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Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

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A novel approach to enhance CO biomethanation by semi-disaggregation of

anaerobic granular sludge
Bingyi Jiang a, Xiao Hu a, Ulf Söderlind b, Erik Hedenström b, Wennan Zhang b, Chunjiang Yu a, *
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, 38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang, China
Department of Chemical Engineering, Mid Sweden University, 85170 Sundsvall, Sweden


Keywords: The syngas produced from biomass gasification is a great potential energy resource, which can well be utilized to
Syngas fermentation produce biomass-based substitute natural gas (BioSNG) via syngas biomethanation. CO biomethanation is one of
CO biomethanation the key issues in the biomethanation process and was studied experimentally in this work with respect to the
Syntrophic associations
effect of anaerobic granular sludge semi-disaggregation. The results show 1.07 times higher averaged CH4
Anaerobic granular sludge
production rate with the semi-disaggregated granular sludge than the whole granular sludge at 35 ◦ C, and 1.69
times higher at 55 ◦ C. The main mechanisms behind the enhanced CH4 production rate, especially under the
thermophilic condition, are the improvement of microbial interspecific syntrophic association caused by the
higher electron and substrate transfer rate, and more active cell growth and metabolism as reflected in higher
abundance of functional genes and enzymes and less useless extracellular polymeric substances. The CO bio­
methanation enhancement occurs in the conversion of the substrate to the intermediate products. The semi-
disaggregation of anaerobic granular sludge or similar way to strengthen interspecific association is an effec­
tive approach to improve the ability and tolerance of microbial cultures under the CO atmosphere. This tech­
nique can well be applied for the energy conversion from the CO-rich gas substrates into BioSNG via CO
biomethanation under the thermophilic condition, or for the production of intermediates as fuels/chemicals
under the mesophilic condition.

1. Introduction On the other hand, strong development in solar and wind power
industries worldwide in the recent years leads to large-scale variable
A large scale of syngas is produced worldwide for the productions of electricity production which must be balanced from other energy sour­
ammonia, refinery hydrogen, synthetic fuels and chemical such as ces or energy carriers [6]. Power to methane (PtM) can be an effective
methanol, Fischer-Tropsch diesel as well as electricity [1]. Many in­ method for the energy storage, in which hydrogen is produced from
dustrial waste gases and the syngfrefas produced from biomass gasifi­ water electrolysis and combined with CO2/CO to produce methane
cation are usually small scale but dispersed in a great potential energy through methanation [4]. Methane is a versatile chemical feedstock and
resource, which can well be utilized via gas fermentation by a wide energy carrier with easy transport and storage based on present strong
range of microorganisms to produce biomass-based chemicals and fuels natural gas industry and network worldwide [3]. PtM can play an
[2]. Traditional anaerobic digestion (AD) is a popular method to treat important role for the electricity production flexibility from renewable
biomass organic wastes such as animal manure and food waste, but energy resources and also carbon capture, utilization and sequestration
limited for undegradable lignocellulose biomass. Alternatively, biomass (CCUS) [7]. The biogas from organic waste AD is usually upgraded via
can be easily gasified into syngas which then can be used as the substrate water scrubbing and pressure swing adsorption (PSA) etc. to remove
to AD process to produce biogas [3]. Thus, the limitation of huge po­ CO2 in the biogas, which are expensive [8]. PtM can be an attractive
tential forest and agricultural biomass residues to be used as the AD alternative technology for in-situ or ex-situ biogas upgrading process by
substrate can be avoided [4]. Syngas biomethanation for the production adding hydrogen from surplus renewable electricity or syngas from
of biomass-based substitute natural gas (BioSNG) is a novel and attrac­ biomass gasification [8].
tive alternative to the high temperature catalytic synthesis route [5]. Compared with the high temperature catalytic methanation,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Yu).
Received 29 August 2022; Received in revised form 29 November 2022; Accepted 1 December 2022
0196-8904/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

biomethanation of H2/CO2/CO has many advantages such as moderate diverse and must involve the interspecific cooperation such as electron
reaction conditions, the irreversible character of the biochemical re­ transfer and substrate diffusion between a variety of microorganisms
actions and less byproducts [9]. Particularly, it is insensitive to the [20]. This is similar to the traditional fermentation of organic substrates
impurities and the ratio of C/H in the feedstock gas mixture through an whose biomethanation involves a complex metabolic network [21]. In
easy conversion of H2/CO2/CO to methane [9]. The sources of gas recent years, higher methanogenic performance has been achieved by
substrate for biomethanation can be the CO/CO2-rich industrial off-gas adding conductive materials to enhance the interspecific cooperation
in small and medium scales [6,10]. The treatment of a wide range of during the traditional AD process [22,23]. This provides a theoretical
sources not only provides a great potential for energy recovery from basis for enhancing the CO biomethanation capacity of microorganisms
waste streams but also benefits the environmental protection. by means of promoting microbial syntrophic relationship instead of
Biomethanation of gas substrates from various hydrogen and carbon forcing microbes to tolerate CO by coarse exposure and acclimation. It
sources has widespread applications as mentioned above. In the might provide novel feasibility of more efficient energy conversion from
biochemical process, the CO biomethanation is one of the key issues CO to other value-added products.
since CO (or obtained from CO2 water–gas shift reaction) is a major In fact, anaerobic granular sludge, as a mixture of various microor­
energy carrier, an excellent carbon source for the growth of anaerobic ganisms, is the embodiment of better microbial syntrophic relationship
microorganisms, but also toxic to methanogenic bacterial [11]. [24]. In the granule, compared with the free cells, clustering of microbes
Due to its inhibitory effect on microorganisms, many studies have is essential to minimize the diffusion distance of interspecies electron
addressed the tolerance of mixed anaerobic culture to CO at different carriers and to maximize the rate of substrate conversion [25]. Thus, one
partial pressures. It was found that the methanogenic activity reached of the easiest ways to affect the microbial interspecific relationship for
the maximum at 0.2 atm of CO, but was inhibited completely at 1.0 atm syntrophic cultures is to change the morphology of sludge granule. It
of CO [11]. Esquivel-Elizondo et al. [12] reported that complete inhi­ was reported that the complete disaggregation of sludge granule
bition of methanogens occurred at PCO ≥ 51.4 kPa. Although the value of weakens the CO biomethanation capacity [2]. Similar to the methano­
PCO cannot be well defined due to different inocula and experiment genesis of organic substrates, the disaggregation of sludge granule can
conditions, the inhibitory trends are consistent. However, few studies plays a positive or negative role [26,27]. But these research works
have been reported about how to improve CO biomethanation capacity focused on the changes of reaction rates and microbial species rather
of microorganisms. So far, only simple enrichment or acclimation of the than the characterization of more detailed metabolism and interspecific
mixed microbial consortia by short-term or long-term exposure to CO cooperation, which leads to the lack of sufficient evidence and in-depth
[12,13] has been carried out to improve the tolerance to CO and shorten explanation for their results. Semi-disaggregation and complete disag­
the lag phase of CO biomethanation. Such method is very primitive and gregation of granular sludge may cause totally different performances in
needs to be studied in detail. Therefore, it is necessary to find a novel the CO biomethanation, which has not been paid attention to in litera­
idea to guide more efficient CO biomethanation. ture. The discussions and conclusions with respect to the granular sludge
Many previous studies have focused on the identification of CO disaggregation are often simple and inaccurate.
biomethanation pathways which can be summarized in Fig. 1. It has In the present study, the sludge granules were appropriately broken
been proved that the indirect pathway dominates CO biomethanation, into small aggregates to change the microbial interspecific relationship,
while the direct pathway can be negligible [5]. To a great extent, CO is but the clustering of microbes was retained. The effect of sludge granule
first converted to acetate and subsequently to CH4 under the mesophilic semi-disaggregation on CO biomethanation and the detail mechanism
condition [2,14–16]. While under the thermophilic condition, H2/CO2 behind were evaluated to determine the feasibility of changing the
become the main intermediate products[13,15,17–19]. No matter how interspecific relationship in order to enhance the performance of CO
the specific pathways can be drawn, the CO biomethanation routes are biomethanation. In addition, acetate and H2/CO2 were used as the

Fig. 1. Major pathways of CO biomethanation. The blue color indicates the preferable pathways under the mesophilic condition. The red color indicates the
preferable pathways under the thermophilic condition. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

substrates to simulate the intermediate products of CO methanogenesis Table 1

to determine how the metabolic pathway is changed after semi- Experimental conditions of the test runs. (W - the whole granular sludge, D - the
disaggregation of sludge granule. Finally, the degree of granular semi-disaggregated granular sludge, M - at the mesophilic temperature of 35 ◦ C,
sludge disaggregation and possible mechanism of CO biomethanation T - at the thermophilic temperature of 55 ◦ C. The subscripts represent the sub­
are discussed in the paper. strates used. The initial total pressure is 1.2 atm, and the rotation speed 80 rpm).
Test run Initial gas composition (v %) Liquid substrate
2. Material and methods
WMCO CO/N2 = 50/50 /
DMCO CO/N2 = 50/50 /
2.1. Growth medium and inoculum WTCO CO/N2 = 50/50 /
DTCO CO/N2 = 50/50 /
WMH2 H2/CO2/N2 = 50/12.5/37.5 /
The growth medium used in this study was a modified basal anaer­
DMH2 H2/CO2/N2 = 50/12.5/37.5 /
obic (BA) medium [28] composed by 4 stock solutions presented in WTH2 H2/CO2/N2 = 50/12.5/37.5 /
Table S1. The medium was prepared by adding 10 mL A (macroele­ DTH2 H2/CO2/N2 = 50/12.5/37.5 /
ment), 2 mL B (microelement), 1 mL C (pH buffer solution), 1 mL D WMAc N2 = 100 12 mM of acetate
(vitamin) and distilled water to 1L. DMAc N2 = 100 12 mM of acetate
WTAc N2 = 100 12 mM of acetate
Anaerobic granular sludge was collected from an internal circulation
DTAc N2 = 100 12 mM of acetate
bioreactor owned by Shuierli Environmental Protection Technology ltd.,
Jiangxi, China, which was originally operated under the mesophilic
condition (35–38 ◦ C) to treat industrial wastewater from juice plants. It The enrichment details are similar to the previous study [15].
has been proved to have better performance of CO biomethanation [15].
The total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS) contents of the anaerobic
2.2. Experimental tests
granular sludges were 49.46 ± 0.64 g/L and 37.44 ± 0.69 g/L, respec­
tively. Modified from [26], the granular sludge was ground manually to
The experiment was carried out in a 1.9L bioreactor of pressure-
obtain the semi-disaggregated granular sludge. In an anaerobic envi­
resistant glass as shown in Fig. S1. A shock gas-proof manometer
ronment, whole granular sludges were put into the reactor, and an
(YNZ-60, Wenzhou, China) and two valves for gas/liquid sampling were
appropriate amount of BA medium was added to submerge the sludges
installed through the reactor cover. The reactor is completely isolated
fully. Then, a cylinder with flat bottom was used to grind the whole
through strict pressure and air tightness test. The details were exhibited
sludge granules until they were cracked or crushed into small aggre­
in the previous study [15].
gates. In the case that a part of the microorganisms and the extracellular
To study the effect of semi-disaggregation of anaerobic granular
polymeric substances (EPS) were separated from the granules in the
sludge on the CO biomethanation, 50 % CO plus 50 % N2 was used as the
grinding process, the BA medium can prevent their loss which might
substrate for conversion into CH4 by the whole granular sludge and
affect the experiment accuracy. As shown in Fig. 2, the granules after
semi-disaggregated granular sludge respectively under the mesophilic
grinding no longer have smooth surfaces and complete ellipsoid struc­
and thermophilic conditions. In order to identify the biomethanation
tures, but are crushed into small clusters, achieving the purpose of semi-
pathways that might be changed by the semi-disaggregation of granular
disaggregation of granules without completely dispersing microorgan­
sludge, acetate and H2/CO2 were used as the substrates to simulate the
isms. Before sludge was used as the inoculum, a batch process in the
main intermediate products for methanogenic tests. Detailed conditions
atmosphere of H2/CO2 (4:1) was applied for enrichment as well as
of each experimental test are shown in Table 1.
removing the original organic digestible matter contained in the sludges.
70 mL sludge and 230 mL fresh BA medium made the liquid volume

Fig. 2. Photographs of the inoculum: a) semi-disaggregated granular sludge and b) the whole granular sludge.

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

to be 300 mL, in which 0.12 g cysteine hydrochloride was added. The the cell was then purged with pure N2 for 10 min to establish an
headspace and the bioreactor were flushed with the gas to be used in the anaerobic environment. CVs were measured using an electrochemical
test run at a rate of 500 mL/min for more than 10 min through the analyzer (Bio-Logic, Claix, France). The scanning voltage of the working
valves. The bioreactors were incubated in the shaker-bed at 80 rpm electrode was ranged from − 1.0 ~ 1.0 V with scanning rates of 20 ~
under the mesophilic and thermophilic conditions, respectively. During 100 mV/s.
each test run, 4 mL liquid was extracted every day to measure the pH and According to the Laviron equation, the electron transfer rate constant
analyze the composition of the liquid phase. Then, 4 mL fresh BA me­ kapp in the system was calculated [32]. First, α was calculated according
dium was added and the pH was adjusted to 6.6–7.5 with 4 M NaOH and to Eqs. (1) and (2) as follow:
HCl if needed. 2 mL gas was extracted for analysis of the gas phase ( ) [ ]
RT αnF νc
composition every day. Epc = Ec0 − ln (1)
αnF RTkapp
2.3. Measurements of chemical components in the gas and liquid phases ( ) [ ]
RT (1 − α)nF νa
Epa = Ea0 − ln (2)
(1 − α)nF RTkapp
The composition of H2, CO, CH4 and CO2 in the headspace of the
bioreactor was measured by gas chromatography (Shimadzu GC-2014,
where α is the electron transfer coefficient, Epc the reduction peak po­
Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) tential, Epa the oxidation peak potential, ν the scanning rate, R 8.314 J
and a packed column (TDX-01, 2 m × 3 mm, Stainless Steel) as described
mol− 1 K− 1, T 298 K and F 96,483C mol− 1. The straight slopes of Ep-E0
previously [15]. The conversion of gas volumes in liter to moles was and ln ν with the reduction and oxidation peaks are RT/αnF and RT/(1-
calculated according to ideal gas law at 1 bar and 293 K after measuring
α)nF, respectively. Following this, kapp was obtained according to Eq. (3)
the gas temperature, total pressure, the headspace volume and con­ as follows:
centration of each component. The solubilities of H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 ( )
were calculated to correct the gas composition using data from Lide RT nFΔE
lgkapp = αlg(1 − α) + (1 − α)lgα − lg − (1 − α)α (3)
[29]. nF ν 2.303RT
Volatile fatty acids (VFA) including acetate, propionate, butyrate and
isobutyrate were analyzed by Agilent 8860 (Wilmington, Delaware, where ΔE indicates the potential difference between the reduction and
USA) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and DB-WAX oxidation peaks.
column (30 m × 0.53 mm × 1.0 μm). Nitrogen was used as the carrier
gas at a flow rate of 40 cm/s. The temperatures of inlet and detector 2.6. Excitation mission matrix fluorescence analysis
were set up to be 250 ◦ C. The GC oven was programmed to begin at
50 ◦ C, held for 1 min, then increased at a rate of 20 ◦ C/min to 250 ◦ C, The extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) after the experiments
and finally held at 250 ◦ C for 6 mins. were tested by a Fluorescence Spectrophotometer (F7000, Hitachi,
The total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS) contents of the anaerobic Japan). EPS were separated with heat extraction methods [33]. The
granular sludge were measured according to standard methods [6]. The excitation wavelength (EX) was set up at 200–450 nm and the emission
pH was measured by a pH meter (pH-100, Shanghai, China). wavelength (EM) at 250–550 nm. The excitation and emission slits were
maintained at 5 nm and the scanning speed was set up at 2400 nm/min.
2.4. Morphological analysis of the microbial communities
2.7. Gene sequencing and functional analysis
The microorganism morphology of cultured sludge was observed by
a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The sludge samples were fixed, Biomass samples were collected at the end of the experiments to
dehydrated, coated with gold–palladium [30] and finally observed in analyze the microbial community. Total genomic DNA was extracted
SEM (SU-8010, Hitachi, ltd., Japan) in Bio-ultrastructure Analysis Lab. using the DNeasy PowerSoil DNA extraction kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Ger­
of Analysis Center of Agrobiology and Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang many). The 16S rRNA gene V4 ~ V5 hypervariable region was amplified
University (Hangzhou, China). using the universal forward 515F (5′ -GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGG-3′ ) and
The spatial distribution of Archaea and Bacteria inside the sludge the reverse 907R (5′ -CCGTCAATTCMTTTRAGTTT-3′ ) primers for Bac­
granules was marked by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). teria, and using the universal forward 519F (5′ -CAGCCGCCGCCGTAA-
Frozen section was taken in order to obtain the 10 μm central slices of 3′ ) and the reverse 915R (5′ -GTGCTCCCCCGCCAATTCCT-3′ ) primers
sludge granule. Then, the slices were taken to perform FISH analysis. for Archaea [34]. The PCR products were verified using 1.5 % agarose
Oligonucleotide probes specific for Bacteria (EUB338 probe 5′ –FAM- gel electrophoresis, and the DNA bands were excised and purified fol­
GCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT-3′ ) and Archaea (ARC915 probe 5′ –CY3- lowed by using NanoDrop 2000 (Theromo Fisher Scientific, Waltham,
GTGCTCCCCCGCCAATTCCT-3′ ) domains were used [25,31]. Samples USA) to determine the concentration and quality of DNA. High-
after FISH were photographyed by confocal laser scanning microscopy throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA was conducted using the Ion Gen­
(NIKON Eclipse Ti, Nikon ltd., Japan). The hybridized bacterial cells eStudio S5 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA) at Analysis Center
were excited with the 488 nm line of an Ar laser (excitation) and of Agrobiology and Environmental Sciences of Zhejiang University
observed in the green channel of 550 nm (emission). Archaea cells were (Hangzhou, China). QIIME package was used to handle the original
excited with the 560 nm line of a He − Ne laser (excitation) and sequence. The detailed steps were based on the published methods [35].
observed in the red channel of 590 nm (emission). Alpha diversity metrics were calculated using Chao1. The Beta diversity
was estimated using the phylum/genus-level abundance [36]. For
2.5. Electrochemical analysis of anaerobic digestion residues functional profiles, taxonomy annotation and enzymes of KEGG
Ontology (KO) were made relying on Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and
To calculate the electron transfer during anaerobic process, cyclic Genomes (KEGG) Database [37].
voltammetry (CV) measurements were conducted using a single-
chamber three-electrode electrochemical cell. The electrochemical cell 3. Results and discussion
was made of two graphite electrodes (a working electrode and a counter
electrode, each with a 95 mm length and 5 mm diameter) and a refer­ 3.1. CO biomethanation
ence electrode (Ag/AgCl) [32]. 20 mL digestion residue containing 5 mL
sludges and 15 mL medium was added into the electrochemical cell, and In the CO biomethanation experimental test, 50 % CO plus the rest of

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

N2 was fed as the initial substrate, and the whole granular sludge and Table 2
semi-disaggregated granular sludge were used respectively under the The performance of CO biomethanation in the experimental tests.
mesophilic and thermophilic conditions to identify the influence of the Averaged Averaged End- Product yieldb
granular sludge semi-disaggregation on the AD process. The consump­ consumption production product
tion of CO, the productions of CH4 and CO2, as well as the intermediate rate rate
products of H2 and acetate are registered against the biomethanation tmaxa CO (mmol/g CH4 (mmol/ CH4 CH4 CO2
time as shown in Fig. 3. The digestion time to reach the maximum (d) VSS/d) g VSS/d) (mmol)
product, tmax, the amount of end–product and the product yield are also WMCO 12 1.21 0.29 8.65 90.89 68.75
DMCO 11 1.36 0.31 9.26 94.12 68.11
summarized in Table 2. In general, the CO biomethanation is faster and WTCO 7 2.12 0.52 10.00 102.00 72.07
the CH4 yield is higher under the thermophilic condition than that under DTCO 4 3.78 0.88 10.15 101.92 70.04
the mesophilic condition, in agreement with the conclusion made from a
Time to reach maximum amount of the product.
previous study [15]. It is also noticed in Fig. 3 that the lag phase for CO b
stoichiometric yield: 1/4 mol CH4 and 3/4 mol CO2 per mol CO.
biomethanation under the thermophilic condition is shorter, about 1 and
2 days in the cases of DTCO and WTCO, in comparison to about 4 days
granular sludge at 35 ◦ C, and 1.69 times higher at 55 ◦ C as calculated
under the mesophilic condition as seen in Fig. 3a, 3b and 3c. A certain
from Table 2, whereas the amount of CH4 end-product and the product
amount of the intermediate product H2 is produced under the thermo­
yield are almost unchanged. As a conclusion, granular sludge semi-
philic condition, which cannot be seen under the mesophilic condition
disaggregation changes almost nothing more than to speed up the CO
as shown in Fig. 3d, suggesting different CO biomethanation pathways
biomethanation significantly under the thermophilic condition.
Comparing the test runs of the semi-disaggregated granular sludge
with the test runs of the whole granular sludge, it can be seen that the CO 3.2. Microbial community
consumption rate is slightly increased under the mesophilic condition,
but significantly increased under the thermophilic condition as seen in The species richness is characterized by Chao1 index [13] as seen in
Fig. 3a. The same trends are true for the productions of CH4 and CO2 Table 3. After the enrichment under the CO atmosphere, species richness
shown in Fig. 3b and 3c in response to the CO consumption. The lag of both archaea and bacteria increases. Comparing the test runs of WMCO
phase for CH4 to start to be produced is slightly shorten under the with DMCO, and WTCO with DTCO respectively, it can be seen that the
mesophilic condition, but clearly shorten from 4 days to 1 day under the species richness of archaea in semi-disaggregated granular sludge is
thermophilic condition with the help of granular sludge semi- lower than that in the whole granular sludge, but the species richness of
disaggregation. The averaged CH4 production rate with the semi- bacteria does not exhibit any obvious change. This indicates that the
disaggregated granular sludge is 1.07 times higher than the whole disaggregation of granular sludge makes the microorganisms inside the
sludge to be more direct exposure to CO, thus part of them are

Fig. 3. Consumption and production of the gas in the bioreactor headspace, a) CO, b) CH4, c) CO2, and d) intermediate H2 and acetate in the liquid, in the CO
biomethanation with the whole and semi-disaggregated granular sludge at 35 ◦ C and 55 ◦ C, respectively.

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

Table 3 electrons. Some studies also have reported the potential autotrophs
Parameters related to microbial community richness and diversity. function of metabolizing bicarbonate of AOA [43], suggesting that CO2
Sample Chao1 Sample Chao1 reduction is possible. However, there is lack of the information about
those Archaea, making it difficult to determine how they participate in
Archaea Bacteria
Initial 4726.418 Initial 3576.103 the methanogenesis process and whether there is a possible link between
WMCO 8343.784 WMCO 7803.888 ammonium removal and CO2 removal. Because high ammonium con­
DMCO 6527.119 DMCO 7849.523 centration will inhibit methane production [44] and too much CO2 in
WTCO 7335.356 WTCO 6359.618 the product gas will also reduce the quality of biogas.
DTCO 6152.174 DTCO 7103.904
In conclusion, the relative abundance of microbial community shows
that whether the sludge is broken or not will not fundamentally affect
eliminated because of the toxic effect of CO. Compared with bacteria, the shift of microorganisms under CO atmosphere at a high concentra­
many methanogens are less able to tolerate pure CO under high pressure tion. Although the semi-disaggregation accelerates the microorganism
[2] so that the effect on archaea is more significant. However, such adaptation to CO, it is not sufficient to explain the enhanced CO
exposure to CO does not mean a negative phenomenon. It makes a faster biomethanation.
adaption to CO and shortens the lag phase of methanogenesis, which is
one of the reasons for the enhancement of CO biomethenation [17]. 3.3. Microbial interspecific syntrophic associations
As seen in Fig. 4, after the exposure to CO, the dominant archaea
have been changed completely, while the relative abundance of bacteria The 16S rRNA gene analysis above and previous study [42] show
is similar to that in the initial sludge before inoculation at the phylum that the sludge structure has no significant effect on microbial com­
level. This further confirms that methanogens are less tolerant to CO munity. But the destruction of granular structure might change the
than bacteria. The bacterial community is relatively conventional, syntrophic associations between the microflora and give rise to an
which is dominated by Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. impact on the methanogenesis process. The formation of granular sludge
These bacteria are common in anaerobic mixed cultures and usually is partly forced by the signaling and collective action in microbial
responsible for hydrolysis and acidogenesis [38,39] in traditional community [24] and contributes to the mutualistic interactions among
anaerobic digestion, as well as required in CO biomethanation. As for different members of a mixed microbial consortium in the sludge [5]. In
Archaea, the methanogens only occupy about 10 % of the relative such syntrophic cultures, clustering of Bacteria and Archaea maximizes
abundance in 4 experimental tests, which are mainly consist of Meth­ the rate of substrate conversion as well as the interspecies electron
anosaeta, Methanolinea, Methanothermobacter and Methanobacterium. It transfer [25]. The transfer of substrates and electrons between various
suggests that a large number of methanogens are inhibited by CO. The functional microorganisms plays an essential role during the process of
dominant archaeal class of these tests is Thaumarchaeota, whose relative CO biomethanation [20]. Thus, the semi-disaggregation of granular
abundance ranges from 25.5 % to 45.1 %. They are ammonia-oxidizing sludge possibly enhances the interspecific symbiosis and speeds up the
archaea (AOA) and play a role in nitrification, during which ammonium CO biomethanation process.
(NH+ 4 ) is oxidized to nitrite (NO2) or nitrate (NO3) [40]. The absence of
– –
In order to evaluate the interspecific symbiosis in detail, SEM of
methanogens and the presence of NH+ 4 in the medium might lead the sludge and CV experiment of the residues after CO biomethanation were
dominant growth of AOA. It should be noted that the CO2 yield is just made. It can be seen in Fig. 5 that the granular sludge is broken up into
around 70 % as given in Table 2, indicating that part of carbon is utilized small aggregates, while the cluster link among microorganisms, extra­
in the form of CO2 or other carbon-containing products by microor­ cellular polymeric substances and other inert substances is reserved.
ganisms for their cell growth [41] and the production of extracellular Although the surface of the whole granular sludge is more compact and
polymeric substances [42]. But then the system lacks a supply of elec­ smoother, the spatial structure required for the interspecific link in the
trons to match the process. The reasonable explanation is that anaerobic semi-disaggregated granular sludge is not completely destroyed.
ammonium oxidation (Anammox) carried out by AOA releases To better understand the effects of disaggregation, the wide range of

Fig. 4. Relative abundance of a) archaea and b) bacteria communities using V4-V5 region primer set.

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

Fig. 5. SEM images of the whole sludge granule (a and b) and the semi-disaggregated granular granule (c and d).

electron transfer processes that occur during the CO biomethanation 3.4. Cell growth and metabolism
should be analyzed. Although it is difficult to determine the association
between the specific redox reaction and the redox peaks [33], CV To further explain the semi-disaggregation effect on metabolic pro­
experiment has been used in many previous studies to quantify extra­ cess, EEM was used to evaluate the characteristic of extracellular poly­
cellular electron transfer capacity of biological experiments [32], so meric substances (EPS). As shown in Fig. 6, four main peaks are
does in this study. As shown in Fig. S2a, c, e and g, the peak currents recorded. According to the location of emission/emission (Ex/Em)
increase linearly with increasing scan rates for Peak 1 and 2. Fig. S2b, d, fluorescence peaks of various dissolved organic matters [48], Peak A and
f and h show the dependence of peak potential on the scan rate by B are observed at an Ex/Em = 275–280/305–340 nm and assigned to
plotting Epeak versus ln ν. Based on Laviron theory. The values of the simple aromatic protein-like substances; Peak C and D are observed at an
electron transfer rate kapp in the 4 test runs are calculated from the two Ex/Em = 225–230/305–340 nm and assigned to soluble microbial
redox peaks. byproduct-like materials such as tryptophan and tyrosine protein-like
The kapp values of the whole granular sludge and the semi- substances. Organic matters in other regions such as humic acid-like
disaggregated granular sludge are 0.00276 s− 1 and 0.00738 s− 1 and heme-like substances are almost absent. Comparing the test runs
respectively under the mesophilic condition, and 0.00775 s− 1 and of WMCO with DMCO, and WTCO with DTCO, respectively, it can be seen
0.01302 s− 1 respectively under the thermophilic condition. The results that the whole granular sludge has higher content of protein-like EPS
show that during the process of CO biomethanation, the electron than the semi-disaggregated granular sludge. This agrees with the
transfer capacity between microorganisms in the sludge under the observation of more extracellular metabolites on the surface of the
thermophilic is stronger than that under the mesophilic condition. The whole granular sludge in Fig. 5. Although protein-like substances usu­
electron transfer capacity of the semi-disaggregated granular sludge is ally participate in electron transfer as electron shuttles [45]. But in this
stronger than that of the whole granular sludge. This is consistent with experiment, the electron transfer rate of the whole granular sludge is
the CO methanogenesis performance of different sludge structures under lower, which is contrary to the higher EPS content. Therefore, these
the mesophilic and thermophilic conditions, indicating that the electron protein-like EPS do not play the major role of electron shuttles [19].
transfer capacity changed by the granular sludge semi-disaggregation is Instead, they contribute more to the structural stability of sludge granule
an important reason to explain the enhanced CO biomethanation reac­ and the defense against the external selection pressure [49]. This can
tion rate. It should be noted that the electron transfer rate of semi- also be demonstrated by the different EPS content at 35 ◦ C and 55 ◦ C in
disaggregated granular sludge is 2.67 times higher than that of the Fig. 6. The thermophilic condition is not suitable for many microor­
whole granular sludge under the mesophilic condition, while 1.68 times ganisms, making formation of more proteins such as heat-resistant en­
under the thermophilic condition. They are not the same as the dospores [50], so that WTCO and DTCO have more EPS. These protein-
enhanced multiples of the methanogenic rates since biological reactions like EPS did not help accelerate interspecific association, but resulted
are often caused by multiple factors and electron transfer capacity in a compact and stable structure in Fig. 5 which might increase the
cannot completely represent the actual CH4 production rate. In the limitation of diffusion of substrate and electrons, resulting in the
whole granular sludge, due to the limitation of mass transport in the decrease of CO biomethanation rate.
inner layer of the granule, only part of the granule will contribute to the Previous studies has proved that the disaggregated sludge has a
conversion process [27]. Once the whole granule is crushed to small higher cell specific growth rate and a more active biomass [26], which is
aggregates, the diffusion resistance will be weakened and microbes will partly related to the less production of EPS [42], so that more power will
be released. At the same time, those aggregates are still able to perform be used for more efficient CO metabolism. Therefore, a further meta­
the function for interspecific collaboration, offering more opportunities genomic analysis was conducted to reveal the effect of semi-
for microbial consortia to participate in the syntrophic CO fermentation. disaggregation on functional profiling using KEGG database (Fig. 7).
Such enhanced interspecific syntrophic associations are characterized Metabolism, genetic information processing, environmental information
by the higher electron transfer capacity, which is one of the important processing and cellular processes are identified as the four primary
reasons to explain the improved CO utilization capacity of semi- pathways on KEGG Level 1. The dominant KEGG pathway level is
disaggregation. It is consistent with many studies that the strength­ metabolism, including amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate meta­
ening of interspecific syntrophic association will significantly promote bolism and energy metabolism, which normally exist in AD system with
biological reaction [25,32,45]. large quantities [37]. In addition, membrane transport, replication and
Many previous studies [46,47] have shown that the internal mass repair and translation are dominant pathways of genetic information
transfer resistance of granular sludge plays a more important role than processing and environmental information processing, respectively,
the external mass transfer resistance with respect to the substrate mass which shows that translation regulation mechanism plays an important
transfer, which causes a lower substrate concentration in the core of the role in the normal operation of physiological function [37]. As shown in
sludge granules. The substrate concentration decreases as the granule Fig. 7, most of the functional gene clusters of semi-disaggregated gran­
diameter is increased. Thus, the semi-disaggregation brings a dual effect. ular sludge have higher abundance than those of the whole granular
On one hand it enhances the interspecific syntrophic associations, sludge under both the mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. This
making more microbes join in the methanogenesis. On the other hand, it indicates that semi-disaggregation effectively stimulates the cell growth,
leads a higher mass transfer rate [26]. collaboration and metabolic functions related to methane production.
Thus, it can be concluded that enhanced CO biomethenation rate by

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

Fig. 6. 3-D EEM fluorescence spectra for EPS of sludge after CO biomethanation in the test runs of a) WMCO, b) DMCO, c) WTCO and d) DTCO.

semi-disaggregated granular sludge is a result of increased substrate and whether the sludge is semi-disaggregated or not. In conclusion, the
electron transport rates (analyzed in 3.3) and improvement in cell granular sludge semi-disaggregation does not affect the pathways of
growth, collaboration and metabolism. acetoclastic methanogenesis and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. It
can be inferred that the enhancement of CO biomethanation process
should be attributed to the impact on the processes before the digestion
3.5. Possible enhanced pathways of intermediate products, which is the pathway of carboxydotrophic
acetogenesis under the mesophilic condition and water–gas shift reac­
Regarding the CO biomethanation pathway, it has be concluded that tion under the thermophilic condition, or the transfer process of sub­
acetate is the main intermediate product under the mesophilic condition strates and electrons between donors and receivers after the formation
and H2 under the thermophilic condition, while carboxydotrophic of intermediate products. Most hydrogenogens and acetogens belong to
methanogenic activity is negligible, although the interconversion of Bacteria, dominating the production of H2/CO2 and acetate from CO
intermediate products as well as by-products may occur [2,14,17]. [20]. On one hand, because of the higher tolerance of Bacteria to CO
Therefore, in this experimental work, acetate and H2/CO2 were used to compared with methanogens, the higher activity of bacteria provides a
simulate the main intermediate products for methanogenic tests to higher potential for enhancement of the former methanogenesis process.
determine which pathway or process is promoted by the granular sludge On the other hand, because the Archaea species involved in the latter
semi-disaggregation. process are simpler, while the Bacteria species involved in the former
As seen in Fig. 8a, 8b and 8c, the curves of acetate consumption and process are richer, the closer collaborations among microorganism make
CH4 and CO2 productions in the cases of WMAc and DMAc are almost the strengthening effect of the former process more obvious.
identical, suggesting that crushing granular sludge does not affect the In order to further explore the effects on gene functions and meta­
route of acetoclastic methanogenesis under the mesophilic condition. bolic pathways, the key functional enzymes associated with the meth­
Under the thermophilic condition, the rate of acetate conversion to CH4 anogenic pathways (based on the KEGG database) are analyzed in Fig. 9
is higher when the granular sludge is crushed. However, this pathway [20,21,37]. It is noted in Fig. 9b that the semi-disaggregation of granular
can be neglected as acetate is not the main intermediate product at sludge has different impacts on the abundance of different enzymes.
55 ◦ C. As seen in Fig. 8d, 8e and 8f, the trend of H2/CO2 consumption After semi-disaggregation, most enzymes including CODH/ACS,
and CH4 production during H2/CO2 biomethanation is not affected by

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

Fig. 7. Metabolic pathways abundance on KEGG categories (level 2).

Fig. 8. Consumption of a) acetate in the liquid phase and production of b) CO2 and c) CH4 in the bioreactor headspace during anaerobic digestion of acetate as the
substrate, and consumption of d) H2 and e) CO2, and production of f) CH4 in the bioreactor headspace during the biomethanation of H2/CO2/N2 = 50 %/12.5 %/37.5
% as the substrate.

formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase (EC:, methenyltetrahy­ acetate decarboxylation, CO2 reduction and methanogenesis pathways
dromethanopterin cyclohydrolase (EC:, 5,10-methylenetetra- [21,37]. The semi-disaggregation of granular sludge reduces the abso­
hydromethanopterin reductase (EC: and tetrahy­ lute abundance of enzymes in acetate decarboxylation and CO2 reduc­
dromethanopterin S-methyltransferase (EC: have higher tion pathways, but increases in the common methanogenesis pathway,
abundance, while the abundance of enzymes including coenzyme F420 which results in an unnoticeable change in enzyme abundance in the
hydrogenase (EC: and phosphate acetyltransferase (EC: complete process from intermediates (H2/CO2 or acetate) to methane. decreases. However, the abundance of CODH/ACS, the key enzyme for CO con­
According to the methane metabolism pathways based on KEGG, the version to intermediate products, increases significantly by 67.46 %
enzymes are divided into four modules in Fig. 9a: CO oxidation [20,51], under the mesophilic condition and 185.14 % under the thermophilic

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

Fig. 9. a) The main methanogenic pathways and b) Absolute abundance of functional enzyme based on KEGG, and c) Absolute abundance of modules involved in

condition. This is consistent with the conclusions analyzed from Fig. 8 condition (Fig. 9c), it does not seem to be enough to make the CH4
that the semi-disaggregation of granular sludge significantly enhances production rate increase significantly as shown in Fig. 8. Thermophilic
the process of CO to intermediate products instead of the latter process condition is not suitable for the direct digestion of acetate, which is
from the intermediate products to methane. usually converted into CH4 through acetate-oxidizing reaction [19]. This
However, the improvement of functional genes and enzymes are by process needs syntrophic associations of a variety of bacteria [5]. Similar
no means the only reason for the enhanced CO biomethanation capacity. to the CO biomethanation, the digestion of acetate under the thermo­
Although the total abundance of enzymes in the acetate decarboxylation philic condition is also enhanced by crushed sludge. From this point of
and methanogenesis pathways increases slightly under the thermophilic view, the pathway or process enhanced by semi-disaggregation usually

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

Fig. 9. (continued).

involves closer interspecific association. Thus, the enhancement of the concentrated in the inner layer and other acetogens and H2 consuming/
diffusion process of the substrate and the electron after the formation of producing organisms (Bacteria) forming the exterior layer [52]. Navarro
the intermediate products cannot be negligible. et al. [2] believe that such structure of granular sludge protects metha­
The above analysis and discussions once again show the effect of nogens against the toxicity of CO and provides sludge with a better
granular sludge semi-disaggregation caused by a combination of phys­ conversion of CO into CH4. In order to explain these two contradictory
ical factors such as substrate and the electron transfer and biological conclusions and determine the spatial distribution of microorganism
factors such as cell metabolism. In future work, more attention could be inside the sludge granule, FISH experiment was carried out. The fluo­
paid to the quantitative analysis of different factors and model rescence micrographs were taken after hybridization with the specific
development. probe EUB338 for Bacteria and the probe ARC915 for Archaea [25].
As shown in Fig. 10, Archaea (red) and Bacteria (green) are evenly
3.6. The degree of granular sludge disaggregation distributed inside the sludge granule without obvious stratification after
acclimation by 50 % CO gas mixture, as well as in semi-disaggregated
The disaggregated sludge has been found to be detrimental to the granular sludge (Fig S3). This indicates that the physical barrier of
biological process in many studies [2,26,40]. After a long-time exposure sludge structure is inadequate for methanogen protection under inten­
to CO, the disaggregated sludge showed a negative effect on its meth­ sive acclimation by CO, and Bacteria and Archaea in the whole and semi-
anogenic activity and was less able to tolerate CO at higher CO partial disaggregated granular sludge are indiscriminately acclimated by CO.
pressures [2], which is contrary to the conclusion of this study. The Eventually, the stratified structure of the sludge in normal anaerobic
previous theory of granule structure describes methanogens (Archaea) digestion [19] disappears, regardless of whether the sludge granule is

Fig. 10. FISH images of the sections of the whole sludge granule after enrichment or acclimation by 50% CO gas mixture: a) distribution of archaea (red) and
bacteria (green) in sludge granule, b) distribution of archaea and c) bacteria. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

B. Jiang et al. Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023) 116551

intact, semi-disaggregated, or totally disaggregated. This means that the condition and water–gas shift reaction under the thermophilic condi­
conclusion that the granule structure protects the internal methanogens, tion, or the transfer process of substrates and electrons between donors
making the CO biomethanation capacity of the whole sludge granule and receivers in the formation of intermediate products. The mecha­
stronger than that of the crushed sludge is incorrect. This is consistent nisms about strengthening interspecific association can be applied for
with the results of 16S rRNA analysis. In fact, temperature should have the energy conversion of the CO-rich gas substrates into BioSNG or other
been a significant acclimation factor for microorganisms [53,54], but no liquid fuels and chemicals via biochemical process.
obvious difference of relative abundance under different temperatures is
found in Fig. 4. It can be concluded that the toxicity of CO is the key CRediT authorship contribution statement
factor to influence the microbial community composition and distribu­
tion, which overrides the influence of the other factors. Bingyi Jiang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,
The contradictory conclusions on CO biomethanation with respect to Visualization, Writing – original draft. Xiao Hu: Investigation. Ulf
the granular sludge disaggregation might be associated to the disag­ Söderlind: Methodology. Erik Hedenström: Writing - review & edit­
gregation degree of sludge granule and the reasons should be explained ing. Wennan Zhang: Funding acquisition, Project administration,
in terms of the change of interspecific relationship. In this study, the Writing - review & editing. Chunjiang Yu: Conceptualization, Re­
granule is crushed to small aggregates, referred to as semi- sources, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Project administration.
disaggregation. The granular sludge semi-aggregation can increase the
mass transfer between the substrate and microorganisms [46,47], and
shorten the acclimation time for the microorganisms to be adapted to Declaration of Competing Interest
the CO atmosphere [11]. So that, the biomethanation rate can be
increased. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Once the granule is totally disaggregated, the microorganisms in the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
sludge are completely separated and the interspecific association will be the work reported in this paper.
thoroughly destroyed, resulting in the reduction of the tolerance level of
CO. This phenomenon can also be verified in other studies. For example, Data availability
semi-disaggregated granular sludge leads an increase in the degradation
activity of acetate and butyrate [27]. The fully disaggregated sludge Data will be made available on request.
reduces the amount of methane converted from the intermediate H2
[26], which might be related to disruption of substrate and electron
diffusion. In addition, sludge structure has different effects on different
substrates. Sludge, even at the same degree of disaggregation, is good to
This work is supported by EU Regional Development Program
degrade acetate and butyrate, but bad to degrade propionate [27]. Thus,
[ERUF20353185] and “Bao Yu Gang” Foundation for Foreign Guest
it is important to maintain the syntrophic associations in the process of
Professor Program at Zhejiang University.
methanogenesis. In the biomethanation of syngas consisting mainly of
CO, sludge structure and granule size will largely determine the bio­
methanation rate. In industrial applications, properly selection of sludge Appendix A. Supplementary material
granule size should be carried out according to the specific substrates
and target products to achieve the best performance. The granular Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
sludge disaggregation has the potential to enhance biological reaction, org/10.1016/j.enconman.2022.116551.
but the adaptability and stability of microorganisms to the environment
can be deteriorated [40]. Therefore, the enhancement of CO and acetate References
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