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Reflection to Passage John 3:14-21

This gospel stresses the importance of faith and is most consoling. All who believe in
Jesus, who died and rose for us, have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world so
that it might be saved, and not to condemn it. Jesus is the key to salvation. All the
blessings I long for are contained in Christ. I am prone to error and sin. But Jesus’
mercy and goodness towards me always rescues me. Jesus is the light of the world.
He enlightens everyone, often in mysterious ways which others cannot understand.

Jesus came in this world to save the sins that the people have done. This gospel
reminds me of how much God loves me. I can feel the love of God in a way that he
gave his only begotten son for all of us individually. As what they’ve said, to be loved
is the best thing that happens in life. From my perspective, it need sacrifice to love.
Preparing ourselves in the outcome of this love is part of loving. Loving is sacrificing
something big from yourself. In my experience, I am able to learn how to let go of
something very special to me just so I can feel the real happiness of loving.

For me to be able to attain the light of my life, there is a need of understanding. I

need to understand others and feel for them so that they’ll do the same towards me.
Understanding is what everyone of us should have to be able to achieve unity and
compassion towards one another. I myself knows how God loves me for all the thing
that he did to me. He always helps me choose the right decision to make in life. He
always give me challenges that would make me better because He knows where i am
capable of. And lastly, He never gives me a heavy punishment whenever I commit a
sin and he always forgives me and made me change.

Rev. Fr. Ryan Janelle Salvacion

Paulines Media PH
March 14 Gospel

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