshipped the Image – (World
making up the foolish virgins). Council of Churches). Having been
Multitudes alive today shall be forced severely tested these shall also reign
into it. with Christ and His Bride who have
just returned to earth and have taken
up their positions of judgement for the
THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST thousand year reign. The scriptures
state that these who did not worship
Note John’s revelation concerning the beast nor his image lived and
this group of Tribulation saints who reigned with Christ for a thousand
were beheaded for refusing the mark years also, but the REST OF THE
of the beast or worship his image, Rev. DEAD (Rev. 20:4) lived not again
20:4. Here is the key that unlocks the until the thousand years were up. This
tribulation. No where in the pages of indicated that there were some dead,
history does that image appear. In no some who were killed during that
hour before the tribulation does the tribulation, then at His second coming
beast image appear. It never appeared to earth were made alive and the rest
during the dark ages although of the dead lived again until 1000
68,000,000 people were slaughtered. years had expired.
We only see it coming on the scene
today, but it is not yet in force.
Through the Ecumenical Move the JUDGMENTS OF THE RIGHTEOUS DEAD
image receiving its life. It will live
and be the most detrimental to Rev. 11:18 The second phase of the
believers in that dark hour. Do you second coming of Christ among other
want to see what the World Council of things will be a time when the dead
Churches will become one day? Turn should be judged and rewards given
to Rev. 13:15-18, Some of you can’t unto the servants the prophets and to
believe that I know, but nevertheless it the saints and all them who fear His
is true and soon you shall know it first name, small and great. What a time
hand. There is your image giving this second phase of Christ will be as
power to the beast causing all to He returns with His wife, giving her
receive His mark. The foolish virgins positions and throne dominions over
who missed the rapture of the church the earth, Rev. 20:4.
only a short time before this, see the
handwriting on the wall for them,
realizing the message of the Bride Note here, John said in Rev. 20:5,
before she left concerning this worst THE REST OF THE DEAD lived not
again until the thousand years were
22 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969

finished. This indicates there were given some lower position in the
some dead who lived again at the kingdom.
beginning of the thousand year reign.
These were none other than those
beheaded tribulation saints who were Now if there is only one order or phase
resurrected at His second coming, who or chapter to this first resurrection,
did not waile Image nor receive the what on earth is John the Revelator
mark of the beast. Remember, that referring to when he refers TO THIS
image only appears in power during RESURRECTION OF DEAD
the dark tribulation. Sometime before, SAINTS who were beheaded because
the Bride went to the marriage supper they refused to bow to the mark of the
with Christ-these missed that great beast and HIS IMAGE. Bear in mind
calling, Matt. 25:1-13. that image does not do its dirty work
until sometime during that great
tribulation period. What is John
The Bride now has returned and it is referring to when he calls the dead
time for the dead to be judged. The saints (Rev. 20:4-Rev. 11:18) coming
judging of the dead can only be in forth at the beginning of the millenium
some phase of the First Resurrection saying there WASN’T GOING TO BE
because the Second Resurrection ANY MORE OF THE DEAD
having no power will not occur until RAISED UNTIL THE THOUSAND
the thousand year reign expires. This YEARS WERE COMPLETED. Then
completely eliminates that group he said, “blessed and holy is he WHO
being in the Second Resurrection. The HATH (past tense) PART IN THE
wicked will be raised and judged one FIRST RESURRECTION upon which
thousand years later according to Rev. the second hath no power.
Believe it or not, these beheaded saints
Which dead is being judged and who were resurrected, who were slain
rewarded at the second coming? Rev. during the tribulation period after His
20:4 plainly tells the answer—those coming for His Bride at the first phase
who were beheaded during the of His coming, came forth in a phase
tribulation period of Rev. 7:14-16. or chapter of the First Resurrection.
They worshipped not the beast or his NO WHERE IN SCRIPTURE HAD
image. This group of dead was granted THE WORDS FIRST
life in His millenium reign. RESURRECTION! BEEN USED
REV. 20:4. John said there will be no
They shall be in that Millennium with I more dead to live or be raised up now
Christ and His Bride though they after Rev. 20:4, until the second
cannot be the Bride. The Bride, the resurrection which hath no power will
highest calling in Christ, was taken be brought forth, Rev. 20:6-14, then
away at the first Advent of the Second the rest of the dead will live thus
Coming when there was a resurrection fulfilling Paul’s statement, “all in
of the dead, nevertheless, these are Christ shall be made alive.” So, my
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 23

friends we can say that when Christ the thousand years have expired and
arose from the dead to become the first He calls for the wicked dead of all
fruits of them who slept. All who slept ages, and judges them in the Great
at that hour were the Old Testament White Throne Judgment this
saints, whose souls had not been left in completely erases every trace of sin
hell and many of them who sleep in the that started in man’s Garden of Eden.
graves arose for witness—that was the The wicked of all ages will be cast into
first phase of the First Resurrection (2) the lake of rue to erase all sin upon this
When Christ called the dead from the earth and now He makes all things
ground to make up the Body of Christ new, Isaiah 65:17.
and change the living whose mortal
bodies would put on immortality—
that was the second phase of the First GOD HAS ALWAYS PERFORMED HIS
Resurrection, (3) When the beheaded WORK IN THREES
souls who refuse the mark of the beast
and his image during the great Why should it seem so strange that
tribulation come forth to reign with Almighty God would redeem all the
Christ for the thousand years, this was righteous dead through a three phase
none other than the third phase of the or threefold resurrection calling it all
fast resurrection and John the the First Resurrection. His redemptive
Revelator summed it all up by saying, work has been in threefold measures
Blessed and Holy is he who hath part yet they are one-Father, Word and
in the first resurrection which came in Holy Ghost, these three are one, I John
three parts or three phases. It is the 5:7. God is in three offices yet only
only resurrection that hath power and One God. There is only one plan of
we note that in all three phases of that salvation but it is in three works called
first resurrection there was a justification, sanctification and
supernatural transformation within the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The three
flesh body of each saint, proving they basic elements that make one body are
all were a part of that righteous carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Man is
resurrection which God completed in one yet he is body, soul and spirit. On
three parts, chapters or phases but the this earth God placed three forms of
second resurrection where the rest of life, plant, animal and mineral. All the
the dead lived not for the thousand way through God’s program we find
years had no power and was in one Him working in that number three to
phase, Rev. 20:4-6. perfect in One.



God will cause to come from this

earth, through the second resurrection,
every trace of sin and death before He
ushers in His Eternal age of life. When
24 The Mystery of the Resurrection July 1969



In the next issue we discuss the King

on the Throne of His Glory and what
this kingdom shall produce. How
many separate groups shall be in
it and what part will each play in
the kingdom? Are there babies
born in the millenium? Who
does Satan deceive at the end of
the reign? If only sinners are
resurrected for the second death
and sent to the lake of fire, why
is the book of life opened at the The Contender is published 8 times a year
Great White Throne judgment. (excluding the months of March, June, September
and December) by Faith Assembly Church, P.O.
2368, Clarksville, Indiana 47131-2368, a non-profit
corporation, and is mailed free to all who request it.
Published at Corydon, Indiana.

© 2020 Faith Assembly Church. Only by special

permission from the author may any part of this
paper be reproduced.

Images used in this edition include CC-BY-SA licensed

images from the Wikimedia Foundation and public
domain artwork,.

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James Allen………………..………………. Author, Pastor
Raymond M. Jackson….……..…............... Founder, Pastor
Charles Paisley………………….….…… …………. Editor
David Jackson………………..……….………Copy Layout
Ramona Barber……….........................Contender Secretary
Naomi Elliss…………………...…….Secretary – Treasurer
The Contender Faith Assembly Church 25

Faith Assembly Church

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