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Vol. 11, Issue 3 summer 2007

Getting Ready:

New Student Orientation Preparations on Campus The Class of 2011

Junior Communications major Katie Reece

John Carroll University President Robert L. Niehoff, SJ Vice President for University Advancement Doreen Riley Director of University Marketing and Communications Christine Somosi Editor Jerry Pockar Alumni Journal Michele McFarland Advisory Board Dr. George Bilgere Dr. Karen Schuele Dr. Sherri Crahen Dr. Linda Eisenmann Ms. Kimyette Finley 95 Mr. John Marcus 72 Dr. Paul V. Murphy Mrs. Barbara Schubert 62 Ms. Christine Somosi 81 Mr. Brian Williams



VoL. 11 ISSuE 3


CoveR StoRy 16 Getting Ready o Build and Sell a Better Mousetrap FeAtUReS 24 Student Orientation 32 Students The promise of the Class of 2011

DePARtMeNtS 2 Presidents Message 4 Home - News on Campus 9 Advancement 10 Athletics 13 Enrollment 39 Alumni Journal 41 Class Notes 63 In Memoriam 64 My Turn - Patrick Prosser Inside back Cover Profile - Brian Mauk on the Cover: Junior Communications major Katie Reece getting new co-eds and parents acclimated during one of the new student orientation sessions held this summer


Contributing photographers: Zoltan Bugnyar, John Reid, Rob Wexler Designed by Villa Beach Communications, Inc. Printed by Lane Press John Carroll magazine is published quarterly by John Carroll University, 20700 North Park Blvd., University Heights, Ohio 44118. Periodical postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio, 44118 and additional mailing offices. ISSN 1542-0418 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: John Carroll magazine UMC 20700 North Park Blvd. University Heights, OH 44118 It is the mission of the magazine to provide an engaging and accurate reflection of the university and its extended community for its alumni and the other members of the John Carroll family.

The Labre Projects Bryan Mauk 08 and the homeless

A couple of things to know about Bryan Mauk. He recently won two pretty big awards for his leadership in service to the homeless. Bryan, 21, is a force in the Labre Project, which began at Clevelands St. Ignatius High, and has become an important part of John Carroll. Thats two facts, but its not what you should really know. What you should really know is that, from the outside, what Bryan has been doing for about six years now high school, college has been service. However, while you cant get inside to know definitively, it sure seems that what the thin, easy senior has been doing would be better termed human relationships, though that sounds highfalutin. The difference between service and relationships can be subtle. You can serve appropriately while being emotionally removed from heart-centered caring for the person served. Service is wonderful whether or not ones heart actively touches anothers. The thing about Bryan, is that what he does seems to be more about ... love than service. Bryan says: There are a lot of the homeless that I can honestly say I love they have become family. John, Amy and Chuck, for example, who call every Friday from Cincinnati, where they have work and a place to stay. Or, John, Bryans first homeless friend. John lived in a cardboard box that was intentionally burned, causing burns on 60% of his body. John and Bryan are close. When Bryan relates that Jean, whom he characterizes as having lived alone by a railroad track for years, has found an apartment, Mauk interrupts his account to slip in a high-pitched Whee!. The glee feels totally, boyishly real. That glee, heralding warm friendship, is what is so striking about Bryan. He says that when he met Jean about five years ago, she took offered food without disturbing her silence. After years, there was tentative conversation. Now, there is laughter, play and two-way street friendship. Mauk says: My best happiness of the month was Jean getting her apartment. That was a bigger phone call than when I got the Swearer Award. There is a huge community of people happy about Jean. Its great to see the way she has been transformed. Life changed for Bryan when he was four and his dad suffered a brain tumor. It proved benign, but it was large and the convalescence took a couple years. The event changed the family. Bryan spent ages four to six at home with his dad while the elder Mauks found their spiritual center and their core. It woke them up and is the reason they became big on family vacations. The concept of Gods plan became real and a context was created in which Bryan grew to be who he is. Teachers Tim OGrady and Jim Skerl affected Bryan deeply at Ignatius I was lit up by those guys, and the schools Labre program was a revelation. Bryan said he used to be shy, but you cant be shy when youre trying to connect with people living on the street, so he got over it. Skerl encouraged Mauk to look at each of the homeless as someones little boy or girl, and he does everybody needs unconditional love and respect, or just to be talked to. What Bryan is about, really, is taking love your neighbor real far. Hes a regular young guy who, when we talked, was next off to Florida, where he would work on his uncles condo and rack up beach time. But he says its a good bet the homeless will be his life, If I feel God wants me to do something else... He will. He talks about spiritual detachment, and the snares of human ego, and how hes willing to be, with the Swearer and Ping awards for his Labre work, the poster boy for the group, Im not big on recognition, but I think it is important for Labre to be in the mainstream of John Carrolls life. Sometime the suffering he sees drains Bryan, and my parents are there to lift me up again. He understands the baggage most homeless carry. He understands the B.S. they and he and us protect ourselves with. He was stricken when he encountered the 80-year-old grandmother who was dropped off on Clevelands Public Square by her family. There are, he says lots of highs and lows. You see a lot of suffering. He also says, There is a lot of joy, and fun and relationships and love. jp


And so we begin
What follows is an excerpted and edited version of the Convocation Address, Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ, the university president, delivered to an assembly of faculty and staff on the afternoon of August 24
ast March, while I was in Florida (I know the job of a president is tough) calling on some of our friends and supporters, I took an afternoon to visit with some of our students. Our baseball team was there over spring break, practicing. You may remember that the Bluffton University baseball team had just experienced that tragic accident in which five players were killed. Then I went on to Immokalee to visit with our students who had given up their spring break to work with migrants and their families. As I think back about that March

created a series of strategic initiatives which will be the focus of my time and energies. On the academic front, we want to make our curriculum even more attractive to both our incoming students and to our faculty. We want to do everything we can to infuse our course offerings with additional measures of vitality and excitement. The administration and faculty will determine together what that requires. I am also excited about conversations among our faculty for new programs, such as the exploration of a program in environmental chemistry. As we go forward, we want our class evaluation process to help us systematically think about new programs for the curriculum. Further steps have also been taken to address issues of diversity. As many of you know, one of our initiatives is the scholarship for lower-income students. Those students, who are participating in this scholarship program, have higher GPAs and class rankings than the average of our incoming freshman class. Advancement tells me that there is excitement among our supporters to help underwrite this effort to bring firstgeneration college students to John Carroll. Many see it as a part of the universitys traditional role of providing an education to those whose ambition is greater than

afternoon, I reflect with pride on the John Carroll community that I saw. Our alumni and friends spoke movingly of their time at John Carroll and about how their experiences here had shaped their lives. The young men of our baseball team were enthusiastic about preparing for the season and excited to be representatives of John Carroll. The dedication of the students on the immersion trip certainly exemplified the mission and vision that we have for John Carroll and her students. I want to share with you the foundation that is being laid for John Carrolls future, so that future students and alums will continue to talk of having been shaped by their John Carroll education, will strive to represent us, and act on our mission and our vision. The last two years have been an exciting and challenging time for me as I have gotten to know John Carroll and the people who make up our community. We have now begun a series of initiatives that will carry us forward. Last spring, I engaged in a series of discussions with faculty, staff, the board a wide range of representation of the John Carroll community. From those discussions, we

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P r e s i D e n t s

their present financial means. The heart of our commitment as a university is to serve others by providing the best education imaginable to those qualified young people who, in turn, want to go out into the world to lead and to serve. We have initiated two other scholarship initiatives that will diversify the student body in other ways. Our Arrupe Scholars are students who bring a strong interest in service to the campus, and our Leadership Scholars provide us with an opportunity to recruit students already engaged in leadership activities, something also very much in keeping with our mission. The service immersion experiences we offer our students will lead them to see the diversity of the world and experience what it means to be men and women for others. For students who participate in immersion experiences, and those numbers are increasing, we have begun more intensive preparation and debriefing experiences to enrich their learning. Examination of our plant and space needs is part of another initiative on which progress has been made. It has been a most helpful process. Early reports are that there is good news in that our master-planners, Sasaki Associates, believe that we have no current need for major additional space. We do still have our perennial parking issue. Sasaki

has offered several alternatives on how we might alleviate our parking crunch. Some of the possible ideas intrigue me. For a temporary measure, we are exploring off-campus options. A solution to the parking problem would not only benefit our relationship with the surrounding community but would also be a valuable student recruitment tool. We will look hard at the options in the near future. The vitality of our campus culture is important and a high level of student participation in campus life is a key ingredient to that cultural vitality. We know that after prospective students have narrowed the possibilities, parking and the quality of residential experience become factors in the final enrollment decision. We need to be mindful of doing what we can to improve the quality of our residence halls and enhance the vitality of our campus culture. We were successful in reinstating the Ohio Choice Grants. As John Carroll students receive $1.6 million from this program and as we are the third largest recipient of these grants in Ohio, it would have been a major loss if all of the proposed cuts had been enacted. Approximately two-thirds of the funding was restored. Your calls, e-mails and letters to the governor and members of the legislature

made a difference! Through coordinated efforts with the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio (AICUO), we are also working to educate the legislature and governor regarding the role of private colleges and universities in math and science education. next week we shall all begin another chapter of our long running educational enterprise. It is the 121st year since we were established by German Jesuit missionaries on Clevelands West Side. We have done well. I believe we shall do better. Each academic year is a fresh start, a beginning that promises to unfold as a rich adventure in living and learning. There is undeniably a sacred dimension to these beginnings. Our students are engaged in a quest to acquire the tools that will allow them to become strong and productive adults, and to discover the meaning and purpose that will feed their souls through all the years of their lives. We are engaged in being present and caring of them to the furthest extent of our hearts and minds. And so, we move forward into another academic year, grateful to those who have prepared our way, solemnly and joyfully dedicated to becoming the very best Jesuit and Catholic university we can be.

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La Guardia will step down from AVP role

In late July, Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, the university president, announced that Dr. David La Guardia, the universitys academic vice president (AVP) had announced that following a successful search for his replacement, he will leave his post and return to the faculty. La Guardia, a graduate of the Class of 1965 and a longtime member of the Department of English, has been AVP since 2001. Fr. niehoff said in an e-mail to the campus: I appreciate Dr. La Guardias willingness to remain and lend his expertise as we restructure and enhance the leadership of the office of the academic vice president and conduct a national search. I would like to thank him for his commitment and service to John Carroll over many years. I look forward to Davids continuing contributions as an outstanding member of the John Carroll faculty.

Dr. Lauren L. Bowen, associate professor of Political Science has accepted the offer to become the first associate academic vice Programs and Faculty Diversity. Dr. Bowen was the director of the University Core Curriculum and has twice served on the University Core Committee and in 1998-99 chaired the First-Year Seminar. Dr. Bowen has recently been involved with the connections between liberal education and civic engagement. Dr. Nicholas Santilli has been promoted from director of Assessment and Planning to associate academic vice president for Assessment and Planning.

president for Academic



Rev. Jim Prehn, SJ, is a member of the

Society of Jesus who grew up in Chicago, did not have a Jesuit education, but did find his way, while he was at Oakland University in Michigan, to Ignatian retreats, which ultimately had the effect of leading him to a Jesuit life. Fr. Prehn was most recently the principal of Walsh Jesuit High School in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. He earned a doctorate in educational administration at the University of San Francisco, and is now translating that learning and all his gifts into his new role as dean of student development within the Office of Student Affairs at John Carroll. Prehns primary focus will be on finding some new ways of linking students academic experience and their residential lives on campus. Were trying to integrate and unify all the varied aspects of their lives as John Carroll students.

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68, whose father graduated from John Carroll about the time it stopped being St. Ignatius College and became John Carroll, was a day-hop in the 60s. He says he didnt know a lot of people on campus then, but the affable Peppard, whose brother Pat is a Jesuit, is going to make up for that. The husband of Maureen and the father of their four adult children, Peppard is the new university chief of campus safety services. He comes home to JCU after spending virtually his entire working career with University Circle Incorporated. For the last 14 years, Peppard was the chief of the University Circle Police, a trade he learned officer matt Goffos (left) with Chief Peppard as a military policeman in the Army. Peppard describes himself as a problem solver who enjoys creating programs to deal effectively with security needs. He says John Carroll and universities throughout the land are increasingly accepting more responsibility for their own security.

Tim Peppard

human sudoku-swarm mathematics event

By Dr. Dan Palmer Mathematics and Computer Science This past June, the John Carroll University Swarm Research Team performed a human swarm experiment based on the popular puzzle Sudoku. Each of 81 volunteers from campus and the community represented a single digit. All correct Sudoku solutions contain nine instances of each digit, arranged in a 9X9 grid meeting specific constraints. Each digit can appear only once in each row, column and 3X3 sub-grid. We provided participants with colorcoded T-shirts to help them distinguish between digits from a distance. In front of the Dolan Center for Science and Technology the human swarm tried to resolve the constraints and find a solution. After only seven minutes, they were within two swaps of success, but they never quite managed to find the

emergency room of Euclid Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic facility. The mother of two children in college and two heading in that direction was born in Bay Village, Ohio, and now lives in the city, Euclid, where she used to work. Krevh said she is delighted to be at John Carroll and looks forward to meeting the challenge of caring for the unvirsitys students and designing health and wellness programs that meet the needs of the student population.

Jan Krevh is a nurse and medical educator who most recently was at the

proper maneuvers. Following spirited but unsuccessful attempts, a completely different approach, designated by a self-selected leader, produced a complete solution. Through analysis of the video recordings, we will extract the effective strategies initially used by the swarm and recreate their techniques in computer simulations. Ultimately, we plan to apply these Sudoku constraint-resolving techniques to similar constraints faced by swarms of autonomous robots trying to share common resources and interdependent task responsibilities.
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Tom Fulton, JCUs director of web development, requests that you make a journey to the John Carroll Web site, so that you may see and very likely appreciate the fruits of a years worth of work by the developer and a slew of others. The old order tended to be cluttered and hard to navigate. To this point, there has been one Web site home page, which progressively became festooned with cyberlinks. It became a little like trying to find something on a desk adorned with a forest of paper. Fulton explains: As the number of links on a home page gets greater and greater, it becomes harder and harder to find information. The new order uses a central Web page as a portal to a series of landing pages that are in fact themselves home pages for the decentralized Web worlds of, e.g., the universitys academics, alumni, athletics, campus life: many home pages, each sporting a modest number of links generally 12-14 and a cyber version of local control. We designed it, says Fulton, to give everyone on campus access and control of his or her own site. They can personalize the headers, control colors to a considerable extent, and there is room for creativity. We will have a system where everyone doesnt have to send requests for changes through a gatekeeper. However, if there will be democracy at departmental and divisional levels, there will also be, what Fulton believes, an effective new system of centralized discipline. Hes designed a series of templates that will orchestrate order by channeling creativity within the boundaries of the template. Until now, John Carroll, possessed a Web presence with, says Fulton, possibly over half a million electronic pages on its labyrinthine site, most of them quite dead, and a good many reflecting an excess of individual
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is new in design and function

creativity. It will take time to remove all that electronic debris, but Fulton is convinced that, going forward, the university Web pages will reflect the palette and character of the universitys Web identity, and that harmony will reign. University officials, and its Web Committee have asked for compliance with the order of the templates and Fulton thinks that will be forthcoming. He says he and the committee spent (something like) six months on ambassadorship, soliciting needs, explaining intent and vetting the templates. The last six months have been given to refining the templates and building the systems central elements. MUCH WORK. According to Fulton, Every individual site, say Campus Life, has many pieces: There are tabs across the top of the pages and each tab entails three created graphic elements. In a single landing page, there are probably 25 graphic pieces, and then the colors and the fonts. What Fulton believes, though, is that this new system is more appealing and easier to navigate. It has, says the Web guy, who is also a long-time professional stage actor, large, nicely done pictures, and an engaging graphic design. You cant separate form and function. A simpler and more aesthetically pleasing site is simply easier to navigate. We also built in search redundancies, so that you can go to your information destination through a link, a tab or a search engine. We use color blocks to engage attention and communicate messages about where to look. Fulton says the look of a Web site is a profound communication and marketing instrument for the university. He observes that the Web is where prospective students, among others, go when they check out John Carroll. The Web is the front door. If someone comes in and visits

a page that isnt up to par, they will click off and youll never know they were there. This kind of comprehensive redesign just accomplished is, explains Fulton, what he wanted to do when he arrived here from Case three years ago. There were good reasons why we were not able to do this until now, he concludes, but the fact that we are doing it now is a great step forward. The university Web presence is a work-in-progress, but the central elements debuted at Augusts end. Check it out and tell Fulton what you think. JP

Gerry Weinstein wins Wasmer Outstanding Teaching Award

Dr. Gerry Weinstein, the chair of the Department of Accountancy of the Boler School of Business is the recipient of the Wasmer Outstanding Teaching Award for the academic year which ended in May. The award, established in 1992, is given annually to a member of the faculty of the Boler School. Dr. Weinstein, who has a Ph.D. from Kent State University, first taught at the university in 1979 and has been on continuous appointment since 1988.

allison Kern 07 got to ring the

gong of hilary Flanagan, director of Career Services, because May grad Kern just signed on with ARAMARK, the universitys new food service provider. Dayton native Kern will manage ARAMARKs Einstein Bagel unit on campus and also engage in marketing activities. She didnt get her new post until after she stopped being a Student Union senator, the chair of the Student Dining Committee, and one of the people who worked on the ARAMARK contract. The company must have liked what they saw. Kern says: Its nice to be on the other side and help make the changes I wanted to see. The gong is a tradition Flanagan created. She says, The ceremony was created to celebrate the successes of

our graduating students who accept job offers or are accepted into graduate school. Each student who comes to the ceremony gets to beat the gong (We tell them not to be dainty they worked for it) and receives a T-shirt. The students enjoy the ceremony and employers are telling us that they plan to join us in the future.

sara stashower, an
adjunct faculty member of the Department of Communications and Theatre Arts, received the Rays of Light honor from Suburban Temple Kol Ami for exemplifying Jewish values through her efforts in sacred giving, education, leadership and the arts.

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7 7


Celebrate! The MARInELLO OnE ACTS 10 Years and running

By Keith nagy, Communications and Theatre Arts

Join the Communication and Theatre Arts Departments celebration of the tenth anniversary of The Marinello One Acts from October 18-21. 10-Years and running is the theme of this popular series that started 10 years ago as a result of a change in the core curriculum. When I first came to John Carroll, the core was changing. Students had to devote more time to new core classes and couldnt take the elective credit hours needed to produce fulllength plays, as in the past. A new plan was developed to produce one-act plays each semester, where more students could get involved with less of a time commitment. This has proven to be a wonderful success story! When we looked back over the last decade of programs we had discovered that close to 300 people (some multiple times) have been involved with the one acts. What better way to celebrate this

achievement than with the latest installment of Fall One Acts playing October 18, 19, and 20 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, October 21 at 2 p.m. Over the past ten years, the One Acts have included original plays (faculty and student written), popular plays, sad plays, and countless funny moments. There have also been many guest professional directors, actors, and designers from the Cleveland area, who have helped enrich the series. A special performance and pre-show party are planned for the Saturday, October 20 performance in Marinello Little Theatre, with a cast party afterwards. To be a part of this celebration, alumni are invited to make a $20 donation toward the Marinello Scholarship Fund. The donation will also help defray the cost of the parties and the performance. The theatre faculty is hoping you can join us for this celebration. The Fall One Acts include a 10-year encore of the first one act, Shooting Gallery directed by me, followed by Sorry Wrong Number, directed by graduate student Arthur Funni. The evening will conclude with Trembling Brides Answer, directed by Karen Gygli.

robert Duns
Senior robert Duns is a successful film maker. His documentary about the emergency room at Huron Road Hospital in East Cleveland won the Best Documentary Award at the First Take International Student Film Festival in Toronto. It also took the Directors Choice category at that festival. Duns 30-minute film was also showcased earlier at the OSN-Internet2 Film Festival in Cleveland. Duns was at the hospital on weekend nights from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. to capture stories of young men with gunshot and stabbing wounds. The East Cleveland Juvenile Court commissioned the documentary to serve as a deterrent to further problematic activity on the part of children in the courts system.
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Good news from Washington

It took nearly a decade, but Congress finally enacted legislation as part of the Pension Protection Act of 2006, which offers charitably-minded individuals a golden opportunity to make gifts from their IRAs and exclude the amount of their gifts from their reported gross income. William Henkel 59, a retired vice president and senior financial consultant for Merrill Lynch & Co. was quick to recognize the advantages of this new law. He used the opportunity to reduce his tax liability as well as benefit two organizations he has been close to for most of his life. Bill used his IRA distribution to endow a scholarship at John Carroll University, which will, in turn, provide an educational pathway for students from his old high school: St. Vincent-St. Mary in Akron. In so doing, Bill made the good news from Washington, great news for JCU and St. Vincent-St Mary. Bill graduated from St. Mary High School in 1954 before it was joined with St. Vincent High School. Bill worked every day at Acme (supermarket) in the produce department to pay for his tuition. He even sold a favorite electric train to fund his education. He attended John Carroll and graduated in 1959 with a BS in business administration. He worked at General Tire for eight years as a field auditor and then as a system analyst. He then joined Merrill Lynch & Co., where he was vice president and senior financial consultant for 33 years. This background in financial planning made Henkel quick to realize the advantages of the new law and how he could benefit both St. Vincent-St. Mary and John Carroll. Bill lives in Fairlawn, Ohio, and has two daughters, Kristy and Tara. His son, Mark, is deceased. He is active in the Akron area community. He is a member of the St. Vincent-St. Mary Shamrock Society and the steering committee for the Share the Vision capital campaign. He was honorary chairman for the CYO Partners in Giving Campaign and at JCU he is member of the Presidents Forum and the Magis Society. His experiences in high school and college have made Bill Henkel a strong supporter of Catholic education at all levels. Those experiences drive his support of both schools in providing financial aid to students. If you would like to join Bill in supporting John Carroll University through this time-limited IRA charitable gift opportunity, you have until By Peter Bernardo 67
Director of Planned Giving


December 31, 2007. To qualify: You must be 70.5 years of age or older. Transfers must go directly from the IRA to the qualified charities. Gifts cannot exceed $100,000 per taxpayer per year. Gifts must be outright (transfers to donor advised funds, supporting organizations, and charitable remainder trusts and for charitable gifts annuities do not qualify). If you would like to know more about how you can use your required IRA distribution to reduce your tax liability and provide a charitable gift to John Carroll University, please call Peter Bernardo, Director of Planned Giving, at 216-397-4217; e-mail Pbernardo@; or visit our web site at www. click on Give to JCU, then on Development, and Planned Gifts, and hit Browse a Planned Giving Guide. Youll find an article entitled, Opportunity is Knocking, Your IRA is the KEY

raising the bar on Carroll Fund

Even as we still celebrate last years $2 million-plus in Carroll Fund giving from alumni donors the highest level since 1999 we have raised the bar to kick off the new school year! John Carroll is blessed with alumni who give back in so many ways. The Carroll Fund helps sustain the distinctive and dynamic environment that alumni knew during their John Carroll years. While we exceeded our goal in 2007, only 13 percent of JCU undergraduate and graduate alumni made gifts to the Carroll Fund. In 2008, we hope to receive gifts from 15 percent of our alumni. By contrast, according to the 2008 edition of Americas Best Colleges in U.S. News & World Report, average alumni giving rate at Xavier and Creighton is 27 percent the highest percentage among Midwest schools offering a Masters and 20 percent at Marquette. All Carroll Fund gifts are important, regardless of size. With a gift today, you will provide immediate support to assist students, further scholarship, improve and maintain campus infrastructure, and enhance the student experience. Please use the envelope enclosed in this magazine to make a gift. If you prefer, you may make a secure gift online at: or call 800-736-2586. Thank you for making a difference!

SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university



Football preview

Blue streaK GriDDers For 2007


In the final five games, the squad went 4-1 and the defense posted three shutouts. Seven starters are back on defense from a squad that allowed just over 200 yards per game. Coach Regis Scafe: We lost some important pieces to the defense to graduation, but we retained a healthy part of the core. There is enough experience that this unit should be able to hit the ground running. Watch for: Defensive Linemen: Derrick Bendau, Tony Skrtic, Nadhal Eadeh, Dane Schaffer; Linebackers: Mike Nettling, Luke Palmisano and Sean Harmon; Safeties: Carlo Melaragno and DBs Matt Siracusa and Matt McDonald.


Five starters are back from an offense that averaged 24 points per game over its final six contests. Watch for: Wide Receivers Peter Spachner, Michael Dicillo, Vince Doorhy, Scottie Williams, Jacob Ens; Tight Ends: Tim Cohn, Chuck Sroka, Nick Spahar Linemen: David Kaszar, Andy Matusek, Chris Marhofer, Michael Piovesan Quarterbacks: Mark Petruziello, Rudy Kirbus; Running back is wide open, but Matthew Harmon should be an asset at fullback. Raishaun Stover could surprise at tailback. Coach Scafe: There are still some position battles that will be decided in camp, but I feel we are in a much better place than we were at the same time last year. I really like the potential we have. If we stay healthy, this could be the best team weve had in a number of years.

Sat., Sept. 1 Sat., Sept. 15 Sat., Sept. 22 Sat., Sept. 29 Sat., Oct. 6 Sat., Oct. 13 Sat., Oct. 20 Sat., Oct. 27 Sat., Gilloon mary Nov. 3 Sat., Nov. 10 10

Wooster @ Heidelberg @ Ohio Northern Baldwin-Wallace (Homecoming) @ Capital Marietta Muskingum (Parents Weekend) @ Wilmington Mount Union (Senior Day) @ Otterbein

Home Tiffin Ada Home Bexley Home Home Wilmington Home Westerville

1:30 PM 7:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM

John Carroll university SUMMER 2007

Cally Plummer hails from Michigan, but she could pass for a Southern woman, and she was one in her four years as an All-Southeastern Conference first team selection at the University of South Carolina. Plummer holds the Gamecocks school record for aces and shes looking to lead the Blue Streak squad she now coaches to the heights. See for the volleyball schedule.

Cally Plummer

SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university SUMMER 2007


NEWS ONCAMPUS will be a big window onto John Carrolls athletics

John Carroll athletics programs are about to enter a new multi-media era. This, said the universitys athletics director (AD), Laurie Massa, is going to be a major development for us and the university. We are about to take a huge step forward in being able to connect our recruit-population, our alumni, parents, and every other segment of the extended community with the media presentation of our athletic contests and information. We will also make a great advance in our web site management and our electronic distribution of John Carrolls sports information. Massas unit has contracted with Internet Consulting Services (ICS) to video stream as many as 70 athletic contests in the coming year. Streaming happened to some extent over the past few years, so that a former JCU wrestler, for example, was able to listen to a regular season wrestling match on his laptop in Tokyo. Those previous streaming efforts will be greatly expanded, and regularized; you will be able to see as well as hear, and the utilization of an ICS computer server will allow for greater efficiency and capacity. We also intend to make our presentations more interactive and to have features like coaches interviews and preview programs, declared an enthusiastic Massa. This also represents the future of recruiting for a school like John Carroll. We know that our prospects are not reading about us in detail in the local newspapers. They will now have many opportunities to see us in action. Other important elements of our constituency, including parents and alumni, will be able to watch us from anywhere. The portal for this lineup of video streamed events all live will be It will cost $9.95 for a month of Internet access or $79.95 for a year. Massa said the university will receive part of the money, which will be used to support the venture. Subscriptions can
John Carroll university SUMMER 2007

be ordered through the web site. Massa also observed that while her department is heading into uncharted waters for John Carroll, anecdotal evidence indicates that former athletes, the families of current players and dedicated alumni should welcome and watch the streaming. ICS is also expected to create a more appealing and informative web site, one with a format harmonious with the new university web presence (See page 6). Moreover, the company will facilitate the dissemination of sports information to media and interested members of the university community, and provide Sports Information Director Chris Wenzler 90 with the opportunity to spend time on what matters most. Massa said ICS is a company that serves many smaller universities and receives good reviews. The AD is equally excited about the prospect for television coverage of JCU sporting events on SportsTime Ohio, which appears on many designated channels throughout the state but is on Channel 17 in Cleveland, and is available nationally for Dish and DirectTV subscribers through a SportsPac. Massa said that in a contract she expects to sign shortly, she

hopes to gain agreement for the broadcast of from 15-17 John Carroll sporting events on the regional cable network. Those contests, in some cases live-broadcast and in others tape-delayed, are expected to involve several football games, a number of other contests from various sports, and a good portion of the mens and womens home basketball dates.(See JCUSports. com for the complete schedule.) Massa observed that while some of those arrangements are tentative, the network is seeking the kind of programming John Carroll sports offer, and that she expects the partnership will be win-win for the network and the university. There is a stream (pun intended) of new instruments and possibilities for athletics. Massa related that ICS offers a wide range of services, more of which may be utilized in time. She also noted that the broadcasting students of Communications Paul Ditchey are doing a remarkable job in handling the production and (some) on-camera work for the SportsTime Ohio television presentations. What they are doing is technically progressive and amazing to me, celebrated Massa. (John Carroll will focus on the work of Ditcheys students in our next issue.)

Behind closed doors, Part 2


Do grades matter?
When I visit high schools or stand behind a table at a college fair, the question I hear most often, whether it is asked about John Carroll or another college, is What do I need to get in? I tend to give two answers: a GPA range and a test score territory. However, if admission decisions were altogether that simple, I would be out of a job because computers could make the call. An important question rarely asked is: What types of courses should I be taking in high school? Course selection and class performance are two of the most important factors of the John Carroll application process. In a June 2007 study, University of California researchers found that high school grades, not test scores, provided the best predictive measure of collegiate success. Those results, and the results of other studies demonstrate why many colleges are beginning to de-emphasize standardized tests in favor of looking harder at curriculum and grades. In traditional admission models, grades and standardized test scores drive the process. numbers are checked against an assessment grid and decisions are made with little concern for gray areas. Thankfully, this model is not part of the John Carroll admission philosophy. We look at a wider variety of criteria that help us assess if each prospective student will be a good fit for the school. At times this can make the selection process a little more ambiguous to the perception of families. Underlying that ambiguity is the fact that admission work is not an exact science! What can you do? Students and parents should make sound curriculum decisions early in a high school career. Does this mean that students ought to be forced into advanced placement (AP) courses starting with their freshman year in high school? Absolutely not. But they should consider their choices seriously: if it is a choice between an easy elective and an academically rigorous science, statistics or calculus course, that will make a difference to a prospective students assessor. The bottom line is that students should challenge themselves at a level that is appropriate to their ability and relevant to their potential major. We would much rather see a B in an AP course than an A in a non-college preparatory course. Seeing these types of courses on a transcript shows the admission committee that students are willing to challenge themselves and are prepared for the rigor of the John Carroll curriculum. Ours is a human process in which every student accepted to JCU is not a 4.0 student. There are many students with lower GPAs whom we think have challenged themselves enough to be ready to succeed at John Carroll. There are many students with higher GPAs whom we conclude might not be ready. one saturday morning Figure #1 (on following page) sorts our freshman class based on their high school GPA. While standardized test scores are still part of the JCU admission process, we know that there are better ways of predicting success. Four years of hard work goes much further than a few hours spent taking standardized tests on a Saturday morning. In our review process, low test scores can be offset by a great essay, strong grades, and a challenging curriculum. We examine the whole person as part of the admission process. We would be doing applicants an incredible disservice if testing exclusively drove our decisions. Moreover, many great students would not join our campus each year. Following the trends The academic progress of each student is distinct from that of each of his or her classmates. Different trends tell different stories. An upward GPA trend can show
By Kevin hatgas 02 Assistant Director of Admission

maturity and growth while a downward GPA trend or one really bad year could reflect a work-ethic issue. Or maybe not. Thats the problem with trends: if we do not have the context of the numbers, we never have the full story. Students can give context through their admission essays, and the recommendation letters that counselors and teachers write. Every year we see essays from students detailing a drop in grades due to the death of a parent or another family tragedy. These stories can change the outcome of our review by telling more than a mere transcript ever can. Demanding courses The admission committee reads every piece of information that is submitted and treats applicants as individuals. To make an impression, a transcript should show us that students are willing to take risks, and that they are striving to gain knowledge. We use the word challenge a lot when speaking about high school curriculums because in choosing John Carroll, you will be challenged. When scheduling future high school classes, students should ask themselves a few questions: Will this course challenge me? Will I enjoy it? If the answers are no, its time to reconsider taking that class. Perhaps we will meet at a college fair this fall (see page 15). Instead of asking what GPA and test scores are needed to get into John Carroll, lets talk about your favorite classes, your challenging curriculum, and how John Carroll could be the right college fit. I would rather have that conversation any day of the week.
SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university


John Carroll

On the Road
Throughout the fall, members of the admission committee attend fairs, sponsor high school visits and regional gatherings across the country. Some of the larger programs are listed here. For the complete listing and updated travel schedules, please check our online calendar at:
Freshman class based on their high school GPa.
37% 27%

College Fairs:

Have your general questions answered and touch base with an admission staff member from John Carroll at these larger college fairs held in a city near you. Greater BuFFalo 9/24 6:30-8:00 p.m. 9/27 6:30-8:00 p.m. Greater Detroit 10/8 6:30-8:30 p.m. 10/10 6:30-8:30 p.m. 10/16 6:30-8:30 p.m. Pennsylvania 9/16 1-3 p.m. 9/19 6:30-8:30 p.m. 9/25 6:30-8:30 p.m. 9/25 7-9 p.m. Daemen College College Fair Niagara County Community College College Fair Bloomfield Hills School District College Night Grosse Pointe Area College Night Rochester Community Schools College Night Duquesne University College Fair Westmoreland County College Night Beaver County College Fair Mt. Lebanon, Upper St. Clair, Peters Township College Fair Exploring Post Secondary Options Night (Erie) Loyola Academy College Night College of DuPage College Fair Brother Rice & Mother McAuley College Night Marist College Information Night



5% Below 2.5

10/17 6:30-8:30 p.m. Greater ChiCaGo 9/18 7-9 p.m. 9/19 6-8:30 p.m. 9/24 7-9 p.m. 9/25 7-8:30 p.m.

3.75 to 4.00

3.50 to 3.74

3.00 to 3.49

2.50 to 2.99

CinCinnati/Dayton 10/7 1-4 p.m. NACAC Cincinnati National College Fair 11/7 6:30-8:30 p.m. Greater Dayton Area College Night northeast ohio 10/11 7-8:30 p.m. 10/18 6-8 p.m. minneaPolis 10/9 9AM-noon 10/9 4:30-8pm 10/10 9 a.m.-noon st. louis 10/21 noon-3 p.m. Cleveland Northeast Suburban College Fair Lorain County College Fair NACAC Minneapolis National College Fair NACAC Minneapolis National College Fair NACAC Minneapolis National College Fair NACAC St. Louis National College Fair

Beyond these programs, a visit to the university is encouraged for all potential students. Arrangements can be made for group information sessions, campus tours, you can build your own visit (seniors only) online or simply call us at 216.397.4294 or 888.335.6800 (toll-free) to start now. Save the dates: larger open houses will be held October 5, October 8, and October 17.
John Carroll university SUMMER 2007

the legacy students of John Carrolls 125th anniversary class of 2011

Alyssa R. Adamo Carmen Albino Stephanie Antoon Robert A. Armagno Brian P. Benander Kelsey L. Black Daniel Blackburn Amanda L. Bortz Julia A. Britten David Y. Carr Peter Davis Ryan P. Dougherty Patrick E. Durkin Jacob C. Eddingfield Timothy K. Ertle Patrick Fay Christina D. Fedeli Kathleen F. Fibbi Marcus J. Gerbic Michelle L. Gittinger Jason A. Glausser Matthew Greene Hallie E. Gromek Michelle T. Grossman Amy E. Gunderman Megan A. Haglin Bridget A. Healy Edward W. Hocevar Joseph Iannucci Maura F. Jochum Byron J. Kazek Kelly N. Kern Kathleen B. Lavelle Thomas J. Lavelle Christopher P. Lewis Susan E. Lewis Sean M. Lofgren Jillian C. Lowry Cierra E. Matejka Brian J. Mendelsohn William S. Nowel Marc R. Nowicki Stephanie M. Pentz Nicholas V. Petroni Liam Powers Joseph M. Rice Melissa L. Ritchey Cassandra N. Saluan Robert Schlegel Kristina D. Schneider Thomas C. Schuba Halle M. Scotese Matthew D. Seeman Kevin R. Simon Vincent Tarantino Michael J. Telzrow Carolyn T. Teter Nick M. Ward Daniel J. Wojtila Zachary R. Zielinski Child of Anthony Adamo 79 Child of Michael Albino 83 Child of Rosa Albino 84 Child of George Antoon 82 Child of Thomas Armagno 80 Child of Lorie Armagno 82 Grandchild of Carl Opaskar 34 Child of Vincent Benander 67 Grandchild of Richard Kmiecik 51 Child of Kiera Black 85 Child of Matthew Black 01G Child of John E. Blackburn 78 Child of T. Denver Bortz 98G Child of Charles Britten 80 Grandchild of Ronald Carr 50 Child of Frederick Davis 74 Child of Peter Dougherty 76 Child of Kevin Durkin 82 Child of Ann Durkin 84 Grandchild of Richard Schoen 76 Child of Karl Ertle 86G Child of Maureen Rose Fay 79 Child of Umberto Fedeli 82 Child of Terence Fibbi 80 Child of Laura Fallon Fibbi 81 Child of Robert Gerbic 85 Child of Richard Gittinger 80 Child of Ann Glausser 75 Child of Gary Glausser 75 Child of Joseph Greene 88G Grandchild of Thomas Spackman 48 Child of Peter Francel 84 Grandchild of Robert Gunderman 50 Grandchild of Paul Fetick 43 Child of William Healy 75 Child of Barbara Hocevar 89 Child of Anthony Iannucci Jr. 69 Child of Patricia Jochum 83 Child of F. Eric Jochum 83 Child of Gregory Kazek 72G Child of William Kern 76 Child of John Lavelle 82 Child of Thomas Lavelle 80 Child of Kimberly Lewis 80 Child of Lisa Lewis 89 Child of Kevin Shea 76 Child of Lisa Lowry 82 Grandchild of William Matejka 60 Child of Elizabeth Mendelsohn 81 Child of Thomas Nowel 69 Child of Richard Nowicki 64 Child of Benjamin Pentz 75 Grandchild of Robert DuBrul 57 Child of William Powers 01 Grandchild of John Rice 51 Child of John Rice 75 Child of Michael Ritchey 84 Child of Patricia Saluan 05 Child of Paul Schlegel 80 Child of Lynn Schneider 81 Child of Christopher Schuba 74 Child of Catharine Schuba 75 Child of Terry Scotese 76 Child of William Seeman 82 Child of Philip Simon 78 Child of Jane Simon 79 Child of Gina Jakse Tarantino 75 Child of John Telzrow 68 Child of Todd Teter 83 Child of Julianna Ward 88 Child of Daniel Wojtila 76 Child of Richard Zielinski 78

Passing the torch

Every year nearly one-third of our freshman class has a relative that has attended John Carroll University. We are blessed to have such family commitment to the value of John Carroll education. And the Class of 2011 is no different. This page celebrates parent and grandparent connections in our class.

81 60

Other relative



Class of 2011 By the numbers

730 students (2% larger than Class of 2010) 51:49 male:female ratio From 38 states, Puerto Rico, 4 foreign countries 11.7% students of color Is religiously diverse 33% have JCU alumni in their family Average high school gpa: 3.34 22% in top 10% of high school 48% in top 25% of high school

this list is a work in progress

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15 15



John Carroll university SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university SUMMER 2007

Endless preparations for the new academic year
By James F. Sweeney

he campus exhales in May and graduates, students and faculty disperse. Its easy for those who leave to imagine John Carroll as quiet in their absence that the universitys summer is slung like a hammock between Commencement and the start of classes in late August. In reality, the campus is, in many ways, busier during summer. Want to exasperate an administrator or employee? Ask if he or she enjoyed their summer off. The absence of most students and faculty opened a window of opportunity during which a lot of work got done, work that would have been disruptive if it had been scheduled around classes and bodies. Some of it was apparent new asphalt gleams in the parking lots and drives and coffee is brewed in the library but much of the progress was not so obvious. Faculty tweaked lesson plans and evaluated their performances; a years worth of liturgies were planned; and new computer servers replaced old. Summer on campus was a chance to repair and renew.

SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university SUMMER 2007


GettinG Ready
PrEsidEnt: President Robert L. Niehoff, SJ criss-crossed
the country this summer, but his most important destinations were a town in new York too small for most maps and a Canadian shrine. After Commencement, hosting a conference of Jesuit colleges and a week of meetings to set a summer agenda and goals for the school year, Fr. niehoff went west to celebrate the 25th anniversary of his ordination into the Society of Jesus. (John Carroll will celebrate Fr. niehoffs 25th anniversary with a Mass in Saint Francis Chapel on October 9th at 5:15 p.m.) A member of the Province of Oregon, he attended a province meeting in Portland, then celebrated his jubilee with family in Tacoma and at a ceremony in Spokane. The next stop was Aspen, Colo., for a meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges with new university directors chairman Allyn Adams 64. Then it was back to John Carroll for Reunion Weekend, June 22-24, before leaving for Baltimore to officiate at the wedding of a friend and to Fort Knox, Kentucky, to review ROTC training. Auriesville, new York, 40 miles west of Albany, was next. Its home to the national Shrine of the north American Martyrs, a tribute to the Jesuit black robes who were martyred by native Americans in the mid-17th century. Its also the site of the cemetery for the new York Province of the Society of Jesus. The same Jesuits are honored at the Martyrs Shrine in Midland, Ontario, where Father niehoff spent five days praying and reflecting on the example of the missionaries who braved deprivation, torture and death to bring Christianity to the native Americans. They are really an inspiration, he said. Its what the service is about and what the message is about

information services Jim Burke (left) and lamarr Parker.

and that is the Kingdom. Tethered by Blackberry and cell phone, Father niehoff was never out of touch with the university, but he kept communications limited. The time he spent at the Martyrs Shrine gave him time to think and renew himself. For me, I need a change of location, he said. I find I get both the psychological rest I need and I think differently. Father niehoff, who worked in San Francisco and in Montana, was happy to exchange bland Midwestern scenery for something more dramatic. When I can get out and I can see an open horizon . . . mountains, trees, the ocean . . . that becomes very important to me. I miss those kind of venues. Renewed and back on campus in mid-July, Father niehoff continued his tradition of visiting residence halls to greet students as they moved in.

information sErvicEs: Its doubtful students even

finished unpacking before they logged on. Its hard to imagine anything more disruptive than a computer system that doesnt work or was still under construction. Thats why summer was so busy for Jim Burke 91, director of computing systems and services, and the rest of Information Services, the department responsible for computers, software, telephones, cable TV, projectors and multimedia classrooms. One of the things we try not to do is change anything during semesters, Burke said. That leaves us the summer to do everything. That meant replacing 140 computers and network components on a regular schedule, upgrading servers, replacing the campus old WiFi system with an improved one, and checking every residence hall room to make sure the cable TV, phone line and wireless signal worked. Our goal is if we do our jobs as well as we can, you dont even know we exist, Burke said.


John Carroll university SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university SUMMER 2007

rEsidEncE LifE: It always makes me laugh when people

think I dont work hard during the summer. I work harder during the summer, said Heather Losneck, director of residence life. Approximately 200 students lived on campus for summer school and incoming freshmen, parents and conference attendees rotated in and out of residence halls. Losneck and her staff checked people in and out, made sure the rooms were clean and billed the guests. When the summer students moved out, football players and other athletes moved in. Approximately 500 students were on campus before the official move-in date of August 23. Losneck also was in charge of pairing roommates, a skill that can have an enormous influence on a students college career. In previous years, she and her staff did it by hand with questionnaires that asked students about everything from their taste in music to how late they sleep. This year, the office used a computer program based on the questionnaires.

faciLity sErvicEs: Residence hall rooms take a

beating during the school year. Scuffs, scrapes and mystery stains attack the walls and, in some cases, ceilings. Mike Roeder 93, manager of Facility Services, and his student crew check each room, hallway and common space during the summer to see which ones need beautifying. I hope to get two to three years out of a paint job, but sometimes its only one, Roeder said. Facility Services also moves administration and faculty offices and replaces broken furniture.

during the summer and worked out on campus. Others scattered. Head Coach Regis Scafe sent them off in May with a program of running and weightlifting and hoped they would follow it. If they didnt, he found out soon enough. Practice began August 11 and those who took the summer off were easily spotted at two-a-days. Unlike the players, Scafe and his coaches did not take summer vacations. They wanted to build on last years strong finish to a 5-5 season. They watched game tape and reviewed the playbook with an eye toward fine tuning it for a new squad. Were trying to decide what looks good, what doesnt, and whether or not to change schemes, Scafe said. Its your last chance to analyze schemes.

footbaLL: Many Blue Streak football players remained in town

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GettinG Ready
Library: Caffeine has powered many a college student through
all-nighters and papers left to the last minute, so what better location for a coffee shop than Grasselli Library and Breen Learning Center? Java City was finished in late August, in time to get everything brewed before the first late-night cram session. Libraries are becoming much more social places so now we can compete with Barnes & noble and Borders, said library director Jeanne Somers. Java City was not the only summer improvement. Workers installed a new PC pod that can accommodate several students working on the same computer. Librarians bought digital versions of humanities and science journals so they could clear the shelves of bulky bound volumes of the periodicals.

camPUs ministry: Most of the Campus Ministry

staff is on 10-month contracts so director John Scarano had a particularly busy summer. He planned the Mass and presentation for each of the nine orientation sessions for freshmen while looking ahead to the liturgy pieces for the school year. The office planned service trips to Jamaica, Ecuador, nicaragua, West Virginia and Florida as well as advocacy trips to Washington, D.C.; Columbus, Ohio; Fort Benning, Ga.; and Milwaukee.

aUXiLiary sErvicEs: Summers are complicated. Once

the school year starts, its easy, said Tom Reilley 99, manager of auxiliary services. He supervised an outside contractor in charge of cleaning more than 30 buildings comprising 1.4 million cleanable square feet. And that meant more than dusting and tidying up. They stripped and waxed the floors, scrubbed the bathrooms, polished and vacuumed. It needs to look like a hotel room, Reilley said. Making it harder was the constant flow of visitors and guests here for orientation, alumni weekend and conferences.

Left to right sitting on wall and standing: SSC (Service Solutions) Bill Johnson, Jerelene Harris, (JCU Employees) Andrew Fronczek; manager of auxiliary services, Rory Hill Left to right sitting on steps: Steve Gilsdorf; SSC operations manager, and Tom Reilley, director of auxiliary services.

Jeanne somers and langston maclin getting the library ready.


John Carroll university SUMMER 2007

food sErvicEs: Xavier Flores does not work for the

university, but he could become the most popular administrator on campus. He is employed by the food service firm ARAMARK, which replaced the previous vendor, Parkhurst, in July. I think everyone will be delighted with the changes, he said. Those changes include the addition of Java City coffeehouses in the library and the former location of Barista Cafe, the replacement of the Garden Cafe with an Einstein Bros. Bagels, the conversion of the food court in the D.J. Lombardo Student Center to include a pizzeria; Zoca, a build-your-own burrito place similar to Chipotle; Grillworks, which specializes in burgers and Philly cheese steaks, and a Boars Head Deli. ARAMARK overhauled dining hall service as well. Food is cooked in smaller batches to preserve freshness, Flores said. An expanded salad bar, American-style deli and comfort foods were added. The menus and nutritional information are available on touch-screen kiosks in the dining hall. The various food outlets will be open a combined 90 more hours per week than last year and, for the first time, will take credit and debit cards.

GroUnds: For most of the summer, grounds foreman

Ken Majewski 01 and his crew simply tried to keep 25 acres of lawn and more than an acre of plant beds alive in near-drought conditions. When they werent watering and hoping for rain, they repaired damage, planted new flowers and shrubs, and pruned and trimmed trees. Summer used to be the lazy, hazy days, but now they keep us busy, Majewski said.

From left: Keith Ferris, Xavier Flores, Candy West and larry moore.

SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university


GettinG Ready
dEan of stUdEnts: For Dean of Students Sherri
Crahen, summer was about introducing people to John Carroll over and over again. She led eight orientations for incoming students that lasted a day-and-a-half (see p. 24), then a ninth session for students only. Those visits gave students and their parents a chance to familiarize themselves with the campus and residence halls as well as learn what would be expected of them and start meeting fellow members of the Class of 2011. A lot of what were doing, its all about prevention and trying to set the right tone for the next four years, she said. Between orientations, Crahen reviewed the student code of conduct and discussed a new alcohol education program.

associatE acadEmic vicE PrEsidEnt:

the Boler schools Dr. rick Grenci.

Its not only freshmen who needed orientation; so did the new faculty members who joined the university this fall. Getting them settled was one of the summer duties of Associate Academic Vice President Jim Krukones. He also processed faculty self-evaluation forms and worked with Sasaki Associates, a Massachusetts firm hired by the university to help with strategic planning.

all picnics and lemonade for faculty, right? Wrong, if Rick Grenci, associate professor of marketing, was typical. Grenci is teaching Marketing Technologies and Internet Marketing this fall. Both classes deal with e-commerce and the ways people use the Web to shop and sell, models that are evolving nearly weekly. Technology is constantly changing and its something you have to keep abreast of, he said. In addition to researching the latest in the field, Grenci got firsthand experience by helping his wife with her startup company, which sells religious items. For the second year in a row, hell have help in the classroom from thunder :: tech, a Web design and Internet solutions firm in Cleveland led by JCU graduate Jason Therrien 01, The company will provide Grenci with speakers and contacts with its business partners.
Jim Krukones

facULty: With no classes to teach, summer must have been


John Carroll university SUMMER 2007

The foregoing is an inventory of but some of the myriad activities that made campus a busy place during the summer. note: Grenci stands in here for several hundred faculty members preparing for the new academic year. Summer at your university is lively, but like rehearsals for a theatrical production, its all pointed toward a future. That future has arrived; and so we begin again.
James Sweeney is a deputy features editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

GettinG Ready

SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university


stuDent orientation: learning the ropes and creating the connection

Katie Reece

he summer student orientation sessions for incoming freshmen are the important introduction to John Carroll the university provides its new students. Each of the nine sessions is a major event for a sizable segment of the campus staff and the members of the Class of 2011. The number of prospective Carroll scholars who participate in the nine 30-hour orientation sessions, which occur from the beginning of June to the end of August, is not far short of a thousand. The participants include a goodly number of Bridge Program students who engage in summer studies here as a means toward matriculation, but the soon-tomatriculate frosh are the primary focus of the sessions.

24 24

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Orientation season involves an impressive effort by Student Activities Lisa Ramsey and her 14-member team. The sessions require months of preparation by the closeknit crew, anyone of whom will, if asked, emphatically assert that they are family. Many but not all students are accompanied by one or both parents. The students and parents show up carrying a strong desire to confirm that this school in University Heights is the best of all conceivable destinations for a young person intent on learning, blossoming, and equipping her or himself for a productive and meaningful life. John Carroll is the choice and all hands incoming students, Ramseys team and a sizable contingent of university staff occupy themselves for a very full day, night and next morning animatedly reviewing every aspect of the university; getting the new ones registered for classes, and pulling out all the stops to insure that by the time orientation is over, the matriculants are psyched to hit the deck running in September with an open mind and an eager heart. Orientation is about learning the ropes

and connecting. The fervent hope is that the incoming frosh will begin the process of bonding with the institution and the representatives of its community who take part in the summer process. Ramseys team, as upbeat and ebullient as your basic national championship cheerleading crew, dedicate themselves to establishing a linkage with the newcomers and selling them on the wonders of Carroll and the wisdom of proclaiming that you want to be a part of this place. Senior Patrick Carpenter says: You know its going well when the students share that they are comfortable at the school. I think another main purpose of orientation is to make sure the parents are comfortable with letting go of the students, knowing the students are coming to a school where they will be able to grow and experience a lot of things that will open their hearts and minds. My parents had concerns, and after
SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university


orientation those concerns were gone. Ramsey, Carpenter, and fellow seniors Greg Lucsko and Beth Wall are the head honchos who, collectively design and manage the program. Staffer Ramsey, whom Wall says functions in the group not as a mom but as a crazy aunt, is surely the first driver of the orientation bus, but Ramsey happily acknowledges that in the main she is a member of a leadership quartet orchestrating the orientation process. The four work together in late winter to hire the 11 others, and the gang of four plan a rigorous May training to prepare the rookies for the new orientation season. Carpenter, Lucsko and Wall all recorded their third summer of orientations this year, which gives them one year of seniority on staffer Ramsey. Wall, who like Carpenter and Lucsko, seems resolved to never let a negative thought loiter in her head, affirms: We hire the best from the get-go. We hire in February and March; then we have a lot of social stuff and

team building activities and three weeks of training in May. Representatives of all the departments come in and talk to us so we have our information straight about the school. We have really high standards and we look to create a team the way you set up an athletic team, with different parts. We look for diversity and build a staff that can answer questions in different areas. The program is packed, and it runs on two tracks: one for students, another for parents or other family members. After checkin and a mingling sort of continental breakfast in and around the Dolan Center, Muldoon Atrium, students and family members are welcomed by several university officials. The university leaders offer useful information, but the emphasis is on warm hospitality. The first separation occurs when students leave to take a language placement exam and parents stay to hear university counseling director Dr. John Ropar offer an insightful and witty presentation (see p. 29) on the psychological development issues of

John Carroll university SUMMER 2007

college students. Ramseys team members each have an assigned contingent of students, whom, at noon, they lead to lunch and work on the connection. Well skip the summary of the schedule, which has more moving parts than some clocks, but the program includes sessions with academic advisors for parents and student; discussions of the financial aspects; and a briefing (JCU Student Life 101) on the challenges, available resources and possible pitfalls, alcohol for example, awaiting these fledgling university scholars. There are chunks of time spent on service opportunities, a writing proficiency test, small-group discussions with orientation team members, a rich opportunity to strengthen the connection; and dinner for both tracks with the team of faculty advisors enlisted for each orientation. There is a richly interactive session for students after dinner in which they explore and celebrate the myriad ways in which they are, irrespective of race or ethnicity, diverse an important word on campus these days. Mathematical Swarm

Theory (see p. 5) is an instrument of the diversity exercise but you dont need grounding in advanced mathematics to appreciate the mostly wide-eyed eagerness the imperative to be cool tends to be discarded during orientation with which this assembly of young people, who so clearly want this coming college adventure to work, apply themselves to comprehending intriguing new perspectives on just who they might be. The orientation installment following the diversity exercise involves a series of skits about John Carroll life. There is one role-playing team for students and another for parents. On the night John Carroll magazine was in attendance there was a bit of an issue with the students performing for the parents cracking themselves up, and working awfully hard to suppress big grins. Overall, though, the skits, which involve delicate subjects like sexual assault and
SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university


alcohol abuse, as well as the rigors of living with a roommate and performing well academically, are played out by the orientation team members the team leaders wrote them with gusto and authenticity. After the skits, there is a somewhat sedate parent social, and a corresponding activity for students that includes dancing and a collection of high-jinks that travels under the label social activities and may persist until the parents are safely asleep back in their motels and residences. The much shorter second days feature Mass, breakfast and, for both tracks, a concluding discussion session in which the final touches are put on the connection. Aside from that, the big purpose of the second day is the registration for their fall classes. That takes some time and there are a few nerves that occasionally surface. For example, those going through orientation in late July may find that the classes

that are still available include more than a few of the dreaded a.m. variety. Overall, though, the orientation event designed and executed in no small measure by Ramsey and her squadron, seems to work splendidly, and the looks on faces, students and parents, suggest that the connection usually happens. Its only a beginning, but, to observers at least, a good one. One parent declared somewhere along the way on the night of the first day: Weve been to orientations at these prestigious universities and this is by far the best a melody to the ears of Ramsey and crew. Were constantly evaluating and tinkering with the program, says the team leader. The evidence suggests it is a successful and important process as the recruits begin the process of becoming firmly connected to the John Carroll community. jp


John Carroll university SUMMER 2007

Advice to the parents of a freshman

What follows is an excerpt from the talk that Dr. John Ropar 72, the director of the University Counseling Center, presents to parents at every student orientation. This excerpt doesnt capture the humor of Ropars presentation, but it should convey something of the psychologists thoughtful message.
here is one constant that cuts across everything Ive heard at the Counseling Center in 12 years, one underlying issue present underneath whatever the students tell me. The constant is the struggle with self-esteem, with feeling good about themselves. One problem so many students experience is that they so want to be successful, and they have a tendency to be defined by their Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) or whether they are a successful athlete or the president of a sorority. My own conviction is that they are awesome the way they are. Essentially all the psychological research in my field indicates that emerging adults and we as a society have created a new life stage commonly called emerging adulthood need to make their own decisions. The separation research is unequivocal that the more we, as parents, dictate the choices our students make, the poorer their psychological adjustment is

going to be. Your children are going through identity development. It is a process that contains inherent risks. In the course of exploring life and trying on different roles, your beloved emerging adult will test your limits. They may well do something that you dont like. When you experience that, you may be tempted to take action to restore the balance of power to be in accord with the traditional parent-child relationship. That response is counter-productive because you are no longer the parent of a child; you are now the parent of a young adult. What becomes necessary is the recalibration of the family system so that it allows for greater changes in behavior than it did previously. The family system needs to become more flexible because your student will almost certainly stretch the envelope and make choices that challenge you. My advice is to pick your battles. Patience and understanding are called for all the way around, and that includes patience with yourself as you react to what they do. Because so many of our young people have been sheltered and shepherded and may not have had a chance to fall and bruise themselves and learn that they can survive, college is likely to provide that chance.

There will be challenges. They will go through the formation of a new peer group. Living with a roommate may be a major adjustment. Getting up in the morning is often a big thing. Doing their own laundry is not a simple matter, if they have never done that. They will encounter greater academic demands, and that may produce stress and anxiety. Time management will be a test. Homesickness is common at first. They will face a dizzying array of choices related to, among other categories, morality, interpersonal relations, politics and their future vocation. We will do our best to help them make good safe choices, but they may fall and bruise themselves as they explore. I recommend that you discuss with them, in a non-judgmental way, choices and consequences, and try not to assume that they wont make good choices. You should learn about the Counseling Center and the other campus resources available. If you had a college experience, I recommend that you share with your students what it was like for you as you moved on the exploratory path upon which your sons and daughters are now embarking. Please remember that when they were little, you had the experience of watching them toddle away from you, perhaps to a table. Before long they would toddle back to you. They are very likely to live that pattern again. They still need your lap, though it is now a figurative lap. Trust the parenting youve done and are doing. And maintain your loving support of your children. Im delighted to come to work every day because I get to work with your wonderful young people.
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A mothers thoughts on the eve of her sons matriculation at John Carroll

Dear Son,

All parents attending an orientation were asked to write a letter to be opened by their child when he or she was in place to begin the new academic year at the university. The magazine got its ink-stained hands on the one to the right. Its not representative every mother-child relationship is profoundly unique but it does capture something of the power and passion of the mother and child connection.

The day the world ended started like any other day. I was up at 5:30 a.m. getting ready for work and packing lunch, gym clothes, dry-cleaning to drop off, a list of groceries to pick up everything in order so we could be out the door at 6:50 sharp. You fell out of bed at 6:41, brushed your teeth, wiped your face, and crawled into the anti-uniform that youd spent your first year and a half of high school perfecting: a broad, orange polyester tie purchased from the half-off rack at Unique Thrift, regulation khakis with more wrinkles than a Shar-Pei puppy on a bad fur day, and a formerly-white shirt that I swear you had somehow trained to become perpetually untucked. One of the first things you learn as a parent of a teenager is to choose your battles. So I took a bye on such things as up-to-code school uniforms, healthy breakfasts, and no nC17 video games. But I felt like Id won the war of personal efficacy, of social and fiscal responsibility, of writing thank you notes to grandma, of putting the lid down, and of not trying to talk yourself out of what youd behaved yourself into. (Oh, and do know that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City will never, I repeat, nEVER cross the threshold of my house, I dont care how old you are; end of discussion, period.) So I drove you to school that morning in my usual state of oblivious content you were well, we were well, things were going well and my life was undoubtedly better than I deserved. We chatted about school, politics, and, of course, the always ready of your existence since receiving a Sega Genesis for your 6th birthday video games. I was grateful that you still asked me to play with you on occasion, despite the fact that my technique (repeatedly hitting every button on the control pad as fast as I possibly could) had not changed in ten years, and that playing with me typically meant having my character hide behind a tree/ retaining wall/ conveniently placed superconductor while you deftly maneuvered through all the enemy warships/power-hungry aliens/carnivorous zombies in the area. Actually (truth be told) there were few things I enjoyed doing more. After dropping you off at school, I flicked on NPR to hear the latest reports from the Middle East. I thought about the complicated, sad, exquisite, terrible, wonderful world I had brought you into. How different your childhood was from mine me and four sisters, a farm in the country, paying cash, getting the right answer. I was not one for mourning the good old days, nor was I ignorant of how I was reaping the rewards of my 60s feminist sisters. But it did seem a simpler time, my childhood. And the presence of this war, in particular; these deaths, in particular, in particularit angered, saddened, and frightened me. not my son, I thought to myself, not my child and I simply decided that I would prevent it. With calm purpose and categorical certitude, I simply decided that I would not lose you, end of possibility, period.

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The moment passed, the day passed, the evening came and I sat down to watch a movie I dont remember the title; something with nicholas Cage in it, something Id rented from netflix. And then I got the phone call. The phone call that every parent does not dread, because they cannot even imagine getting it, they cannot even think the thought of getting it, they simply decide to not think the thought of getting it, the phone call that says, Theres been an accident; Michaels unconscious; theyre taking him to Akron Childrens. And the world ended. Time stopped. Eternity collapsed. And nothing existed except me, and you, and the chasmic vacuum between us. I dont remember the ride to the hospital. I remember your fathers face. I remember the bloody body board. I remember time starting againbut moving strangely, unspeakably, slowly. And I remember the near-decadent joy of hearing you say, Mom, could you please stop singing; my head hurts. In the days and weeks and now years that have followed, I have learned a few things. I have learned that no matter how determined I am to protect you, no matter how much I decide that you will not have to endure certain things, that there is nothing I can do to stop the randomness of the world. That, indeed, I am quite powerless over much of what happens to you and to me; that in terms of what our future holds, there is no end of possibility period. And that the end of the world or at least, the end of the world as I know it, as I trust it to continue to be can happen in a moment. But I have also learned that even though we have no control over what happens to us, we do have control over how we respond to what happens to us and that is where character is both developed and made manifest. That is where we create our own essence. And I hope that if I have succeeded in teaching you nothing else, that you have learned that one thing from me. Because, my son, I believe you are equipped to handle whatever life sends your way. I have watched you over the last eighteen years. Yours has not been an easy life; you have faced obstacles that would have challenged people twice your age. But you are made of strong stuff. Resilient stuff. Stuff that will serve you well in the future, in choosing how to respond to prosperity, poverty, health, disease, uprightness, corruption, times of joy and times of heartache. For I have seen you choose how to respond in the past. You have shown courage when showing courage would cost you. You have loved when loving was very, very difficult to do. You have demonstrated a willingness to learn even in the company of your own tendency toward stubbornness. You have been one of my best teachers. And you have grown into a young man that I am so proud of, somewhat amazed by, and whom I love more than anything on this earth. And so here you are, on the eve of your entrance into John Carroll University. Since the day you were born, I do not think there has been a moment in your life more full of possibility and hope than this moment, right now. Your options seem endless; your opportunities, boundless. You are possessed with skill and intelligence and generosity and humor and thoughtfulness and integrity and initiative and compassion. There are so many things you can do; so many things you can become. I am so tremendously excited for you. But most of all, although I do not know what your future holds, I know that you hold that part of your future, that part which chooses how to respond. And I cannot wait to see what you do with it. I love you, mom

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Kevin Henderson
of Solon, Ohio: one of 2011s pretty good prospects

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evin Henderson isnt your typical John Carroll frosh. Our assumption, of course, is that all the matriculating freshmen are and will continue to be wonderful. As Dr. John Ropar 72 says a few pages earlier: My conviction is that they are all awesome the way they are. Yes! Still, while it is most definitely early, and it is also undeniably true that many a C student has gone on to rule the world, it is nonetheless certain that simply by the measuring sticks we all, for good and ill, inevitably apply, the kid from Solon is a tiny bit more awesome than most. Which means that he doesnt quite qualify for typical. He is also not of the gender of the slight majority of the matriculating freshmen, and he doesnt forcefully represent the most ethnically and racially diverse John Carroll class ever. Be that as it may, Henderson is a good poster-boy for the students of 2011. He just August 31 got back from El Salvador with a contingent from his Catholic parish in Solon. Kevin wants to be a human rights lawyer, and he says he was drawn here because: I felt that JCU is the most dedicated to social justice issues, community service and advocacy

for the marginalized. He also likes that the schools lower-income initiative is intended to increase diversity, which he thinks is really important for a learning environment. Kevin had around a 4.1 GPA at Solon High School, which is a little tough to do on a 4.0 GPA system, but there are advanced placement classes, which can bump the numbers above the ceiling. Kevins mom, Joann, says I just hope he has an outlet to use his gifts. You just hope your child is successful and happy. She also says that Kevins acting and dancing, a big part of his life, energizes her son and allows him to stay balanced. Kevins dad, Matt, observed: Hes a great kid, easygoing, really motivated, one of the most motivated Ive ever seen. He may need to learn to compromise a bit more, but I just hope he finds a group of people he can relate to, and stays happy and motivated. Kevin says that El Salvador made me supercharged about fighting for peace and justice, and gave me a better sense of what it means to be part of the human family. Typical or not, Kevin Henderson is most likely to be a fabulous addition to the John Carroll branch of the human family.

Kevin with new friends in el salvador.

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from poverty and familial challenge, but he is a confident, talented and quite magnetic young man who will unquestionably enrich his class. Dany will live for at least his first year here with a Gesu family, the Michael Koehlers. When the photo was taken, he was feeling a bit overwhelmed, but after having talked with him and read the essay that accompanied his application, one is moved to conclude that if John Carroll is very likely to be a blessing in Danys life, the opposite is also a good bet. Danys present status is that of a citizen of another state studying abroad in the U.S. for an extended period. There are a number of other members of the 2011 crew who are new immigrants to this land. Grace Mahfouz is a native of Lebanon who came to the Cleveland area recently. She was employed at Slymans Restaurant on St. Clair, Avenue, this summer and on her first day she met none other than the President of the United States, who dropped in for a little politicking and a taste of Slymans celebrated corned beef. Oksana Kozlovskaya is a native of Lwiw, Ukraine, who has been here long enough to do very well in a suburban Cleveland high school and amass a sizable number of community college credits, which will allow this talented student to make an expeditious passage through John Carroll. Raymond Chahoud fairly shouts American Dream. Six short years ago, Raymond was a citizen of Damascus, Syria. He does have the mentoring benefit of having an uncle who is a physician in Cleveland and an aunt who is a doctor in Syria, but it is, nonetheless, fairly astonishing to talk to Raymond, who speaks English with virtually no accent, announce that he is going to major in biochemistry at John Carroll; will also earn an MBA here, and then go on to become a plastic surgeon. His high school record was outstanding, and the preliminary evidence indicates that anyone doubting Raymonds ability to follow through is likely to wind up looking foolish in about a decade. Again, these are not typical John Carroll students. They are, though, extraordinarily interesting representatives of the

The promise of the Class of 2011

now on to the next one.
If Kevin Henderson on the previous pages isnt quite representative of the entering Class of 2011, Dany Diaz Mejia is really atypical. Dany is a Honduran citizen, who came here through the caring auspices of a group of people in the Cleveland area a good many of them connected to John Carrolls adjacent parish, Church of the Gesu and a remarkable nun named Sister Rosa Maria Leggoll, whose image adorns a postage stamp in Honduras. Dany emerged

Dany Diaz Mejia

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Grace Mahfouz
Class of 2011, and they serve to affirm that John Carrolls original mission, now 121 years old and counting to nourish the educational aspirations of a largely immigrant population survives to illuminate the lives of a new contingent of immigrants. The likes of Dany and Grace and Oksana and Raymond bring new life to our university and our area, and they and the 723 other members of their freshman class come to us to learn and have their minds and spirits served. Brian Williams, the vice president for enrollment, is certainly delighted with the presence of the quartet, but the make-up of the new class offers Williams many other satisfactions. This group, begins the new England native, has a great story to tell: 11.7 percent students of color, the largest percentage in our history; just over 12 percent first generation college students; our recruitment numbers are up significantly in new York; were not far from 100 percent up (83) in the mid-Atlantic states; the biggest contingent we have ever had from new England three from Boston College High School and the largest class weve had in a long time 29 from St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland. Williams continued but well stop him to observe that the Ignatius group is almost as numerous as the 37 students who enrolled in the freshman class on opening day of St. Ignatius College in 1886. There seems an extra layer of good news for the university in the fact that as time passes there is an increasingly well-traveled passageway between the two schools. Williams also observed that a little over 10 percent of the incomers experienced their secondary educations at Jesuit high schools, while half, are, like Solon Highs Kevin Henderson, coming to us from public institutions. The Enrollment leader seemed mildly surprised that a significant group, 19, sprang northward from, Florida, Texas, and the South combined. There are no plans to start serving grits in the dining hall though the new food service director, Javier Flores, is from San Antonio, Texas but for a high-

Raymond Chahoud

SUMMER 2007 John Carroll university


Oksana Kozlovskaya
er educational center that has for some years been working to extend its geographical reach, the September class shows the sprouting seeds of John Carrolls growing reputation outside the region. Williams said that after seeing the make-up of the freshmen, Enrollment will be traveling in wider circles this fall, and also trying harder in places like St. Louis, which, as is the case in some of the other noted locations, seems to be positioning its collective antennae to capture the welcoming signals from the Jesuit school in University Heights. Beyond regional diversity, this class is economically diverse as well. A renewed commitment to affordability seems to be a path that will bring many students to campus that may have ruled out John Carroll in the past. Students from lower-income backgrounds now being served by the universitys heralded lower-income initiative are up by over 20 percent. Williams commented that while assumptions may arise in some quarters about race and income, nearly 59 percent of our lower-income students are white. They are, said the vice president coming to us from across the racial and ethnic spectrum, but a majority are Caucasian and they represent citizens of 18 counties. Williams also talked about how the economic piece of our diversity will add to our classroom experience. In his core values statement, Fr. niehoff speaks about the importance of the way we learn, in so many ways, from others mutual learning and about balance. Were doing a better job of bringing in racial, economic and geographic diversity, all of which works to give us a broader base, and that unquestionably enriches the academic experience. Williams went on to say that our present and desired diversity is not along any one dimension. Some of our new students of color have gone to the best private schools. And our new low-income students are, on average, entering with higher SAT/ACT test scores and GPA than our average member of the Class of 2011. But of course there is, in just about every sense of the word, really no average John Carroll freshman. They are rather 730 unique individuals, each about to embark on a great educational and human adventure. While the majority of campus will be focused on ushering in this Class of 2011, Williams and the enrollment division are already busy thinking about the Classes of 2012 and 2013. Well let Williams have the last word. Youre never satisfied in this work; I have learned so much, and after my first year, I feel I understand the John Carroll story far better, and can work more efficiently and effectively to tell it to our prospective recruits and their families. There are many changes this year: increased visits and travel, new print publications, and with Web site changes to make our site more interactive and personalized. So, welcome Class of 2011, now on to the next one. jp

Avon Lakes Tori Shelton

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Raishaun Stover:
a promising second chance
aishaun Stover is 23 and is getting a second chance at an education and a football career at John Carroll. There are, of course, no guarantees, save the famously cited ones: death and taxes, but at this moment in time mid-August 2007 the graduate of St. Edward High School is looking good as a student and athletic prospect. Raishaun says an education is the priority, and that he hopes to become an entrepreneur after he earns his degree. He has a bunch of credits that will transfer from Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green didnt work out. Raishaun subsequently labored in a nasty job in a factory for a couple of years and says that created a profound motivational force in himself. In 2002, Stover gained 2,300 yards for St. Edwards gridders, racking up 36 touchdowns and gaining 293 yards in one memorable game against Stow, Ohios Walsh Jesuit. He was third in the voting for Mr. Ohio Football that year. The people in Enrollment rave about what a nice, personable young man Stover is. He declares hes excited about school and football, and hes spending a healthy portion of his energy right now trying to bulk down from his present weight of 217 lbs., to something closer to his high school playing weight of 195 lbs. Coach Regis Scafe appears to like Stover as much as does Enrollment. Again, there are no guarantees, but Stover seems a very appropriate poster-man for John Carroll given the universitys focus on Cleveland, where Stover lives, and its renewed commitment to providing second and more chances for the regions citizens.
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Im Doreen riley and I arrived about reunion time to be the vice president for advancement of this wonderful university. In subsequent magazine issues, I will speak to you in my own voice, but this first time, I thought it a good idea to give you one more confirmation of the fact that our John Carroll is indeed an institution and community of which we can be deeply proud. The article above is reprinted with permission from u.S News & World report, which sees and appreciates the same John Carroll university we do.

Reunion 2007:


The total attendance was 1138, with 115 of those being children. The Class of 1957 broke, through the tireless efforts of Sal Felice and the committee, the record for a 50-year gang, drawing 87 of their members. All of the reunion-goers combined to give $2,216, 378.76 to the growth and health of their other mother. Does that tell the tale? Of course not. You did have to be there, and the 8s and 3s will have a similar chance in June of 2008;the 7s and 2s must wait their turns until June of 2012.

a nice time

John Carroll university Summer 2007



Send your notes to: larry Kelley 16213 Marquis Ave. Cleveland, OH 44111 216-941-1795

Before I started to write this column, I glanced at my last one, which started the way the last few columns have I could get a job as the obituary editor at The Plain Dealer. This one will start the same way On July 5, I went to the funeral of Fr. John Rath 32 at St. Stephen Church on West 54th Street. Fr. Rath was the last living member of his class and of the class of 1928 of St. Ignatius High School. He also was the oldest living priest of the Youngstown Diocese. He was a classmate of my brother Norman at both schools and like him was in the Youngstown area when the Youngstown Diocese was formed from the Cleveland Diocese in the late 1930s. The day my brother stopped in at the Youngstown Chancery to congratulate the new bishop he also handed him a letter requesting a transfer back to the Cleveland Diocese. The bishop looked at Norm and told him that he only accepted the appointment because of priests like him. Norm was very fortunate to have stayed. Father Otting, SJ, (who taught me ethics at Carroll) was teaching at Youngstown State, and kept me informed of Norms progress. He was a pastor of St. Rose in Girard, OH, when he was 37 years old. He never would have been that successful in Cleveland. The only Jesuit on the altar at Fr. Raths funeral was the new Bishop of Youngstown, The Most Rev. George V. Murry, SJ. ... Right at this moment Im at St. John West Shore Hospital my wife, Frances, is having outpatient surgery for removal of a malignant lesion on the side of her nose. With all she has been through for the last 12 years, she should go right up the golden stairway when God calls her. Her only complaint is her diminishing vision. She can no longer play the piano or organ (cant read the music), read or sew, and shes confined to her wheel chair. ... In June I attended my 75th Class Reunion from St. Ignatius. I was the lone attendee! I was hoping that hank Dombrowski would make it. I met his cousin at JCUs Reunion Weekend (cant remember his name or the year he graduated from Carroll) and I asked him to try to persuade Hank to come. But no dice. ... I had hoped to make a call to Hugh McCaffrey 37. I hope hes still in Fairhope, AL, as thats the only number I have from the Alumni Directory 2004. ... I still keep in contact with Jack Lavelles 38 widow, Josephine Lavelle, who is now living with her daughter, Jerrie, in Marshall, VA. The true story about Major General John D. Lavelle can be found in the Air Force Magazine online at http:// and asp. Get both the Nov. 2006 and Feb. 2007 issues for the whole story. They clear the general from wrongdoing on his own in the activities that led to his dismissal in 1972 as the leader of Americas air force in Vietnam. ... So til next time keep praying. Just Larry


The Golden Years

Send your notes to: Carl Giblin 1100 Ponce DeLeon Blvd., 401 N Clearwater, FL 33756 727-518-7961

As usual, these gleanings are the result of John sweeneys pursuit of any classmate able to ingest and retain solid foods. His diligent work turns to pleasure when the lunch bunch holds a meeting. Typical of a solid Jesuit education, the meetings always involve food and beverage. They visited Jack Brennan who receives around the clock care after a stroke. They held their July meeting at Pizzazz (at Fairmount Circle). Jim Carey, Bud noetzel, Jim schlecht and John made a quorum. lou sulzer thought the meeting was in Chicago and has not been seen since! The lunch conversations do not indulge in anything lighter than scriptural analysis. Carey and Sweeney are really big with that no wonder Lou misses meetings! ... John Kenney reports from Williamsburg that he is into gardening. His specialty is poppies, which explains his perpetual sunny attitude! ... Dick Breiner and his piano need some tuning after a recent setback. ... John Sweeney is planning a reunion of the Coan-Gill clan who came from Ireland in the 1880s. They had four children who married and the youngest became a nun. Typical of Irish families, they may struggle with algebra, but they know how to multiply! The first four turned into 11 and from them 39. Now, 127 years later there are about 100 who will get together for what should be a grand party. If I did not live in Florida, I would apply for the beer concession. ... From deep in the heart of Texas, comes the periodic communication from James oConnell Morgan. He and Mary visited for three weeks with their youngest son and his wife, who have three children with foreign names (Megan, Tara and Kevin). ... Take care of each other, Carl

the Dolan Science Center on Friday, June 22, and then attended a fine reception in the Muldoon Atrium of Dolan which is delightfully suited for a large gathering. We heard Robert L. Niehoff, SJ, president of JCU, advise of the status of affairs at our alma mater. The most important affair being the caliber of students attracted to the university, largely hard-working leadership types who should do much for the future success of Carroll. One could not help but think about those dreary years like 1944 when the student body diminished to 150+ with the depredations of war-time activity. The late Fr. Edward C. McCue, SJ, then dean, packed his bags and scoured the offices of Washington, D.C., for a student body. Fortunately, after a month of seeking help, he came home with a U.S. Navy V-12 commitment and JCU was never the same. The faculty labored long hours with this new student body. For example, Rev. William F. Ryan, SJ, history professor, had a heart attack from attempting to teach too many classes and his college teaching career was terminated. From that day till now, JCU never lacked for a superior student body. It might have been otherwise. We are here now with this magnificent school and 65year graduate celebrants, except that only four came to enjoy the beauty of the occasion. The Trivisons who, incidentally, had a difficult time making return flight transfers in Dallas, arrived in San Diego at 3:30 a.m. He was inspired by the Reunion but disappointed at our turnout. He (me, too) expected al Musci and nick Barille. We had hoped that tony yonto (now our leader and last surviving class officer) and Helen would come but, unfortunately, Tony was in a bad siege of back pain at that time. Bob was happy to renew acquaintance with Bob Kraus 42, our retired Akron architect, and Dick Cachat 42 who came with his cousin, Fran Cachat 41, and his lovely wife, Peg. Bob and all enjoyed Bruce Thompson 43, whom he described as a gracious person, and who arranged for the 42 contingent to be introduced to the other classes sharing the cafeteria where we had our Saturday evening meal. Fr. Niehoff made cordial remarks about having us back and gave his blessing before going off to other gatherings, particularly to Sal Felice 57 and the Big 50 Reunion. Further, Bob said hed like to do it again in 2012 and so would I (optimists). Maybe wed have a bigger turnout! He lamented that the names of our deceased were not read at Mass as they were for the other reunion classes. ... Art

reUnIon Year

Send your notes to: art Wincek 3867 Floral Court Santa Cruz, CA 95062 831-475-1210


Our classmate, Bob trivison and wife, Susan, came the furthest to the 42 Reunion; my wife, Fran, and I were a close second. Bob Kraus came in from Akron and Dick Cachat from Rocky River. We started in the beautiful Donahue Auditorium in


Jim and Mary Morgan

Send your notes to: Bruce e. Thompson 2207 South Belvoir Blvd. University Hts., OH 44118 216-382-4408

The headline up-top says Reunion Year, and so it is an almost unbelievable 65th which we will celebrate June 20-22, 2008. Mark your calendar now. The anticipation of such a gathering stirs the emotions. But not surprisingly so, for after all this is where we spent what was probably the most defining, formative years of our lives. The expectancy of again being on campus with former 41

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friends heightens our anxieties. If ever there was an occasion to return to your alma mater, this is the moment. The reasons are apparent and compelling. Reunions are about memories, camaraderie, recollections of freshman beanies (I wonder if anyone other than Joe sepkoski has one), climbing three flights to the library, the mandatory tie to enter Fr. Ottings ethics class, sweating out Fritz Graffs letters course, and Frank Burkes chem. labs. Remember silent Charles Cooney whispering through those bank-like bars in the cashiers office demanding tardy tuition payments? Or how about smiley Ed McCues piercing gaze as he skewered anyone challenging him. But through it all, we endured and had moments of laughter along the way. Following a reunion several years ago, ed hurley succinctly put our relationship with JCU in perspective, God has blessed us all in ways we could never have foreseen and John Carroll played an enormous role in that. How fortunate we have been to have anchored so much of our lives to the cornerstone of our days in those wonderful classrooms now long past. If you havent marked your calendar, do so NOW. Alert your family, relatives etc. to the obligatory sanctity of your June 20-22, 2008 JCU Reunion Weekend. Reunions are people gatherings, the more the merrier. We are optimistic about our 43 class attendance. We have about a dozen loyal Clevelanders, plus another in Akron and one in Warren who will most likely attend. Counting spouses thats about 25 for starters. Add a few out-of-town loyalists and were up to 30 or so. And I do hope that some of the widows will join us. I am not asking for your attendance commitment here and now, but it will be most beneficial if you let us know what the prospects are of your being on campus for the reunion. What is your thinking at this early date? An attendance estimate I know its a guess on your part will help me negotiate with the alumni office for a desirable Saturday dining location. That is important early on. So write or e-mail your intentions or long range plans Theresa Spada, alumni and special events coordinator tspada@ 800.736.2586. ... Prayers are requested for Jay, the oldest son of Rosemary and Wally schwarz. An electrical engineer, he was in India supervising the installation of a giant industrial press when a scaffold he was on collapsed. He suffered serious and extensive injuries to the head, neck and back. Following hospitalization there, he was airlifted with several doctors and nurses in a 29 hour medical flight to the Cleveland Clinic. He needs your prayers. ... Jim Kipfstuhl 54 stopped by the Diemer, hurley, thompson table at the Gray Streaks reunion dinner to bring greetings from ed Kipfstuhl, whose wife died several months ago following a long illness. Our heartfelt condolences, Ed. ... If my opening paragraph sounds familiar, I commend you for being so perceptive. Similar thoughts and words appeared in this column five years ago and they were well received. I considered them still apropos so I dusted them off and offer them again for your consideration. Please please please respond per my request. Bruce


Reunion was as great an event as it always has been every year. Coletta and Jay ansberry, Dottie and harry Badger, and Grace and I had dinner with Jim herlihy. Fr. Niehoff was the main celebrant at Mass at Gesu, which was well attended. We missed seeing Marty Franey, tony Palermo, tom Whalen, and Bob Mannion. ... Bob Colopy is still on the mend, I tried calling several times but the line was always busy. Give him a call at his home in Painesville 440.352.3503. ... If anyone knows the whereabouts of Don Billings, Don Bissonnette, Joe Ciolek, Bill Dwyer, Bill ennen or Bob Fannon, give me a call or drop me a note. We will cover the rest of the missing in the next issue. ... Best to all, Don

Send your notes to: ed Cunneen 22020 Halburton Rd. Beachwood, OH 44122 216-561-1122


For those of you who dont have e-mail and do not receive John Carrolls e-News, you might not be aware that I am looking for someone to take over the column. I think its time to pass the pen to someone who might have a new link to the news for our class. If you are interested in writing four columns a year, give me a call or call Michele McFarland at the university 216.397.4321 or God bless and volunteer! Ed

reUnIon Year

1949 1950

Send your notes to: don Mcdonald 3440 South Green Rd. Beachwood, OH 44122 216-991-9140

Send your notes to: Tom harrison 3980 West Valley Dr. Fairview Park, OH 44126 440-331-4343 216-881-5832 (fax)

tom Gibbons journeyed from Virginia to participate in the JCU graduation ceremony on May 20 by wearing a cap and gown and also to celebrate the event with his granddaughter Jessica Gibbons 07. I had the advantage of having only to drive to participate with my beautiful graduating granddaughter, Mary Margaret Harrison 07. Many other old grads 20 or more who joined in the ceremony agreed with Tom and me that our granddaughters were the outstanding beauties of the class. Despite the weathermans grim uncertainty, the Jesuits direct connection to the Lord provided ideal weather for this beautifully staged outdoor event. ... While hoping to receive news from old classmates, I received a call from an appreciative reader calling from London, England. Tom Joyce 72 has lived in Europe for the past 15 years. He said he looks forward to receiving John Carroll magazine and enjoys the news and reporting of developments at Carroll. His praise of my 49 news was especially generous, which in all honesty, I must admit might arise from the fact that Im one of his two surviving uncles and apparently his favorite. ... Since retiring from pastoral duties in Orrville Jim Conry has resided at St. Charles Rectory and participated in non-management priestly duties in that busy parish. He has unenthusiastically undergone some abdominal surgery. Hugh Gallagher 50 and I visited Jim on July 17. We were pleased to see that Jim is recovering rapidly and was scheduled to return to St. Charles on July 24. ... Send news good news preferred but all reported with reasonable accuracy. Tom Send your notes to: Jack reilly 1371 Dill Rd. South Euclid, OH 44121 216-291-5762


Send your notes to: Julius sukys


It is always heartening to hear from an alum that we havent heard from. Charles tucker informed us that he is living in San Diego, CA, and is a retired teacher of math and computers. He is married to Therese (Murphy). They have eight children, 16 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Its good to hear from you, Chuck. If you care to reach him call 619.282.8714. ... Attended the Saturday evening celebration Reunion Weekend. There was one other attendee from our class, Francis hogan and his lovely wife, Rosemarie. ... Bill Brugeman has returned from Spain where he viewed the Lipizzaner Stallions and their fabulous show. Bill is into horseflesh! ... Until next time adios, J.P.S.

This column will replace the quarterly letter that I have sent out the past few years. As with the letter the purpose of the column is to keep you informed of other classmates. We have about 200 on the 1950 class roster. So please keep me informed of your doings see above for contract information. ... Again many thanks to Charlie Byrne for his dedication in writing this column. We hope you have a speedy recovery from your knee replacement surgery. ... Sorry to report the passing of John a. Burke. John had a very interesting life, before, at and after John Carroll. He got his diploma at an adult high school, served in the Navy as a dental technician and worked on ore freighters as a deck hand and kitchen porter. He also was an accomplished artist, railroad buff and active in the Great Lakes Historical Society, where he was a board member. He also received the first Historic Interpretation Award from the Association of Great Lakes Maritime History. Our


John Carroll university Summer 2007

sympathy to his wife, Anne. ... John McCauley is still playing bridge five days a week. His wife, Rita, is recovering from heart surgery. ... John Brattoli retired 23 years ago from Lorain County Community College. He said that he was a professor in the business college. He lives close to Bob oDonnell. John asked me about Jose Berrios and Larry Kiska 51. If you know anything about them, let me know and Ill pass the word on. ... Went to the Reunion in June (our next one is 2010 mark it down) and sawFred Korey and Jim Conway. Rev Francis lihvar, SJ, from our class, was a concelebrant at the Alumni Mass and Moment of Remembrance. ... tom DeMay has been retired for a number of years from Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. He and wife, Laureen, have eight children four boys first and then four girls. When the post office opened at JCU in 1946 or 47, Tom was its first mailman. Tom would like to know the whereabouts of his old roommate Bucky OConnor, also from Conneaut? ... Since my last Reflection letter, our class has lost Dr. Jack Porter, Jim Calkins, and Bob nook. Our belated sympathy to their families. ... George Kmiecik, who spent 29 years with the Cleveland School System, is taking care of his son, George 76. Georges other two boys went to B-W. Keep George in your prayers. ... Bob Knotek is still busy at the Cleveland Playhouse and as a Eucharistic minister at the Cleveland Clinic. He recently made his annual trip to Niagara-On-The-Lake. He said he had a great time. He recently became a greatgrandfather. ... Bill reagan is in St. Edward Assisted Living in Fairlawn, OH. Although the first half of 2007 has not been good to Bill and wife Louise, they look forward to a much better second half. ... Talked to robert heinz (Cleveland), who retired from General Motors, Terex Division. Bob and his wife, Dee, live at the Olympia Senior Citizens Development Complex. He is active in the development complex and also the St. Vincent DePaul Society. Robert and Dee have four children and send their best wishes to everyone. ... Paul Kleinhenz (Cleveland) retired from IBM. He and his wife, Jeanette, live in Parma and have two sons. Other than a bad knee, his health is good and he spends his free time gardening. ... Ward hill had his second heart operation last fall and is feeling good. To quote him: Im still kicking but not quite as high. He and Nancy have been married for 57 years. They still go to their cottage in Vermillion. ... Retiring after 30 years with Allstate Insurance,Joe smoltz spends a lot of time golfing. He also spends some time boating, but not as much as he would like. He said his wife died about 30 years ago. ... I would like to hear from more of you, especially out-of-state classmates. I can be reached at my address above. Have a safe and happy summer. Jack Send your notes to: J. donald FitzGerald 2872 Lander Rd. Pepper Pike, OH 44124 216-765-1165


Send your notes to: dorothy Poland

Well gentlemen, I thought I might have some news after the latest issue of our magazine arrived. I did hear from Jerry Miller, but he will send news later. You missed a good reunion, our 55th, June 22 to June 24. The weather was good and the students working the events were so helpful. I had the privilege of reading the names of our deceased classmates at the Moment of Remembrance during Mass on Saturday evening. We have lost another 34 from our class. After Mass, there was the class picture, then cocktails and dinner. Ten members of the Class of 52, and in some cases their spouses, had a great time talking over old times. thomas Dannemiller from Akron, Mary and thomas emling from Bedford Heights, Jim harrington and Bob regan came from Toledo. Marcia and andy Kaschalk came from Willowick and June and Bob McCarthy came from Mentor. Jo and Jim Previt brought daughter Renee from Seven Hills, Nancy and Joe valencic hopped over from Euclid, Bob tayek was here from Sagamore Hills, but he was busy playing keyboard with the band. And I popped in from Ravenna. ... The ones who get the prize for traveling the farthest are Elizabeth and Bill Kenealy from Virginia. From what Bill said, the sea is in his blood. Even though he is retired from the Navy, he and Elizabeth love to cruise. Last fall they took the Scandinavian tour. This August they plan on visiting ports in England, Ireland, Scotland and Normandy. Their oldest son, who works for the Lord Mayor of London, will join them as a tour guide. What fun! Bill also made me aware that Elizabeth may be the only person with ties to John Carroll who is a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor. ... Stay safe and God bless till next time, Dorothy

hammer and Jack Platz. ... Fred Fisher, who lives in Fairview Park, retired from his practice as doctor of internal medicine approximately 11 years ago. He and his wife, Evelyn, formerly did quite a bit of international travel, but not since 9/11. They still do a lot of traveling in the United States, visiting their seven children and 20 grandchildren. ... Father Frank Walsh, who is pastor at St. Lukes church in Lakewood, OH, recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination. At the reception in his honor, tom Dugan, Jim DeChant, Kevin tobin, Bob harter, and their wives shared a table. The Tobins came in from their home near Pittsburgh, PA, for the occasion. ... Tom Dugan also reports that he and his wife, Michalene, visited roger sargent at his luxurious new condo in the Fort Lauderdale area. Rogers unit is on the 17th floor looking over the intercoastal waterway. Roger had just returned from a Scandinavian cruise. ... I recently logged onto JCU Connect just to explore what was there. I suggest you give it a try also. ... Send in your news for the next issue. Gods blessing to you all. Jim Send your notes to: Peter Mahoney 401 Bounty Way, #145 Avon Lake, OH 44012 440-933-2503

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Jim Myers 315 Chesapeake Cove Painesville Twp., OH 44077 440-358-0197



Hello to all in the class of 53 and to your family and friends. ... Our condolences to the family of Gus Caliguire, who died on July 2. ... Frank Dempsey retired only about two years ago from his own CPA firm. The practice continues to be operated by his family. Frank now spends some of his time volunteering at Providence House, and as president of the Brooklyn Kiwanis. Frank lives in Parma, OH, and his four children and five grandchildren all live in the area. ... When I talked with norb Bunsey he reminded me that although he is a member of the class of 53 he graduated later than many of us because his schooling was interrupted for a tour of duty in Korea. Norb says he is doing well and enjoying his retirement. ...Dick santoro has been a widower for approximately four years. He has four daughters, five grandsons, and one granddaughter. Dick says he is occasionally in contact with John

1954 1955

...I can tell that with the dog days of summer, many of you have put down your pen and pushed away your note pad. Little to report for 54, but with sources and satellites there is some news ... Dave nilges (our Rocky Mountain real estate mogul) is concerned that Denver may be overbuilt and that the new trend in shopping malls (Streetscape) may be inappropriate for winter shopping. Dave and his staff are still very positive about the area and that a healthy economy cures most concerns. ... John heffernan feels that there may be several openings for referees in the NBA, so he is jogging and working out on a regular basis. Jack says that while doing hoops at JCU, he never met a ref he didnt like. ... Pat hynes, still in the Big Apple and quite a booster for his honor Mayor Bloomberg. Pat, cutting back on many of his activities, yet spending a share of his time at the Outer Banks, says he would be happy to work with the mayor if he decides to run for prez. ... Bob small is mentioned in several legal publications as part of the legal team that worked with Paris Hilton and her family. Bob is back home now and has been encouraged to write a book about the legal system in California. ... From time to time I rely on third party sources for news of the 54s, the comments may be incomplete, inexact or even inaccurate but never intended to be offensive ... mea culpa, mea culpa. Keep the faith, Pete Send your notes to: ray rhode 1543 Laclede Road South Euclid, OH 44121 216-381-1996

Mary and Dick Waddick visited with Virginia and Jim trainor in Savannah, GA, and while there Dick and Jim finished second in their flight in memberguest golf. The Trainors were in Denver, CO, for the
Summer 2007 John Carroll university


baptism of their 20th grandchild and while there spent a day with sunny Mike Dunagan. Jim reports that Mike is in pretty good shape for an old guy. ... Nancy Donatucci is recovering from open heart and by-pass surgery. Doing well, so far. ... Benny Barranco survived a heart procedure and is recovering nicely. ... harold (Doggie) Ziegler is still helping to grow the Ziegler Tire & Oil Company that now operates in several states and still finds time for volunteering and quietly doing good deeds . ... emmett (Bud) Feely and Phil Buchanan are on the mend but your prayers are needed. ... Jack Martin is substitute teaching after retiring from operating his own successful insurance business. He works out three or four times a week and is said to look the same as he did in his high school graduation picture. ... A reunion was held in July for outstanding basketball players from Cleveland high schools during the early 50s. Included in the group were JCU graduates: Rudy Bracale, tom Burke, Nick Christopher 56, tony Musca, Jim lawless and Don Mack 57. Tom Burke could use our prayers, as he is not well. ... George thomeys family had a big surprise party for him to celebrate his 75th birthday. A belated happy birthday, George. ... Bob Dolgan spoke to a group at the Westerly senior citizen apartments in Lakewood about his latest book, Americas Polka King: The Real Story of Frankie Yankovic and His Music. Frankie and Bobs father were close friends, so Bob has stories to relate. He was really surprised when he learned that his program would be in the larry Faulhaber Auditorium! Larry was managing director of the center for 20 years and the room was named in his honor in 1998. ... And on the Left Coast, ed tePas reports that leo Cachat visited him and tried to play golf with him. Ed thinks that Leos game is about where his was two years ago and he was awful then. ... tony stavoles son, Bill, is also a lawyer and partner in a rather large law firm here in Cleveland. Tonys granddaughter Kalie was recently married in Minneapolis. ... Dick Walker is returning to Vegas for another year of high school football coaching. He still runs and works out every day. ... Dave hauer reports that his daughter and her family have returned after six years in Australia. Now, both of his daughters and five grandkids live nearby. Dave will be going to Hawaii soon. Is there a connection here? Dave can be reached at davehhauer@gmail. com. ... Mike Caplice rubbed elbows with Queen Elizabeth II, in Williamsburg to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, VA. He served on several celebration committees. He reminds that the Jesuits had a mission in what is now Southern Virginia years before the founding of Jamestown in 1607. ... Dick Mulac is making a full recovery from his devastating paralysis. He is now fully mobile and no longer in therapy. His doctors say he is the poster boy for the rehab center. ... stan Gorski had lunch with Matt Gresko. Matt was associated with Brentwood Hospital. ... hal Feldman is still involved in the family steel fabricating business. Hal has three children and two grandchildren. He was part of the famous ROTC sound off ... Faulhaber - Feely - Feeney - Feldman. He served in an armor unit in Korea and retired as a lt. colonel. ... Ben anthony has retired after 32 years in locomotive marketing with General Electric. ... Stay well and remember to pray for the many classmates who are ill and suffering greatly. Ray 44 Send your notes to: leo duffy 1561 Towhee Ln. Naperville, IL 60565 630.355.2199 January-May 1500 Park Beach Cir. Unit 5G Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941.505.8394 pension specialist with the federal government. Dick and Virginia reside in the St. Louis, MO, area and will be married 39 years this year. They have two children and four grandkids. ... Joseph roscelli, due to a hectic travel schedule, was forced to cancel attending reunion with regrets. He extends best wishes to Chuck novak, tom halloran, tom Kasper, John Myers and numerous others. Joe and wife, Michele, reside in Fairfax, VA, and will celebrate 44 years together on a six-week cruise of Western Europe in September. Joe stays busy traveling and teaching about federal contract law. The Roscellis have two daughters and two granddaughters. ... Chris orlie should have been at reunion. He was at the airport in San Francisco on Thursday, where he was detained for several days due to a number of misunderstandings and unfortunate circumstances. At dinner Saturday evening, it was reported erroneously that Chris had heart problems at the airport and was hospitalized. Chris is well and disappointed that he missed being with his old friends. ... Reunion 2007, our 50th, is history! As promised, we all had a great time. Only the perfect weekend passed so quickly. In addition, a number of milestones were achieved. Our class broke the all-time attendance record for a 50-year class with 87 members attending. Also, we exceeded our $350,000 Endowed Scholarship Fund goal with $368,672 of cash, pledges, projected market value and expected matching gifts. In addition, our class gift (money given to all designations of the university) totaled $323,248. (Note: My photos can be viewed on the JCU Connect web site). ... I am most grateful to the class reunion committee, which worked very hard in making our 50th a truly special occasion. Special thanks to co-chairman Chuck Novak, who worked diligently to get class members to come back to Carroll. There were a number who attended JCU reunion for the first time. Many thanks to Dick Huberty, Jim Clark, tom Moran, Dick Murphy, Jim Gasper and Bill Comiskey, plus all the other committee and individuals who helped make it happen. I wish to also acknowledge the JCU staff of Peter Bernardo 67, Robert Kirschner and especially, Theresa Spada 04, reunion coordinator, who tolerated the committee and put it all together. To all THANK YOU! The only shadow over our 50th year party was the absence of the 100 deceased class members who were an integral part of our 50 year experience we shall never forget them! God bless, Sal

1956 1957

To my 56 classmates ... I have just returned from a land tour/cruise to our great state of Alaska with another couple to celebrate both reaching 50 years of marriage. My wife and I are sure milking this one because our five children with 10 of our 11 grandchildren threw us a party on July 29. We were joined at the party by none other than our illustrious class president, ed Daugherty and his wife, Joan. We had a great time with many relatives, friends and a host of nieces and nephews and their children. I know many of you are having similar events in your lives. Let us know what is going on so that all of us can share in your joys and or sorrows. ... We expect to have another 56 mini reunion hosted by John Boler in mid March 2008 in Fort Myers, FL. Contact me for more info if you can make it. God Bless, Leo Send your notes to: salvatore r. Felice 3141 W. Pleasant Valley Rd. Parma, OH 44134 440-842-1553

The beautiful splash of fall colors remind us that another school year is about to begin. ... vince Panichi, along with four others, received the John Carroll Alumni Medal at commencement in May. After earning an MBA, Vince joined the JCU faculty in 1960 and for 26 years was a full-time accountancy professor and was granted Professor Emeritus status in 2001. He founded the Magis Society and installed planned giving as a significant development instrument. Vince was a co-founder of Ciuni & Panichi, an important regional accounting firm. He has many other accolades along with having loyalty, love of JCU and strong Christian values. ... 50-year class members also marching with the 2007 graduates at the May commencement were: Dr. herbert hanlon, robert horley, richard huberty, Phillip Koran, Rev Mr. Bartholomew Merella, Charles novak, John rae and salvatore Felice. ... Sally and tom Feely celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary in June, not 50 years as previously reported. They were disappointed to miss our 50th reunion due to Sally having major knee surgery. ... richard ottes, planning to attend reunion, had to cancel due to stomach surgery in June. Dick reminisced on the great friends and teachers at JCU, plus the Friday night bag lunches with tuna salad and PBJ sandwiches to avoid the planned menu in the cafeteria. He also recalls the pinochle games in the dorm and ROTC summer camp. Upon graduation, Dick spent nearly 38 years in the U.S. Army Reserve and reached the rank of colonel. He obtained the CPCU professional insurance designation and spent 20 years in the commercial insurance industry and 18 years as an insurance/

rosemarie and salvatore Felice 57, anita Felice Kazmierczak 87, and 10 grandchildren at Camp Carroll 07.

John Carroll university Summer 2007


reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: John e. Clifford 922 Hedgestone Dr. San Antonio TX 78258-2335 210-497-3427 (w) 1-888-248-3679 Send your notes to: Jerry Burke 1219 W. Grove St. Arlington Heights, IL 60005-2217 847-398-4620

Cleveland, I would prefer to hear from some of you who I dont get to see very often, if at all. Please send material so I can include it in my next column. This is the best I can do on my own. To all you believers or non-believers out there, dare I hope that the Cubs will finally get there this year? (No comments from you, schayer your guys are as bad as the Cubs were last year.) Remember, call an old roommate. Be well, Schweick



Mike Campo and leland hall both checked in to see if I was still alive when they discovered no column in the last Journal. From Mike I got a letter, e-mail and phone call. He reports that his son, Chris, was married recently in a somewhat non-traditional ceremony. The wedding was held on a farm, with the reception taking place in a barn, with a bar-b-queue dinner and country western motif. Chris is also moving to a rural area and planning to open a bar with a mechanical bull. Mike and Lynda are still scratching their heads. ... Leland Hall reports that he is alive and well and still living in Florida and he is finally retired. This is his third attempt but he assures me this is real. He is also a candidate for a hip replacement for his 14-year-old hip replacement. Our sweat face has paid a price with two new knees for athletic prowess at JCU. But he has no complaints. As he said, who would listen? ... Some time ago I received a visit from art Granzeier, who happens to live in my town. My latest visit was from his wife, who, like Art, is also a retired social worker. They are both doing well and enjoying their grandchildren. ... We just returned from our tenth annual McGann weekend as guests of Louise and tom McGann. Also joining us were Donna and John Breznai, Mary and ed Paglione, Carolyn and Joe ruble, Ann and Bill Marks, Dolores and Paul Brust, who joined us all the way from Scottsdale, AZ, and Bill Colson and Philomena Malizia (nats sister). Philomena also informed us that Nats brother Jerry Malizia 60 is getting married in AZ. Our heartiest congratulations to him! ... We missed Mattie Mathews this year; he stayed home to teach kids how to fish at a local Skaneateles Fair. The kids were lucky to have him but we sure missed Mattie and those delicious pancakes. Hopefully we will see him this fall at Cathy and F.X. Waltons in South Carolina with Dempsey, Breznais, Marks and McGanns. ... If you are planning on being in the Tampa Bay area this winter, be careful. Joe Ruble and Tom McGann are looking into a franchise for geriatric motor scooters. I am not sure if the entire state of Florida is ready for this dynamic duo. ... Finally readers of the Journal, I am sure you noticed that Jerry Schweickert recently took over the column for the class of 60. When John veres, who did an excellent job as our columnist, passed the baton some years ago, I took over the job. However, I think the time has come for someone else to step forward. I would very much appreciate it, as I am sure would the folks at Carroll who have had to endure my technological illiteracy for too long. If you have any interest contact either me or the school. ... Peace, JB

59 friends at Jerry Burkes daughters wedding First row: Jerry Burke, Bill Beahan, second row: ed Paglione, Bob McFaul, Bill Marks; third row: leon Matthews, Paul Brust, tom McGann, Jim hill, Marty Dempsey, F.X. Walton, roger risher Send your notes to: Jerry schweickert 14285 Washington Blvd. University Hts., OH 44118 216-381-0357

Send your notes to: Jack T. hearns 4186 Silsby Rd. University Heights, OH 44118 216-291-2319 216-291-1560 (fax)


We lost a classmate on 24 June. Jack Cregan passed away and was buried on 28 June. Bob Fitzgerald, Jim thailing, Charlie Keane and Joe Whelan 65 traveled to Illinois for the service. By the time you read this we will have held a memorial Mass for Jack at Saint Francis Chapel on campus. ... On a lighter note, I heard from Matty Mahon in reaction to the column ghost written by The Fly. Matty was reminiscing about the nicknames of various classmates, as mentioned in the column. He is also looking forward to our 50-year reunion in 2010. (Hard to believe isnt it?) As long as Im on the subject, keep in mind how quickly the years have gone since 60. It might be a good time to track down an old roommate and discuss getting together at our 50th. Needless to say, we all had an influence on each other and we should take the time to get together and recognize that fact. I dont know about you, but to me the saddest things in life are words left unsaid and deeds left undone. How about making a commitment to yourself to return to the 50th and celebrate the relationships begun 50 years ago. Better yet, get in touch with an old roommate and talk to him about it. ... Speaking of old roommates, Frank Dempsey recently returned from a white water rafting trip on the Colorado River. He handled the cruise like a champ, but was bitten on the ankle by a spider and required medical treatment as a result. (There have been reports in the Cleveland Plain Dealer of someone seen crawling up and down the Terminal Tower in a Spiderman costume). ... Dave nichting is undergoing physical therapy for a shoulder injury suffered last winter. We, of course, have been scrambling to fill out our foursome in his absence. ... Jim Mason appeared recently on the Channel 5 noon news as a spokesman for the United Appeal and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. (No he did not sing Mack the Knife). ... Since supposedly, No news is good news, I assume all is well with all of you because no one is sending any information for me to include in the column. While I love all the guys I see in


Calling all class members to a mini-reunion! The class of 61 will attend the September 29 JCU v. Baldwin-Wallace homecoming football game - a class dinner will follow. Those interested should contact tom Gerst - - or call 330-867-2900. ... After retiring from public accounting with Moss Adams in 2003, Bruce Bixler became a shared controller in Spokane, WA, for Empire Lumber Co. and Felts Field Aviation. He and his wife, Kathy, a full-time realtor, have three daughters and a son. The Bixlers are going on a family cruise in November, from Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro. ... Barbara and Bill tighe have been married for 50 years and have five children and 12 grandchildren. He retired from the Diocese of Cleveland after 48 years of service at Borromeo and St. Mary Seminary, where he is still providing some part-time assistance in formation work and athletics. ... Dan Keegan retired from PricewaterhouseCoopers after 31 years of service. He was a managing partner of an office and a member of the firms multi-national task force in New York. During his professional career, he regularly published articles on management processes. Dan and his wife, Barbara, live on Lake Erie in Vermilion and have three children and five grandchildren. Their hobbies are travel and boating spring is spent in Florida and the summer is in Vermilion. The Keegans are active volunteers with the Meals on Wheels program. ... ray Buchanan and his wife, Judy, reside in Fairport, NY, and have four children and six grandchildren. Their youngest daughter graduated in June as a doctor of osteopathy and has started a four-year residency in general psychiatry at Beth Israel in Manhattan. Ray was in attendance when JCUs basketball team played in the NCAA basketball tournament at neighboring St. John Fischer College in NY. ... Bob Witt has resided in Northfield, IL, for the last 37 years. He has a son in Dallas, TX, two daughters who are teachers, and two grandchildren. Bob is semiretired and has entered a second career as a substitute teacher at New Trier High School in Winnetka. He plays tennis three times a week year-round and is a snow bird for three weeks at his place in Ft. Myers Beach, FL, over the Christmas holidays each year. ... Patricia and Jack horvath are presently residing in Tucker, GA, and are involved in a host of volunteer activities, including the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the USO, and MedShare International, which receives medical supplies and equipment from hospitals,
Summer 2007 John Carroll university


outpatient centers, and medical manufacturers and then provide them to hospitals and medical facilities in the Third World. Jack retired from the United States Army as a lieutenant colonel after 27 years of service. The Horvaths have two daughters, one of whom is a major in the Army and serving in Afghanistan, and one granddaughter. ... ed Walsh, free-lance writer and editor, took part in a tour of Sicily with the JCU Italian American Studies program. He and his writing partner had a reading of a play in an offBroadway theater recently two of his daughters arrived for opening night from Madison, WI, and Santa Monica, CA. In July, the play was again read at a second off-Broadway theater. ... Chuck nieset and his wife, Carolyn, just returned from a vacation in Hawaii. He retired last July from LINSTAR Inc. a security and identification systems business in New York state. The Niesets have moved to Ft. Myers, FL, but return to Buffalo for summer months and the winter holidays to visit friends and their six grandchildren. ... Keep us informed, Jack report. The Most Rev. Cecil De sa, a 1962 grad student passed on October 27, 2006. ... We want to acknowledge our pride in one of our classmates being awarded the Alumni Medal. John lewis, a business school graduate, was honored for his entrepreneurship and volunteer work, as well as his decade long chair of the Cuyahoga County Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Board. John and Mary Carol advised that they recently purchased an escape home in Horseshoe Bay, TX, to be near their daughters. ... Bill Chinnock is retired and living in Boulder, CO. ... raymond Krulac, also retired, lives in Solon, OH. ... Since February, George Burke smith is residing in Vonore, TN, and edmond heffernan reports he is living in Springfield, IL. ... Frederick Bud Meyers has a new novel in publication. Check out his web page - www. ... If you have not already registered with JCU Connect, I urge you to do so. It provides an avenue to you to let me know what is happening in your life, to keep in touch with other classmates, to keep track of what is happening at JCU, and to find lost classmates. Try using this means to stay in touch with the class of 1962! There is detailed information in the previous issue giving instruction on how to log on. If you dont have a computer by now, maybe this is the time to get one and join the electronic age. ... A final comment about reunions: Many have expressed reluctance to attend reunions because of the possible competitive nature of conversations, the perceived notion that you may not have done as well as the next guy, or old negative feelings that have not diminished over the years. At this stage of our lives, it really doesnt matter anymore. I did not encounter anything but friendship and goodwill between and among attendees at our reunion. We all hope that you decide now to attend the next Class of 1962s 50th reunion in 2112, when many of us will be in our 70s. Stay tuned. ... In the meanwhile, stay healthy, safe and in touch, Bob the research Ive been involved with the last few years dealing with information systems, intellectual property, and electronic commerce. My wife, Kathy, who is also a lecturer at SIU, became interested in information systems and the legal environment about 20 years ago, and her interest has rubbed off onto me. In fact, we have conducted a number of research projects together. We are talking with German firms that have obtained software patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Hopefully, the project will be beneficial. ... My mailbox is quite empty this time. Jeanne D. lese - jlese@earthlink. net - whose name while she was at Carroll was Daugherty, received an MA degree in 1963. She resides in San Rafael, CA, with her husband, Henri. Jeanne and Henri have two children, Karen and David. Jeanne is co-director of Lariam Action USA, an information and support group. She has co-directed Taken As Directed, a new documentary film exposing the adverse affects of the anti-malaria drug Lariam (mefloquine). A web site,, relates to this documentary. The site was current as of July 13, 2007. ... John Dix - - continues to remain busy with management consulting and strategic planning. Along with being president of Business Development Index, Ltd. in Columbus, John serves on a number of boards. His most recent appointment is with Kenra, LLC, an Indianapolis-based manufacturer and marketer of professional hair care products for the salon industry. The company was founded in 1929 and markets products under a number of brand names. In his spare time (LOL), John is also codirector of The Center for Operational Excellence at Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. ... Hopefully, you will do better next time and overflow my inbox with news and updates! Until next time, Pete

Send your notes to: Bob andolsen 36100 Maple Dr. North Ridgeville, OH 44039-3756 440-327-1925 440-327-5629 (fax)


For those of you unable to attend the 45th, you missed a fantastic time great food, comfortable weather, delightful entertainment, and 34 good looking gentlemen, and their great looking wives, companions, or significant others. Those attending included: Bob andolsen, Jim Brunner, Bob Carles, Bill Chinnock, Joe Collura, Jim Devine, robert Dodd, Paul Dwyer, Mike evans, Bob Finnessy, terry Gallagher, Ken hovan, Frank Karlik, Doc Kopfinger, Michael leonard, John lewis, Phillip Marn, tom McDonough, Joe McGreal, Jim Mullin, Paul napoli, Gerald oMalley, nick Prospero, ron reuss, Peter rossi, Bill san hamel, Mike shean, Jerry stanoch, Mike sullivan, Joe suranni, ray turk, and tony Zeno. Many of us spent the nights in air conditioned Millor Hall, where only a few got locked outside of their rooms during the night while making their frequent nightly relief visits. A few classmates living close by stopped in throughout the weekend. After listening to JCU President Rev. Robert Niehoffs State of the University Address on Friday evening, we all had dinner in the Big Tent and then hospitality for the remainder of the evening. After breakfast on Saturday, there were classes and events, including hand writing analysis and caricatures until the Mass and Moment of Remembrance that evening. The deceased members of our class were remembered by Jim Devine. After our class dinner and our class photo, we all enjoyed good music. Sunday morning brought breakfast and departure. It was truly a refreshing and rewarding opportunity to see and talk with old friends, and discover that apparently they are the only ones who appear to have aged. The reunion committee thanks all of you who attended and extends our appreciation to all JCU staff members and volunteers who make our weekend so enjoyable. ... Unfortunately, we have a death to 46
John Carroll university Summer 2007

Send your notes to: Frank Kelley 20 County Knoll Dr. Binghamton, NY 13901-6109 607-648-5947

l to r: Four 62ers: Doc Kopfinger, Paul Dwyer, Mike shean, Jerry stanoch

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Pete Mykytyn 3015 Alveria Drive Carbondale, IL 62901 618-549-1946 618-453-7885 (w)


Greetings from Germany! Thats right. Im in Germany. Im on sabbatical this fall from my faculty position at Southern Illinois University. This is a great opportunity to continue with some of


Its September and back to school. Heres a pop quiz: What do Bob arber and Peter Carey have in common? One Hint: They Tried But They Died! Thats right. On page 214 of the 64 yearbook, there are the lads, both sporting nice shiners, playing for the ill-fated JCU Hockey Club. The boys of winter were good. Forget the Stanley Cup, how about the Buckeye Cup: JCU 14-Ohio State 4. Roll over Woody Hayes. Lets catch up with both these great guys ... After graduation, Bob Arber served two years in the Navy Nuclear Sub Service and earned two masters degrees. Hes been married to wife Valerie 34 years, and they have one son, Amos, who is in his third year of grad school for landscape architecture. Valerie is a visual artist who has had several shows in the U.S., and a year ago showed in Basel, Switzerland. Bob owns a printing/publishing company in Marfa, TX, built inside an old movie theater, and has published many well-known contemporary artists, including Donald Judd. Bob keeps a collection of 13 motorcycles 12 old British and one new Italian job with a Ferrari engine. Arber into fine art and

speedy vehicles; who woulda thought? Contact Bob at or visit ... Peter Carey retired in 05 after 40 years with Connecticut/Mass Mutual Life. He and wife Patty spend winters in the Rockies skiing. They enjoy travel and golf. Peter remains active on several non-profit entities in the Hartford area. They have four kids (all off the payroll) and seven grandkids. Their oldest son, a West Point graduate, volunteered for a turn in Iraq after being out of the service for six years. Thankfully, he returned safely in May 2006. Their second son is a 92 JCU grad; the 4th generation of Careys to graduate from JCU. Thats gotta be the record. Peter names retirement a great invention and says hes really looking forward to the 45th reunion in 2009. ... Joe stevens, successfully recovering from triple bypass surgery in December 2006, says he feels like a new man. He and wife Serena recently vacationed with their entire family of 12, including six grandkids under the age of nine, at Emerald Isle, NC, where they have a beach house. Joe owns and operates four funeral homes in and around Altoona, with son Joel picking up much of the day-to-day routine. He recently served a stint as international president of Selected Independent Funeral Directors and made friends all over the world. Now, rather than lose money at golf, he and Serena travel the globe visiting and exchanging industry views. Their entire family remains in Altoona, so theyre able to stay active with all their grandkids. Contact them at ... tony Petricca writes that wife Tish is well on her way to bionic woman status, having undergone left elbow replacement and upper cervical vertebrae fusion this year. She is recovering well. Tony also alerts us that he and Tish, Jim Capparelli, and Marie and tad Walters will be visiting Kathleen and tom nash at Nashs in Geneva, WI, in July. Well be watching for any unusual seismic activity with interest. ... With the start of football season, I have to ask: Am I the only one who is reminded of Jim heaveys runback prowess and style every time Devin Hester of the Chicago Bears takes off? Heave, Heave, Heave! ... And, oh, yeah, dont call Mike herald unless you want to listen ad infinitum about the Indy Super Colts. ... Thats all for now. Thanks for all the input. Until next time, God bless all Streaks! Frank with him through e-mail. I will miss him and his elfin humor. ... As planned, my wife and I traveled to French Guyana, where she gave a paper at a conference of the Conseil International dEtudes Francophones. The trip was interesting but not one that I would care to repeat. Although it is officially part of France, most inhabitants are extremely poor and the sanitary conditions can be a problem. The heat is overwhelming. As usual during all our travels, we saw traces of the Jesuit footprint in the region. Their presence began around the mid-eighteenth century in Cayenne, where they built a monastery. It is now used as the regional prefecture. They must have suffered greatly from the heat and disease. ... Take care and send news! Dick about. ... At a conference in Dallas in May, I had a chance to visit with Jack Mclain and his wife, Penny. Jack is enjoying his retirement from Delta. Penny is a senior flight attendant on Deltas international flights to Europe and still enjoys flying. ... Thats it for this edition. Keep those calls, cards and e-mails coming. Would like to hear what you are up to these days. Take care everyone, Dave Send your notes to: Peter French 27955 Forestwood Pkwy. North Olmsted, OH 44070 216-881-7882 216-881-7896 (fax)

Dick Conoboy in front the old (Xviii Century) Jesuit monastery in Cayenne -- nothing like rodman hall. Send your notes to: dave Griffin 1347 Solitaire Pl. Holiday, FL 34690 6454 727-944-5229


Send your notes to: dick Conoboy 165 South 46th St. Bellingham, WA 98229

News for the Class of 65 is in short supply. Sadly, though, I note the recent death of Dr. Lucien Aub, who was my French teacher for many of my French courses while at JCU. I maintained contact with him throughout the last four decades, often returning to campus where he would have me speak to his classes (in French, of course) about the utility of foreign languages in the workforce. He and I would talk for hours in his office. At the 40th reunion dinner, I was fortunate to have him accept an invitation to join the class in Rodman Hall, where he, his wife, Dolores, and I reminisced at the same table. Later I kept in touch


Joe Frederick sent me this press release sure sounds nice to be retired. John Morris, retired FBI agent living in Simi Valley, CA, and Dr. Joe Frederick, retired educational superintendent from around Bowling Green, OH, recently met up at the PGA Memorial Tournament at Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin, OH, on June 3. John is a security agent ably protecting the best golfers in the world. Kathy Frederick won tickets to the PGA at the 2006 JCU reunion courtesy of John. Joe took time off from working on a book about his life and people and happenings in his life to attend the tournament. Also in attendance were his sons Joe II and Mark. Another get together at the event is being planned for next year. ... Jane and I went to a wedding in Cleveland in the spring and were able to spend some time with rob searson and his wife, Weezie. All is well and his business is getting stronger but he is not thinking about retiring just yet. ... Jim adair called. We had a good talk about his eight children and all his travels. Jims company provides Catholic tours and pilgrimages to Fatima and other holy locations. He saw the last issue and the note about Peter Kassay-Farkas. They have known each other since before attending JCU. He asked for Petes contact info so they could renew the friendship. Now that is one of the things this column is all


Oh, what a day, or should I say ... a couple of days as that is what our 40th reunion was all about. We had perfect weather and a perfect weekend for the reunion. First, thanks to my fellow committee members for all of their time and assistance: Pete Bernardo, robert Boharic; Mark Delong, Bob McFarland, thomas Murphy, William ryan; Gerald uranker. The committee spent about six months in the planning of the reunion. Oh, the memories we shared in June. We had over 30 alumni in attendance and raised a total of $162,172 for JCU. That is a tremendous accomplishment and represents 25% of our class. ... Bill ryan from New Orleans called the week of the reunion to advise that he was unable to attend due to business concerns. Bill donated his reunion money as his class gift. He really looked forward to seeing all of his friends. ... John Forhan called to state that he could not attend due to his new semester beginning. He teaches a class in sports law and is able to combine his two loves, the law and sports, at Antioch University in Santa Barbara, CA. ... John Gibbons was unable to attend due to his football schedule at Bedford High School. ... Id like to extend thanks to Pete Bernardo, who is our special connection to JCU. He coordinated our class tree planting ceremony on Saturday afternoon. We gathered behind Dolan Science Center and said a few prayers for our deceased alumni 57 have passed away. There is a class of 67 plaque under the tree, so next time youre on campus, look for it. Bob Boharic read the names of class members we have lost since the last reunion at the Mass and Moment of Remembrance at Gesu. ... lou shainker reported at the reunion that he has been the president of the Holy Name Society at Holy Name Church for three years. It was great to catch up with tim David. He resides in Denver and is in management. Tim stated that he will return to Carroll for the next reunion. This was Tims first time back to the campus. Michael Kowalski attended from Washington, D.C., where he practices law. Mike Grady also returned to the campus from Charlotte, NC, where he is in marketing. Mike attends every reunion and provided entertainment with his stories. We all enjoyed once again the wit and humor of Charlie McCarthy from Chicago lots of stories about the boat he keeps in Chicago. All alumni are invited for a ride whenever they are in Chicago! We were able to spend time withJack Winchester and Mark DeLong. Jack came in from Atlanta. He is in
Summer 2007 John Carroll university


management with the QUIKRETE Companies, which he owns with his brothers. Jack related that he was actually married at Gesu Church. Jim hughes had some great stories. He manages two museums in Waterloo, NY. tim Mertz and his wife, Diane, attended from Munster, IN. We were all part of the group at the wine tasting on campus. rudy rehm and his wife attended from San Diego, CA. ... I know I missed some alumni. In my next column, I will get caught up with other alumni news that I have received. I want to also thank the wonderful staff at JCU for all of their assistance, Michele McFarland, Patricia Callahan, and Theresa Spada 04. Keep in touch, Peter notes from the road. ... Mike hardy checked in to let me know he got a hole-in-one on a recent golfing trip to Georgia. Congratulations. This news from Mike, who I started playing golf with in 1971, amplifies even more the fact that I still dont have one of those special moments in golf. ... Talked with David Doc aggers recently. David, an attorney in Cleveland, is keeping busy with law practice, racing his much loved Corvette (I think he is on his seventh one since the early 70s) and playing golf at a high level. But the thing David wanted to talk about was his daughters recent two year stint with the Peace Corps in Africa. David who got over to visit Meredith once was noticeably proud of Merediths commitment to help the people in her area. David was especially proud of a project of Merediths own creation to help with the issue of water for the local area. ... I found out on Fathers Day that Dorothy 85G and I were going to be grandparents. It was a huge surprise and finding out on Fathers Day made it extra special. I know from so many of you telling me how proud and happy it made you feel to become a grandfather, but until it happened, I was a slight doubter, but the joy it does give and also puts a little extra bounce in these 60-year legs. ... Please send more news. News about yourself, your work, your family or your grandchildren. Grimmer Send your notes to: Ted heutsche 2137 East Howe Road Dewitt, MI 48820 517-669-4005 Medicare for Humana MarketPOINT in Oak Brook, IL - Ed, I am still waiting for you to come back to Lansing, MI, on one of your return sales calls. In light of your tuition bills, I will even pick up the tab for lunch. ... JCU Connect is now up and running on the universitys web site. I logged on, and verified all the information in my profile. I found it most easy to use. No sooner had I completed my Connection than I received an e-mail from rick Gibson - jrickeygibson@ saying that he had also done so, and that we were both among the first 10 classmates from our class to do so. Check out the newJCU Connect today under the Alumni tab at ... richard Fridrich - rjfridrich@ - updated his profile online just recently, and sent some news that the alumni office forwarded. Richard retired from General Motors last year after 27 years. After graduating from JCU, he received his MS in acoustics from Penn State in 1978. He is staying active in the field of noise and vibration by participating in the standards writing activities. Rich and his wife, Ann, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by taking a cruise to Alaska in June. They are the parents of four children: Johanna, John, Kara and Brian. While at JCU, Richard was in the JCU band. In the alternative, e-mail me your news directly, or send it via snail mail right to my home address. ... Finally, on a sad note, the Alumni Office e-mailed me that our classmate James Koch passed away on May 18. Please pray for the peaceful repose of his soul. Ted Send your notes to: Tom and rosemary Costello 716 West Vermont Ave. Urbana, IL 61801-4827 217-344-2076

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: ray Burchyns P.O. Box 771 White River Jct., VT 05001 802.234.9780 Send your notes to: Gerry Grim 804-758-2306 x136



reunion 2007

Larry King Live, Peace Corps, a hole-in-one and a trip around the United States highlight this issues column. Thanks to a deep cover source in the class who must remain in deep cover, I can bring you the following little note. Classmatetim lucas, native son of Erie, PA, and attorney at law, may have become our first class member to appear on Larry King Live, where he discussed the story from 2003 of the man who attempted to rob an Erie bank with a bomb wired around his neck. This bomb went off and killed the bank robber. I can tell you from a review of the shows transcript that Tim did an excellent job during the discussion. Unfortunately Tim was not able to work JCU or my name into the discussion. Nice job, Tim. If anyone in the class has cause to dispute, my deep cover source claims about Tim being the first classmate on Larry King Live, please send me the information. ... Had a great note from one of the truly nice people in our class sandy Cervenak Mchale. Sandy has sold her home in Las Cruces, NM, so she can start traveling around the country. No destination, no time frame just pure adventure. Sandy, have a wonderful trip and please sends us 48
John Carroll university Summer 2007

rich harkey - - left the arid Salt Lake Valley, which currently has a great deal of smoke from forest fires, to return to Cleveland for some clean air to be the best man at his son, Richards wedding. Rich and Richard managed to play endless rounds of golf in the humid golf capital of the nation before the ceremony. Classmate terry Wichmann, who was Richs best man way back when Rich and his wife, Pam, were married, also attended the event with his wife, Marylou. Following his dads footsteps, Richard is a young CPA with the same Big 4 firm that his dad worked for. Rich also reported that niece Kristen Harkey 07 graduated with honors in May, with more Harkey alumni to follow. ... ed sandrick e-mailed: First, the Lord is good to us. We are healthy and enjoying a very fast-paced summer. We graduated three this spring. Mark, from grammar school to Marmion Military Academy, where hell play golf, basketball and lacrosse, while working on his position of attention and hand salute. Tom and Andy are off to begin their college years at Marquette and Butler, respectively. What more can I say, they are going to college, remember? Ed Sandrick III, graduated from Miami of Ohio with a degree in political science. Katie will begin her junior year at Creighton in nursing, just coming off spending spring semester at the University of Limerick in Ireland. Michael will be a junior at Benet Academy. Marcia and I are doing our best to keep up with them. Otherwise, nothing to report. Hows that last sentence in terms of the classic understatement. Ed is director of Group



Greetings from Americas heartland where the corn is as high as an elephants eye. ChampaignUrbana is certainly tranquil right now but as the U of I school year begins our streets will be more crowded than the L in rush hour. Toledos foremost Irish barrister, Cormac Delaney, is offering revisionist history in trying to convince us that he graduated with a 4.0 just like Bob Gugino. Everyone knows that Bobs summa cum laude was earned the old fashioned way. All three Delaney children attended Xavier U. Daughter Megan just graduated with a genuine 4.0. Cormac is very proud of course. He should be thanking wife Judy for passing on the intellectual genes. A tip of the duffer to Corky (which is what we knew him as before he practiced law) for being inducted into the St. Francis de Sales High School Hall of Fame. ... Matt thometz - - a fellow Ignatius alum is living in Phoenix with wife Judy. Matt is working for the same company he has been with since graduation. Perhaps his longevity can be attributed to the fact that he has owned the company for the past 14 years. While difficult to believe, he is a scuba instructor. How deep can the water be in the Arizona desert? Matts daughter has been in the Air Force for the past eight years and after a stint in Iraq is stationed with her husband at Nellis AFB. ... We enjoyed hearing from Mike Walsdorf - walsdorf@ Mike is still working for a

living as he heads up his own company Advent Systems. He is also working on his golf game. Son Mick is an architect in New York and youngest son Brian is a year away from a masters in architecture from Tulane. Meanwhile daughter Leigh is getting married in September and son Mick and wife are expecting in October, making Mike a grandpa and his wife someone who married an older man. Thanks to Mike we also have a Mike Faems update. Both Mikes are into auto racing and I mean racing, not watching. You will find them both in Daytona in October. Retired Mike is building his dream home along with wife Nancy 73 in Jackson, WY. I still remember Mike longing for his own Alfa Romeo. This was at the same time Cormac DeLaney and I were traveling on a used beat up motorcycle wearing football helmets for protection. ... Paul Pojman, semiretired librarian, is working on becoming green, making homemade dandelion wine, driving less, and finishing the last Harry Potter book. ... Late breaking news: John Byers - is now the security operations manager for Walt Disney Resorts. ... Mike Crabill - oseolacrabill@ - has started his own financial consulting firm in South Bend. He is working with foundations and endowments. It must be nice to have folks not calling every day to discuss market volatility. Mikes son, Brian, received his masters in nutrition from Indiana University and is heading to University of Iowa Hospitals in the fall. ... We want to remind you that if you have not gotten an e-mail from me recently I may not have a good email address for you. So send us news or at least your address - or tcostell@ Stay healthy, enjoy life and prosper, Tom and Rosemary Send your notes to: John M. Marcus 5707 Trafton Pl. Bethesda, MD 20817-3738 202-296-0901 distance they looked like Lenin and Trotsky (and Im sure if it were a political discussion thats not far off.) Someone else at the table thought they looked like those guys on the box of Smith Brothers cough drops. Jimmy Hughes made it back for the first time. I mentioned that it was a coincidence, because tim russert missed for the first time. You connect the dots. Roach is living in D.C. and running Boston Pacific and helping kids with scholarships. Bensur retired after flying P-3s in the Navy and now lives in Lancaster, PA, and drives a horse-pulled buggy with a big caution sign on the back. Ryan has two more daughters getting married and his last daughter finished at U of Michigan. (Note to the Financial Office Ryans done paying for college. Hit him hard.) Bertges MCd the class dinner and gave a case of wine to the earliest respondent to Reunion Weekend Ralph Meachum who is still in Pittsburgh and is making people rich as a financial planner. Kudos to Cliff Radie who set up a great golf outing at Bob Quarts home club Silver Lakes Surf and Country Club. They had a lot of prizes after the golf, but Bergys son (a two handicap) won them all. I was placed in the 9% body fat foursome it was Ropar (who just ran a 35-mile ultra-marathon, Quart, who my daughter describes a Ken (as in Ken and Barbie) and Radie, who STILL wrestles against the high-schoolers he coaches. Pacelli handed out great JCU 72 baseball hats. Mark was humbled that the university officially changed the name of Pacelli Hall to Mark Pacelli Hall, after Mark promised to fund a 30-story addition. Franzinger is still coaching at Rhodes and St. Ignatius and his son graduated from OSU, where he played on the Buckeyes national football championship team. Joe Pearl has two sporting goods shops in Battle Creek, and he still eats cereal every morning, just doing my job to support the local economy. His son Jonathan has been posted two blocks from my house at Bethesda Naval Hospital as a surgeon. Neil Conway has a second child playing hockey in Canada. Son Neil, like his sister Seanna, is a goalie and is playing in Owen Sound, Ontario. I believe Neils kids have chosen hockey as their sport of choice as a direct result of Neils gene-altering multiple concussions on the rugby pitch. Fisher is still a librarian in Fort Wayne. Not to be outdone in gift-giving to his alma mater by Pacelli, Don is donating 31 stories to Grasselli Library. Connaughton is still fixing pipes in Cincinnati and Marty schreiber, Im told by A.J. and Hudec, is still fixing pipes at the Cleveland Clinic. Others sighted during the weekend: Judge anne Conway, thomas Czech, elizabeth Dabrowski, louis Drotos, andrea Wasdovich, Mark Fildes, steve horvat, thomas McGarril, robert Patterson, William Petrovic, Frank and Michele rambaldo, Beverly reese, Joyce salisbury, irene Wander, eileen Burger White, Becky Bode, and Joan Balzarini Crockett. And to those of you who missed the reunion ... you were missed. Note that Bertges is getting a buzz started about a 60th birthday party for our class in SF. The good news: hes going to fly us all out on his dime. The bad news: our pilot and co-pilot will be Danny Carroll and Bernie Gesenhues. Take care. JM editorsnote: Nathan J. Pallotta, the son of J. Ward Pallotta died suddenly June 26. We offer our condolences to Ward and his family.

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Gerry o. Patno 13421 Merl Ave. Lakewood, OH 44107-2707 216-410-0129


The best hidden secret in Michigan City, Indiana is no longer a hidden secret. The word is out Bergys Center Street Bar and Grill is open for business and causing a stir. Bergy was honing his restaurateur skills at the reunion he hosted a 72 get-together at Moxies restaurant and welcomed a list that included: Craig roach, Paul lehman, neil Conway, Bill reidy, Jim hughes, Mike Hilly hill, Doug Webber, John hudec, a. J. Cianflocco, Mouse, Bob Bensur, Jack Bertges, Mark Pacelli, Pat hogan, tom ryan, ray Connaughton, Donna Brown, Don Fisher, John ropar, Frank Maggio, John Collins, Bill Doyle, tim Franzinger, Joe Pearl, Cliff radie and hundreds more wives and friends. It was a great time. Doyle flew in from Chicago, where he is a very well-known attorney at Winston & Strawn. He was dapper as usual white suit with taupe pin-stripes, Rolex watch, gold cuff links and silk tie and matching kerchief. Paul Mouse Magnotto sees him and says, Bill I had a suit like that in 68. Wore it in Guys and Dolls. The Governor smiled that smile. Across the room, Reidy and Maggio were in discussion saw them profiled, face-to-face. Both are short. Both are bald. And both have graying goatees. From a


The timing could not have been better. One week after I get my DVD of a l983 Beta movie showing 15 minutes of Carroll guys playing volleyball and drinking beer at one of our classic farm parties, I actually get an e-mail from one of em. There they were in all their scraggly hair, short-shorts glory: ennio Patsy Mastroianni, Mark Devlin and Mary (Greene) 75 Devlin, Paul argentieri, Jerry argentieri, Paul hoza, Dennis senneway, brother Bob Patno and me, and the infamous Jim The Frog Friedman. Such memories ... such exceptional volleyball skills ... such ugly shorts! Then to get an e-mail from none other than (drum roll, please) Paul Hoza, who writes from Louisville, KY, that he and his beautiful bride, Sherry, are soon to celebrate their 30th anniversary by taking advantage of the joys of being empty nesters. Sherry is a speech pathologist in the city school system and Paul continues as an EHS manager for GE. Daughter Emilie and son Jeff are both University of Kentucky graduates, and Daniel is in his fourth year at the University of Louisville. When Pauls not floating on a raft in his back-yard pool, beer in hand, he can be found playing 3B in a local mens hardball league, or, as Sherry calls it, seniors little league. ... Then, right on cue, I receive a nice note from Joe Duffin, Jr. of Moorestown, NJ, who wants to thank all the original Dolan Gorillas, who have not left him in all these years. Joe is a high school English teacher, runs a few rooming houses and a Laundromat, and has ... wow! ... 11 kids! Can anybody out there in 73 alumni land top that? ... And if all thats not enough, this was Reunion Weekend month at Carroll. Not our class year (next year is, so start gearing up right now), but when has that ever stopped me from gathering a few tidbits. Under the strong leadership of Joe Virostek 74, two Cleveland-area alumni hosted a couple of wonderful min-reunions for brothers of the defunct Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity. Bev and Albert Altieri 74 hosted a pre-reunion bash in their Bay Village home of almost 30 years, featuring the long-awaited return from England of Bob Fanning 70; as well as John 71 and Frank 74 Palermo; James Day, Jr. 70; Bill Freeman and Jeff Janca, both 72; 73s your class columnist and Bob larocca (we have not been able to confirm the brief appearance of the elusive Mike nienstedt); additional 74s Chuck Schultz, Larry Meathe and Rich Bedell; plus Dave Hosea 76 and Rick Baranski 76. And just when you thought that could not be topped, Larry and Marie Meathe hosted a Saturday party in Solon that arguably did just that. In addition to all the aforementioned reunioneers, additional alumni in attendance were a pair of Jims Casserly 72 and Friedman and a couple of Iannuccis brothers Tony 69 and Gino 76. So once again, begin planning now for our own Reunion Weekend next June 20-22, 2008. ... Go Tribe! Gop

Summer 2007 John Carroll university


Gay, and my big brother Jim Robinson 68. And as to be expected, the JCU guests stayed and partied hardy to the very end. ... Molly and I visited Fr. Joe Schell, now living at Colombiere in Clarkson, MI. He looks great. We had a great conversation with him on a variety of topics. He still keeps up with whats going on at Carroll, and is especially impressed with the number of events and programs the university now has with students, faculty and alumni volunteering their time back into their communities and overseas. As he said, Campus Ministry has come a long way since he started it back in the 70s. ... Well thats it for this column. I am sure there a few other women and men of note from the class of 74. Dont be bashful, send me a note and lets share the good news. Hope you all had a great summer! Robby Send your notes to: rick rea 7450 Grant Village Dr., Apt. A St. Louis, MO 63123 314.843.4703

Send your notes to: dave robinson 3963 Oakland Hills Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248-642-9615 (h) 800-240-3866 (fax)


Congratulations are in order for two of our classmates. In June, Mary lynn (Crowley) laughlin was recognized as one of Crains Women of Note for 2007. Mary Lynn is one of two partners in Lakepoint Investment Partners, an investment advisory firm based in Cleveland. This past May, Mary Lynn made history as the first woman to serve as president of the board of directors of the Union Club of Cleveland since its founding in 1872. Mary Lynn serves on multiple boards; she is chairwoman of the AAA, and is on the Cleveland Zoological Society, the Visiting Nurse Association, a member of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland and the John Carroll University board of regents. Mary Lynn states, We all need to be involved in the community and I think we all need to use whatever talents we have. Mary Lynn and Gary, who is a partner at Vermillion based Liberty Auto Group, live in Avon Lake. ... Also in June, Rev. Gene simon 74G celebrated his golden anniversary as a priest. There were two special Masses for Fr. Gene, one at St. Regis in Bloomfield Hills, and the second at Holy Name in Birmingham, MI. I had the pleasure of attending the Holy Name Mass, which was stunning. Over 200 parishioners and friends, along with his brother Gerry, celebrated Mass with Fr. Gene, which was then followed by a receiving line and reception. While in line, I had the pleasure of catching up with Donna 72 and Don Brown 70, who flew in from Chicago to participate in the service. Fr. Simon had married Donna and Don in Detroit 35 years ago. ... Speaking of weddings, our daughter Kate 98 married Jim Bongiorno on June 30. A large contingent of John Carroll alums were in attendance, including Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis 75 and her husband Ed; Dr. Jim Myers 72 and wife, Kate (Corrigan); from 98: Dr. Amy Kerner Vazquez and her husband, David; Lori Szudarek; Chris Beato; Sarah Cook; Chris and Steve Wolken; Meg Galligan 99, Jamie Morris 97, Sharon 97 and Sheila 96 Sullivan, terry Dwyer and his wife, 50
John Carroll university Summer 2007


aKPsi seated: robert Fanning 70, robert larocca 73 second row: Bill Freeman 72, Gerry Patno 73, al altieri 74, larry Meathe 74, John Palermo 71, Jim hrivnak 76, Paul Bruggeman, rich Bedell 74 back row: Frank Palermo 74, Chuck schultz 74, Dave hosea 76, Joe virostek 74, Jeff Janca 72, Jim Day 70

Hello classmates! I received a couple of notes from the alumni office. Blaise roncagli is living in University Heights with his family and twin eightyear-old sons, Kyle and Connor. Cary seidman 75G received an organization award for Excellence in Inquiry-Based Science Teaching at the 2007 Annual Conference of the National Science Teachers Association in St. Louis. The award was based on the programs he has developed for the seventh and eighth grades at the Ruffing Montessori School in Cleveland Heights ... should have given me a call, Cary, when you were in town! ... vic Doc Cook and his bride, Debbie 76, celebrated the wedding of their son, Jeffrey, in August in Columbus, OH. ... Melissa and I finally sold our house in Pennsylvania, so we took the proceeds and did something we always wanted to do we took some time off work and made the Grand Tour of Europe. The capitals of those countries were spectacular! We especially enjoyed our audience with Pope Benedict at the Vatican; he is such an intelligent man, and, like my wife Melissa, he loves sauerkraut! We have returned to St. Louis but had to get a smaller apartment (after spending the money on our trip) and our cats had to get jobs to help us make the rent. After I took my vacation, AT&T realized how much they missed me (and what a valuable employee I have become) so they made me CEO. ... Mike Toes riley is the new dean of the School of Law at the University of Maine ... Charlie Beringer is awaiting his appointment as the new dean of the Boler School of Business ... rick Rip rudnicki is the president of the Steel Service Center Institute ... annette st. John oBrien will be running against her brother Chris for Mercer County (PA) Judge in September ... sue Calihan is the new chief of police for the City of Cleveland and ed Donnelly is the new CEO of KeyCorp. Okay, I warned you in my last column so heres the deal; which of the above text is fact or fiction? Drop me a line or e-mail me your answers and, by the way, include some real news for my next column okay? Pray for peace, RR

1976 1977

Send your notes to: diane Coolican Gaggin 118 Elm St. Fayetteville, NY 13066

Hey all, hope youve had a busy and fun summer! This issue we have news from people we havent had in the column before. terry Burns - tburns@ - sends word that he is an executive recruiter with Global Recruiters Network in St. Louis. He and wife Linda make their home in the city and have a daughter, Karen. Thanks for the information Terry, there will no doubt be several IXYs that will be pleased to know what youve been up to. ... Happily, I received e-mail from steve tracy - The gregarious U-Clubber that dipped under the radar for an extended period is living in New York City and writes to say that he wants to reconnect with his compadres in the Class of 76. After leaving us, he headed back East and has become a successful Broadway producer, with his latest offering Grey Gardens garnering several Tony awards recently. Hed appreciate hearing from those he knew from Carroll, including his former Redwood housemates. ... The inbox gets messages regularly from Bob tullio in Erie and rick Baranski in Naples, FL. Love the jokes, guys! ... Meg McCarthy Waters is sending her daughter off to college this fall. ... News flash: Joe Barmann announces the birth of his granddaughter, Maggie! The proud parents are Joes son, Bill 02, and his wife, Kara 96. Gee, will Maggie be class of 2028? Congrats Joe on becoming a new grandfather and a new VP of KeyBank. Looks as though it has been a very good year for the Barmann clan. ... And with that you have all the updates I have. Now that you have finished reading about everyone else, send along news about you! See you next time, Cools

Send your notes to: dennis J. lane 8144 Winding Ross Way Ellicott City, MD 21043

Okay. I missed it. I am speaking of our 30th reunion. I wont take up valuable column space seeking to justify my absence so Ill just say, my bad. ... Fifty-six members of the Class of 77 did show up though. Thanks to Brian henke I have the list of those who did which I will now share in alphabetical order: alan Baldarelli, len Barbe, Daniel Baron, nancy (Cunningham) Benacci, Kathleen Berry, John Bundy, Gina Butler, leslie (smith) Cade, Dan Conrad 74 and Diane siefert-Conrad, linda Cuculic, Dave Cullen, randy Damore, James Disiena, Carol Dougherty (KanShin KiJaku), ida (reisner) Doverspike, Michael Downing, thomas englehart, Mary anne Garvey, Kristine (Kress) Gehring, Brian henke, Kevin hinkel, Doug hogan, Jonathan ivec, virginia (Beyer) ivec, Patty Jamieson, robert Juhasz, Bob (Bert) Keir, Kathy (Coffey) Kenny, Bob Kenny, Marianne Kerr, Demaris (levitt) leBlanc, tim leddy, stan Mambort, tom Mauerer, Don May, Betsy

(heben) May, tony Mazzella, Mark McMullen, Kathy (norris) Michael and Joseph Michael 76, Mary Morrison, urban Picard, nancy Pierce, Maura (shields) Powers, Mike Powers, William raeder, Michele (angelotti) raeder, ed rybka, tommy schoen, val sgro, Dave south, and tom swanson. ... Curiously, John rutherford was not on the list of attendees, but I have photographic evidence that he was there. This evidence was also provided by Brian. He sent me a link to a Snapfish web site that is loaded with pictures from the gathering. If you drop Brian an e-mail - he can tell you how to access them. ... Bill (White Owl) Gedeon also showed up to reconnect with the class of 77, even though Bill was actually in the class of 76. He always shows up at our reunions because I think he just liked our class better! ... Even more curious to me were the listed attendees Diane Sharp and Jane Zusman. Their names dont show up on the official class roster that the alumni office, provided me but who is to say that they were not members of our class? At least they showed up, which is, of course, more than I can say for myself. ... Kathy Berry was kind enough to send me one of the Rathskellar shirts that were made up for our class. I dont deserve to wear it, but I probably will. Thanks, Kathy. ... For those loyal classmates that did attend, please send me news to share with the rest of the class. Remember, if you dont, I will freely exercise my artistic license and just start making things up. Dennis sheehan has lived on Long Island for 20 years. Pete has been married 12 years to Mary, a registered dietician. They have two sons: Joseph (10) and Michael (7). Pete is senior reporter for The Long Island Catholic, the biggest weekly U.S. Catholic paper; he also does freelance writing, mostly in the Catholic press. Pete keeps in touch with classmate Mary egan and many of his IPT brothers. Hed like to hear from Jim Gentile, earl William hamlin III, Paul Giba, Kevin leonard, Bob Kelsey, Mark harrington, nick Potonak, Pat oConnor, and Mike May. ... Mark Harrington is director of human resources and machining group operations for Sandusky International (design and machine components for paper making industry) in Sandusky, OH. Mark has enjoyed some of the work travel (U.K. and South Africa), volunteer coaches soccer for Edison High School, and still plays softball. Mark and spouse, Kim, (a Bowling Green alumna) have seven children: five girls (Bridget, Mary, Abby, Kit, Meghan) and two boys (James and Michael). Mary graduated from John Carroll in May (another political science graduate in the family). She is currently working at Taft Law Firm in Cleveland. Jimmy is a biology/chemistry major and is a junior at JCU. He worked last summer as an orderly at Firelands Regional Medical Center emergency room. Bridget graduated from Bowling Green State University last year, and Abby plans to attend BGSU next year. The Harringtons will wait and see how the other three sort out their choices for higher education. ... Jim Gentile is touring college with daughter Erika. Jim mentioned that colleges like FSU and UF dont compare in guidance counseling to his JCU experience with Casey Bukala, SJ, 54. Jim, spouse Karla and kids Erika, Jimmy and twins Andrea and Gabrielle (10) live in South Florida. Jim works for Motorola (since 1979) and entertained classmate Brian Farrell during this past years Super Bowl. Jim keeps in touch with Judge Bob Belanger 81 and Anne 79 and tim Bailey. ... Mark McGinley and Cathy (Monaco) hogan visited with 77 in the big tent on the quad at the June reunion. ... Thanks for writing! Tim Send your notes to: nancy agacinski 4009 Washington Blvd., #3 University Heights, OH 44118-3865 216-932-2824 PA. Mary is retired from teaching college English and performs volunteer work for ABC House in Radnor and for Main Line Unitarian Church in Devon, PA, and will work for the New Orleans rebuilding efforts for one week in August. She also participates in the peace work being conducted throughout the Western suburbs of Philadelphia. Mary has two children: James Doyle and Jennifer Taylor and four grandchildren: Matty (4) and Paul (2) Doyle and Zachary (5) and Alex (3) Taylor. ... John Baran 78 has a new e-mail - ntboy7756@ ... anne Kelly - - and husband, Chris 78, live in Geneva, IL, and have two children: Christopher and Kathleen. Anne works for RR Donnelley in the photography department. ... Gary tarquinio is thrilled that Michael allison is his new neighbor in Florida, and said the roommates are back together again after 28 years! Hoping to hear some good stories, guys! ... I had several fantastic 50th birthday celebrations (for about two months!). One of my events included a weekend down at a cabin in Mohican State Park with friends Cathy Dinkel newell and Beth Maher rinz. Cathy and Beth reminisced about the physics canoe trip down there back in 79! It brought back lots of good memories! Hoping your celebrations are many and fantastic. Dont forget to write! Nancy Send your notes to: Matt holtz 22487 Laramie Dr. Rocky River, OH 44116 440-331-1759

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Tim Freeman 334 N. Catherine Ave. LaGrange Park, IL 60526 773-975-6909 (w) 708-579-9075 (h)


Greetings! Plan to make our 30th reunion June 2022, 2008! Heres the latest: Bernie (Fragle) DeMartinis and spouse, Raymond, live in Farrell, PA. Last year, Bernie started working for the Farrell Area School District in many capacities with sixth grade students in reading and math, with students in grades 3-6 as an advanced academic focus facilitator in the schools after-school program, and as a tutor. Daughter Gabi is moving to Orlando, FL, to attend school for fashion design and marketing. Son Michael is in New Zealand working in the wine industry and husband Raymond is busy with his landscaping business and his bocce game! Bernie says hello to tere Castro tomec and Mary McCue. ... Laura and Jack Blackburns son, Dan, is a freshman at JCU. Jack enjoyed visiting with Fr. Bichl and Dr. Frank Navratil during Dans freshman orientation. ... Pat (Carson) larson lives in Bangor, ME, with husband Aron. Pat is a medical biller for an ophthalmology group, and Aron is a master electrician. Son Andy is a flight attendant instructor for GoJet Airlines in St. Louis. Pat has Iraq Army veterans as a stepson and stepson-in-law Byron is a purple heart recipient from severe injuries suffered after being hit by an RPG in Iraq; he is a recruiter and doing well; Chris came home relatively unscathed, except for a few scorpion stings and a much matured attitude. ... Pete


Hello yall ... catching up. Read a lovely article in the Plain Dealer in February about Chris Coburn and his work as executive director of CCF Innovations (product commercialization) unit at the Cleveland Clinic. ... Another update for Mary 84 and ed Divincenzo, who live in Mobile, AL, and did survive Katrina. They live in a small rural town in West Mobile just 10 miles from Mississippi and would love to hear from steve Carlino, Bill Peters 80, Pat healey, Kate Perry (ruhling), loren Damore, lou Gruttadauria. ... I have seen Kathy livingston out and about a few times in recent months in the Cleveland area. ... Ran into Dr. Robert Bohinski recently and he said to say hi to all those that he had in class. ... Mary Doyle Tiryak 78 - - wrote to say that she and her husband, Edmond, live in Wayne,


Hello class ... you may want to check out JCU Connect, which is the new online web site for John Carroll alumni at This site will allow you to check the alumni directory to locate contact information of classmates, post photos, chat online, get the latest JCU news, do career networking and much more. It is worth taking a look. ... Cheryl Kosak Wilson sends greetings from Bloomfield Hills, MI, with spouse Bob and sons Stephen and Matthew. Cheryl is planning a mini-reunion with shirley novak, Debbie Brown 81, Maureen McCarthy and Chris Bavola. She is hoping Chris Clauson, Mary Jo naples and Kathy Joyce 81 will join the group for some old time Murphy Hall fun. Cheryl reports that Maureen McCarthy lives in New Haven, CT, and is employed as a social worker. ... George elum dropped a line from Massillon, OH, where he is the president/CEO of the family business, Elum Music Company. George has been keeping busy as the past president of the Rotary Club of Massillon and has been active on the boards of the Massillon Area Chamber of Commerce and Massillon YMCA. George met up with classmates, Dan Dodds, tom sassler, and Dan liska this past February in Scottsdale, AZ. Dan Dodds lives in Lancaster, OH, operating the family business, Dodds Modern Living Center. He has opened a new business, The Pool People, building residential pools and spas. Tom Sassler lives in Atlanta, GA, with wife Izzy and three children. Tom is an executive salesperson in the medical industry selling to doctors and hospitals. Dan Liska lives in Riverside, IL, and is an executive salesperson for North American Paper. George also keeps in contact with Carl Brunello,
Summer 2007 John Carroll university


who resides in Broadview Heights, OH, with spouse Ann and sons Carl Jr. 07 and Ross, a shortstop on Walsh Jesuit High schools team. ... lee ann Biegacki sends a note that her son, Dave, is attending JCU and is a member of Class of 2010. Her other son Matt graduated from St. Louis University in May 2007. ... Drop a line anytime. Go Tribe! MFH Send your notes to: Julie sanner hepfer 406 Hunt Club Dr. St. Charles, IL 60174 630-586-3367 RPHEPFER@AOL.COM Jesus Has Issues and So Does My Wife. After spending the weekend with LuLu, this will be a multi-volume set ... look out Harry Potter! ... Meg (Fallon) Mooney is branching out into a new communications field, Cocktail Party Sign Language. She is consulting at parties around the Carolinas. Anyone is invited to accompany her; all you need is a little black dress and the desire to learn from the master. ... Dave holtz returned to school, literally. He learned that if you take the lene away from Charlene, you get Char! Who then becomes recognizable as former classmateChar (Murawa) Donelan. ... Joe Basar and Kevin Dougherty attended the How to Pay for College Seminar. They must have realized they werent as prepared as they thought. They were seen Saturday evening scalping beer tickets. ... Mary ann (Moritz) Blatt was in such a hurry to get to campus Friday night, she had a police escort! ... Bobby Parrilli is available 24/7 now. Just text message his son, Matt, and hell make sure Bob gets the message any time day or night. Unfortunately for Bobby, he has three girls after his son ... he has no idea what he is in for! ... Judging by the looks ofJim redford, he is doing well. But you cant judge a book by its cover. You should judge for yourself. Care to guess what Jim is doing now? ... Those words are inspiring, revealing, and touching. Thanks to our little Miss Anonymous. ... George antoon connected to say his daughter, Stephanie, will be a freshman at JCU this fall. Its great to see the legacies continue. Are there others? Drop me a line and I will include it in the next column. ...Barb and Chuck Brown were in Ireland, instead of University Heights, for a family reunion. Their oldest son, Tom, is studying there this summer. #2 son, Dan, is starting at DePaul this fall. Barb is looking forward to getting back to Chicago for regular visits. Shell be catching up with Carol Berg rolecek, Cathy Pierce Kelly and Mary ann Gallagher stanton. Scoops to follow! ... Onward on! Paul marketing work for them. Their web site is www. Richard is an active member of the Association for Corporate Growth, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, and SMC Business Council. Richard and wife Laura have three boys: Magnus, Gunnar and Barend. ... Heard that George McGeary is living in Lyndhurst, OH. ... Mark Perna has been busy with the company he founded, Tools for Schools, which is a full service marketing communications firm focused on delivering a variety of marketing solutions and printing tools for school systems. He is located out of Hudson, OH, and the web site is www. Mark has two sons: Matthew (20) and Nicholas (18). ... erroll varin Garrett lives in Baytown, TX. He is a high school principal at La Marque High. Erroll published an article in 2004, and he is completing his Ph.D. in educational leadership. Erroll has two children: Erroll (17) and Shara (14). ... Classmate (and my life mate) Michelle (sciangula) Damore and I celebrated 20 years of marriage this past June by re-tracing some of our steps of our wedding day two decades later, but this time with our four children in the limo with us! I know many fellow classmates are in this same milestone range! Send me an e-mail with details on your anniversary celebrations! Don Send your notes to: diane (nerem) Wendel 629 Quaker Road Rte 120 Chappaqua, NY 10514-1507 914-238-2227

1981 1982

Send your notes to: Paul hulseman 120 Evergreen Ln. Winnetka, IL 60093 847-867-9322 (c)

Greetings from Chicago! Wow! Now that was a reunion to remember! Believe it or not, my kids had a better time than we did 10 of my future Blue Streaks checked into Camp Carroll on Friday (Minor League baseball game, bowling, whirly ball, swimming...). Another son, Patrick 09ish, worked as a counselor at the camp hes had prior experience chasing 10-year olds. I knew my little kids would enjoy the camp whats not to like? The high school kids were moaning before we left. However, they had an awesome time and met new friends. The one thing I forgot is how great the JCU college kids who worked the program as counselors, go-fers, dorm moms, luggage movers, and lifeguards are! ... robbi Beni Fazio dropped me a terrific note after the festivities. She was looking to meet friends of all ages on Saturday afternoon after the class lunch. I hope she found them they may have gone to the wrong place! But at Carroll, everybody is a friend, Robbi. ... rick Kuczmarski took the opportunity at the Shula Stadium Saturday afternoon to work on his next generation of college All-Americans. The Kuczmarski kids were working on the 3-point stance when I saw them. ... The brotherhood of Iota Chi Upsilon was well-represented between golf games. Paul olexa and his two kids, Paul II (16) and Allison (13), dove into the festivities. Paul lives in the Detroit area and is VP sales and marketing for an automotive supplier, ZF Group NAO. He and his old roommate, Bill Bolton, run into each other at University of Detroit High School functions. ... Bobby Gentile made a week of it in Cleveland catching up with relatives and friends. ... Dave schmidt and ed Fay were MIA. I cant write here what was said about you two. ... At Sundays brunch on campus, a fellow classmate offered to guest scribe a few notes as long as I kept her identity secret. So Im not going to tell, but I am reminded of a quote by Shakespeare. That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Here are her comments: Mary lou (Petrancosta) Prendergasts husband, Mike, presented a talk on his book Dont Chew Jesus. It was a nun-filled hour of very amusing stories. He is in the process of writing a new book entitled 52
John Carroll university Summer 2007

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Tony Pallotta 31507 Drake Dr. Bay Village, OH 44140 440-892-4766 Send your notes to: don damore 29570 Dorchester Dr. North Olmsted, OH 44070 440-235-1323



It is a busy time of year so I did not want to bother you with a long and tedious column to plow through i.e. not much news this time. Instead this will be one of those ticker-tape columns with some quick news updates from classmates around the land, leaving you with plenty of time to spare for other fall fun! ... Larry Jaeger 83 is a regional sales director for Apple Computer, Inc. Larry and wife Irina make their home in Strongsville, OH. ...richard loeffler and his brother, Jim 91, have been running the company InTune Business Advisors out of Pittsburgh, PA, for the past few years. Even their sister, Julie Loeffler Andrews 88, does some free lance


This past June, Beth randall-Dodd contacted me with the heart wrenching news that Karen schipke, passed on June 4 after a 1 1/2 year battle with breast cancer. This column is a tribute to Karen, written by her very dear friend, Cheryl Glenn Cramer. One of my very first memories from my days at John Carroll was moving into Sutowski Hall fall 1981. As I moved in I met a very special girl who was to become my neighbor, a fellow finance major as well as one of my closest friends. Her name was Karen Schipke. Throughout our years at John Carroll we supported one another through the dreaded business statistics course, as well as through the other challenging course work. During intermediate accounting, we heard the phrase This is heavily tested on the CPA exam so often that she actually had bumper stickers made that said, I dont care what is on the CPA exam. At the time, as finance majors we really just wanted to survive intermediate accounting. Recently, I told Karen that I was sitting for the exam and the next time I saw her she gave me one of those bumper stickers that she still had from all those years ago. Karen was always the life of the party. She had this sense of humor that would make you stop and think and then laugh so hard youd cry once you got the joke. She loved John Carroll and as I reflect on her life these may have truly been the best times of her life. Once we graduated we remained close. She was a bridesmaid when I married Bob Cramer a year after graduation. She played aunt as all four of our children were born. She held us when we lost our second child to leukemia. While Karen was busy giving 100% of her love to us throughout the

years, she also managed to give completely of herself to her other friends, her family and to everyone she met. She worked for United Way in Dayton. She was an honorary member of the Eintracht Singing Society, and she volunteered for Dayton Liederkranz-Turner. A year and a half ago, Karen was diagnosed with breast cancer. I can honestly say we became even closer. She fought courageously and even the last time I saw her in April she was very forward looking and positive. She was her usual self in spirit. Karen went home to be in the Lords arms on June 4. In her memory a group of her friends have started the Karen J. Schipke Memorial Scholarship. Once the fund reaches $50,000 the earnings will go first to a direct descendant from the class of 1985, secondly to a grandchild and lastly to another relative of the class of 1985. Please consider a gift in Karens memory. Please be sure to specify that your gift is intended to go to the Karen J. Schipke Memorial Scholarship fund and send to JCU Attn. Peter Bernardo, 20700 North Park Boulevard, University Heights, OH 44118. Our goal is to have the scholarship fully funded by our next reunion which is believe it or not only three years away. (25 years! Where have they gone?) God bless, Cheryl Cramer. Thank you in advance for your generous donation. Be well, Diane We hope you have all enjoyed a fun-filled summer with family and friends. We are assuming it was Send your notes to: Gigi Togliatti-rice 931 Sheirer Rd. Mansfield, OH 44093 419.529.5530 Beth (Bonanno) hausoul 179 S. Kenilworth Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126 an exceptionally busy one given we have only heard from a few of you. So, what happens when we dont hear from our fellow classmates? We are forced to talk about our very exciting lives and speculate on others. Lets start with Gigi togliatti-rice ... she and her husband, Bob, live in Mansfield, OH, with their three children, Daniel (11), Brady (9) and Luci (7). Gigi has worked as a claims specialist for State Farm Insurance for 18 years. Gigi recently ran into Ellen Titus 85 poolside in Port Clinton. ...Beth Bonanno hausoul lives in Elmhurst, IL, with her husband, John, and son Andrew (4). She has spent the last six years working for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Beth ran into Jenny labuda Prangle and howie Collins with their respective families while spending an afternoon with Karen Judy Foley and family at the Riverside pool. Howie mentioned he had lunch with Drue Carney and agreed to forward more information maybe next time, right Howie? We did hear from Drue Carney, who has lived in McKinney (far north suburb of Dallas) for 11 years and Dallas a total of 15 years. His wifes name is Kelly and they have two children, a son, A.J. (9), and a daughter, Megan (7). Drue did confirm dining with H in Chicago and sends his apologies to the other Chicagoans he did not see. Drue also spent time with rich Kramer at the Daytona 500 in February and recently talked with Bob Conrad, who lives in Westlake with his wife, Laurel, and two daughters. Bob shared news that he and the extended Conrad family are off to Ireland for a vacation. ... A few more updates: Lisa Geraci Macauda 85 and husband Vince live in Pepper Pike with sons Alex and Matthew. ...Paul volpe and Carol rowand-volpe live in University Heights with their children: P.J., Daniel and Michael. ... Grace volpe Barber and her husband, Ron, recently moved back to the East Side after spending years on the West Side. ... Come on Class of 86 we want to hear from you ... this is a great venue to share news ... send us pictures, notes, anything! Your friends, Gigi and Beth Send your notes to: sue Farinacci Grazia 10338 Loreto Ridge Dr. Willoughby, OH 44094-9547 440-256-0338 Felice, theresa Marsh, alleyne McChesney, Dave Clifford, John Morrissey, Dennis Casey, Maria and Fenton Moore, Katherine 88 and tommy Collins, tom Paulson, rob aldave, Mario Becerra, steve imburgia, Chris valenti, Bob Mayer, Pat langan, Joe semancik, Bob reaume, Joe norris, and of course third floor Millors Brigid Mcneely and Colleen Barrett. I was not able to talk to everyone, and I didnt bring a note pad with me for those I did catch-up with, so please everyone send me a summary of what you have been up to so I can share with the entire class. And I know there were many, many more at reunion that I may have not mentioned, and Im sorry, so please send me a note with updates for the next column. ... For all of you who were unable to attend, please be sure to be at our 25th. It will be a great time. ... I also want to congratulate Mark Maslona and wife, Brenda, on the birth of their twin daughters, Lillian and Madelyn, who were born May 22. Mark and family are living in Solon, OH, and Mark has his own company called Blue Streak Sports, which conducts sports camps for kids. All of you in the Cleveland area who have children may want to look into these camps for next summer. ... vince rattini sent a note that he and his wife, Karen, live in Cary, NC, and just had their first child, Michael, on January 12 at Duke University Hospital. ... Along with seeing Tom Paulson at reunion, he did send me an e-mail saying he and his wife, Sue, and children Emily (14), Ben (12) and Abby (9) are residing in Libertyville, IL. Tom is senior vice president at Morgan Stanley.. ... Mara (Altier) Dale also sent me a note that she and husband Tom 89, and son Mathew (8 1/2 ) are living in Germantown, TN. ... Bradley Burns MD sent me an update via the alumni office that he is living in beautiful Perrysburg, OH, and practicing at X-ray Associates, Inc. ... And last but not least another doctor, rob ondash MD, is now living and practicing in Austin, TX. Rob can you please send me a little more about life in Texas? ... Thank you all for your e-mails and I am really looking forward to hearing from all of you very soon. God bless, Sue


Richard J. Kramer 86:

Goodyears CEO Rich Kramer, a member of the Class of 1986, was elevated to a big job: the chief executive officers position of Akron, Ohiobased Goodyear Corporation. The news release said: Richard J. Kramer was named President, North American Tire for The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, effective March 13, 2007. He had been Goodyears Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer since June 2, 2004. Kramer remains Chief Financial Officer until a replacement is named.

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Jamie Jamison 7072 Kildeer Rd. Canfield, OH 44406 330-702-1965 Kathy reali Matthews 28012 W Oviatt Rd. Cleveland, OH 44140-2145 440-871-7283 A short column, but we did hear from a few classmates. Received a great update from Julie loeffler andrews yes she is now Julie Andrews. Chris works for Cummins Bridgeway, and they live in Pittsburgh with their three children: Mara (8), Peter (6) and Janie (3). As well as full-time mom duties, Julie is also doing some freelance marketing for InTune Business Advisors, a company run by two of her brothers, who are also JCU grads: Jim 91 and Richard 84 Loeffler. Julies oldest daughter, Mara, was a micropreemie born at 26 weeks weighing 2 lbs. She is truly a miracle child, having only mild cerebral palsy which doesnt allow her to walk with a very
Summer 2007 John Carroll university


I want to start off by saying how great it was to see everyone at our 20th Reunion this past June. John 86 and I were only able to attend the Saturday festivities under The Big Tent and we had a blast. For the first time ever, I wanted to stay and he was ready to go (Im sure that had to do with the fact that he had a tee time at 7 a.m.). ... As I think back to Saturday night, we were all able to witness Missy Gaffney doing what she did best 20+ years ago, dancing up a storm on the dance floor (not on the tables) with Margaret Cornillie and John FitzGerald. You guys have still got it. ... Also present for the reunion party was Mary schaaf, Moira Clark, sue anderson, lorie sterlini, laura Damore, Mara altier Dale, Peggy nikolai, Kelly McKee, Mona saade, Tim 78 and Mary Freeman, Greg Breier, erin Musselman and husband Tom Nicholas 85, Karen Welsh, anita




Julianna Gulden 86: a life in her parents Hungarian homeland
Julianna Gulden 86 is a Hungarian-American who found her place by reversing her familys migratory path. She is happily situated in Szentendre (St. Andrew), Hungary, a postcard pretty town on the Danube River, 20 minutes from Budapest. Gulden was for a time the leading public relations (PR) operative in the formerly communist capital. Not long after her daughter, Anna, was born in 1999, she chose motherhood over perception management. Though she now works part-time, Gulden remains an influential PR force in her parents native land. However, Anna; husband, George Eotvos; and a fully dimensional and culturally rich life along the Danube are now Guldens highest priorities. That life includes significant service to several Jesuit institutions in Hungary. Guldens saga is an example both representative and dramatic of the post-World War II immigrant experience following upon the cataclysmic conflict. Her fathers father was a fighter pilot in the Hungarian air force. That military service and the fact that her grandparents on both sides were what Julianna refers to as capitalists was sufficient to drive her maternal and paternal lines into refugee exile. Her dads family suffered six years in a displaced persons camp in Germany before arriving on our shores in 1951; her mothers people were diverted to Austria before finding their way here. Her father, eight when he left, started here as a tool and die worker; earned his education and blossomed as a business owner. Juliannas parents met through Clevelandarea Hungarian Boy and Girl Scout activities. Their daughter later participated in those activities, as well as in folk dancing and Hungarian language school. Hungarian was the home tongue. Though her family viewed America as a profound blessing, Julianna said, I always knew as a kid that I would work overseas.
John Carroll university Summer 2007

That happened when she was a summer intern at the American embassy in Budapest during her happy JCU years. After graduation in political science, Gulden enjoyed another internship, this one at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Thrilled to be working for Ronald Reagan, she recalls her LithuanianAmerican boss saying as their car was waved on into the White House: This is America that we, whose parents came here with nothing, can roll up to the White House. Service at the White House led to working for the election of George Herbert Walker Bush in 1988, which, led to the Republican National Committee, and then service with the State Department as a communications and public affairs advisor in Refugee Affairs. A nice niche for someone who had left University Heights scant

years before! However, the Iron Curtain was crumbling and for people like herself, possessing language skills and Mitteleuropean credentials, it was said Gulden, whose name translates as golden, a gold rush. She found her way to what was back home for her parents and she climbed high fast. There was a ton of work, and for U.S. companies, Gulden became a bridge to the Hungarian infrastructure. When I would go and visit say, Ford, it was just a different connection. They were from Detroit, I from Cleveland, and they liked that I could speak Hungarian. She was with the international PR firm Burson-Marsteller. By 95 she was the managing partner, and a couple of years later she had bought the Budapest franchise, renaming it Gulden Burson-Marsteller. She said that for nearly a decade she was #1 in PR in the ancient city on the Danube. But George Eotvos appeared when she hired the genealogist to research her family tree. They were married at Clevelands St. Emerics in 1996, and Anna was born in 99. George now works exclusively in finding heirs to estates and he has three offices in Europe. His business thrives and so does the family. Julianna cherry-picks PR clients; she raises funds for the design center of American Jesuit architect Terence Curry, SJ; she assists the development work of a Hungarian Jesuit high school, and serves on the board of a local Jesuit college, as well as with United Way. It is, said Julianna, a satisfying life. Of living: in Europe, There was a 50year gap in our nest, but it (being Europeans) is really who we are. There is a metaphorical richness in the fact that Georges company is titled Family Tree. Gulden had to return to the land of the Magyars to find her own extended family tree and to create, with George and Anna, a new branch.

no other information; please send me more Nina. ... I heard from my freshman-year roommate, Brian tierney, who now has his own plastic surgery practice in Nashville, TN, where he lives with wife Jennifer and children Kendall (2) and Brian (5 mos.). Wow, second floor Bernet was a long time ago wasnt it Brian?. ... That about wraps up my news for this quarter; remember if I dont hear from you I cant write about you. Peace to all and be safe!David Dan, and their two girls, Nicole and Erin at Yours Truly in Hudson. They are living in Twinsburg and Sally is working at Forest City Enterprises. It was a gorgeous summer day and it was fun catching up with Sally and Dan the girls are adorable! ... If you havent already done so, check out the newest way to keep in touch with fellow alumni ... JCU Connect - http://www.jcu. edu/alumni/jcuconnect.htm! The site offers an alumni directory, class news and notes, message boards, photo albums! Check it out and update your record if you havent in a while. ... Dont forget to pass along any updates. Looking forward to hearing from you, Melissa Send your notes to: Molly Coughlin Fanta 25107 Wildwood Dr. Westlake, OH 44145 440-716-1749

strong gait, and some developmental delays. Because of the whole experience, Julie hopes to go to nursing school when all the kids are a bit more grown. ... A short update from Dave Williams, who moved to Florence, SC. Dave started a new job in April with SC Cardiovascular Surgery. South Carolina winters will be a welcome change to our blustery winters! ... Mike Donnelly just completed half of his first term as judge on the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas bench. He absolutely loves the job. This past January, he was appointed by The Ohio Supreme Court to its Commission on Professionalism. The cases he hears are both criminal and civil and have been fascinating. His wife, Nancy, is senior corporate counsel for Steris Corporation. They have two children, Caroline is in the first grade and Tim is in preschool. As for extracurricular activities he is competing in his fourth marathon this year in Chicago. ... We are always looking for updates and now it is even easier to stay connected through JCU Connect. When you register, send us a note and we will include it in our next column. ... Hard to believe our 20-year reunion is next year. Mark your calendars for June 20-22 and we do hope many will plan to attend. Our kids loved Camp Carroll. JCU makes it a fun weekend for the whole family. ... Cheers to all, Kathy and Jamie Send your notes to: david Gassman 3996 Astoria Way Avon, OH 44011 440-934-0366

Greetings Blue Streaks of 89. Chris Pelinsky and wife Jody and their two boys have a new home in the burbs of New Jersey. Chris continues to do well in the financial market and rumor has it a backyard pool is now part of the home; my towel is ready. ... Brad Gosser, John Fox, Dan Weaver and Dan soucie all got together for a shindig in Vegas in May. I was suppose to attend but had some complications. ... Big rumor floating out there that Brian Donovan is engaged, where was the e-mail Brian? I got no mighty me love from you on this story. Give us some details or squash the rumor! ... nina Parikh sent a note saying she is living in Brooklyn, NY, but provided

Welcome to autumn ... is everyone ready for back to school and football season? I want to take a moment to brag about someone very important to me ... my hubby, Chris Wenzler. Last May, Chris went to Jamaica on an immersion trip with JCU Campus Ministry. He accompanied about a dozen JCU students to Kingston, Jamaica, for 10 days. While there, the group worked in a childrens hospital, Riverton School, and the Mother Teresa Home (hospice of the sick and elderly). Chris spent much of his time at Riverton a public elementary school built near the city dump. Public school in Jamaica is not like public school in the U. S. parents have to pay to send their children to school. This means that parents have to decide which child goes to school which day of the week! As we head into the season of Thanksgiving, I hope we can all take a moment to remember how fortunate we are for the wonderful opportunities we have dont let them go to waste. ... I got a quick e-mail from Jean hetzer harsar. She and husband Al welcomed their new daughter, Meghan Marie, on March 28. Meghan joins big brothers Matthew (8) and Michael John (4). Congratulations, Jean and Al! ... lisa Grisez-shullick is living in Lorain, OH, with her husband, Dan, and their two children, Michael (11) and Tricia (9). Lisa has spent the past five years working part time at St. Peter School, where their children attend. Most recently, Lisa began a new part time job with the Catholic Action Commission of Lorain. She also is using her 10 years of human resource experience to serve as an independent trainer in leadership, supervision and time management check out www.! Lisa recently ventured to Chicago with sue Zurkovski swain for a gathering with holly Monahan, Chris Jamison, shannon Place Martin, Becky lacovic Barnhart, liz Brent Franz and Karen Teeter Rufer 89! The gathering was in celebration of their 39th birthdays sounds like a blast would love to hear how everyone is doing! ... rob taskey took advantage of the new JCU Connect message board Rob and his wife, Cheryl, recently moved from Kalamazoo to Pittsburgh. They have two children, Austin and Olivia. Rob is a senior investment officer at National City in the Private Client Group. He manages a group of eight portfolio managers. Since being back in Pittsburgh, he had lunch with eric rosenberg. ... In July, I ran into sally ingberg-lee, her husband,



Class of 1987 at their 20 reunion l to r: Kelly McKee helton, Greg Breier, Mara altier, Mona saade Baumgartner, Mary Walsh Freeman, lorie sterlini Gumieny, Peggy nikolai Kuhlman

Send your notes to: Melissa Wenzler 4021 Wandsworth Road South Euclid, OH 44121 216-691-3759


Dear Class of 1991, I was excited to hear from natalie villedrouin handal. She studied in Spain her senior year and later met her husband. She is the mother of four children and works as a pharmaceutical distributor in a family business. ... Jim loefflers sister informed us that Jim is married to Mimi Williams and runs a business with his brother, Richard 84, called InTune Business Advisors. ...Julie spinazze-

Chris Wenzler (upper left - in the back) and the JCu students who went on the immersion trip to Jamaica in May 2007. root resides in Illinois. ... For those of you wondering, Joe lardie is still Irish dancing. Mike and sue Mangans children are great Irish step dancers. ... I was glad to hear from nuch Palazzolo. Nuch lives in Macedonia, OH, with his wife and adopted four-year old son. He works as a senior accounting manager for a company called Lanxess. He writes that Richard Miller 92 and his wife have three daughters. Rich owns and operates a custom molding operation and also Powderhorn Golf Course in Madison, OH. He lives in Perry Township. ... andrew Krugh and his wife, Tammy, live in Upper St. Claire outside of Pittsburgh. They have a son and daughter. Andrew runs his own computer consulting business. ... Bryan Hilke 92 and Laurie have two daughters and are expecting a third child. They reside in Brunswick, OH. Bryan works for Parker Hannifin in a technical capacity. ... I am excited to report that I began a new job/career in July. I work for The Ohio State Lottery Commission in the
Summer 2007 John Carroll university



alumnnews Kevin Kinross 97: making a big impact in Pennsylvania politics

By Jake Oresick 06

Kevin Kinross 97, a top aide to Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, has turned assisting others into a career. Since he left Carroll, Kinross has advised a mayor, a county executive, a congressman and two U.S. senators. While his political two cents have earned him influential ears, he began advising by dissecting basketball defenses. Before drawing up plays for the governor, Kinross was a studentassistant to the JCU hoop team. Its strange to find that wisdom in someone so young, recalls coach Mike Moran, but when he spoke, I listened. And they havent stopped listening. Kinross credits the Washington Center a DC-based internship program he participated in as a Carroll Kevin Kinross, left, with Governor ed rendell. student with whetting his appetite for government. I guess you could say I was Rendell tapped Kinross to orchestrate his rehooked after that, observes Kinross. election effort. Despite trailing in early polls The hook became embedded more and facing an articulate, upstart opponent deeply at Kinrosss commencement exer Pittsburgh Steelers Hall of Famer Lynn cises, Tim Russert 72 reminded the grads Swann Kinross helped the governor turn of their obligation to make a difference. I things around. Rendell soon set fund raising was inspired, Kinross remembers. Russert records and cruised to a second term. talked about his own experience, working The landslide, was remarkable for its for Senator [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan. margin in so politically divided a state. We Kinross subsequently packed his car, couldnt have done this without Kevin, drove to DC, and eventually earned consecu- remarked Rendell in his election night tive staff positions under two senators Herb speech, and it was only the beginning. Kohl and, appropriately, Moynihan. Kinross Four months later, serving as special assisimpressed Capitol Hill, but after several tant to the governor, Kinross helped Rendell years, returned to his native Pittsburgh. work with local officials to win political agreeOnce home, he found a niche: chief of ment for a new arena for the National Hockey staff to the county executive, Dan Onorato, Leagues Penguins. Without the 11th hour whom Kinross served in the execs camdeal, the team might have flown the coop to paign. The placement made Kinross liaison Kansas City. Did Kinross lines of connection to the mayors office and city and county to area pols come in handy? It made things councils. The qualities Moran remembers much easier to have friends in city and county won Kinross the trust of area officials, and government, he affirms with a laugh. attention from Harrisburg. Its not the perks, such as barbecues with In 2006, politically vulnerable Gov. Ed the Heinz-Kerry clan and parties at base-

balls All-Star game, that keep Kinross going. The purpose-driven politico is clearly concerned with the effects of the influence he exerts on others. I remember Sunday night Mass at Carroll, and its sense of community; a group of people who take care of each other, Kinross recalled. Now, in the alumnus Pennsylvania, there is evidence that citizens are more intent on taking care of each other. With the recent enactment of CHIP (Childrens Health Insurance Program), every kid in the state has health insurance, Kinross beams. He added that the bills passage was among his proudest moments. Kinross says his Catholic values are a guide. He savors being able to help the poorest through funding public transit and putting a few extra dollars in the wallet by boosting minimum wage. In Catholic high school, at John Carroll and even Duquesne [law] the message was helping people, Kinross says. There was never a job too big or small for Kevin, Moran reflects, and its still true. Kinross helps his wife, Jennifer, change their 10-month-old, Natalie, and when Jennifer and Natalie release him to the state, Kinross tirelessly assists the governor with projects big and small like shepherding a $27 billion budget through the legislature. When asked about the future, Kinross speaks, he admits, like a campaign ad: green energy, tax reform, funding biotech research in the commonwealth. Its a little hard to turn it off, he says of the rhetoric, but the goal is to keep serving others. Is Moran surprised at his pupils success? Maybe a little. He was so hard-working, so genuine. We thought, He might be too honest to make a good politician. The early evidence is that this is one time when the coachs concerns are groundless.


John Carroll university Summer 2007

communications dept. I am the philanthropic coordinator for the Lottery. The job offers a nice variety of projects and opportunities. I have eight regions in Ohio that I am working with. It is interesting that all of the money from the lottery goes to education, which, having been a teacher, I believe is so important. I was an aide last year, and in February decided to pursue a career that would include my degree in communications. I am really enjoying my new endeavor and all it has to offer. Play the Lottery, Odds are youll have fun! ... Well, I wish you all the very best. Please write in about your newest endeavors, good news, or news of a friend. I would love to share it with our fellow classmates. Keep praying, encourage those around you, believe in miracles, and live the life. Until next time, Go Blue Streaks! Molly Send your notes to: Jim sislo 203 Marilyn Ln. Eastlake, OH 44095-1561 440-269-1245 firefighter. ... Fellow classmate Jodie Palmer hayden is an account representative for Odyssey Printwear. In 2004 she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer which she has successfully been fighting for the past three years. She is doing well and married to husband Jim and mother to sons Tim (12) and Dean (10). You can contact Jodie - if you want to send her good wishes. ... Chickie monkey mouse, Pati Dargan Kemp had a little boy, Coin Patrick, in February 2007. He joins big brother Quinn. Burt, Pati, Coin and Quinn live in Cleveland Heights. She also filled me in on a bunch of our classmates. erin Canada owen had baby number two in March. Frances joins big brother Griffin and they live in Cleveland. ... Katie niehaus Gerba had a little boy, Sean. He joins big brother Owen and they live in Westlake. Katie is a freelance writer for Learning Horizons. ... Jennifer Kennedy ontko had a little girl, Mallory, in March 2006. She joined big brother John. Jenn is a financial analyst and lives in North Olmstead. ... Dr. Joanna Jarc robinson got married in July 2006 to Keith Robinson. They live in Parma where Joanna is the editorial manager for Learning Horizons. ... Janine rockovich Mortellaro has three girls: Emma, Sarah and Abbey. Janine and her husband own a couple of McDonalds in the Granville/Newark area of Ohio. ... Christina Denisco sullivan lives with her husband, Mike, in Buffalo. She teaches Spanish in a Buffalo high school. ... tim staley and his wife, Mary, live in Middletown, MD, with their two children, Julia and Justin. I hear the third is on the way! ... Jen Gubba Fisher and husband Bryan 92 live in Pittsburgh, PA, with their two children, Joel and Mary. ... Colleen Kelly is a real estate agent in Laguna, CA, - www.immelteam. com. ... Whew! Please continue to send your information my way ... Luck to you always, Moe Send your notes to: annie (hummer) dePerro 4161 Glenmoor Rd. N.W. Canton, OH 44718 330-966-8845 specialty rep for Merck & Co. In 2001 Michelle lived in Brazil and traveled South America including the Amazon and Rio. ... In other news, Kirk Paille - - is living in Oswego, IL, with his wife, Amy (Jobin) Paille. Kirk works as the assistant director of admissions for DeVry University Online in Naperville, IL. ... Closer to the John Carroll campus is the utrup family. Brian - - and his wife, Cari (Demharter), are the proud parents for the third time to son Alec Brian Utrup who arrived on June 26. Big sisters Regan and Brenna love him! Brian received his MBA from JCU and works for National City Bank in Cleveland. They recently moved to Twinsburg in anticipation of their expanding family. ... New mom, for the second time, Michelle Cull lease recently launched, a web site for her growing stationery business. Definitely check it out for your birth announcement, stationery, invitation and holiday card needs. Most lines are discounted 15% off retail pricing. She also carries great personalized baby and childrens birthday gifts. Michelle has been busy with the arrival of Jane Eleanor in September 2006. ... Lastly, here are some tidbits Ive not had space to include until now: Cathy Gallagher - is living in New York City. ...rima (Jesmantas) tessman - - received her M.Ed. from CSU in 99. She and husband Patrick live in South Euclid with their children, Vija (3) and Jonas (1 1/2). Rima reports that she has been doing freelance consulting work in technical writing and instructional design. Patrick completed his fellowship in movement disorders (a sub-specialty of neurology) at University Hospitals of Cleveland and joined Associates in Neurology, Inc., a private practice in Willoughby Hills, OH, last summer. ... Finally, Matt Quinn - lives in Painesville, OH, with his wife, Kellie (Whelan), and their children, Alexa (5) and Kayla (2). Matt is the president of ID Card Systems, Inc. ... Have a good fall! Annie

1992 1993 1994

Look for my reunion 2007 recap in the next column. Thanks, Jim

reUnIon Year
Send your notes to: Maureen Moe McGuinness 940-566-1361

lana Caserta Zachlin and her husband, Paul, have two children, Molly and Stephen, who are students at Gesu, right across the street from JCU. ... leighanne Kramer hustak and husband Eric welcomed their third child, Margaret, this past February. She joins big brothers, Liam and Greagory. Leighanne is working at The Cleveland Clinic in pediatric endocrinology and works one day a month on NIH Research Study with adults with diabetes. She received her doctorate in nursing in 2003 and wants to teach in the near future. ... shelly Kilroy rieple and her husband, Ted 92, have been married for eleven years. They have three kids, Nicholas, Nathan and Kennedy. Shelly still talks to stephanie Judge Perusek who also has three kids with husband Aaron: TJ, Carly and Lucas. She also reports that laura (albertone) Musgrave and husband Dan have two girls. ... Julie Win is a labor and delivery nurse at Hillcrest Hospital. ... Megan Marrie schlickmann wants to hear from tina Carline and shannon Piehuta. Megan is the director of Lower School admissions at Gilmour Academy in Gate Mills, OH. ... Another Murphy girl, nora Mackin lally, writes that she has a 10-month old little girl named Molly. Nora moved to Chicago in 2001, got married to John Lally (Loyola Chicago grad) in 2005 and had Molly in 2006. She still works for the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development as a community development specialist. John is a


Send your notes to: Julie reardon 12361 Woodridge Dr. North Royalton, OH 44133 440-877-0939

Ah, Boston. I had the fortunate experience of reliving a wonderful first anniversary trip, which was (yikes) six years ago when two of our classmates reported their news from this fair city, home of the Boston Marathon, Boston baked beans, and Click and Clack, those slapstick guys from the NPR show, Car Talk. Both Michael simone and Michelle (Kadelski) Dorgan are living very different but very interesting lives there. Michael - - aka Father Simone, is now officially a Jesuit priest. He was ordained a Catholic priest for the Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus on June 9 at Church of the Gesu in University Heights. Michael graduated from Weston Jesuit School of Theology, Cambridge, MA, in May 2007 with a Master of Divinity. As of May, his plan was to return to the Boston area for further study at Weston. Meanwhile, Michelle (Kadelski) Dorgan - recently relocated from Michigan to Massachusetts. Michelle and her husband, David, are the parents of Paige (18 mos.) and a dog, Sailor (5). Michelle reports that after spending 10 years in Ann Arbor, she and her family moved to Boston. Michelle is the senior


Send your notes to: amy spisich Kogovsek

I hope this column finds you all well. Ill get right to the news ...arthur P. Ward Jr. is living in Walton Hills with his wife, Dawn, and their children, Trey (4) and Ava (2). He earned an MTax at Akron in 2006 and is a senior tax manager at Barnes Wendling CPAs, Inc. in Cleveland. ... Dan Bansley and his wife, Colleen, are living in Chicago. ... Kathleen ohara is living and working in Cincinnati, OH. She earned a masters degree from Xavier in 1999 and is owner/writer at Sage North, LLC. She is married to Mike Adams and they have a son Laine (1). ...Karen Peters is working for The Sherwin-Williams Company here in Cleveland. ... amy Diorio-shamblen and her husband, John Shamblen, reside in Broadview Heights. ... James Conway completed a Ph.D. at CWRU in 2006 and recently moved to New Jersey after accepting a position with Merck Research Laboratories. ... Thats all this time. Keep in mind that you can send pictures with your updates from
Summer 2007 John Carroll university



Fr. Kevin Conroy 98G: serving Cambodias poor
Father Kevin Conroy is a Maryknoll priest associate doing extraordinary work in Cambodia. The picture on this page was recently the cover of Maryknoll magazine. What follows is part of a letter home in which the Cleveland native describes his life in the Southeast Asian lands capital.
By Fr. Kevin Conroy

I work with approximately 320 HIV positive and orphaned children in our Little Sprouts program. One thing I do is teach our fieldworkers basic counseling skills to help develop a fuller HIV/AIDS outreach to the kids. I am also creating a Teenager Personal Development Group for our older children. Its a definite need so as they reach adulthood the kids are equipped to confront the challenges of living with AIDS. I spend time visiting children and their families in their homes. They often speak about their basic needs. Last week a woman told me a neighbor found out she and her children were HIV positive and refused to let them use the communal latrine. They asked me to help build another. I am developing a master in counseling program at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). Cambodia doesnt have a masters-level program in psychology, counseling or social work. Next year the RUPP will start an undergraduate program in social work. Hopefully, we will find a university in the USA who will want to partner with us so we can get accreditation. I believe there are only 10 psychologists in the country and a handful of social workers. On Thursday, I am giving part of a seminar for the RUPP undergraduate psychology department. The title of my session is Therapeutic Applications of Positive Psychology and Spirituality. I will use my dissertation material to talk about coping skills, resiliency and storytelling. I will take my dissertations interview questions with Guatemalan immigrants and adapt them for Cambodia. One question I will ask them is: What helped you get through the experience of the Killing Fields? I will try and speak Khmer for most of the lecture. This will force me into a conversational mode since I cant lecture for two hours in Khmer. I am also on the board of a small nongovernmental organization (NGO) with two focuses: helping children in a remote village who do not have access to school and helping aging beggars of Phnom Penh with medical and social support. These seem very different areas but those are populations most NGOs dont assist. A couple from Hong Kong recently donated $32,000 to build a school in the remote village. This money will build five classrooms and latrines. There are about 1,200 children in this village. And, I supervise a couple of students from Notre Dame who arespending their summer serving here. Finally I go to the garbage
John Carroll university Summer 2007

dump with the St. Vincent de Paul Society from the local church. This dump might be the ugliest place I have ever seen in the world. Its a smoking mountain of garbage a mile wide and 50 feet high. Today we gave 10 pounds of rice to the 70 families who pick garbage at all hours of the day and night. In our brief visit, the doctor we brought with us did a brief assessment of the physical problems (mostly skin and fever) of these extremely poor people. They are part of the thousands living at or near the dump. At night, I see people using miners lamps so they can see the best garbage. Today, I talked with a person who hopes to make a dollar a day even in Cambodia not a lot of money. One of the touching moments was when one of the little girls sweetly asked the Notre Dame student for a net so the mosquitoes who carry dengue fever wont bite her. She also asked for a tarp for her tiny little houses roof because it is the rainy season. The hospitals are filled in Cambodia with children who are extremely sick with dengue fever. As I think about this visit I see the importance of doing small things to help poor people and develop relationships. There are so many feelings that I have, but I will tell you that it is such an awesome and humbling task to serve the poor, and to be a surrogate parent to the children of Little Sprouts.

get-togethers, weddings, whatever! Until next time, the Lord bless you and keep you, Amy Send your notes to: Brian sparks 5011 Oakes Rd. Brecksville, OH 44141 Phone: 440-746-0309 into the JCU Athletic Hall of Fame in September. ... elaine (Cirino) Perdion sent me a correction from the last column I wrote: her daughter, Ella is one-year old. ... sheri Kilarsky sent me a note: I am living in Westlake, OH, with my fianc Rick Terens. We are getting married on August 16, 2008. We just moved back from a nine-month hiatus in Guam. Rick is a pilot for Continental and was based there for 18 months. We traveled to Australia, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Bali, Palau and many other places. I moved back in February and started working at Meaden & Moore as a senior manager in their Cleveland office. ... Hope you made it to Reunion Weekend. annmarie tirpak and I spent time at JCU that weekend, and Annmarie was honored to read the list of our deceased classmates at the Mass and Moment of Remembrance. We ran into tim and nikki (hewald) Brainard among other folks. It was great getting back to campus. Drop me a note with news (and pictures, if you have them)! ... Brian in Denver, CO, and is a corporate compliance manager for DaVita Inc., a provider of renal dialysis. Mario (94) and Jill (vistein) valente were married in October 2004 at JCUs Saint Francis Chapel. They both are teachers and have made their home in Rocky River, OH. They welcomed their first child, Vincent Rocco, in February. ...Jennifer (schwartz) Garcia worked at American Greetings until June 2002, when she married Dr. Lou Garcia and moved to Jacksonville, FL. She worked as a product development manager for a gift company and was able to travel to China on several occasions! On December 7, she gave birth to triplets: Mary, Gabrielle, and Mateo! This summer the family relocated to Charlottesville, VA. ... A special thank you to Tim, Jaime and Jennifer for providing the updates. Drop me a note - Until next time, take care. Cherie


shannon (oMalley) Corrigan wrote me from an island off the West Coast of Ireland. Shes been living in Ireland for seven years and moved from Dublin to Achill Island where she met her husband, Declan, about three years ago. She has packed in her job in social work and psychotherapy and is a small business owner running a post office. Shannon and Declan have also become new parents. Shannon gave birth to a baby girl, Amelia, in April. ... susan (okuley) Paz sent me an update about herself and other 97 grads: Susan and her husband are living in Indianapolis with their new baby boy, Alex, born in February. ... erika Bauer, Ph.D., has been selected for the prestigious Smithsonians National Zoo curatorial resident program in animal care. Erika will spend the next two years in Washington, D.C., working and conducting research at the National Zoo. ... Monica Dragoman, MD, finished her residency training in Dallas in ob/gyn and is now living in New York City completing a family planning fellowship at Columbia University. ... Meghan sweeney, Ph.D., and her life partner, Nicolas Laudadio, are assistant professors of English at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Theyre enjoying a great road trip of the Midwest and East Coast for the summer. ... Karen thompson-shaheen is working as a consultant at a community development/strategic planning firm in Cleveland. ... nikki (nicholas) Custy, her husband and son Sean welcomed new baby Patrick to the family in March. Even with their two kids, Nikki and her husband still find time to play gigs with their Irish band, Pitch the Peat. lynn rutledge graduated with a masters in occupational therapy from Ohio State in 2006. She is an occupational therapist with the Heinzerling Foundation, a non profit organization for children and adults with severe/profound MR/DD. Lynn and her dog, Buster, are living in Columbus. ... aryn Micaletti lives in Seven Fields, PA, and is a real-time captioner with Southpointe. ... Janelle riley is a wealth management-RA with KeyBank in Cleveland and has three kids: Warren (9), Serena (6), and Jenine (6). ... nicole (radu) Wilkens is living in Raleigh, NC, and has two children, Jordan Alyssa (3), and Jacob Thomas (8 mos.) ... alexander Clarke lives in Bath, OH, and is president of Brechbuhler Mack in Canton. Alexander and his wife, Kelly, have two children, Anna (3) and Grace (1). ... Joseph and amy (Campbell) szyperski live in Toledo and have three children, Sam (6), Eleanor (3), and Theodore (2 mos.). ... Heather (Slesinger) ODonnell 96 is living in Concord Township, OH. She and her husband, John, have two children, Lucille, and Abigail, both 2. ... steven G. voinovich is in commercial real estate with CB Richard Ellis. Steve and his wife, Gina 98, welcomed the birth of their first child, Steven George Voinovich Jr., on Thanksgiving Day. Steve is also getting inducted

reUnIon Year


Send your notes to: Cherie skoczen 216-741-1823

In July, Rita (Kingsbury) 99 and tim Burke relocated to West Palm Beach, FL, where Tim heads up corporate banking for National City Banks Southeast region. The Burkes and their sons, Timmy (3) and Jack (2), are excited to be in Florida. They would enjoy hearing from anyone traveling to or living in the area - Tburke13@msn. com. Speaking of traveling, Tim said they recently went to Buffalo with Mike and Jaime (szymanski) swallow, nathan and Jenny (Maloney) 00 lambert, and Matthew and lynda (hogan) Carver to witness the marriage of Big ShotJohn eberz and his new bride, Melissa. Jaime said she and Mike live in Brecksville, OH, with their children: Natalie (2 1/2) and Michael (3 mos.). They will celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary with a trip to Miami, where they plan to have a dinner with ryan stumphauzer. Mike continues to work at CBIZ as a retirement plan consultant alongside fellow grad Michael Ziccardi. Michael, his wife, Elissa, and Olivia (2) live in Brecksville. Nathan and Jenny Lambert live in University Heights with their two children: Abigail (2) and Matthew (8 mos.). Nathan is the chief technology officer for the library at Case Western Reserve University. ... Susie (Memo) 02 and alex schmitt vacationed in Ireland this summer. Alex is a senior manager at Ernst & Young in Cleveland, and Susie is a kindergarten teacher and basketball coach in Streetsboro, OH. They live in Hudson, OH. ... Kristina rus works for the business management consulting firm Accenture, LLP. Since 2001 she has been working in Wilmington, DE, and currently is leading her client through an SAP implementation. On weekends, Kristina lives in Rocky River, OH, and enjoys spending time with family and friends when she is home in Cleveland. Her work-related and personal travels have taken her to Boston, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris, Denver, and Chicago, just to name a few. ... Meredith richardson lives


Send your notes to: Mark J. annichine 216-544-4832

Hello again. I hope your summer has been enjoyable and healthy. Id really like to hear from you, so please be sure to drop me a line. Notice my new e-mail address and phone number. Ive recently started a new firm and things have been hectic, but good so far. Also, parenthood is treating Christie and me very well. Zachary is coming up on nine months at the time of this writing. ... Katherine (Kuck) Kick and her husband, Phillip, live in Florence, MA, and have two children, Adelaide (2) and Cameron (7 mos.) at the time of this writing. ... susie ann Zkiab is a kindergarten teacher at Holly Lane Elementary School in Westlake, OH. She lives in Bay Village. ... tim howley lives in Oakland Park, FL, and works in Fort Lauderdale as a regional director for SWI Digital, Inc. ... adrienne Manzo is living in Grand Island, NY. ... Christopher ollison is the director of logistic services for Fast Trac Direct. He lives in Houston, TX. ... Martha (Keffer) Polomsky and her husband, Brian 00, live in La Grange, IL. Martha received her MSEd from Northern Illinois University in 2003. They have two children, Anne (2) and Katherine (4 mos.). ... William Wetzel and his wife, Kara, are living in Villa Hills, KY. In 2006, he received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Indiana University. He is working as an assistant professor at Thomas More College in Crestview Hills, KY. ... emily Berdell is living in Oakmont, PA home of the 2007 U.S. Open. She is the director of events for Constructors Association of Western PA. ... alex and Jennifer (Miller) Bruening reside in Winchester, VA. ... rita (Kingsbury) Burke and her husband, Timothy 98, live in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, with their two sons, Timmy (3) and Jack (2). Rita received her MBA from Case Western Reserve in 2003. ... Michael Chambers is slated to receive his MBA from Cleveland State in November of this year. He is a factory sales representative for Serta Mattress Company. Instead of counting sheep, just call Mike! ... Thats all I have for this time. Thanks for sending me your updates. Feel free to send me as much scoop as youd like even if it is about
Summer 2007 John Carroll university


somebody else. Thanks for reading and enjoy your autumn. Mark


Send your notes to: lisa Foster 3795 Lowell Rd. Cleveland Heights, OH 44121 440-339-6572 Clare Taft 2171 Middlefield Rd. Cleveland Heights, OH 44106 ella, new baby of susan ross 00 Caleb James Martines works for Baxter Healthcare as a principal engineer and Jenny works as a product consultant for Allstate Insurance. ... And finally, a personal note from me: Im the JCU big sister of two JCU little brothers, Matt Mallin and Eric Schild 02. As a big sister, June 2, 2007, was a proud day for me as I was invited to witness Eric receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders and pledge his life to God and Gods people. You can read more about Eric in the 2002 column. So, to Matt and Eric, and all those in the JCU community who have helped me become happier and more faithful, I say thank you most sincerely. All the best to you today and always, Maureen

Its been seven years since we graduated from JCU, and the Class of 2000 has accomplished a great deal in that short time. Our fellow classmates are successful here and abroad, and many are building families and careers. Here is the latest news. ... Congratulations to Mike scripps and Christina Johns who were married April 21 in Allentown, PA. Several JCU alums were in attendance. The wedding party included Billy Hoffman 99, Mike DiNovo 99, and Ben Hahlen 01. Wedding guests included Eric ODell 99 and Gerry Scott 99. The couple honeymooned in San Francisco and Kauaii and lives in Arlington, VA. ... Congratulations are also in order for Michelle (nigon) andolino and her husband, Peter 98, who welcomed their first child, Gabrielle Marie Andolino, on May 24. Peter is a dentist and Michelle works in pharmaceutical sales for Eli Lilly and Co. They live in Philadelphia. ... susan Marcellus ross and her husband, David, are back in Ohio from Kansas. Susan finished her masters of education at the University of Missouri-Columbia this past May, and on June 25th she gave birth to their first baby, Ella Elizabeth. ... Jaime (McKay) OConnor 03 and her husband, Ryan 01, live in Cincinnati with their two children, William (3) and Erin, who arrived in March of this year. Jaime works for Northern Kentucky University in the schools center for mathematics. ... This fall eric Meljac will attend Indiana University of Pennsylvania as a doctoral student in English literature and criticism. ... Michael stang was promoted in January to manager of the Northeast region for Lexi-Comp Inc. ... Jon Powers is hot on the campaign trail, planning a run for Congress in 2008. Jons candidacy is for the Congressional seat in the 26th Congressional District of New York. Please check out Jons campaign web site - ... Be sure to send us your updates if we havent heard from you in a while, and feel free to include a photo and well do our best to get it in! Have fun and keep us informed ... Clare and Lisa

Mike 00 and Christina scripps

Send your notes to: Maureen deMers Fariello 257 Ironbark Court Bolingbrook, IL 60440

The light and warmth of the sun continues to welcome us to be outside for hopefully more play than work. Backyard parties and family picnics are great occasions to share updates on your lifes happenings, as is this column and the new alumni network of JCU Connect - jcuconnect. Here is whats happening among the 2001 Blue Streaks. ...Beth loh happily married 60
John Carroll university Summer 2007

Matt Vukin M.D. in June of 2007. She is completing her third year of residency in pediatrics and will be chief resident at the University of Utah next year. Both are living in Salt Lake City, UT, and enjoying the great outdoors! ... Jimmy Martines has much good news to share, in his own words: My wife Samantha and I had a baby boy, Caleb James, on February 16, 2007. We live in Las Vegas, my home town, and I am a city attorney for the city of Henderson, NV. I also started my own firm, The Law Office of James J. Martines, Ltd., practicing in the areas of personal injury and civil litigation. I am still writing fiction and poetry like mad and soliciting my 60,000 word manuscript for publication. Recently I submitted to the Foundation for Creative Expression, Beat Museum 2007 Poetry Contest and was named Poet of the Month for May. I will have three poems published in a poetry anthology from The Beat Museum Press that will be available mid 2008 and have been nominated for Poet of the Year by the Foundation for Creative Expression. The poem for which I was named Poet of the Month for May is presently published online - ... sam Calabrese lives in North Olmsted and works as an IT manager software engineer for Kurtz Bros. Inc. in Independence. ... Brian hunley lives in Parma with his wife, Lisa. Brian works for Marsh USA, Inc., where he was recently named vice president. ... Jenni (McGregor) haag was promoted from childrens librarian to childrens services supervisor at the Garfield Heights branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library in June 2007. Jenni and her husband, Chris, live in Middleburg Heights. ... Michael hill is a clinical sales representative for Nanosphere, a molecular diagnostic company specializing in genetic-based clinical testing; Michael currently represents the West Coast and lives in Newport Beach, CA. ... Jenny (Doubrava) solomon relocated to the Chicago area, where her husband, Alan, now


Send your notes to: Kristen (Muoio) Mcvean 9 Warrington Dr. Fairport, NY 14450 585.259.3955

Its been five years since graduation, can you believe it? I attended the JCU reunion in June and really enjoyed being on campus and catching up with classmates. It was a wonderful experience, and I encourage all of you to participate in our reunions in the years to come. JCU knows how to put on a party! ... Chris Grodek and his wife, Becky, recently graduated from UW-La Crosse with a masters of education - professional development. They currently reside in Manitowoc, WI, and both teach at Lincoln High School. ... amanda (Jarosz) english and her husband, Brian 00, had their first baby, Joy, on May 11. The happy family is living in Streetsboro, OH. Mandy is an accounting instructor at JCU and Brian works as the director of accounting and internal control at RTI Intl. ... Rev. eric schild received the Sacrament of Holy Orders on June 2, 2007, from The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair at Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral in Toledo, OH. Fr. Eric also earned his Master of Divinity degree in June from the St. Meinrad School of Theology in Indiana. Fr. Eric will serve the Diocese of Toledo, and his first assignment is as the associate pastor at St. Wendelin Parish in Fostoria, OH. On June 3, Fr. Eric celebrated his first Mass of Thanksgiving at his home parish of St. Paul in Norwalk, OH, with twenty-some priests and a church full of family and friends sharing in the celebration. JCU friends in attendance for the ordination and/or Fr. Erics Mass of Thanksgiving were Andrew 03 and Anna 03 (Gambone) Skinner, Jill Sberna, Pat Rombalski, Heidi Razavi, Pete Range 04, Greg nichols, Margaret Finucane 80, and Maureen (DeMers) Fariello 01. Fr. Eric


can be contacted at or Rev. Eric Schild St. Wendelin Parish P.O. Box 836 Fostoria, OH, 44830. ... Keep the updates coming! Kristen Hospital in Canandaigua, NY. ... Melissa (Kuehl) lacey wrote to say that she recently completed the Bachelors Plus Program at Ashland University and earned her Integrated Vocational Business Teaching License for grades 4-12 in the State of Ohio. Shes currently looking for a full-time teaching position and has been a substitute for the past three years. She and her husband, Christopher, live in Willard, OH. ... amanda Marfise is in Chicago. ... Megan (toolis) shiga finished a D.D.S. at Ohio State on June 10, 2007, is back in University Heights and she married John 01 on April 14. ... Br. anthony J. Marshall has moved to the Ss. Peter & Paul Rectory in Chicago. ... Brody Day is living in Cleveland. ... neelam Gill is in Macedonia and is working as a specialist at Ben Venue Laboratories. ... Thats it for now! Enjoy the rest of the summer and football season this fall. Take care, Theresa alicia Grady who got engaged this past Christmas and plans to get married August 29, 2008. ... Michelle Kate Weber was accepted into the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley as a Ph.D. student for their program in liturgical studies. Shell start this fall. Shes also excited about being a first-time aunt: her nephew was born in July. ... Maya edwards is living/ working in Seville, Spain, where she is one of the study abroad coordinators at the Texas Tech Seville Center. Her parents just returned from a two week visit to Seville where they were able to join the students on several excursions. Maya is enjoying her time there and has turned into quite the Spanish historian. ... Thats it for now. A little lighter than normal, but hopefully next issue will be back to being full. Paul

reUnIon Year


Send your notes to: Theresa (Jurak) Polachek 4844 Westbourne Rd. Lyndhurst, OH 44124


Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, its much more serious than that. Bill Shankly ... Hope everyone had a great summer! I know mine is going fast, but its been enjoyable! Several people e-mailed news, so heres whats new: treye Johnson sent an e-mail to say that he recently received his masters in sport administration from the University of

Send your notes to: Jennifer Tolhurst


Send your notes to: Paul Clapp 1681 Rush Rd. Wickliffe, OH 44092 216.276.3821

l to r: andrew skinner 03, anna (Gambone) skinner 03, Greg nichols 02, rev. eric schild 02, Maureen (DeMers) Fariello 01 Louisville and recently became engaged to Tara Michalski 05. They are planning a July 2008 wedding. ... Brian luc wrote that he and liz (Dean) married in Cleveland last July and are now living in Charlotte, NC. Liz is a first grade teacher at Indian Trail Elementary and Brian works for LPL Financial in downtown Charlotte. ... nick Detore married Michele (Carney) 99 this summer and they live in Stow. ... Christa adams sent the following note about whats going on with her and husband, Timothy Wintour 06G. Tim and I met while attending JCU for graduate school. I received my masters degree in religious studies in 2003, and Tim completed his history masters in 2006. We were married in July 2005. Recently, Tim and I were both admitted to doctoral programs at Kent State University and the University of Akron, respectively. We will both be pursuing our Ph.D. in history. We are both grateful for and nostalgic about our time spent at JCU we received a great education and were fortunate enough to find one another at the same time! ... John hetzel and his wife, Beth (Cosko), are also in Charlotte. Hes working as a senior analyst, systems administrator for Bank of America. ... eric Bryda received his M.A. in Economics from George Mason University and is employed as an economist by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. ... Joseph triscaro earned a J.D. from ClevelandMarshall and worked for Alliance Financial Group out of Fort Myers Florida. ... sarah Gallagher, after completing an advanced degree at the University of Rochester, is working at Thompson

Thanks to everyone who has sent in pictures and updates the last few issues. This is the first column in a while where I didnt exceed my allotted space. Its great to hear about our class doing all these exciting things. Weve got a lot of movers and shakers. ... sean Mooney and Amanda (Karpus) 02 had a baby boy, Ryan Joseph, on February 14. Sean is enjoying his career as a search consultant in the civil, environmental and health and safety fields with Devore Family & Associates (SearchPath International affiliate) in the Cleveland area. ... Danielle (saksa) holman is working as a social work liaison at the Cleveland Clinic. ... Jacqueline szymanski is now with Whole Health Management as a billing analyst. ... Kelly Zimmerman has finished her M.A. in education administration at Carroll and is a third grade teacher at Kirtland Elementary School. ... Congrats goes out to

Hi everyone. I got to see a few people from our class at lauren smiths wedding on July 28. She married Craig Setter, and sadly for their friends in Cleveland, theyve decided to live in Laurens hometown of Pittsburgh. Traitors. Anyway, a few updates: Kathleen Cooke is living in Fort Myers and working at Chicos FAS as an E-Marketing consultant. ... Meredith Block is working on her masters in education at JCU, and is set to graduate in 2008. ... Jessica hackman is also getting her masters in education, at Loyola University Chicago. ... Katie lentz has decided to abandon her friends in Cleveland and move to Chicago too. Shell be transferring to the Chicago office of Ernst & Young, and I hear she welcomes visitors to her fabulous new apartment in the city. ... taryn Wadsworthtomaszewski married Max on August 26, 2006 and this past March they moved to Chicago too (Im starting to see a pattern here). For any class of 05ers still in Cleveland, write and tell me what youve been up to. Cant wait to hear! Jennifer

l to r: Katie lentz, amanda leonberg, Mark neimeister, Jessica Dorin, amanda Cirillo, emma (Ghannoum) Ferek, Maureen Joyce, Marty Kobsik, lauren (smith) setter and Craig setter, steve Cieslinski, ali smouse, Jennifer tolhurst and Megan Mahany, all 2005.
Summer 2007 John Carroll university


Send your notes to: Christine Bohn 440.668.8210 roberta Muoio 4216 N. Paulina Ave. Chicago, IL 60613 330.284.7722 A year out of JCU and the class of 06 is continuing on their way to great careers and lives. Bryan Kunsman is working for Cohen & Co. Ltd in the tax department as a staff accountant. He is also obtaining his masters of accountancy with a tax focus from Cleveland State University. ... skip Kawalek, a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, is serving as a platoon leader. He will be deployed to the Middle East in August. Currently, Skip is stationed at Fort Eustis, VA. Skip, we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers along with all those serving in the military. ... Greg hoener, former Carroll News writer, is pursuing a writing career as senior writer for Forest City Enterprises. ... Beginning in August amy allega will be an intern at South Euclid-Lyndhurst Schools, while continuing at JCU in the graduate school pursuing a masters of education in middle childhood language arts and social studies with the school based program. ... As for us, I, Christine Bohn, am still in Cleveland and working for STERIS as a chemist and this past year I, roberta Muoio, have been volunteering for the service program, Amate House, in Chicago. Now Ive moved to Chicago to work for the program. We would love to hear what you are up to. Please contact us with any updates. Christine and Roberta Pittsburgh in AE Direct (online.) She is busy doing mens merchandising there, while at the same time looking for a place to live. Michelle Dunphy is working at Great Lakes Publishing for Inside Business Magazine as a marketing assistant. David Catalano is working in Beachwood at Penske Logistics. ... As for graduate school news, there are quite a few people from our class working towards becoming doctors. nate Franley is off to the University of Toledo College of Medicine for a four-year MD program. Megan Beatty 06 will be attending The Ohio State Universitys College of Dentistry for the next four years. Also attending OSU are Jenny sopkovich and Alena Neton 06, who will be going there for medical school. Krista Corabi will be attending law school at Duquesne. The person with what is almost certainly the most interesting new school is Kelly Kookoothe. Kelly will be attending the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science in the fall. ... As for us, Brittany Bush recently started as a project coordinator for SearchPath International in downtown Cleveland, and lisa iafelice is the circulation director for Northern Ohio Live magazine, located in Little Italy in Cleveland. Hopefully we get a lot more great news for the next issue. Good luck to everyone with their new activities! Brittany and Lisa



Send your notes to: lisa iafelice Brittany Bush

As of the day this column is due, it has been exactly two months since we graduated. The time has definitely gone by very quickly! We have gotten a lot of wonderful news from people, so keep sending us your new information so everyone can keep in touch! ... Megan Kimmich is working at American Eagle Outfitters in

Homecoming 2007
Homecoming 2007 Schedule of Events
Tuesday, September 25 Womens Volleyball JCU vs. Case Western Thursday, September 27 Comedian Bob Saget Jakes After Jokes Friday, September 28 Hall of Fame Induction and Dinner Saturday, September 29 Womens Alumni Soccer Game Carrollfest Street Fair Mens Varsity Football Game JCU vs. Baldwin-Wallace Victory Party Womens Soccer JCU vs. Ohio Northern Sunday, September 30 Homecoming Alumni Mass and Breakfast 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 10 p.m. DeCarlo Varsity Center Kulas Auditorium Jakes, Fairmount Circle

Revisit your days at JCU during Homecoming Weekend, September 27-28. Come back to campus to see old friends and classmates and enjoy events with the John Carroll community.

6 p.m.

Windows on the River

10 a.m. Don Shula Stadium noon - 2 p.m. South Belvoir Blvd. 2 p.m. Post-game 7 p.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Saint Francis Chapel Schott Dining Hall Don Shula Stadium Alumni Hospitality Tent

For more information, please contact the Alumni Office or visit


John Carroll university Summer 2007


John Rath 32, priest of the Cleveland, Youngstown dioceses

Father John C. Rath, a Cleveland native who served in several parishes in the Cleveland and the Youngstown dioceses, died June 30 at the Regina Health Center. He was 96. A funeral Mass was celebrated July 5 at St. Stephen Church, Cleveland. Born in 1910 in Cleveland, Fr. Rath was educated at St. Stephen School, St. Ignatius High School, John Carroll and St. Mary Seminary. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1936. He was the oldest living priest in the Youngstown Diocese. Fr. Raths first assignment was as an assistant at two Cleveland parishes before being transferred to St. Joseph Church in Canton. When the Youngstown Diocese was established in 1943, encompassing St. Josephs, Fr. Rath became a priest of that diocese, where he served several parishes, including Our Lady of Peace Church, Canton, until 1975.After his retirement, Fr. Rath returned to the Cleveland Diocese where he provided weekend assistance to several parishes. Fr. David Misbrenner wrote after Fr. Raths death, saying: His nickname was the Rath of God. When he was appointed to one of his parishes, he was quoted as saying You wanted a man of action; here I am. All the parishioners could see was a little bald head peeking over the pulpit. During his retirement he returned to the Cleveland area, and continued to help out in many parishes on the West Side of the city. Bishop Edward Pevec said, Though he was a man of few words, and sometimes seemed a little gruff around the edges, he truly lived his priestly calling.

Moment of remembrance Classes of 1942 and 1947

At the Moment of Remembrance during Reunion Weekend we remembered the deceased alums from the Reunion Classes of 1952-2002. We want to take this opportunity to remember the alums that have passed on since their last Reunion from the classes of 1942 and 1947. May they rest in peace.


Anthony Alexander Robert Bambrick Robert Devlin William Driscoll Bertrand Gesing Matthew Herttna Francis Hughes

William Jacoby Robert Keefe Edward Manofsky Charles McCarthy Andrew Mulwick Eugene OGrady


Thomas Conry William Dempsey Paul Downs Richard Golrick Robert Kline Frederick Krizman

Carroll La Vielle James Nousek Vincent Reichert William Samartini James Tafelski

Corrections from our last issue, Vol. 11, Issue 2: We omitted mention of Lucien Aubes daughter Yvonne as a survivor of the retired French professor. We omitted mention of Fenton moores daughter Kimberly from the obituary of the Biology professor. 60 60 62G 64 65G 68 68 69 70 81 82 85 91 97G 97 6/24/07 7/28/07 10/27/06 7/28/07 7/14/07 6/26/07 6/30/07 7/28/07 5/18/07 1/19/05 6/24/07 6/4/07 6/29/07 6/13/07 7/05/07 In the How to build a better mousetrap story, we failed to mention the existence of Ken Boehnleins business partner, Brenda Novak, who invented the device Ken is involved in marketing; we also suggested that there is a metal plate in the middle of Good Vibrations, Incs anti-vibrational rubber device-there is not; we misspoke in suggesting the pad would fit under a dishwasher, and in saying the price of the item had been increased. Finally, we cited the late Fr. Joseph Owens age as 81, when it fact it was 91 at the time of the former education professors death.
Summer 2007 John Carroll university

In MeMorIaM
C. M. Scudiere Rev. John C. Rath Kenneth R. McCarthy Bernard M. Sallot Rev. Paul J. Clines Anthny A. Nicolay Donald R. Dockry John A. Norris John F. Clair Thomas E. McCann Earl M. Cunningham, Jr. Gene R. Parrino William T. LEstrange Cleve W. Patton Augustine Caliguire 31 32 36 39 41 43 44 44 45 48 50 50 52 52 53 6/20/07 6/30/07 7/27/07 6/5/07 5/31/07 4/8/07 6/15/07 5/29/07 5/5/07 6/18/07 8/10/07 9/24/06 6/13/07 7/16/07 7/2/07 John P. Cregan William K. McCarter Most Rev. Cecil De Sa Norbert W. Bonfield Robert M. Didrick Ted J. Lesiak C. John Weber III Stuart Joel Marcus James S. Koch Aramenta B. Kirkpatrick James R. Pfeil Karen J. Schipke Raymond Neary Christopher Butler Zandra-Noemi Dragish

This is the deceased list as we know it. We apologize for any omission and ask that you please notify Joan Brosius 216.397.4332.



friendship with the homeless

By Patrick Prosser, Director of Financial Aid Until you go out with us on a Friday night to be with the homeless, as Fr. Bob Niehoff and nearly 500 others have, its very hard to understand the simple magic that can exist in hanging out with men, and women who are living outdoors or are otherwise homeless. As Bryan Mauk points out on the next page, once you stop moving (usually pretty fast) past the homeless and settle in and spend a little time, they stop being the homeless, and start being John, Jean, Rusty: people whose names we know and who know ours. In the fall of 2004, eight JCU students went out in a van, and a little tentatively handed out sandwiches and engaged in some getting to know you talk with about 30 homeless people. Almost three years later, we send out two vans holding something like 20 students (most weeks there is a waiting list), and we pass out food, sometimes things like blankets or socks, and more importantly we visit with about 120 people whose daily lives are very challenging. The visiting used to be a little awkward, and sometimes may still be for a bit if were trying to strike a connection with someone we havent met before. But, the homeless are a community, and the word is out that were okay, that we want to be nice, which most of our friends are not very used to and which we think is a pretty Christian way to be. The story on the next page about Bryan mentions that for him it became a matter of not serving, but of enjoying friendship. Again, if you havent done something like Labre does, understanding may be a bit hard to achieve. If you have to make generalizations about homeless people there are kernels of truth in many of the common generalizations. There is also rich and memorable humanity in so many we have gotten to know. Yes, they have issues, but so do we. These people with whom we visit respond wonderfully well to even the hint of unconditional acceptance... sometimes it is love, and I think most of us do also. I am moved by my experience with the homeless. I am equally moved by my experience of the John Carroll students opening their hearts to being with our friends in the homeless category (Some are long-term residents of shelters, some now live in apartments). I feel privileged to be part of what has become a powerful phenomenon at John Carroll . We have had lots of coverage in the media, though that isnt important except insofar as it draws other people to walk with us. John Carrolls Labre is the biggest homeless outreach program in Greater Cleveland. We are very much at the table with the area leaders who are trying to deal constructively and compassionately with the homeless phenomenon. Labre has established partnerships with area churches and social agencies. We now work with the Department of Education and Allied Studies to provide tutoring for our friends, and we are close to an arrangement that will allow us to participate in spiritual retreats with the homeless at the Jesuit Retreat House (JRH) in Parma an exciting program in place at JRH for over a year. I think the biggest thing we do, though, is to provide our students and those who are homeless with an authentic and caring human relationship. We of Labre try hard to focus on what we do and to not congratulate ourselves for the gift we have been given of being in relationships with some people who are very much in need of warm human connection. We are aware of the Gospel, though, and aware that there is a long, rich and wonderful tradition of doing what we try to do. We have had alumni traveling with us on our Friday night expeditions. We would love to have more alumni in our ranks. We also are in need of donations to buy the food, clothing, and toiletries we distribute. If you want to join us, e-mail Bryan at He will also get back to you and tell you where to send donations. There is magic to the work of Labre, and that is no longer a secret. Pat Prosser is the universitys director of financial aid and the long-time staff advisor to the Labre Project.

The Labre Project:

rev. robert l. niehoff (left) and friends.


John Carroll university Summer 2007


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