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Attempt the all the questins:

Group A

1. Answer the following questions: (6×2=12)

a) Write any 2 limitations of computer .
b) Define program and software.
c) What is computer GIGO?
d) Define hardware with example.
e) What is open source software? Give example.
f) What is cloud computing ?

2.Match the following : ( 4×0.5)

Computer input device

Input hardware to select portions

Touch pad electronic machine

Joystick use to play games

3. Choose the best answer: ( 4×0.5)

a) Which is not a picture file ?
I .jpg ii .gif iii .png iv. Pdf
b) 4bits equal to :
1 nibble ii. 1 crumb iii. 1byte iv. 1 kb
c) Which is an output device :
i. OCR ii. MICR III. Microphone iv. Monitor
d.) Which is system software of computer ?
i. Ms word ii. Ms power point iii. Ms excel iv. None of the above
4. State whether the statements are true or false . ( 4×0.5)
I. The word “computer” is derived from the Latin word computare.
II. RAM is the none-volatile primary memory of a computer.
III. DOS is an example of a character user interface.
IV. There are two types of software .
5.Write the ful forms of the following : ( 4×0.5)
a. WWW b. AI c. CU d. CRT
6. Write the technical terms of the following : ( 4×0.5)
i. Computation according to given set of instructions
ii. Microprocessor chip develop by Intel Corporation.
Iii A device that plays sound generated by the computer .
iv. Package software is developed by the software companies for all general users.
Group B
7. Answer the following questions: (2×2=4)
a. Write the basic structure of HTML document.
b.What is e-commerce ? List any two example of it .
8. Write the function of following HTML tages (4×1=4)
i. ¿OL¿ tags ii.¿IMG¿tags iii. ¿TABLE¿tags iv.¿U¿tags
9. Write the function of following CSS properties : (4×1=4)
i. Background ii. Border iii. Background – color iv. Text-decoration
10.Match the following : ( 4×0.5)
Web browser
Search engine ¿i¿tag
World wide web Domain Name
To make text italics Time Berners Lee
Mozilla Firefox

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