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Types Of Disorder That Exist In The Movie.

In the movie titled Psycho Teacher , there are some psychological disorders in the movie

titled psycho teacher. Trauma and Stressor Disorder , Trauma and stress related

disorders involve exposure to stressful or traumatic events. These were previously

grouped with anxiety disorders but are now considered a separate category of disorders.

An example of a scene that shows the disturbance is, when the woman cries because

she made her neighbor's child fall while they were playing on the swing, then she

remembers the old story of her dead daughter who also fell while playing on the swing.

next, it is Sleep, Wake Disorder . Sleep disorders involve disturbances in sleep patterns

that lead to distress and affect daytime functioning. There is also a scene involving these

disorders. It is when the lady's neighbor can't sleep because she thinks about what

happened at noon when her daughter fell while playing on the swing. Besides that ,

Disturbing, Impulse Control, and Behavior disorders . Impulse control disorders are those

that involve the inability to control emotions and behavior, resulting in harm to oneself or

others. These problems with emotional regulation and behavior are characterized by

actions that violate the rights of others such as destroying property or physical aggression

and or that are contrary to societal norms, figures, and laws. Next , Personality Disorders.

Personality disorders are characterized by maladaptive patterns of thinking, feeling, and

behavior that can cause serious damage to relationships and other areas of life. In this

story, the woman has various characters. For example, suddenly she will be sad. Not only

that she will also suddenly get angry and happy for no reason. Lastly , Dissociative

Disorder. Dissociative disorders are psychological disorders that involve separation or

disruption in aspects of consciousness, including identity and memory. Dissociative

disorders include , Dissociative amnesia involves temporary memory loss as a result of

dissociation. In many cases, this loss of memory, which may last only for a short period

of time or for years, is the result of some type of psychological trauma.

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